Editorial BOARD - Official Website of UiTM (Terengganu) · the guestrooms as well as cleaning the...


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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samad Abdol Nawi

Assoc. Prof. Madya Dr. Azemi Bin Che Hamid

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mazidah Puteh


Mohd Hairi Bin Jalis


Siti Nor Fadillah Ahmad Shariff

Mohd Azuan Mohd Alias


Siti Nurhanifah Sulong


Siti Nor Fadillah Ahmad Shariff

Editorial BOARD

Though female managers monopolize most ho-tels nowadays, but there are still some conven-tional beliefs that under estimate the capability of the female manager. I myself used to be a ho-tel manager and I have to admit that there are several challenges that we need to encounter as female managers. Knutson and Schmidgall (2013) highlighted that there are four major at-tributes for woman to be successful in the hotel industry. It consists of hard work, patience, per-severance and working harder and longer than the male employees. Among the several issues arise pertaining to female managers are balancing between work and family. Hotel operates 365 days a year and it is the nature of hotel to have shift and working long hours. Thus, for married female managers, it would be quite challenging for them. A strong support system from the family and manage-ment is needed to prevent the quality of life from daunting. Additionally, bias and unstable emo-tions are among the perceptions that most peo-ple have on female managers. Knutson et al (2013) reiterated that male bias appeared to be prominent as the barriers for female managers. Probably, male employees prefer to listen to male manager, as they believed in „boys net-work‟. Organization can establish a strategy that treats male and female employees equally. In conjunction with that also, female managers were tend to be associated with „soft‟ depart-ments such as human resources, finance, sales and marketing as well as purchasing. The real is, given the proper technical skills and adaptabil-ity; female managers can also perform in „hard‟ departments like food and beverage depart-ments, housekeeping as well as banquet. Sending female managers for outside executive develop-ment programs, practice equal and flexible work policies and employment programs as well as encourage professional certification will all assist them to strengthen their career development. In conclusion, gender is actually not an issue in hotel operation. Whether the manager is female or male, it demands the cooperation, teamwork and communication skills from everybody to en-sure a smooth and successful daily operation. Reference Knutson, B. J. & Schmidgall, R. S. (2013), Chal-lenges and opportunities for woman: Achieving success in hospitality financial man-agement, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, 13:3-4, 45-54

As we all know Apple had recently launch a new

smaller iPhone SE in order to compliment the

iPhone 6S and the bigger 6S Plus but did anyone

know about the immergence of NoPhone? The

Founders Van Gould, Chris Sheldon, Ingmar

Larsen and Ben Langeveld have the idea of intro-

ducing a phone that have the ability to connect

people to real world. It is said that almost 4,500

unit have been sold worldwide.

The founder also said that a few customer have

given a positive feedback like with NoPhone the

customer had stop using phone while driving,

stop taking pictures of food, stop getting emails

from boss and many more. Although the phone

cannot do anything that any iPhone can do it has

one big advantage that it is toilet resistant.

On serious tough the creation of this phone is to

make people aware of their smartphone addic-

tion and also serve as a placebo. People can still

have the feeling of holding a phone but at the

same time not being addicted to using the

phone. People can now have a peaceful conver-

sation while enjoying their meals. There will be

no more picking up and looking at the phone

screen after hearing the notification sounds. An-

yone interested can simply visit

www.thenophone.com/ to know more about the


At the dawn of the new millennium,

technology appeared to be significant

in hotel and tourism industry. Among

the latest innovation in hotels is ro-

botics replacing certain hotel’s job


Starwood is the first hotel worldwide

to introduce robotic butlers at Aloft

Hotel in California in August 2014.

Similarly, Marriott Hotel in Ghent,

Belgium employed a concierge ro-

botics that has been working since

June 2015. Mario as they name it,

mastered 19 languages. The robots

welcome the guests upon guest arri-

val at the hotel as well as guiding

guests at the buffet counter. Japan on

the other hand that is well known for

its sophisticated technology, also ma-

terialize a robot as their Front Office

Assistant staff. Henn-na hotel, Sasebo

city opened its doors to visitors earlier

this year with majority of the manning

are robots. This five star hotel with

the meaning of ‘Strange Hotel’ is lo-

cated in Huis Ten Bosch, a theme park

in Nagasaki prefecture. The robots

basically greet the guests upon guest’s

arrival, sending the guest luggage to

the guestrooms as well as cleaning

the guestroom.

