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Name of Employee Designation Signature Date

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S. No Description Page. No

1. Preface 8

2. Introduction 8

3.Tt The Concept 8-9

4. Objectives of the Emergency plan 9

5. Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Policy 10

6. Definition of an Emergency 10

7. Brief Description of the plant 10-11

8. Key Personnel at the Factory 11

9. Minimum number of persons working in each shift 11-12

10. Hazardous Chemicals at site : 12

i. Warehouse-I 12-13

ii. Warehouse-II 14

iii. Solvent Tank Farm Area 14-15

11. Process Description 15

12. Main Products Manufactured 15-16

13. Approach Roads 16-17

14. Metrological Information: Predominant Wind direction 17

15. Emergency Power Supply 17

16. Emergency Control Center (ECC) 17-18

17. Assembly Points 18

18. First Aid and Medical Facilities 18

19. Medical Examination of the Employees 19

20. Ambulance Availability in case of Emergency 19

21.Communicating the Emergency inside the Factory Premises


22. Communication with Local Services 20

23. Escape routes - For Evacuation 20-21

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24. Safety Showers and Body Washers 21-22

25. Identified Emergencies at Site 22

26. Categorization of Emergencies 22-24

27. Noticing of Fire/ Explosion or Toxic Release Emergency 24-25

28. Declaration of Emergency 25

29. Emergency in Night Time 25-26

30. Centralized Electrical Siren 26

31. Controlling the Emergency 26-27

32. Fire Prevention / Protection Measures 27

33. Plant layout and facilities 27-28

34. General Instructions for During an Emergency 28-29

35. Organization Chart in Emergency 29

36. Incident Notice 30-33

37. Emergency Coordination Team 34

38. Responsibilities During Emergencies : 35

i) Site Controller 35

ii) Incident Controller 36

iii) Block / Section In charges 36

iv) Safety & Evacuation Coordinator 36-37

v) Medical Coordinator 37

vi) Communications Coordinator 37

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vii) Fire Coordinator 37

viii) Shut Down & Leak Control Coordinator 37

ix) Security Coordinator 38

x) Supervisor/ Officer of the Affected Area /Block 38

xi) Executive - All Departments 38

xii) Shift Electrician/Supervisor 38

xiii) Ambulance Driver 39

xiv) Manager – Administration 39

xv) All Other Employees 39

39. Potential Emergency Situations at site 40

40. Environmental Emergencies 41

41. Spillage of Hazardous Chemicals & Wastes 41

42. Emergency Procedure for Fire & Explosion 41-42

43. Fire and Explosion Emergency in Solvent Tank Farm Area 42-43

i. Solvent Storage Pool Fire – Damage Caused at Different Incident levels of Thermal Radiation


ii. Solvent Storage Pool Fire - Typical value and their Associated damage levels of Thermal Radiation


iii. Solvent storage pool fire: Results of Thermal Radiation 44

iv. Solvent storage pool fire: Consequence contour for Methanol Storage pool fire


44. Detailed Actions for Handling Various Emergencies 44

i.Action in Tank Farm area during Emergency 44

ii.Emergency Procedure for Handling Fire in Solvent Storage tank farm


iii.Emergency procedure for Handling fire and Explosion in Hydrogen or Gas leakage


iv.Emergency Procedure for Handling fire and Explosion in Reactor 46

v.Emergency Procedure for Handling Fire and Explosion in Centrifuge 46

vi.Emergency Procedure for Handling Fire and Explosion in Boiler 46

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vii.Emergency Procedure for Handling Fire and Explosion at ETP 46-47

viii.Emergency procedure for Handling Fire and Explosion in Diesel Generator


ix.Emergency Procedure for Handling Lithium Aluminium Hydride Fire 47-48

x.Emergency Procedure for Handling Sodium Hydride Fire 48

xi.Emergency Procedure for Handling Sodium Metal Fire 48

xii.Emergency Procedure for Handling Bromine Leak 49

xiii.Emergency Procedure for Handling Chlorine Leak 49-51

xiv.Emergency Procedure for Handling Dry HCL Leak 51-52

xv.Emergency Procedure for Handling Ammonia Leak 52-54

xvi.Emergency Procedure for Handling Acid /Alkalies Leak 55

xvii.Emergency Procedure for Handling Chemical Spillages 55-57

xviii.Emergency Procedure for Disposal of Chemical Spillages Outside the block


xix.Emergency Procedure for Handling Nitrogen Gas leak in Closed Room


xx.Emergency Procedure for Handling LPG Gas Leak in Canteen Area 58

xxi.Emergency Procedure for LPG gas Fire in Canteen Area 58-59

xxii.Emergency Procedure for Electrical Fire in Panel Room 59

xxiii.Emergency Procedure for Electrical Fire in MCC Room 59

xxiv.Emergency Procedure for HT Yard Fire 59

xxv.Emergency Procedure for Raney Nickel Fire 60

xxvi.Emergency Procedure in case of Thionyl Chloride Leak 60

xxvii.Emergency Procedure in case of Solvent Fire 60

xxviii.Emergency Procedure in case of Oxalyl Chloride Leak 60-61

xxix.Emergency Procedure in Mg Metal Fire 61

xxx.Emergency Procedure in case of Tri phosgene Leak 61

xxxi.Emergency Procedure in case of Titanium Tetra Chloride Leak 61

xxxii.Emergency Procedure in Spillage of Caustic Soda Lye 61-62

xxxiii.Emergency Procedure in Spillage of ATFD Hot Material 62

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xxxiv.Emergency Procedure Fire in HVD (high vacuum distillation) 62

xxxv.Emergency Procedure in case of Scrubber Failure 62

xxxvi.Emergency Procedure in Boiler and Coal Storage Area 62

xxxvii.Emergency Procedure for Fire in Thermic Fluid Heater 63

xxxviii.Emergency Procedure in Hazardous Waste Storage 63

xxxix.Emergency Procedure in Hazardous Material Transportation 63

xl.Emergency Procedure in case of Flooding and Cyclone 63

xli.Emergency Procedure in case of Earthquake 64

xlii.Emergency Procedure in case of Lightning and Thunder 64-65

xliii.Emergency Procedure in case of Cyanide Poisoning 65-66

xliv.Emergency Procedure in case of Food Poisoning 67

45. End of the Emergency: All Clear Siren 67-68

46. Evacuation Procedure 68-69

47. Communication Procedure during Emergency 69

48. Recovery Process Plan 70-71

49. Mutual Aid Procedure in Major Emergency Situation 71

50. Details about the Mutual Aid Industries with Phone Numbers 72

51. Internal Telephone Numbers 73-74

52. External Agencies Telephone Numbers 75-76

53. Key Personal Contact Number 76

54. List of First Aiders 77

55. List of Fire Fighters 78

56. Fire Hydrant Pump Details 79

57. Fire Hydrant Details: Emergency Equipments Available at Site 79-80

58. Location Wise Portable Fire Extinguishers 81-82

59. List of Abbreviations 83

60. Site Layout Plan --

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61. Fire Hydrant Line Layout --


A “Totally safe chemical plant” could exist only in theory. The best available design of plants and procedures notwithstanding there is in practice, always a certain probability of circumstances combining to make things go wrong, the unexpected to happen and an accident to occur and an emergency can occur in any chemical industry. Numerous instances are known, whereby timely and

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effective action after the event, has greatly contributed towards minimizing the damage to plant and property and loss of lives.

Chemical industries have an onerous responsibility to preserve and protect the environment and ensure that whatever happens within their premises does not affect the surrounds.With the above in view, an “Onsite Emergency Control Plan” has been prepared for our factory at Mekaguda. All concerned are hereby requested to carefully study and thoroughly familiarize themselves with it, in order to ensure its effective use in times of emergency.It is sincerely hoped that his “Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan” will help all NPCD employees to prepare themselves to contain, control, mitigate, and neutralize the consequences of any emergency that may arise.


xxxx PHARMA LIMITED, Chemical Division (NPCD) at Mekaguda Village, Kothur Mandal, Mahaboob Nagar District, and Andhra Pradesh has taken steps to assess, minimize and wherever feasible eliminate risks. In spite of its best efforts, an emergency may still occur which may affect life and property within the plant and its neighborhood. Therefore, an “Onsite Emergency Plan” has been prepared for mitigating the effects of a major emergency.In the interest of all the employees this plan should be put into practice during an emergency. Mock drills and rehearsals are conducted periodically to ensure preparedness of all the concerned for effective implementation of the plan. The “Onsite Emergency Plan” will be upgraded as and when there are changes in the facilities.The success of this plan in accomplishing its purpose depends largely upon each individual carrying out his/her designated duties effectively and promptly.


Emergency in Plant Parlance is fire, explosion and toxic release and has the potential to cause serious injury/loss of life and damage to property and which tends to cause disruption inside and sometimes extends outside the plant. Emergency could also set- in due to external situations like natural calamities, sabotage etc. It is the preparedness of the plant that differentiates the impact. Almost all emergencies start from small events and lead to emergency and then to disaster. It is the response in the first five minutes that makes an event small or big. This can happen only if exigencies have been identified and procedures properly planned, practiced, evaluated and improved.The Emergency plan is a statutory requirement as per provision of sub section 4B of the Factories (Amendment) Act, 1987. The purpose of this on-site emergency plan is to ensure the life and properties of all concerned and minimize the damage to the maximum possible extent, in case of any emergency.Preparation of Onsite Emergency Plan is mandatory under Rule 13 of Manufacture, Storage and Handling of Hazardous Chemicals, 1989. Schedule 11 under Rule 13.1 of Manufacture, Storage and Handling of Hazardous Chemical provide guidelines for preparation of onsite Emergency Plan. Based on the concepts and guidelines provided, an action plan indicating clearly, the duties to be performed by different persons in the factory during an emergency is laid down in the form `On – site Emergency Plan´.

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This " ON-SITE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN” has been prepared to outline the response of the Management to control emergencies in the M/S. XXXX PHARMA LIMITED, MEKAGUDA.This plan will explains basic requirements, definitions, objectives, manufacturing process and plant facility details as called for under schedule 13 of Manufacture, storage and handling of hazardous chemicals. This includes key elements, organization chart, roles and responsibilities, hazard analysis details, possible emergencies, contents of emergency control centre etc.


To define the hazards and assess the risks and identify the Maximum Credible Loss Scenario (MCLS) To outline the responsibilities and functions of the key members of the emergency response team, to Safeguard other employees and environment. To inform authorities and mutual aid centers to come for help. To effect rescue and treatment of casualties. To count injured. To identify and list any fatal accident. To inform and help relatives. To secure the safe rehabilitation of affected areas and to restore normalcy. To preserve records, equipments etc., and to organize investigation into the cause of the emergency and preventive measure to stop its recurrence.

Purpose of the plan: This plan is developed to: Control or limit any effect arising out of an emergency or potential emergency that may arise at the

plant. Formation of emergency response team and provide assistance at the plant. To ensure communication of all vital information to appropriate internal and external bodies as soon

as possible. To facilitate reorganization activities so that operations can be resumed. To provide training so that an appropriate level of preparedness can be continually maintained. To provide a basis for updating and reviewing emergency procedures.Scope of the plan: The scope of the plan is to ensure safety of life, protection of environment, protection of the plant facility and restoration of production salvage operations, in these orders of priorities.


We XXXX PHARMA LIMITED – Chemical Division situated at Mekaguda, Mahaboob Nagar district produce Pharmaceutical Active Ingredients and Intermediates.

We are committed to:

Comply with applicable legislations, regulations and other applicable requirements. Incorporating suitable techniques such as waste management, recovery of raw materials, isolating by-

products and distillations of solvents to prevent pollution. Conserving raw materials, natural resources such as water, coal & electricity.

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Reduce the risks by identifying, assessing and controlling the hazards to prevent ill-health and injury. Continually improve EHS performance by setting time bound objectives and targets. Promote awareness of EHS requirements among the employee, contractors and visitors. Continually improve our environmental, health and safety performance. Communicated to all persons in the organization and made aware of their individual Occupational

Health and Safety obligations.

Date: 29-09-2011

Rev: 03 Chairman and Managing Director


Emergency means a situation or condition leading to circumstances or set of circumstances in which there is a danger to life or health of persons or which could result in big fire or explosion to the work and outside environment affecting the workers or neighborhood in a serious manner, demanding immediate action. ORAn emergency occurring in a factory is one that may affect several departments within it and may cause serious injuries, loss of life, damage to the property and the community beyond the factory premises. It may require assistance from external agencies such as fire brigade, local hospitals, Road Transport Authority (RTA), Police, District Emergency Authority (DEA) etc. to manage it effectively.



Name of the Factory XXXX PHARMA LIMITED, Chemical Division, Mekaguda.

1 Factory Address Mekaguda village, Kothur Mandal.Mahaboob Nagar districtTel : 08548-249496Fax : 08548-249491

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2 Head Office Address with Tel. No.

XXXX HOUSERoad No: 2, Banjara hills Hyderabad- 5000033Tel : 040-23547532 Fax: 040-23548243

3 Full Name & Address of the Occupier:

Mr. P. Bhaskara NarayanaDirector – (Finance), XXXX HOUSE, Road No.2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033

4 Full Name & Address of Plant Manager:

Mr. PSRK Prasad Executive Vice president- CESMekaguda village, Kothur Mandal.Mahaboob nagar districtTel : 08548-249496Mobile : 9866005215


Dr. D. Linga RaoPresident - Technical AffairsMobile : 9866005214

Mr Venkata RaoVice President – ProductionMobile :9866005196

Mr. P.S.R.K. PrasadExecutive Vice PresidentMobile: 9866005215

Mr. M. Nageswara RaoSr. Manager - WHMobile:9550240469

Mr Prakash BhavikattiDy General Manager- EHSMobile :8790560899

Mr N. Satya NarayanaSr Manager- HRDMobile :9949533374

Mr CH. Brahma RaoDy General Manager- MaintenanceMobile :9849735219

Mr P. Chiranjeevi RaoDy General Manager- EnvironmentMobile :9848196822


Total employees are working in around 600 whereas not more than 130 will be available at any given time. Qualified supervisors are recruited for operation and handling of chemicals. All employees who are handling hazardous chemicals and supervising are qualified a degree in chemistry or diploma in chemical Engineering/technology with five years experience. And a master in chemistry or degree in chemical engineering /technology with two years experience.

