EMERGENCIES Scripts for Memorization Mikatron Scissored


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  • 7/25/2019 EMERGENCIES Scripts for Memorization Mikatron Scissored


    1 ABC of Basic Life Support (AHA, 2010 Guidelines)Basic Life Support is the foundation for saving lives following sudden

    cardiac arrest which, despite progressive advances in prevention,

    continues to be a leading cause of death in many parts of the world.

    Sudden cardiac death has many etiologies, cardiac or non-cardiac, can

    occur in a variety of circumstances, witnessed or unwitnessed, and

    different settings, out-of-hospital, or in-hospital. Thus a universal strategy for

    successful resuscitation is needed. The actions comprising this strategy are

    called the links in the Chain of Survival which include:

    (1) Immediate recognition of cardiac arrest and activation ofthe emergency response system

    1. An adult is found unresponsive or witnessed to suddenly

    collapse. Ensure that the scene is safe.


    Check for response by tapping on the shoulder and shouting,

    Hey, hey, are you okay? x2 !No response


    Activate the EMS and somebody get me an AED!

    (2) Early cardiopulmonary resuscitation

    Formerly sequenced as Airway-Breathing-Circulation or ABC, a

    change in the previous American Heart Association Guidelinesrecommends the initiation of chest compressions before

    ventilations thus the new sequence is CAB.


    Extend the head to expose the neck. Take 10 seconds to feel

    for the pulse. !No pulse

    2. Start chest compressions forceful rhythmic applications of

    pressure which create blood flow by increasing intrathoracic

    pressure and directly compressing the heart which then

    generates blood flow and oxygen delivery to the

    myocardium and brain.

    ! Place the heel of one hand over the heel of the otherhand on the sternal notch, position the shoulders over

    hands with elbows locked and arms straight

    !Push hard and push fast: 100 compressions/minutewith a

    depth of at least 2 inchesor 5 cm

    !Allow complete recoilof the chest after each compression

    to allow the heart to fill completely

    3. Start rescue breaths by mouth-to-mouth or bag-mask to

    provide oxygenation and ventilation.


    Open airway by performing head tilt/chin lift maneuver orjaw thrust for suspected victims of cervical spine injury

    !Deliver each rescue breath over a full second, ensure it is

    sufficient to produce visible chest rise

    ! Use a compression to ventilation ratio of 30 chest

    compressions to 2 ventilations for 5 cycles

    *IF an advanced airway (Endotracheal tube, LMA) is in

    place, give 1 breath every 6 to 8 secondsand there should

    be no pause in compressions or ventilations

    (3) Rapid defibrillation (Vtach/Vfib) attach the AED, turn it on,

    follow the prompts, resume chest compressions after shock

    (4) Effective advanced life support

    (5) Integrated post-cardiac arrest care

    During Cardiopulmonary resuscitation check for:1. Hypovolemia




    Hydrogen ion (Acidosis)

    4. Hypo/hyperkalemia





    7. Toxins


    Tamponade (Cardiac)


    Tension pneumothorax


    Thrombosis (Coronary or Pulmonary)11.


  • 7/25/2019 EMERGENCIES Scripts for Memorization Mikatron Scissored



    Acute upper airway obstruction is a sudden blockage of the

    upper airway, anywhere from the anterior nares to the distal end

    of the trachea, that interrupts normal breathing.

    In the presence of a fixed obstruction in the upper airway,

    forced inspiration creates a large negative intrathoracic pressure

    below the level of the obstruction with a subsequent narrowing

    of the extrathoracic trachea, resulting in increased turbulence

    and velocity of airflow which causes the vocal cords andaryepiglottic folds to vibrate thus causing a harsh vibratory sound

    of variable pitch termed stridor. Obstruction is greater during

    inspiration than expiration.

    In children, the most common causes of upper airway

    obstruction are infections or anatomic abnormalities. In general,

    these etiologies share the following clinical manifestations:

    inspiratory stridor, brassy cough (seal bark), and difficulty















































































































































    Large foreign body

    lodges in the larynx,

    trachea, or bronchus

    causing obstruction

    Acute laryngeal

    swelling causing


    Airway swelling in the

    supraglottic and glottic

    area secondary to a

    non-infectious cause

    (allergic, psychologic)

    Choking, gagging





    Swelling of the

    lips, tongue




    Diagnostic and


    X-ray: subglottic


    X-ray: Subglottic


    Infants: 5 interscapular

    back blows with childs

    head lower than chestalternating with five

    chest compressions

    Older: Heimlich





    Cool mist







    Persistence of

    the buconasal

    membraine inthe posterior

    margin of hard


    Most common


    anomaly of


    Laryngomalacia defect or

    delayed maturation of

    supporting structures of larynxcausing prolapse of epiglottis,

    arytenoids, aryepiglottic folds

    Tracheomalacia inadequate

    cartilaginous and myoelastic

    elements supporting trachea

    leading to abnormal tracheal


    Variation in

    normal vascular


    obstruction of

    the trachea or








    cyanosis, RD

    Worsens with crying, exertion,


    Improves with prone position or

    neck extension

    Worsens with


    Improves with

    neck extension

    Inability to pass

    nasal catheter

    High resolution

    CT scan

    Endoscopy: Flabby supraglottic

    structures/anterior collapse of



    CT scan

    Surgery Reassurance and respiratory


    Resolves spontaneously by 24

    months, if not:


    requiring surgery


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    1. Congenital abnormality of the larynx or trachea


    Long term unconsciousness or coma

    3. Relieve upper airway obstruction

    4. Improve respiratory function


    Respiratory paralysis6. Emergency: failed intubation


    1. Find the indentation between the thyroid cartilage and

    cricoid cartilage which marks the area of the cricothyroid


    2. Make a half inch horizontal incision about an inch deep.

    3. Pinch the incision or insert a finger inside the slit to open it.


    Insert the tracheostomy tube into the incision half an inch to

    one inch deep.5. Deliver two quick breaths. Pause for 5 seconds. Then give a

    breath every 5 seconds.


    Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition of the airways

    resulting in episodic airflow obstruction secondary to hyper-

    responsiveness to provocative exposures or triggers.

    Acute asthma exacerbationis an acute or subacute episode of

    decompensated asthma characterized by progressively

    worsening shortness of breath, cough, wheeze, and chest

    tightness, or a combination of all these symptoms.

    Asthma exacerbation can be triggered by IgE-mediated factors

    such as dust mites, pollens, and animal dander; non-IgE-

    mediated factors such as irritants, cold air, noxious fumes, viral

    infections, and physical exertion; and gastroesophageal reflux. It

    may also be due to an underassessed, or under treated asthma.

    Exposure or the presence of these triggers leads to an

    immunologic hyper-responsiveness. In the early phase, within 15

    to 30 minutes of exposure, bronchoconstriction is the

    predominating factor leading to airway obstruction. In the late

    phase, 4 to 12 hours after allergen exposure, tissue inflammation,

    immune cellular infiltration into the airways, airway edema, andexcess mucus production exacerbate airway obstruction. The

    resulting airway obstruction then leads to nonuniform ventilation

    such that ventilation/perfusion mismatch occurs resulting to

    alveolar hypoventilation with a concomitant increased in arterial

    Carbon dioxide partial pressure and decrease in arterial Oxygen

    partial pressure. Airway obstruction also predisposes to

    hyperinflation such that there is a decrease in compliance

    resulting to an increase in work of breathing which also

    exacerbates the hypoxemia. The hypercarbia and hypoxemia

    and concomitant acidosis stimulates pulmonaryvasoconstriction, and with inadequate perfusion a decrease in

    surfactant production occurs increasing the risk for atelectasis.

