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  • 7/30/2019 ESHch05_2


    Chapter 5

    Industrial Hygiene

    Chapter Outline1 Overview 2

    1.1 Hazards/Impacts 2

    2 Scope 3

    2.1 Exemptions 3

    3 Standards 3

    4 Definitions 4

    5 Requirements 5

    5.1 General 55.1.1 Hazard Recognition 65.1.2 Surveying and Monitoring 65.1.3 Equipment 85.1.4 Specific Hazards 95.1.5 Personnel 95.1.6 Recordkeeping 105.1.7 Roles and Responsibilities 10

    5.2 Procedures and Specific Requirements 125.2.1 Hazard Control Ventilation 12

    5.3 Training 12

    6 Exhibits 13

    7 References 13

    8 Implementation 15

    9 Ownership 15

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    SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene

    1 OverviewThe discipline of industrial hygiene is concerned with identifying and controlling potential chemical,

    physical, and biological workplace hazards by evaluating processes and facility designs using the following


    1. Anticipation2. Recognition3. Evaluation4. ControlUsing pre-established and approved methods determined by the nature of the hazard, industrial hygienists

    take qualitative and quantitative measurements of potential hazards in the workplace. The results are

    compared to recommended exposure guidelines or consensus standards. If the results reveal a possible

    health hazard, industrial hygienists will recommend methods for controlling the hazard. These methodsmay include engineering controls and appropriate safety practices for personnel, such as the substitution of

    safer materials, or the use of ventilation and personal protective equipment.

    This chapter describes the requirements of the industrial hygiene program and specifies how and when

    Industrial hygiene surveys are conducted Results are communicated to personnel Current and accurate calibration of industrial hygiene equipment is maintained Hazard control ventilation systems are checked Records are maintainedThe industrial hygiene program was developed in compliance with federal Occupational Health and Safety

    Administration (OSHA) regulations to keep exposure to contaminants below the OSHApermissible

    exposure limit (PEL) or the threshold limit value (TLV) set by the American Conference of Governmental

    Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) (see Section 4, Definitions).

    1.1 Hazards/ImpactsThe diverse work environment at SLAC may involve various potential hazards, including exposure to

    hazardous materials and other elements such as noise or radiation. If over-exposed to such agents,

    personnel may suffer acute or chronic health problems. Exposures are kept to a minimum through the use

    of material substitution; proper use, handling, and storage; adequate ventilation and personal protective

    equipment; training; and periodic monitoring as described by this chapter.

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    Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual

    2 ScopeThis chapter covers all industrial operations and workplaces at SLAC. Industrial hygiene staff survey the

    workplace for exposures to hazardous materials, carcinogens, noise, inadequate lighting, heat and cold

    stress, and non-ionizing radiation (such as ultraviolet, visible, infrared, radiofrequency, microwave, laser,

    and static magnetic fields).

    Employees, university collaborators, users, scientists, fellows, students, and faculty are included in

    industrial hygiene surveys as needed to ensure a safe work environment. This chapter does not apply to

    SLAC casual visitors and subcontractors. Subcontractors must have and follow their own hazard analysis


    Since the risks associated with different substances and activities vary, requirements for recognizing and

    dealing with them are described in the hazard-specific chapters of this manual (see Section 7,


    2.1 ExemptionsThere are no exemptions to the requirements of this chapter.

    3 StandardsThe industrial hygiene program has adopted the following standards:

    Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Energy1 Part 850, Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program (10 CFR 850) Part 851, Worker Safety and Health Program (10 CFR 851)2

    Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Labor, Part 1910, Occupational Safety and HealthStandards

    Subpart G, Occupational Health and Environment Control (29 CFR 1910.941910.98)3 Subpart I, Personal Protective Equipment (29 CFR 1910.1321910.138)4 Subpart Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances (29 CFR 1910.10001450)5

    1 Code of Federal Regulations: Main Page,

    2 Additional information on 10 CFR 851 and its implementation is available from the following site:

    Worker Safety and Health Program Final Rule - 10 CFR 851,




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    SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene

    The following third-party standard:

    American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), Threshold Limit Values(TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs), (ACGIH TLVs and BEIs) 6

    4 DefinitionsAir sampling. The collection of samples of air followed by laboratory analysis to measure the presence and

    concentration of chemical, physical, or biological pollutants in the air

    Analytical method. A standardized laboratory procedure used to determine the amount or concentration of a

    certain contaminant in an air or wipe sample

    Area air sampling. The collection of air samples from a fixed location in a work area

    Biological hazard. Hazard from biological agents such as viruses, bacteria, spores, fungi, bloodborne


    Casual visitor. Individual coming to the SLAC campus for a period of no more than 30 days per visit,

    whose visit does not involve unescorted entry to industrial/accelerator or other areas where unique SLAC

    hazards warrant limited access, and whose visit is for the following types of purposes: attending public

    lectures, public tours, or other activities open to the public; attending workshops, conferences, and

    collaboration meetings; use of the Linear Cafe (SLAC cafeteria); use of the SLAC Guesthouse; and

    meetings with SLAC personnel.

    Carcinogen. A material that causes the development of cancerous growth in living tissue

    Chemical hazard. Hazard from chemical hazardous materials such as acids, bases, solvents, cryogens, etc.

