Ercogenic Aids - Caffeine



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GOOD MORNING1ERGOGENIC AIDSERGO WORKGENIC TO GENERATETENDING TO INCREASE WORK2An ergogenic aid is defined as A physical, mechanical, nutritional, psychological, or pharmacological substance or treatment that either directly improves physiological variables associated with exercise performance or removes subjective restraints which may limit physiological capacity3TYPES Pharmacological agents Nutritional agents Physiological agents Hormonal agents

4Pharmacological agents

"Pharmaceutical" derives from the Greekpharmakeutikos(frompharmakeuts'druggist', frompharmakon'drug').

Its defined as any man-made, natural, or endogenous (within the body) molecule which exerts a biochemical and/or physiological effect on the cell, tissue, organ, or organism.

5ClassificationDrug from natural origin: Herbal or plant or mineral origin, some drug substances are of marine origin.Drug from chemical as well as natural origin: Derived from partial herbal and partial chemical synthesis Chemical, example steroidal drugsDrug derived from chemical synthesis.Drug derived from animal origin: For example, hormones, and enzymes.Drug derived from microbial origin: AntibioticsDrug derived by biotechnology genetic-engineering: hybridoma technique Drug derived from radioactive substances.

6EXAMPLES Erythropoietin Antihistamines Growth hormone Anabolic-androgenic steroids Caffeine Amphetamines Ephedrine Hydroxyl methylbutarate (HMB) Androstenedione Dehydroepiandrosterone, etc..7Advantages Mainly they are manufactured to combat diseases but there are drugs available that are illegally obtained for unscrupulous use.

Drug increase the athlete endurance, speed, and scheduled drugs a dependency can happen much faster. 8Drugs is used by mouth or rectally in combination with painkillers (such as aspirinandacetaminophen)

Improving athletic performance. Taking drug seems to increase physical endurance and might delay exhaustion.

Drugs are made to change the course of the bodys chemistry to its benefit.

9DISADVANTAGESRegular use of drugs could make one dependent. If the dependency becomes a really serious problem, the only resolution would be for drug recovery within a rehabilitation center.

Drugs can cause addiction, brain damage, liver failure, and many other serious...

10Ingest caffeine about 3 - 4 hours before the competition. Although blood levels of caffeine peak much sooner, the maximum caffeine effect on fat stores appears to occur several hours after peak blood levels.

Some athletes have come close to flunking the drug test after ingesting only 350mg.



Drugs in Sport The first recorded death was in 1886 when a cyclist, Linton, died from an overdose of trim ethyl.

1904 - The first near death in modern Olympics where a marathon runner, Thomas Hicks, was using a mixture of brandy and strychnine.

131960 - At the Olympics, Danish cyclist, Kurt Jensen, collapsed and died from an amphetamine overdose.

International Olympic Committee (IOC) produced first doping list in 1967

Compulsory drug testing introduced in 1968 Winter Olympics - Grenoble Summer Olympics - Mexico

14Advisory..Drugs create a certain level of dependency.

Drugs are potentially harmful to health and are considered to be ethically wrong, Scientific evidence to support suggested beneficial performance effects of drugs is limited

