ES Parent Bulletin Vol#17 2010 Apr 30


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  • 8/9/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#17 2010 Apr 30


    30 April 2010Volume 17


    International School Manila



    3 Labor Day Holiday - No School

    10 Presidential Elections - No School

    15 K-12 Dance Recital


    1 ES 2nd Semester Report Card Distribution


    ES Moving-On Ceremony @ 9am, Fine Arts


    Early Student Release @ 12pm

    End of 2nd Semester

    4 AFAC Concert @ 1pm, Fine Arts Theatre

    From the ES Administrationrom the ES Administration

    the same.

    It is our aim that from the knowledge our studen

    gain from each other, their experiences outside the

    home country, and especially from the learning th

    is embedded in the curriculum, they will develop di

    positions such as empathy and care for others. Th

    becomes a very powerful force for action in building

    sustainable future in a world of mutual respect. Ou

    students have the opportunity to develop a glob

    perspective, which is a very special gift. InternationDay, while not the pathway to fostering these ski

    and habits of mind, is a great way to celebrate ou

    learning together.

    A huge part of our International Day was the ES Con

    certs. This year, in a change from the past, we had

    separate grade level concerts, which were held in the

    Little Theatre for ECLC and Preschool and in the Fin

    Arts Theatre for Grades 1 to 4. This gave the Music

    teachers, Ms. Marnie Hurst, Ms. Irene Diaz and Ms.

    Linell, more time to devote to each grade and re-sulted in a whole series of concert events, rather tha

    just two very big ones! Our students sang in differen

    languages, played instruments from around the world

    and danced to a variety of games and music from

    many different places.

    Thanks go out once again to Marnie and her team fo

    all their work in preparing for the concerts. Equally,

    thank you to all the parents, family and friends who

    attended International Day. Finally, congratulations to

    the students who performed so well in so manyways. It was great to see the concerts and the diver-

    sity that was represented.

    Yours in Education,

    Simon Gillespie Michael RourkeES Principal ES Assistant Principal

    Dear Elementary School Parents,

    International Day last Friday was a great success, be-

    ginning with the flag ceremony in the Elementary play-

    ground. Despite an initial technical hitch with the au-

    dio, the speakers Maya and Francisco did a won-derful job, as did our flag unfurlers, who represented

    the 59 different countries from the Elementary School

    population. Being international or Internationally-

    minded entails much more than sharing our flags or

    dressing in our respective national costumes. It is

    about developing skills in communication, intercul-

    tural awareness and thinking. Its about appreciating

    our differences, but also celebrating what makes us all

  • 8/9/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#17 2010 Apr 30


    25 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    From the CMCrom the CMC From the Art Departmentrom the Art DepartmentHi all. Just a reminder that the Art

    Department has an ongoing need for

    recycled materials. In particular, we

    are in need of ribbon, gift wrap,

    plastic and metal lids/caps and bro-

    ken toys. Any deliveries can be

    dropped off at

    room 1189 oppo-

    site the ES gym.

    Many thanks!

    Recess games for kids by kids!ES PE dept. have a request this weekWe have added a new bulletin board this year to the ES Plaza and we would like to add recess game ideas for thestudents to use. Rather than ES PE teachers adding ideas from books etc (which is the current bulletin board) wewould like to replace this with ideas from our students and parents.

    We ask that you or your children e-mail, write, draw, or photograph any recess games you know from your ownchildhood from the various countries we all come from. We will put these ideas up on the bulletin board to sharewith others. You may also send in photos of games to play at recess. Children could simply draw themselves play-ing at recess or write out a description of a favorite tag game etc. We see some very creative games being played attimes during recess and we would like to tap into this resource. Please pass on any contributions to the ES officeand we will make sure they find their way to our bulletinboard.

    We have also added chalk in the recess box for kids touse to draw their own foursquare or hopscotch markingson the road. We have many children now playing four-square at recess which is a terrific handball game for de-veloping communication, taking turns, and striking skills

    as a lead up skill to volleyball and all short and long han-dled striking games.


    Amanda PekinES Physical EducationClick here for addresses for kids sports in Manila.

    From the PE Departmentrom the PE Department

    Is it that time of year already?The Childrens Media Center will be closed for inven-

    tory and for the summer holiday beginning Monday, May

    24. All borrowed items are due back by Friday, May21 . Thank you for your cooperation in this matter andthank you for a great year!

    Dont forget to check out our blog (http://cmc.ism- for photos and stories about student learning

    in the CMC!

