Erin Freitas. Works Cited 856&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbnid=R2-


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Creation and the Fall

Erin Freitas

The story starts with God creating heaven and earth. Earth was shapeless form of darkness. “And God said, ‘Let there be l ight, ' : and there was l ight.

God split up the darkness and light and called light Day and dark Night.

God then created the sky to divide the waters. The sky was cal led Heaven

On the third day, God created dry land, and cal led it Earth, and the waters were cal led Seas. He created the grass, herbs, and trees with fruit on Earth.

The next day, God made the brighter l ight day, and had the lesser l ight night. God divided l ight and darkness

On the fifth day, God created the birds that flew in the firmament. God then created whales and every living creature of the seas and multiplied the waters.

God then created the animals of Earth. God thought of creating man to be the ruler of Earth. God thought of woman and asked them to fi l l Earth with people.

On the seventh and final day, God formed man from the dust. God planted the garden of Eden and the four rivers in the garden, Pison,, Gihon , Hiddekel, and Euphrates.

God put Adam in the garden to take care of it. God formed the beasts of the garden to accompany Adam. God then took a rib from Adam and created woman. Adam said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

God then told the man and the women not to eat from every tree. A serpent told the woman to eat from any tree.

The woman then took the fruit from the tree, and shared it with Adam. God found out and cursed the serpent, the woman, and Adam,

God said “’Behold, the man is become as Adam and the woman, who he cal led Eve, were banished from the garden of Eden.

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