    In general, asthma exacerbations are heralded by the presence

    of tight, non-productive cough, that is accompanied by other

    symptoms and signs that mark the severity of the case either as

    mild, moderate, or severe. It is important to determine the

    severity of exacerbation in order to guide treatment decisions.

    Breathlessness, positional preference, level of consciousness,

    respiratory rate, retractions, wheezing, pulse rate, pulsusparadoxus, nighttime awakenings, limitation in activity, are

    parameters used to determine the severity of exacerbation and

    even to identify whether there is risk for impending respiratory

    arrest. The frequency of these manifestations also give

    information on the severity of the exacerbation. In the

    emergency room, practical measures that can be taken in order

    to determine the level of asthma severity include pulse oximetry

    which shows the level of oxygen saturation. For those who are

    not known cases of asthma, a Salbutamol Challenge test can be

    performed in order to demonstrate whether the airwayobstruction is responsive to a bronchodilator, which is suggestive

    of asthma.

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    Other laboratory and ancillary procedures may also be

    requested if there is an indication to do so. A Chest X-ray may be

    requested to screen for potential complications such as

    pneumothorax. Further pulmonary function tests can also be

    requested in order to assess for the degree of airway obstruction

    which gives an idea on the long-term course of the

    exacerbation as well as the level of control achieved by the

    existing treatment. Such tests include Spirometry or peak flow

    meter to measure FEV1 or Peak Expiratory Flow Rate. However,

    these tests are impractical in the setting of a patient in acute

    exacerbation who is in respiratory distress. In patients who are

    not responding to initial management and have a progressively

    worsening course arterial blood gas determination is important

    to determine the need for ventilation and to guide the manner

    in which ventilation will be given.

    Again, management should be guided by the level of severity of

    the exacerbation. For all patients, oxygen should be given if

    oxygen saturation is below 90%. In patients with mild to

    moderate exacerbation an inhaled short acting beta 2 agonistsuch as Salbutamol should be given every 20 minutes for 1 hour.

    This is followed by an oral systemic corticosteroid such as

    prednisone. In patients with severe exacerbation high dose

    inhaled short acting beta 2 agonist with an anti-cholinergic such

    as Ipratropium should be given every 20 minutes for 1 hour along

    with the oral systemic corticosteroid. After the first hour of

    management the patient should be reassessed. If the patient

    continues to be in the same level of exacerbation the initial

    treatment is sustained for another 3 hours. At the end of this

    period if the patient shows good response to treatment bymanifesting with resolution of symptoms even 1 hour after the last

    dose of medications, the patient may be discharged with the

    appropriate instructions for maintenance medication which

    should include an inhaled short acting beta 2 agonist and an

    oral systemic steroid. If the patient shows incomplete response

    hospital admission should be advised and the patient should be

    maintained on the ongoing treatment until resolution. If the

    patient shows poor response with progressive deterioration of

    mental status admission to the intensive care unit should be

    advised and preparations for possible intubation and

    mechanical ventilation should be started. If in the onset, the

    patient does not show any significant response to inhaled beta 2

    agonist treatment and has no improvement after injection with

    epinephrine, the patient may be considered as a case of Status

    Asthmaticus or Acute Severe Asthma, at which point admission

    to the intensive care unit with the same aforementioned

    instructions should be advised.


    Perinatal asphyxia is the interference in the gas exchange

    between the organ systems of the mother and the fetus resulting

    to an increase in the arterial Carbon dioxide partial pressure with

    a concomitant decrease in arterial Oxygen partial pressure as

    well as a fall in pH.

    The resulting energy deficit due to the hypercarbia and

    hypoxemia in perinatal asphyxia shift the normal aerobic

    metabolism to anaerobic metabolism thus leading to lactic

    acidosis. The aberrancies in ventilation and pH levels then trigger

    redistribution of blood towards the vital organs of the fetus which

    are the brain, heart, and adrenal glands which results in a

    subsequent hypoperfusion in the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and

    kidneys. However, as perinatal asphyxia progresses without

    adequate intervention, oxygen debt in the brain builds leading

    to an alteration in brain water distribution as well as predisposing

    to multifocal brain ischemia. The resulting cytotoxic and

    vasogenic edema contribute to brain swelling, which together

    with the ischemia leads to further deterioration.Perinatal asphyxia may be a consequence of complications

    during labor and delivery such as interruption of umbilical blood

    flow as in cord compression, failure of gas exchange across the

    placenta as in placental abruption, inadequate perfusion of the

    maternal side of the placenta as in maternal hypotension, the

    presence of a compromised fetus that cannot tolerate the rigors

    of normal labor characterized by intermittent transient hypoxic

    episodes, as in those with anemia or intrauterine growth

    retardation, and lastly, failure of the fetus to undergo the

    necessary respiratory changes for survival outside the uterus,namely expansion of the lungs at delivery.

    According to the World Health Organization, 40% of under 5 year

    old deaths occur during the neonatal period, 9% of which can

    be attributed to perinatal asphyxia. The incidence is higher in

    resource poor countries such as the Philippines where it occurs in

    5 to 10 out of a 1000 live births. These statistics only emphasize

    the need for every clinician to be familiar with the clinical

    manifestations of perinatal asphyxia and the necessary steps for

    successful resuscitation.

    Perinatal asphyxia may be diagnosed based on the following

    criteria: fetal acidosis reflected by pH of less than 7 or base

    excess of more than12 mmol/l, APGAR score of 0 to 3 at 5

    minutes, seizures, and multisystem organ failure.

    The American Association of Pediatrics, together with the

    American Heart Association, has provided a systematic step by

    step algorithm for neonatal resuscitation in the presence of

    perinatal asphyxia which is divided into 3 phases. Each phase is

    conducted within 30 seconds to ensure prompt delivery of

    resuscitation.The first phase begins by evaluating four things: First, was the

    neonate delivered at term gestation? Because more

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    complications are associated with preterm delivery, such as

    respiratory distress syndrome. Second, was the amniotic fluid

    clear? Because a meconium stained amniotic is suggestive of

    asphyxia. Third, was the neonate crying or breathing at

    delivery?. And fourth, did the neonate display good muscle

    tone? If the answers to these four questions for initial assessment

    are a yes: the neonate is at term, the amniotic fluid is clear, the

    neonate was crying or breathing, and the neonate displayed

    good muscle tone then routine neonatal care is given which is

    comprised of first, providing adequate warmth. It is important to

    ensure thermoregulation in neonates because they have a large

    surface area to mass ratio and are prone to evaporative heat

    loss thus are at high risk for hypothermia which leads to

    complications such as hypoglycemia and increased work of

    breathing. Warmth can be given by drying the neonate with

    warm blankets, placing them in a radiant heat source, or

    wrapping them in thermoregulatory plastic when indicated, as in

    the case of very low birth weight neonates, those with a birth

    weight of less than 1,500 g who are at an even higher risk ofhypothermia. Second, the neonate should be stimulated. In

    vigorous infants that display good muscle tone and respiratory

    effort, drying is enough to stimulate increase in heart rate and

    breathing. Third, the airways should be cleared. This is done by

    placing the neonate in a sniffing position which hypertextends

    the neck so that the posterior pharynx, larynx, and trachea are

    aligned to promote unimpeded air entry. Then, nasal and oral

    suctioning are performed using a bulb syringe or suction

    catheter. Lastly, the color of the neonate is checked. If the infant

    is pink or acrocyanotic, the color is normal. But if central cyanosisis present then further management is warranted.

