effects dorsal rootaxons - LMU


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Journal of Physiology (1994), 480.2

The effects of hyperglycaemic hypoxia on rectification in ratdorsal root axons

P. Grafe, H. Bostock* and U. Schneider

Department of Physiology, University of Miinchen, Pettenkoferstrasse 12,D-80336 Miunchen, Germany and *Sobell Department of Neurophysiology,

Institute of Neurology, Queen's Square, London WCJN 3BG, UK

1. Electrotonic responses to 150 ms current pulses were recorded from isolated rat dorsalroots incubated for at least 3 h with either normal (5 mM) or high (25 mM) D-glucosesolutions, and with either normal (25 mM) or low (5 mM) bicarbonate concentrations.

2. On replacement of 02 by N2 for 50 min, all the roots depolarized, but the changes inelectrotonus differed systematically. With normal glucose, the depolarization wasaccompanied by an increase in input conductance. In contrast, for the hyperglyeaemicroots the depolarization was slower and accompanied by a fall in input conductancewhich was exacerbated in low bicarbonate concentrations.

3. The changes induced by hyperglycaemic hypoxia in low bicarbonate could be mimickedby exposure of the roots either to 100% CO2 or to a combination of 3 mm tetraethyl-ammonium chloride and 3 mm 4-aminopyridine, to block both fast and slow potassiumchannels.

4. These results indicate that the primary mechanism of hypoxic depolarization of thesesensory axons is altered by hyperglycaemia. In normoglycaemia, the changes inelectrotonus are consistent with an increase in axonal potassium conductance. The blockof potassium channels seen in hyperglycaemic hypoxia is attributed to intra-axonalacidification by anaerobic glycolysis and may contribute to the pathogenesis of diabeticneuropathy.

Neuropathy is a major cause of morbidity in diabetes, andhyperglycaemia is the root cause of diabetic neuropathy(Thomas, 1990). The chain of events by which hyper-glycaemia leads to nerve damage, predominantly in sensoryfibres, is far from clear but there is much evidence thatendoneurial hypoxia due to microangiopathy is involved(for review see Low, 1987; Thomas & Tomlinson, 1993).Using isolated frog nerves, Lorente de N6 (1947) first madethe observation that high glucose concentrations cause alack of functional recovery after hypoxia, and thisphenomenon has recently been investigated in ratperipheral nerves and spinal roots in vitro (Strupp, Jund,Schneider & Grafe, 1991; Schneider, Jund, Nees & Grafe,1992; Schneider, Niedermeier & Grafe, 1993a; Schneider,Quasthoff, Mitrovic & Grafe, 1993 b). Recovery of membraneand action potentials from hyperglycaemic hypoxia isworse in dorsal than ventral roots (Schneider et al. 1992),supporting an association with diabetic neuropathy. Thepoor recovery of dorsal roots is probably due to intra-cellular acidification by anaerobic glycolysis, since (a) it isworse when the buffering power and/or bicarbonate-dependent pH-regulating mechanisms of the axons arecompromised (Schneider et al. 1992), (b) it only occurs with

hexoses that can be metabolized rapidly by the glycolyticpathway (Schneider et al. 1993a), and (c) it is associated withextracellular release of acid (Strupp et al. 1991). It is a well-documented observation that hypoxia and/or ischaemia-induced decrease in tissue pH is dependent on the pre-ischaemic blood glucose concentration, being greatest inhyperglycaemic and least in hypoglycaemic animals (e.g.Smith, von Hanwehr & Siesj6, 1986; Siesj6, 1988; Kraig &Chesler, 1990; Tyson, Peeling & Sutherland, 1993).