Shifts: No of employees1st Shift: 6.00 to 14.00 Hrs 110

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2nd Shift: 14.00 to 22.00 Hrs 1103rd Shift: 22.00 to 6.00 Hrs 110General Shift: 8.45 to 17.15 Hrs 255

Total 575

Working hours:

A – Shift : 06.00Hrs To 14.00Hrs B – Shift : 14.00Hrs To 22.00 Hrs C – Shift : 22.00Hrs To 06.00Hrs General Shift : 08.305Hrs To 17.30Hrs


i )Ware House – I:

S.No Name of the Material Type of Storage Nature of the Material1. 1,4 – Dioxane Drums Flammable&Toxic2. 1,6 – Di Bromo Hexane Drums Flammable3. 3-Ethynyl Benzamine Tins Flammable4. 4-Flouro Benzo Nitrile Tins Flammable5. Acetic Anhydride Tins Flammable & Corrosive6. Acrylo Nitrile Drums Flammable &Toxic7. Ammonia Liquid Drums Toxic8. Ammonium Chloride Bags Toxic9. Benzyl Alcohol Tins Flammable10. Benzyl Amine Carboys Flammable11. Benzyl Chloride Drums Toxic& Corrosive12. Caustic Soda Flakes Bags Corrosive13. Chloro Acetyl chloride Tins Corrosive14. Di Ethyl carbonate Drums Flammable15. Dimethyl Sulphate Drums Corrosive16. DMF + DMA Drums Flammable17. Epi Chloro Hydrine Drums Flammable &Toxic18. Ethyl Aceto Acetate Drums Flammable19. Ethyl Alcohol Shippers Flammable20. Ethyl Bromide Drums Flammable&Toxic21. Ethylene Di Amine Drums Flammable22. Fluoro Benzene Drums Flammable23. Formaldehyde Carboys Flammable24. Formamide Drums Flammable25. Formic acid Drums Corrosive26. Formic acid Tins Flammable & Corrosive27. Hydrogen Peroxide Carboy Oxidizing

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28. IPA HCl – 10% Drums Flammable& Corrosive29. Iso Propyl Ether Drums Flammable30. Isovaleraldehyde Drums Flammable31. Lithium Aluminum Hydride Tins Flammable & Corrosive32. Lithium Hydroxide Bags Flammable33. Methane Sulfonic acid Carboys Flammable34. Methane Sulfonyl Chloride Drums Flammable &Toxic35. Methyl Chloro Acetate Tins Flammable36. Methyl Ethyl Ketone Drums Flammable37. Methyl Iso Butyl Ketone Drums Flammable38. Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether Containers Flammable39. Mono Methyl Amine Drums Flammable40. n-Butanol Drums Flammable41. n-Heptane Drums Flammable42. N-Methyl Benzyl Amine Carboys Flammable43. Para Tolunitrile Carboys Flammable44. Petroleum Ether Drums Flammable45. Phosphoric acid Carboys Corrosive46. Pinacolone Drums Flammable47. Potassium hydroxide Bags Toxic & Corrosive48. Pyridine Drums Flammable49. Pyridine Tins Flammable50. Secondary Butyl Alcohol Drums Flammable51. Sodium Azide Box Harmful52. Sodium Bromide Carboys Harmful53. Sodium Meta Bio Sulphate Bags Flammable54. Sodium Methoxide solution Drums Flammable55. Tertiary Butanol Drums Flammable56. Tertiary Butyl Aceto Acetate Drum Flammable57. Tertiary Butyl Acetylene Drums Flammable58. Tri Ethyl Amine Drums Flammable59. Tri Methyl amine Tins Flammable60. Tri Phenyl Phosphine Drum Flammable61. Tri Phosgene Carboys Toxic

ii) Ware House – II:

S.No Name of the Material Type of StorageNature of the

Material1. 1-Bromo-3-Chloro Propane Drums Corrosive2. Aceto Nitrile Drums Flammable3. Benzoic Acid Drums Flammable

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4. Copper Cyanide G.I Tins (25 Kg) Toxic5. Dimethyl Amine Drums Flammable6. Dimethyl Formamide Drums Flammable7. Dimethyl Sulfoxide Drums Flammable8. Hydro Bromic acid – CP Drums Corrosive9. Magnesium Turnings Tins Flammable10. Para Bromo Fluoro Benzene Drums Flammable11. Phosphorous Pentoxide Containers (25 Kg) Corrosive12. Phosphorous Pentoxide Carboys (25 Kg) Corrosive13. PTS Acid Carbuoys Flammable14. Raney Nickel Container (20 Kg) Flammable15. Sodium Boro Hydride Tins (190 Kgs) Flammable16. Sodium Cyanide Tins Toxic17. Sodium Hydride Bags Flammable18. Solvent Ether Drums Flammable19. Stannous Chloride Tins Harmful20. Tetra Hydro Furan Drums Flammable21. Tri Ethyl Ortho Formate Drums Flammable

iii) Solvent Tank farm area:

S.No Storage Tank No Name of the Material Capacity Nature of the Material

1. ST-801 Ethyl Acetate 20KL Flammable

2. ST-802 Acetic Acid 30KL Corrosive

3. ST-803/1 Chloroform 30KL Flammable

4. ST-804 MCL 30KL Toxic

5. ST-805 MCL 30KL Toxic

6. ST-806 Diesel 30KL Flammable

7. ST-807 Diesel 30KL Flammable

8. ST-808 Acetone 30KL Flammable

9. ST-809/1 Hexane 30KL Flammable

10. ST-810/1 Toluene 30KL Flammable

11. ST-811/1 Toluene 30KL Flammable

12. ST-812/1 Acetone 19 KL Flammable

13. ST-813 Methanol 100KL Flammable

14. ST-814 IPA 30KL Flammable

15. ST-815 IPA 20 KL Toxic

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16. ST – 822 Methanol 30 KL Flammable

17. ST-835 Hexane 30 KL Flammable

18. ST-808/1 Cyclo hexane 30 KL Flammable


In Production department, Reactors, Centrifuges, Nutsch filters, Leaf filters, Dryers, Millers, Sifters, Micronizers & Blenders are the main equipments.

Reactors: Reaction shall be carried out in reactors. Different capacity Stainless Steel Reactors and Glass Lined Reactors are used in Production and selection of reactor is to be done based on the nature of the chemical. All the reactors will have jacket provision. The contents of the reactors can be heated / cooled by passing steam / cooling tower water. Based on the process requirement, different type of stirrers like anchor, propeller, turbine …etc will be used with variable RPM. The chemical reactions carried out in the reactors are mostly distillation, chlorination, nitration, Bromination, Friedel craft alkylation and hydrogenation.Centrifuges / Nutch filter: will be used for wet material isolation from reaction mass based on the material nature.Leaf filters: Leaf filters are used to remove the activated carbon used in the reaction mass for colour improvement or to remove the spent sodium sulphate used for moisture removal. Driers: Isolated wet materials shall be dried using different driers Multi miller: Dried material shall be milled to de-lump the lumps formed during drying.Sifters: Sifters are used to control the particle size of the material. Micronizers: Micronizer is used to reduce the particle size of the API as per customer requirement.Blenders: Two or more production lots shall be blended to increase the commercial batch size.


S. No. Name of the Product Block

1 Anastrozole Kilo Lab

2 Citalopram Hydrochloride Kilo Lab

3 Granisetron Hydrochloride Kilo Lab

4 Letrozole Kilo Lab

5 Rizatriptan Benzoate Kilo Lab

6 Salmeterol Xinafoate Kilo Lab

7 Sumatriptan Kilo Lab

8 Tamsulosin Hydrochloride Kilo Lab

9 Tolterodine tartrate Kilo Lab

10 Trihexyphenidyl HCl Kilo Lab

11 Zoledronic Acid Kilo Lab

12 Zolmitriptan Kilo Lab

13 Paroxetine Hydrochloride Hemihydrate Pilot Plant

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==============================================================================================S. No. Name of the Product Block

14 S-Citalopram Oxalate Pilot Plant

15 Sumatriptan succinate Pilot Plant

16 Terbinafine Hydrochloride Pilot Plant

17 Isosorbide- 5-Mononitrate Production Block-II

18 Isosorbide Dinitrate Production Block-II

19 Citalopram Hydrobromide Production Block-III

20 Erlotinib Hydrochloride Production Block-III

21 Ibandronate sodium monohydrate Production Block-III

22 Ondansetron Hydrochloride Production Block-III

23 Imatinib Mesylate MPB A

24 Sertraline Hydrochloride MPB A

25 Fluoxetine Hydrochloride MPB B

26 Lansoprazole MPB B

27 Lanthanum Carbonate MPB B

28 Omeprazole MPB B

29 Pantoprazole sodium MPB B

30 Glatiramer Acetate MPB CK

APPROACH ROADS:A well-laid and wide road runs all around all the buildings/production blocks and solvent storage tank farm area. Two gates are ends of the road lead to the National Highway No. 7, which connects Hyderabad & Bangalore. The same road leads to Mekaguda village towards North side.There is one main gate at Security office on East side, one gate on South West Boundary wall the site. (Gate 1: Main Security-Time office, Gate: 2: checking). The first gate is used for allowing Emergency Vehicles like Fire Brigade, Ambulance vans etc., to enter. The gate 1 & 2 are manned round the clock by Security Officer and Security Guards.

Security Setup: One – Security Officer available in General Shift 10-12 Security Guards available in each shift.

Boundaries: Total site have 3 feet compound wall with solar fencing all around.

East Side – Inmulnarva to kolbaithanda road West Side – Mekaguda to kondanguda road North Side – Inmulnarva to shadnagar road reaches national high way South Side – Mekaguda to kondanguda road


Following are the predominant wind direction:

February to April : Towards North West & North

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May to September : Towards North East & East October to January : Towards South West & West Average Wind Velocity : 10 Km/Hour


Emergency lights are provided in all the production blocks each floor and raw material stores. 1 no. 1200 KVA, 2 no’s each 1000 KVA & 3 no’s each 320 KVA for production and utilities back up. Diesel Generators are also available for providing power supply to the lighting system and the critical equipment like reactors, fire pumps, effluent treatment plant, scrubbers etc. in case of APSEB power failure. One no of dedicated diesel operated pump provided for Fire Hydrant System in the Fire Pump House.

Utilities of Power Sources: HT Connection – 750 KVAAlternate Power Sources: Diesel Generator 1500 KVAUPS Power ---5 KVA, 10 KVA, Emergency Lighting Circuits.


Corner of the administration building will be the emergency control center with the following Provisions / facilities. Copy of Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP). Plant layout with escape routes, assembly points clearly marked. Detailed layout of Fire Hydrant Line. Emergency Team organization chart. Master rolls of Employees of all departments. Emergency trolley with fire extinguishers and other equipments for fire fighting. Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as fire entry suits, respiratory cartridge masks, self-

contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) Sets, PVC & heat resistant suits, gloves, goggles, Ear muffs and gum shoes etc.

Material safety data sheets (MSDS) of the chemicals being used in the factory. Internal telephone, External telephone, and Cell phone for outside contact. List of important telephone number and addresses of key persons. List of nearby hospitals / doctors with telephone numbers. List of nearby fire brigades and their telephone numbers. List of ERT & First-aid members. First-aid boxes. Flame Proof Torch Lights. Mega Phone for public announcement system. Note pads, white papers, pens, pencils etc.


All employees in the block where the emergency occurs shall evacuate the work place and assemble at the locations identified as assembly points. Site Plan showing the Evacuation Routes & Assembly Points. Depending upon the wind direction the following are the assembly points

Assembly point no -1 (Near Canteen & Administration building)

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Assembly point no -2 (Near Power house) Assembly point no -3 ( Near Effluent treatment plan)


First Aid Boxes are provided at required places. Occupational Health Centre is provided which is running round the clock with Factory Medical

Officer and qualified Male Nurses. Necessary equipment like cot, bed, stretchers, examination table, weighing machine, oxygen kit, resuscitator auto clave, suction a machine and required First Aid items are provided.

An Ambulance Van is available round the clock for transporting injured/sick persons from Factory to Hospital and from the site of incident to the Occupational Health Centre.

Records of Medical Examination and Treatment are maintained. Suction machine, Blood Pressure apparatus, Autoclave for sterilisation of dressings & equipment,

antivenom injection etc. Antidote such as Atropine sulphate & life saving medicines are kept. First Aid Training is given to the First Aiders during Safety Training Programmes. Recognised Hospitals and Eye Specialist at Hyderabad are located at a Distance of 50 km from the

factory. Government Hospital is available at Hyderabad and nearby Doctors and Hospitals are contacted in

Emergency by our FMO. Critical Cases are referred to Govt Hospitals/Specialised Hospital at Hyderabad Secunderabad,Bidar

under the guidance our Factory medical Officer Emergency showers/eye wash fountains are provided in each block & Storage areas and at strategic

locations for thorough washing in case of chemical splashes/hot burns / chemical burns.


Medical examination of all employees will be carried out once in a year. All employees medical Records have maintained in personnel departments.

AMBULANCE AVAILABILITY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: Ambulance van available with trained driver available at site round the clock for any kind of Emergency. Ambulance having following safety items.

A wheeled stretcher with folding and adjusting devices, with the head of the stretcher capable of being fitted upward.

Fixed suction unit with equipment. Fixed oxygen supply with equipment. Pillow with case - Sheets - Blankets; Towels. Emesis bag; Bed pan; - Urinal - Glass Flares with life of 30 minutes - Flood lights Flash lights - Fire extinguisher dry powder type; Insulated gauntlets. portable suction unit, portable oxygen units Bag-valve-mask, hand operated artificial units Airways, Mouth gaga - Trachoestomy adaptors Short spine board, I V Fluids with administration units B.P. Manometer, Cugg,- Stethoscope

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Long and short boards, wire ladder splints Triangular bandage, long and short spine boards Gauge pads 4" x 4", Universal dressing 19" x 36" Roll of Aluminium foils, soft roller bandages 6" x 5 yards adhesive tape in 3" roll, safety pins Bandage sheets-burn sheets Poisoning : Syrup of Ipecac, Activated charcoal pre-packed in doses, snake bite kit, drinking water-

pre-packed in doses Emergency medicines: As per requirement under the advice of medical officer.

COMMUNICATING THE EMERGENCY INSIDE THE FACTORY PREMISES: Means of communications: Following are the means of communication

Public address system Intercom System Walky talky Megaphone Hand Operated Siren (in case of power failure) installed at main security gate Electrical Siren (Emergency Siren – 3 Km Range) installed at main security gate Hooters inside the process plant / other buildings Messengers/Runners By continuous whistle: The Security will alert the persons soon after receiving the information about

the emergency.

For communicating the declaration of emergency and evacuation decision to the plant personnel, the electrical siren is used by the security officer upon getting instructions from site incident controller / Incident controller / Emergency coordinator / HOD (Safety & Health)

COMMUNICATION WITH LOCAL SERVICES:In case of need from the nearby fire stations, Hospitals, help is sought by contacting on the following number by Personnel and Administration Co-ordinator during working hours and by emergency co-ordinator beyond working hours

Fire Station, Shadnagar. Tel.Ph.No.282101 Fire Station, Mahaboobnagar Tel.Ph.No.252101 Govt. Hospital, Kothur Tel.Ph.No.252361

In consultation with Site Controller / Incident controller, the Manager- Administration communicates The information to the following department, depending on the nature of the disaster/emergency:

Director of Factories, BRK Bhavan, Lower Tank Bund. Dy.Chief Inspector of Factories, Mahaboobnagar Inspector of Factories – Mahaboobnagar A.P.Pollution Control Board – Sanath Nagar, Hyderabad. Environmental Engineer – Regional Office – Mahaboob nagar District Collector – Mahaboob nagar District. Superintendent of Police, -- Mahaboob nagar District. Circle Inspector of Police, -- Kothur, Mahaboob nagar District. Inspector of Police, -- Kothur, Mahaboob nagar District.