    In contrast, if the neonate was born pre-term, meconium

    stained, was apneic or displayed poor respiratory effort, and had

    poor muscle tone modifications in routine neonatal care are

    warranted. In these neonates further stimulation is done by

    flicking the soles or vigorously rubbing the trunk. Meconium

    stained non-vigorous infants require tracheal suctioning as such,

    may require endotracheal intubation.

    If after the first 30 seconds or the first phase of management the

    neonate continues to be apneic, bradycardic with a heart rate

    of less than 100 bpm, or has persistent central cyanosis the

    second phase is initiated with continuous supplemental oxygen

    delivery at a rate of 5 LPM at 100% via face mask or flow inflating

    bag mask. If after 15 seconds of oxygen supplementation no

    improvement occurs, positive pressure ventilation is started at 40

    cm H20, 100% using a cushioned mask with a flow inflating bag

    or T-piece connector. Bag mask ventilation is given at a rate of

    40 to 60 breaths per minute. If after another 15 seconds however,

    the heart rate is still below 60 bpm, the third phase is initiatedwith chest compressions delivered at the lower 1/3 of the

    sternum, at a depth of 1/3 the AP diameter of the chest, at a

    rate of 3 compressions to 1 ventilation every 2 seconds using

    either the two finger technique wherein the third and fourth

    digits of the same hand perform compressions while the other

    hand supports the back of the neonate, or the two thumb

    circling hand technique wherein both hands encircle the

    neonate with the thumbs delivering the compressions. The

    second technique has been shown to increase peak systolic and

    coronary perfusion pressure more effectively than the first. If after

    30 seconds the heart rate continues to be less than 60 bpm

    Epinephrine may be given at an IV dose of 0.1 to 0.3 ml/kg every

    3 to 5 minutes. Or if an IV line has not been instituted, an NGT

    dose of 0.3 to 1 ml/kg can be given until access has been

    established. If no improvement is noted after another 30 seconds

    other causes for asphyxia must be entertained. First,

    hypovolemia should be ruled out. If the neonate displays pallor,

    weak pulses, and delayed capillary refill time, IV PNSS should be

    started at 10 ml/kg over 5 to 10 minutes. If improvement still does

    not occur it is important to rule out any congenital cardiac

    abnormalities, airway malformations, pneumothorax, ordiaphragmatic hernia. In the setting of pneumothorax, needle

    aspiration using a 20 gauge needle inserted at the 4thICS AAL or

    2ndICS MCL should be performed. In the case of diaphragmatic

    hernia stomach decompression should be performed via a

    gastric tube and intubation should be instituted immediately.

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    Anaphylaxis is an IgE mediated, antigen induced reaction

    causing the massive release of biochemical mediators from

    previously sensitized mast cells and basophils leading to a clinical

    syndrome characterized cutaneous, respiratory, cardiovascular,

    and gastrointestinal tract manifestations. In comparison, an

    anaphylactoid reactionis a non-IgE mediated reaction involving

    complement activation, direct mast cell activation, and/or

    arachidonic acid metabolism alteration by intake of

    acetylsalicylic acid or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

    resulting to manifestations similar to that of anaphylaxis.

    Anaphylaxis or anaphylactoid reactions can be a consequence

    of exposure to sensitizing agents such as allergens,

    pharmacologic agents, exercise, and in rare cases idiopathic.

    Symptoms usually begin within moments of exposure to

    causative agents. Early changes include sneezing, pruritus,

    hoarseness, the feeling of a lump in the throat and may rapidly

    progress to diaphoresis, difficulty of breathing, disorientation, and

    loss of consciousness.Diagnosis in the emergency setting is achieved clinically

    because locally, no specific diagnostic test can adequately

    determine anaphylaxis. In the United States assay of Tryptase, a

    mast cell derived preformed mediator, has been used to

    document massive mast cell activation. Once the patient is

    stable, hypersensitivity skin tests, IgE tests, or challenge tests can

    be performed to identify the specific causes of anaphylaxis.

    When a patient presents with anaphylaxis in the emergency

    setting the main goal of management is to block the action of

    histamines on peripheral tissues. IM Epinephrine,Diphenhydramine, or Histamine Receptor blockers may be used

    for this purpose. Late anaphylaxis may be prevented by

    administering IV corticosteroids such as Methylprednisolone or

    Hydrocortisone or giving oral Prednisone if the patient is stable. In

    patients suffering from hypotension rapid IV infusion with NSS at 5

    to 10 ml/kg as bolus during the 1st5 minutes of treatment should

    be given. Epinephrine infusion can also be started and if

    ineffective, Dopamine should be given. In patients with upper

    airway obstruction a Beta 2 agonist can be started as

    nebulization, and if intractable to both Epinephrine and Beta 2

    agonists, endotracheal intubation or even tracheostomy may be

    indicated. In patients taking Beta blockers for hypertension,

    Calcium channel blockers should be substituted in order to

    prevent exacerbation of the ongoing Beta blockade. IV

    Glucagon and Atropine can also be used to reverse Beta

    blockade. Patients should be monitored for at least 24 hours for

    late anaphylaxis. Discharge medications should include oral

    Antihistamines with or without oral Prednisone for 3 to 5 days.


    Diarrhea is the passage of 3 or more liquid stools in a 24 hour

    period resulting to an excessive loss of fluid and electrolyte in the

    stools. It may be acute or chronic, lasting for 2 weeks or longer.

    Diarrhea is considered an emergency because of the

    complications attributed to the concomitant dehydration in

    these cases. Dehydration is contraction of the extracellular

    volume in relation to cellular mass that may result from external

    loss of water and salt, or salt alone, or water alone.

    The most common cause of acute diarrhea in any age group is

    gastroenteritis, other possible causes include systemic infections,

    and as a side effect of intake of antibiotics. The mechanisms for

    diarrhea include Secretory diarrhea in which a secretagogue

    binds to bowel epithelium resulting to intracellular accumulation

    of cAMP leading to excessive secretion and decreased

    absorption such that diarrhea persists even with fasting. An

    example is Cholera. Another mechanism is Osmotic diarrhea in

    which a poorly absorbed solute is fermented into Short Chain

    Fatty Acids which increase osmotic solute load as in Lactasedeficiency, such that diarrhea stops with fasting. An example of

    this is Lactase deficiency. Diarrhea may also be due to increased

    intestinal motility which decreases transit time as in the case of

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or due to mucosal inflammation which

    decreases the mucosal surface area for reabsorption as in cases

    of Shigella, Rotavirus, Amebiasis.

    Management is guided by the hydration status of the patient.