The present study is concerned with the next link in thischain of pathogenesis: how intracellular acidification causesdepolarization and failure to conduct action potentials.Cytoplasmic acidification inactivates fast axonal K+channels (Schneider et al. 1993b), but these channels havenot previously been held to be major determinants of theresting potential. To pursue this matter further, werequired a technique that would (a) reveal changes in bothnodal and internodal channels contributing to the restingpotential, (b) provide stable recordings for long periods ofhypoxia, and (c) would avoid undefined pathophysiologydue to mechanical damage. Neither intracellular micro-electrode recording, nor nodal voltage clamp, nor patchclamping meets more than one of these criteria. We,

MS 2702, pp. 297-307 297

P Grafe, H. Bostock and U. Schneider

therefore, turned to recordings of electrotonus, which werepreviously used to analyse the components of rectificationin myelinated axons (Baker, Bostock, Grafe & Martius,1987), but took advantage of the improved mechanical andDC stability provided by the 'Marsh' Vaseline gap nervebath (Marsh, Stansfeld, Brown, Davey & McCarthy, 1987).We restricted this study to dorsal roots, since sensory fibresare more readily damaged in diabetes and by hyper-glycaemic hypoxia. The results indicate that hyper-glycaemic hypoxia depolarizes sensory axons because theacid generated by glycolysis blocks both fast and slowpotassium channels that help maintain the restingpotential. Preliminary data from this study have beenpublished in an abstract form (Grafe & Schneider, 1993).

METHODSAnimals and preparation

Male Wistar rats, weighing 300-400 g, were obtained fromThomae, Biberach, Germany. The animals were anaesthetizedwith urethane (1P5 g kg-1, i.P., supplemented as required) for alaminectomy to expose the cauda equina and the spinalganglia. Spinal roots were removed in their entire length(from the spinal cord to the spinal nerve) for in vitrorecording. The anatomical relationship of the isolated roots tothe spinal ganglia enabled us to differentiate between dorsaland ventral roots. After preparation, the anaesthetized ratswere killed by exsanguination and the isolated spinal rootswere incubated at room temperature (20-25 °C) from 30 minto about 8 h in solutions with different concentrations ofD-glucose or other hexoses. Afterwards these nerves were

transferred to the experimental organ bath.

SolutionsThe standard solution contained (mM): NaCl, 118-0; KCl, 3 0;CaCl2, 1P5; MgCl2, 1P0. The concentration of D-glucose was

either 5 or 25 mM; in some experiments 20 mM D-galactose or

20 mM D-mannose was added to solutions containing 5 mMD-glucose. Normal bicarbonate-buffered solution consisted ofthe standard solution plus 25 mm NaHCO3 and 1P2 mMNaH2PO4, bubbled with 95% 02-5% CO2 (normoxia) or

95% N2-5% CO2 (hypoxia). In the low bicarbonate-bufferedsolution, 5 mm HC03- and 20 mm NaCl were added to thestandard solution. During normoxia this solution was

equilibrated with 20% 02-79% N2-1% CO2 and duringhypoxia with 99% N2-1% CO2. In some of the experiments,the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) in the organ bath was

monitored continuously by a Clark-style electrode (DiamondElectro-Tech Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, USA) and found to be lessthan 2 mmHg within 1 to 2 min after perfusion of the organ

bath with the hypoxic solutions. Tetrodotoxin (TTX),4-aminopyridine (4-AP), and tetraethylammonium (TEA)were purchased from Sigma, Deisenhofen, Germany.

ElectrotonusThe organ bath used to record electrotonus and extracellulardirect current (DC) potentials has been previously described(Marsh et al. 1987; Schneider et al. 1992, 1993 b). It consisted of athree-chambered plexiglass bath compartmentalized by 1 mm

partitions (Marsh ganglion bath; Hugo Sachs Elektronik,March-Hugstetten, Germany). Each partition had removable

upper and lower sections in which a slot had been cut to allowthe spinal roots to pass between chambers without beingcrushed. Silicone grease was used to seal the root into positionand to prevent the free diffusion of solutions betweenchambers. The central compartment was continuouslyperfused by positive gas pressure in buffer flasks. The flowrate was 14 ml min-' (volume of the central compartment:1P5 ml). The nerve end in one of the lateral compartments wasdrawn into a suction electrode which was used for theapplication of current pulses (current steps of up to + 10 ,aA;duration, 150 ms; stimulation rate, 0 5 Hz). The solution inthis lateral compartment was identical to the one in thecentral compartment. However, it was not made hypoxic.The K+ concentration in the second lateral compartment waselevated by 30 mm. A pair of DC-stable silver-silver chloriderecording electrodes was used to record the potential differenceacross the resistance between the second lateral and thecentral compartment of the organ bath. The recordings ofelectrotonus were made in 0-1 UM TTX, to avoid interferencefrom action potentials.

