EPIDEMIOLOGY ASPECTS VIBRIO CHOLERAE AND CHOLERA … · Kiose, 2002; Edwards and March, 2007; Chen...


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Maggy MombaTshwane University of Technology South AfricaPretoria, South Africa

Mohamed Azab El-LiethyTshwane University of Technology South Africa Pretoria, South Africa


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Citation:Momba, M. and Azab El-Liethy, M. 2017. Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes. In: J.B. Rose and B. Jiménez-Cisneros, (eds) Global Water Pathogen Project. http://www.waterpathogens.org ( A. Pruden, N. Ashbolt and J.Miller (eds) Part 3 Bacteria) http://www.waterpathogens.org/book/Vibrio Michigan State University, E.Lansing, MI, UNESCO.

Last published: March 22, 2018

https://doi.org/10.14321/waterpathogens.28Acknowledgements: K.R.L. Young, Project Design editor; Website Design: Agroknow (http://www.agroknow.com)

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes



Vibrio cholerae, with strains that cause cholera, is amotile, Gram-negative curved rod belonging to the familyVibrionaceae. Although approximately 200 recognized Oserogroups have been identified, only serogroups O1 andO139 strains are known to cause severe disease andcholera pandemics. Intestinal and/or extra-intestinalinfections with non-O1 and non-O139 serogroups or non-toxigenic O1 strains are seldom found and seem to havelittle impact on public health. Serogroup O1 and O139pandemic strains exist as natural inhabitants of aquaticecosystems, making them facultative human pathogens. V.cholerae serogroup O1 has two biotypes (classical and ElTor) and three serotypes (Ogawa, Inaba and Hikojima). Themost prevalent serotype is Ogawa, whereas Hikojima isvery rare and unstable in the environment. Non-O1 andnon-O139 V. cholerae strains are more frequently isolatedfrom rivers and estuarine areas compared to O1 and O139strains. There is evidence that the cholera toxin (CT)-encoded phage CTXϕ can transduce these non-toxigenicenvironmental strains, converting them into toxigenicstrains, an event that has been postulated to also take placein the gastrointestinal environment resulting in thedetection of toxigenic strains.

In the past, the permanence of toxigenic V. cholerae inthe environment was considered short and choleraoutbreaks have been mainly driven by fecal-oraltransmission. Currently, it has been found that V. choleraecould survive for a long time in the water, assuming aviable, but non-culturable state. This finding pointed to anew hypothesis, namely that an environmental reservoir ofV. cholerae is responsible for endemic cholera, and acorresponding cholera epidemiology framework wasformulated that incorporates an envionmental V. choleraereservoir. The role of the aquatic environment onmaintenance of cholera dynamics depends on the sanitarycondition of the community. Endemism in a well-sanitizedcommunity requires a permanent environmental reservoir,while endemism in a poor community requires only atransient reservoir.

Onset of cholera as a disease is the result of amultifactorial process, involving several genes encodingvirulence factors that aid V. cholerae in its colonization,coordinated expression of virulence factors, andtoxigenicity. Vibrio cholerae also acquire virulence genes ina step-by-step process, in which a pathogenicity island anda temperate bacteriophage play important roles. Globally,cholera represents an estimated burden of 1.4 to 4.3 millioncases and 28,000 to 142,000 deaths per year. Even thoughconsiderable efforts have been made by many countries tocontain the spread of cholera, it is now endemic in manycountries and there is growing concern over the increasingnumber of people living in unsanitary conditions and beingat risk of contracting cholera and other epidemic-pronediarrhoeal diseases.

This chapter aims to provide the reader with a broadunderstanding of recent discoveries of V. cholerae and newrecombinant V. cholerae biotypes and an outlook toward

future developments. Using the very latest internationalscientific research, this chapter outlines historicalperspective and classification, methods (molecular andculture-based) proposed for the detection and isolation inwaters and environmental occurrence, persistence andsurvival of Vibrio cholerae and their biotypes, the route oftransmission and the global distribution of cholera as wellas its control by vaccination and good sanitation andhygiene interventions to reduce the incidence of choleraoutbreaks. A comprehensive and multidisciplinary approachto cholera prevention and control is provided to assistcommunities and policy-makers in averting choleraoutbreaks.

Vibrio cholerae and Cholerabiotypes

Vibrio cholerae is a normal inhabitant of aquaticenvironments such as drinking water, freshwater,wastewater, brackish water and sea water. This bacteriumconsists of a wide variety of strains and biotypes, capable ofreceiving and transferring genes for toxins (Waldor andMekalanos, 1996), colonization factors (Brown and Taylor,1995; Karaolis et al., 1999), antibiotic resistance (Hochhutand Waldor, 1999), capsular polysaccharides that provideresistance to chlorine (Yildiz and Schoolnik, 1999) andsurface antigens such as the O139 lipopolysaccharide andO antigen capsule (Bik et al., 1995; Waldor et al., 1994). Asa species, V. cholerae includes both pathogenic andnonpathogenic strains that generally differ in theirvirulence gene content (Faruque et al., 1998). Although, V.cholerae contains more than 200 serotypes based on its Oantigen, only serotypes O1 and O139 are known as thecausative agents of epidemic and pandemic choleraoutbreaks (Bag et al., 2008). These serotypes arecharacterized by their ability to produce cholera toxin thatis encoded by ctx gene (Kaper et al., 1995), which has beenused for specific detection of choleragenic V. cholerae inenvironmental samples (Karunasagar et al., 1997). Certainphenotypic and genetic properties are used to categoriseVibrio cholerae O1 into two biotypes: classical and El Tor.

In recent years, the rise and spread of new pathogenicvariants of V. cholerae has been reported throughout manycountriesr, especially in Asia (Na-Ubol et al., 2011; Tran etal., 2012) and Africa (Ceccarelli et al., 2011; Naha et al.,2013) as well as in Mexico (Alam et al., 2012). Theseinclude the Matlab (MT) variant from Bagladesh (Nair etal., 2002) and the Mozambic variants, an atypical El Torstrain harbouring CTXɸCla (Faruque et al., 2007b; Das et al.,2007). Similar strains carrying tandem copies of CTXɸCla inthe small chromosome or in large chromosome have alsobeen isolated in other parts of world (Nair et al., 2006;Nguyen et al., 2009). The Haitian variant of the El Torbiotype has been reported to contain a unique mutation atthe 58th nucleotide of ctxB (the gene for the B subunit ofcholera toxin) (Nair et al., 2006) that has completelyreplaced the El Tor biotype on Kolkata, India, since 1995(Raychoudhuri et al., 2009). Haitian V. cholerae strain also

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


had a novel mutation at the 64th amino acid position of thematured TcpA subunit (Naha et al., 2012; Ghosh et al.,2014).

Serogroups, which exclude choleragenic O1 and O139,are categorized as V. cholerae non-O1 and non-O139, ornon-agglutinating vibrios (NAGs) (Hasan et al. 2012; Duttaet al., 2013). Such non-agglutinating serogroups have lessthan 200 somatic (O) antigens and mostly lack choleratoxins coding genes (Shin et al. 2011; Marin et al. 2013).While the non-O1 and non-O139 serotypes are rarelyassociated with human infections, they are able to causeonly gastroenteritis or even septicemia but not choleradisease (West, 1989; Powell, 1999). The infection by non-O1and non-O139 is characterized by diarrhea, abdominalcramps, and fever in sever cases where this disease is selflimiting and controlling in most of the cases. Vibrio speciesdemonstrate a significant portion of the culturableheterotrophic bacteria of aquatic environments (Stabili andCavallo, 2004). It is not easy to distinguish O1 from non-O1by general laboratory methods (Singh et al., 2004).

The ability of V. cholerae to persist in the environmentplays a role in the intensity of the cholera outbreak. Thisbacterial species has both a tendency to trigger epidemicswith pandemic potential and the ability to stay endemic inall affected areas. In the epidemic setting, the entirepopulation is susceptible to infection at the start of theepidemic due to little or naturally acquired immunity tocholera (Kaper et al., 1995; Faruque et al., 2007a). Incontrary in highly endemic areas, the population had priorexposure to V. cholerae and at least some immunity toreinfection (Faruque et al., 2007a). In other words, in theendemic settings, there may be slower decay rates for V.cholerae in the environment, or positive growth duringsome seasons of the year. This can enable the long-termpersistence of cholera even when conditions are notfavourable for the transmission of the disease to human(Epstein, 1993; Colwell and Huq, 1994).

In general, cholera is endemic where socioeconomicconditions are poor, sanitary systems and public hygieneare rudimentary, and safe drinking water is not available,especially during floods. Such situations are even morehazardous to human health in countries in which fuel forboiling water is in scarce supply (Siddique et al., 1992). Abroad understanding of recent discoveries of V. choleraeand new recombinant V. cholerae biotypes, as well asevolution and spread is therefore needed for an outlooktoward future developments.

Epidemiologically, cholera is described as a disease thathas its tendency to cause explosive outbreaks and itspotential to cause pandemics. It appears to exhibit threemajor epidemiological patterns: i) heavily endemic orepidemic in areas with poor sanitation and without cleanwater; ii) neo-epidemic in newly invaded cholera-receptiveareas; and iii) occasional limited outbreaks in developedcountries with good sanitation. Cholera has both apredisposition to cause epidemics with pandemic potentialand an ability to remain endemic in all affected areas.While people of all ages are at risk of contracting theinfection in epidemic settings, children older than twoyears are the target group mostly affected in these areas.

Historically, there have been descriptions of a diseaseresembling cholera in an ancient Indian medical treatise,the Sushruta Samhita, written in Sanskrit ~500 to 400 B.C.(Bishagratna, 1963). Historical records tracing back 2000years in both Greek and Sanskrit also point to thedescription of diseases similar to cholera (Lacey, 1995).This means that cholera existed long before the 1817pandemic, the first of the seven recorded pandemics(Colwell, 1996). In 1849, Dr John Snow, an Englishphysician, recognized that cholera was spread throughcontaminated water and he devised methods for theprevention and control of this disease (Keen and Bujalski,1992; Shears, 1994).

Vibrio as a microorganism was accurately described byFilippo Pacini in 1854 and isolated by Robert Koch and hiscollaborators in 1883. In 1885, Robert Koch discovered thatV. cholerae was the causative organism of cholera and thatthe cholera toxin was found to be the agent leading tosevere diarrhoea (Shears, 1994). In 1953, the twobacteriologists, De and Chatterjee in Kolkata, West India,discovered the crude cholera toxin, responsible forstimulating fluid secretion from the small intestine(Maheshwari et al., 2011). During the 19th

century and evenstill today, the pread of cholera epidemics has resulted inmany waves of infection. Since 1817, the world hasacknowledged seven cholera pandemics. The first sixpandemics are assumed to have started in the Ganges Riverdelta. The seventh pandemic, which continues today,started in 1961 in Sulavesi, Indonesia (Shears, 1994). Thefirst five pandemics were caused by the classical biotype,while the classical strains appear to be the causative agentof the sixth pandemic (Pollitzer, 1959). Between the sixthand seventh pandemics, there was an intervening period of38 years during which cholera only occurred as localoutbreaks caused by El Tor strains (Safa et al., 2010).Figure 1 illustrates the seven pandemic cholera eventsfrom 1817 to 2010.

1.0 EpidemiologyPathogen(s)

Disease andof the

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


Figure 1. The seven pandemic cholera events from 1817 to 2010. Reproduced with the permission of the authors SaraA and King R.Y. (Sara et al., 2010).

1.1 Global burden of disease

Worldwide, cholera still remains a major public healthconcern, although the risk of infection differs from onecountry to another. While cholera outbreaks have beenreported with minor cases in Australia and America, themost affected continents are mainly Asia and Africa, with

Sub-Saharan Africa being the centre of several choleraepidemics and where the risk associated with cholerainfection is high (Figure 2). Detailed accounts of the historyof cholera are available, but the 1990s was found to be acrucial decade in the history of cholera as a remarkableincrease in the global incidence of this disease wasrecorded. Thus, this section focuses on the reports ofcholera outbreaks between 1995 and 2017.

Figure 2. Map of countries reporting on cholera between 2010 and 2015. [Extracted with the permission of WHO(2016)]

1.1.1 Global distribution

Basically, the majority of cholera cases are not reported

regularly by many countries and the limited factors includenot only inadequate capacity of epidemiologicalsurveillance and laboratories, but also the social, political,

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


and economic hindrances (Ali et al., 2015). The WorldHealth Organization (WHO) maintains a repository ofreported cases and deaths, and publishes annual statisticsin the Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER). Neverthelessif the number of cholera cases occurring in a country is notreported, this country is automatically classified as acholera free area.

According to WHO (2014), the cholera cases reportedannually range between 5 and 10%. The reports of choleraprovided by the WHO from 1995 to 2016 include thecholera outbreaks, deaths and CFR reported in Africa, Asia,

Europe, Americas and in Oceania, annually (WHO,1996-2017). The numbers of countries in each continenthave been determined based at least on one cholera casereported per year during the selected period. Taking intoconsideration this criterion, there has been at least onecholera case per year in 48 African countries, 38 countriesin Asia, 24 countries in Europe, 23 countries in Americasand 7 countries in Oceania (Tables 1A and 1B). Althoughthe European continent had a higher number of reportingcountries than America, the majorities of outbreak casesreported in Europe were imported cases and the number offatalities was very low.

Table 1A. Total number of cholera cases and deaths in the five continents reported by WHO, and case fatalitya rate(CFR), from 1995 to 2005. The total cases, deaths and case fatality rate for 95-2005 was 1,855,542 cases, 56,470 deaths and 3.04 CFR

Year Continent (number of countries that report in each)(Numberreporting inthat year)b





Oceania(7) TOTAL

1995 Cases 71,081 85,809 50,921 937 7 208,755(78) Deaths 3,024 845 1,145 20 0 5,034

CFRa 4.2 0.98 2.24 2.13 0 2.411996 Cases 108,535 24,643 10,142 13 4 143,337(67) Deaths 6,216 351 122 0 0 6,689

CFR 5.7 1.42 1.20 0 0 4.661997 Cases 118,349 17,760 11,293 18 5 147,425(67) Deaths 5,853 225 196 1 0 6,275

CFR 4.9 1.26 1.8 7.69 0 4.251998 Cases 211,748 57,106 24,212 47 8 293,121(74) Deaths 9,856 558 172 0 0 10,586

CFR 4.6 1.18 0.71 0 0 3.611999 Cases 206,746 8,126 39,417 16 5 254,310(60) Deaths 8,728 103 344 0 0 9,175

CFR 4.2 1.26 0.84 0 0 3.602000 Cases 118,932 3,101 11,246 35 3,757 137,071(56) Deaths 4,610 40 232 0 26 4,908

CFR 4.87 1.28 2.06 0 0.69 3.582001 Cases 173,359 535 10,340 58 19 184,311(58) Deaths 2,590 0 138 0 0 2,728

CFR 1.49 0 1.33 0 0 1.482002 Cases 137,866 23 4,409 7 6 142,311(52) Deaths 4,551 0 13 0 0 4,564

CFR 3.3 0 0.291 0 0 3.202003 Cases 108,067 33 3,463 12 0 111,575(45) Deaths 1,884 0 10 0 0 1,894

CFR 1.74 0 0.288 0 0 1.692004 Cases 95,560 36 5,764 21 2 101,383(56) Deaths 2,331 0 14 0 0 2,345

CFR 2.43 0 0.24 0 0 2.312005 Cases 125,082 24 6,824 10 3 131,943(51) Deaths 2,230 0 42 0 0 2,272