    Patients may have no dehydration, some dehydration, or severe

    dehydration based on clinical manifestations. Patients with some

    dehydration are often restless and irritable, have sunkeneyeballs, dry buccal mucosa, absent tears, capillary refill time of

    more than 2 seconds, and decreased urinary output but drink

    eagerly in response to thirst. In comparison, patients with severe

    dehydration have even worse symptoms and signs with the

    distinguishing factors being lethargy, absent urine output, and

    the poor urge to drink in response to thirst.

    Patients with no dehydration may be managed at home using

    Oral Rehydration Salts. The current standard ORS contains 75

    meqs of glucose and sodium, 65 meqs of chloride, 20 meqs of

    potassium, and 10 meqs of citrate, with a total osmolarity of 245.

    ORS is given in a preparation of 1 sachet mixed with 200 ml of

    water, and is given volume per volume loss. A homemade

    preparation using 8 teaspoons of sugar with 1 teaspoon of salt

    mixed in 200 ml water may be used as an alternative. ORS

    treatment is continued for 2 days and should be supplemented

    with breastfeeding, increased intake of bananas, fruits,

    vegetables, meat, and fish. Patients should return to the

    emergency room if resolution is not achieved within 3 days, or

    immediately if symptoms worsen, fever develops, oral intakecannot be tolerated, or there is blood in the stool. For patients

    with some signs of dehydration, it is critical to deliver

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    an adequate amount of ORS over the 1st 4 hours of

    management. Amount is calculated using the formula Weight x

    0.75 ml and the amount is divided evenly over 4 hours. The

    patient is closely observed over 4 hours and if oral intake is

    tolerated and symptoms of dehydration improve home care

    using the aforementioned plan is sufficient. For patients with

    severe dehydration IV LRS or NSS should be started at a rate of

    30 ml/kg over the first 30 minutes to 1 hour, then 70 ml/kg over 2.5

    to 5 hours. Patient should be reassessed every 1 to 2 hours. If the

    patient for whatever reason cannot immediately be given IV

    fluids and oral intake is not tolerated a nasogastric tube can be

    installed and ORS can be given at 20 ml/kg/hour for 6 hours.

    These patients should be monitored for at least 6 hours.

    Once steps for the management of dehydration have been

    instituted laboratories and ancillaries may be requested in order

    to pinpoint the cause of diarrhea as well as determine the extent

    of losses due to dehydration. In patients with high fever, bloody

    stools, and a more prolonged course of illness in whom a

    bacterial cause is highly suspected fecalysis can be requested inorder to confirm this suspicion so that antibiotic therapy may be

    initiated. Fecalysis can also reflect whether steatorrhea is present

    reflecting the possibility of a malabsorption syndrome as the

    cause of the diarrhea. In patients with severe dehydration in

    whom electrolyte losses are suspected to be substantial, serum

    sodium and potassium should be started so that the proper

    intravenous fluid can be selected to achieve adequate


    Ideally, antimicrobial therapy should be targeted. In cases with

    bloody stools in which Shigellais highly considered, Trimethoprim+ Sulfamethoxazole is the agent of choice, alternatives include

    Ampicillin and Nalidixic acid. In cases where in stools are

    described as rice water like, Cholera should be suspected and

    Tetracycline may be used. Infection with amoebiasis and

    Giardiasis may be treated with Metronidazole. Fever should be

    managed with antipyretics, and in those living in an area where

    Falciparum malaria is endemic, malaria should be part of the



    Hepatic encephalopathy is a state of disordered central nervous

    system function resulting from the inability of the liver to

    adequately detoxify noxious agents of gut origin secondary to

    hepatocellular dysfunction and portosystemic shunting caused

    by either an underlying chronic hepatic pathology or acute

    hepatic failure. In the setting of acute hepatic failure, it is a

    syndrome characterized by psychiatric as well as neurologic

    abnormalities with jaundice manifesting within 2 to 8 weeks from

    the onset of symptoms in the absence of any pre-existing liver

    disease. The known etiologic factors of hepatic encephalopathy

    include viruses such as Hepatitis, chemicals such as Ammonia,

    drugs such as opioids and sedatives, and surgery, cancer, and

    radiation. In the presence of chronic liver disease, precipitating

    factors include azotemia, hypokalemia, high protein diet,

    gastrointestinal bleeding, and hypovolemia.

    Normally, ammonia is metabolized from dietary amino acids by

    resident bacterial flora in the colon. The ammonia is reabsorbed

    by the portosystemic circulation. 80 to 90% of the total ammoniaproduced is shunted to the liver where it is detoxified into urea

    and eventually excreted in urine. The remaining 10 to 20% is

    shunted to the other ammonia metabolizing organs: the brain,

    heart, and kidneys. When more than 60% of hepatic function is

    lost or when portosystemic shunting towards the brain, heart,

    and kidneys is present, there is failure of ammonia detoxification.

    As ammonia levels rise, the brain, heart, and kidneys attempt to

    compensate but eventually become overloaded and fail to

    metabolize the overwhelming amount of ammonia, thus

    hyperammonemia occurs. Ammonia exerts multiple neurotoxiceffects resulting to neurologic and psychiatric abnormalities.

    The major clinical features of hepatic encephalopathy include:

    altered mental status, personality changes, neuro-

    ophthalmologic changes, motor abnormalities, and

    electroencephalographic findings. Based on these clinical

    features, hepatic encephalopathy may be classified to indicate

    the severity of the disease. Grade I is separated from the more

    severe stages by the presence of a normal EEG finding as well as

    the motor abnormality being tremors only. Symptoms include a

    sleep reversal pattern, emotional lability, irritability, and mild

    confusion. Grade II and the succeeding stages are

    characterized by abnormal EEG findings which reveal slow, high

    amplitude, triphasic waves, as well as the presence of asterixis.

    Grade II symptoms include lethargy, inappropriate behavior,

    and disorientation. Grade III symptoms include somnolence,

    aggressive behavior, and severe confusion. Lastly, Grade IV may

    reveal a comatose patient with or without response to normal

    stimuli. Because of the characteristic manifestations of hepatic

    encephalopathy and the lack of any other specific diagnosticmodalities for the disease, diagnosis is often achieved clinically.

    Since the main pathology in hepatic encephalopathy is the

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    elevation of ammonia levels treatment is geared towards

    reducing ammonia formation. The mainstay of treatment in

    hepatic encephalopathy continues to be intake of Lactulose, a

    non-absorbable dissacharide that is metabolized into short chain

    fatty acids by the resident bacterial flora in the colon which

    results in acidification of the colonic environment favoring the

    formation of Ammonium ion NH4which compared to NH3is non-

    absorbable, non-neurotoxic, and is easily excreted in urine.

    Lactulose also induces catharsis which promotes turnover of gut

    flora, decreasing the number of ammonia forming flora. The

    dose is 30 ml PO TID to QID and is titrated to achieve 3 to 5 soft

    stools per day. Certain antibiotics can also be given in order to

    promote turnover of gut flora. Traditionally, Neomycin an

    aminoglycoside which interferes with bacterial protein synthesis

    by binding to the 30S ribosomal subunit, is given alternatingly

    with Metronidazole which inhibits nucleic acid synthesis by

    disrupting DNA. These antibiotics are given alternatingly because

    of their poor safety profile. Neomycin causes ototoxicity and

    nephrotoxicity while Metronidazole causes peripheralneuropathy. More recently, Rifaximin, a derivative of Rifampicin,

    which binds to the beta subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase to

    disrupt DNA formation, has been used for its better safety profile

    at a dose of 550 mg BID PO. Dietary protein restriction is no

    longer advised in hepatic encephalopathy as the ensuing

    malnutrition has been found to outweigh any beneficial effects.