    High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter.A filter capable of removing from the air at least 99.97

    percent of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 micrometers or larger

    Industrial hygiene (IH). The science devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, prevention, and

    control of those occupational factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace which may cause sickness,

    impaired health and well being, or significant discomfort among workers or citizens of the community

    Industrial hygiene survey. Workplace survey for hazardous materials and contaminants, often including air


    Industrial hygienist. A professional qualified by education, training, and experience to anticipate,

    recognize, evaluate and develop controls for occupational health hazards and environmental issues

    6 See the SLAC Library,, for available standards. A hard copy

    (2006) is available; see For current

    ACGIH documents, see ACGIH - Industrial Hygiene, Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety


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    Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual

    Hazard control ventilation. An industrial exhaust system that captures and removes contaminants emitted

    from local sources before dilution into ambient workplace air can occur; includes chemical fume hoods,

    soldering bench hoods, extractor arms, glove boxes, and biological safety hoods or cabinets

    Medical surveillance. Periodic medical evaluation for personnel potentially exposed to designated

    chemical, biological, and physical hazards

    Occupational exposure limit (OEL). An exposure limit that is the lower of thepermissible exposure limitor

    threshold limit value (seepermissible exposure limitorthreshold limit value)

    Permissible exposure limit (PEL). An exposure limit published and enforced by the federal Occupational

    Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) as a legal standard. PEL may be either a time-weighted-average

    (TWA) exposure limit (eight hour), a 15-minute short term exposure limit (STEL), a ceiling (C), and may

    have a skin designation.

    Personal air sampling. The collection of air samples at the workers breathing zone to reflect the level of a

    workers exposure to a contaminant throughout a work day

    Physical hazard. Hazard from physical agents such as noise, non-ionizing radiation, and magnetic fields

    Threshold limit value (TLV). Recommended guidelines for occupational exposure to airborne contaminants

    published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). TLVs represent

    the average concentration for an eight-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek to which nearly all workers

    may be repeatedly exposed without adverse effect.

    Wipe sampling. A procedure to check for contaminants by wiping a representative surface of known area

    with an acceptable wipe material, which is analyzed by chemical extraction

    5 Requirements5.1 General

    Successful implementation of the industrial hygiene (IH) program supports a safe and healthy work

    environment by

    Anticipating, recognizing, and evaluating potential workplace hazards before they exist (for exampleduring the development and review of job and area hazard analyses)

    Implementing recommended engineering controls where feasible Implementing administrative controls when engineering controls are not feasible Surveying work areas to identify hazards (such as toxic agents, ventilation problems, and noise) and

    taking appropriate measures to reduce them

    Training personnel to recognize hazards and to take appropriate safety measures when working underpotentially hazardous conditions

    Choosing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

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    SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene

    Determining which personnel should undergo medical surveillance based upon their job classificationand on occupational exposure surveys

    The industrial hygiene program is coordinated by the industrial hygiene group within the Chemical and

    General Safety (CGS) Department in the Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Division.7 Industrial

    hygiene surveys and monitoring may be performed by a designated technician, but the process is always

    overseen by a Chemical and General Safety Department industrial hygienist. The industrial hygiene groupis also available to evaluate and assist in the design of ventilation systems, work practices, hazard analysis

    (JHAM and AHA), and PPE selection and usage.

    5.1.1 Hazard RecognitionThe industrial hygiene program addresses chemical, physical, and biological hazards. The program consists

    of identifying and properly evaluating hazards, then providing recommendations to reduce the potential for

    exposure and improve health in the workplace. (See Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Recognition Guidelines.8)

    5.1.2 Surveying and MonitoringIndustrial hygiene staff use approved exposure assessment strategies to characterize and monitor workers

    potential exposures to chemical and physical hazards.

    Industrial hygiene staff must perform baseline industrial hygiene surveys and periodic resurveys of work

    areas and operations as needed to identify and evaluate potential worker health risks. Surveys often include

    some type of industrial hygiene monitoring, such as air or wipe sampling, to measure the amount or

    concentration of the hazards.

    Industrial hygiene staff will conduct risk-based qualitative reassessments of existing operations at SLAC on

    a biannual basis, so that each work area will be re-evaluated at least once every two years.

    Industrial hygiene monitoring takes place as a result of

    1. Individuals or managers submitting a request2. Chemical acquisition or design review processes3. Regulatory requirements, SLAC policy, or agreements with the DOETo obtain an industrial hygiene survey, see Industrial Hygiene: Exposure Assessment Strategy, Surveying,

    and Monitoring Guidelines.9 Exposure LimitsSLACs goal is to minimize exposures to harmful chemical and physical agents. Accordingly, the lower

    (that is, more protective) occupational exposure limit (OEL) between the ACGIH TLVs or the OSHA PELs

    7 The ES&H Industrial Hygiene Group,

    8 Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Recognition Guidelines (SLAC-I-730-0A09T-019), http://www-

    9 Industrial Hygiene: Exposure Assessment Strategy, Surveying and Monitoring Guidelines (SLAC-I-


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    Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual

    in 29 CFR 1910 will be used (see Section 4, Definitions). When the ACGIH TLVs are used as exposure

    limits, SLAC nonetheless will comply with the other provisions of any applicable expanded health standard

    found in 29 CFR 1910.

