WVMI & Quality Insights EPRP IV Voucher Forms User’s Manual Created: 07/29/2010 Last Updated: 10/05/2010

WVMI & Quality Insights EPRP IV Voucher Forms User’s Manual

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WVMI & Quality Insights EPRP IV Voucher Forms User’s Manual. Created: 07/29/2010 Last Updated: 10/05/2010. New EPRP IV Voucher Benefits. Accessible from any computer via the internet Data loss is virtually impossible because data is stored at WVMI, instead of on the individual laptop - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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WVMI & Quality InsightsEPRP IV Voucher Forms

User’s Manual

Created: 07/29/2010Last Updated: 10/05/2010

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New EPRP IV Voucher Benefits

• Accessible from any computer via the internet• Data loss is virtually impossible because data

is stored at WVMI, instead of on the individual laptop

• Fresh, new look in full color• It calculates Per Diem rates automatically for

each day of each trip in the voucher. Abstractors no longer need to input manually

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New EPRP IV Voucher Benefits

• It groups round trips and calculates them separately to help ensure accurate mileage reimbursement

• It collects actual hotel rates for more efficient verification of lodging expenses to receipts

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How to Open the Software

• An icon will be deployed to your desktop• Double-click the icon to open the software• NOTE: once you’ve opened the software, always

single-click to navigate inside it

• If you do not see the icon, or you are on your home computer you can access the software by opening Internet Explorer and going to this web address:http://vaexpense.wvmi.org

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Setup: RegistrationA one-time Registration step is required before using

the new vouchers

Click Registration

Once inside the software, always single-click

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Setup: Registration

Fill in all the fields and click Submit. You’ll then be taken

to the Voucher Forms tab Note!

If you don’t have a 2nd line in your address, leave this blank

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Logging InClick Log In/Out

Type your Username and Password with which you registered

Click Login

If you forget your userid or password, contact the WVMI Service Desk

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Setup: User SettingsVoucher Forms tab is now enabled.

The tab you’re on is highlighted yellow.Note!

Click User Settings

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Setup: Travel Voucher Presets

Why do this?User Settings allows you to “Preset” the Per Diem information of the facility(ies) for which you perform abstraction. Once you create a Preset (or Presets), the software will always remember it (no need for you to type in the per diem information every time you create a new voucher).


There is no limit to the number of Presets you can create

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Setup: Travel Voucher Presets

To do this, click Add a Travel Voucher Preset

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Setup: User Settings

The Travel Voucher

Preset Form window will

openClick this drop-down arrow to

select your facility

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Setup: Travel Voucher Presets

If necessary, scroll down to find your facility

When you find your facility, click it

Beckley will be used for this example

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Setup: Travel Voucher Presets

Click this drop-down arrow to

select state where facility


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Setup: Travel Voucher Presets

If necessary, scroll down to find your facility

When you find state of facility location, click it

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Setup: Travel Voucher PresetsNot


In this example, I know that the Beckley facility does NOT use the Charleston per diem, so I need to find the correct per diem location

Primary Destination and County are automatically filled in, but may not be accurate!

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Setup: Travel Voucher Presets

To find the per diem location, click the drop-down arrow under Primary Destination

Click the correct one from the list. If your per diem location is not in the list, use the Standard CONUS


How do I use Standard CONUS Rate? Change the state to “Other”.

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Setup: Travel Voucher Presets

How to use Standard CONUS Rate

Click the drop-down arrow under state

Scroll to the very top of the list

Click Other

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Setup: Travel Voucher Presets

Standard CONUS Rate is automatically filled in

Click Save And Close Window

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Setup: Travel Voucher Presets

In this example, anytime I create a new voucher for facility 517, I’ll no longer be required to enter “Standard CONUS Rate” for each voucher I create, because the setup steps make the software automatically choose it for me.

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Setup: Travel Voucher Presets

How do I change an

existing Preset? Click Edit and make the changes

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Setup: Travel Voucher Presets

What if I review at multiple VAMCs? Click “Add a Travel Voucher Preset” for

each VAMC

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Setup is Complete

Now, on to Travel & Expense Vouchers…

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Creating a Travel Expense VoucherClick Voucher Forms tab to get to this screen

To add a new Travel Expense Voucher, click here


When your cursor is in a location which can be “clicked”, it will change from an arrow to a hand, with the index finger extended.

Click Travel tabVoucher Forms

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Creating a Travel Expense Voucher

Click the drop-down arrow to select a facility

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Creating a Travel Expense Voucher

Scroll up or down to find your facility

if necessary

Click your facility

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Creating a Travel Expense Voucher

Your facility will appear hereIf not, repeat the previous step

Once you have the correct facility, click Continue

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Creating a Round Trip


Notice that my per diem is automatically completed, using the Standard CONUS rate. This is because I completed this per diem for my facility in my Presets earlier.