ConductanceQuantitatively, electrotonus was analysed in terms of slopeconductance or input conductance at rest. To find the slopeconductance (AI/AE) at the nth point (En, IJ) on the I-Ecurve,a quadratic equation was fitted to the three points (E.-,, I.-J,(E., I.), and (E.+,, I.+.) The slope conductance was determinedat the end of the current pulses (after 145 ms of constantcurrent injection), which approximated to a steady state. Thismeasurement took account of the contribution of activeconductances in the internodal axon to the input conductanceof the fibres (Baker et al. 1987). Our extracellular recordingsonly registered an unknown fraction of the intracellularpotential changes, so conductances are plotted in arbitraryunits and the effects of different treatments were calculated aspercentage changes in input conductance.


Effects of hypoxia

The effects of hypoxia were tested on the extracellular directcurrent (DC) potential (demarcation potential) and on theelectrotonic behaviour of isolated rat dorsal spinal roots.Such experiments were performed on spinal roots incubatedin either normal (5 mM) or high (25 mM) concentrations ofD-glucose before, during and after hypoxia in a solutioncontaining 5 mm HCO3 -1% CO2. The experimentalprotocol and the effects of these conditions on the DCpotential are illustrated in Fig. 1. Initially, the spinalroots were placed into the recording chamber in a solutioncontaining 0f1 /1M TTX. After the DC potential hadstabilized (30-60 min later), a standardized experimentalprotocol was started. At the end of a control period of10 min, the electrotonic behaviour was recorded by meansof hyper- and depolarizing current pulses of 150 msduration. The presence of TTX was necessary to avoidinterference from action potentials. The oxygenatedsolution was then replaced by a N2-bubbled solutionwithout lTX since we found that TTX reduced the rate of

J. Physiol. 480.2298

Cytoplasmic pH and axonal K+ conductance

5 mM D-glucose

5 min

P 11mM U-giucose

TTX TTXHypoxia

Figure 1. Experimental protocol used for a comparison of electrotonus before and during hypoxiaIllustrated are averages of extracellular direct current (DC) recordings obtained from dorsal spinalroots exposed to hypoxia in 5 or 25mM D-glucose (n =5 in either condition; pH buffer: 5 mmHCO3--1% C02). Recordings of electrotonus were taken 2 min before the start of hypoxia and 1 minbefore the end of hypoxia (see Fig. 2). Tetrodotoxin (TTX 0.1 /sM) was present during both recordingperiods. In contrast, the first 40 min of hypoxia was performed without TTX in the bathingsolution. The arrows indicate the times when TTX was added to the hypoxic bathing solution.

5 mM D-glucoseControl 50 min hypoxia

1 m

1 ~ ~~~~mV


Control25 mM D-glucose

50 min hypoxia


1 0 ,uA 3.

1 -

AE (mV)







3-_ 10 1sA

50 ms0C Cc:(


8 2co


A -

A --- - A

1 -2 -1A E (mV)



Hypoxia (D en

I/IA 8


Figure 2. Opposite effects of normoglyeaemic and hyperglyeaemic hypoxia on the electrotonusof isolated dorsal spinal rootsRecordings of electrotonus were taken 2 min before the start of hypoxia and 1 min before the end ofhypoxia in the presence of tetrodotoxin (see Fig. 1 for the experimental protocol). The graphs showconductance-voltage (E) relationships taken from the electrotonus recordings before and duringhypoxia. Both experiments were performed in a low bicarbonate (5 mM) concentration. Note theopposite effects of normoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic hypoxia on the slope conductance at theresting potential.

J. Physiol. 480.2 299


> -1 -El


E- _

O _




50 ms

-2 -1

I mv

'Or, #'"AA ..;et



P Grafe, H. Bostock and U. Schneider

Table 1. Changes in input conductance at resting potential (%) after 50 min hypoxia

Bicarbonate, 5 mM

Bicarbonate, 25 mm

D-Glucose, 5 mMA

185 + 116 (7)C

432 + 168 (5)

D-Glucose, 25 mMB

-2941 + 3-9 (6)D

-4-2 + 6-4 (8)

A vs. B: P< 0005A vs. C: n.s.A vs.D: n.s.