    Restriction is reserved for the small subset of patients who

    completely are unable to tolerate protein and often trial of

    shifting to vegetable sources for protein is attempted before

    complete restriction of protein in the diet. It is important to alsoaddress any hypovolemia, electrolyte abnormalities,

    gastrointestinal bleeding as these are the precipitating factors

    for decompensation.


    A hypertensive crisis is a sudden, acute blood pressure elevation

    to levels higher than what is normal for the affected individual.

    There are two types, the first is hypertensive urgency,

    characterized by asymptomatic blood pressure elevation. The

    second is hypertensive emergency, which in comparison is blood

    pressure elevation with symptoms, signs, or laboratory findings

    pointing towards end organ damage. Under hypertensive

    emergency there are two further categories: Accelerated

    hypertension which is characterized by headaches, blurred

    vision, and focal neurologic deficits, and Malignant

    hypertension which is Accelerated hypertension with

    papilledema. The most common end organ damage caused by

    Hypertensive emergencies includes hypertensive

    encephalopathy, intracerebral hemorrhage, acute myocardial

    infarction, left sided heart failure with concomitant pulmonary

    edema, dissecting aortic aneurysm, and kidney injury or failure.

    In 90% of cases, hypertensive crisis is a consequence of

    uncontrolled longstanding primary or essential hypertension.However, it may also be due to uncontrolled causes of

    secondary hypertension such as renal parenchymal disease,

    renovascular disease, pheochromocytoma, Cushings syndrome,

    Primary Hyperaldosteronism, Coarctation of the aorta, and

    obstructive sleep apnea.

    Laboratories and ancillaries are requested with the goal of

    determining the extent of end organ damage in order to guide

    treatment decisions as certain organ dysfunctions can become

    relative contraindications for starting certain antihypertensives. It

    is imperative to request for a 12 lead electrocardiogram in orderto determine whether there is an ongoing myocardial infarction.

    Biomarkers for myocardial infarction such as Troponin I should

    also be requested if the patients clinical findings are suggestive.

    ECG findings may also suggest the presence of electrolyte

    abnormalities and cardiac chamber enlargement. Urinalysis

    should be requested to screen for any hematuria or proteinuria

    indicative of acute kidney injury, results should be correlated

    with serum creatinine levels. Serum electrolytes should also be

    measured not only to guide correction but also to guide the

    choice of antihypertensive agent. A Chest X-ray should be

    requested if pulmonary edema is a consideration in a patient

    with equivocal chest physical examination findings.

    Management goals are different for urgencies and

    emergencies. In the setting of a hypertensive urgency, blood

    pressure may be lowered over the course of the next 24 hours. In

    comparison, blood pressure must be lowered by 25% over the

    next 60 minutes in hypertensive emergency in order to lessen

    end organ damage, and care must be taken to avoid

    overzealous correction that can lead to sudden hypoperfusionof the cerebral, coronary, and renal vascular beds. Oral

    antihypertensives may be sufficient in cases of urgency.

    Clonidine Captopril and Nifedipine are the most common 17 VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM

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    Clonidine, Captopril, and Nifedipine are the most common

    agents used. Parenteral antihypertensives are indicated in

    Emergencies and current guidelines suggest the use of

    Nicardipine as the first line agent. It is the most potent and

    longest acting of the parenteral calcium channel blockers.

    Diuretics such as Furosemide may be added for patients with

    features of heart failure or fluid retention. Target blood pressure is

    160/100 mmHg until resolution of symptoms.


    Venous thromboembolism is a disorder characterized by acute

    pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis. Pulmonary

    embolism on the other hand, is not a disease per se but a

    complication of a disease, commonly venous thrombosis

    occurring in the deep veins of the lower extremities. Thrombus

    formation and subsequent pulmonary embolism are associated

    with three basic factors: stasis, hypercoaguability, and

    endothelial injury which make up Virchows triad.

    Venous thrombi form either in the vicinity of a venous valvewhere eddy currents arise or at the site of intimal injury. Platelets

    aggregate with the release of mediators of the coagulation

    cascade, forming a red thrombus. At any time, a part of or even

    the entire thrombus may detach as an embolus which can

    lodge anywhere in the pulmonary vasculature or even the heart.

    In the lungs it leads to impaired gas exchange, increased

    pulmonary vascular resistance. Often acute pulmonary

    embolism results from emboli originating from the proximal veins

    of the lower extremities, above the popliteal vein. In comparison,majority of thrombi arising below the level of the popliteal vein

    resolve spontaneously and do not commonly embolize.

    The most frequent symptom is dyspnea while the most frequent

    sign is tachypnea. Classic signs of pulmonary embolism include

    low grade fever, neck vein distention, and an accentuated

    pulmonic component of the second heart sound. Hypotension

    and cyanosis may indicate massive pulmonary embolism while

    pleuritic pain, cough, or hemoptysis may suggest a smaller

    embolism. Majority of patients may not present with any leg

    symptoms and often the clinical manifestations are insufficient toconfidently rule in or rule out venous thromboembolism. Wells

    Criteria may be used to guide management. It is comprised of

    the following variables: presence of active cancer, signs and

    symptoms of DVT, PE is more likely than an alternative diagnosis,

    tachycardia, surgery or immobilization in the previous 4 weeks,

    prior DVT or PE, and hemoptysis. A score of 3 or more suggests

    high probability of venous thromboembolism.

    In terms of laboratories and ancillaries for diagnosis, pulmonary

    angiography remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of

    pulmonary embolism which in consistent with finding of a fillingdefect or sharp cutoff of small vessels. Contrast venography on

    the other hand is the gold standard for diagnosing deep venous

    thrombosis. When these are not immediately available or

    feasible a Duplex scan can be used to investigate for deep

    venous thrombosis and a Chest X-ray may yield findings of

    pulmonary embolism such as Hamptons hump which is a

    wedge shaped infiltrate, Westermarks sign which is decreased

    pulmonary vascularity, and Pallas sign which reflects an

    enlarged right descending pulmonary artery. A D-dimer assay incombination with the Wells Clinical Prediction Rule is effective in

    ruling out clinically significant pulmonary emergency.

    Treatment is geared towards resolving the ongoing embolism 20 HEMOPTYSIS

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    Treatment is geared towards resolving the ongoing embolism

    and prevention of further embolism episodes. Thrombolytic

    therapy may be instituted using Streptokinase, Urokinase, and

    recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator. Further clot formation

    in the lower extremities may be prevented by anticoagulant

    therapy with unfractionated heparin which is the initial drug of

    choice, warfarin, low molecular weight heparin (Enoxaparin).