CFR 1.78 0 0.62 0 0 1.72

aCase Fatality Rate; bTotal countries reporting that year

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


Table 1B. Total number of cholera cases and deaths in the five continents reported by WHO, and casefatalitya rate(CFR), from 2006 to 2016. The total cases, deaths and case fatality rate for 2006-2016 was 2,603,189 cases, 46,881 deaths and 1.8 CFR

Year Continent (number of countries that report in each)(Numberreporting inthat year)b





Oceania(7) TOTAL

2006 Cases 234,349 10 2,472 62 3 236,896(52) Deaths 6,303 0 8 0 0 6,311

CFRa 2.69 0 0.32 0 0 2.662007 Cases 166,583 8 11,325 44 3 177,963(53) Deaths 3,994 0 37 0 0 4,031

CFR 2.4 0 0.33 0 0 2.272008 Cases 179,323 7 10,778 22 0 190,130(56) Deaths 5,074 0 69 0 0 5,143

CFR 2.83 0 0.64 0 0 2.72009 Cases 217,333 17 1,902 17 1957 221,226(45) Deaths 4,883 0 18 0 45 4,946

CFR 2.53 0 0.95 0 2.3 2.242010 Cases 115,106 179,594 13,819 15 9000 317,534(48) Deaths 3,397 3,990 60 1 95 7,543

CFR 2.95 2.22 0.434 6.66 1.056 2.372011 Cases 188,678 361,266 38,298 71 1541 589,854(58) Deaths 4,183 3205 426 0 2 7,816

CFR 2.22 0.89 1.11 0 0.13 1.332012 Cases 117,570 120,433 7,369 18 5 245,395(48) Deaths 2,042 965 27 0 0 3,034

CFR 1.7 0.8 0.4 0 0 1.232013 Cases 56,329 61,152 11,576 7 3 129,067(47) Deaths 1,366 636 100 0 0 2,102

CFR 2.43 1.01 0.86 0 0 1.622014 Cases 105,287 28,456 56,787 17 2 190,549(42) Deaths 1,882 307 42 0 0 2,231

CFR 1.79 1.08 0.07 0 0 1.172015 Cases 71,176 36,664 64,590 22 2 172,454(42) Deaths 937 337 30 0 0 1,304

CFR 1.3 0.9 0.05 0 0 0.752016 Cases 71,058 42,595 18,445 22 1 132,121(38) Deaths 1,762 474 184 0 0 2,420

CFR 2.5 1.1 1.0 0 0 1.83

aCase Fatality Rate ; bTotal countries reporting that year

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


Table 2. Incidence of V. cholerae in African countries

Area Incidencea ReferenceAngola 108,319 WHO 1996-2014b

Benin 18,779 WHO 1996-2014Botswana 23 WHO 1996-2014Burkina-Faso 5,572 WHO 1996-2014

Burundi 17,542 WHO 1996-2014Cameroon 59,876 WHO 1996-2014Cape-Verde 561 WHO 1996-2014

Centeral African Republic 923 WHO 1996-2014Chad 57,260 WHO 1996-2014Côte d’Ivoire 15,635 WHO 1996-2014Comoros 15,130 WHO 1996-2014Equatorial Guinea 6,450 WHO 1996-2014Ethiopia 113,080 WHO 1996-2014Eritrea 120 WHO 1996-2014Democratic Republicof the Congo(Previously named Zaire till 1997)

285,335 WHO 1996-2014

Congo 18,472 WHO 1996-2014Djibouti 7,085 WHO 1996-2014Gabon 630 WHO 1996-2014Gambia 249 WHO 1996-2014Ghana 57,690 WHO 1996-2014Guinea 34,548 WHO 1996-2014Guinea-Bissau 74,150 WHO 1996-2014Kenya 76,203 WHO 1996-2014Libya 22 WHO 1996-2014Liberia 63,041 WHO 1996-2014Madagascar 46,084 WHO 1996-2014Malawi 82,972 WHO 1996-2014Mayotte 12 WHO 1996-2014Mali 10,233 WHO 1996-2014Mauritania 9,316 WHO 1996-2014Mozambiqueb

(Beira) NR Deen et al., 2008

Mozambique 229,660 WHO 1996-2014Namibia 9,141 WHO 1996-2014Niger 19,719 WHO 1996-2014Nigeria 40,000 Oladele et al., 2012Nigeria 59,478 Oladele et al., 2012Nigeria 119,556 WHO 1996-2014Rwanda 7,769 WHO 1996-2014Sao Tome and Principe 3,101 WHO 1996-2014Senegal 58,291 WHO 1996-2014Seycells 178 WHO 1996-2014Sierra Leone 42,076 WHO 1996-2014Somalia 223,060 WHO 1996-2014South Africa 160,509 WHO 1996-2014Sudan 58,074 WHO 1996-2014Swaziland 7,112 WHO 1996-2014

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes



(Kampala city)

6,228 in which 1,091 werechildren under five years of

ageLegros et al., 2000

United RepublicofTanzania

5,028 WHO 1996-2014

Togo 12,097 WHO 1996-2014Uganda 96,966 WHO 1996-2014Zambia 55,087 WHO 1996-2014Zimbabwe 144,982 WHO 1996-2014

aIncidence: number of cases reported during the specific years of the data collection 1995 to 2013 unless otherwisenoted; bWHO (1996; WHO,1997;WHO, 1998; WHO, 1999; WHO, 2000; WHO, 2001; WHO, 2002; WHO, 2003; WHO, 2004;WHO, 2005; WHO, 2006; WHO, 2007; WHO, 2008; WHO, 2009; WHO, 2010; WHO, 2011; WHO, 2012; WHO, 2013; WHO,2014); cMicroorganism V. cholerae O1 and O139, Prevalence 4.0 E-03, Period of Study December 2003 to January 2004;dMicroorganism V. cholerae O1 El Tor, serotype Ogawa, Period of Study is December, 1997 to March, 1998.

Table 3. Incidence of V. cholerae in Asian countries from 1995 to 2013

Area Incidencea ReferenceAfghanistan 82,853 WHO 1996-2014b

Armenia 25 WHO 1996-2014Bangladesh 0 WHO 1996-2014Bhutan 44 WHO 1996-2014Brunei Darussalam 96 WHO 1996-2014Cambodia 8,677 WHO 1996-2014China 20,711 WHO 1996-2014Democratic Republic of Timor 30 WHO 1996-2014East Timor 581 WHO 1996-2014Hong Kong 168 WHO 1996-2014Indiac

(Kolkata) NR Deen et al., 2008

India 61,972 WHO 1996-2014Indonesiad

(Jakarta) NR Deen et al., 2008

Indonesia 2,411 WHO 1996-2014Iraq 9,639 WHO 1996-2014Iran 7,630 WHO 1996-2014Israel 1 WHO 1996-2014Japan 812 WHO 1996-2014Kazakhstan 14 WHO 1996-2014Kuwait 1 WHO 1996-2014Lao Peoples Democratic Republic 14 WHO 1996-2014Lebanon 1 WHO 1996-2014Macoo 8 WHO 1996-2014Malaysia 6,407 WHO 1996-2014Magnolia 177 WHO 1996-2014Myanmar 1,564 WHO 1996-2014Nepal 4,609 WHO 1996-2014

IncidenceaArea Reference

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


Oman 12 WHO 1996-2014Pakistan 1,904 WHO 1996-2014Philippines 8,321 WHO 1996-2014Qatar 2 WHO 1996-2014Republic of Korea 246 WHO 1996-2014Saudi Arabia 38 WHO 1996-2014Singapore 132 WHO 1996-2014Sir Lanka 2,085 WHO 1996-2014Thailand 4,504 WHO 1996-2014Turkmenistan 55 WHO 1996-2014United Arab Emirates 3 WHO 1996-2014Vietnam 5,624 WHO 1996-2014Yemen 32,144 WHO 1996-2014

aIncidence: number of cases reported during the specific years of the data collection; bWHO (1996; WHO,1997;WHO,1998; WHO, 1999; WHO, 2000; WHO, 2001; WHO, 2002; WHO, 2003; WHO, 2004; WHO, 2005; WHO, 2006; WHO, 2007;WHO, 2008; WHO, 2009; WHO, 2010; WHO, 2011; WHO, 2012; WHO, 2013; WHO, 2014); cMicroorganism is V. choleraeO1 and O139, Prevalence 1.6 E-03, Period of Study May, 2003 to April, 2005; dPrevalence 5.0 E-04, Period of Study August,2001 to July, 2003

An estimated 3,907,290 cases of cholera outbreakswere reported between 1995 and 2013 globally (WHO,2014). The most affected continent was Africa, with a rateof 68.90% of global outbreaks, followed by America, with23.50%, and Asia, with 7.05%. The least affected continentswere Oceania (0.41%) and Europe (0.04%). Moreover theglobal number of deaths was 96 030 cases of which 85.12%were reported in Africa, followed by 11.36% in theAmericas and then 3.30, 0.17 and 0.02% in Asia, Oceaniaand Europe, respectively. After several years of steadyincrease (since 2007), the number of cholera casesreported to WHO, as well as the number of countries, whichreported cholera cases, showed an important decrease in2012 compared to 2011 in which the highest outbreaks wasobserved especially in Americans continent (WHO, 1996 to2013).

In 2016, 38 countries reported a total of 132,121 casesof cholera including 2,420 deaths, giving a case fatality rate(CFR) of 1.83%. This represents a decrease of 22%compared to the number of cases (589,854) reported by 58countries in 2011 and this is the second consecutive year inwhch there was a decline in reported cholera cases (WHO,2012; 2017). Overall, Ali and co-workers estimated theglobal burden of cholera between 1.4 and 4.3 million cases,and between 28,000 and 142000 deaths per year (Ali et al.,


Using a multivariable spatial regression model, Ali andco-workers (2015) defined the status of a country asendemic, non-endemic or cholera free (Figure 3). Thismodel predicted 1.3 billion people at risk for cholera in the69 countries classified as cholera-endemic areas andanother 99 million persons in the three countries (i.e.,Bolivia, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka) at risk for non-endemicareas between 2008 and 2012. These authors pointed outthat over ten million persons at risk of cholera resided in 23endemic countries. The highest number of people at risk forcholera was found in India, Nigeria, China, Ethiopia andBangladesh. Annually, estimates of more than 100,000cases countries were found in India, Ethiopia, Nigeria,Haiti, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania,Kenya, and Bangladesh. As can be seen in Figure 3, choleraremains a major public health problem in many countries insub-Saharan Africa compared to the rest of the world. Inendemic countries, Ali et al., (2015) highlighted thatcholera resulted in approximately 95,000 deaths, figuresthat translate to approximately 7.50 deaths/100,000population at risk per year in endemic countries. Thecountries with more than 1,000 deaths due to choleraannually, are found in the African region with the exceptionof India, Bangladesh, and Haiti (AMR).

IncidenceaArea Reference

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


Figure 3. Number of cholera cases reported annually in endemic countries (Source: Ali et al., 2015)

An epidemiological update of cholera outbreaks in selectedcountries of sub-Saharan Africa between 1994 and 2016

also highlighted the persistence of this disease in theregion in spite of the decrease in case numbers thatoccurred in some countries (Table 4) (UNICEF, 2016).

Table 4. Epidemiological update of cholera outbreaks in selected countries of sub-Sahara African countriesbetween 1994 and 2016 (UNICEF, 2016).

Area Cases: 1994-2013 Cases in 2014 Cases in 2015 Cases in2016

Benin 2004 to 2013 5,432 874 00 874Cameroun 2004 to 2013 46,172 3,355 120 77Côte d’Ivoire 2002 to 2013 7,573 248 200 16Democratic Rep Congo NRa NR 19,305 18,403 28,162Ghana 1998 to 2013 5,432 28,944 687 600Guinea Bissau 1996 to 2013 74,031 18 00 00Lake Chad Basin 2004 to 2013 31,918 41,188 6,084 883Niger 1994 to 2013 21,538 2,059 51 38Nigeria 2004 to 2013 105,483 35,996 5,913 768Togo 2006 to 2013 2,142 329 50 02

aNR: Not Reported

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Siddique et al.,(1995) reported a deadliest cholera epidemics in a refugeecamps located around Goma and Bukavu. This explosiveoutbreak of cholera resulted in approximatively 70,000cases and 12,000 deaths. In 2017, this country experiencedan impressive outbreak that originated from North Kivuprovince, affecting mainly Goma, Karisimbi, Nyirango and

Binza. This resulted in a total of 15,456 suspected casesincluding 441 deaths (UNICEF, 2017). During the week 26of the same year, 186 suspected cholera cases including 10deaths were also reported in Nigeria by UNICEF (2017).

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


1.1.2 Symptomatology [morbidity and case fatality rates(CFRs)]

It is an ancient and devastating acute diarrheal diseasecaused by toxigenic V. cholerae. This bacterium infects onlyhumans and other primates. Vibrio cholerae causes aspectrum of infections in both adults and children rangingfrom asymptomatic colonization to severe and rapidly fatalsecretory diarrhoea known as cholera gravis. Althoughd i a r r h e a i s a c o m m o n s y m p t o m f o r v a r i o u senteropathogenic microorganisms (e.i viruses, bacteria andprotozoan parasites) or the body’s reaction to bad food, itresults in a dangerous loss of fluids in the case of cholera-related diarrhea. Generally, the cholera-related diarrhea isof a watery consistency, and presents a pale milkyappearance, which can occur very suddenly and can lead to

various complications. The infection by non-O1 and non-O139 is also characterized by diarrhea, with acuteabdominal cramps, and fever in sever cases where thisdisease is self limiting and controlling in most of the cases.

As can be seen in Figure 4, at least one cholera casewas reported between 1995 and 2016 in all the fivecontinents of the world. The WHO’s reports during thisperiod also provide the estimated outbreak cases, numberof death cases and (CFRs) for each of these continents, witha rising evidence of the large and growing burden ofcholera in Africa (Table 1A). Total cholera outbreaks in overall five continents (Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe andOceania) during 21 years between 1995 and 2016 resultedin 4,407,445 cases and the total cholera deaths of 62,865with CFR (1.42%) (Tables 1A and 1B).

Figure 4. Number of cholera cases in Africa, Americas and Asia and global number of countries containing even atleast one cholera outbreak case during the period extended from 1995 to 2016 (Adapted from WHO, 1996-2017).

In 2015, 42 countries reported a total of 172,454 casesincluding 1,304 deaths, resulting in an overall case fatalityratio (CFR) of 0.8%. Cases were reported from all regions,including 16 countries in Africa, 13 in Asia, six (6) inEurope, six (6) in the Americas, and one (1) in Oceania.Afghanistan (no. of cases 58,064), the Democratic Republicof the Congo (DRC) (no. of cases 19,182), Haiti (no. of cases36,045), Kenya (no. of cases 13,291), and the UnitedRepublic of Tanzania (no. of cases 11,563) accounted for80% of all cases. Of cases reported globally, 41% were fromAfrica, 37% from Asia and 21% from Hispaniola. Importedcases were reported from 13 countries (WHO, 2016).

In 2016, 38 countries reported a total of 132,121 casesincluding 2,420 deaths, resulting in an overall case fatalityrate (CFR) of 1.8%. Cholera was reported from countries inall regions: 17 countries in Africa, 12 in Asia, four (4) in theAmericas, four (4) in Europe and one (1) in Oceania. Five

countries - the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)(no. of cases 28,093), Haiti (no. of cases 41,421), Somalia(no. of cases 15,619), the United Republic of Tanzania (no.of cases 11,360) and Yemen (no. of cases 15,751) - togetheraccounted for 80% of all cases. Of cases reported globally,54% were from Africa and 13% from Asia (WHO, 2017). In2017, the most recent cholera outbreaks were observed inYemen between April and August months. The totalsuspected cholera cases were 503,484 and the death caseswere 1,975 with CFR 0.4% (EWARS, 2017).

