eNongqai - SA Police Force



A special edtion of the eNongqai - a magazine focussing on the history of South Africa's national security

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Vol 2 no 8 A

Un-official Police Gazette for

VETERANS of the former

South African Police Force


for those interested in the

history of our Police and South

Africa’s National Security

Nie-amptelike Polisiekoerant vir VETERANE van die

ou Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag en vir diegene wat

belangstel in die geskiedenis van ons polisie en

nasionale veiligheid

Augustus 2011: Vol 2 no 8A


1967: Durban Police dog, Duke the first SA Police dog

to capture a terrorist – Duke die eerste polisiehond

om ‘n terroris aan te keer! Sgt Pieter Geldenhuys se


General Johan van der Merwe

Patron - Beskermheer

Hennie Heymans

Editor - Redakteur

Special issue – Spesiale uitgawe

From the Files of Leon Mellet / Uit die Leon Mellet-



Contents From the Files of Leon Mellet ................................................................................................................. 3

Editorial ................................................................................................................................................... 3

Who is Leon Mellet? ............................................................................................................................... 3

1971 Salute the Forces .................................................................................................................... 5

Message from Mr WWB Havemann, Administrator of Natal ......................................................... 6

Message from Mr G M De Souza Girao, Portuguese Consul .......................................................... 7

Message from Mr Raoul Goldman, Mayor of Durban .................................................................... 8

The Canine Terror Patrol: Leon Mellet ........................................................................................... 9

Sgt Hendrik Grobler ........................................................................................................................ 9

Const Tobie Wiese & Shaka and Sgt Pieter Geldenhuys & Duke .................................................. 10

Const WF Skinner; W/O Fred Pautz & his squad .......................................................................... 11

SA Police – Terrorist Weapons ...................................................................................................... 12

Salute the Forces ........................................................................................................................... 13

Message from Vice-Admiral HH Bierman SSA OBE ....................................................................... 15

SAS Pres Pretorius & SAS Maria van Riebeeck .............................................................................. 15

On the frontier of Terrorism ......................................................................................................... 16

First the soldiers ... ........................................................................................................................ 18

... then the peaceful settlement ................................................................................................... 19

Pam Hansen – Why you should help ............................................................................................ 20

What Portugal is protecting .......................................................................................................... 22

The Presence of Red China ........................................................................................................... 24

And those who help terrorists ... .................................................................................................. 25

How much is enough? ................................................................................................................... 26

Question ............................................................................................................................................ 26

Reflection .............................................................................................................................................. 27

Indemity ................................................................................................................................................ 28

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 28


From the Files of Leon Mellet


Man has a short memory! Sometimes it is necessary to delve in the past. This booklet from

the “Leon Mellet Collection” serves three purposes:

One: To remind us of the old fine Police Force that existed in Durban and the legends that

made it possible to be such a fine force! The espit de corps was wonderful!

Two: To serve as a reminder of those days when we, the Rhodesians and Portuguese fought

the various freedom fighters – from UNITA, MPLA, FNLA, FRELIMO, ANC, PAC, SWAPO

– to name a few.

Three: To read the reasons offered by the various stakeholders for the war and for you make

up your own mind!

Who is Leon Mellet?

Leon Mellet retired as Major General in the

South African Police. During the early

1960’s most policemen in Durban knew

who Leon Mellet was. Leon was a crime

and military reporter for the Natal Mercury.

Leon did a lot to enhance the image of the

South African Police. Most young members,

who were functional policemen, were

proud of the Police as an organisation - they

lived up to its adage of “serving” and

“protecting” the community of Port Natal.

In my opinion two people enhanced the

image of the South African Police at that

time: our Divisional Commissioner, Brig CC

von Keyserlingk, and a crime reporter Leon


I can remember the first time the police dogs were deployed in Durban under the command

of Sgt Peter van Rooyen with his black dog Beauty and Constable Manie Odendaal with his

light brown dog Prince. As a schoolboy I attended the “Midnight Show” on 31 December

1962 in the Playhouse Theatre with my friend Donald Campbell whose father, Maj RJF

Campbell was the District Commandant of Durban Central. The theatre had a full-house

and then the Durban ducktails tried to gatecrash the show. A Durban Central solitary police


van attended to the disturbance. The Constable was not allowed to get out of the van as they

mocked him and rocket the van. He called for reinforcements and the dog squad arrived!

After a few bites peace reigned! A few arrests were made and the Dog Squad was put firmly

on the map. One ducktail went to SAP Point to lay a charge of assault – however on

reporting the incident he was immediately arrested with the words: “We are looking for


Due to Leon’s influence the populace of Durban fell in love with the police dogs! You all

know what they say about “Mad Dogs and Englishmen!” If one had a school fete, church

bazaar or fund raising event no such venture would succeed if the Police dogs did not

appear at the venue!

Later I joined the Force and I was witness to the excellent work performed by Sergeants

Peter van Rooyen, Fred Pautz, Pieter Geldenhuys, Tjaart Riekert and many, many others.

They broke the silence on the police radio’s during those nights and early mornings when

we had to fight Morpheus the god of Dreams, or “Klaas Vakie” and his able assistant Wee

Willy Winkie – b1841 in Scotland and like his cousin, and still going strong!

The pages of the Mercury and the Natal Daily News lauded the sterling work performed by

the Durban Dog Squad later under the able command of Lieutenant Hennie Meyer – son of

Head-Const ‘Matie’ Meyer of Kamfersdam SAP Remount Farm, Kimberley - HBH


1971 Salute the Forces


Message from Mr WWB Havemann, Administrator of Natal


Message from Mr G M De Souza Girao, Portuguese Consul


Message from Mr Raoul Goldman, Mayor of Durban


The Canine Terror Patrol: Leon Mellet

Sgt Hendrik Grobler


Const Tobie Wiese & Shaka and Sgt Pieter Geldenhuys & Duke


Const WF Skinner; W/O Fred Pautz & his squad


SA Police – Terrorist Weapons


Salute the Forces



Message from Vice-Admiral HH Bierman SSA OBE

SAS Pres Pretorius & SAS Maria van Riebeeck


On the frontier of Terrorism



First the soldiers ...


... then the peaceful settlement


Pam Hansen – Why you should help



What Portugal is protecting



The Presence of Red China


And those who help terrorists ...


How much is enough?



What happened to Police dog Duke? Did he receive a medal?



Today we sit back and we think about the past war: 99% of young men who fought or took

part in the war that lasted nearly three decades, joined mainly for adventure and not for any

patriotic reasons per se. However we have a duty to remember our fallen and disabled

comrades and we have to pay homage to their memory! Nobody died in vain! We also think

about their parents and loved ones! Depending on your view; we fought terrorists and/or


freedom fighters. Many of the men – on both sides – were stout and brave fighters! We also

think about our brave Police dogs that died on duty serving mankind and their masters!


Die e-Nongqai bevat die uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende

korrespondente en die opsteller van e-Nongqai kan nie vir enige deel van die inhoud

daarvan in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid verantwoordelik gehou word nie.

The e-Nongqai contains various and sundry personal opinions of different correspondents

and the compiler of e-Nongqai cannot be held responsible for any of their comments.




Your Van Driver and Section Sergeant:

No 43630 (M) Hennie Heymans.

© 2011