These robots possessed certain char-

acteristics such as they are simple to

configure and directed towards close

interaction with humans. A study con-

ducted by Chandana and Saakshi

(2015) indicated that 56% of the re-

spondents displayed major interests

in utilizing robotic room service. The

robots emergence had invited de-

bates among industry players as well

as researchers. Some claimed that the

service inconsistencies displayed by

hotel staffs can be solved with the

advancement of all these robots. Ro-

botics can work faster than human.

Thus leading to a higher production

rates and productivity. While other

argued that hotels should be provid-

ing personalized service with the hu-

man touch. Robotics definitely unable

to deal with guest complaints when

service failures occurred. Additionally,

a robot can’t even smile. Richard Sing-

er, the Travelzoo European President

in his interview with CNN highlighted

that, “I would be very surprised if we

get to the point where hotels are en-

tirely manned by robots”.

Technology is in needs in today’s hos-

pitality world but it shouldn’t be

harmful to human. How do you pro-

pose technology without destroying

the pleasure and human rapports up-

on which the hospitality is based?


Chandana & Saakshi, B. V. (2015), Secondary

data collection future of robotics in hotels,

available online at www.slideshare.net

Neild, B. (2016), Why your next hotels will be

staffed by robots, available online at


Wong, M. H. (2016), Japans robot hotel

opened its automatic doors, available

online at www.edition.cnn.com

2 5

MAC 2014



Dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W bersabda: “Ketahuilah setiap daripada kamu adalah pemimpin, dan setiap daripada kamu akan dimin-ta pertanggungjawaban terhadap apa yang dipimpin. Seorang ketua adalah pemimpin bagi rakyatnya, dan dia akan diminta pertanggungjawaban terhadap yang dipimpin.Seorang suami adalah pemimpin bagi anggota keluarganya, dan ia akan dimin-ta pertanggungjawaban terhadap mereka. Seorang isteri adalah pemimpin bagi rumah tangga, suami dan anak-anaknya, dan akan diminta pertanggungjawaban terhadap yang dipimpinnya.Seorang hamba adalah pemimpin bagi harta tu-annya, dan dia juga akan diminta pertanggungjawaban ter-hadap apa yang dipimpinnya. Ketahuilah setiap kamu adalah pemimpin, dan setiap kamu akan diminta pertanggungjawaban atas apa yang kamu pimpin.” (H.R Bukhari dan Muslim) Pada dasarnya, hadis di atas menerangkan bahawa setiap indi-vidu memainkan peranan sebagai pemimpin kepada individu yang lain. Tanpa mengira jantina, tahap pendidikan, mahupun pangkat, seseorang itu perlu memimpin dan bertanggungjawab ke atas golongan yang dipimpin olehnya. Tugas menjadi pem-impin bukan sahaja digalas oleh mereka yang bergelar lelaki, para pentadbir, guru, atau cendiakawan di institusi- institusi pengajian tinggi -malah mereka yang bergelar ibubapa turut menyandang amanah sebagai pemimpin dalam menentukan hala-tuju kehidupan rumah-tangga dan memainkan peranan penting dalam mendidik generasi muda pada hari ini. Kepimpinan didefinisikan sebagai daya mempengaruhi tingkah laku seseorang sehingga menyebabkan individu tersebut sanggup memberi kerjasama untuk mencapai sesuatu matlamat yang telah dipersetujui. Menurut Winston dan Patterson (2006), „pemimpin‟ merupakan seorang (atau lebih) individu yang berkebolehan memilih, melengkapkan, melatih, dan mempengaruhi satu atau lebih pengikut; yang mempunyai pel-bagai kebolehan dan kemahiran; dan mampu mengarahkan tumpuan pengikut kepada misi dan objektif sesebuah organ-isasi. Dalam konteks kepimpinan ibubapa, matlamat utama setiap ibubapa adalah untuk memastikan bahawa anak-anak di bawah jagaan mereka tumbuh serta mencapai keseimbangan dan kecemerlangan dari segi rohani, jasmani, emosi dan intelektual. Anak-anak kecil ini diibaratkan seperti kain putih – dan ibubapalah yang bertanggungjawab untuk mencorakkannya. Baik-buruk hasilnya bergantung kepada ibubapa itu sendiri. Kepimpinan ibubapa amat diperlukan oleh anak-anak disebab-kan oleh beberapa faktor. Pertama, kepimpinan ibubapa merupakan obligasi moral kepa-da anak-anak. Hal ini jelas apabila ibubapa seharusnya menun-jukkan tingkah-laku serta sikap yang baik agar menjadi suri teladan kepada anak-anak. Menurut Kenney (dalam Langley, 2012), kanak-kanak sentiasa mempunyai sifat ingin tahu dan memerhatikan bagaimana seseorang dewasa mengendalikan sesuatu keadaan. Tindak-tanduk orang dewasa, khususnya ibubapa mempunyai impak yang besar ke atas emosi dan ting-kah-laku anak-anak. Sebagai contoh, seorang anak yang melihat kedua ibubapanya menggunakan kata-kata kesat dan melakukan penderaan fizikal ke atas pasangan masing-masing untuk menyelesaikan masalah, berkemungkinan besar