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Mandal Revenue Officer, -- Kothur Mandal. Gram Panchayat, -- Mekaguda village.


Escape routes are those that allow reasonably safe passage of persons from the work area to the Assembly Points.

The emergency exits boards/marking with the arrow directions are provided in all production Blocks/rooms, QC buildings, Raw Material Stores. The ‘Way to Assembly Point’ signage boards Are provided at various strategic locations so as to reach the desired ‘Assembly Point’ depending Upon the wind direction


During an emergency, the knowledge of exact wind direction helps the plant Personnel to decide on the selection of right escape route for safe evacuation of Personnel and also the safe assembly point.

The wind sacks are provided at the following locations and the locations of wind sacks are marked in the site plan

S.No Block/Location

1. PB-I Building 2. PB-II Building3. PB-V Building4. PB-VII Building5. SRP column6. MPB-E& F7. MPB-G8. P&A Building9. Stripper column

Depending on the wind direction, the escape route is chosen and personnel are given guidance for Escape through these routes. Refer site plan for escape route.


Readily accessible means of drenching water for workers, parts of body of workers and, clothing of workers who have been contaminated with hazardous and corrosive substance; and such means shall be as per the scale shown in the Table below.

S.No Block/Location E.S & B.S –Numbers1. PILOT PLANT SFT-ESBS-012. PB-I  SFT-ESBS-023. PB-I   SFT-ESBS-034. PB-II SFT-ESBS-045. PB-II SFT-ESBS-056. PB-III SFT-ESBS-06

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Fire and Explosion Toxic gas release Spillage of chemicals from storage and from process Flooding Earthquake Lightning

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Food poisoning


The plant areas where major emergencies such as “Fires or Explosions” or “Toxic Releases” are expected to take place are identified. The various emergencies are categorized as given below: -

Category I – Emergency:

Minor Emergencies which may or may not cause damage or injuries within any production blocks/Raw Material Stores/Section of the factory and which are not likely to develop to a magnitude that warrants evacuation of the personnel from the plant/ section of the factory. Such emergencies can be controlled by the Section In charges & plant personnel only.

Example: Minor fire near reactor manhole Minor fire near centrifuge area Minor fire near drier area Minor fire dry grass fire Minor fire at empty container storage area Minor fire in ETP area Minor fire in workshop Minor fire in contractor sheds M Minor Fire in QC/QA block Minor Fire in warehouse

Category II – Emergency:

Emergencies, which may or may not cause damage or injuries within any Production Blocks/Plant/Raw Material Stores/Section of the factory, are likely to develop or have developed to a magnitude that warrants evacuation of personnel from the plant/section of the factory.Category II Emergency can be controlled effectively using resources within the factory and requires initiation of “Onsite Emergency plan” by the Site chief emergency Controller/ site Incident Controller

Examples: Day storage tanks for ML, Spent Solvent, and Fresh solvent Fire in Raw Material Stores Fire in Incinerator Fire in Bulk Liquid Storage Area Fire in Spent Solvent Storage Area Fire in hazardous waste storage shed Explosion in liquid nitrogen tank Explosion in liquid oxygen tank

Category III – Emergency:

Emergencies, which may cause material damage or injuries and likely to have an impact on entire operation of the factory. Such emergencies may be controlled using resources within the factory and resources available in the surrounding establishments, outside help and requires initiation of “On site Emergency plan” by the chief emergency controller.

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Examples: Fire in Bulk Solvent Storage tanks in Tank Farm Fire in Production blocks Toxic gas release from bulk storage tanks in tank farm (Bromine /Chlorine gas leak). Toxic gas release from Dry HCl cylinders storage shed and battery at production block Fire in Hydrogen cylinders storage and reactor area in Block-IV Release of ammonia from ammonia gas cylinders.

Category IV – Emergency :

This type of major emergency is like to have an impact on the surrounding area. Resources from Local and State Government may be required to control such an emergency. Category IV – Emergency requires initiation of “On site Emergency Action” by the Site Incident Controller and Incident Controller and co-ordination with “District Emergency Authority” for Offsite Emergency Action.


Earthquake Flooding Food poisoning Cyclone

Category V – Emergency:

Major Emergencies that can occur outside the factory premises during transportation of flammable Toxic Materials like Methanol, Toluene, Ethyl Acetate, etc., which are procured by NPCD – fall Under this Category.

Emergency situations may also arise during transportation of treated effluent to PETL (as and when Required), hazardous wastes & spent solvents from our sites to TSDF & authorized agencies as the Case May be. Emergency arising due to transportation of finished goods & intermediates from our Site to suppliers are Co-ordinate by Safety, Commercial, Marketing & Quality Assurance Team. Assistance from suppliers, Transporters, police and fire services may be required to control such Emergencies. The NPCD Management has also to co-ordinate with the District Emergency Authority to initiate actions as per the “Off site Emergency Plan” prepared by the District Emergency authority.

Examples: Major Fire Emergency of Road tankers transporting flammable solvent/corrosive chemicals in bulk

toxic chemicals/gases in bulk. Major spillage of treated effluent & hazardous wastes (solid & liquid) Fire incidents of trucks/vehicles during transportation of hazardous wastes from our site to PETL

(for Effluent), TSDF (for Hazardous wastes) & authorized agencies (for hazardous by products, spent solvents & wastes)

Emergency situations due to accident of vehicles/trucks carrying & transporting finished goods& intermediates.


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Any person noticing an unusual occurrence or toxic release must break the manual call point which is provided for all the buildings and blocks. He also communicates the emergency on Intercom No.335 which is available with second gate security gateIf any person notices fire he should start shouting "FIRE—FIRE-- FIRE". and break the manual call point which is provided for all the buildings and blocks. Or raise the FIREBELL” for a one minute.He also communicates the emergency situation to security on Intercom No.335 which is available with second gate security.

PERSON WHO HEARS 'HOOTER SOUND SHOULD. (Fire /toxic release any other emergency) first inform the Section In charge or concerned Department Head immediately through intercom or Walky talky. Rush to the scene of Fire and help others in Fire fighting if he is trained in fire fighting The Section In charge rushes to the incident spot and assess the situation. If the emergency is a Major one falling under any of the categories other than category-1 will inform to the site Controller through Intercom phone No 301 or through massager. Incident controller immediately takes the charge of site and does all necessary actions with ERT Team. Incident controller give the information to Site Controller and Security department on Intercom Phone no.335 or 333 or walky talky about place of Fire, material involved etc. Arrange for the evacuation of the persons of the endangered block/area by using the emergency Escape Routes to reach to the Assembly Point. In absence of Site controller-Executive Vice President (CES), The Vice President (production) will Take charge of site controller, The Vice President-Production, is the Incident Controller, in case of absence of Incident Controller, Immediate subordinate at site will act as an Incident Controller during working hours


During the General Shift from 8.45 AM. to 5.30 PM. the Site Controller has the authority to Declare the emergency for all Categories. During the working hours when the Site Controller/Incident Controller is not available at plant, the Emergency Coordinator (Block In charges) has the responsibility and authority to declare a major Emergency based on his assessment. Production In charges of respective block is the Emergency Co-ordinator after the General shift Hour from 6.00PM to 9.00AM and on Holidays. On Sunday or on holidays the Emergency Coordinator (Block In charges) has the responsibility And Authority to declare a major emergency based on his assessment. Other than general shift, the duty officer who is available at site will be acts as a site controller And Authority to declare a major emergency based on block in charges information. Information Should be give to NDO on walky talky or intercom number 335.

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The Night duty officer who is present on duty will take the charge of the ECC and do the Announcement for evacuation of plant.


The Night duty officer who is present on duty will take the charge of the ECC and do the Announcement for evacuation of plant. The NDO should contact all Emergency key personnel for providing the necessary resources in Controlling an Emergency coordinator. The NDO alerts Security Personnel to give Emergency Siren as per code, after assessing the Gravity of the situation. Block in charge will give instruction and guides his staff to tackle the situation, with the help of Executive- Production & Executive – Maintenance. Block in charge will alerts Mechanical, Electrical, Security, Quality Assurance and other Departments by lashing the news about the emergency and seeks their help. Block in charge will alerts the Shift-in-charges of other blocks to be prepared for emergency action i.e., to bring all the processes to safe position or to stop as the situation warrants and to take Preventive measures to stop spread of Fire etc., and for orderly evacuation. Block in charge will directs for the removal of other material from the vicinity of the incident. Block in charge will arranges for evacuation of other staff, other than persons attending the Emergency. Block in charge will arranges for necessary Fire Extinguishers and Personal Protective appliances For the persons with the help of emergency core team members for attending the emergency. With the help of Occupational Health Centre, he arranges Medical Aid/First Aid to the injured. He arranges for taking roll call at the assembly points to verify a find out any missing person and Arranges to rescue the trapped persons if any. He communicates the information to the key persons i.e., Site Controller, Incident Controller, DGM.-EHS, GM-P&A, Manager-Administration, through Security and after their arrival, he hands Over the Charge to the Site controller / Incident Controller and helps them. Major Emergency is declared by sounding the emergency siren as per the siren code to indicate the

Emergency. Manual call point / Fire bell is operated for alerting the local area personnel for initiate the



This Electric siren gives an indication that an emergency exists in any part of the factory and this siren gives wailing siren for Three minute pulsating tone (Long run siren with ON & OFF) & is raised by the security officer upon receiving instructions from Site Controller/ Incident controller/DGM-EHS who is Emergency Coordinator. The emergency siren code is given below.

For Fire /Toxic release Emergency - Wailing Siren for 3 Minutes ( Pulsating tone) All clear Siren - Continuous long siren for 60 seconds


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The sounding of an emergency siren is an indication to the personnel in the factory that an emergency has arisen and if so directed, they have to shut down the plant to a safe position and move towards the Assembly Point using the appropriate escape routes.

In case of Category IV & V emergencies, which are “Off-site” nature, the Site Controller has to inform the District Emergency Authority (DEA) i.e. the District Collector of Mahaboob nagar district.

The emergency operations are controlled from the emergency control center. The emergency operations are controlled by the Site Controller with the coordination of incident

controller and DGM-EHS There will be an emergency Siren for the entire Factory premises and same will be raised by the

security Officer/guard who sits in second gate after receiving the instruction from site incident controller/ incident controller.

After raising the emergency siren, security guard shall open the Emergency control center for occupying the site controller. And red flag shall be shown as emergency.

Site controller takes the charge of ECC and does the announcement through public address system for total plant evacuation or partial evacuation of plant depending on the emergency.

Site controller also does the announcement for evacuation route and location assembly point etc.


All employees are trained in Fire Prevention and Basic Fire Fighting and also refresher courses are Conducted at a regular interval.

A well-trained Security team is working round the clock in shifts to meet any emergency and rescue of Personnel trapped in any gas or fire accidents.

Smoking is prohibited in the plant area All electrical installations are flame proof in fire hazard areas as per the Hazard Area classification. Bonding & Earthing and bend or dip pipes (wherever) in solvent receiving lines are provided in the Plant.

All Solvent Tank (Storage Tank, Receiving Tank) vents are provided with flame arrestors. All Reactor vents are provided with flame arrestors. Safety Valves / Rupture Discs are provided wherever applicable to prevent Explosion due to pressure Medium velocity water spray system is provided for solvent storage tanks and day storage tanks for Solvent and mother liquor tanks. Automatic control of temperature and alarm are provided for critical reactions. House Keeping is maintained and system is followed for removal of oil soaked cotton wastes and Other combustible wastes to prevent spontaneous combustion. Proper labelling system is adopted to prevent wrong addition of chemicals. Proper storage methods are developed and incompatible chemicals are segregated and stored

Separately to prevent fires.


The facilities of the plant are provided in a plot of 100 acres. It is having approach roads all around the Plant.

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Production area mainly consists of reactors, coolers, condensers, associated ancillary equipment, fitters, pumps, driers, distillation set up, scrubbers etc.

Production block and dry shed have been allocated for the production of drugs and intermediate. Warehouse will hold material received in barrels carbuoys, solid bags and in fiber drums. Apart from the above storages, solvents are received and stored for operation in tanks and approval

from CCOE. Boiler steam generation is based on furnace oil/coal for which a separate storage facility is

available. Utility section consists of cooling towers and connected pumps, refrigerated salt-water circulation

system and one boiler for steam generation. Since most of the reactions are carried out in the presence of Nitrogen to ensure inert atmosphere

and for purging equipment before commencing reaction a separate liquid Nitrogen Storage Tank is provided with necessary safety precaution.

Production areas, storage yard, warehouse, peripheral area and utility yards have hydrants, monitors, manual call points, landing hydrants and first aid firefighting equipment.

Fire protection system provided for all production block and storage area as per TAC norms. Fire water storage is 600M3 an exclusive storage facility. All supply lines are laid over ground; underground lines are with protective and anticorrosive

layers. Hydrant lines are pressurized with 7.0Kgs/cm2 pressure All above ground day tanks have dyke and containment facility. Flame proof electrical system in all process and storage areas where flammable material is handled. Shut down and trip systems. All systems are built to specific standards. Special precautions for truck unloading. ‘No Smoking’ within plant premises. Regular testing of safety apparatus. Fire drills to ensure preparedness. Training for handling emergencies arising out of toxic gas release.


Speed is essential Use the best presence of mind. Raise the manual call point in case of fire/Explosion/toxic gas release etc. Clarity of information and instructions to all concerned persons and authorities. Ensure only trained persons are deployed for combating the situation and safety procedures are

followed. In case of eventual evacuation, it should be in the opposite wind direction. Telephone /walky-talky systems are to be used for essential communication to combat the

emergency. In case of communication failure, send messengers by any means of transport available. Adequate quantity of material to neutralize spills should be kept in ready supply. E.g. Soda Ash,

Sand etc. Rush to the spot of fire and attempt to put out the fire with suitable things within his reach, if he is

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trained in Fire Fighting, otherwise informs the concerned Section In charge and evacuate using the Emergency Escape Route to Assembly Point.

Switch off electrical power, to the equipment on fire wherever possible. Extinguish and Tackle the fire with suitable fire extinguishers available in the area. If extinguishing fire is not possible, he should see that fire does not spread to nearby materials/areas. Use fire hydrant hose from the nearest Fire Hydrant Hose Boxes if trained in use of Fire Hydrant. Operate the quick opening valve for the Medium Velocity Water spray system, if the fire is in on

solvent tanks, if trained in the operation. Only Trucks and Tankers with flame trap, spark arrestors is allowed inside the plant.