Total cholera outbreak cases in Africa between the year1995 and 2016 were estimated to be 2,941,788 case with atotal of 86,330 death cases (CFR 2.93%). The highestoutbreak cases of 234,349 (CFR 2.66%) were recorded in2006, followed by 217,333 cases (CFR 2.24%), 211,748cases (CFR 3.61%) and 206,746 cases (CFR 3.60%)recorded in 2009, 1998 and 1999, respectively. In the sub-

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


Saharan Africa, the highest cholera outbreak that wasrecorded in South Africa in 2001 reached a total of 106,151cases, followed by Angola in 2006 with a total of 68,257cases. Nigeria also reported a high cholera outbreak thatreached a total of 44,456 cases (CFR 3.85%) (WHO,1996-2017).

In the American continent, the highest number of caseswas recorded in 2011 with a total number of 361,266 cases(CFR 0.89%), followed by 2012 with a total of 120,433cases (CFR 0.80%). In Haiti, since the beginning of theepidemic in October 2010 and until December 2013,696,794 cholera cases were reported, of which 389,903individuals were hospitalized (56%) and 8,531 died (CFR1.22%). The CFR ranged from 4.4%, in the Department of“Sud Est” to 0.6% in Port-au-Prince. During 2013, 58,809cases including 593 deaths were reported (CFR 1%), whichshows a 47% decrease compared to the cases reported in2012 (112,076). In 2016, this country struggled with thehurricane Matthew, which resulted in almost 27,000cholera cases and 240 deaths according to the UN's CentralEmergency Response Fund (UN, 2016). Between 2010 and2016, cholera has plagued at least 770,000 Haitians andcaused over 9,200 lives. The cholera epidemic in Haitialone resulted in an increase of 85% in the number ofcholera cases worldwide. The second highest outbreak wasrecorded in Peru in 1995 and 1998 with a total number ofcases of 22,337 and 41,717, respectively. In Peru, the

second highest outbreak was recorded in 1995 and 1998with total cases of 22,337 and 41,717, respectively (WHO,2016).

In Asia the highest numbers were recorded in 1995 witha total of 50,921 cases (CFR 2.24%) and in 2010 with atotal of 13,819 cases (CFR 0.434%), while these numbersincreased to 56,787 cases in 2014 (CFR 0.07%) and 64,590cases (CFR 0.05%) in 2015 (Table 1; Figure 4) (WHO,1996-2017).

1.2 Taxonomic classification of Vibrio cholerae

Vibrio cholerae is a curved Gram-negative, facultativeanaerobic, rod-shaped, non-spore-forming bacterium, whichis highly motile with either unipolar or bipolar flagella, thatbelongs to the family Vibrionaceae and shares commoncharacteristics with the family Enterobacteriaceae(Baumann and Baumann, 1984).

Vibrio cholerae is not homogeneous and can includeover 200 serogroups based on its O antigen (Shimada et al.,1994; Yamai et al., 1997). Of all these serogroups onlyserogroups O1 and O139 are able to cause choleraepidemics or pandemics. As stated above, the non-O1 andO139 serogroups are rarely associated with humaninfections, causing mild gastroenteritis or septicaemia(West, 1989; Powell, 1999). Figure 5 illustrates V. choleraeand its biotypes and serotypes.

Figure 5. Schematic diagram illustrating V. cholerae, their biotypes and serotypes

Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 serogroups are extremelysimilar in the composition of the lipopolysaccharides (LSP)(Hisatsune et al., 1993; Isshiki et al., 1996). The mostnotable differences between V. cholerae serogroups O1 andO139 are the lengths and composition of the O side chainsof the cell-wall LPS. Unlike V. cholerae O1, which has longO-polysaccharide side chains, the LPS of V. cholerae O139contains only short O-antigen side chains (Knirel et al.,


Epidemologically, biotyping is viewed as an importantclassification method for V. cholerae O1 strains. There aretwo biotypes of V.cholerae serogroup O1, classified on thebasis of various phenotypic and genotypic markers, namelyclassical and El Tor, and three serotypes: Ogawa, Inaba andHikojima (Kaper et al., 1995; Faruque et al., 2007b). The

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


most prevalent serotype is Ogawa, while Hikojima is veryrare and unstable in the environment. The differencesbetween the classical and El Tor biotypes of V. cholerae O1are as follows:

El Tor possesses better adaptability to subsist in theenvironment and in the human host as they arebetter able to colonize the intestinal epithelium thanthe classical biotype (Finkelstein, 1996).However, the V. cholerae O1 classical biotype issuggested to be more toxigenic and virulent than ElTor (Huq et al., 1983; Koelle et al., 2005a).In terms of phenotype disparities, El Tor is sensitiveto both Mukerjee El Tor phage 5 and 50 IU ofpolymycin B, while the classical biotype is sensitiveto Mukerjee Classical phage IV. In addition to these,the El Tor biotype is agglutinated by chickenerythrocytes and gives a positive Voges-Proskauertest reaction while the classical biotype does not(Mandal et al., 2011).

Vibrio cholerae O1 classical (CL) biotype is assumed tobe the main causative agent of the first six cholerapandemics, result ing in both symptomatic andasymptomatic cases. Thereafter it became extinct and theseventh and current cholera pandemics have beenassociated with the El Tor biotype, which first appeared in1905 in the village of El Tor, Sinai, Egypt and caused moreasymptomatic infections than any other biotype. With thecurrent development, altered V. cholerae 01 El Tor isolatesproduce cholera toxin of the classical biotype, but can bebiotyped as El Tor by conventional phenotypic assays. TheO139 serogroup (synonym: Bengal) is contained ondifferent genetically-diverse strains, both toxigenic andnon-toxigenic; it is genetically closer to El Tor V. cholerae(Ansaruzzaman et al., 2004).

The three Ogawa, Inaba and Hikojima serotypes areactually different, depending on their antigenic structuresand are classified in terms of their somatic (O) antigen. TheOgawa serotype has A and B antigens, the Inaba serotypehas A and C antigens, while Hikojima has unstableantigenic types containing all three antigens (A, B and C).The Ogawa and Inaba serotypes are positive for Ogawa andInaba antisera, respectively. Hikojima serotype is positivefor both Ogawa and Inaba antisera (Shimada et al., 1994;Mandal et al., 2011).

Choleragenic V. cholerae are characterized by theirability to produce cholera toxin (CT) that is encoded by thectx gene (Kaper et al., 1995). The first island, chosen CT, isa 7000–9700 bp region encoding no less than six genes(Waldor and Mekalanos, 1996; Mekalanos et al., 1997). Theforemost of these gene products is CT, an oligomericprotein (MW 84,000) comprising five B subunits (ctxB) andone A subunit (ctxA). The B subunit binds holotoxin to thehost cell receptor, while the A subunit is responsible fortoxigenic activity intracellularly after proteolytic cleavageinto 2 peptides, A1 and A2. The internal activation of the A1peptide results in ADP-ribosyltransferase activity, whichleads to the change of ion transport and hyper-secretion ofwater and Cl into the lumen of the intestine.

In recent years, there are emergence of new pathogenicvariants of V. cholerae, which exhibit a combination ofphenotypic and genotypic traits from the Classical and ElTor biotypes and were classified as hybrid biotype (Asish etal., 2014). The rise and spread of these variants has beenreported throughout many countries, especially in Asia (Na-Ubol et al., 2011; Tran et al., 2012) and Africa (Ceccarelli etal., 2011, Naha et al., 2013) as well as in Mexico (Alam etal., 2012). They include the Matlab (MT) variant fromBagladesh (Nair et al., 2002) and the Mozambic variants,an atypical El Tor strain harbouring CTXɸCla (Faruque etal., 2007b, Das et al., 2007). Similar strains carryingtandem copies of CTXɸCla in the small chromosome or inlarge chromosome have been also isolated in other parts ofworld (Nair et al., 2006; Nguyen et al. 2009). The Haitianvariant of the El Tor biotype contains a unique mutation atthe 58th nucleotide of ctxB (the gene for the B subunit ofcholera toxin) (Nair et al., 2006). This strain has completelyreplaced the El Tor biotype on Kolkata, dia since 1995(Raychoudhuri et al., 2009). The Haitian V. cholerae strainalso had a novel mutation at the 64th amino acid position ofthe matured TcpA subunit (Naha et al., 2012; Ghosh et al.2014). Extensive reviews and studies on numerous aspectsof the cholera toxin are currently available (Kaper et al.,1995; Sears and Kaper, 1996; Scott et al., 1996; Reidl andKiose, 2002; Edwards and March, 2007; Chen et al., 2008;Ghosh-Banerjee et al., 2010; Maheshwari et al., 2011).

1.3 Transmission

Cholera disease is usually transmitted by ingestion offood or water contaminated directly or indirectly by theexcretions of infected people, e.g. faeces or vomit (Tauxeand Blake, 1992; Rabbani and Greenough, 1999). Inhistorical treaties on cholera, seaborne transport of choleraprovides the fundamental theory of propagation. However,early records show an association with contaminated water,rivers or swampy areas, or marshes where the streamswere much reduced (Colwell, 1996). Cholera infects onlyhumans and always transmits by fecal oral route; there isno insect vector or animal reservoir hosts (WHO, 2010a),but V. cholerae is able to accumulate in zooplankton, whichare fed-upon by oysters (Colwell, 2013).

1.3.1 Routes of transmission

Two main transmission routes of V. cholerae have beendocumented. The first and primary route is via the aquaticenvironment, and the second route occurs when theinfection is transmitted from infected to healthy people bywater or food contamination (Ruiz-Moreno et al., 2010).Once the primary transmission has initiated an outbreak,the secondary transmission causes epidemics in theendemic areas.

In endemic areas, the aquatic environment is the mainroute of transmission for cholera disease. Cholera is usuallytransmitted by ingestion of drinking water contaminatedwith sewage (Tauxe and Blake, 1992). Sewagecontamination of groundwater in Delhi was responsible forthe epidemic of V. cholerae (Pathak et al., 1993). In Haiti in

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


2010, cholera infection was documented along theArtibonite River (Barzilay et al., 2013, Gaudart et al., 2013).Several studies have reported the isolation and detection ofVibrio species and V. cholerae from a variety of aquaticenvironments, including drinking water (Blake et al., 1977;Ries et al., 1992; Shapiro et al., 1999; Downs et al., 1999),freshwater (Hughes et al., 1982; Grim et al., 2010;Madoroba and Momba, 2010; Rashid et al., 2013),wastewater (Momba et al., 2006; Igbinosa et al., 2009;Nongogo and Okoh, 2014), brackish water (Reilly andTwiddy, 1992; El-Lathy, 2009), and sea water (Colwell etal., 1977; 1981; Lipp et al., 2003; Gazi et al., 2010; Rashidet al., 2013). There is a relationship between V. choleraeand planktonic crustacean copepods, which leads to thecontamination of water. Hug and co-workers (1983) havepointed out that several copepods with V. cholerae cellsattached to the surface and in the gut may contain up to 104

cells of V. cholera, a concentration, which is theprerequisite infectious dose for clinical cholera. During aplankton bloom, these copepods may be ingested in a glassof water if this water is not subjected to any treatment. Thismay increase the chances of consuming watercontaminated with V. cholerae.

Another route of cholera transmission during inter-epidemic periods via water environments is horizontaltransfer of virulent genetic matter from non-predominanttoxigenic V. cholerae to predominant non-toxigenic V.cholerae. This may occur in both V. cholerae O1 and non-O1, which survive in the same water environments,whereas non-toxigenic V. cholerae non-O1 predominatesover toxigenic O1 bacteria. In some unfavourableconditions and as a result of lysogeny and horizontal genetransfer, the genetic material such as cholera toxin (CTX)gene and other virulence factors have been reported to betransferred to non-toxigenic V. cholerae (Faruque et al.,2004; Valdespino and Garcĺa-Garcĺa, 2011).

Cholera diseases are able to spread via food, and thusinfection due to V. cholerae begins with the ingestion ofcontaminated water or food. Transmission of cholera innon-endemic areas is more frequently associated withconsumption of foods, such as raw or undercooked seafood, imported from cholera-endemic areas (Mandal et al.,2011). In many countries, consuming contaminateduncooked vegetables and seafood is a long-standing sourceof cholera outbreaks. Vegetables are possibly contaminatedduring pre- and post-harvest due to irrigation or washwaters contaminated with V. cholerae (Wachsmuth et al.,1994; Faruque et al., 1998; Anon, 2000). Fruits, vegetables,sea food, fish, shellfish, crabs and oysters, even poultry, redmeat and dairy products may play a vital role in thetransmission of cholera in many areas (Maheshwari et al.,2011). Fish samples from fresh and marine waters carry V.cholerae and it has been reported that fish intestinescontain V. cholerae counts of up to 5.0 x 103 CFU/g(Senderovich et al., 2010).

Cholera may also be transmitted by an additional route;it is transported over long distances by human migration. Ithas been suggested that V. cholerae may have re-enteredSouth America in 1991, after a century of absence, from thebilge and ballast water of cargo ships (WHO, 2003a).

1.3.2 Reservoirs

Asymptomatically infected people having sub-clinicaldoses of V. cholerae are some of the main reservoirs ofcholera. Once conditions are favourable, those people areable to spread the disease. The aquatic environments canalso be a reservoir for Vibrio cholerae even in the absenceof outbreaks (Akoachere and Mbuntcha, 2014). Since thenineteenth century, the physician Snow recognized thatwater acts as a reservoir for cholera diseases and that V.cholerae is able to spread by infected water (Shears, 1994).Recently many researchers have confirmed that thedifferent water sources are able to serve as a reservoir forV. cholerae and responsible for spreading cholera disease(Colwell and Huq, 1994; Shapiro et al., 1999; Blokesh andSchoolnik, 2007). Akoachere and Mbuntcha (2014)investigated well-, tap- and stream-water samples inBepanda, Cameroon, as reservoirs of Vibrio cholerae; theyfound that 33% of 96 isolates were confirmed as V.cholerae O1.

Available literature suggests that fish act as reservoirsof V. cholerae. Cholera has been associated withconsumption of fish in several countries: India (Pandit andHora, 1951), Germany (Schürmann et al., 2002), Japan(Kiiyukia et al., 1992), Thailand and Srilanka (Plesnik andProchazkova, 2006), Tanzania (Acosta et al., 2001), andPeru (Carvajal et al., 1988). Numerous reports (Huq et al.,1983; Dumontet et al., 1996; Bhaskar et al., 2004; Halpernet al., 2004; Jeffs et al., 2004) have pointed out thatmacroalgae, seafood, and marine crustaceans such ascopepods and chironomid egg masses act as environmentalreservoirs of V. cholerae. Wakeham et al. (1997) suggestedthat the sediment of the equatorial Pacific Ocean is anotherenvironmental reservoir of V. cholerae.

1.3.3 Incubation period

The incubation period is usually very short and rangesfrom 2 h to 5 days. After a typical incubation period of 1to 2days, there can be an extended period up to 5 days in somecases; the infected people experience a sudden onset ofwatery diarrhoea. Vomiting is common and often precedesthe onset of diarrhoea with fluid loss often 500 to 1,000mL/h, leading to severe dehydration. Over a 24 h period, upto 20 litres of watery diarrhoea can be excreted in adults. Ifleft untreated, the mortality rate may reach 40 to 60%(Speck, 1993; Sack et al., 2004; WHO, 2009a). The stool ofthe infected people became highly infectious containinghigh counts of choleragenic V. cholerae up to 109 CFU/mLof stool (Dizon et al., 1967). Without antibiotic treatment,organisms are secreted in the stool for an average of 6 days(Lindenbaum et al., 1967). The incubation period for non-choleragenic Vibrio spp. infection is usually 12 h to 3 days,but can be extended for up to one week (Seas and Gotuzzo,2009).

