Entrepreneur Student Week Expo 2010 Opened€¦ · Food Stands opened are Warung Nasi Kebuli Saera,...


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Entrepreneur Student Week Expo 2010 Opened

Submit by humas3 on December 02, 2010 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 11544

The Rector cutting the ribbon

Today (2/12), 57 stands of Student Entrepreneurship Program (PMW) is held in Samantha Krida Universitas Brawijaya (UB) building until tomorrow, Friday December 3, 2010. There should be 90 stands, yet some students couldn't make it because they have to do internship. Such is as said by the Head of Student Entrepreneurship Program Expo 2010, Drs Soeharyo, who is also the Head of UB Student's Affair.

Tahu Kick Stand

Food Stands opened are Warung Nasi Kebuli Saera, Pondok Jamur, Kedai Sehat Rakyat, Buds/Bills es krim, OO Dimsum Corner, Tahu Kick, Pizza_Q, Bakso Sehat and Khas Malang. Service stands opened are I Love laundry, Mobile Mart, Princies Printing and Networking Pulse, One Minute One Website, Priencies Printiong and Network Pulse, J-Freak Comic Rental, "Pelangi" Studio Photo Tiga Dimensi, Data Consultation and Translation Online, EDEMA (Extreme Modem Mobile Rental). Anda agrocomplex stands opened are Permata Belut, Bolet Kwali (ubi bakar), Hamster Pet, KINOKO FARM (Producer and Distributor of Oyster Mushrooms).

Hamster Pet Stand owned by Faculty of Animal husbandry's


One of the participants, Agus Arifin (FE 2006), the owner of Tahu Kick, has been doing entrepreneur work for two months. His turnover can reach three millions in a month. He said that the tofu business is profitable because a box of tofu can be made into two portion of tahu kick, which is sold for five thousand rupiah. Agus said that this is the cheapest price of flavored tofu.

Prima Luhur Pribadi (FPt) has another story, he and his friends, Wisnu PHY and Agus Triwildan prefer to do hamster breeding. He said that they currently can't fulfill market needs, only one seller can be fulfilled, with the amount of 500 hamsters every month. "Hamster's market is not only good, it is special," he said.

UB Rector, Dr Ir Yogi Sugito, said that the student Entrepreneurship Program in Universitas Brawijaya has reached the second year, some students become succesful and some students failed. "Whatever the result is, it is good for students' education," the Rector said.

Entrepreneurship Seminar

Prior to the Expo, there is also a Seminar of Entrepreneurship as a series of of the events attended by all members of the PMW 2010, on Tuesday (30/11). The event, located in Widyaloka, features three speakers for three sessions, they are Herutomo (the owner of El Kahfi Auto Salon), Alan (Manager Bank Mandiri, Malang Branch), Rizky Aditya P (receiver of PMW 2010 fund, the owner of "Mahodenk").

Herutomo said that it is better for entrepreneur to avoid production. "We talk so well about production, yet we're weak in marketing, I once failed there, thus I don't want you to fail like me" he said on Tuesday (30/11), in Widyaloka Universitas Brawijaya hall in Entrepreneurship Seminar.

To be succesfull in entrepreneurship, the marketing should be implemented incessantly. Not being shy to tell about the business he just starts. Such as when he talk with his friend in facebook, the friend doesn't want to talk about his business because he though that his business is still on a small scale.[ai]

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