    The goal of SLACs exposure assessment strategy is to protect workers by controlling potential exposures

    to less than 10 percent of the OEL. MethodsIndustrial hygiene staff conduct sampling using the Assay TechnologiesIndustrial Hygiene Sampling

    Guide10 as a primary resource. Assay, the primary industrial hygiene analytical laboratory for SLAC,

    analyzes samples in accordance with protocols established by the Occupational Safety and Health

    Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and is accredited by the

    American Industrial Hygiene Association.

    When a sampling method is not available from Assay, industrial hygiene staff may refer to the OSHA

    Technical Manual11 orNIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods.12 ResultsReports

    After conducting an industrial hygiene sampling event, the industrial hygiene staff writes a detailed report


    Describes the tasks and locations where monitoring occurred Identifies workers monitored or represented by the monitoring Identifies sampling methods and durations Describes control measures in place during monitoring (including the use of personal protective


    Notes any factors that may have affected sampling results Provides an interpretation of the resultsPhotographs depicting the job setup and procedural steps at the time of the sampling may be included in the

    report, along with any recommendations to reduce potential or actual exposures in the future.

    The industrial hygiene staff e-mails the report to the supervisor of the area. The supervisor is responsible

    for distributing the report to affected personnel.

    10 Industrial Hygiene Sampling Guide, AT Labs, Industrial Hygiene Sampling Guide,

    11 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), OSHA Technical Manual (TED 01-00-015

    [TED 1-0.15A]),

    12 National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods(NMAM) (original publication 94-113, August 1994),

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    SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene

    Notification of Personal Monitoring

    If an individual was the subject of personal monitoring, the industrial hygiene staff also develops a

    notification of personal monitoring document and sends it to the affected person and supervisor along with

    the report within two weeks of the receipt of sample analysis (or sooner if required for the specific

    chemical program). The notification of personal monitoring and industrial hygiene report can be sent

    electronically or hard copy.

    5.1.3 Equipment5.1.3.1 Service and CalibrationIndustrial hygiene monitoring equipment will be maintained, serviced, and calibrated according to

    manufacturers recommendations. Equipment will be sent out for factory service and calibration at a

    frequency established by the manufacturer. A subset of equipment is also calibrated on site by the industrial

    hygienist or technician before and after each use (such as air sampling pumps).

    The unit will be marked with a sticker or label indicating the most recent calibration date, and when

    calibration is due again. Before- and after-use calibrations by the industrial hygiene staff need not be

    marked on the unit. Equipment will also be marked with SLAC property control tags.

    Equipment that is broken, inaccurate, or past-due for calibration will be tagged out of service until repaired

    or recalibrated. The tag will provide the date, the persons name, reason the unit was taken out of service,

    and the planned disposition of the unit. StorageIndustrial hygiene equipment is properly stored away from light, dust, and other contaminants. At the

    discretion of the industrial hygiene program manager, certain units (such as gas detectors or in four-in-one

    meters) may be loaned to non- industrial hygiene personnel upon request for short-term jobs (such as

    confined space entry). Should a particular group or individual need a piece of equipment frequently or for

    long duration (as is needed for confined space entries, for example), the industrial hygiene programmanager may ask them to purchase their own equipment. Hazard Control VentilationHazard control ventilation systems are commonly relied on as a primary engineering control in industrial

    operations, maintenance activities, and laboratory operations. Local exhaust ventilation hoods and points

    for operations must be used to ensure sufficient reduction of airborne concentrations of contaminants that

    could pose a risk to personnel.Local exhaust points include chemical fume hoods, extractor arms, glove

    boxes, biological safety cabinets, and other exhausted equipment enclosures that perform a safety or health


    When hazard control ventilation systems are planned for installation, the industrial hygiene program

    manager must be consulted to ensure proper selection and installation. Ventilation performance criteria willbe defined by the industrial hygiene program manager based on nationally recognized standards of

    performance. (See Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Control Ventilation Requirements.13)

    13 Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Control Ventilation Requirements (SLAC-I-730-0A09S-021), http://www-

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    Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual

    Each hazard control ventilation system must have a designated custodian, the names of which are

    maintained in an industrial hygiene program database by the program manager.14

    Industrial hygiene staff conducts annual evaluations of chemical processes where hazard control ventilation

    systems are present.

    5.1.4 Specific Hazards5.1.4.1 BerylliumBeryllium, an element classified as a suspected human lung carcinogen, is used and machined in selected

    areas at SLAC. During some working processes, small particles and chips of insoluble beryllium-

    containing material will break off and spread through the air in the work area unless ventilation and other

    controls are used. The SLAC Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program15, which is incorporated into

    this chapter as an exhibit, specifies allowable uses and controls to prevent exposure to beryllium. OtherHazards associated with lead, asbestos, and noise are addressed separately in related ES&H chapters (See

    Section 7, References).