  • 8/9/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#17 2010 Apr 30


    25 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    From the Fine Arts Officerom the Fine Arts Office

    From Sailfishrom SailfishSailfish Swim Club

    Dear Swimmers and Parents,

    Please be reminded to reserve/purchase your dinner tickets for the Awards Night (May 27). Early reserva

    tion would be much appreciated to facilitate our catering reservation. You can approach one of us at the

    ES Canteen from 2:15 to 3:15 pm from MF. (Christie Jeffries, Lorna Gonzales and Pia Miralao)

    For more information please visit the Sailfish Blog


    Swimmers Free

    Parents Siblings 250 pesos.


    Christie Jeffries,Lorna Gonzales andPia MiralaoSailfish Parent Volunteers



    Care in the Sun Tips:

    Between 11am and 3pm seek


    Cover up in the sun with T

    shirt, hat and sunglasses

    Use a broad spectrum sun-

    screen with a SPF of 15 orgreater

    Take extra care with children,their skin is often more sensi-tive and easily burned.

    Check moles for changes in

    size, shape and color or anynew skin growths and reportany concerns to your doctor.

    From the School Clinicrom the School Clinic

  • 8/9/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#17 2010 Apr 30


    25 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    From the Admission Officerom the Admission Office IMPORTANT information regarding Re-Enrollment

    for School Year 2010-2011

    Dear Parents,

    It is RE-Enrolment time!!!

    You have two choices for getting the Re-Enrollment forms this year:

    1. DOWNLOAD the forms from the ISM website (under Admission go to the Re-Enrolment & Withdrawal link)2. PICK-UPthe forms at the Admission Office (by parent or child or if you would like a helper to do this, please supply them

    with a letter of authorization.)

    Please follow the instructions on the Re-Enrollment Clearance Form and return the following completed documents:

    Parent and School Shared Agreements form to the Admission Office

    ISM Drug Policy Form to the Admission Office for students re-enrolling for Grade 7 and Grade 9 only

    Board (proxy form) is an optional form that can be submitted to the Admission Office Health Clinic Form to the Clinic

    - Updating Form (front side) must be completed forall children- Physical Examination Form (back side) must also be completed for children entering Grades 1, 5, 9 along with the

    Tuberculosis Screening Form


    ANCE FORMto fulfill the re-enrollment requirements. Bringand show this form to the respective school office to obtainthe Class Schedule for HS or MS students or to the Cashier toobtain the Section Card for ES Students.

    Please note thata Re-EnrollmentDEPOSIT PAYMENT

    is not required to reserve a space at the School for SY2010-11. However, parents are obliged to inform the School inwriting, on or before 15th May, if their children will withdrawat the end of the academic year. There is a WITHDRAWALNOTIFICATION FORM for such purpose; this must be sub-mitted to the Admissions Office on or before 15th May of eachschool year. Failure to do so will lead to a deduction ofUS$1,000 from the Facilities Upgrade Deposit (FUD), incompensation for having held a space for the child and thuspreventing the School from offering that space to another childprior to the summer holiday break.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to

    contact either of us.


    Gary W. Jerome

    Director of Admission

    Margie Endelman

    Deputy Director of Admission

    E-mail: admission@ismanila.orgAdmission Office: 840-8488

    From the Superintendentrom the SuperintendentCHANGE IN PROCEDURE

    Dear Parents:Every year we have to deal with the administrative burden of try-ing to collect from parents the $1000 Re-enrollment Deposit. Thisis difficult for many parents, especially those whose fees are paid

    by the sponsoring company, and more difficult still for the schooltrying to collect from parents, especially those who are not sure oftheir circumstances.

    This year we shall try something different. There will be no re-enrollment deposit. Instead, we shall expect all departing fami-

    lies to complete the WITHDRAWAL NOTIFICATION

    FORM on or before May 15th

    . Failure to do so will lead to a

    deduction of $1,000.00 from the Facilities Upgrade Deposit.

    As I am sure you understand, we at school face considerable pres-

    sure from families applying to enter their children into ISM. Wehave to establish the May 15th deadline in order for us to be fair tothose families on our waitlist. The earlier you can tell us that youare leaving school, the sooner we can provide clear answers toincoming families.

    Sincerely Yours,

    David TozeSuperintendent

  • 8/9/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#17 2010 Apr 30


    25 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


    From Student Council, Service Learning & ECorom Student Council, Service Learning & ECoHelp Support PCF and INVISIBLEHelp Support PCF and INVISIBLE

    Your children can bring plastic bags, magazines, ring pulls from soda cans and tetra paks to

    school. We are helping PCF and Invisible by collecting these items and they use them for

    making things and sending their children to school. For more information go to: http://

    From pop can tab

    to purse!

    From plastic bag

    to purse!

    From drink

    holder to bag!

    From magazineto jewelry!

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    25 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


  • 8/9/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#17 2010 Apr 30


    25 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin


  • 8/9/2019 ES Parent Bulletin Vol#17 2010 Apr 30


    25 March 2010Elementary School Parent Bulletin