B vs. C: P< 0001B vs. D:P=001C vs. D: P= 0 01

Numbers quoted are means + S.E.M.; number of observations in parentheses. Significance testedusing unpaired t test; n.s., not significant, i.e. P > 0 05.

hypoxic depolarization (observations made on six spinalroots, not illustrated; see also Stys, Waxman & Ransom,1992). After 40 min of exposure to hypoxia, TTX wasadded to the hypoxic solution for another 10 min. Thisresulted in a hyperpolarizing shift of membrane potentialsimilar to the effect of TTX on rat optic nerves recentlydescribed by Stys, Sontheimer, Ransom & Waxman (1993).In the presence of TTX, after 49 min of hypoxia, anotherrecord of the electrotonic behaviour was recorded.

A5 mM 0-glucose

+ 20 mM D-galactoseControl 50 min hypoxia



1 mV

Thereafter, the roots were superfused again with thenormal oxygenated, TTX-containing solution and therecovery was observed for a further 30 min.Normo- and hyperglyeaemic hypoxia differed in their

effect on the DC potential. The negative-going shifts duringhypoxia indicate axonal depolarization during normo- aswell as hyperglycaemic hypoxia. However, after hypoxiain 5 mM glucose, a transient membrane hyperpolarizationwas observed. In contrast, an incomplete recovery from

B5 mM D-glucose

+ 20 mM D-mannose

Control 50 min hypoxia

1 V-- L

|1 mV

50__ 8ms50 ms 3

-2 -1 0AE (mV)




0) 0(.


2 -


50 ms

1 -

1 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1AE (mV)

0 Control

o Hypoxia



Figure 3. Effects of hyperglyeaemic hypoxia are reproduced in high concentrations ofD-mannose, not D-galactoseExperimental protocol identical to the one described in Figs 1 and 2. The experiment shown in Awas performed on a dorsal spinal root, which had been incubated in 5 mM D-glucose plus 20 mMD-galactose 4 h before, during and after hypoxia. The data illustrated in B stem from a spinal rootincubated in 5 mM D-glucose plus 20 mM D-mannose.

300 J. Physiol. 480.2



, l:_ppp-

Cytoplasmic pH and axonal K+ conductance

depolarization was noted after hyperglyeaemic hypoxia (seealso Schneider et al. 1992).

Figure 2 illustrates the changes in the electrotonus ofdorsal spinal roots during normo- and hyperglyeaemichypoxia in solutions containing 5 mm HC03 -1% C02.The electrotonic behaviour induced by hyperpolarizingand depolarizing current pulses of 150 ms duration innormal, oxygenated solutions did not differ systematicallywith the concentrations of D-glucose used. It revealed theoutward rectification and the time-dependent inwardrectification previously described for rat spinal roots(Baker et al. 1987). However, opposite changes in theelectrotonus were observed during normo- and hyper-glyeaemic hypoxia. This contrast became most clear whenelectrotonus was transferred in a conductance-voltagerelationship (see Methods): hypoxia in 5 mm glucose resultedin an increase in input conductance whereas hypoxia in25 mm glucose produced a decrease in input conductance.This difference was most marked at potentials close to, orpositive to, the resting potential. The apparent lack oftime-dependent inward rectification to hyperpolarizingcurrents with hypoxia may simply have been due to thedepolarization. We have no evidence for a specific effect ofanoxia on inward rectification, as has been reported byDuchen (1990) in mouse dorsal root ganglion cells.

AControl +9 mM K

Table 1 summarizes the effects of normo- and hyper-glycaemic hypoxia on the input conductance of dorsalspinal roots. Such experiments were performed in solutionscontaining either 5 mm HC03 -1% CO2 or 25 mMHC03--5%CO2. For the statistical analysis, changes ininput conductance at the resting potential were compared.The data show that normo- and hyperglycaemic hypoxiaproduced opposite effects on the resting slope conductance.Furthermore, the decrease in input conductance in highconcentrations of D-glucose was much less when the dorsalspinal roots had been incubated in a bathing solutioncontaining 25 mm bicarbonate. This finding supportsearlier observations demonstrating that some of theelectrophysiological effects seen during and after hypoxiain 25 mM D-glucose depend on the buffering power and/oravailability of bicarbonate in the spinal roots (Strupp et al.1991; Schneider et al. 1992,1993b).