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Common Coordinators Name & Phone Number AlternativeSite Controller P.S.R.K. Prasad -301

Mobile :9866005215T. Venkata Rao- 304

Incident Controller T. Venkata Rao - 304Mobile :9866005196

M. Prasad Rao -326

Safety & Evacuation Coordinator

Prakash.B - 333, 3458790560899

K. Suresh/D. Prakash

Medical Coordinator Dr. S.U.Nandur- 339 G. Siva PrasadCommunication Coordinator N. Satya Narayana -342 M. Samba Siva Rao - 328Fire Coordinator N. Venu- 334 P. Koteswara Rao-367Shut Down/Leak Control Coordinator

K. Srihari- 313 S. Lakshmana Babu-350

Security Coordinator Security Officer- 300 & 346 Security SupervisorBlock wise coordinator Name & Phone Number AlternativeP.B – I J. Prabhakar Rao - 319 K.S.C.Sekhar

P.B – II M. Prasada Rao- 315, 326 P.SudhakarP.B – III K.Srinivas - 370 D SrinivasP.B – IV, VI & VII R.C. Sekhar- 306, 327 Venkateswara RaoP.B – V R.C. Sekhar - 321 Venkateswara RaoKilo Lab and R&D G.Vijay Kumar - 349 & 364 Raghu RamM.P.B – A M. Prasada Rao -326 K. Vinu KondaiahM.P.B – B M. Prasada Rao -326 K. Vinu KondaiahM.P.B – C P.V. Prasad- 357 BrahmaiahMPB – C Kilo Lab G.Vijay Kumar -330 Ch. Srinivasa RaoP.P & M.P.B – D Koteswararao -312 Mr. Rama KrishnaMPB- E block G. Vijay kumar -330 Mr Venkateswara rao-

403 - 101MPB- F block M. Prasada Rao -326 Mr. Nannapenai Srinivas-

392/393 -201,202MPB- G block Mr. Ch Srinivas – 384/394 - 31 Mr. Krishna PrasadMPB- J block M. Prasada Rao -326 Mr. G. SrinivasWarehouse I, II, III and IV M. Nageswara Rao -317 & 318 S.M. NazeerMaintenance Ch. Brahma Rao - 355 K. Srihari- 313E.T.P and ATFD and MEE P. Chiranjeevi Rao -354 & 324 SatyanarayanaQ.C Building Krishnarao Rao-305 & 309 M.C.V. ReddyAdministration Building N. Satya Narayana -342 & 338 Rangarao- 381

RESPONSIBILTIES DURING EMERGENCIES: i) Site controller: Executive Vice President – CES, Alternative: vice president – Production

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Once receive the call from security or incident controller of any incident, he shall assess the Situation quickly if possible and decide, if a major emergency is to be declared. If so, advice Incident Controller /security (phone no. 335) to raise emergency siren accordingly. On declaration of Major Emergency, ensure that outside help is called (Police, Fire Brigade, and Ambulances) and if necessary NPCD is inform. Ensure co-ordination between the Incident Controller and all the emergency team viz. Control Team, Fire Fighting Team and Rescue Team First Aid and Medical Team, Stores, Transport, Security, Engineering, Production etc. In consultation with the incident controller direct the shutting down of the plant and evacuation of the Personnel to safe locations, if required. He declares emergency, directing other areas/blocks/section to stop processes Ensure that any casualties are receiving attention, get additional help if required and ensure that Relatives are informed. Liaise with fire and police officers and advise them on effect outside the factory. Ensure accounting of personnel. Maintain continuous communication with Incident Controller and review the situation. He is over all in charge of the emergency situation and spoke person for carrying out Communication with Media / Press / Govt. Officials / NGOs, etc. His task is to co-ordinate all the internal and external activities from the emergency control center Located at Main Security Gate Keep liaison with Government Officials viz. Factory Inspector, Director, Factories, Superintendent of Police, Additional Fire Officer, and Pollution Control Board with assistance from Dy General Manger – EHS and Manager-Administration Arrange for relief of personnel where emergency is prolonged with assistance from Manager(P&A) If the toxic release extends to areas outside the factory premises and the emergency falls in the Category IV, then inform the Police, Local Authorities like Gram Panchayat and the District Emergency Authority specifically about such development and arrange evacuation, transportation and Medical attention as required by the authorities. Decide on termination of emergency, advice Incident Controller/security accordingly, and Authorize the sounding of all clear siren. Direct rehabilitation work on termination of emergency Ensure preservation of evidence.

ii) Incident Controller: Vice president – Production Alternative: Block Head

Once receive the information from workmen / any other regarding incident, he shall rush to the Spot and assess the situation quickly. Communicate the emergency to the Site Controller immediately.

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Give information to ECC security personnel (Phone 335) to raise emergency siren accordingly. Incident Controller is the person directly responsible for controlling the disaster. He reports to Site Incident Controller. He handles the situation by arresting or containing the chemical release, or containment or Suppression of Fire spread. He advises Site Incident Controller about the magnitude of risk. He arranges to segregate the material available in incident spot and arrange for its safe storage. He brings the processes of the section to a safe position by stopping the process as situation warrants. He ensures all his people are present at the assembly point and helps Security and Time Office in Accounting the missing/trapped person, if any by taking roll call and recording. He ensures that the injured persons are removed from the area of incident and brought to the safe Place. He guides the Core Team Members about type of reactions involved, the type of material in use And in Stock around the hazard area, and controlling operations. He Co-ordinates in arranging required personal protective appliances and ensures that fire Extinguishers are available to the Fire Fighting team and Core Team Members tackling emergency

Situations. He Co-ordinates with Safety & Security in incident control and in sending the injured for Medical Aid.

iii) Block / Section Controller:

Communicate the emergency situation to the Incident Controller, safety Suppress the emergency situation in the early stages Directing the employees to designated Evacuation and Assembly points. Organizing the shut down

Operations of the process Coordinating the shutdown of power and utilities to his section / block with the Shut down and leak

Control coordinator Arresting any leakages and handling containment failures in his section / block with the Shut down

And leak control coordinator Issuing further instructions to the employees as necessary

iv) Safety & Evacuation Coordinator:

Review and updating of EPRP Collection and compilation of information on the emergency situation Make provision of adequate additional control equipment if required Directing rescue operations in the affected areas Ensure that first aid to the injures is rendered properly Decide and initiate necessary evacuation measures Ensure that necessary preventive measures are initiated in the nearby area /plant/ industry /quarters Invalidate all safety permits issued in the affected and near-by areas Arranging replacement of used or exhausted safety items To report accidents and emergencies to Government authorities as per legal requirements Ensures the necessary PPE is available for emergency team

v) Medical Coordinator:

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To provide first aid treatment to injured persons To arrange for hospitalization of injured persons if necessary Mobilizing extra medical help from out side Keep the information about the availability of medicines and facilities

vi) Communications Coordinator:

Maintaining a primary backup communications between the ECC and the blocks/sections Communicate with external agencies like fire-brigades and hospitals Alert neighboring areas Arrangement of external medical treatment through factory medical officer Sends messages to the key persons or to any plant persons, if required by a messenger

(Two vehicles are available at his command for this purpose.)

vii) Fire Coordinator:

Forms fire combat team in coordination with the incident controller Fire containment and suppression operations Rescue operations in the affected areas Use of available portable fire extinguishers, sand along with the firefighting equipment to combat

the fire and to contain the spread of fire Arranging the portable fire extinguishers from the unaffected area, if required Arranging company vehicles as and when required

viii) Shut Down & Leak Control Coordinator:

Providing services of his staff to the incident controller for closing down the services Isolate the power supply where ever required Arrange to carry out assigned duties pertaining to salvage of all engineering services including

water supply, power supply, telephone systems and fire pump operations Providing emergency repair / power services as necessary Erecting barricades and other vehicle movement control devices as necessary Providing for debris clearance and effected site clean up as necessary

ix) Security Coordinator:

Controlling the movement of employees and vehicles at the site and maintaining the access lines for emergency vehicles and personnel

Security Officer shall communicate with Site Emergency Team about the Incident. Preventing unauthorized entry into hazardous or secured areas Assisting with the Medicare and handling of injured persons Assisting with fire combat team if necessary

x) Supervisor/ Officer of the affected area /Block: He will carry out the following jobs.

Under the leadership of Senior Supervisor the fire fighting team will work promptly to arrest the fire with the aid of the Fire extinguishers available there if

Emergency is of category I use fire extinguishers and if emergency of category II & III using fire

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Hydrant, water monitor, foam monitor, fire extinguisher DCP trolley for extinguish the fire. All helpers, operators and other supervisors who are trained in fire fighting and operational safety

will assist him in fighting the fire. On arrival of the shift in charge/Block In charge to the spot, all the personnel will work under his


xi) Executive - Production/QA-QC /Maintenance / Stores Executive/Shift In charges / Managers:

Execute all the jobs to stop spreading of fire Instruct for closure of all valves on pipe lines carrying inflammable material entering into the section Remove combustible and flammable/explosive, toxic materials etc, if possible. Advise on emergency stoppage of process, if needed. Arrange for rescue of operations, if persons are trapped. Call other agencies for help, material etc. On arrival of Fire brigade, the fire will be put out under the directions of the Executive-Safety / Production Executive / Shift In -charge.

xii) Shift Electrician/Supervisor: He will ensure the following jobs:

The shift electrician / supervisor must always available in his work area so that he can contact / instructed to switch off power supply to be affected block / section.

In case of Fire / Toxic release the ventilation system of the affected section / block should be Switched off

AHU should be restarted after ensuring the people have been evacuated The person should be allow to enter into section / block by the section in-charge after ensuring the

toxic gas / obnoxious gas is absent Remain alert on duty for any electrical isolation of equipment during the emergency. Ensure that adequate power supply is available for sensitive plant operations. Keep the generators in readiness, in case of power failure during emergency.

xiii) Ambulance Driver:

The ambulance driver on duty shall rush to the Parking Area, take over the ambulance, and await instructions from the Site controller or Factory Medical Officer or Male Nurse and then rushes to the incident spot.

He should park the ambulance in such a way that it is not very near to the affected area. Ambulance should be parked in the opposite wind direction in case of toxic release He should park ambulance in reverse direction, so that the victim can be put in ambulance easily.

xiv) Manager – Administration:

Regulate traffic movement within the factory Arrange alternative transportation in case of breakdown of transport vehicles, ambulance etc., Arrange vehicles for transportation of injured persons Arrange for relievers and catering facilities. Inform kith and kin of casualties.

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Arrange fund for emergency purchase of materials. Take head count of contract workers Alert neighbouring industries/villagers In his absence, his immediate sub-ordinates take the charge for all the responsibilities.

xv) All Other employees:

On hearing the emergency siren, contact the section in charge for necessary action. Do not leave your work area or go to the site of emergency and wait for the instructions for

evacuation. If you are an employee of unaffected area, be ready to close down (shutdown) Operations / plant /

equipment in your work area. Be ready to go to the nearby assembly point. If you are present in an area, which is not your regular work place, inform the section in charge of

that area about your presence and follow his advice. If you do not get any directions from the section in charge and if you happen to get affected at any

stage by the spreading toxic gas or fire, then act as indicated below: In case you notice/smell leakage of toxic gas like chlorine then leave the place in cross wind

direction and precede the assembly point located in that direction. Warn nearby employees, if possibly by shouting. All hot work in progress within the factory limits must stop.

Affected Areas: The following factors should be checked off before normal operations may be resumed. Permission from the authorities has been obtained. Absence of explosive or toxic gases has been verified The causes of the incident have been identified. No new hazards have been created by the Incident. The search and recovery of missing persons is complete. Damaged plant and structures have been made safe. Access is safe and any temporary systems of work are safe and without risk.


S.NO Location Factors Leading to an emergency Hazard

1 Production blocks

1. Spillage of flammable liquids, and spark due to static electricity, mechanical friction, electrical short circuit etc.

2. Sparks due to welding & cutting operations.3. Mechanical friction sparks while centrifuging

leading to fire.4. Fire due to static electricity while transferring

flammable chemicals.5. Toxic gas release into atmosphere.6. Confined space hazards.

Fire & explosion, air pollution, property damage, Resource depletion, injury to human beings.

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S.NO Location Factors Leading to an emergency Hazard

2. Ware house area. &Bulk storage yard.

1. Spillage of flammable liquids, and spark due to static electricity, mechanical friction, electrical short circuit etc.

2. Spillage of hazardous chemicals while handling.

3. Sparks due to welding & cutting operations.4. Fire due to static electricity while transferring

flammable chemicals.5. Toxic gas release into atmosphere.6. Spark from running vehicles.7. Accidental release of oxygen and nitrogen

Fire & explosion, air pollution, property damage, Resource depletion, to human beings. Liquid burns

3 Services 1. Electrical sparks due to short circuit.2. Confined space hazards.3. Fire & Explosion due to Welding & Cutting

of process equipment.4. Spillage & Leakage of CaCl2 solution.5. Explosion of boiler 6. Leakage of Flu gas from boiler exhaust

Fire & Explosion, Property damage, injury to human beings, Land contaminationBurn and thermal heat

4 Power House area.

1. Electrical sparks due to short circuit.2. Confined space hazards.3. Fire & Explosion due to Welding & Cutting 4. Spillage & Leakage of HSD

Fire & Explosion, Property damage, injury to human beings, Land contamination.

5 Q.C Laboratory

1. Electrical sparks due to short circuit.2. Leakage of H2 gas.3. Spillage of hazardous chemicals while

handling in the lab.

Fire & Explosion, air pollution, Property damage, injury to human beings.


S.NO Location Factors Leading to emergency Hazard

1 Failure of water pollution control equipment

1. Overflow of water2. Mechanical or electrical

breakdowns of ETP.

Water pollution and Land contamination

2 Dust collector at boiler

1. Failure of dust collector. Air pollution and High emission of dust.

3 Process scrubbers 1. Failure of scrubber systems. Air pollution.


S.NO Location Factors Leading to emergency Hazard

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==============================================================================================1 Production block

area1. Spillage during handling &

batch charging.2. Failure of pipelines, valves &

storage tanks.

1. Air pollution2. Water pollution3. Land contamination4. Resource depletion

2 Ware house area 1. Spillage during Loading, Unloading & transportation.

2. Failure of pipelines & storage tanks.

1. Air pollution2. Water pollution3. Land contamination4. Resource depletion

3 Power house area 1. Spillage of HSD, LUB oil while handling

1. Air pollution2. Water pollution3. Land contamination4. Resource depletion


After taking all the precautions regarding the identified hazards probability of emergency is Reduced but it cannot be totally eliminated. To deal with such emergency, following procedure is Adopted.

Any employee who notices a fire will shout “FIRE-FIRE-FIRE” to raise an alarm/to ring the Fire bell at least 60 seconds. He will analyze the fire and immediately start the fire fighting Operation with the use of fire extinguishers / buckets available in the department.

The person who hears him, he will then report the matter to his HOD/ In-charge.HOD /In-charge of the department will immediately rush to the location of fire and inform regarding the type and nature of fire to Security, Safety department and to the plant manger On the intercom phones, and for further action.

Shut-down & Leak Control Coordinator shall switch off the power supply to that area Immediately to avoid further hazards.

The in-charge of that section informs the same to the Site controller.Immediately after receiving the fire call, the fire combat will rush to the spot for fighting the fire The Communications Coordinator asks the nearby fire station for further help in case of Necessity.