If you don’t set up your Presets, you’ll have to “Add a New Per Diem Location”

every time you create a new voucher.

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Adding Trips to a Round Trip

Click Add a trip

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Adding Trips to a Round Trip

The Trip Information Form opensVoucher Forms

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Adding Trips to a Round Trip

Free-type From and To

Free-type the date in mmddyy format, hit the spacebar, then

type the time in military format

hhmmDo the same for the Arrival Date and Time

Each round trip will have at least 2 trips: one to get there and one to return. If you visit multiple

facilities in one trip, you’ll have more than 2.Tip!

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Adding Trips to a Round Trip

Click the drop-down arrow beside Select One

Click your transportation mode from the list.

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Adding Trips to a Round Trip

If you choose Personal Auto, enter your mileage for this leg

of your trip


Mileage defaults to zero, so be sure to change it.If you forget, you can add it later.

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Adding Trips to a Round Trip

Free-type any relevant notes here

Click Save And Close WindowOR

You may add lodging info by clicking Add Lodgings

[Instructions covered later]If you Add Lodgings here, you MUST Save your Trip info first


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Adding Trips to a Round Trip

The data you just entered appears


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Adding Trips to a Round Trip

To create my return trip, click

Add a Trip

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Adding Trips to a Round Trip

Create the Trip Information for the return trip just as you did for the initial trip

Click Save And Close Window

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Adding Trips to a Round Trip

Scroll down

The data you just entered appears


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Adding Lodgings to a Round Trip

To add lodging, click the Lodgings tab

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Adding Lodgings to a Round Trip

Then, click Add a Stay

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Adding Lodgings to a Round Trip

Lodging Information Form opens

Free-type check-in & check-out dates in mmddyy format

Free-type Lodging Name, Nightly Taxes, and Nightly RateNOTE: If nightly rates are different, a new “Lodging Information Form” must be

created for each rate. For example, if I stay overnight Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and the rate for Friday is $150, but the rate for the other two nights is $100, I’ll need to complete 2 forms (one with Wednesday’s & Thursday’s rates

and one with Friday’s rates).

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Adding Lodgings to a Round Trip


Anytime you see the symbol [?], simply resting your mouse pointer on it (no need to click) will give you information. Note that 2 of these symbols appear

here, 1 beside Nightly Taxes and 1 beside Nightly Rates

Click Save And Close Window

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Adding Lodgings to a Round Trip

The data you just entered appears


If it is not correct, click Edit to make the changes


The number of nights for lodging automatically calculates based on the dates entered

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Adding Lodgings to a Round Trip

Itemization appears here

Click here for breakdown

The calculated total is based on the lesser of actual lodging costs or per diem costs

including taxes

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Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip?

What if I visit more than 1 VAMC and stay

overnight more than once while on the same

round trip?

We’ll cover that later…

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Viewing Meals & Incidental Expenses

To view them, click the Meals

& Incidental Expenses


Meals & Incidental Expenses are automatically created

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Viewing Meals & Incidental Expenses

The M&I Expenses

are itemized


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Adding Transportation Expenses to a Round Trip

Click Transportation tabEnter expenses here

by placing cursor in the box and typing over

the zero

These 2 are calculated and may not be


As these are added or changed, the total updates automatically

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Adding Transportation Expenses to a Round Trip

Free-type any related notes here

Now, on to Exit Conferences…

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Adding Exit Conference Expenses to a Round Trip

Click Exit Conferences tab

Click Add an Exit Conference

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Adding Exit Conference Expenses to a Round Trip

Exit Conference Form opens

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Adding Exit Conference Expenses to a Round Trip

Click drop-down arrow beside Select Exit Type

Click your choice from the list

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Adding Exit Conference Expenses to a Round Trip

VAMC defaults to the facility you chose for this round trip. If you wish to change the facility, click the drop-down arrow and select the

correct facility from the list.

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Adding Exit Conference Expenses to a Round Trip

Click drop-down arrow beside Qty

Choose Qty from the list

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Adding Exit Conference Expenses to a Round Trip

Free-type the Pull Date and Exit Date in mmddyy format


You may click the “Date

Pickers” and click the day

from the calendar

which appears

Click Save And Close Window

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Adding Exit Conference Expenses to a Round Trip

The entry you just made

appears here

If it is not correct, click Edit to make changes

If you are requesting payment for multiple VAMC exit conference fees, you’ll need to repeat the same steps for each

exit conference re-using the “Add an Exit Conference” link

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The Totals Tab

Click Totals tab for summary

Note: The totals displayed on this slide are for illustrative purposes only, and are not part of the previously entered example

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Printing Travel & Expense Vouchers

Click Printing Reports tab

Then click Print Preview

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Printing Travel & Expense VouchersClick here to print

Click here to save a copy

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Printing Travel & Expense Vouchers