    Hemoptysis is the expectoration of blood from a source below

    the glottis often following coughing spells. It can be caused by

    several factors: infections such as pulmonary tuberculosis,

    paragonimiasis, bronchiectasis, neoplasms such as bronchial

    carcinoma, cardiovascular conditions such as mitral stenosis,

    acute pulmonary edema, aortic aneurysm rupture,

    thromboembolism, trauma, and iatrogenic factors such as

    endotracheal intubation, pulmonary catheterization,

    bronchoscopy, percutaneous lung biopsy. In 20% of cases thecause may remain unknown despite extensive evaluation, and

    are termed Cryptogenic hemoptysis.

    Clinical manifestations depend on the primary disease, site,

    degree, and rate of hemorrhage. Minor hemoptysis may present

    with just blood streaked sputum, with or without discomfort or

    bubbling sensation over the chest. Massive hemoptysis, defined

    as expectoration of 200 to 600 ml of blood over 24 hours may

    present with signs and symptoms of asphyxiation and

    hemodynamic alterations.Work-up includes a complete otorhinolaryngeal examination

    with rhinoscopy and nasopharyngeal and laryngeal endoscopy,

    to rule out any upper airway sources of bleeding. A chest X-ray

    may be requested to determine whether a pulmonary

    pathology is the most likely cause. AFB and gram staining of

    sputum are also indicated to search for the root cause of

    hemoptysis. In patients with persistent mild bleeding in whom

    bed rest and antitussives such as Dextromethorphan and

    Benzonatate, are insufficient to provide relief, fiber

    bronchoscopy may be performed to localize the source ofbleeding. A rigid scope may be used for massive bleeding to

    provide for better visibility, suctioning, and airway control. Once

    the source of bleeding has been located suctioning or lavage,

    endobronchial tamponade may be attempted. Resectional

    surgery may be performed in severe cases while arterial

    embolization may be performed if surgery is contraindicated. If

    the source still cannot be identified bronchial arteriography or

    pulmonary arteriography may be indicated. The airway must be

    maintained patent at all times as asphyxiation poses a greater

    threat than blood loss.


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    Pneumothorax is a collection of air or gas in the pleural space

    that increases intrapleural pressure causing overexpansion of the

    hemithorax and varying degrees of lung collapse. It is termed

    Spontaneous pneumothorax if it occurs in the without

    antecedent trauma or iatrogenic cause and may be primary or

    secondary. Primary spontaneous pneumothorax occurs without

    a clinically apparent underlying lung disease in a patient with risk

    factors such as family history of pulmonary pathology and

    smoking. This is common in tall, thin men in their 20s and is

    thought to be due to the rupture of pleural blebs or bullae. In

    comparison, the secondary type is due to an underlying

    pulmonary pathology, the most common of which is airway

    obstruction secondary to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,

    other examples include infections such as pulmonary

    tuberculosis, and necrotizing pneumonia, neoplasms that may

    be primary or metastatic, interstitial lung disease, trauma, or

    iatrogenic as in during cardiopulmonary resuscitation,

    mechanical ventilation, endotracheal intubation, and otherdiagnostic or therapeutic interventions. Tension pneumothorax

    occurs when the pressure build up forces the lungs to collapse

    such that venous return is impeded and the heart is prevented

    from pumping blood effectively.

    Clinical manifestations are apparent even in minimal (less than

    or equal to 3 cm) pneumothorax. Symptoms include sudden

    sharp chest pain worsened by deep breathing or cough, often

    localizing to the affected side, dyspnea or chest tightness, easy

    fatigability, and in cases of impending cardiopulmonary failure:

    cyanosis, and hemodynamic and cognitive abnormalities. Onphysical examination the hemithorax of the affected side may

    be noted to be over-expanded, lagging, tympanitic, with

    decreased to absent breath sounds and fremiti. The midline

    mediastinal structures and trachea may also shift to the opposite

    side. In tension pneumothorax the neck veins may be distended

    and hypotension may be noted. Subcutaneous crepitations and

    emphysema, facial and neck edema are other signs.

    Diagnosis may be confirmed via Chest X-ray which will reveal a

    Visceral Pleural Line as well as atelectasis and mediastinal or

    tracheal shift to the opposite side. Subcutaneous emphysema or

    pneumomediastinum may also be visualized if present.

    Additional ancillaries include Chest CT scans for cases of

    secondary spontaneous pneumothorax whose underlying

    etiology is unknown.

    Needle aspiration can be performed in the emergency room to

    resolve this emergency. The patient is placed in a semi-

    recumbent position. The area of the 2ndLICS MCL is sterilized and

    infiltrated with 1 to 2% lidocaine up to the parietal pleura. A 14 to

    16 gague cannula is inserted through the parietal pleura andconnected to a stopcock at which point air is aspirated gently.

    The procedure is stopped once resistance is felt.


    Near drowning is defined as survival of 24 hours or more after

    suffocation by submersion in a liquid medium of sufficient severity

    that leads to morbidity or death. In comparison, drowning is the

    mortal submersion event in which the victim dies within 24 hours.

    Near drowning has been replaced by the term Submersion injury

    to connote the event until the time of drowning related death.

    Submersion injury may be classified depending on the

    temperature of the liquid medium into warm-water drowning

    occurring in temperatures of 20C or higher, cold-water drowning

    occurring in temperatures of less than 20C, and very cold-water

    drowning as in temperatures of 5C or less. The temperature of

    the liquid medium is important because hypothermia adds

    significant risk for developing further complications.

    Immersion in a liquid medium stimulates hyperventilation, the

    resulting gasping and possible aspiration then trigger voluntary

    apnea and laryngospasm which results in hypoxemia and a

    concomitant acidosis. The hypoxemic and acidotic environment

    depletes the cerebral and coronary vascular beds of oxygensupply such that cerebral ischemia and cardiac arrest develop.

    Eventually asphyxia sets in which in most cases leads to a

    relaxation of the airways permitting the lungs to take in water. In

    10 to 20% of cases laryngospasm is maintained such that there is

    dry drowning. Clinical manifestations depend on the severity

    of pulmonary, cardiovascular, and/or neurologic damage.

    Some patients may be asymptomatic while others may present

    with hypothermia, tachycardia, bradycardia, tachypnea,

    dyspnea, wheezing, crackles, altered mental status, and

    neurologic deficits. Some may present with features ofcardiopulmonary arrest: apnea, asystole.

    Management is divided into 3 phases: pre-hospital care, ER unit

    care, and in-patient care. At the scene of the drowning the

    patient must immediately be removed from the water with

    adequate support given to the neck in case of cervical spinal

    cord injury. The patient is then assessed for the need for

    cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Chest compressions are then

    initiated immediately if indicated. 100% supplemental oxygen by

    face mask should also be given, early intubation may be

    considered in patients that continue to be hypoxemic. The

    patient should also be rewarmed thus all wet clothing must be

    removed and warm blankets should be used for drying and

    insulation. In the ER unit, endotracheal intubation is performed

    on those unable to maintain an arterial oxygen partial pressure

    of more than 60 to 70 mmHg, or in those with an altered level of

    consciousness leading to inability to protect airway or handle

    secretions, and those with worsening ABG results. At this point

    other than ABG, tests should be ordered to rule out any other

    injuries. Cranial CT scan, cervical spine radiograph, Chest X-ray,and scout film of the abdomen may be ordered if indicated.