A comparison with other hexosesSome spinal roots were incubated in high concentrations ofD-mannose or D-galactose before and during hypoxia. Theseexperiments had the aim of separating a metabolic from apossible osmotic effect. According to a previous study, highconcentrations of D-mannose, in contrast to D-galactose,imitate the abnormal sensitivity to hypoxia induced by

(+ Wash


50 ms 3.


eyX;/-3 -2 -1

AE (mV)

+9 mM K+


1:~~~~~~-O/Control aM Co

(~ ~~~~8-


8 co

0 1

Figure 4. Effects of high concentration of extracellular K+In the presence of TTX, the K+ concentration in the control solution (3 mM) was elevated by 9 mMfor 10 min. A, the electrotonus was recorded before (control), at the end of exposure to high K+ and10 min after the exposure to high K+ (Wash). B, the registration of the extracellular direct current(DC) potential indicates axonal depolarization during exposure to high K+. C, conductance-voltagerelationships taken from the recordings of electrotonus illustrated in A. Note the K+-inducedincrease in slope conductance at the resting potential.



-2 -

Eo -1-


+9M K m

+9 mM K+

J. Phy8ioL. 480.2 301

302 P Grafe, H. Bosto

25 mM D-glucose (Schneider et al. 1993a). In the presentstudy, the effects of these two hexoses were explored onthe electrotonus during hypoxia. Figure 3 illustrates thechanges in the electrotonus of dorsal spinal roots duringhypoxia in solutions containing 5 mM D-glucose plus 20 mMof either D-galactose or D-mannose (pH buffer, 5 mmHC03--1% C02). The electrotonic behaviour induced byhyper- and depolarizing current pulses of 150 ms durationin normal, oxygenated solutions did not differ between rootsincubated in D-mannose or D-galactose. However, oppositechanges in the electrotonus were observed during hypoxia.Hypoxia in 5 mM D-glucose plus 20mM D-galactoseresulted in an increase in input conductance whereashypoxia in 5 mM D-glucose plus 20 mM D-mannose produceda decrease in input conductance. As in the case of 25 mMD-glucose, this difference was most marked at potentialsclose or positive to, the resting potential. On average,input conductance at resting potential was increased by1841 + 6-3% (mean + S.E.M., n= 5) after 50 min of hypoxiain 5 mM D-glucose plus 20 mM D-galactose. On the otherhand, input conductance at rest was reduced by 21P0, 45.3and 513% in the three dorsal spinal roots exposed tohypoxia in 5 mM D-glucose plus 20 mM D-mannose.




and U. Schneider J. Physiol. 480.2

Effects of depolarization in high K+

To test the effects of passive depolarization on electrotonus,seven isolated dorsal spinal roots were consecutivelyexposed to elevations of the extracellular potassiumconcentration by 3, 6 and 9 mm. The application time ofthe high-potassium solutions was 10 min in each case. Oneexample of these experiments is illustrated in Fig. 4. HighK+ concentrations depolarized the axons and induced anincrease in input conductance. Quantitatively, after 10 minof application, the following depolarizing shifts in the DCpotential and increases in the input conductance at theresting potential were observed (means + S.E.M., n = 7):0.5 + 0-06 mV, +2-4 + 0-5% at +3 mM [K+]O; 1.4 + 0t17 mV,+11-7 + 1-3% at +6 mm [K+]O; 2-1 + 0-24 mV, 17-2 + 1t8%at +9 mm [K+]o.

The effects of high K+ concentrations on the electrotonusof rat spinal root axons resembled qualitatively thealterations in axonal conductance seen after normo-glycaemic hypoxia. However, in order to imitate theeffects of hyperglycaemic hypoxia, other types ofexperiment had to be performed.




r__| 8 1sA

50 ms

B-2 r

E / -0 -1 - 2 mino II

C02 (100%)


-4 -2 0 +2A E (mV)

Figure 5. Effects of C02Effect of high concentrations of C02 in the presence of TTX on the electrotonus and theextracellular direct current (DC) potential of an isolated dorsal spinal root. The control bathingsolution (5 mm HCO3--5% C02-95% 02) was replaced for 5 min by a high C02 solution (5 mMHC03--100% C02). A, the electrotonus was recorded 1 min before (Control) C02, at the end ofexposure to high C02 and 5 min after exposure to CO2 (Wash). B, the registration of theextracellular direct current (DC) potential indicates axonal depolarization during exposure to 100%CO2. C, conductance-voltage relationships taken from the recordings of electrotonus illustrated inA. Note the C02-induced decrease in slope conductance at the resting potential.