1.3.4 Period of communicability

After ingestion, V. cholerae colonizes the small intestinefor 12 to 3 days asymptomatically. Then the symptoms ofcholera begin to appear with stomach cramps and vomiting

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


followed by diarrhoea, which may progress to fluid lossesup to 1 L/h. Rice water stools of the infected people cancarry Vibrio cholerae counts ranging between 1010 and 1012

CFU/L (Phillips, 1964; Nelson et al., 2009).

Symptomatic patients may shed V. cholerae before theonset of illness (Cash et al., 1974) and will continue to shedthose organisms for 1 to 2 weeks (Kaper et al., 1995). Theminimum infective dose of V. cholerae is about 103 cells(Bitton, 2005). Asymptomatic patients typically shed Vibrioorganisms in their stool for only one day, at approximately103 CFU/g of stool (Mosley et al., 1968; Nelson et al., 2009).Therefore, the distribution of symptomatic patientsinfluences the quantity of V. cholerae that is shed forsubsequent transmission. The infected people who have notreceived any antibiotics for treatment may be continuouslyshedding Vibrio cholerae for one to two weeks. Less than1% of patients continue shedding the organisms in theirfaeces for extended time periods, in some cases reachingup to 10 years and have positive stool cultures for Vibriocholerae after an initial case of cholera (Azurin et al., 1967;Dizon, 1974; Kaper et al., 1995).

1.3.5 Population susceptibility

Historically, V. cholerae infection has had a profoundeffect on human populations, including their evolution andcultural development. It is important to note that thesusceptibility to cholera depends on a number of factors,which include local intestinal immunity from previousexposure or vaccination, bacterial load and intrinsic hostfactors such as stomach pH (gastric acid providing abarrier) and blood group (Sack et al., 2004).

In general, exposure to V. cholerae throughcontaminated drinking water or food products such asundercooked seafood can lead to cholera infection in anypopulation category, while immuno-compromisedindividuals, elderly people and children at the highest risk.Risk factors for the disease include poor sanitation, notenough clean drinking water, and poverty. Sporadicoutbreaks can be due to contamination of drinking waterand food in highly populated areas harbouring endemictoxigenic V. cholerae. Water sources contaminated with V.cholerae are probably the main origin of epidemics,followed to a lesser extent by contaminated food, especiallyseafood products like oysters, crabs, and shellfish (Kaysnerand Hill, 1994). Drinking unboiled or untreated water is arisk factor for cholera, while the use of soap is typicallyassociated with a lower likelihood of infection (O’Connor etal., 2011). In food-borne outbreaks, the risk factors mayinclude consumption of specific contaminated foods, suchas rice products, vegetables or fruits (Rabbani andGreenough, 1999). In regions where cholera is sporadic, forexample in the United States, most cases are linked toconsumption of undercooked shellfish including oysters.

Displacing large populations and the collapse ofinfrastructure, associated with natural disasters andintensified by climate change, provide an ideal ground forcholera (HolNAer et al., 2010). Climate variability has beenassumed to have the ability to directly influence theoutbreaks of infectious diseases, such as cholera. A long-

term study on El Tor cholera in Matlab, Bangladesh thatspanned a period of four decades has established such acorrelation (Koelle et al., 2005b).

Recently, Bavishi and Dupont (2011), found that theother risk factors for cholera infection are related tospecific biological interactions between host and pathogen.For example, individuals with hypochlorhydria (reducedgastric acid) are much more prone to develop cholera. Thismay be due to the fact that gastric acid is a key barrier thatprotects individuals against infection.

Cholera and other waterborne diseases pose an growingthreat to people already living at the margins of survival,where populations with a high predominance of blood typeO are especially at risk. People with blood type O are moreexpected to develop severe cholera (cholera gravis) thanindividuals having other blood types. This has beendemonstrated in various case-control studies which showedthat people with blood type O were at increased risk ofhospitalization due to V. cholerae O1 biotype El Tor as wellas to V. cholera O139 (Glass et al., 1985; Swerdlow et al.,1994; Faruque et al., 1994; Tacket et al., 1995; Harris etal., 2005; Harris et al., 2008). However, no such associationhas been found for cholera infection with classical V.cholera strains (Clemens et al., 1989). A recent study byHeggelund and co-workers (2012) has revealed that thecholera toxin is assumed to be the main culprit of this bloodtype dependence as they found that that both El Tor andclassical cholera toxin B-pentamers bind blood typedeterminants (with equal affinities). It is thereforeconfirmed that blood-type dependence is strain specific.The shorter blood type H-determinant characteristic ofblood type O individuals binds with similar binding affinitycompared to the A-determinant, however, with differentkinetics (Heggelund et al., 2012).

Although many factors are involved in V. choleraevirulence, the key agent responsible for the severediarrhoea is the cholera toxin (CT), which is secreted fromvibrios co-expressing a bacteriophage (Davis et al., 2000;Davis and Waldor, 2003). The most recent study in choleraendemic areas in Bangladesh has revealed a directrelationship between susceptibility of cholera infection andspecific genes in some people. A number of genetic regions,including genes related to inherent immunity andpotassium channels, are found to be associated withcholera (Karlsson et al., 2013). A study by Harris and co-workers (2008) also demonstrated that IgA antibodies, atype of antibody associated with the mucosal immunesystem, such as the mucosal surface of the intestinal tract,that target several components of the bacteria, areassociated with immunity to V. cholerae infection.

Natural infection with V. cholera O1 has been reportedto induce adaptive immune responses that provideprotection against subsequent reinfection with the samepathogen. Studies conducted with volunteers in non-endemic settings have shown that infection with classicalbiotype V. cholera O1 provides 100% protection fromsubsequent challenges with a classical biotype strain.However, infection caused by the El Tor biotype of V.cholera O1 results in 90% protection from subsequent

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


challenges with an El Tor strain. It was found thatindividual volunteers were protected for a period of 3 years(Levine et al., 1981). In an endemic area of Bangladesh,Glass and co-workers (1982) reported an initial episode ofEl Tor cholera, which reduced the risk of a second cholerainfection by 90% over the next several years.

The nutritional status of households has been identifiedas another risk factor for cholera infection. Evidence hasshown that increasing levels of retinol (Vitamin A)deficiency are associated with both a higher risk ofinfection with V. cholerae O1 and a higher likelihood ofdeveloping symptomatic disease if infected (Harris et al.,2008).

Although all age groups seem to be susceptible tocholera infection, still the majority of children are at highrisk (Glass and Black, 1992; Sack et al., 2003; Harris et al.,2008). For example, in endemic areas of rural Bangladesh,especially at the Ganges River Delta, children are morelikely to be hospitalized with severe illness (Glass et al.,1982). Hartley et al. (2006) reported that direct person-to-person transmission of cholera is still thought to beuncommon. In individual volunteer studies, the infectivedose was determined to be 102 to 103 cells. However, thesize of the inoculum needed to cause severe infection isbased on the health status of the individual. Genenrallysome 105 to 108 bacterial cells are required to producedisease in healthy people, but a very small inoculum cantrigger the disease in individuals with low levels of gastricacid (Sack et al., 2004). Only a small inoculum is requiredto transmit the disease directly via the faeces of an infectedindividual, (Pascual et al., 2006).

1.4 Population and Individual Control Measures

In both endemic and epidemic cholera settings, themost efficient control measures are the early detection bywell-established surveillance systems, announcement of theinfection by the governments and health authorities andinternational organizations such as WHO and CDC, prompttreatment of infected people by administering appropriatemedication, providing health education and proper disposalof human waste. In some instances, vaccination is requiredto protect the other people from cholera infections. Also, insome cases, restrictions on trade and import of mainly fish,seafood, and others foodstuffs from endemic areas inaddition to travel restrictions offer some advantages tocontrol the disease But travellers to epidemic areas shouldbe very careful about their eat and drink and scrupulousabout personal hygiene. Surveillance by molecularepidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibility in addition tostrain-tracking are important tools for cholera control atboth national and international levels (WHO, 2014).

Although control measures should be put in place, thecheapest and most effective way of avoiding a choleraoutbreak is by providing safe clean drinking water andimproved sanitation infrastructure to all. Unfortunately,these basic requirements are still lacking in many parts ofdeveloping countries. Statistics mentioned in Table 1 revealthat hundreds of thousands of people have died of cholerain Africa and in Asia between 1995 and 2013. These

statistics are based only on reported cases whileunderreporting and/or underestimating cases remaincommon in the developing world.

1.4.1 Vaccines Types of vaccine

Two types of cholera vaccines are available dependingon the route of administration - via injection and oral. Forthe injectable version, killed whole-cell (WC) choleravaccines were used during the nineteenth century and stillup until 1970. Since then, no injectable vaccines have beenused due to their low levels of efficacy, short duration ofprotection, and their known side-effects and unfavourablesafety profile (Mosley et al., 1972). The second type is oralcholera vaccines, which are now widely used because theyare easier to administer, more acceptable to recipients, andhave a reduced risk of transmitting blood-borne infections(Holmgren and Czerkinsky, 2005; Shin et al., 2011).

The current internationally-licensed cholera vaccinecontains, in addition to the killed whole cell vibrios of bothclassical and EI Tor biotypes, the cholera toxin B subunit.This additive boosts short-term protection against V.cholerae infection (Clemens et al., 1989), acting as a potentmucosal immunogen and as an immunoadjuvant (Rask etal., 2000). The two major types of oral vaccines againstcholera are the killed whole cell-based and the geneticallyattenuated live vaccines (Shin et al., 2011). Currently, thereare two types of WHO-prequalified oral cholera vaccines,namely Dukoral® and Shanchol®, both of which arelicensed in many countries (WHO, 2014). Dukoral®

This vaccine is manufactured by Crucell Sweden AB,located in Stockholm, Sweden, and consists of killed wholecell V. cholerae O1 with purified recombinant B subunit(WC/rBS) of cholera toxin. Each dose must be diluted in150 mL of bicarbonate buffer and in 75 mL for children.The immunization schedule varies with different agegroups. It is administered to adults and children aged >6years in 2 doses; and to children aged >2 years and <6years in 3 doses. For both regimens, the recommendedminimum time between the two doses is 7 days, whereasthe maximum time is 6 weeks. Protection can bepredictable after the last dose by one week. It was foundthat, Dukoral® also generates some cross-protectionagainst enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). Field trialsin Bangladesh and Peru have demonstrated that thisvaccine is harmless and results in 85% protection for 4-6months throughout various group ages. Although theprotection degenerated sharply in young children after 6months, it persisted at about 60% after 2 years in olderchildren and adults (WHO, 2014). A re-analysis of the dataobtained from the Bangladesh study when using astochastic model of cholera transmission advocated that theeffectiveness of WC/rBS is prominently boosted by herdprotection (Faruque et al., 2007a). This vaccine is notapproved for use in children aged less than 2 years.

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


Oral cholera vaccines offer short-term protectionagainst cholera infection. However, access to treated andsafe water, food hygiene and adequate sanitation are stillimportant and are the main issues to be taken intoconsideration in control measures. The limitation of globalproduction and supply of the licensed WHO-prequalifiedcholera vaccines is one of the most important challenges inthe future. For example, since its inception in 2013, 1.4million doses of oral cholera vaccines have been deployedfrom the stockpile. Thus, a rigorous system of short- andlonger-term monitoring and evaluation embedded withinthe oral cholera vaccines stockpile deployment mechanismis required (WHO, 2014). The design of future vaccineevaluations and efficacy studies are needed to consider therole of herd protection. The hypothetical existence ofsignificant herd protection will have implications for thechoice of target populations for cholera vaccination. It islikely that access to the vaccine might be enhanced forgroups who do not usually have access to or seektreatment. It remains to be determined how these factorswill influence the development of strategies that focus onreaching a particular threshold level of vaccination in orderto achieve an acceptable level of protection in a community

(WHO, 2006). Furthermore, there is a call for thedevelopment of improved vaccines that confer protection,especially for blood type O individuals (HolNAer et al.,(2010). New vaccination strategies are needed to considerinformation on the blood-group dependence of the diseasefor this particular group of individuals.

1.4.2 Hygiene measures

Recently, countries have made great strides to preventand respond to cholera outbreaks; nonetheless, manyconcerns remain about the high proportion of people livingunder unsanitary conditions. WHO/UNICEF (2012)estimated that 2.5 billion people still live without improvedsanitation and these people are at risk of contractingcholera and other diarrheal diseases worldwide. There is aneed to extend prevention measures in order to stopcholera and other waterborne diseases by tyintensifyingaccess to improved sources of drinking water and improvedsanitation, and by working hang in hand with communitiesto encourage the change of their behaviour in order toreduce the risks of infection (WHO/UNICEF, 2012). Forexample in Darfur, Sudan has been offered valuableindications of the cost, impact, and challenges of water andsanitation projects in complex emergencies and of the roleof such projects in preventing cholera outbreaks. In May2004, only 20% people of living in areas reachable by theUnited Nations agencies had access to adequate water, andonly about 5% to proper sanitation; by September 2005,these ratios had risen to 52% and 76%, respectively.Clearly, despite the enormous effort provided by allhumanitarian bodies active in the field for more than ayear, a significant number of people still lacked access tominimum water supply and sanitation facilities (WHO,2006).

2.0 Environmental Occurrence, Persistenceand Survival

V. cholerae has been found not only in freshwaterenvironments, but also in marine water, colonizing thewater biota, particularly plankton and attached primarily tocrustacean copepods in the zooplankton. Thus the choleradisease appears not to be eradicable due to the fact that V.cholerae is a natural inhabitant of the aquatic environment(Valdespino and Garcĺa-Garcĺa, 2011). De Magny and co-workers (2011) examined the incidence of cholera andoccurrence of pathogenic V. cholerae including bothserogroups O1 and O139 within zooplankton. They foundthat two dominant zooplankton groups were consistentlyassociated with the detection of V. cholerae and/oroccurrence of cholera cases, namely rotifers andcladocerans, in addition to copepods. Local differencesindicate that there are subtle ecological factors that caninfluence interactions between V. cholerae, its planktonhosts, and the incidence of cholera.

2.1 Detection Methods

2.1.1 Culture-based methods

Detection, enumeration and identification of V. cholerae Future aspects

A case study about the safety, immunogenicity andshedding level of a live oral V. cholerae O1 El Tor vaccinecandidate, named Peru-15, was conducted in Bangladesh. Itwas found that V. cholerae, genetically identical with thevaccine strain, was isolated from the stool of only onevolunteer (Qadri et al., 2005). lso, the rate of fecal sheddingfor the same oral Vibrio vaccine Peru-15 was found to be0.7% in adults and 7.5% in children (Bhutta et al., 2009).nother live attenuated cholera vaccine candidate called V.cholerae 638 (Cuba) has been studied on volunteers inHavana, Cuba and Maputo, Mozambique during 2005 and2007. It was found that the fecal shedding rates reached upto 46% in Mozambique. Moreover the fecal shedding ratewas 0% in the study which was carried out in Kolkata, Indiaduring 1999-2004 on the live attenuated V 1.3 vaccine; thismeans that this vaccine is very safe (Bhutta et al., 2009). Fecal shedding of live vaccine strains Shanchol®

The Shanchol® vaccine is bivalent and contains killedwhole-cell V. cholerae serogroups O1 and O139 and ismanufactured by Shantha Biotechnics, located inHyderabad, India; it does not contain a recombinant Bsubunit, and therefore does not need to be reconstituted ina buffer solution. The immunization schedule is 2 dosesgiven at an interval of 2 weeks for those aged >1 year.Shanchol® has provided longer term protection thanDukoral® in children aged <5 years, and therefore doesnot require a booster dose after 6 months in this age group,unlike Dukoral®. Shanchol® provided 67% protectionagainst clinically significant V. cholerae O1 cholera in anendemic area for at least 2 years after vaccination. A fieldtrial in Kolkata, India showed a sustained protectiveefficacy (65%) of the vaccine up to 5 years (Bhattacharya etal., 2013). Annexure 2 illustrates a comparison of thecurrently available oral cholera vaccines.