    ECG and serum electrolytes may also provide information on the

    severity of the submersion injury and guide the manner of 24 ADRENAL CRISIS

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    severity of the submersion injury and guide the manner of

    replacement fluid therapy. Thermoregulation should be ensured.

    In patients who fail to warm up despite use of heating pads,

    warm air, or warm baths, pleural and peritoneal irrigation,

    continuous arteriovenous rewarming, hemodialysis, and

    cardiopulmonary bypass may be warranted. In the in-patient

    setting bronchospasm should be relieved with a bronchodilator,

    antibiotics should be instituted in those who were submerged in

    contaminated water, or in those with fever, new pulmonary

    infiltrates, or purulent secretions.

    Early complications include bronchospasm, hypothermia,

    seizures, hypovolemia, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, and

    metabolic and lactic acidosis. Late complications include

    respiratory distress syndrome, ischemic encephalopathy,

    aspiration pneumonia, lung abscess, pneumothorax, renal

    failure, sepsis, and barotrauma.


    Adrenal crisis is an extreme decompensated form of adrenal

    insufficiency characterized by a deficiency in glucocorticoids

    with or without a deficiency in mineralocorticoids leading to a

    decrease in vascular sensitivity to norepinephrine and

    angiotensin II such that peripheral adrenergic tone is reduced

    leading to vascular collapse and shock. Any disorder affecting

    the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis resulting to

    glucocorticoid deficiency can give rise to adrenal insufficiency.

    And depending on which level is affected the disorder can be

    categorized into primary, secondary, or tertiary adrenal

    insufficiency. Primary adrenal insufficiency or Addisons disease is

    a dysfunction or complete absence of the adrenal cortex such

    that not only is there a deficiency in glucocorticoids but also a

    concomitant deficiency in mineralocorticoids. Because of this,

    an additional dysfunction in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone

    system is present thus crisis secondary to Addisons disease is

    often more common and more severe. In developed countries,

    autoimmune pathologies most commonly cause Addisonsdisease, in comparison, in developing countries such as ours,

    infections commonly are the cause. In particular tuberculosis is

    the most common etiology of primary adrenal insufficiency in our

    country. Secondary adrenal insufficiency is any pathology

    affecting the pituitary gland such as a mass lesion. Tertiary

    adrenal insufficiency is any pathology affecting the

    hypothalamus. Other predisposing factors include the sudden

    withdrawal of steroid therapy, and any stress inducing event

    such as a major systemic illness, surgery, and adrenal

    hemorrhage.A patient with adrenal crisis may present in the ER with

    hypotension, tachycardia, and shock disproportionate to the

    severity of the current illness. They may also present with a history

    of nausea and vomiting with a background of weight loss and

    anorexia. The patient may also complain of abdominal pain,

    fever especially in those caused by infections, and

    hyperpigmentation in those with primary adrenal insufficiency. A

    patient presenting with purpura known to have adrenal

    insufficiency should raise suspicion adrenal infarction in

    Waterhouse Friedrichsen Syndrome secondary to

    meningococcemia. Laboratories may reveal unexplained

    hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia,

    azotemia, and eosinophilia. Because the clinical manifestations

    of adrenal crisis are nonspecific it is important to request for the

    proper laboratories and ancillaries to clinch the diagnosis.

    Since the pathology is basically glucocorticoid deficiency,

    cortisol levels should be investigated in order to determine the

    presence of this condition. Normally cortisol levels peak during

    early morning and during periods of stress. As such levels lessthan 5 ug/dl are suggestive of insufficiency but levels of up to 10

    ug/dl still make an individual highly suspect. Levels of 20 ug/dl or

    higher preclude the diagnosis. A 250 ug short 25 DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS

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    g p g g

    adrenocorticotrophic hormone stimulation test can also be

    performed. An increase of 10 ug/dl from baseline and an

    absolute cortisol level greater than 20 ug/dL an hour after

    administration rules out primary adrenal insufficiency but cannot

    completely eliminate the possibility of secondary adrenal

    insufficiency especially of recent onset.

    It must be emphasized however that management should not

    be delayed while waiting for the results of the laboratories

    requested for. Intravenous access must be gained immediately,

    and IVF should be started with PNSS. Intravenous Hydrocortisone

    or Dexamethasone should then be started immediately.

    Vasopressors and oxygen as well as other supportive measures

    should be instituted as indicated. Once the patient is stable

    further laboratories can be requested to determine the exact

    etiology of the adrenal insufficiency. Fludrocortisone may be

    given in those with concurrent mineralocorticoid deficiency.

    Glucocorticoids should be tapered to maintenance dosage

    over 1 to 3 days once appropriate.

    Diabetic ketoacidosis is an extreme decompensated state of

    diabetes mellitus characterized by the triad of hyperglycemia of

    more than 250 mg/dl, ketosis as reflected by positive urine

    ketones, and high anion gap metabolic acidosis as reflected by

    a pH of less than 7.3 and an anion gap of more than 10. It is

    often precipitated by sudden discontinuation of insulin,

    infections, cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction,

    sympathomimetics, and pancreatitis.

    Diabetic ketoacidosis is a state of decreased net effective

    action of circulating insulin such that glucose utilization is

    decreased creating a state of relative starvation, stimulating the

    release of counter-regulatory hormones such as Glucagon,

    Cortisol, Catecholamines, and Growth Hormone which promote

    processes that increase blood glucose levels to maintain cellular

    function such as Gluconeogenesis and Glycogenolysis. Lipolysis is

    also stimulated such that adipose is converted into free fatty

    acids which accumulate and are oxidized into ketones because

    they are unable to enter the citric acid cycle without insulin. The

    kidneys attempt to filter the excess highly osmotic glucose

    leading to severe dehydration and in compendium with ketosis,

    serum electrolyte derangement.

    Patients usually present with polyuria, polydipsia,

    nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain, dehydration, hypotension,

    mental status changes, Kussmauls breathing, and acetone


    Diagnostic tests are aimed towards evaluating the severity of the

    disease. Plasma glucose, arterial blood gas, urine ketones, serum

    sodium, potassium, and chloride, and blood urea nitrogen aswell as creatinine are important in classifying the severity. Mild

    DKA is characterized by a pH of less than 7.3, serum bicarbonate

    of less than 18, anion gap of more than 10, and clinically an alert

    individual. In comparison, severe DKA is characterized by an

    arterial pH of less than 7, serum bicarbonate of less than 10,

    anion gap of more than 12, and an individual who has

    depressed mental status of stupor or coma. Anything in between

    is moderate DKA. The precipitating cause should also be

    investigated so that it can be treated to prevent further

    exacerbation. ECG should be requested, as well as CBC,Urinalysis, and Chest X-ray.

    Hypovolemia and vascular collapse are the most common

    cause of death in uncomplicated ketoacidosis as such

    correction is an urgent therapeutic priority. In the absence of

    heart failure, isotonic saline can be infused at 15 20 ml/kg/h or

    greater during the 1st hour. Before instituting insulin treatment,

    hypokalemia must be ruled out because insulin can exacerbate

    this. Potassium levels must be normalized before starting insulin.

    Once the patient is normokalemic, the treatment of choice

    except in mild DKA is continuous IV infusion of Insulin aimedtowards decreasing glucose at a rate of 50 to 75 mg/dl/hour.