Simultaneously while fighting the flammable, combustible materials, oxidants or explosives Are removed to safer place wherever possible. If shifting of the above materials is not Possible, the adjacent area also is sprayed with water as an additional precaution.

In case of any emission of toxic/ poisonous fumes while fighting the fire, the working personnel shall use the mask with compressed air line / Self Contained Breathing Apparatus

(SCBA) set. The Block / Section Coordinator shall bring all other process & activities to safe position or

Stopped. The security department will instruct the guards to carry extra fire extinguishers and rush to

The location to take charges of the fire fighting operation. If the fire is out of control, the safety officer arranges to start fire pump. Then he will rush

to the location and try to control the situation with the help of security guards, employees and HOD.

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The Safety officer and Factory Manger will assess the situation and call external agencies, (Fire brigades), through phone calls for help if necessary. They will also inform all other HODs concerned regarding the emergency.

In case of major fire, Security officer will give signal of alarm by operating the siren. When the siren is given, evacuation of persons form the location of fire will be taken up as per Instructions from the HOD. These persons shall assemble at locations identified as Evacuation & Assembly points.

On the arrival of fire brigade, the in-charge of fire brigade will take charge of fire fighting Operation and security officer with his team will assist him in the fire fighting operation.

The medical Coordinator will send ambulance and necessary stretchers to the scene and Arrange for transportation and treatment of injured persons.

The Safety officer will give the information of the emergency to Government Authorities as Per legal requirements. The Factory Manger will prepare written report of the incidence with Help of Safety officer and send it to Government authorities and superiors.


Solvent storage pool fire:

Methanol, Acetone, toluene, IPA Cyclohexene, and Hexane is a flammable liquid and having flashpoint of less than 23 deg C. It is stored in horizontal tanks.

It takes approximately 2 hours for the leakage of 30 KL solvent from the tanks It takes approximately 14 hours for the vaporization of 1000 Kg of flammable solvent in a bund. In the event of rupture of any solvent bulk storage tank, the entire quantity may spill into the dyke

area. If this dyke catches fire, the radiation effects will be higher than the tank fire. The effect of radiation intensity levels from fires is given in Table No.1 The typical value and associated damage levels of thermal flux is given in Table No. 2 The consequence contour for Methanol Pool Fire is given in Drawing No.1 In case of pool fire, there will not be any harmful effect to the people up to a separation distance of

22 meter. The lower flammability limit distance for methanol vapour is 10 meter before it safely disperses. If this vapour meets with an ignition source within the lower flammability limit distance of 10 meter it will lead to a flash fire and pool fire as shown in the drawing No.1.

i) Solvent storage pool fire – Damage caused at different incident levels of thermal radiation

S. No.Incident Flux KW/m2

Type of Damage caused

Damage to Equipment Damage to people1. 37.5 Damage to process

equipment100% lethality in 1 min1% lethality in 10 seconds.

2. 25.0 Minimum energy to ignited wood at indefinitely long exposure without a flame

100% lethality in 1 minSignificant injury in 10 seconds

3. 12.5 Minimum energy to ignited wood with a flame; melts plastic tubing.

1% lethality in 1 min1st degree burns in 10 seconds

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4. 4.0 — Cause pain if duration is longer than20 seconds but blistering is unlikely

5. 1.6 — Causes no discomfort for long exposure.

ii) Solvent storage pool fire - Typical value and their associated damage levels of thermal Radiation

Relative Flux KW/m2 Harmful Effects

1.0 Strong sunlight

6.0 Related to a “Safe” exposure assuming that shelter is found within one minute.

12.0 Related to the flux required to weaken structural steel within tens of minutes.

24.0 Related to the flux required to weaken heavy structural steel within tens of minutes

iii) Solvent storage pool fire: Results of Thermal Radiation

S.No. Separation Distance (Meter) Thermal Radiation KW/m2

1. 28 4.0

2. 18.0 12.53. 37.5 12

iv) Solvent storage pool fire: consequence contour for methanol storage pool fire:

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i) Action in tank farm area during Emergency:

The operator/technician after noticing fire/leakage in tank farm area informs 335/333 and department in charges immediately.

Break the nearest manual call point immediately to alert the people. Take the nearest fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire if possible. Shout FIRE, FIRE / MANTA,

MANTA to alert the nearest person. Emergency is declared by activating the siren, after noticing fire or explosion in tank farm area Start using the fire hydrant points, water sprinkler, water monitor and foam gun kept near the tank

farm area. Evacuate all the personnel in the tank farm area. Stop all activities/loading unloading in the tank farm area Cordon off the area and do not allow any person inside tank farm. Inform Fire Station Shad Nagar/ Mahaboob Nagar about the Fire, if required. Inform Chief Inspector of Factories and police station.

ii) Emergency procedure for Fire protection measures in solvent storage tank farm:

Following protective measures are provided for the solvent Storage Pool Fire Emergency.

Automatic deluge valve with MVWS (medium velocity water sprinkler) provided for all solvent tanks.

Manual operated foam monitor system is installed over Solvent Storage Tank Public address system available in tank farm area for communication Portable Fire Extinguishers are kept in the solvent Storage Area. The Fire Hydrant System surrounds the Solvent Storage Area. Sand Buckets (12 Nos) are kept in the Solvent Storage Area. Water monitors are installed at Solvent Storage tank farm area 300 Liters of foam Compound with a foam making branch is kept at solvent storage tank farm All solvent tanks having condenser cooling with Flame arrestor provided. Lightening arrestors provided to nearby area Breather valves facility with Nitrogen blanketing provided to all flammable chemical storage tanks MCP provided inside the solvent tank farm area


Hydrogen is highly flammable (2H2 + O2 → 2H2O). It can ignite in combination with as little as 23% air (≈5% oxygen). Even small amounts of air in lines or storage tanks are potentially dangerous. In addition, the friction caused by high-pressure gas passing through a narrow valve could theoretically create enough heat to ignite hydrogen. Therefore, it is vital that no air be in lines. Before opening the hydrogen gas valve, purge the line with nitrogen gas to eliminate air. On loss of containment, a harmful concentration of hydrogen gas in the air will be reached very quickly. Hydrogen gas detectors have been installed in the Storage and Reactor area.

Effects of exposure to hydrogen:

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Fire: Extremely flammable. Many reactions may cause fire or explosion due to Gas/air mixtures.

Inhalation: High concentrations of this gas can cause an oxygen-deficient environment. The symptoms of exposure to hydrogen are headaches, ringing in ears, dizziness, drowsiness, unconsciousness, nausea, vomiting and depression of all the senses. The skin of a victim may have a blue color. Pre-existing respiratory conditions may be aggravated by overexposure to hydrogen. Ensure fresh air and rest to the victim. Artificial respiration may be needed. Inform OHC.Detection of Hydrogen flame: Hydrogen also burns with an invisible flame, which creates the risk of discovering a fire by walking into it. Before entering the suspected hydrogen leakage/fire area, detect hot spot using Infrared Gun. As an alternative, use a straw broom attached to 15 feet stick to find suspected flames. Burning of broom indicates presence of hydrogen flame.Fire: Shut off supply / depressurize the line / equipment. If not possible and no risk to surroundings. Let the fire burn itself out. In other cases extinguish with water spray, powder, carbon dioxide or Nitrogen gas. Keep cylinder cool by spraying with water. Combat fire from a sheltered position to prevent explosion. Evacuate personnel from the area. Use Aluminized fire suit while controlling fire Use DCP based Fire Extinguishers for fighting the fire Use Self Contained Breathing Apparatus while fighting hydrogen fire


The operator/technician after noticing fire or explosion in reactor break the nearest manual call point and informs 335/333 and department in charge

Emergency is declared by activating the siren, after noticing fire or explosion in Reactor. Start using the fire hydrant points near the Production block. Evacuate all the personnel in the production block. After announcement in the public address

system Stop all activities in the production block Stop all addition immediately in the production block Cordon off the area and do not allow any person inside tank farm. Inform Fire Station Shad Nagar/ Mahaboob Nagar about the Fire, if required. Inform Chief Inspector of Factories & Boilers on Phone


The operator/technician after noticing fire or explosion in centrifuge break the nearest manual call point and informs 335/333 and department in charge

Emergency is declared by activating the siren, after noticing fire or explosion in Centrifuge. Start using the fire hydrant points near the Production block. Evacuate all the personnel in the production block. After announcement in the public address system Stop all activities in the production block Stop all additions immediately in the production block Cordon off the area and do not allow any person inside tank farm.


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The operator/technician after noticing fire or explosion in Boiler break the nearest manual call point and informs 335/333 and department in charge

Emergency is declared by activating the siren, after noticing fire or explosion in Boiler. Start using the fire hydrant points near the boiler House. Evacuate all the personnel near the boiler area to assembly area. After announcement in the public

address system Cordon off the area and do not allow any person inside tank farm. Inform Fire Station Shad Nagar/Mahaboob nagar about the Fire, if required.


The operator/technician after noticing fire or explosion in ETP break the nearest manual call point and informs 335/333 and department in charge

Emergency is declared by activating the siren, after noticing fire or explosion in ETP. Start using the fire hydrant points near the boiler House. Evacuate all the personnel near the ETP area to assembly area. After announcement in the public

address system Cordon off the area and do not allow any person inside tank farm. Inform to Fire Station Shad nagar/Mahaboob nagar about the Fire. Inform Chief Inspector of Factories & PCB, Hyderabad. Clean up the area with water.


The operator/technician after noticing fire or explosion in DG break the nearest manual call point and informs 335/333 and department in charge.

Emergency is declared by activating the siren, after noticing fire or explosion in DG. Start using the fire hydrant points near the DG area. Evacuate all the personnel near the DG area to assembly area. After announcement in the public

address system Cordon off the area and do not allow any person near D.G. House. Inform Chief Inspector of Factories & Boilers on Phone Inform Police Station Clean up the area with water.


Lithium aluminum hydride is a highly flammable solid. Reacts violently with water, acids, and many oxygenated compounds; corrosive to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. LAH reacts with many metal halides to produce metal hydride products, which are flammable and toxic. Auto ignites in moist or heated air. Lithium aluminum hydride is highly corrosive to the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. Contact with moisture forms lithium hydroxide, which can cause severe burns. Powdered LAH forms dusts that can pose an inhalation hazard. Ingestion of this substance may cause aching muscles, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and unconsciousness and may be fatal. Ingestion can result in gas embolism due to the formation of hydrogen. Exposure to water results in the release of hydrogen, which can be ignited by the heat from the exothermic reaction. Lithium aluminum hydride should not be used as a drying

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agent for solvents because fires can easily result (LAH decomposes at about 125° C, a temperature easily reached at a flask's surface in a heating mantle). The decomposition products of LAH can be quite explosive, and the products of its reaction with carbon dioxide have been reported to be explosive.

In case of Fire:

If anybody noticed, break the nearest manual call point. Call 333 or walky talky to inform security gate. Break the MCP of power shut down.( Blue colour) Evacuate personnel from the area. Follow public address instructions Use dry chemical powder or sand to extinguish fires involving lithium aluminum hydride. Never use water or carbon dioxide extinguishers on an LAH fire. Use Self Contained Breathing Apparatus while fighting LAH fire. Use Nomex Suit.


Sodium hydride (NaH) in the dry state is pyrophoric. The product is purchased as relatively safe dispersion in Paraffin oil. Ignites spontaneously at room temperature in moist air. Reacts violently with water, liberating highly flammable hydrogen gas; causes severe burns on eye or skin contact. Sodium hydride reacts with the moisture on skin and other tissues to form highly corrosive sodium and potassium hydroxide. Contact of these hydrides with the skin, eyes, or mucous membranes causes severe burns; thermal burns may also occur due to ignition of the liberated hydrogen gas.

In case of Fire:

If anybody noticed, break the nearest manual call point. Call 333 or walky talky to inform security gate. Break the MCP of power shut down.( Blue colour) Evacuate personnel from the area. Follow public address instructions Sodium hydride fires must be extinguished with a class D dry chemical extinguisher or by the use of sand, ground limestone, dry clay or graphite. Water or CO2 extinguishers must never be used on sodium metal fires. Use Self Contained Breathing Apparatus while fighting NaH fire. Use Nomex Suit.


Reacts violently with water, liberating highly flammable hydrogen gas; causes severe burns on eye or skin contact. Sodium reacts with the moisture on skin and other tissues to form highly corrosive sodium hydroxide. Contact of metallic sodium with the skin, eyes, or mucous membranes causes severe burns; thermal burns may also occur due to ignition of the metal and liberated hydrogen.Sodium spontaneously ignites when heated above 115 °C in air that has even modest moisture content, and any sodium vapor generated is even more flammable. Sodium reacts violently on contact with water and often ignites or explodes the hydrogen formed.

In case of Fire:

If anybody noticed, break the nearest manual call point.( Red colour)

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Call 333 or walky talky to inform security gate. Break the MCP of power shut down.( Blue colour) Evacuate personnel from the area. Follow public address instructions. Sodium fires must be extinguished with a class D dry chemical extinguisher or by the use of sand,

Ground limestone, dry clay or graphite. Water or CO2 extinguishers must never be used on sodium fires. Use Self Contained Breathing Apparatus while fighting sodium metal fire. Use Nomex Suit.


While handling:

Use full PVC suit, Breathing apparatus, Rubber hand gloves, safety Shoes. Use PVC apron, Rubber hand gloves, safety goggles and face shield (8 inch a Minimum.) Highly corrosive. Do not allow contact with water.

In case of spillage:

Instruct other to be at a safe distance. Neutralize the spills with Sodium thiosulphate solution and spread Soda ash liberally over Spillage.

Collect neutralized material in double polyliner and keep in a HDPE carbouy and transfer to ETP For further disposal.

Use SCBA and Full PVC suit while handling & controlling spillage. Wash the spilled area with plenty of water after clean up is complete. Keep adequate level of water in the dyke of bromine storage tanks in order to avoid vaporization of Liquid bromine

Safety measures for bromine storage area: Bromine is handled in one of the stages of product andThree liter bottles charging to reactors.

Bromine handling in bottles 0f one liter Scrubber with caustic lye as neutralizing agent is provided. One positive air suit and two numbers of fresh air line air masks provided. Spill control kit and sodium Thiosulphate is provided. PPE box containing PVC suit, PVC hand gloves, Face shields, Goggles, Cartridge masks etc Provided.

Fire hydrant system is available. Tank form is surrounded by protective fencing. Body and Eye shower provided.


If anybody smell or small leakage observed, inform to PB-V production block in charges immediately.

If major leakage observed, break the nearest manual call point. Call 333 or walky talky to inform security gate.