Cytoplasmic pH and axonal K+ conductance

Effects of axonal acidification

Some of the electrophysiological effects of hyperglycaemichypoxia on spinal roots have been attributed previously toacidification (Schneider et at. 1993b). The following experi-ments were performed to test whether intracellularacidification could also account for the changes inelectrotonus during hyperglycaemic hypoxia. As illustratedin Fig. 5, dorsal spinal roots incubated in 5 mm HCO3- were

exposed to high concentrations of C02. 0C2 is highlymembrane permeable and known to produce a rapid intra-cellular, cytoplasmic acidification (Thomas, 1976). In dorsalspinal roots, high concentrations of C02 led to a rapidmembrane depolarization as indicated by a negative-goingshift in the extracellular DC potential (Fig. 5B). Further-more, changes in electrotonus revealed a decrease inmembrane conductance similar to the effect of hyper-glycaemic hypoxia (Fig. 5A and C). Quantitatively, themembrane conductance at resting potential decreased by54-6 + 6-1% (mean + S.E.M.; n= 5) after 5 min of exposureto 100% C02. The effects ofC02 were quickly reversible.

Another series of experiments was performed with theaim of differentiating between extra- and intracellularacidification as the cause for acidification-related changesin electrotonus. To achieve this, we compared the effects ofacidification induced by (a) lowering HCO3- at constantCO2, and (b) raising C02 at constant HCO3-. The pH in thebathing solution in each case was 6f1; however, only the

ControlpH 7-4

ControlpH 7-4

elevation in C02 should induce a strong cytoplasmicacidification (Thomas, 1976; Buckler, Vaughan-Jones,Peers, Lagadic-Gossmann & Nye, 1991)). Figure 6 illustratesone of three such experiments. The electrotonic voltageresponses to depolarizing and hyperpolarizing currentpulses (± 10 ,uA) were consecutively recorded from a singledorsal root which was superfused most of the time with a

solution containing 25 mm HC03--5% C02 (pH 74).Initially, this control solution was exchanged for 10 minwith a solution containing 1 mM HC03--5% C02 (pH 6-1).Later, at a constant concentration of 25 mm HC03-, C02was increased to 100% for 5 min. Only in the second case,

a clear alteration in the electrotonus was observed. Thisfinding indicates cytoplasmic and not extracellularacidification as the underlying mechanism.

Effects of potassium channel blockersFinally, the effects of K+ channel blockers on theelectrotonus of dorsal spinal roots were explored. Theseexperiments had the aim of comparing alterations inaxonal conductance during hyperglycaemic hypoxia withchanges in electrotonus due to a decrease in membrane K+conductance. Tetraethylammonium (TEA) and 4-amino-pyridine (4-AP) are well-known blockers of axonal K+channels; their effects on the electrotonus of rat spinalroots has been described previously (Baker et al. 1987). Inthe present study, we tested the effects of these drugs on

the electrotonus, DC potential and input conductance of

WashpH 7-4

WashpH 7-4

40 ms

Figure 6. Different effects of extracellular and intracellular acidification on electrotonusThe electrotonic voltage responses to de- and hyperpolarizing current pulses (± 10 1sA) were

consecutively recorded from a single dorsal root which was superfused most of the time with a

solution containing 25 mm HCO3-5% C02 (pH 7 4). First, this control solution was exchanged for

10 min with a solution containing 1 mm HC03--5% C02 (pH 6-1). Later on, at a constantconcentration of 25 mm HCO3-, C02 was increased to 100% (pH 6-1) for 5 min. Note the differenteffects of these two solutions on the electrotonus in spite of an identical bath pH of 6f1. TTX (1 /SM)was present in the bathing solution throughout the experiment.