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


from the environmental and medical samples by culture-based methods followed by biochemical and serologicaltests have been established in many standard methods(ISO, 2007; APHA, 2012; CDC, 2015). The procedures fordetection of V. cholerae by culture-based methods includesgrowth in enrichment by using salt-free non-selectiveenrichment media such as alkaline peptone water (APW),buffered peptone water (BPW), brain heart infusion (BHI),marine broth or Luria broth (LB) at 37oC for 18-24 h. Thisstep is very important for recovering the stressed or injuredV. cholerae cells, therefore avoiding the false-negativeresults (Reissbrodt et al., 2003). Thereafter, selectiveisolation of Vibrio species is achieved by plating on aselective agar culture plate, namely thiosulphate citratebile salts sucrose (TCBS) agar, for 24 to 48 h at 37oC, whichallows colonies of V. cholerae to ferment sucrose andproduce yellow colonies. The TCBS agar is still a goldenstandard culture medium. It is widely used and extremelyuseful for isolating V. cholerae from different water andfood samples and as well as from human clinical specimens(Colwell, 1984; Farmer et al., 2003; 2005). These yellowcolonies are subjected to further biochemical andserological tests for the identification of V. cholerae (Cashet al., 1974; Nair et al., 1987).

During a cholera outbreak, there is no need to do alarge number of biochemical tests to confirm a culture as V.cholerae. Agglutination in V. cholerae O1 or O139 serum isa diagnostic method that can be followed by biochemicaltesting for the first few isolates to confirm the presence ofthis patohgen (APHA, 2012). Haemolysis of sheep bloodcells has been traditionally used as one of several tests todistinguish the two biotypes of V. cholerae O1. The classicbiotype is non-haemolytic, while the El Tor biotype ishaemolytic; non-O1 V. cholerae strains are usuallyhaemolytic (Karaolis et al. , 2001). Commercialimmunoassays for testing the enterotoxin of V. cholerae arecurrently available and they allow growing the culture inspecial media (APHA, 2012). Recently the chromogenic andfluorogenic media such as chromIDTMVibrio Agar, HiCromeVibrio agar, Vibrio chromogenic agar, and chromogenicVibrio cholerae agar for the detection of Vibrio choleraeand other Vibrio species have been used (Duan and Su,2005; Richards et al., 2005; Eddabra et al., 2011).

Madoroba and Momba (2010) collected 594 watersamples aseptically once a month over a 4-month periodfrom 32 sampling sites on major rivers in the MpumalangaProvince of South Africa. They used three differentapproaches for collecting samples from the above-mentioned rivers. Two of the sampling methods involvedplacing either sterile Moore gauzes or tampons (tied at thecentre to strong twine) in duplicate in flowing water atvarious river sites. Weights were also tied to the gauzesand tampons to ensure their submergence in the riverwater. The gauzes and tampons were left in the variousrivers for 5 - 6 days in order to maximize trapping of V.cholerae. The third method of sampling involved thecollection of 5 L of water in sterile containers, followed bysealing of the containers and appropriate labelling. Theyfound that almost similar numbers of V. cholerae wereobtained from water samples that were collected in sterilecontainers directly (7 isolates) and from gauzes that were

submerged in the river water for 5 to 6 days (8 isolates). NoV. cholerae were isolated from water samples collectedusing tampons. They concluded that both methods aresuitable for isolating these bacteria from environmentalsamples. Tampons were found to be unsuitable forobtaining V. cholerae from water sources as no isolateswere recovered with this method. This may be due to someinhibiting substances present in tampons.

2.1.2 Molecular-based methods

Several molecular-based methods have been used for V.cholerae O1 and O139 detection in environmental samples.These methods have high sensitivity, specificity, and speed.The methods used for V. cholerae detection by conventionalPCR and/or real-time PCR are well established (Wang et al.,2007; Tebbs et al., 2011; Teklehaimanot et al., 2014). Manyresearch studies have identified Vibrio cholerae strainsusing 16S rRNA sequencing, pulsed- f ie ld gelelectrophoresis (PFGE), nested and multiplex PCR(Chakraborty et al., 1999; Kong et al., 2002; Tarr et al.,2007; Mendes et al., 2008; Keshav et al., 2010). Moreover,molecular detection and characterization of virulencefactors and cholera toxin genes (ctxs) of Vibrio choleraehave been investigated in many studies (Lipp et al., 2003;Blackstone et al., 2007; Son et al., 2011).

Other rapid methods have been developed forenvironmental monitoring of V. cholerae, including the useo f m o n o c l o n a l f l u o r e s c e n t a n t i b o d i e s a n dimmunochromatographic dipsticks for LPS detection (Natoet al., 2003; Goel et al., 2005). Chen et al. (2014) developeda new monoclonal antibody (McAb) pair, named IXiao3G6and IXiao1D9, which is specifically against V. cholerae O1serotype Ogawa. In addit ion, they developedimmunochromatographic lateral flow device (LFD) usingthis McAb pair for the highly specific and rapid (within 5min) detection of Ogawa.

Wang et al. (2010) developed an immunofluorescent-aggregation (IFAG) assay to detect V. cholerae O1 andO139 in estuarine water samples. They compared theresults of IFAG with the conventional culture method andreal-time PCR. Their results showed that the percentagepositive by the IFAG assay method was 19.9%, which wassignificantly higher compared to the conventional culturemethod (10.3%), but lower than that of real-time PCR(29.5%). They concluded that the IFAG method, with a highspecificity and a relatively high sensitivity, may be used forthe detection and isolation of V. cholerae in environmentalwater samples.

Recently, Yu et al. (2015) developed a nucleic acid-sensing platform for detection of toxigenic Vibrio choleraeserogroups O1 and O139. The sensitivity and specificity(100%) of the platform showed excellent diagnosticcapabilities when tested with 168 spiked stool samples.Their study highlighted the potential of combining a dry-reagent-based nucleic acid amplification assay with anelectrochemical genosensor in a more convenient,sensitive, and sequence-specific detection strategy formultiple target nucleic acids.

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


2.1.3 Immune-diagnosis/detection of the pathogen infection

Challenges still remain vis-à-vis the diagnosis anddection of Vibrio cholerae infections, due to limitedresources especially in developing countries. The mostcommonly performed methods for serodiagnosis of Vibriocholerae O1 infection comprise the measurement ofantibacterial antibodies by agglutination or vibriocidalantibody essays (Barret et al., 1994). The vibriocidalantibody test has been used widely for serologic surveys asit is a friendly method based on the titration of largenumbers of sera by microtiter procedure. According toBarret et al., (1994), the acquisition of antibody throughnatural exposure or vaccination has demonstrated obviouscorrelation to immunity on a population basis and involunteers challenged with the organism.

More procedures such as the indirect hemagglutinationtest and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs)and cell culture models for detecting cholera toxin (CT)have been also reported to provide marked improvement inthe ability to measure antitoxic antibodies (Barret et al.,1994). Rapid diagnostic tests such as reverse passive latexagglutination test (RP LA) have also been proved effectivefor the detection of CT (Yamasaki et al., 2013). Recently,various tests have been developed and they mostly focus onthe detection of the lipopolysaccharide of V. cholerae O1and O139 by monoclonal antibodies, using the vertical-flowimmunochromatography principle (Keddy et al, 2013).These are commercial membrane-based rapid diagnostictests that have been used to detect the presence of cholerainfection under laboratory and field conditions withv a r i a b l e s e n s i t i v i t y a n d s p e c i f i c i t y . T h eimmunochromatographic Test Strip developed by Yamasakiet al., (2013) demonstrated the capability to detect the CTin culture supernatant of all 15 toxigenic V. choleraeisolates examined, whereas no false-positive signal wasdetected in all 5 nontoxigenic V. cholerae isolatesexamined. A combination of different target analytes forexample, immunoassay which detects the existence of CTcan result in the surveillance of toxigenic V. cholerae.

2.2 Data on occurrence

2.2.1 Excreta in the environment (fecal waste, night soiland dry latrines)

The occurrence of toxigenic V. cholerae in water istypically associated with fecal pollution. Several researchstudies have detected V. cholerae in human, domestic andfarm animal faeces (Kay et al., 1994; Visser et al., 1999;Cox et al., 2005; Cabral, 2010). The person infected withcholera is able to excrete 106V. cholerae cells per gramfaeces (Viraraghavan et al., 2007). Keshav et al. (2010)investigated the occurrence of V. cholerae in animal faecalsamples collected in rural areas in the Vhembe region ofthe Limpopo Province in South Africa. In their work, V.cholerae O1 was detected in 17 out of 74 cow and (3/74)chicken faeces samples, of which (9/17) cow faeces samplesand (3/3) chicken faeces samples tested positive fortoxigenic V. cholerae O1.

Although much research has been carried outconcerning the occurrences of V. cholerae in differentaquatic environments, fish, shellfish and food stuffs, recentdata and statistics are still not available about theoccurrence of V. cholerae in night-soil and dry latrines. In acase study by Bart et al. (1970) V. cholerae from night-soiland latrines was investigated during epidemics of classicaland El Tor cholera in East Pakistan. Findings of this studyrevealed only 2 classical Inaba isolates that were isolatedfrom 9 906 individual latrine and pooled communal night-soil samples, whereas in the Chittagong area, from 62 588similar samples, 2 classical Inaba and 52 El Tor Ogawaisolates were detected. In areas where cases due to bothbiotypes were occurring simultaneously, El Tor Ogawavibrios were isolated 10 times more frequently than theclassical Inaba.

The occurrence of V. cholerae was found to be higher inhuman faeces (2.2 x 108 CFU/g), cow dung (1.1 x 107

CFU/g) and poultry manure samples (5.9 x 107 CFU/g),whereas a lower load of V. cholerae was observed incompost samples (2.2 x 103 CFU/g) (Uddin et al., 2012).Table 5 summarises the occurrence of V. cholera in variousenvironmental samples (Table 5).

Table 5. Occurrence of V. cholerae in environmental sources including fecal waste, night soil, dry latrines

Area Periodof Study Matrix Detection



(# ofSamples)

ConcentrationAverage CFUa/L,

MPNb/L, orCFU/g


Bangladesh NRc Patient Faeces Culture 1.0 mg NR 2.2 E+05 Uddin et al., 2012Bangladesh NR Compost Culture 1.0 mg NR 2.2 Uddin et al., 2012Bangladesh NR Cow Faeces Culture 1.0 mg NR 1.1 E+04 Uddin et al., 2012Bangladesh NR Poultry Faeces Culture 1.0 mg NR 5.9 E+04 Uddin et al., 2012

East Pakistand 1968 to1969 Night soil Culture NR 0.12% NR Bart et al., 1970

East Pakistane 1968 to1969 Night soil Culture NR 0.006% NR Bart et al., 1970

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


East Pakistan 1965to 1966

Asymptomaticcholera patients

stoolCulture 1.0 g NR 1.0 E+03 CFU

Nelson et al.,2009; Mosley et

al., 1968

Philippines 1964to 1966

Patient faeces(watery)

Serologicalexaminations 1.0 ml 21.7% 1.0 E+04 to 1.0

E+06 Dizon et al., 1967

South Africa 2008 Cow Faeces PCR 0.15g 74.3%(55/74) NR Keshav et al.,


South Africaf 2008 Cow Faeces PCR 0.15g 22.9%(17/74) NR Keshav et al.,


South Africag 2008 Cow Faeces PCR 0.15g 12%(9/74) NR Keshav et al.,


South Africa 2008 Chicken Faeces PCR 0.15g 10.8%(8/74) NR Keshav et al.,


South Africah 2008 Chicken Faeces PCR 0.15g 4%(3/74) NR Keshav et al.,


South Africa 2008 Goats Faeces PCR 0.15g 2.7%(2/74) NR Keshav et al.,


South Africa 2008 Donkeys Faeces PCR 0.15g 5.4%(4/74) NR Keshav et al.,


South Africa 2008 Pig Faeces PCR 0.15mg 4%(3/74) NR Keshav et al.,


South Africa 2008 Pigeons Faeces PCR 0.15 mg 1.3%(2/74) NR Keshav et al.,


NR NR Faeces Culture 1.0 mg NR 1.0 E+03 to 1.0E+06 WHO, 2011a

NR NR Human Faeces Culture 1.0 g NR 1.0 E+06 Viraraghavan etal., 2007

aCFU: Colony Forming Unit; bMPN: Most Probable Number; cNR: Not Reported; Microorganism dEl Tor Ogawa;eClassical Inaba; fO1; g,hToxigenic O1

2.2.2 Sewage

In many developing countries, sewage is dischargeddirectly into the rivers, it leaks into groundwater and isused for irrigation purposes without any prior treatment orwith inadequate treatment. It was found that 80% of theglobally produced wastewater does not receive any kind oftreatment, whereas only 20% receives suitable treatment(UNESCO, 2012). The pollution of rivers and groundwaterby sewage causes the spread of diseases and environmentaldeterioration. Control of sewage discharges and properwater treatment practices have dramatically reducedwidespread epidemics in the United States. However, oneoutbreak of cholera occurred in 1981, caused bywastewater contamination of an oil rig’s potable watersystem, resulting in 17 cases of severe diarrhoea (CDC,1982). It is only necessary to remove cholera from sewageif failure to do so will result in the transmission of thedisease. Typically, this occurs if the treated wastewatercontaminates food that is eaten raw. For example, cabbageused for preparing coleslaw was implicated in case-controlstudies in the Peruvian outbreak (Swerdlow et al., 1992);the cabbage may have been irrigated with watercontaminated with sewage. Tamplin and Parodi (1991)

worked in Peru at the height of the epidemic period, andthey reported 105 and 102V. cholerae cells/100mL inmunicipal sewage in Lima and Puno, respectively.

Explosive epidemics of cholera have been documentedin Peru and Chile and have been associated with theconsumption of sewage-contaminated vegetables (Shuval,1991). V. cholerae El Tor was found in sewage (oxidationpond), and levels of 10 to104 organisms/100mL during acholera epidemic have been reported (Kott and Betzer,1972). In a case study to determine the efficiency of 14sewage treatment plants in the Mpumalanga Province inSouth Africa, among all the other pathogenic bacteriadetected, it was found that Vibrio spp. were the mostencountered in the raw and the treated sewage effluent.This is an indication of the predisposition of the communityto cholera (Samie et al., 2009). Also in the same country,toxigenic V. cholerae were detected in the final effluents ofwastewater treatment plants as follows: Baviaanspoort(35.3%), Refilwe (21.9%) and Rayton (9.4%) (Dungeni et al.,2010). Moreover, in a study conducted by Teklehaimanot etal. (2014; 2015) on the effluents of activated sludgetreatment plants, the PCR results revealed that between 20and 60% of samples tested positive for Vibrio cholerae.Table 6 illustrates the occurrence of V. cholerae in sewagein some countries of the world.

