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ENG4 Business, Technical and Report WritingParts of a Business LetterThe Heading Most organizations use a letterhead. Seen first Helps the reader recognize the company: company name address telephone number e-mail address slogan or logo Date line follows the letterhead: month should be spelled out in full followed by the day in digits followed by a comma, then the year (i.e. August 10, 2014)If youre sending personal business letter: Type your heading. Single space 1 to 2 inches from the top of the paper Do not include your name in the heading.The Opening Inside Address: name of the person to whom you are writing persons job title complete address of the recipient Salutation: is the greeting followed by a colon (:)The Body The most important part of the letter Contains the message Single space Provide a blank line between paragraphs Try to limit your paragraph to eight lines.The Closing Is the good-bye of the letter Followed by a comma ( , ) Only the first word is capitalized i.e. Sincerely,Sincerely yours,Yours truly, Type the name of the writer Signature is attached on top of the typed name Reference initials: Includes enclosure notation cc or bcc recipient encoders initialsThe Reference Initial includes: Enclosure notation Something is enclosed in the envelope along with the letter May include: contracts checks fliers forms Copy notation A copy of the letter is sent to another person cc means carbon copy bcc means blind carbon copy File copy A copy is kept for filing Encoders InitialLetter Styles, Addressing Envelopes and Folding LettersModified block Most commonly used style in business writing Encoded on the center of the paper: date complimentary closing typed name of the sender All other entries are encoded on the left marginBlock style All the entries are encoded on the left margin Also encoded on the left margin: date complimentary closing typed name of the senderAddressing the envelope most business letters are mailed in no. 10 size envelope (4-1/8 by 9-1/2 inches) single space the address block the address (all lines start on the same point, not centered) type the city and ZIP code on the last address line do not type anything under the city and ZIP code if there is a P.O. box under, type it above the city and ZIP codeFolding letters Fold the bottom third of the letter up Fold the top third of the letter down Insert the last crease into the envelope first