    5.1.5 Personnel5.1.5.1 Qualifications for Surveying and MonitoringIndustrial hygiene surveys and monitoring may be performed by a designated technician, but the process is

    always overseen by a Chemical and General Safety Department industrial hygienist. Medical SurveillanceThe SLAC Medical Department performs all required medical surveillance in accordance with Chapter 3,


    Industrial hygiene staff may recommend medical surveillance for certain personnel when an industrial

    hygiene evaluation indicates a potential exposure to contaminants. This recommendation is provided in

    writing to personnel and their supervisors, usually within the contents of an industrial hygiene report or

    notification of personal monitoring memo.

    14 Ventilated Lab Hoods,

    15 SLAC Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program (SLAC-I-730-0A09M-001),http://www-

    16 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 3, Medical,

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    SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene

    5.1.6 Recordkeeping5.1.6.1 Monitoring Reports and NotificationsPaper copies of industrial hygiene reports and notifications of personal monitoring are kept on file in the

    CGS Department and are indexed for easy retrieval. Equipment Calibration Logs and RecordsIndustrial hygiene staff maintain an equipment calibration inventory. This identifies all industrial hygiene

    program-owned industrial hygiene equipment, the date of most recent calibration, and the next calibration

    due date. Hazard Control VentilationThe results of hazard control ventilation system calibrations, tests, and certifications are recorded in a

    database maintained by the industrial hygiene program manager.17 Additionally, ventilated laboratory

    hoods must have stickers on them that indicate when the last check was performed.18 (See Industrial

    Hygiene: Hazard Control Ventilation Requirements.19)

    5.1.7 Roles and Responsibilities5.1.7.1 Industrial Hygiene Program ManagerThe industrial hygiene staff will

    Perform or oversee industrial hygiene surveys Review associated JHAMs and AHAs during industrial hygiene surveys and provide corrective

    feedback as needed

    Notify supervisors and personnel of monitoring results Test and mark hazard control ventilation systems, and maintain associated database of such systems Recommend engineering or administrative controls to prevent personnel exposure to chemical,

    physical, or biological hazards

    Recommend warning signs where appropriate Maintain industrial hygiene survey and calibration equipment Maintain industrial hygiene survey records, notifications of personal monitoring memos, and

    equipment calibration logs

    Provide or coordinate hazard-specific training for personnel who work with hazardous materials orcarcinogens

    17 Industrial Hygiene Document Database,

    18 Hazardous Materials: Fume Hood Survey Sticker (SLAC-I-730-0A09J-004), http://www-

    19 Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Control Ventilation Requirements (SLAC-I-730-0A09S-021), http://www-

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    Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual

    Review plans for new operations and significant changes to ongoing operations that involve hazardousmaterials or carcinogens

    Provide industrial hygiene oversight for subcontractor activities5.1.7.2 Medical DepartmentThe SLAC Medical Department conducts all required medical surveillance (see Chapter 3, Medical20). Managers and SupervisorsManagers and supervisors will

    Review proposed processes involving chemical, physical, or biological hazards with the industrialhygiene program manager before installing new or moving existing equipment

    Obtain industrial hygiene surveys Ensure engineering controls (such as hazard control ventilation) are meeting minimum performance

    standards and effectively preventing personnel over-exposure to chemical, physical, or biological


    Red-tag hazard control ventilation equipment that does not meet minimum performance standards andprevent the use of hazardous materials or agents needing ventilation until such equipment is repaired or


    Follow up on recommendations provided by industrial hygiene staff Ensure all chemicals and carcinogen containers display manufacturers warning labels or appropriate

    substitute labels (see Chapter 40, Hazardous Materials21)

    Ensure areas where chemicals and carcinogens are used have the proper warning signs displayed, inconsultation with the industrial hygiene program manager

    Choose less-hazardous or non-carcinogenic materials whenever possible, in consultation with theindustrial hygiene program manager

    Include qualitative exposure assessment of chemical, physical, and biological hazards during thedevelopment and annual review of JHAMs and AHAs ES&H CoordinatorsES&H coordinators will

    Be familiar with the requirements of this chapter5.1.7.5 Hazard Control Ventilation System CustodiansHazard control ventilation system custodians will

    20 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 3, Medical,

    21 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 40, Hazardous


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    SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene

    Check systems and report any malfunction or system degradation through the Facilities Departmentservice desk system22

    Ensure deficient ventilation systems are not used until repaired Mark the system with a warning sign and effectively restricting activities as needed to prevent

    personnel over-exposure to contaminants until the system is repaired PersonnelPersonnel will

    Complete required training in hazardous materials usage before working with them Receive medical monitoring as required by this chapter and related chapters Refrain from consuming food or beverages (including chewing gum) in any industrial area where

    chemicals are used

    Use hazard control ventilation and personal protective equipment provided Report unusual odors or suspected exposures to supervisors and the industrial hygiene program


    5.2 Procedures and Specific RequirementsThe following document is required. For a full list of implementing documents, see Section 6, Exhibits.

    5.2.1 Hazard Control VentilationRequirements for ventilation equipment, use, and inspection (see Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Control

    Ventilation Requirements23)

    5.3 TrainingNo specific courses are required by this chapter. ES&H Training provides occupational hazard safety

    training for managers, supervisors, and personnel (including the use of appropriate PPE and the proper

    response to exposure).