Then click Print Preview

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Printing Travel & Expense VouchersClick here to print

Click here to save a copy

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Multiple Per Diems in Same Trip

If you only review one facility per trip, please proceed to slide 82


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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

• Example: I live in Charleston, WV. I leave home, and do a site visit in Beckley (stay the night), then do a site visit in Clarksburg (stay the night), and then return home. – I’ll have 3 trips, all on the same Round Trip, but only 2 lodgings

• 1. Charleston (home) to Beckley (stay the night in Beckley)• 2. Beckley to Clarksburg (stay the night in Clarksburg)• 3. Clarksburg to home

• Important! Trips involving multiple locations will require a separate entry for the lodging and meal per diems. Using the above trip example, two lodging entries will be required; one for the Beckley location and a second for the Clarksburg location. This is accomplished using the lodging and/or meals & Incidental expense tabs.

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Since Beckley is my first destination, that is what I’ll add first

Click Add a Trip

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Add the 1st leg of the trip (Home to Beckley)

Click Save And Close Window

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Data will be

displayed here

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Now add lodging for overnight stay in Beckley

Click Lodgings and then click Add a Stay

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Add the lodging

Add lodging info and then click Save And Close Window

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Data will be

displayed here

This completes the 1st leg of this trip

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Add info for travel from Beckley to Clarksburg (2nd leg of this trip)

In this example, we’re assuming these 2 facilities are in 2 different per diem locations

Click Add a new Per Diem Location

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Add info for travel from Beckley to Clarksburg (2nd leg of this trip)

Clarksburg is really not in Morgantown, but for this example, we’ll assume it is.

First, add the new per diem location by Select State and Primary Destination (as before)

Click Save And Close Window

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Add trip info from Beckley to Clarksburg (2nd leg of this trip)

Second, Add a Trip

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Add trip info from Beckley to Clarksburg (2nd leg of this trip)

Click Save And Close Window

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Data will be

displayed here

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Adding lodging for the 2nd leg of the trip

Click Lodgings and then click Add a Stay

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Add lodging info for the 2nd leg of the trip

Click Save And Close Window

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Data will be

displayed here

Only 1 more step to go to get all the Trip & Lodging data documented

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

While still on the 2nd per diem location, we’ll add the 3rd & final trip data(from Clarksburg to home)

Click Add a Trip

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Add trip info for the journey home

Click Save And Close Window

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Data will be

displayed here

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Example of Adding Multiple Trips to a Round Trip

Here is how the voucher will look

I’ve scrolled down to show the trip data

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Travel & Expense Vouchers Complete

Now, on to Professional Services Vouchers…

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Creating Professional Services VouchersClick Voucher Forms tab

Click Create a new Professional Services Voucher

Click Professional Service tabVoucher Forms

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Creating Professional Services Vouchers

Default facility is “999 – No Specific Facility”. Please do not change this.


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Creating Professional Services Vouchers

Click Continue

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Creating Professional Services Vouchers

This form will be displayed


999 – No Specific Facility

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Creating Professional Services VouchersClick (or tab) into each field for which you have time, and type

the number of hoursNOTE: Abstractor Evaluation is

still 30 minutes (not 1 hour)


999 – No Specific Facility

Continued on Next


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Creating Professional Services Vouchers

If Mentoring, Other, or Telephone Conference Call* contain hours, free-type mandatory Comments here

There is no “Save” button on this form. It saves automatically.



999 – No Specific Facility

* Date of Telephone Conference Call is required in Comments

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Printing the Professional Services Voucher

Click Print Preview


999 – No Specific Facility

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Printing Professional Services VoucherClick here to print

Click here to save a copy

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Professional Services Vouchers Complete

Now, on to Misc Supplies Vouchers…

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Creating Misc Supplies VouchersClick Voucher Forms tab

Click Add a Supplies Voucher

Click Misc. Supplies tabVoucher Forms

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Creating Misc Supplies Vouchers

Type the cost of your Computer/Office Supplies here

Type your Telephone costs here

Click Save And Close Window

Type the date on the receipt hereVoucher Forms

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Printing Misc Supplies Vouchers

A list of all your vouches appears

hereFind the voucher you want to print and click the corresponding Print

Vouchers will accumulate in the list as above


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Printing Misc Supplies VouchersClick here to print

Click here to save a copy

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• Always create a NEW voucher each time you intend to mail the voucher to WVMI or ALPS– Only use the “Edit” feature to correct mistake(s) made

when performing data entry BEFORE mailing to WVMI or ALPS

• Once a Voucher has been mailed, please make no further edits to that voucher unless directed otherwise by WVMI or ALPS– Submitting a voucher for additional services with a

duplicate invoice number will delay your reimbursement

A Note About All Vouchers

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Logging OutClick Log In/Out

Click Here

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