    An initial bolus of 0.15 U/kg followed by infusion rate of 0.1 26 THYROID STORM

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    U/kg/hour can be used. When glucose reaches 250 mg/dl, rate

    can be decreased to 0.05 to 0.1 U/kg and Dextrose may be

    added until acidosis resolves. Treatment goal is glucose of less

    than 200 mg/dl, serum bicarbonate of more than 18 meq/L, pH

    of more than 7.3, and anion gap of less than 12 meq/L. Once this

    is achieved, insulin infusion maybe discontinued and shifted

    towards maintenance dosing.

    First we define three important terminologies. Hyperthyroidism

    refers to excess circulating thyroid hormone resulting only from

    thyroid gland hyperfunction. Thyrotoxicosis refers to excess

    circulating thyroid hormone resulting from any cause including

    thyroid hormone overdose. Thyroid storm refers to the extreme

    manifestation of thyrotoxicosis, an acute severe, life-threatening

    hypermetabolic state causing adrenergic hyperactivity or

    altered peripheral response to thyroid hormone. It most usually

    occurs when an already thyrotoxic patient suffers a seriousconcurrent illness, event, or injury such a infection, stress,

    myocardial infarction, or trauma that frees thyroid hormones

    from their binding sites or increases receptor sensitivity such that

    the effect of thyroid hormones is multiplied. Manifestations

    include high fever, cardiac findings such as tachycardia out of

    proportion to fever, mental status changes, gastrointestinal

    symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, generalized

    weakness, palmar erythema.

    Management goals include supportive care by giving

    Acetaminophen for fever, normal saline or LRS for volume

    depletion, inhibition of new thyroid hormone synthesis by giving a

    Thionamide such as Methimazole or propylthiouracil, inhibition of

    thyroid hormone release by giving iodine in the form of

    potassium iodide or Lugols solution, blocking beta adrenergic

    receptors by giving propranolol, and preventing peripheral

    thyroxine conversion to triiodothyronine by giving intravenous

    hydrocortisone or dexamethasone. It is also important to address

    the precipitating event.


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    Rabies is a progressive acute infectious disease of the central

    nervous system in humans and animals caused by infection with

    the Rabies virus normally transmitted from animal vectors such as

    cats and dogs. There are two types, Vesiculovirus which is self-

    limited and mild, and Lyssavirus which leads to serious neurologic

    disease. The virus remains in the site of entry during the

    incubation period which may last anywhere from 20 to 90 days.

    Eventually, the virus binds to nicotinic ACh receptors on

    postsynaptic membranes at neuromuscular junctions where they

    replicate and spread centripetally via retrograde axonal

    transport along the peripheral nerves to the spinal cord or

    brainstem where further dissemination takes place especially in

    neurons. Centrifugal spread then occurs along sensory and

    autonomic nerves towards the tissues of the salivary glands,

    heart, adrenals, and skin.

    Clinical manifestations progress from a flu-like prodrome of fever,

    malaise, anorexia, and pain and pruritus in the wound site, to the

    encephalitic phase characterized by anxiety, agitation,hydrophobia, bizarre behavior, and other autonomic

    dysfunction, to the paralytic phase characterized by flaccid

    paralysis of the limbs to quadriparesis with facial paralysis, until

    eventually coma or death ensue. As of current no diagnostic

    tool is of use in confirming rabies, as such treatment must be

    instituted once clinical suspicion for the disease arises.

    First, proper wound cleaning must be performed. The wound

    must be vigorously washed and flushed with soap or detergent

    and water for at least 10 minutes. Alcohol, povidone iodine, or

    any other antiseptic may also be used. For frankly infectedwounds, open wounds, bleeding wounds, antimicrobials in the

    form of co-amoxiclav or cefuroxime may be started. Anti-tetanus

    immunization should also be given. The category of the wound

    should also be established. Category I includes having intact skin

    licked by an infected animal, sharing eating or drinking utensils

    with an infected patient. This category requires only local wound

    treatment. Category II includes uncovered skin nibbled or

    nipped by an infected animal resulting to bruising, minor

    scratches or abrasions without bleeding, licks on broken skin, and

    wounds induced to bleed. This category indicates immediatestart of active vaccination. If the animal remains alive and well

    for 14 days, vaccination may be discontinued after the Day 7

    dose. However if the animal becomes rabid, dies, or in

    unavailable for 14 days or tests positive for rabies, the complete

    regimen until Day 30 should be given. Lastly, Category III includes

    transdermal bites or scratches, contamination of mucuous

    membranes with saliva, exposure to rabies patients through

    bites, mucous membrane, or open skin lesions, handling infected

    carcass or ingestion of raw infected meat, and all Category II

    occurring in the head and neck. This category merits both active

    immunization and passive immunization products.

    Tetanus is an acute, often fatal disease caused by wound

    contamination with Clostridium tetani, a motile non-

    encapsulated anaerobic gram positive rod. Clostridium tetani

    exists in either a vegetative or spore forming state. The spores are

    ubiquitous in soil and animal feces and are extremely resistant to

    destruction, surviving on environmental surfaces for many years.

    Usually, it is introduced into a wound in the spore-forming non-

    invasive state, however it can germinate into the toxin

    producing vegetative form if tissue oxygen tension is reduced as

    in presence of crushed, devitalized tissue, presence of a foreign

    body, or development of another source of infection. It

    produces two exotoxins, the first is tetanolysin which favors

    expansion of the bacterial population, and the second is

    tetanospasmin, a powerful neurotoxin that reaches the central

    nervous system via hematogenous spread to the peripheral

    nerves and retrograde transport. It acts on the motor end plates

    of the skeletal muscles, in the spinal cord, brain, and

    sympathetic nervous system. It prevents the release of inhibitoryneurotransmitters glycine and gaba aminobutyric acid from

    presynaptic nerve terminals thus releasing the nervous system

    from its normal inhibitory control. This leads to the clinical

    manifestations of tetanus such as generalized muscular rigidity,

    violent muscular contractions, and autonomic instability. There

    are three forms of the disease. The first is generalized tetanus

    which is the most common. Patients present with pain and

    stiffness of the masseters or lock jaw, later becoming rigidity

    hence development of trismus and risus sardonicus. Dysphagia,

    opisthotonus, clenching of the fists, extension of lower extremitiesresult as a consequence of reflex convulsive spasms and tonic

    muscle contractions. Mental status is normal. In comparison

    cephalic tetanus results to dysfunction in the cranial nerves most

    commonly the 7th. Lastly local tetanus is manifested by rigidity of

    muscles in proximity to the site of inoculation.

    Diagnosis is achieved clinically. Treatment is instituted with

    Tetanus immunoglobulin to neutralize circulating tetanospasmin,

    administered opposite the site of tetanus toxoid administration.

    Wound management is then performed and muscle relaxants

    are given such as benzodiazepines such as Midazolam.Neuromuscular blockade can also be attempted by using

    succinylcholine or vecuronium. Autonomic dysfunction may be

    treated with magnesium sulfate which inhibits epinephrine and

    norepinephrine release, Labetalol which has alpha and beta

    adrenergic blocking activity, and clonidine which is an alpha 2

    receptor agonist. Tetanus toxoid should be given after recovery

    because the disease does not confer immunity.