Area Periodof Study Matrix Detection



(# ofSamples)

ConcentrationAverage CFUa/L,

MPNb/L, orCFU/g


Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


Table 6. Occurrence of V. cholerae in sewage



Microorganism Matrix DetectionMethod



(# ofSamples)


MPNb/L, orCFU/g



1977 to1991 V. cholerae O1 Waste water PCR NRc 96.7% NRc Rivera et al.,



1977 to1991 V. cholerae O139 Waste water PCR NR 100% NR Rivera et al.,


Egypt 2005 to2007 Vibrio spp. Raw

wastewater Culture 100mL 100% 100 to 1.0 E+04 El-Lathy et al.,2009

Egypt NR V. cholerae Treatedwastewater Culture 100mL NR 10 to 100 Hassanin et al.,


India NR Toxigenic V.cholerae Sewage PCR mL 10% NR Yadava et al.,


India NR V. cholerae non-O1 Sewage PCR mL 70% NR Yadava et al.,


Peru NR V. cholerae Sewage water Culture 100 mL NR 10 to 1.0 E+04 Tamplin andParodi ,1991


2007 to2008

Toxigenic V.cholerae

Effluent ofRefiwe


PCR NR 21.9% NR Dungeni et al.,2010


2007 to2008

Toxigenic V.cholerae

Effluent ofRayton


PCR NR 9.4% NR Dungeni et al.,2010


2007 to2008

Toxigenic V.cholerae

Effluent ofBaviaanspoortWastewater

plantsPCR NR 35.3% NR Dungeni et al.,



2012 to2013 Vibrio spp. Treated

wastewater Culture 100mL NR 0.1 to 1.0 E+03 Nongogo andOkoh, 2014


2011 to2012

ToxigenicV. cholerae

Treatedwastewater PCR NR 20 to 60% NR

Teklehaimanotet al., 2014;


2011 to2012 V. cholerae Effluent

wastewater Culture NR 93% NR Teklehaimanotet al., 2015


2011 to2012 V. cholerae Effluent

wastewater PCR NR 20 to 60% NR Teklehaimanotet al., 2015

NR NR V. cholerae Raw sewage Culture 100mL NR 1.0 E+06 AWWA, 2006

NR NR V. cholerae Untreatedwastewater Culture L NR 100 to 1.0 E+06 WHO, 2011a

aCFU: Colony Forming Unit; bMPN: Most Probable Number; cNR: Not Reported

2.2.3 Manure

The contamination of vegetables, fruits and other ediblefoodstuffs with V. cholerae is mainly due to the use ofsewage or manure directly as a fertilizer. Therefore properanimal manure treatment and extensive management ishighly recommended before it is used as a fertilizer

(Abakpa et al., 2013). The same authors examined 336environmental samples comprising soil, water, manure andvegetables for the presence of V. cholerae. The sampleswere collected from some selected households in Zaria,Nigeria. Results revealed 20% Vibrio cholerae O1 fromtotally confirmed Vibrio isolates (5) from manure samples.Mossel et al. (1992) suggested a strategy applicable to the

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes

acceptance of imported foods for avoiding the use ofmanure and/or sewage for fertilization and faecallycontaminated water for irrigation or processing and

maintaining worker hygiene and sanitation practices duringharvesting, processing and packaging. Table 7 illustratesthe occurrence of V. cholera and/or biotypes.

Table 7. Occurrence in manure



Matrix Microorganism DetectionMethod



(# ofSamples)

ConcentrationAverage CFUa/L,

MPNb/L, orCFU/g


Bangladesh NRc Compost V. cholerae Culture 1g 62.5%(15/24) 2.2 E+03 Uddin et al.,


Nigeriad 2006 Manure O1 biotype Culture 100g 20% NR Abakpa etal., 2013

aCFU: Colony Forming Unit; bMPN: Most Probable Number; cNR: Not Reported; dMatrix is 01 biotype, 1 isolate out of 5.The test was based on presence/absence.

2.2.4 Surface water

Surface water is a natural habitat for V. cholerae whereit reproduces and survives in relationship with otherorganisms. Vibrio. cholerae has been detected during bothendemic and non-endemic periods of cholera in severaltypes of surface water including rivers, lakes and estuaries(Shukla et al., 1995; Jackson and Beney, 2000; El-Lathy,2009; Wang et al., 2007, 2010; Karlsson et al., 2013).

In 2010 and during the cholera outbreak in Haiti, Hill etal. (2011) collected surface water samples from eightfreshwater bodies from different sites on the ArtiboniteRiver, and irrigation canals and six marine water samples.They found V. cholerae O1, serotype Ogawa, ctxA-positivestrains in two irrigation canals. Both of these canals wereused for drinking water by the local population, andcommunities near the canals were heavily affected by theoutbreak. Furthermore, by the tcpA sequencing analyses ofthe freshwater and human isolates they found that isolatesfrom both types of samples matched that of CIRS 101, analtered El Tor strain from Bangladesh, and the ctxABsequences matched those of the sequences from strainsisolated in 2007 during an outbreak in Orissa, India(Talkington et al., 2011). In South Africa, Momba et al.(2006) collected surface water samples from the LengeDam, the Tyume River, the Sityi River and the NAikinaRiver. Their results showed the presence of V. cholerae in

all surface water samples by culture methods and 25% ofthe isolated organisms were found to be potentiallytoxigenic V. cholerae. Also in another study, Madoroba andMomba (2010) reported V. cholerae in the Gutshwa, Komatiand Crocodile Rivers in Mpumalanga Province. In SouthAfrica in August 2000, the first cases of a cholera outbreakwere reported from the outskirts of Empangeni in northernKwaZulu-Natal that then spread to seven of South Africa’snine provinces. There were more than 114 000 cases and260 reported deaths reported by the end of January 2002,nearly all from KwaZulu-Natal. The outbreak developed intothe most serious epidemic yet experienced in South Africa.

In Argentina, Aulet et al., (2007) investigated 18 watersamplings collected from the Salí River (in Canal Norte andBanda) and the Lules River. They found that all isolated V.cholerae corresponded to V. cholerae non-O1 and non-O139(Lules 26%, Canal Norte 33% and Banda 41%). Du Preez etal. (2010) collected 99 estuarine water samples at six sitesin Beira, Mozambique. An additional 54 samples werecollected from rural areas around Beira, which includedthree freshwater lake samples, 15 river samples, five pondsamples, and four estuarine water samples. The sampleswere analysed for the presence of V. cholerae O1 andO139. Their results showed the presence of V. cholerae O1only, in nine (32.1%) of the total of 28 water samples whichcomprised river, estuary, lake and pond water. Table 8illustrates the occurrence of V. cholerae in surface watersources in various countries.




2005Lules river Direct Immuno-fluorescence Non-O1 & O139 cNR 26% NR Aulet et al.,




Matrix Detection Method SamplevolumeMicroorganism

PercentPositive(# of



MPNb/L, orCFU/g


Table 8. Occurrence in surface water


2005CanalNorte Direct Immuno-fluorescence Non-O1 & O139 NR 33% NR Aulet et al.,


Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes



2005Bandariver Direct Immuno-fluorescence Non-O1 and

O139 NR 41% NR Aulet et al.,2007

Azerbaijan NR Freshwater Culture/ PCR Non toxigenic V.

cholerae O1 NR 57% NR Rashid et al.,2013

Bangladesh 1986 River andpond


V. cholerae mL NR 1 Brayton etal., 1987


2000Surfacewater Culture and colony blots V. cholerae O1 NR 0.45% NR Huq et al.,


BurkinaFaso NR Channel

water Culture V. cholerae NR 10% NR Traoré et al.,2014

BurkinaFaso NR Reservoir

water Culture V. cholerae NR 10% NR Traoré et al.,2014

China NR Immuno-fluorescent-AggregationAssayPearl River V. cholerae NR 19.9% NR Wang et al.,


China NR Pearl River Real Time PCR V. cholerae NR 29.5% NR Wang et al.,2010



River Nile(Rossitabranch)

Culture V. cholerae NR 66.6% NR El-Lathy,2009


2007QarunLake Culture V. cholerae NR 6% NR El-Lathy,


Egypt NR Agriculturedrain Culture V. cholerae 100ml NR 10 to 1.0 E+03 Hassanin et

al., 2013

India NR Surfacewater PCR V. colerae non-

O1 NR 40% NR Yadava et al.,2013

Iran 2001 Gorganriver Culture V. cholerae non-

O1 NR 84.2% NR Amirmozafariet al., 2005

Iran 2001 Gorganriver Culture V. cholerae O1 NR 13% NR Amirmozafari

et al., 2005

Iran 2001Gonbadsurfacewater

Culture V. cholerae non-O1 NR 75% NR Amirmozafari

et al., 2005

Italy 1995 RiverHybridization, Restriction

Fragment LengthPolymorsphism

V. cholerae non-O1 200mL 82.7%

(124/150) NR Caldini et al.,1997


1995 Metauroriver Culture V. cholerae Non-

O1 100mL 7%(3/43) NR Barbieri et

al., 1999


1995 Fogliariver Culture V. cholerae Non-

O1 100mL 10%(6/60) NR Barbieri et

al., 1999

Mozambique NR Surfacewater PCR and DFA V. cholerae O1 NR 32.1% NR Du Preez et

al., 2010

South Africa NR River PCR V. cholerae NR 33% NR Du Preez etal., 2003

South Africa2003to

2004Surfacewater Culture V. cholerae NR 100% NR Momba et

al., 2006

South Africa2003to

2004Surfacewater PCR Toxigenic V.

cholerae NR 25% NR Momba etal., 2006

South Africa NRCrocodile,komati andGutshwarivers

Culture and PCR V. cholerae NR 17% NRMadorobaand Momba,




DFA (Direct fluorescent- antibodyAssay)

V. cholerae O1 250mL 23.8%(98/412) NR Louis et al.,


aCFU: Colony Forming Unit; bMPN: Most Probable Number; cNR: Not Reported



Matrix Detection Method Microorganism vSaolmupmlee

PercentPosi tive(# of


ConcentrationAverageCFUa/L ,

MPNb/L, orCFU/g


Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


2.2.5 Groundwater

In India during the endemic cholera period,groundwater contaminated with sewage in Delhi was foundto be responsible for the epidemic of V. cholerae (Pathak etal., 1993). An investigation of public water supply systemsin south India in mid-1994 and after the endemic period inlate 1992 and early 1993 resulted in the isolation of V.cholerae O139 from one of the wells supplying the town,the central overhead tank, and domestic taps connected tothe public supply (Ramakrishna et al., 1996). There was aneed for adequate treatment of the water supply to controlthe cholera outbreak. Moreover, it was reported in 1994that the cholera outbreak may have been associated withbottled water taken from a contaminated well. Vibriocholerae is normally sensitive to chlorine, but may

aggregate and assume a “rugose” form that is much moreresistant to this disinfectant (Rice et al., 1993).

In South Africa, Momba et al. (2006) collectedunderground water samples from a borehole using a rotaryhand pump, which is connected to a standpipe, and alsofrom the Ngqele, Njwaxa and Ngwenya communities whoreceive their drinking water directly from standpipes,which are connected to the boreholes. Although all theboreholes are covered, they are surrounded by animalexcreta and all of them are located close to pit latrines(with the exception of the Dyamala borehole). Results ofthis study revealed the presence of V. cholerae in allgroundwater samples and 25% of all isolates had toxigenicgenes. The authors concluded that groundwater could be avehicle for the transmission of cholera. Table 9 depicts theoccurrence of Vibrio spp. and/or biotypes in groundwater.

Table 9. Occurrence in ground water

Area Microorganism Matrix DetectionMethod


(# ofSamples)


India V. cholerae 0139 Wells Culture 54% Ramakrishna et al., 1996

India V. cholerae non-O1 Hand pumpwater PCR 20% Yadava et al., 2013

SouthAfrica V. cholerae Ground water Culture 100% Momba et al., 2006

SouthAfrica Toxigenic V. cholerae Ground water PCR 25% Momba et al., 2006

aPeriod of study was 1994, Sample Volume 5L

2.2.6 Drinking water

For many decades, access to safe water supply andimproved sanitation has received considerable attention inpolicies of the United Nations (UN) and collaborativeprograms with member states; raising awareness aboutwater, stimulating debate and focusing on the dangers thatarise from access to an unimproved water supply. Whiletreated drinking water supply to each house may be anormal situation in developed countries, in contrast, theconcept of access to both clean water and improvedsanitation is not yet the rule in developing countries.Communities, mainly those in rural areas are prone to useany available water sources for multiple purposes includingdrinking and cooking. As a result, waterborne infections are

found to be common in drinking water sources, causingmore than 1.5 million children a year to die from diarrhealdiseases (Fenwick, 2006). The mortality of water-associateddiseases exceeds 5 million people per year. Of these, morethan 50% of infections are linked to microbial intestinalinfections, with cholera standing out in the first place(WHO, 2008a). Hence the isolation of V. cholerae fromdrinking water has alarming implications in the developingworld. Also, the use of unsafe drinking water will continueto escalate the number of the cholera outbreaks in manydeveloping countries. Possibly protective for cholera andother gastrointestinal infections, is drinking water qualitymonitored for Escherichia coli, but not when other total orthermotolerant coliforms are used (Gruber et al. 2014).Overall, Table 10 provides examples of Vibrio spp. and/orcholera biotype occurrence in drinking water.

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


Table 10. Occurrence in drinking water

Area Matrix Percent Positive(# of Samples) Detection Method Reference

Bangladesha Tap water 12.5% NRb Haque et al., 2013

Indiac Potable water 37% Immuno-fluorescence assay Goel et al., 2005

Iran Tap water 2% PCR Momtaz et al., 2013Pakistan Drinking water 28% Culture Shar, 2010Sudand Drinking water 0.25% NR Payment et al., 1997

aMicroorganism O1(Ogawa); bNR: Not Reported; cMicroorganism V. cholerae O1; dPeriod of study is 1993 to 1994.

2.2.7 Seawater

Pollution of marine waters by V. cholerae is primarilydue to the disposal of wastewater or inadequately treatedwastewater effluents into estuarine waters, to offshoredisposal via sewage outfalls, and to rivers contaminatedwith inadequately treated wastewater effluents.Microbiological examination of coastal waters located near

sewage outfalls showed the presence of V. cholerae (Grimeset al., 1984). The coastal waters have been considered asan important reservoir of V. cholerae (Colwell et al., 1981).Many authors also detected V. cholerae in seawater andother environmental sources around the world, both incholera-endemic and in cholera-free areas (Kaysner et al.,1987; Huq and Colwell, 1996; Jesudason et al., 2000; Huqet al., 2001) (Table 11).

Table 11. Occurrence in seawater

Area Microorganism Matrix DetectionMethod


(# ofSamples)


Azerbaijan Non toxigenic V. cholerae O1 Captian sea Culture/ PCR 50% Rashid et al., 2013

Brazil Toxigenic V. cholerae non O1and non O139 Sea water PCR 11% Rivera et al., 2001

India V. cholerae Coastal water Culture 73% Ouseph et al., 2009Hong Kong V. cholerae Marine water m-PCR 89% Kong et al., 2002MultipleCountriesa

V. cholerae non O1 and nonO139 Sea water Culture/ PCR NRb Rivera et al., 1995

Peru V. cholerae Coastal water PCR 50% Lipp et al., 2003Peru V. cholerae O1 Coastal water PCR 36% Lipp et al., 2003Peru Toxigenic O1 Coastal water PCR 55.5% Lipp et al., 2003

USA V. cholerae non O1/O139 Recreationalseawater Culture 51% Kwon, 2010

aBrazil, Peru, Mexico, India with a period of study of 1977 to 1991; bNR: Not Reported

2.2.8 Sewage sludge

Although no data have reported reported the

occurrence of V. cholerae in sewage sludge, thisenvironment may have a similar health hazard effect as themunicipal sewage effluents, as this pathogen could remain

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


undetected in untreated sewage sludge. Land application ofuntreated sewage sludge can lead to the transport ofpathogens and is thus a potential health and environmentalhazard as s ludge may be harbour ing harmfulmicroorganisms. Further research about the occurrence,persistence and presence of V. cholerae and their biotypesin sewage sludge is still required, especially in the mostcholera-endemic areas.

