Encoding Data onto Digital Signals: Sending Digital Data with Digital Signals



Encoding Data onto Digital Signals: Sending Digital Data with Digital Signals. Based on Chapter 5 of William Stallings, Data and Computer Communication, 8 th Ed. Kevin Bolding Electrical Engineering Seattle Pacific University. Ideal. Source: Stallings, Fig. 3.7. Actual. Digital Signals. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Digital Data Encoding No. 1Seattle Pacific University

Encoding Data onto Digital Signals:Sending Digital Data with Digital Signals

Based on Chapter 5 of William Stallings, Data and Computer Communication, 8th Ed.

Kevin BoldingElectrical Engineering

Seattle Pacific University

Digital Data Encoding No. 2Seattle Pacific University

Digital Signals• Digital signals are sequences of discrete voltage pulses

• Discrete - Takes on one of a finite number of voltages levels





s, F

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• Pulses - Ideally, square pulses with zero rise/fall time• Limited by finite bandwidth of medium • Approximated by a number of superimposed sine

waves A single digital signaltakes the entire bandwidth ofthe transmission medium

Digital signals cannot (normally) be combined in the same medium

Digital Data Encoding No. 3Seattle Pacific University

Digital Signal Encoding• Goals:

• Efficient• bps maximized for given SNR

and bandwidth

• No DC component• Signal never stuck at a

constant voltage

• Self-clocking• Can recover clocking

information from the data stream

• Reality:• Tradeoff efficiency for other


• Requires either:• Extra signal events• Extra levels in signal

• Requires regular transitions in signal

• Similar to No DC Component

• Error detection/recovery• Correct data in the

presence of errors

• Requires extra data• Subject of another


Digital Data Encoding No. 4Seattle Pacific University

Non Return to Zero (NRZ)• NRZ

• Zero Voltage --> binary ‘1’• Nonzero Voltage --> binary ‘0’

• Multiple 0’s or 1’s in a row result in DC voltage

0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

• NRZI (invert ones)• Transition at beginning of bit

time --> binary ‘1’• Differential coding

• Easier to detect transitions than levels

• Multiple 0’s in a row still result in DC voltage

0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

NRZ:EfficientDC componentHard to recover clock

Digital Data Encoding No. 5Seattle Pacific University

Multilevel Codes• Bipolar AMI (Alternate Mark

Inversion)• Three levels (-,0,+)• Zero Voltage --> binary ‘0’• +/- Voltage --> binary ‘1’• 1’s must alternate polarity

• Pseudoternary• Same thing, just switch 1’s

and 0’s

0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

• Takes three levels, but only one bit per signal event• Not as efficient as NRZ (needs

3-4dB higher SNR)

Code violation

1’s alternate, but 0’s still can be flatlined

0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

Multilevel codes:Needs 3-4dB higher SNRErrors produce code violationsOnly DC component is at zero

• Errors produce code violations (consecutive 1’s of same polarity)

0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1Bit Flip (1-> 0)

Digital Data Encoding No. 6Seattle Pacific University

Modified Multilevel Codes• Bipolar AMI still has flatline for

multiple zeros• B-AMI has excess capacity (code

violations)• Substitute a special code when

too many zeros in a row

Substituted block

Multiple zeroes - Flatline

• B8ZS• If eight zeros in a row occur:

• If last ‘1’ was +, then• 000+-0-+

• If last ‘1’ was -, then• 000-+0+-

0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Code violations

Eight Zeros

B8ZS:Error detectionNo sustained DCDecent clock recoveryNeeds 3dB higher SNR

• Forces two code violations, so we know it’s not 00011011• One code violation might be a

regular error, but two is unlikely

Digital Data Encoding No. 7Seattle Pacific University

Manchester Codes

• Manchester - Mid-bit change• Low-to-high --> ‘1’• High-to-low --> ‘0’• Consecutive 1’s or 0’s require a transition between bits

• Doubles the bandwidth requirementUp to two transitions per bit

Manchester codes:No DC componentEasy clock recoveryError detectionTwice the bandwidth needed

0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

Digital Data Encoding No. 8Seattle Pacific University

Digital Encoding SummaryEfficiency No DC Self-clocking Error detect



Bipolar AMI





Needs 3-4dBextra SNR

Needs 3-4dBextra SNR

Needs 2xbandwidth

Major DC

Major DC

DC only at 0V

No sustained DC




Not for stringsof zeros

Yes, but nottrivial

Yes. >=1 edgeper bit

Needs extrabitsNeeds extrabits

Bit-flipinvalid code

Bit-flipinvalid code

Bit-flipmiss transition