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In case of leak Evacuate the people to safe area Responders must wear SCBA and PVC suit, never direct water jet on liquid. Use emergency kit for arresting leaks. The emergency kit provided for chlorine leak from toner can also be used. Always stand in up wind direction while attending to chlorine leak. Use Ammonia torch for detecting the exact location of leak. Follow the following procedure for arresting leak by using emergency chlorine kit

a) Chlorine leak through valve:

Bring the toner in top position by rolling the toner, set the triodes of the toner on the middle of the toner, put rubber gasket over the leaking valve over rubber gasket, and tighten against the toner valve by using stud with welded handle till the leaking stop.

b) Chlorine leak through fusible plug:Insert the yoke over hexagonal head of the fusible plug with stud passing through it. Place a blind fiber gasket over the plug and tighten the stud so that leaking stop.

c) Chlorine leak through threads:Put the rubber gasket over leaking plug, inset the yoke with stud through it, put a small hood over this arrangement, place a fiber gasket over the hood through the stud and fit the cap nut and tighten till the leak stops.

d) Chlorine leak from the body: Position the leaking toner on rolling support in such a way that the leaking position is on the top. Place around yoke plate with cap screw through it on leaking point. Attach one end of the chain to the hook on the bottom side of the toner position the top cap screw on round yoke plate and tighten till the leak stops.

e) Chlorine gas leak from the pipeline: Immediately stop the tonner valve. Wear SCBA /online mask and check with the ammonia torch. If leaks detect correct the flush the line with nitrogen and correct the same. After the nitrogen pressure test only reuse the line for chlorine passing.

Effects of exposure to chlorine at different concentrations on human beings:Potential /Types of major hazards in Tonners:

Liquid Chlorine 10 nos. Of one-ton chlorine cylinders (tanners) are stored in the chlorine storage shed Near the Production Block –V. Following hazard is involving chlorine tonner leakage.

Rupture of 6mm copper tuning connection Instantaneous failure of chlorine tanner releasing the entire quantity of 900 Kg. This probability is

very unlikely to happen. Rupture of SS line after chlorine cylinder

Consequences of Chlorine release:

The rupture of 6mm copper tubing connection will cause spreading of toxic gas in the factory. The worst case, and not likely to occur i.e. failure of 6mm connection and caustic scrubbing system not coming on at the same time is considered. The details of areas likely to be affected and maximum number of people likely to be present in each area.

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Human effects from exposure to chlorine gas:Exposure Level Human Effects0.2 to 3.5 PPM Threshold of odour perception in those individuals without chlorine exposure

to low doses of chlorine1.0 to 5.0 PPM5.0 to 8.0 PPM

Tolerated without undue ill effect for half to one hourSunlight irritation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and of the eyes

15.0 PPM Effects are immediate. Irritation of nose, throat and eyes with cough and lachrymator.

30.0 PPM Immediate cough with a choking sensation, retrosternal chest pain and a sense of construction in the chest. Wheezing due to development of branches construction may occur. Possibility of nausea and vomiting.

40.0 to 60.0 PPM Development of a chemical tracheo bronchitis and pulmonary oedema. The later may develop after a latent period of several hours with marked respiratory distress, restlessness.

Source: Chlorine Toxicity Monograph, Revised Edition 1989 institution of Chemical Engineers, UK

Safety measures for chlorine tonner storage area: Following safety measures available in chlorine Shed.

Chlorine is received in 900 kg tonners. Chlorine leak detection and alarm system and manual scrubber system provided with canopy hood. Scrubber consists of one tonne of caustic solution. Two numbers of on line air masks provided in the chlorine cylinders storage area. SCBA sets provided at storage area and control room. Fire hydrant system provided to the area. Eye shower provided at the area. One set of emergency chlorine kit is provided inside the storage shed. Manual call point available Public address system for emergency communication Wind sack available for identify the direction of wind.


Hydrogen Chloride is released in different reactions in the plant. The gas so released is drawn through suction blowers and is neutralized through a scrubbing mechanism. The Maximum release rate is assumed as 20 kg/hour, considering power failure, scrubber failure (for reasons of operational failure or mechanical failures)

It is assumed that there could be a failure to draw so released Hydrogen Chloride gas for various reasons like a mechanical failure of blower, power failure, no scrubbing medium in scrubber tank etc. Out of all the processes considered in this analysis, IDLH: 50 ppm

Effects of HCL at various concentrations:

S.No Effects Parts of HCl Vapour. Per Million Parts of Air, by Volume

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1 Barely Tolerable 50-100 ppm per hour2 Throat Irritation 35 ppm for short while3 Tolerable 10 ppm4 Immediate Irritation 5 ppm

Dry hydrogen chloride is a toxic, colorless, liquefied compressed gas with sharp pungent odor. Corrosive and irritating to the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes. Inhalation may result in chemical

pneumonitis, pulmonary edema. Reacts with water or moisture in the air yielding dense, acrid HCL fumes. Reacts with fluorine,

calcium carbide, cesium carbide, rubidium carbide, and lithium silicide. Reacts vigorously with alkalis and many organic materials with liberation of heat. Strong oxidizers cause release of chlorine.

The operators engaged on handling of dry HCl gas cylinders must wear clean Gloves, ABM and safety shoes.

While handling, cylinders must not be allowed to be dropped or permitted to strike against each other.

Cylinders should be protected against direct sun (< 52°C) when in use or under storage. Transporting of dry HCL cylinders must be done by means of a cylinder trolley etc., Specially meant for cylinder transport. It is strictly prohibited to carry on shoulders or rolling on

the ground. The safety devices provided on the cylinders must not be tampered with. Ensure availability of

Valve protective cap. Welding on any cylinder is strictly prohibited. Cylinders should not be used as rollers, supporters or any other purpose than to contain gas. Never strike an arc on a gas cylinder. Never allow a cylinder to contact Electric lines or wires.

In case of HCL Gas leak: If small leakage observed, inform to ware house in charges immediately. If major leakage observed, break the nearest manual call point. Call 333 or walky talky to inform security gate. In case of leak Evacuate the people to safe area Responders must wear SCBA and PVC suit, never direct water jet on liquid. Remove gas with fine water spray. Stay in the upwind direction Use emergency kit for arresting leaks. The emergency kit provided for chlorine leak from toner can

also be used.


Ammonia is handled in cylinder in the plant. Assuming that one cylinder of Ammonia (50 kg). The Vapour concentrations over a period of one hour are computed for day and night conditions for IDLH Level of exposure.

The following is result of such modeling: Day Condition Wind: 1.5 meters/second from s at 3 meters Ground Roughness: open country cloud Cover: 5 tenths Air Temperature: 42° C Stability Class: B

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Direct Source: 50 kilograms Source Height: 0 Release Duration: 1 minute Red : 217 meters --- (300 ppm = IDLH)

Night condition:

Air Temperature: 12° C Stability Class: F Red: 736 meters --- (300 ppm = IDLH)

Toxic effects of ammonia release at different concentrations:

Concentration General Effects Exposure Period25 ppm Odour detectable normally Maximum 8 hours100 ppm No adverse effect on average

workers Deliberate exposure for long periods not allowed

400 ppm Nose and Throat Irritation No serious effects after immediately 30 to 60 mts

700 ppm Immediate eye irritation No serious effects after 30 to 60 mts1700 ppm Coughing and severe eye

nose and throat irritationCould be fatal after 30 mts

2400 ppm Convulsive coughing Fatal after 30 mts5000 ppm Respiratory spasms Fatal within minutes10000ppm Rapid asphyxia Fatal within minutes

Ammonia is a Corrosive liquid and gas under pressure. Harmful if inhaled. Causes eye, skin, and Respiratory tract burns. May cause kidney and respiratory system damage, Can catch fire. It is Colorless liquefied compressed gas packaged under its own vapor pressure of 114 psig at 70 F.

Ammonia can cause severe eye, skin and respiratory tract burns. Overexposure may also cause Central nervous system effects including unconsciousness and convulsions. Upper airway damage is More likely to occur.

It poses an immediate fire and explosion hazard when concentration is in between 16% - 25 %,

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Therefore, area must be ventilated. Hand Gloves, ABM and safety shoes must be worn while handling of Ammonia gas cylinders. Cylinders must not be allowed to be dropped or permitted to strike against each other. Cylinders should be protected against direct sun (< 52°C) when in use or under storage. Transporting of Ammonia cylinders must be done by means of a cylinder trolley etc. specially Meant for cylinder transport. It is strictly prohibited to carry on shoulders or rolling on the ground.

In case of NH3 gas leak:

If small leakage observed, inform to ware house in charges immediately. If major leakage observed, break the nearest manual call point. Call 333 or walky talky to inform security gate. In case of leak Evacuate the people to safe area Responders must wear SCBA and PVC suit, never direct water jet on liquid. Remove gas with fine water spray. Stay in the upwind direction Use emergency kit for arresting leaks. The emergency kit provided for chlorine leak from toner

can also be used.

In case of NH3 liquid leak:

If major leakage observed, break the nearest manual call point.

Call 333 or walky talky to inform security gate.

In case of major leak Evacuate the people to safe area

Responders must wear SCBA and PVC suit, never direct water jet on liquid.

Carefully throws polypropylene booms / pillows around and on the spill to prevent the spread of

The spill.

Absorb the spill with polypropylene pads and squeeze the pads into disposable container.

Pour dry sand on the spill and collect into disposable container. Neutralize the contaminated area

with about 5% Hydrochloric acid.

Flush the contaminated area with water to ETP till washings pH on pH paper is 6.0 – 7.5.

Send the disposable container containing Base liquid to effluent treatment plant, disposable

container containing Polypropylene pads, Booms to Incinerator and disposable container

containing contaminated sand to ETP Sludge drying beds for proper detoxification.


(THE SULPHURIC ACID, NITRIC ACID AND HYDROCHLORIC ACID AND SODIUM HYDROXIDE):Spillage may cause disaster due to spreading and contaminating with other incompatible materials.Hence, the following measures are planned to control & contain such situations.

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Adsorbents pads are used for small quantity spills. The corrosive effect of these acids & bases either on metals or human tissues is due to their affinity

towards moisture. Hence to prevent corrosion with moist acid& base the vent lines are provided with moisture free traps. At the time of emptying it is only dry air that fills the tanks.

In case of spillage of the acid & base plenty of dry sand is kept for dumping followed by de harming with soda ash etc., wearing air mask, rubber gloves, full body PVC suit and gumboots.

Suitable bunds are provided around storage tanks to prevent the spreading and thereby isolating and de harming.

Medical officer, First Aid, emergency team and fire departments are kept informed for rescue operations.

The affected persons are removed to fresh air for instituting artificial respiration. Transfer the injured persons if any, to Occupational Health Center for medical help.

In case spillage of the material, plenty of dry sand is kept for dumping around spills, followed by wearing, rubber gloves, full PVC suit and gum boots etc.

Suitable bunds are provided around storage tanks to prevent the spreading and contaminating the surrounding land.

People are evacuated and affected persons are removed to fresh air for giving artificial respiration. Don’t use water to dilute the acid or flushing the spillage to drain Wear full body suit/SCBA for handling emergency The corrosive effect of these acids either on metals or human tissues is due to their affinity towards

moisture. Hence to prevent corrosion with moist acid the vent lines are provided with conc. Sulphuric acid traps. At the time of emptying it is only dry air that fills the tanks.

In case of spillage of the acid plenty of dry sand is kept for dumping followed by de harming with soda ash etc., wearing air mask, rubber gloves, full apron and gumboots.

Suitable bunds are provided around storage tanks to prevent the spreading and thereby isolating and de-harming

The affected persons are removed to fresh air for instituting artificial respiration


Environmentally Potential Hazardous Areas: The following areas were identified as Environmentally Potential hazardous/Emergency areas.

Solvent spillage in Tank Farm Area Solvent spillage in Solvent Recovery plant Spillage of liquid chemicals in Ware House Area Spillage of chemicals/solvents in production blocks Spillage of diesel in CVT room Spillage of furnace oil boiler area Chlorine Gas Cylinders Storage Area Ammonia Gas Cylinders Storage Area Dry HCl Gas Cylinders Storage Area Hydrogen Gas Cylinders Storage Area

Mitigation of Environmental Emergencies:

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If water is used for dosing fire, it may either enter the sewage and storm water drains, or goes to the soil. Safety officer shall inform in-charge of ETP regarding the possible pollution of water in order to arrange proper treatment and disposal by ETP.If dry chemical powder or foam is used in fire fighting operation, it will be collected and disposed off properly. If the water used to dose the fire, gets contaminated and goes to soil. Environmental experts will assess the extent of land contamination and action will be taken as per their advice to reduce the impact by proper storage, treatment and disposal.Preventive Measures for chemical spillages at the time of Environmental Emergencies:

Small spillage: Any hazardous chemical spill that does not involve highly toxic, highly reactive, or explosive chemicals in a situation that is not life threatening. This type of spill present a manageable physical or health hazard to personnel who, when wearing proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), will not be exposed to any chemical at a level that exceeds any level or permissible exposure limit.

Smaller Spillage Response & Cleanup Procedure:

If the spillage is of smaller quantity, cleanup the spilled material with suitable absorbent as per MSDS and collecting suitable portable container and send it to Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) where it should be treated / incinerated (Completed procedure incorporate in respective SOP Ref. No: NPCD/SF/SOP/010).

Large spillages: Any hazardous chemical spill involves highly toxic, highly reactive, explosive or life-threatening chemicals. (OR) Any spill situation that presents significant fire, explosion, or other physical or health hazard risks, particularly if a person may be or has been significantly exposed, contaminated or injured to such an extent that medical or other assistance is required. (OR) Any spill situation that may adversely impact the external environment whether or not the spill occurred internal or external to a building.Note: If any chemical is present that, when spilled, could present a situation that meets this definition, then emergency procedures for spill response, including cleanup, must be included as part of the work place’s Standard Operating Procedure.

Large Spillage Response & Cleanup Procedure:

The area should be immediately evacuated particularly downwind area and Restrict access to the area until completion of recovery and cleanup.

Eliminate all ignition sources and provide adequate ventilation depending upon the nature of the chemical.

Stop or reduce leak if safe to do so. Contain the material with earth sand or absorbent material which does not Reactive with spilled

material. Recovery and cleanup should be done the trained personnel only. The person cleaning the spilled

material should wear required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as respiratory cartridge mask, safety goggles, gumboots, PVC Suit and rubber hand gloves etc…

Do not touch the spilled material and avoid prolonged and repeat exposure to Toxic chemicals. Prevent spilled material entering waterways, sewers or drainages. Ground the containers if the spilled materials generate the static electricity. Vacuum / sweep up the spilled material in an approved, portable and suitable containers as mentioned

the MSDS.

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Place the containers with covers, labels and in suitable locations. After recovering the material, cleanup the area with suitable absorbent Material as mentioned in the

MSDS. Flush the area with water if it is required.

Disposal of Larger Spillages Materials:

After recovering the material, sent it to Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP). Depending on the nature (physical & chemical properties) of material either the material is to be

neutralized or incinerated or it shall send for treatment and land filling.


The chemical spillage occurring in open ground not having secondary containment is first retained at the spilled area by making a containment bund by using sand or murram (sand) around spills.

If the spill is small. The spillage is then absorbed using absorbent pads and collected in a double poly liner bags using PPE as per spill control procedure.