1 mM HCO3--5% CO2pH 6-1

25 mM HC03--100% C02pH 6-1

_ ~~~~~~~~_ ::m

J. Phy-sol. 480.2 303

P. Grafe, H. Bostock and U. Schneider

dorsal spinal roots (Figs 7 and 8). Both K+ channel blockerson their own reduced the input conductance at rest andslightly depolarized the membrane of dorsal spinal roots.The combined effects of TEA and 4-AP were muchstronger than the effect of either drug alone. TEA hadmore effect in the later phase of the electrotonic response,whereas 4-AP reduced the conductance more in the initialpart of the electrotonus (compare Figs 7A and 8A). Theseobservations are consistent with the block of slow and fastK+ conductances respectively, as previously described forthese drugs (Baker et al. 1987; Kocsis, Eng, Gordon &Waxman, 1987). The changes in shape of the electrotonuswaveforms induced by the combination of TEA and 4-APresembled those seen during hyperglycaemic hypoxia andhigh C02 much more closely than did those induced byeither drug alone.

DISCUSSIONThis study has provided new evidence for the mechanismwhereby hypoxia depolarizes hyperglycaemic sensoryaxons, which differs from the mechanism of depolarizationin normoglycaemic hypoxia, especially in low bicarbonate.

A Control TEA

The four conditions tested in Table 1 probably representfour points on a continuum of cytoplasmic acidification,from lowest with 5 mr glucose plus 25 mm bicarbonate tohighest with 25 mi glucose plus 5 mm bicarbonate.Irrespective of the bicarbonate concentration, however,high glucose significantly altered the change in inputconductance with hypoxia, actually reversing its direction.The probable mechanisms of the conductance changes innormal and high glucose will be considered separately,before discussing the relevance of these findings to diabeticneuropathy.

Normoglyeaemic hypoxiaThe alterations in the electrotonus during normoglyeaemichypoxia clearly indicate an increase in membraneconductance. At least part of this increase in conductancewould be expected simply as a result of the membranedepolarization (due to failure of the electrogenic sodiumpump and extracellular potassium accumulation) actingon voltage-dependent K+ channels (Barrett & Barrett,1982), and we found that passive depolarization of theaxons by elevation of [K+]o produced qualitatively similarchanges in electrotonus. However, although 12 mm [K+]o

TEA + 4-AP



j8 1sA

50 msB

1-1 - _

>E-1 5m

o -0-5 _ * 25 min





-2 -1AE (mV)


TEA o-* cos


0 1

Figure 7. Effects of TEA and 4-AP on electrotonus and membrane potentialA, electrotonic response of a dorsal root to hyper- and depolarizing current pulses of 150 ms durationin the control solution, about 8 min after the addition of TEA (3 mM), and 8 min after 4-AP (3 mM)had been added to the TEA-containing solution. B, continuous recording of the extracellullar DCpotential before, during and after the application of TEA and 4-AP. C, plots of slope conductanceversus changes in potential (E) taken from the electrotonic behaviour shown in A.

304 J. Physiol. 480.2

Cytoplasmic pH and ax

produced more depolarization than 50 min of normo-glycaemic hypoxia, the increase in input conductance wassmaller (17%, as against 43% for hypoxia). One possibilityfor this apparent discrepancy in the extent of theconductance increase is that Ca2+-activated and/or ATP-dependent K+ channels, which have recently been describedin axons (Jonas, Koh, Kampe, Hermsteiner & Vogel, 1991)and dorsal root ganglion cells (Duchen, 1990), are activatedduring normoglycaemic hypoxia and contribute to theconductance increase.

Hyperglyeaemic hypoxiaIn contrast to normoglycaemic hypoxia, a decrease ininput conductance accompanied depolarization in hyper-glycaemic hypoxia. Our data indicate (a) the mechanismunderlying this peculiar change in membrane conductanceand (b) the type of membrane conductance involved. Cluesto the first topic came from the effects of CO2 on theelectrotonus, while blockers of known conductances wereused to provide information about the second.Numerous investigations have been performed

concerning the effects of CO2 on neural structures andfunctions, which are partly excitatory and partly inhibitory(Caspers & Speckmann, 1990). We know of no descriptionsof the actions of high concentrations of CO2 on axons, butdepolarization of rat dorsal root ganglion cells has been

AControl 4-AF

'onal K+ conductance 305

described recently (Tegeder & Reeh, 1993). The similaritybetween the effects of C02-induced passive acidificationand of hyperglycaemic hypoxia (Figs 2B and 5) stronglysuggests that acidification is also involved in the lattersituation, while the findings in Fig. 6 show that it is thecytoplasmic acidification which is important. However,the observations made by passive axonal acidificationalone do not indicate which membrane conductances areinvolved.