    Managers and supervisors must ensure that personnel are fully trained regarding occupational hazards and

    must occasionally provide on-the-job training. Consult the SLAC Training Assessment to determine

    personnel training requirements.24

    22 CEF Service Request System,

    23 Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Control Ventilation Requirements (SLAC-I-730-0A09S-021), http://www-

    24 Training - SLAC Training Assessment, http://www-

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    Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual

    6 Exhibits Industrial Hygiene: Implementation Plan (SLAC-I-730-0A09M-004)25 Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Recognition Guidelines (SLAC-I-730-0A09T-019)26

    Industrial Hygiene: Exposure Assessment Strategy, Surveying, and Monitoring Guidelines (SLAC-I-730-0A09T-020)27

    Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Control Ventilation Requirements (SLAC-I-730-0A09S-021)28 Hazardous Materials: Fume Hood Velocity Survey Form (SLAC-I-730-0A09J-002)29 Hazardous Materials: Fume Hood Survey Sticker (SLAC-I-730-0A09J-004)30 SLAC Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program (SLAC-I-730-0A09M-001)31 Industrial Hygiene Document Database32 Ventilated Lab Hoods33

    7 ReferencesSLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001)34

    Chapter 1, General Policy and Responsibilities35 Chapter 2, Work Authorization36 Chapter 3, Medical37 Chapter 9, Radiological Safety3825













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    SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene

    Chapter 10, Laser Safety39 Chapter 18, Hearing Conservation 40 Chapter 19, Personal Protective Equipment41 Chapter 20, Lead Safety42 Chapter 27, Asbestos


    Chapter 29, Respiratory Protection44 Chapter 32, Polychlorinated Biphenyls45 Chapter 34, Biohazards46 Chapter 36, Cryogenic and Oxygen Deficiency Hazard Safety47 Chapter 40, Hazardous Materials48 Chapter 46, Blood-borne Pathogens 49Other SLAC documents

    SLAC Chemical Hygiene Plan(SLAC-I-730-0A09M-001)


    The ES&H Industrial Hygiene Group51Other

    Assay Technologies,Industrial Hygiene Sampling Guide52 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), OSHA Technical Manual (TED 01-00-015

    [TED 1-0.15A])53















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    Chapter 5: Industrial Hygiene SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual

    National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods(NMAM) (original publication 94-113, August 1994)54

    Department of Energy Implementation Guide for Use with DOE Order 440.1, Occupational ExposureAssessment (DOE G 440.1-3)55

    Other laboratories

    Jefferson Lab Environment, Health & Safety Manual(September 2006)56 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,Health and Safety Manual, Chapter 4, Industrial Hygiene

    (June 2006)57

    Stanford University,Biosafety Manual (2005)58 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists,Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of

    Recommended Practice (ACGIH 2094, 2004)59

    8 ImplementationThe requirements of this chapter will be implemented according to Industrial Hygiene: Implementation


    9 OwnershipDepartment: Chemical and General Safety

    Program: Industrial Hygiene

    Owner: Program Manager






    59 See the SLAC Library,, for available standards. A hard copy is in

    process; see

    60 Industrial Hygiene: Implementation Plan (SLAC-I-730-0A09M-004), http://www-

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    12 04-R001 Jan 2007 (updated 30 Sep 2007) SLAC-I-730-0A09M-0

    Industrial Hygiene: Implementation PlanDepartment: Chemical and General Safety

    Program: Industrial Hygiene

    Owner: Program Manager

    Authority: ES&H Manual, Chapter 5, Industrial Hygiene1

    The requirements of Chapter 5, Industrial Hygiene, will take effect according to the following schedule

    SectionNumber Section Title Requirement Note Effective Date Schedule Note

    5 Requirements

    5.1 General Requirements

    5.1.2 Surveying and Monitoring Perform baseline industrial hygiene surveys;perform surveys for modified work processesupon notification by supervisors


    5.1.3 Equipment Service and Calibration Immediately Hazard Control Ventilation Laboratory hood ventilation systemsinventorying, testing, and labeling Immediately Hazard Control Ventilation Other hazard control ventilation systems(custodians, database, testing/certification)

    CompletionFY07 Hazard Control Ventilation Annual testing/evaluation of other hazardcontrol ventilation systems

    FollowingcompletionFY07 Hazard Control Ventilation Ventilation performance of permanentlyinstalled HEPA filters (example: HEPA filterson top of B25 SMS laboratory)


    5.1.7 Roles and Responsibilities Industrial Hygiene ProgramManager

    Signage for areas where carcinogens areused

    April 2007 Managers and Supervisors Signage for areas where carcinogens areused

    April 2007

    1 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 5, Industrial Hygiene, http://www
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    Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Recognit ion GuidelinesDepartment: Chemical and General Safety

    Program: Industrial Hygiene

    Owner: Program Manager

    Authority: ES&H Manual, Chapter 5, Industrial Hygiene1

    Proper implementation of the industrial hygiene program protects personnel from

    chemical, physical, and biological hazards. An initial step in the program is hazard


    Types of Hazards

    Chemical Hazards

    Chemical hazards exist when there is the risk of direct skin contact, inhalation, accidental

    ingestion, or absorption of hazardous chemicals in the form of liquids, solids, vapors,

    gases, dusts, fumes, or mists. In general, the degree of risk associated with handling aspecific chemical depends on the toxicity of the chemical and the magnitude and duration

    of the exposure. (See the chemical safe use guidelines under Chapter 40, HazardousMaterials,

    2for identifying, documenting, and handling specific chemical hazards.)