Sealed properly and sent to ETP department along with a waste transfer note for further disposal. If the spillage has entered into nearby storm water drains, then efforts must be made to retain in

storm water drains by putting sand bags. If possible. If this cannot be achieved, then divert the spillages to fire water collection pit by

operating the valve towards firewater collection chamber. This spill then will be pumped to drums/tanker for disposal to waste disposal site or to our



All close rooms are installed with oxygen sensors for monitoring oxygen. Normal oxygen will be showing in sensor is 21 - 21.9% all the time.

In case of oxygen concentration reduced by less than 18.5% v/v due to nitrogen leakage, oxygen sensor will activate and give buzzer sound.

Once hear the buzzer sound evacuate the place immediately. Information should be given to block in charge for leakage of nitrogen Block in charges will rush to the area and keep close the inlet of nitrogen line and open the door and

windows to increase the oxygen level. After 20-30 minute, safety department will check the oxygen concentration in the area by portable

meter. If oxygen is found more than 18.5%, then rectify the pipeline leakage and correct the same. Check the leak test with pressure if found no leakage then hand over to production department Again calibrate the oxygen analyzer then keep in ON. Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required After 20-30 minute, safety department will check the Oxygen level concentration in the area by

portable meter

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LPG sensors installed for monitoring LPG in the canteen. Normal LPG level will be showing in sensor is ZERO all the time.

In case of LPG leakage and concentration reaches to 20% of LEL sensor will activate and give buzzer sound.

Once hear the buzzer sound close the cylinder valve immediately. Information should be given to canteen in charges for leakage of LPG Canteen in charges will rush to the area and keep open the door and windows to dilute the LPG. After 20-30 minute, safety department will check the LEL concentration in the area by portable meter. If LEL is found ZERO then rectify the pipeline leak/cylinder leak and correct the same. Check the leak test with pressure if found no leakage then hand over to canteen Again calibrate the LEL sensor and keep in ON. If observed the cylinder leakage disconnect the cylinder and bring cylinder to outer atmosphere Break the nearest MCP, inform his supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch


If anybody notice the fire in canteen, break the nearest manual call point immediately. Extinguish the fire with portable fire extinguisher if possible immediately Call immediately to 333/335 Contact immediately on walky talky Break the nearest MCP, inform his supervisor about incident Inform to canteen in charges about fire Evacuate the people from the canteen. If required Start fire hydrant system to extinguish the fire if required. Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch After 20-30 minute, safety department will check the LEL concentration in the area by

Portable meter


If smoke detector activates immediately rectify the fire location Extinguish the fire with portable fire extinguisher if possible immediately Break the nearest MCP , inform his supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to service in charges about fire Evacuate the people from the Panel area. If required Inform power house to shut off the main switch

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Extinguish the fire with portable fire extinguisher if possible immediately Break the nearest MCP , inform his supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to service in charges about fire Evacuate the people from the MCC room. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch Installed smoke detectors in cable trench area


Extinguish the fire with portable fire extinguisher if possible immediately Break the nearest MCP, inform his supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to HT YARD in charges about fire Evacuate the people from the HT YARD. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch


Extinguish the fire with portable fire extinguisher if possible immediately Break the nearest MCP, inform his supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to Block in charges about fire Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch Collect the spillage into disposable container containing water Decompose the contents of disposable container by adding dilute Hydrochloric acid till the pH is

about 2 on pH paper and send to ETP After 20-30 minute, safety department will check the LEL concentration in the area by portable



Break the nearest MCP, inform supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch Pour dry sand on the spill and collect into disposable container

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Neutralize the contaminated area with soda ash Wash the contaminated area with water till washings pH become neutral


Extinguish the fire with portable fire extinguisher if possible immediately Break the nearest MCP, inform his supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to Block in charges about fire Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch After 20-30 minute, safety department will check the LEL concentration in the area by portable



Break the nearest MCP, inform his supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing Cover the spillage & Neutralize with soda ash and mix Wipe the spill with polypropylene wiper and collect into disposable container Send the disposable container containing contaminated solid to effluent treatment plant for proper

detoxification. Wash the contaminated area with water


Extinguish the fire with portable fire extinguisher if possible immediately Break the nearest MCP, inform his supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to Block in charges about fire Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch After extinguishing fire collect the spill into a polyethylene bag and kept in disposable container


If phosgene leakage sensor will activate and give the local alarm Break the MCP if necessary (multi inhalation), inform supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to Block in charges about leakage Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Inform to medical officer for HCl about inhalation.

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Send affected personnel to hospital for treatment


If leakage use spill control kit Break the nearest MCP, inform his supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to Block in charges about leakage Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch


Inform supervisor about incident Break the nearest MCP if required Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to Block in charges about leakage Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Neutralize with acid and send to ETP Wear PPE while handling the leakage


Evacuate the person from the affected area. If required Wash the Eye wash and Body wash at least 15 minutes Inform his supervisor about the incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to Block in charges about the incident Send to first aid treatment for OHC department


Extinguish the fire with portable fire extinguisher if possible immediately Break the nearest MCP, inform his supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to Block in charges about incident Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch


Use standby scrubber if available Stop charging / feeding activity if possible Significant leakages of gases break the MCP. Scrubber failure alarm system activates, inform to shift in charges Call immediately to 333/335 or

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Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to Block in charges about incident Evacuate the people by considering the wind direction if required


Extinguish the fire with portable fire extinguisher immediately if possible Break the nearest MCP, inform his supervisor about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to Block in charges about incident Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch


In case of fire CO2 flooding will activates automatically. If CO2 system not activated , break the nearest MCP, inform to supervisor about incident Still not activate the flooding system, manually release the cylinder knob for releasing the gas. Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to Block in charge about incident Evacuate the people from the affected area. Inform power house to switch off the main power supply.


Break the nearest MCP, inform supervisors about incident Call immediately to 333/335 or Contact immediately on walky talky Inform to Block in charges about incident Evacuate the people from the affected area. If required Inform power house to switch off the main switch


Immediately park the vehicle, left side of the road. Extinguish the fire with portable fire extinguisher immediately if possible Barricade the area if possible Call Fire Brigade. Immediately, phone no.101 Call Police station immediately , phone no, 100 Follow the TREM ( Transport Emergency) card, instructions Communicate with Emergency contact numbers which is given in TREM card Contain the leaked material by bund / secondary containment Wear the PPE as per TREM card


As such there is the least possibility of flooding since the area is located in Deccan plateau and moreover, the average rain fall is 60 cm. However, the following procedure is followed in case of flooding:

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Stop all operations immediately. Close all valves of solvent storage tank Switch off power supply to avoid electrocution due to short circuit. Evaluated information will be disseminated to personnel. Shift the water reactive material to elevated places like racks / building as appropriate. Activate the onsite warning and instructional system as necessary. Follow unit shut down procedures and Shutdown Electrical power. Control water flow by dike arrangement using sandbags, and or pumping. Start up after checking and clearing water from each and every unit.


The factory premises is situated in Hyderabad which falls under Zone II under Seismic zone classification and accordingly the probability and impact will be least to moderate.If stay indoors or inside the building follow:

DROP to the ground; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture; and HOLD ON until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.

Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture.

Stay inside until the shaking stops after that it is safe to go outside. Do not attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave. Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on. DO NOT use the elevators.

If stay out door or inside the building follow: If staying outside the building move away from buildings, streetlights, utility wires. And stay there

Until the shaking stops. If in a moving vehicle stay in the vehicle. Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped


Lightning can strike any of the storage tanks as the storage yard is situated in open area and because of vapors. This area is prone to attract lightning and also the same cause of elevated points. Even the spark due to lightning can cause major fire. Hence the entire plant shall be protected with lightning arrestors & conductors.

Lightning arrestors are provided on all the buildings and are connected to proper earthing. For the liquid storage tanks in the solvent yard, huge lightning arrestors are provided with proper earthing. These arrestors and earthing facilities are periodically checked. If any fire breaks out in-spite of this arrangement, fire brigade personnel will fight out the fire.

In case of emergency the following procedures are adopted for first aid & other rescue operations.

The information is passed on to plant manager and he will immediately coordinate with all the

internal and external agencies for necessary action / help.

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The Occupational Health Center / medical officer is informed to meet the emergency. The

ambulance is kept ready to take the injured persons.

Nearby hospitals are informed explaining the nature of the accident for keeping necessary medical


The fire department is informed for rescue operations

The concerned team will act according to the situation to avoid confusion and panic.

There is public address system in administrative building connecting all the areas, through which all

the concerned are alerted.

Nearest police station is informed explaining the nature of accident and precautions to be taken by

the people in the surrounding area.

The responsible officers inform the families of the injured persons and transport is provided for the

families of the injured persons.


Object:XXXX Pharma Limited – Chemical Division, Mekaguda Ware house and Production employees are handling sodium cyanide & copper cyanide. Thus, there is a chance of exposing the employees to the hazard of cyanide poisoning.Diagnosis: Cyanide is extremely toxic / poison without proper treatment cyanide poisoning may be rapidly fatal exposure followed by collapse. A cross section of employees having similar symptoms headache / nausea / difficulty in breathing / eye irritation / skin irritation / collapse / pink or cherry red or bluish discoloration of skin immediately sent to the Occupational Health Center.Communication: Once the incident of cyanide poisoning is confirmed, the matter is reported to the doctor, senior officers and the managers concerned, In addition transport will be arranged immediately so that medical attention is immediately provided. While attending such cases the Medical officer / male and female nurse will report the matter to the HOD / Exe. Vice President – Corporate Engineering.First aid: The company is having a fully equipped (like Cyanide Anti-dote Kits) Occupational Health Center with a qualified resident medical officer / male and female nurse in all the shifts, round the clock to deal with cases, in giving first aid treatment, and then sending / referring to ESI/Govt. Hospital for further treatment.

Instructions for the treatment of cyanide poisoning: Initial Therapy (in area of the accident)

Remove patient to no contaminated area. Call doctor immediately. If patient has stopped breathing; administer artificial respiration until normal respiration has started.

Administer artificial respiration again if necessary. This may be done with a respirator or a manual

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bag with pure O2. If neither is immediately available then the prone pressure method of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation may be used.

Note: Maintaining an adequate airway is mandatory.

Have an assistant, break a Durule Amyl Nitrite Inhalant in a handkerchief and hold it in front of the patient’s mouth for 15 seconds followed by a rest for 15 seconds. Then reapply.

Wash off any cyanide present on the skin. Remove any clothing that is contaminated by cyanide. Keep the patient warm.

Specific Therapy (To be used at the discretion of doctor, nurse, or paramedic)

Initiate inhalation of O2 immediately while preparing for intravenous administration. Simultaneously with the oxygen, administer Amyl Nitrite Inhalant for 15 to 30 second every 2 or 3

minutes. Discontinue Amyl Nitrite and then inject 300 mg (10 ml of a 3% solution) of Sodium Nitrite

intravenously at the rate of 2.5 to 5 ml/minute. The recommended dosage of sodium nitrite for children 6 to 8 ml/square meter (approximately 0.2 ml/kg of body weight) but should not exceed 10 ml.

Immediately thereafter, inject 12.5g (25 ml of a 50% solution) of sodium thio sulphate for adults. The dosage for children is 7g/square meter of body surface area. But dosage should not exceed 12.5 g. The same needle and vein may be used.

If the poison was taken by mouth, gastric lavage should be performed as soon as possible. But this should not delay the treatments outlined above. Lavage may be done concurrently by a third person. A physician or a nurse, if one is available. One should take quick action without waiting for positive diagnostic tests.

The patients should be watched closely for at least 24 to 48 hours. If signs of poisoning reappear, injection of both sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulphate should be repeated, but each in one-half the original dose even if the patient seems perfectly well. The medication may be given for prophylactic purpose 2 hours after the first injections.

Warning:Both sodium nitrite and amyl nitrite in excessive doses induce dangerous methemoglobinemia and can cause death. The amounts found in a single Cyanide Antidote Package are not excessive for an adult. The doses for children should be calculated on a surface area or on a weight basis, with the dosage adjusted so that excessive methemoglobin is not formed.If signs of excessive methemoglobinemia develop (i.e. blue skin and mucous membranes, vomiting, shock and coma), 1% methylene blue solution should be given intravenously. A total dose of 1 to 2 mg/kg of body weight should be administrated over a period of 5 to 10 minutes and should be repeated in an hour if necessary. In addition, oxygen inhalation and transfusion of whole fresh blood should be considered.Transportation: The company is having one ambulance vehicle ready for use all the time. The patients after first aid treatment are referred to the ESI / nearest hospital, and within 15 to 20 min the patient can be sent to the hospital. In addition to the ambulance, fleets of other vehicles like jeeps and pickup vans are also available if the situation demands.Statutory obligations: Necessary information is sent to the following authorities as required by statute.

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Local health authority. Inspector of factories, Mahaboob Nagar Dist The station house officer of nearest police station, Kothur and District Medical officer Mahaboob Nagar Dist


Object: XXXX Pharma Limited – Chemical Division, Mekaguda got a fairly large canteen with facilities for mass cooking of breakfast / lunch / dinner & tea for the employees, working round the clock in all shifts. Thus, there is a chance of exposing the employees to the hazard of food poisoning.

Diagnosis: A cross section of employees having similar symptoms sudden discomfort effecting the digestive systems shortly after consuming canteen food are sent to the Occupational Health Center, while attending such cases the Medical officer / male and female nurse will report the matter to the HOD / Exe. Vice President – Corporate Engineering.Communication: Once the incident of food poisoning is confirmed, the matter is reported to the doctor, senior officers and the managers concerned. In addition transport will be arranged immediately so that medical attention is immediately provided.First aid: The Company is having a fully equipped Occupational Health Center with a qualified resident medical officer / male and female nurse in all the shifts, round the clock to deal with cases, in giving first aid treatment, and then sending / referring to ESI/Govt. Hospital for further treatment.

Transportation: The Company is having one ambulance vehicle ready for use all the time. The patients after first aid treatment are referred to the ESI / nearest hospital, and within 15 to 20 min the patient can be sent to the hospital. In addition to the ambulance, fleets of other vehicles like jeeps and pickup vans are also available if the situation demands.

Statutory obligations: Necessary information is sent to the following authorities as required by statute.

Once the incidence of food poisoning is confirmed, the matter is communicating immediately to the nearest Hospitals and Police Station.

Communicate Immediately to the Inspector of factories and Dy. Chief Inspector of Factories Mahaboob nagar

Vehicles are kept ready for quick transportation. Meanwhile First Aid is given to the affected persons. The source of the poisoning may generally be canteen. Hence, the contaminated food is kept

Separately to avoid others getting affected.Necessary information is sent to the following statutory authorities by the Incident Controller As given below:

Local health authority of Municipal Corporations Police Station


After the emergency comes under control, Site controller (SC) along with fire and safety coordinator will go around all the areas and confirm total control of the situation.

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Communication coordinator will check for head count and tally employees and organize further efforts through incident controller for search of missing persons.