2.2.9 Soils and sediments

No data on occurrence, persistence or presence of V.cholerae and biotypes in soil was identified. Severalresearch studies have been focused on the detection of V.cholerae in sediment samples (Rivera et al., 1995, 2001; DuPreez et al., 2010). Du Preez et al. (2010) collectedsediment samples in Beira/Mozambique. The samples wereanalysed for the presence of V. cholerae O1 and O139 andthte former was only in three (11.1%) of the 27 sedimentsamples (Table 12).

Table 12. Occurrence in soil

Area Microorganism Matrix DetectionMethod


(# ofSamples)


Brazil V. cholerae non O1/non O139 Sediments PCR NRa Rivera et al., 1995

Brazil Toxigenic V. cholerae nonO1/non O139 Sediments PCR 100% Rivera et al., 2001

Mozambique V. cholerae O1 Sediments PCR 11.1% Du Preez et al., 2010

aNR: Not Reported

2.2.10 Irrigation water and crops

Water contaminated by fecal matter has been used forirrigation purposes in many countries and leads towaterborne diseases. Cholera is no exception, and ofparticular concern when vegetable, salad and other cropsare eaten raw and directly irrigated with raw wastewater.For example, the cholera outbreaks in Jerusalem in the1970s were reported to have occurred as a result of theirrigation of salad vegetables directly with untreatedwastewater (Shuval et al., 1986). Other case studies, whichwere carried out in Peru pointed out that cabbage irrigatedwith V. cholerae contaminated water acted as a vehicle forthe spread of that pandemic cholera outbreak (Swerdlow etal., 1992).

Recently, after the cholera outbreaks in Haiti in 2010, areport was compiled by Cravioto and co-workers (2010) onthe predisposing factors that led to the spread of thecholera outbreaks. It was found that the cholera-contaminated water in the Meye Tributary System reachedthe Artibonite River junction in less than 8 h and floweddownstream in another 1 to 2 days to a dam and a canalsystem widely used for irrigation throughout the ArtiboniteRiver Delta. The cholera outbreak was mainly attributed tothe contaminated river water used for irrigation. Theinfection was mainly noted among young age groupsbetween 20 and 24 years old. An increased risk of choleratransmission was reported in agricultural workers exposedto Artibonite River irrigation water in the rice paddies andfields.

After an outbreak of cholera in Bangladesh, high countsof V. cholerae were recorded on aquatic plants. The resultsof the experimental study showed that the numbers of V.cholerae suspended in the water had decreased, but thepathogens attached chiefly to the surface of the aquaticplants. After 5 days of experiment a 300-fold higherconcentration of V. cholerae was found in the root systemof these plants than in the surrounding water (Feikin et al.,2010). Spira et al. (1981) reported that the free-floatingaquatic plants or parts of the plants act as a vehicle for thespread of V. cholerae or as a reservoir in inter-epidemicphases of the disease.

2.2.11 In fish and shellfish

The significance of fish and shellfish as a vehicle ofcholera infection has long been recognized. Fishes areusually contaminated with V. cholerae when thesurrounding water is contaminated by the sewage or otherenvironmental water sources containing toxigenic strains.For example in Japan as early as 1886 and in thePhilippines in 1908, raw fish consumption was associatedwith cholera outbreaks (Donitz, 1892; Heiser, 1908;Maheshwari et al., 2011).

Also, salted, frozen or inadequately cooked seafood hasbeen highly implicated in the spread of cholera (Merson etal., 1977; Maheshwari et al., 2011). V. cholerae isolatedfrom salted raw fish was found to be responsible for choleraoutbreaks on Guam during 1974 (Kuberski et al., 1979). V.cholerae O1 was found in 0.2% of raw fishery products,whereas V. cholerae non-O1 was detected in 26.3% of raw

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


and 12.14% of frozen fish products on Kerala and TamilNadu coasts during 1986 to 1987 (Varma et al., 1989).Feldhusen (2000) reported that raw fish was primarilyimplicated epidemiologically as a source of transmission ofV. cholerae in the South American epidemic in 1991. Fishsamples from freshwater as well as marine water carry V.cholerae and it has been reported that fish intestinescontained V. cholerae counts of 5 x 103 CFU/g (Senderovichet al., 2010). In fact, it has been shown that toxigenic V.cholerae O1 can survive refrigeration and freezing in foodsupplies shipped internationally, therefore an epidemicstrain may travel far from its original endemic location(CDC, 1991).

Recently, during the Haiti cholera outbreak in 2010,Hill et al. (2011) collected nine seafood samples – five alongthe coast between Saint-Marc port and Grand Saline (1site) and four from Port-au-Prince port (3 sites). Theyisolated V. cholerae O1 Ogawa ctxA-positive strains fromone mixed seafood sample containing multiple vertebratefish and one crab, in addition to a bivalve samplecontaining multiple species. Moreover by proceeding tosequencing analyses, they found the isolated toxigenic V.cholerae strains matching the isolated strains from infectedpeople during the endemic period. Table 13 summarises theoccurrence of V. cholerae in fish and shellfish.

Table 13. Occurrence in fish and shellfish

Area Microorganism Matrix DetectionMethod


(# ofSamples)

ConcentrationAverage CFUa/g Reference

Brazil V. cholerae non O1/nonO139 Mussels Culture/PCR NRb NR Matte et al., 1994;

Rivera et al., 1995

Brazil Toxigenic V. cholerae nonO1/non O139 Mussels PCR 100% NR Rivera et al., 2001

Haitic Toxigenic V. cholerae O1Ogawa Sea food PCR NR NR Hill et al., 2011

NR V. cholerae O1 Raw fish NR 0.2% NR Verma et al., 1989NR V. cholerae non O1 Raw fish NR 26.3% NR Verma et al., 1989NR V. cholerae non O1 Frozen fish NR 12.1% NR Verma et al., 1989

NR V. cholerae Fishintestine NR NR 10 to 1.0 E+05 Senderovich et al.,


aCFU: Colony Forming Unit; bNR: Not Reported; cPeriod of study 2010

2.2.12 Air

No data on the occurrence, persistence or presence ofV. cholerae was directly identified for air. Nonetheless,several researchers have isolated Vibrio spp. and/or V.cholerae from flying insects that spent a part of their lifecycle in water (Broza and Halpern, 2001; Halpern et al.,2003; Hassanain et al., 2013).

An examination of the geographic distribution of threecholera outbreaks showing their association with the winddirection was done by the Paz and Broza (2007). Theseauthors found the following: a) the progress of V. choleraeO1 biotype El Tor in Africa during 1970–1971; b) again in2005–2006; and c) the rapid spread of V. cholerae O139over India during 1992–1993. In another study on thepossible influence of the wind direction on windbornedissemination by flying insects, which may serve as vectors,Paz and Broza (2007) established that winds supported theprogress of V. cholerae throughout continents. This analysissupports the theory stipulating that aeroplankton (the tinylife forms that float in the air and that may be caught and

carried upward by the wind, landing far from their origin)carry the cholera bacteria from one waterbody to theneighbouring one. In addition, the authors pointed out thatthese findings may improve the understanding of howclimatic factors are involved in the rapid distribution of newstrains throughout a vast continental area. Awareness ofthe aerial transfer of V. cholerae may, therefore, assisthealth authorities in improving the prediction of thedisease’s geographic dissemination (Paz and Broza (2007).

2.3 Persistence and survival data

Vibrio cholerae are able to survive in seawater and insome aquatic environments for months to years, and arethought to be part of the autochthonous microbiota inassociation with zooplankton (copepods). Seasonalfluctuations are often associated with changing nutrientconcentrations; for example, the rainfall runoff is generallyhigher during spring/autuNA and in coastal and estuarineareas. This can lead to high zooplankton blooms (Huq et al.,2005), and as their exoskeleton contains chitin, V. choleraeability to produce chitinases enables them to decompose

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


zooplankton and easily infect animals that feed on thiszooplankton (Alam et al., 2006). Depaola (1981) indicatedthat infected seafoods, especially clams and oysters,harbour V. cholerae for weeks, even if refrigerated.Moreover, Huq et al. (1983) found that V. cholerae canrapidly multiply in crabs at ambient temperature, and somecells may maintain infectivity even after immersion inboiling temperature for less than 10 minutes or at steamingtemperatures for less than 30 minutes.

Also, V. cholerae is able to infect and survive withinfree-living protozoa, so providing a vehicle for spreadingthis pathogen through the aquatic environment (Thom etal., 1992; Brown and Barker, 1999). Environmental strainsof V. cholerae can persist intracellularly in a range ofamoebae (Abd et al., 2004, 2005; Jain et al., 2006). Severalstudies have established that the growth of V. cholerae isboosted when it is linked with free-living amoeba, and thisexplains the role of amoeba as environmental reservoirs ofV. cholerae (Thom et al., 1992; Sandström et al., 2010;Valeru et al., 2012). In addition to its survival withinamoebic trophozoites, V. cholerae cells have been found inthe stress-resistant cysts formed by amoeba, providingprotection from environmental degradation (Thom et al.,1992; Abd et al., 2004). Consequently, amoeba cysts couldpossibly facilitate the spread of cholera (Winiecka-Krusnelland Linder, 2001).

Vibrio cholerae can survive for hours or even weeks inwater contaminated with organic material and at a pHranging 6 to 9, but is susceptible to desiccation, boiling,chloride, disinfection, and antibiotics (Valdespino andGarcía-García, 2011). For example, V. cholerae O1 cansurvive in dechlorinated drinking water for 10 days withiron oxide and organic material (Joseph and Bhat, 2000).Djaouda et al. (2013) studied the ability of V. cholerae tosurvive or grow in unfiltered-autoclaved, filtered-non-autoclaved, and filtered-autoclaved well waters and theyfound that V. cholerae cells decreased over time, butsurviving cells persisted for a longer period in filtered-non-autoclaved water. Vital et al. (2007) studied the growth ofV. cholerae O1 El Tor Ogawa in autoclaved and filteredfreshwaters and reported growth in river water, lake waterand effluent of a wastewater treatment plant. Moreoverthey suggested that assimilable organic carbon (AOC) wasa key parameter governing its growth. In an experimental

system, Rajkowski et al. (1996) demonstrated V. choleraegrow in reconditioned wastewater containing sufficientnutrients but free from competing microbiota attemperatures ranging from 5 to 42°C.

The association between V. cholerae occurrence andsalinity seems to be variable. While some studies reported asignificant correlation (Singleton et al., 1982; Johnson etal., 2010), others revealed a lack of correlation between theoccurrence of V. cholerae and salinity (Johnson et al.,2012). Hence, growth is likely impacted by other (biotic)factors.

In nutrient limited environments, V. cholerae can entera state of starvation and this may result in the cells non-growing, but being culturable (Lutz et al., 2013). In arecent laboratory study by Jubair et al. (2012), the long-term starvation survival of V. cholerae was demonstratedfor 700 days. The authors advocate for the term “persisterphenotype” to differentiate starved cells from the viable butnon- culturable (VBNC) state. They observed that thepresence of phosphate and chitin enhanced the growth ofpersister cells. Furthermore, they stipulated that bothnutrients are important and highlight their prominence forV. cholerae survival. In another study on the behaviour ofV. cholerae starving for 40 days, it was reported that chitinattachment ligands were maintained (Pruzzo et al., 2003).Aulet et al. (2007) described the sporadic isolation of Vibriocholerae from rivers in Tucumán, Argentina, since theoutbreak in 1991. In this study, V. cholerae was isolatedand detected using conventional culture methods and directimmunofluorescence (DFA-VNC) to detect VBNC V.cholerae O1. Results revealed the detection of V. choleraeO1 in 38 of the 54 water samples analyzed.

Survival of toxigenic V. cholerae in the environmentduring epidemics is not often detected by culture-basedmethods (Islam et al., 1994), presumably due to its abilityto survive in a VBNC state (Alam et al., 2006). It isimportant to note that toxigenic V. cholerae cells may stillbe viable and able to induce disease but is not easy torecover on the specific culture media (Colwell, 1996).Vibrio cholerae have been detected using PCR, in bothsurface water and groundwater (Momba et al., 2006;Madoroba and Momba, 2010). Realizing that most studiesdo not report on the presence of VBNC cells, Table 14depicts the survival of V. cholerae in various environments.

Table 14. Persistence/Survival

Matrix Survival Days Experimental Conditions ReferenceDairy Products More than two weeks NRa Felsenfeld, 1967

Clams and oysters Several weeks At both room temperature andin refrigerator Depaola, 1981

Cooked chicken More than 16 hours NR Kolvin and Roberts, 1982Crabs Rapid multiplication At ambient temperature Huq et al., 1983

Crabs Not completely killed By 10 min boiling or 30 minsteaming Huq et al., 1983

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


Aquatic algae More than 15 months Inside the mucilaginous sheathof the Anabaena variabilis Islam et al., 1990

Surface and Drinking water 1 h to 13 days NR Pesigan, 1965

Wastewater Well grownAt temperatures from 5 to

42°C. Rajkowski et al., 1996

Fresh and wastewaterb < 30 but usually At 20 to 30°C EPA, 1999Crops < 5 but usually < 2 days At 20 to 30°C EPA, 1999

Soil < 120 but usually < 50days At 20 to 30°C EPA, 1999

Dechlorinated drinkingwaterc 10 days With iron oxide and organic

material Joseph and Bhat, 2000

Fresh water 30 days NR Carr, 2001Salt water More than 285 days NR Carr, 2001Soil <20 days NR Carr, 2001Crops <5 NR Carr, 2001Carriers People shedding intheir stoold 4 to 15 months NR Nevondo and Cloete, 2001

Surface water Few hours to 14 days NR Nevondo and Cloete, 2001

Industrially polluted watere 39 days pH 8 and Fe conc. 0.5 to1.0mg/L Patel et al., 2004

Industrially polluted waterf 35 days pH 8 and Fe conc. 0.5 Patel et al., 2004Industrially polluted waterg 26 days pH 8 and Fe conc. 0.5 Patel et al., 2004Contaminated water withorganic matter Few hours to weeks pH between 6 and 9 Valdespino and Garcĺa-

Garcĺa, 2011

In low nutrient environment 700 days NR Jubair et al., 2012

aNR: Not Reported; bPersistence of <10 days; Microorganism are cV. cholerae 01; dToxigenic V. cholerae ; eV. choleraenon-O1; fV. cholerae O1 El Tor; gV. cholerae O1 Classical

3.0 Reduction by sanitation management

Human excreta and the lack of adequate personal anddomestic hygiene have been a great concern in the spreadof many communicable diseases, including cholera.Suitable excreta disposal practices and minimum levels ofpersonal and domestic hygiene are essential for preventingthe transmission of diseases and protecting the publichealth. Safe excreta disposal and handling are consideredas the first line of defence to prevent enteric pathogensfrom entering the environment (Carr, 2001). As describedin other chapters, the safe use of human excreta meansimplementing adequate excreta management technologiesin a way that reduces the exposure dose of pathogens tovery low numbers. This section discusses various ways ofmanaging sanitation for the reduction of V. cholerae andsurrogates to demonstrate efficacy.

3.1 Excreta and Wastewater Treatment

3.1.1 Waterless sanitation management

Globally, 2.5 billion people do not have access toimproved sanitation facilities. Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa continue to have the lowest levels of

coverage. In contrast to Southern Asia, in sub-SaharanAfrica the sanitation coverage of 30% reflects only a 5percentage point increase since 1990. The number ofpeople practising open defecation is still increasing in 26 of44 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Hence, application ofany type of toilet is strongly related to hygiene behaviourchange rather than acquisition of a physical toilet, be it adry toilet or pour flush.