    Physical Hazards

    Physical hazards monitored by industrial hygienists include excessive levels of noise and

    vibration, pressure, temperature extremes, oxygen deficiency, and non-ionizing radiation(including ultraviolet, visible, infrared, radiofrequency, microwave, laser, static magnetic


    Biological HazardsBiological hazards include any virus, bacteria, fungus, protozoan, insect, or other living

    organism that can cause a disease in healthy humans, or damage to the environment.

    These materials include such agents as blood-borne pathogens, recombinant DNAmolecules, and human tissue and cell cultures. Biological hazards may exist as part of the

    total environment (for example, in air or water), or they may be associated with specific

    research or industrial operations. (See Chapter 34, Biohazards.3)

    Recognizing Hazards

    Industrial hygienists identify hazards by

    1 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 5, Industrial

    Hygiene, http://www-

    2 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 40, Hazardous


    3 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 34, Biohazards,

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    Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Recognition Guidelines

    Maintaining familiarity with SLAC processes Reviewing area hazard analysis (AHA) documents, job hazard analysis and

    mitigation (JHAM) documents, job safety analysis (JSA) documents, and pre-work

    hazard analysis (PWHA) documents as needed to identify activities requiring

    industrial hygiene consideration4

    Observing employee activities (such as chemical handling, procedural steps) Surveying existing conditions (ventilation, sanitation) Collecting preliminary screening samples Collecting information on physical, chemical, and biological hazards Conducting personnel and work area air monitoring Collecting wipe samples

    4 Hazard Analysis Programs,

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    Industrial Hygiene: Exposure Assessment Strategy,Surveying, and Monitor ing GuidelinesDepartment: Chemical and General SafetyProgram: Industrial Hygiene

    Owner: Program Manager

    Authority: ES&H Manual, Chapter 5, Industrial Hygiene1

    Exposure Assessment Strategy

    SLAC is committed to controlling exposures to chemical and physical hazards withinrecommended exposure guidelines or consensus standards through the development and

    implementation of an exposure assessment strategy. The overall approach links job

    hazard analysis and mitigation (JHAM), area hazard analysis (AHA), exposureassessment, and medical surveillance with prevention and control to reduce the risk of

    exposure and prevent adverse health effects. The industrial hygiene group uses pre-

    established and approved methods and rationale to characterize and monitor workerspotential exposures to chemical and physical hazards. The exposure assessment strategy

    applies to all activities (including design, construction, operation, maintenance,

    decontamination, decommissioning, and environmental restoration activities) performedby SLAC personnel.

    The goal of SLACs exposure assessment strategy is to protect workers by controlling

    potential exposures to less than 10 percent of the occupational exposure limits (OELs).

    The OEL is defined as the more protective limit of either Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration (OSHA)permissible exposure limits (PELs) or American Conference of

    Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) threshold limit values (TLVs).

    The industrial hygiene group performs risk-based evaluations of new or modified

    processes involving chemical and physical hazards and performs baseline exposureassessments. These and other assessments, along with written reports, are located in the

    Industrial Hygiene Document Database.2

    The industrial hygiene group also reviews

    JHAMs and AHAs in conjunction with baseline assessments to ensure accuracy and


    An industrial hygienist will consider the following parameters during a risk-based

    industrial hygiene assessment:

    Type of hazard (chemical, physical, and biological) Toxicity Quantity in use Duration of use Past monitoring data Established occupational exposure models

    1 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 5, Industrial

    Hygiene, http://www-

    2 Industrial Hygiene Document Database,

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    Industrial Hygiene: Exposure Assessment Strategy, Surveying, and MonitoringGuidelines

    Employee input (such as complaints or the presence of odor) Professional judgment and experience

    SLACs exposure assessment process is depicted by the following flow chart.

    Figure 1 Exposure Assessment Flow Chart3

    3 Based on Department of Energy Implementation Guide for Use with DOE Order 440.1, Occupational

    Exposure Assessment (DOE G 440.1-3),

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    Industrial Hygiene: Exposure Assessment Strategy, Surveying, and MonitoringGuidelines

    Qualitative Exposure Assessment


    Qualitative exposure assessment is an integral part of job hazard analysis and work

    planning processes. During the development and annual review of JHAMs and AHAs,

    line managers and supervisors will include qualitative exposure assessment of chemical,physical, and biological hazards.

    The qualitative exposure assessment includes an evaluation of potential exposures via

    inhalation, ingestion, dermal contact, physiological interactions, and ergonomic factors.

