EN Perform Group Case Study


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Perform Group

Bynder Case Study Perform Group


About Perform Group 3

Challenges 4

How Bynder helped 5

Benefits for Perform Group 6

About Bynder 7

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Bynder Case Study Perform Group

“ Bynder is extremely easy to use, allowing staff to adopt the system with lit-

tle training. Another great feature is having the ability to brand the portal to

reflect your organisation’s design style.”

Bynder Case Study Perform Group

Customer Case Study Perform Group

Marketing Manager (Corporate),

Perform Group

Alan Davis

About Perform Group

Perform Group is a leading sports content and media company, based in the United Kingdom. Their mission is to connect the world of sport by producing the most detailed and engaging content.

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Bynder Case Study Perform Group

Previously Perform Group faced several chal-lenges. One of their main pain points was incon-sistent branding throughout the organisation.

Access to their existing network servers was limited for global teams, which made it difficult to share the latest versions of specific digital assets. This resulted in employees using out-dated and incorrect media.

Additionally, due to the lack of sharing best practice examples across the organisation, the process of content creation was often repeated.

To improve the relationship between marketing and sales, Perform was looking for a new solu-tion that ensured sales teams could access the latest campaigns from anywhere in the world.


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www.bynder.com | info@bynder.com Bynder Case Study Perform Group

Perform Group’s Digital Asset Management module allows the central mar-keting team to manage the quality of documents shared across the organi-sation. Using a cloud based system ensures all employees can access sales and marketing materials anywhere at anytime. While the central marketing team and global sales teams use their brand portal on a day-to-day basis, the new system is also used for file sharing across the organisation including senior management.

Alan Davis highlighted: “Bynder allows our group marketing team to main-tain brand consistency globally, while also providing a sharing facility and library of assets for our local teams to use as best practice.”

“ The process of allowing us to create the brand portal to the

exact specification we required is a huge factor behind the

success of the system so far. During the development phase

we were given excellent advice on best practice from the By-

nder project team”

How Bynder helped

Alan Davis, Marketing Manager (Corporate) bei Perform Group

Bynder Case Study Perform Group

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Using Bynder, Perform Group’s employees always have access to the most up-to-date and approved versions of digital assets.

This not only promotes the re-use of existing content but ensures brand con-sistency end-to-end.

Benefits for Perform Group

“ The main reason for recommending Bynder would be be-

cause of the simplicity and quality of the system. Imple-

menting companywide systems can be extremely difficult,

however this process has been successful due to the minimal

training required for our employees.”

Alan Davis, Marketing Manager (Cor-porate) bei Perform Group

Bynder Case Study Perform Group

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About BynderFind, create and use your content when you need it. Bynder empowers marketers to get things done faster, better and more easily.

With Bynder’s award-winning marketing software marketers can easily create, find and use content, such as documents, graphics and videos. More than 150,000 brand managers, marketers and creatives use Bynder’s brand portals each and every day to collaborate globally, create, review, and approve new marketing collateral, and circulate company content at the click of a button.

Brands using Bynder go to market faster and achieve end-to-end brand con-sistency across all channels and markets. Making marketing departments more agile, Bynder operates at the heart of the brand, simplifying collaboration within the whole organization.

www.bynder.com | info@bynder.com