Experience with cholera cases suggests that developingregion epidemics are closely related to poor environmentstatus and lack of basic sanitation infrastructure. Choleracases tend to increase with the onset of the rainy season,and conditions that permit the persistence of waterbornetransmission. During the rainy season, where there is eitherno sewage disposal or working sewer system, rainfall runofffollows the slopes into the lower parts of towns whereshallow wells could easily become contaminated by excreta(Fernandez et al., 2012). Improving water and sanitationinfrastructure is critical to achieving the profound healthgains brought by these systems elsewhere. Pit latrines, vault toilets, dry toilets

Momba et al. (2006) reported V. cholerae and toxigenic

Experimental ConditionsSurvival DaysMatrix Reference

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


V. cholerae at 100% and 25% respectively in undergroundwater samples linked to pit latrines (with the exception ofthe Dyamala borehole). Although no specific studies havedemonstrated the reduction of V. cholerae by pit latrine,evidence has shown that children using pit latrines in ashanty town in Brazil had 1.5 times fewer cases ofdiarrhoea compared to those practicing open defaecation(Gross et al., 1989). In Lesotho, children < 5 years oldusing a latrine had 24 per cent fewer episodes of diarrhoeathan those without a VIP latrine in their dwellings (Danielset al., 1990). And in East Africa, 22 per cent of VIP latrineusers were less likely to develop diarrhoea compared tothose without toilet facilities (Thompson et al., 2001).Ecological sanitation such as composting latrines ordehydrating latrines with urine separation has beenidentified as a more economic and environmentally friendlyalternative to traditional latrines or sewerage (Esrey et al.,1998). Nevertheless, little is known on their effectiveness inthe reduction of V. cholerea and the indicidence of choleraein communities using these improved sanitation ssytems.

3.1.2 Water-based sanitation On-site systems

Septic tanks have long been known to be an ineffectivebarrier for V. cholerae. For example, Flu (1921) conducteda study in Indonesia using five different septic tanks thatwere challenged with cultures containing an unspecifiednumber of V. cholerae and detecting it in the effluent of onetank 24 hours after the challenge. In other studies theremoval of V. cholerae O1 and non-O1 in Oxfam SanitationUnits was examined. The examined units were in a double-chambered septic tank consisting of two flexible butylrubber containers with a total mean hydraulic retentiontime of 12 to 15 days. The study on the removal of V.cholerae O1 employed the effluent from the wards of theCholera Research Laboratory in Dacca, Bangladesh. In viewof the long retention time, removal was relatively poor,with only 1.7 log10 being removed in the first tank and 1.05log10 being removed in the second tank (overall removal 2.7log10). The unit was monitored for two months (Novemberand December); during this time the temperature of thewastewater fell by 10oC without affecting the removal ofthe V. cholerae. The conditions in the tanks were relativelyinhospitable (anaerobic, with pH values of 6.3 to 6.7 and 40to 90 mg/L of ammonia). The poor removal may have beenattributable to short-circuiting. The removal of V. choleraenon-O1 was also studied in units in refugee camps. Theremoval of the V. cholerae non-O1 was comparable with theresults of the other studies, with geometric mean removalsof 2.7 log10 and 1.48 log10 in the two systems (Howard et al.,1975; Daniel and Lloyd, 1979; Daniel and Lloyd, 1980).

3.1.3 Coupled environmental and engineered systems Waste stabilization ponds

In a case study of waste stabilization ponds in NortheastBrazil, Arridge (1995) found one log removal of bacterialindicators including faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci

and Clostridium perfringens from 1300 to 700 MPN/L,while V. cholerae O1 was reduced from 40 to 10 MPN/L.Although the anaerobic ponds appear to be essential forhigh levels of V. cholerae removal, complete removal of thispathogen was not achieved. In another case study, theaverage percentage removal reached up to 2.1 log10 for thefinal effluents of oxidation ponds of the wastewatertreatment plant in El-Sadat City, Egypt (El-Lathy et al.,2009). Wetlands

Generally little has been reported on the performanceof wetlands in removing V. cholerae. Gutiérrez-Sarabia etal. (2004) evaluated the performance of a full-scale systemwith wetlands for slaughterhouse (abattoir) effluenttreatment in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico. The treatmentsystem consisted of a primary sedimentation tank, ananaerobic lagoon, and a constructed subsurface-flowwetland in series. In general, the treatment systemachieved satisfactory pollutant removals, but the finaleffluent failed to meet the Mexican environmentalregulations for faecal coliform counts, five-day biochemicaloxygen demand (BOD5) and total suspended solids (TSS).Coliform reductions in the overall system were high (of theorder of 5 log10 on average), whereas the coliform removalin the wetland was between 2 to 3.5 log10. The treatmentsystem was also effective for removing V. cholerae. Furtherlaboratory tests with the wetland effluent suggested thatpost-treatment in a sand filter stage followed bydisinfection with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) could helpmeet the Mexican discharge regulations, particularly thecriteria for coliforms and BOD5. Aerated lagoons and oxidation ditch

Oxidation ditches are alternative processes to moreexpensive activated sludge treatment, being single-sludgewastewater treatment systems. They are capable ofachieving carbon oxidation, nitrification and denitrificationwith a single biomass slurry. Although both aerated lagoonsand oxidation ditches have been used for treating sewage,to date no data have been reported for their performance inremoving V. cholerae.

3.1.4 Wastewater treatment facilities

A wastewater treatment system is a combination ofphysical, chemical and biological processes. Generally,conventional wastewater treatment consists of: (i)preliminary treatment (which includes screening and gritremoval); (ii) primary treatment (which involves theremoval of 0.15 log10 to 0.3 log10 of the suspended solids ina primary settling tank); (iii) secondary treatment alsocalled biological treatment (which is usually a tricklingfilter or an activated sludge reactor); and finally, (iv)advanced treatment that can be found in some conventionalwastewater treatments.

While in most studies, indicator bacteria (such as totalcoliforms, faecal coliforms and Escherichia coli) have beentested to ascertain the performance of these technologies

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


for microbial quality of the effluent, little has been reportedon the effectiveness of each process in removing V.cholerae. The discussion in this section mainly focuses oncombined sewer overflows, trickling filter, activated sludgeand disinfection processes. Combined sewer overflow lagoons

Mariita and Okemo (2009) examined the presence of V.cholerae O1 in sewage lagoons around Kenyatta University.The sewage treatment plant was composed of twofacultative ponds (primary and secondary) followed by twomaturation ponds. Findings of this study revealed no logreduction for V. cholerae O1 after facultative ponds, andonly one log reduction was observed after maturationponds. Sewage effluent poses a great risk to farmers usingit for irrigation downstream as well as to consumers ofvegetables, such as cabbage, who use the fresh produce toprepare salads. Trickling filters

Ngari et al. (2011) investigated the levels of V. choleraeat different stages of wastewater treatment at the NakuruTown Sewage Treatment Plant, Kenya. The plant had twotreatment lines, namely a trickling filter line (a combinationof conventional/mechanical treatment units) and ananaerobic pond line (wastewater stabilization ponds only).The reduction rate of V. cholerae in the trickling filter linewas 0.5 log10 after facultative ponds, 4 log10 aftermaturation ponds, 4 log10 after passing through the rockfilter, and 2.52 log10 after application to the grass plot. Inthe anaerobic line, reduction of V. cholerae was as follows:0.64 log10 after anaerobic pond, 4 log10 after facultativepond, 0.86 log10 after maturation ponds, 0.58 log10 afterpassing through the rock filter, and an apparent >3 log10

after application to the grass plot. Results showed that thefacultative pond of the anaerobic pond line and the finalmaturation pond of the trickling filter line achieved thehighest percentage removal of V. cholerae. Activated sludge system

In South Africa a number of studies have beenconducted to ascertain the effectiveness of activated sludgesystems to remove V. cholerae from wastewater. A casestudy by Samie et al. (2009) determined the efficiency of 14sewage treatment plants in the Mpumalanga Province. Thetreatment plant types included ponds, activated sludge andtrickling filters followed by a chlorine disinfection step. Thefinal effluent was used for irrigation and recycling purposesin four plants; all the other treatment plants discharged theeffluent into the river or to the environment. The authorsfound that the most encountered potential bacterialpathogens belonged to Vibrio spp. and concluded thepotential risk for a cholera outbreak in the province. Thegeneral reduction of Vibrio spp. by each plant wascalculated based on the total number of isolates in theinfluent samples as well as in the effluent samples. Overall,the reduction of Vibrio spp. was found to be less than 60%.

Dungeni et al. (2010) detected toxigenic V. cholerae inthe final effluents of three of the four activated sludge

treatment plants investigated: 35.3, 21.9 and 9.4% of theBaviaanspoort, Refilwe and Rayton effluent samples testedpositive for V. cholerae, respectively. However, completeremoval of V. cholerae occurred in the effluent of theZeekoegat Wastewater Treatment Plant and this wasattributed to the presence of a filtration process andsuitable retention time. The introduction of a secondarytreatment process such as filtration, or a much moreefficient disinfection process, was therefore recommendedto improve the performance of the wastewater treatmentplants that fail to produce the effluent quality required(Dungeni et al., 2010). In their studies, Teklehaimanot et al.(2014, 2015) found that between 20 and 60% of samplestested positive for V. cholerae.

In Egypt, Abdel-Wahaab (1995) examined the efficiencyof activated sludge treatment plants and found that up to99.99% removal of heterotrophic bacteria was achieved. Inaddition, faecal indicator bacteria, Staphylococcus spp.,Salmonella enterica and V. cholerae, were completelyremoved, versus only 33% removal of enteric viruses.Moreover, all helminth eggs were removed excepthookworm eggs which were still present even afterdisinfection with chlorine. No significant removal wasrecorded for the protozoan parasites following treatment. Itwas then recommended that a slight to moderate restrictedirrigation be applicable for the effluent reuse in irrigation,taking into consideration that sprinkler irrigation shouldnot be applied. In another study in Egypt, El-Lathy et al.(2009) determined Vibrio spp. in the influent and effluent ofactivated sludge from the Zenin Wastewater TreatmentPlant and oxidation pond in El-Sadat City in 2006 and 2007.They found that the average removal percentage reachedbetween 2.7 log10 and 2.1 log10 for the activated sludge andoxidation pond, respectively.

3.2 Disinfection as a tertiary or post-treatment ofwastewater effluent

Discharge of wastewater treatment plant effluents thatcontain any type of microorganism including V. choleraemay result in the pollution of water supply resource.Indicative levels of Vibrio spp. in secondary treatedwas tewater may range be tween 10 4 and 10 6

organisms/100mL, depending on the treatment process(USEPA, 1992; Rose et al., 1995; Toze, 1997). The ultimategoal of wastewater disinfection is therefore to produce aneffluent of such microbiological quality that minimaladditional controls are required to manage public health,agricultural or environmental risks. It is important tomention that the quality of effluent depends on upon finaluse.

3.2.1 Chlorine, combined, etc.

Chlorine has been shown to be effective in killing V.cholerae. However, the effectiveness of chlorine is relatedto the bioavailability of the dose. Many studies haveevaluated the effectiveness of chlorine to eliminate V.cholerae O1. When the level of chlorine at 7 mg/L is appliedfor a specific time, viable cells were recovered. However, at8 mg/L for that specific time, total culturability of V.

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


cholerae was lost. Noting that chlorine efficacy issignificantly reduced when organic matter is present or pHis < 6 of greater than 9.

In response to the disastrous outbreak of cholera inPeru during the 1990’s, the Commission of the EuropeanCommunity recommended that all Peruvian factoriesproducing fruit and vegetables for export should chlorinatetheir wastewater (EEC, 1991). In those countries wherecholera persists, only a limited amount of money isavailable for the provision of sanitation. Therefore, it isimportant to consider the circumstances under which theremoval of V. cholerae is warranted. To spend money toremove the V. cholerae when there is no need to do so maydivert funds and administrative expertise from morepressing problems (Drasar and Forrest, 1996). It was foundthat V. cholerae was completely removed in the chlorinatedfinal effluents of 14 sewage treatment plants in theMpumalanga Province, South Africa (Samie et al., 2009).However, in many studies V. cholerae was detected in thechlorinated effluent of wastewater treatment plants(Dungeni et al., 2010; Teklehaimanot et al., 2014, 2015).Hence, it is critical to apply a satisfactory concentration xtime disinfection (Refer to related chapter on treatment).

Dungeni et al. (2010) studied the effectiveness of fourwastewater treatment plants that use chlorine fordisinfection located in the vicinity of Pretoria, GautengProvince, South Africa, in the removal of pathogenicbacteria including V. cholerae. They detected toxigenic V.cholerae in 75% of the investigated wastewater treatmentplants (three out of four plants) despite high free chlorineresidual concentrations in treated effluents. The residualchlorine level ranged between 0.03 and 1.60 mg/L. Thusthey suggested an upgrading of these wastewater

treatment plants by including processes such as rapid sandfiltration and UV disinfection, which have proved to beeffective in the removal and inactivation of pathogenicbacteria.

Rice et al. (1993) studied the effect of chlorine on V.cholerae O1 and they found that V. cholerae O1 is able toshift between smooth and rugose colonial morphologies.Cultures of smooth V. cholerae strains were inactivated inless than 20 s at a concentration of 1.0 mg/L free chlorinein chlorine-demand free water. In contrast, with thecultures of rugose variants exposed to this concentration ofchlorine, there was an initial rapid drop in viable counts,followed by persistence of a protected sub-population ofcells. The authors stated that viable V. cholerae could stillbe recovered from rugose cultures even after exposure to2.0 mg/L free chlorine for 30 min. Preliminary studiessuggest that resistance to killing by chlorine was due toformation of cell aggregates enclosed in a gelatinousmucoid material. Moreover, the V. cholerae rugosephenotype represents a fully virulent survival form of theorganism that can persist in the presence of free chlorine.

3.2.2 Ultraviolet

Typical UV doses required for a 4-log inactivation of V.cholerae have been reported to be 0.65 mJ/cm2 (Malley,2000; USEPA, 2003). Some studies have shown thatenvironmental populations of bacteria are less susceptibleto UV than cultured organisms (Hijnen et al., 2006; Smeetset al., 2006). Hijnen et al. (2006) observed that the UVdosages required for 1, 2, 3 and 4 log inactivation ofenvironmental V. cholerae were 2, 4, 7 and 9 mJ/cm2,respectively. Table 15 depicts some treatment reduction ofV. cholera.

Table 15. Treatment Reductions of V. cholerae

Area Treatment TreatmentConditions


Initial concentration& Subsequent

Concentration attreatment time t

Methods Reference


Stabilizationpond NRa 0.12 log10 40 to 10 MPN/100mL Culture Arridge, 1995


Oxidation pond NR 2.1 log102.6 E+05 to 1.9 E+03

CFU/100mL Culture El-Lathy et al.,2009

Kenya Maturation pondLow pH


0.7 log101.1 E+03 to 2.2 E+02

CFU/100mLCulture andbiochemical

testsMariita and

Okemo, 2009

Kenya Facultative pond 10.3 to 28.4oC 0.54 log10 NR Culture Ngari et al.,2011

Kenya Maturation pond 10.3 to 28.4oC 4 log10 NR Culture Ngari et al.,2011

Kenya Anaerobic pond 10.3 to 28.4oC 0.64 log10 NR Culture Ngari et al.,2011

aNR: Not Reported

Vibrio cholerae and Cholera biotypes


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