Changes in electrotonus seen in the combined presenceof TEA and 4-AP, known blockers of axonal K+ channels(Waxman & Ritchie, 1993), resemble the effects of hyper-glycaemic hypoxia and of passive cytoplasmic acidification.This indicates that an inhibition of pH-dependent K+channels is probably involved in both conditions. Theexistence of K+ channels blocked by cytoplasmicacidification has been demonstrated in the giant axon ofthe squid (Wanke, Carbone & Testa, 1979; Clay, 1990) and,recently, in peripheral myelinated rat axons (Schneider etal. 1993b). The important new finding is that the K+channels involved in the generation of the restingpotential are also blocked by cytoplasmic acidification.

Differences in osmolarity of solutions containing normalor high concentrations of D-glucose cannot explain ourfindings. Galactose and mannose are hexoses closely relatedto glucose. Only D-mannose, however, can enter neuronal

4-AP + TEA


I-, ~~~~~~~- - 118 ,A

50 ms

D _1 *5_

> -1-0 _ 5 minm

> L 25min



-3 -2 -1AE (mV)

Figure 8. Effects of 4-AP and TEA on electrotonus and membrane potentialA, electrotonic response of a dorsal root to hyper- and depolarizing current pulses of 150 ms durationin the control solution, about 8 min after the addition of 4-AP (3 mM) and 8 min after TEA (3 mM)had been added to the 4-AP-containing solution. B, continuous recording of the extracellullar DCbefore, during and after the application of 4-AP and TEA. C, plots of slope conductance versus

changes in potential (E) taken from the electrotonic behaviour shown in A.





4-AP t5 bC ._


J. Physiol. 480.2

306 P. Grafe, H. Bostock and U. Schneider J. Physiol. 480.2

glycolysis as quickly as D-glucose (Sokoloff, 1989). Thefinding that only high concentrations of mannose and notof galactose led to a hypoxia-induced decrease in inputconductance is, therefore, a clear indication for theinvolvement of glycolysis (Fig. 3; see also Schneider et al.1993a).The effects of hyperglyeaemic hypoxia differed from

those following treatment with CO2 in one importantrespect, namely that the effects of hyperglycaemichypoxia were not readily reversed (Fig. 1). The differencebetween normoglyeaemic and hyperglycaemic axons inthe mechanism of depolarization during hypoxia does nottherefore account for the differences observed in recoveryafter re-oxygenation (Fig. 1). A possible explanation forthe persistence of the depolarization and conduction blockwith hyperglycaemia is that the intracellular acidificationmay continue long after normal oxygen tension isrestored. Direct monitoring of intracellular pH will berequired to investigate this phenomenon.

Relevance to diabetic neuropathyDiabetic neuropathy is characterized by 'positive' and'negative' changes in nerve excitability. Inhibition of fastaxonal K+ channels is a possible mechanism to explainparaesthesia and other positive symptoms (Kocsis, Bowe &Waxman, 1986) and we previously proposed thatcytoplasmie acidification due to hyperglycaemic hypoxiamight have this effect in diabetic neuropathy (Schneider etal. 1993 b). In the present study, we have shown that (at leastin sensory fibres) membrane depolarization is also aconsequence of cytoplasmic acidification. The depolarizationcan directly block impulse conduction and, whenmaintained, the consequent increase in intracellularcalcium (Waxman, Ransom & Stys, 1991) could lead tostructural axonal degeneration (Schlaepfer & Bunge, 1973).Membrane depolarization has been proposed before as astep in the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy (e.g.Ritchie, 1985; Low, 1987), but this study provides newevidence of how depolarization results from the increasedglycolysis in hyperglycaemic hypoxia.


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AcknowledgementsWe wouldlike to thank Mrs C. Muller for technical assistance,and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 220/Bl) forfinancial support.

Received 6 September 1993; accepted 23 February 1994.

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