    The predominant exposure determinants and events (such as frequency, magnitude, andvariability of exposure and tasks; route of exposure; potentials for short-duration tasks

    and exposures [acute] and long-term or frequently repeated tasks and exposures

    [chronic]; and the adequacy and potential for failure of engineering and work practicecontrols) should be considered and documented as a part of the qualitative exposure


    Minor or No Risk of ExposureIf the qualitative exposure assessment indicates a minor or no risk of exposure, no further

    action (such as quantitative monitoring or the implementation of prevention and control

    measures) is required. One example of a minor or no exposure risk may include the

    review of a baseline exposure assessment (from the Industrial Hygiene DocumentDatabase

    4) for a similarly exposed group that shows a measured concentration of the

    material that is less than 10 percent of the applicable occupational exposure limit.

    Another example could be where a tested, ventilated laboratory hood is properly used forthe effective capture of an approved, airborne hazardous material.

    For unacceptable exposure risk (estimated to be above 10 percent of the OEL), or if

    exposure risk is uncertain, a quantitative exposure assessment is required, andimplementation of prevention and control methods may be indicated.

    Guidance for Line Managers

    Following an industrial hygiene survey, results and recommendations are sent to

    supervisors in the form of a written report. Line managers and supervisors shouldincorporate these recommendations when revising JHAMs and AHAs. Copies of

    industrial hygiene reports are available in the Industrial Hygiene Document Database.5

    Periodic Reassessment

    The SLAC industrial hygiene group will conduct risk-based qualitative reassessments of

    existing operations at SLAC on a biannual basis, so that each work area will be re-evaluated at least once every two years. For quality control purposes and to ensure anaccurate depiction of the potential hazard, the industrial hygiene group must review

    associated JHAMs and AHAs during recurring industrial hygiene surveys and provide

    corrective feedback as needed.

    4 Industrial Hygiene Document Database,

    5 Industrial Hygiene Document Database,

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    Industrial Hygiene: Exposure Assessment Strategy, Surveying, and MonitoringGuidelines

    Quanti tative Exposure Assessment

    The industrial hygiene group performs surveys to assess potential employee exposures tohazardous materials and contaminants in the workplace. Hazard evaluation surveys often

    include some type of monitoring, such as air or wipe sampling, to measure the amount or

    concentration of the hazards.

    Types of Monitoring

    Personal Air Sampling

    Industrial hygienists use personal air sampling to measure personnel exposure to airborne

    contaminants. Workplace air is sampled over an eight-hour period (or for the full work

    shift) and is representative of the individuals breathing zone. The industrial hygienistalso observes and records general information about personnel work processes.

    Area Air Sampling

    Industrial hygienists use area air sampling to define the extent of contamination or to

    measure the effectiveness of engineering controls. The air sampler is placed in a fixedlocation in the work area or near the suspected source of the hazard.

    Wipe Sampling

    Industrial hygienists may use wipe sampling to measure surface contamination forselected hazardous materials. Wipe sampling may be used to confirm medical monitoring

    results when the main entry route of a chemical is through the skin or mouth.

    Obtaining Monitoring

    Industrial hygiene monitoring takes place as a result of the following.

    Individual RequestsPersonnel at SLAC should discuss industrial hygiene concerns with their supervisors then

    contact the industrial hygiene group to request monitoring.

    The requestor or area manager must notify the industrial hygiene group of changes in

    their work area that involve ventilation, new machinery, or new chemical processes. Theindustrial hygiene group arranges for appropriate evaluation and monitoring of the work

    environment based on the proposed use and associated hazards of the chemicals or

    contaminants. To request a survey, contact the industrial hygiene group.

    Chemical Purchases

    The industrial hygiene group is notified when new chemicals are added to SLACschemical inventory.

    6During procurement of a new chemical which raises a health

    concern, the industrial hygiene group may request to evaluate the storage and use of the

    chemical before approving the purchase.

    6 Chemical Management Services (CMS),

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    Industrial Hygiene: Exposure Assessment Strategy, Surveying, and MonitoringGuidelines

    Design Review

    When new projects at SLAC are reviewed, the design review coordinator forwards

    packages involving chemicals and other contaminants to the industrial hygiene group forevaluation. The industrial hygiene group identifies any areas of concern, provides

    comments and recommendations for safe use, and may require monitoring before

    equipment start up.

    OSHA-required Monitoring

    SLAC regularly monitors the workplace for certain contaminants as required by thefederal Occupational, Safety, and Health Administration (OSHA), such as lead,

    beryllium, asbestos, welding on paint, hydrogen cyanide and chromium mists during

    electroplating. Monitoring is required when industrial hygienists believe thatoccupational exposures may exceed the administrative control level of 10 percent of the

    occupational exposure limit (OEL) (see Section 3, Definitions, in Chapter 5).7

    Once the

    exposure is quantified by an industrial hygienist, additional monitoring is required asoutlined in the following table.