After ensuring tally of head count and confirming control of emergency incident controller will communicate end of emergency to site Controller who in turn assess the situation and inform security to go on long-siren to declare “End of Emergency”. At the sounding of “All Clear Siren (three minute long siren)”

Also site controller will do the announcement through the public address system for cease of the Emergency.

Work in the unaffected areas of the factory shall resume.


For the purpose of this procedure, evacuation means withdrawal of personnel form places of work in an Emergency. All fires or dangers occurrences need not necessarily be followed by an evacuation. If a fire or a dangerous occurrence is of a minor nature (i.e., very easily and quickly controllable), Evacuation is not necessary. If a fire or dangerous occurrence is likely to spread over a large area, goes out of control and is

likely to endanger the lives of the staff of the factory. Evacuation of the employees of the entire factory is necessary. The following procedures have been drawn mainly with a view to moving personnel form their

place of work to a safe place as quickly as possible and in an orderly manner, when a situation arises where evacuation becomes necessary.

a) Sectional / Departmental Evacuation

When a fire or a dangerous occurrence (explosion, spread of fumes / vapors etc.) takes place, the block in-charge or the section head or the production officer will immediately:

Make an on-the-spot assessment whether the situation warrants evacuation by the staff Ensure that all operations have been brought to a satisfactory STANDSTILL STATE. Order evacuation either orally or by blowing the whistle – long blasts with short breaks in between. Ensure that the visitors / contractors also evacuated. Follow the public address system instructions.

b) Department head or the production manger or the production officer will immediately

Ensure that all operations have been brought to a satisfactory STANDSTILL STATE. Order evacuation either orally or by public address system Ensure that the visitors / contractors also evacuated

c) Staff from all the department will:

Ensure an order has been given to evacuate, move quickly to the assembly point through the safe exit in an orderly manner by the route.

Follow the instructions through public address system. Ensure that no one exists in the section / department which is to be evacuated. After the evacuation, take a roll call of the members of the concerned department in the assembly

points from the muster roll.

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Report the missing names to the department head / security in charge / security guard.

d) General instruction to the staff:

Members of staff working in another department when an evacuation is announced will join the staff of that department and proceed along with them to the evacuation assembly point of the department where dangerous incident fire has occurred.

Staffs who are temporarily away from their place of workman evacuation has been ordered should proceed to the evacuation assembly points and report about their safety to the department head or their supervisor.

When staffs are away from their department, their department heads should be kept informed about their whereabouts.


Incident Spot:The person, who noticed the emergency situation, should shout “DANGER – DANGER – DANGER and break the manual call point / fire bell at least 60 seconds and orally inform the people surrounding him. Immediately the somebody should be communicating through phone No 333/335 or walky talky about the type of emergency and location, over internal telephone or by sending a person following persons. Block In-charge Incident controller Security gate

Main Gate & Other Production Blocks: One person in each block will be available near the department Internal telephone, to receive all communications from Incident Controller. / follow the instructions through Public address system.

Security Officer shall communicate the Emergency to the following Persons:

Site Controller Incident Controller Emergency Coordinator Communication & Medical Co-Ordinator All Production Blocks

The Communication Co-Ordinator through Site Controller will communicate with the required external emergency services like fire brigade, hospitals and ambulance services etc. He will be in continuous contact with incident spot, other production blocks, Assembly points and alert neighboring areas. Also he will be responsible for updating the higher authorities.Post-Emergency Procedure: Review the incident; identify the remedial measures and implement. Disseminate the information within the unit to prevent recurrence. Report to statutory authorities as applicable.


Introduction: Towards re-establishing normal operations at the earliest after an emergency the following procedure will be followed. The section is divided into five parts:

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2. Incident investigation3. Establishing a recovery team4. Damage assessment5. Clean-up and Restoration

Post-Emergency and Recovery reporting after the major emergency has been cleared the scene needs reconstruction with the help of persons who were associated with the scenario.Incident investigation: To investigate the cause of the emergency and to prevent recurrence of the incident requires thorough investigation. The investigation team should immediately seal off the incident scene and commence its investigation to minimize the loss of any physical evidence.The investigation of the scene should include photographing the area, identifying equipment from fragments and note unusual items.Written or recorded statements are to be taken from all operators involved, potential witnesses and others who might have pertinent knowledge about the incident.

Report: A final report will be prepared giving details about the basic reason for the accident and will work as a failure report covering equipment, maintenance, procedure, training, human error etc.

Recovery Team: In order to facilitate the restoration of normal operations of the company after an emergency, a team is to be constituted by Chief Emergency Controller to manage recovery activities, including damage assessment.As a general rule, however, individuals representing Maintenance, Production, safety, Quality Control, Accounts, Engineering etc., will be involved.

The recovery team is responsible for damage assessment, Clean-up and salvage operations and the restoration of normal operations. A primary function of the recovery team will be to assess the damage to structures, equipment and materials.

Clean-up and restoration operations: As soon as incident investigations are completed and restoration plans have been made, clean-up and restoration activities will commence.

Damaged equipment: Prior to restoration of normal operations, all affected equipments are to be tested and checked according to procedures established.Post-emergency recovery reports: The officer-in-charge of Safety will hold review sessions with emergency response personnel to evaluate: The adequacy of emergency response procedures.

1. The adequacy of the investigation for the cause of the incident.2. Summarize the post-emergency activities.

Mitigation measures:

Following are safety measures and also the mitigation measures recommended to prevent any disastrous situation listed under consequence scenario.

Fire fighting system (Fire extinguishers) is provided and the adequacy of the fire fighting system may be assessed from consideration of minimizing the heat radiation effects due to jet fire, fireball and flash fire.

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Fire fighting system, Hydrant system, is introduced to mitigate the fire and exposure within a short time.

Detectors are installed to detect and raise an alarm / alert. Operating people should be educated on the results of Risk Analysis and prepare suitable action

plan to reduce the hazards under such situations. All the personnel working inside the factory should be trained in various aspects of emergency

situations. Training program should be laid down for new employees and refresher training program for the continuing employees.

Emergency Response Plan should be updated based on the risk analysis carried out for various scenarios of the factory. Periodical drills to carry out to attack the situations cited.

Electrical continuity for the earthling of hydrocarbon tanks and pipelines should be ensured and recorded at regular intervals to minimize static charge collection.

Personnel protective equipment should be placed and audited to make use during the emergency.


To define the criteria for requesting, or to provide a source to complement available resources within and outside the neighborhood plants in major emergency situations.

The purpose of this procedure to define the criteria for requesting, or to provide a source to complement available resources within and outside the neighborhood plants in major emergency situations.

This procedure can be applicable for XXXX PHARMA LIMTED – Chemical Division, Mekaguda and other mutual aid neighborhood plants names are mentioned below:

Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Kothur Saint Gobain Vetrotex, Thimmapur Anu’s Laboratory, Chilakammary Actu’s Pharma Limited, Kothur

Mutual Aid:

In the major emergency situation, recourses over and above those available at the works will be needs. As the fire brigade reinforcement are relatively nowhere in our area, we may require additional sources of extra supplies of firefighting equipment, breathing apparatus, manpower, ambulance and medical Facilities. By our request at time of major emergency situation, the above-mentioned additional sources of extra Supplies can be provided by the Mutual aid neighborhood plants.

Details about the Mutual Aid Industries with Phone Numbers:

S.NoName of the

Company with Location

Distance Away from


Contact Person DesignationContact Phone



-- Mr. P.S.R.K. Prasad

Executive Vice

President –


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Chemical Division, Mekaguda



XXXX PHARMA LIMITED – Chemical Division, Mekaguda

-- Mr. Prakash .B DGM- EHS 8790560899

3. Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Kothur

10 KmMr. Sekhar Kumar

Sr. Manger – Plant


4. OCV Reinforcements, Thimmapur

13 Km Mr. BadiSr. Manger -


5. HBL KNIFE Power Systems Ltd

08 Km Mr. S.P. TripattiExecutive Director


6. Anu’s Laboratory, Chilakammary

14 KmMr. E. Bhaskar Rao

Plant Manger 9849201118

7. Actu’s Pharma Limited, Kothur

9 KmMr. J. Jaya Rama Reddy

Plant Manager



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Name of External Agency Phone Responsibility

Fire Stations Phone Numbers:

1. Fire Station Control Room 040 – 101

040 – 24600009 040 – 23260091

Provision of fire tender and rescue personnel

2. Mahaboob Nagar Fire Station 08542 - 242299 Provision of fire tender

and rescue personnel

3. Secundrabad Fire Station 040 – 27842306 Provision of fire tender

and rescue personnel

4. Chandulal Biraderi Fire Station 040 – 24460722 Provision of fire tender

and rescue personnel

5. Malakpet Fire Station 040 – 24553230 Provision of fire tender

and rescue personnelHospital Phone Numbers:

6. Divya’s Hospital, Shad Nagar 08458-251821 Provision of ambulance

for transport of casualties and medical treatment of casualties

7. Siddhartha Hospital, Shad Nagar 08458-253687

8. Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad 040 – 23607777

9. NIMS, Hospital, Punjagutta040 – 23320332040 – 23318120

10. Yasodha, Hospital, Somajiguda 040 – 23319999 040 – 27713333

11. Gandhi Hospital, 040 – 27702222

12. Osmania General Hospital, 040 – 24600122

13. ESI Hospital, Sanath Nagar040 – 23701232 040 – 23701233

Police Stations Phone Numbers:

14. Police Station, Kothur 08458-257233 For necessary action if


15. Police Station, Shadnagar 08458-252333 For necessary action if


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Key Personal Contact Number:

S.No NAME Mobile Number1 P.S.R.K. Prasad (Site Controller) 98660052152 Dr. D. Lingarao 98660052143 T. Venkatarao (Incident Controller) 98660051964 N. Satya Narayana 99495333745 B. Prakash 87905608996 CH. Brahma Rao 98497352197 P. Chiranjeevi Rao 98481968228 M. Nageswara Rao 95502404699 M. Prasada Rao 949079273210 K. Srinivas 944180383911 Dr Nandur 9985117079

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Ambulance Phone Numbers:

16. Ambulance free service 040 – 102 & 108 For necessary action if required

17. St. John Ambulance040 – 24656785040 – 27906948

040 – 24046733

For necessary action if required

18. Apadbandhu Ambulance 040 – 24603566 For necessary action if required


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FIRE HYDRANT PUMP DETAILS: Fire hydrant water storage capacity: 600m3

1 Main Pump: Diesel Make : Kirloskar Brothers Ltd., Model : DB 125/40 Rated Capacity : 273 CU M/HR Total dynamic head at rated capacity : 70 MWC Speed : 1800 RPM

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2 Main Pump: Electrical Make : Kirloskar Brothers Ltd., Rated Capacity : 273 CU M/HR Total dynamic head at rated capacity : 70 MWC Speed : 1450 RPM Kilowatt : 66.72

3 Pressurization Pump ( Jockey Pump) Make : Kirloskar Brothers Ltd., Model : DB 32/26 Rated Capacity : 10.8 CU M/HR Total dynamic head at rated capacity : 70 MWC Speed : 2900 RPM


1. Water tank capacity 600 KL

2. Jockey Pump 10M3/h

3. Sub Mersible pump 40M3/h

4. Power Driven Pump (Main) 273m3/h

5. Diesel Generator pump 284m3/h

6. Single Hydrant 57 Nos

7. Double Hydrant 5 Nos

8. Water Monitor 5 Nos

9. Fire Escape Hydrant 7 Nos

10. Hose reel 37 Nos

11. Fire extinguisher 412 Nos

12. Fire extinguisher ( spare) 20 Nos

13. Deluge Valve with water sprinkler 11 Nos for 57 tanks

14. CI alarm valve with water sprinkler 3 Nos

15. Foam monitor 5Nos

16. Water monitor 5Nos

17. Foam stock 4200 Lts

18. Fire Suit 4Nos

19. SCBA sets 7Nos

20. 5x Foam gun 20 Nos

21. Jet nozzles 57 Nos

22. Revolving nozzles 1 No

23. Water curtain nozzle 2 No

24. Jet and spray nozzle 10 No

25. Foam making nozzle 20 Nos

26. Foam solution 4300 lts

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27. DCP Powder 600 kgs

28. SCBA sets 6 Nos

29. Chemical Cartridge masks 66 Nos

30. Normal fighting suits 6 Nos

31. Life jackets 4 Nos

32. Fall arrestor 10 Nos

33. Safety Net 12 Nos

34. Grip Ladder 6 Nos

35. PVC aprons 15 Nos

36. Nomax fire suit 03 nos

37. Aluminized fire suit 01 no


No of Fire Extinguishers

  DCP in Kgs CO2 in Kgs FOAM in LtrsHalatron

Kg  Location 5 10 22.5 150 2 4.5 9 9 50 150 2 5 TotalR&D 1 1 2QCD 2 3 2 5 5 17QA 1 2 3 5P&A 2 2Canteen 1 3 1 5Ambulance 1 1Medicare 1 1

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Security gate

1 1

Quarters 2 2 4Service-I 1 1 1 3Service-II 1 1 2N2 plant 1 1DM plant 1 1Compressor RM

1 1 2

Ice plant 1 1Boiler 2 2Power House

1 6 6 3 1 17

Ware house-I

1 6 4 4 15

Ware house-II

3 3 1 1 5 1 14

WH-III 3 3 6Ware house-IV

1 1 2

Solvent yard

2 3 1 1 7

ECC 1 3 2 2 8Safety 1 1 1 3Fabrication yard

2 2 2 6

Kilo Lab 5 1 6Pilot Plant 5 3 1 9PB-I 5 4 1 10PB-II 5 5 2 1 13PB-III 2 7 1 5 3 1 1 20PB-IV 1 7 2 1 11PB-V 4 1 2 7PB-VI 1 1 1 3PB-VII 1 4 1 6MPB-A 5 2 16 2 2 27MPB-B 7 2 16 2 27MPB-C 1 2 2 1 6MPB-D 1 1 1 3 6MPB-E 5 2 27 34MPB-F 8 3 22 33MPB-G 6 3 1 1 10 21

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MPB-J 1 4 5ETP 1 1 1 1 4RO plant 1 1 2SRP 2 2 2 6Incinerator 2 1 1 1 5MPB-CKL 1 17 18MPB-Services

5 5



CES - Corporate Engineering Services

ECC - Emergency Control Center

EPRP - Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan

ERT - Emergency Response Team

ETP - Effluent Treatment Plant

EVP - Executive Vice President

FLP - Flame Proof

HOD - Head of the Department

HSD - High Speed Diesel

IDLH - Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health

KL - Kilo Lab

LEL - Lower Explosive Limit

MPPB - Multi Product Production Block

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==============================================================================================MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet

PB - Production Block

PEL - Permissible Exposure Limit

PP - Pilot Plant

PPE - Personal Protective Equipment

PPM - Parts Per Million

PVC - Poly Vinyl Chloride

SCBA - Self Contained Breathing Apparatus

STEL - Short Term Exposure Limit

TLV - Threshold Limit Value

UEL - Upper Explosive Limit

VP - Vice President

MCP - Manual call point

PAS - Public address system

DCP - Dry chemical powder

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