    Table 1 OSHA-required Monitoring

    Percentage of OELIndustrial Hygiene MonitoringFrequency

    Duration of Industrial HygieneMonitoring at Specified Frequency

    Greater than 100% Continuously Until controls reduce exposures toless than 100%

    Between 50%100% Every six months Until controls reduce exposures toless than 50%

    Between 10%-50% Biannually Until controls reduce exposures toless than 10%

    Less than 10% No monitoring required Until a change in the workenvironment or worker concernsuggests that monitoring is required

    7 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 5, Industrial

    Hygiene, http://www-

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    Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Control VentilationRequirementsDepartment: Chemical and General SafetyProgram: Industrial Hygiene

    Owner: Program Manager

    Authority: ES&H Manual, Chapter 5, Industrial Hygiene1

    Ventilated Laboratory Hoods

    A ventilated laboratory hood is a local hazard control ventilation device designed toprotect workers from the hazards of airborne contaminants. Hoods also help protect

    people and property against small fires and explosions. (For an inventory of ventilated lab

    hoods at SLAC, see Ventilated Lab Hoods.2)

    Other Hazard Control Ventilation Systems

    Other hazard control ventilation systems, such as those in use in the electroplating,welding, and paint shops, are evaluated by the industrial hygiene program manager for

    adequate contaminant control as part of a periodic survey. Other ventilation systems may

    include soldering bench hoods, extractor arms, glove boxes, and biological safety hoods

    or cabinets.


    The industrial hygiene program manager conducts annual surveys of the use and

    performance of hazard control ventilation.3

    Additionally, ventilation system owners canrequest a performance test upon the units installation, when there is a change in

    operation, or when there is a suspected air flow issue.


    The industrial hygiene program manager records the results of the ventilation tests by

    updating the sticker attached to the system, usually at the point of use.4

    The information

    on the sticker includes the name of the tester, the test date, and the measured flow rate.The sticker also indicates the proper alignment of the sash or slide gate damper (as

    applicable) to ensure adequate airflow. The results of calibrations, tests, and certifications

    are recorded in a database maintained by the industrial hygiene program manager.5

    1 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 5, Industrial


    2 Ventilated Lab Hoods,

    3 Hazardous Materials: Fume Hood Velocity Survey Form (SLAC-I-730-0A09J-002),

    4 Hazardous Materials: Fume Hood Survey Sticker (SLAC-I-730-0A09J-004), http://www-

    5 Industrial Hygiene Document Database,

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    Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Control Ventilation Requirements


    Some ventilated laboratory hoods have electronic flow monitors that continuously

    indicate the velocity of air flowing into the hood.


    The following precautions should be taken to reduce exposures to airborne contaminants:

    Keep the hood sash or slide gate damper (as applicable) set at the approved level orset point to provide proper air flow.

    Take care in placing equipment in chemical hoods; avoid restricting air flow orcreating a fire hazard.

    Confirm the system is operational before using. Do not allow large equipment to be placed in front of ventilation hoods or system

    intakes as this could restrict air flow and reduce ventilation efficiency.

    Ensure the ventilation system is rated for the maximum hazard level of the intendedoperation.

    Performance Standards

    Laboratory fume hoods and local exhaust ventilation systems are addressed generally in

    standards, which incorporate references that provide specific design criteria and

    techniques to verify the system is in working order. The industrial hygiene programmanager evaluates hazard control ventilation systems for the control of occupational

    hazards using the current edition of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial

    Hygienists,Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice.6

    See examples

    of hood face velocity sheet7

    and fume hood survey stickers.8

    Upon testing, if a ventilation system fails to meet the minimum performance standard, the

    industrial hygiene program manager will send a report to the systems custodian. It is the

    responsibility of the custodian to ensure that the deficient ventilation system is repaired

    and is not used until that time. Until the deficiency is corrected, the custodian will markthe system with a warning sign and effectively restrict activities as needed to prevent

    personnel over-exposure to contaminants.

    New local exhaust ventilation systems and hoods must meet the requirements of building

    and fire codes and industry standards, and each hood must have a monitor thatquantitatively displays the hoods performance to the user.

    6 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists,Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of

    Recommended Practice (ACGIH 2094, 2004). See the SLAC Library,, for available standards. A hard copy is in process; see

    7 Hazardous Materials: Fume Hood Velocity Survey Form (SLAC-I-730-0A09J-002), http://www-

    8 Hazardous Materials: Fume Hood Survey Sticker (SLAC-I-730-0A09J-004), http://www-

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    Industrial Hygiene: Hazard Control Ventilation Requirements

    HEPA Filters

    High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters may be used to filter hazardous chemical orbiological contaminants from air streams with an efficiency of 99.97 percent. HEPA

    filters used for hazard control can be found in vacuum cleaners used to clean up dust and

    debris that contain asbestos, lead, or other particulates, biological safety cabinets in

    which biohazardous materials are handled, and in-place ventilation exhaust systemsconnected to lab hoods and glove boxes.

    HEPA filters used to protect employees must be maintained according manufacturers

    specifications. Using air sampling or direct ventilation measurement techniques, theindustrial hygiene program manager evaluates processes where HEPA filters are used as

    part of hazard control ventilation. For information regarding the evaluation of HEPA

    filtering systems or changing HEPA filters used for hazard control, contact the industrial

    hygiene program manager.

    Other Ventilation Equipment

    The following ventilation systems are not covered by the industrial hygiene program:1. Ventilation systems that provide fresh and recirculated air to office and other working


    2. Other ventilation systems that handle non-hazardous exhaust from generallaboratories or shops, vacuum pump equipment, and mechanical rooms

    These and similar systems are maintained and monitored by the Facilities Department.