menggunakan cara yang sama apabila berlaku salah-faham atau pergaduhan dengan rakan-rakan di luar rumah. Selain itu, anak-anak yang masih mentah ini tidak mampu berfikir secara kritis dan membuat keputusan yang rasional. Mereka masih kurang pengalaman dan tidak mampu menilai dengan baik. Sementara itu, pengaruh persekitaran luar rumah dan rakan sebaya yang negatif mampu mengheret anak-anak ke kancah gejala sosial yang membimbangkan pada hari ni. Oleh yang demikian, kepimpinan ibubapa di rumah merupakan sebuah obligasi mor-al yang bertindak sebagai benteng yang mampu menyelamatkan mereka dari terjebak dalam masalah-masalah moral ini. Ketiga dan yang terakhir, kepimpinan ibubapa turut diperlukan dalam menyediakan suasana yang kondusif di rumah. Ibubapa perlu mewujudkan suasana „rumahku syurgaku‟ di rumah agar anak-anak dapat membesar dalam suasana dan persekitaran yang baik. Hal ini dapat membantu mereka untuk berjaya di sekolah. Kajian menunjukkan rata-rata pelajar yang mempu-nyai reputasi akademik serta sahsiah yang baik di sekolah ada-lah berlatarbelakangkan keluarga yang bahagia dan penyayang. Penceraian ibubapa mempunyai hubugkait dengan ketid-akupayaan anak-anak mendapat keputusan yang membang-gakan di sekolah (Potter, 2010 dalam Abbot, 2012). Selain itu, interpersonal konflik di antara kedua ibubapa juga turut me-nyumbang kepada pencapaian akademik yang rendah dalam kalangan pelajar (Ghazarian & Buehler, 2008 dalam Abbot, 2012). Kepimpinan ibubapa dirumah amat penting kepada anak-anak kerana tanpanya, sesebuah rumahtangga itu akan kucar-kacir. Ibubapa yang dapat memimpin dengan baik dapat menja-min kejayaan anak-anak mereka – baik dari segi akademik, mahupun sahsiah. Oleh yang demikian, dapatlah disimpulkan bahawa ibubapa memainkan peranan pentinng dalam memimpin serta mendidik anak-anak mereka. Ibubapa diibaratkan nakhoda dalam sesebuah pelayaran rumahtangga. Tanpa nokhada yang bertau-liah – sudah pasti sesebuah pelayaran hanyut di lautan. Sumber: Abbot, K. P. (2012). The influence of the family on adolescent academic achievement. Retrieved from: http://l i b . d r . i a s t a t e . e d u / c g i / v i e w c o n t e n t . c g i ?article=3264&context=etd Langley,M. (2012). How parents‟ examples affect kids. Re-trieved from: https://mom.me/kids/5049-how-parents-examples-affect-kids/ Matvichuk, T. (2015). The influence of parent expectations, the home literacy environment, and parent behaviour on child read-ing interest. Retrieved from: commons.emich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1432&context=honors Muhammad Effendi Ismail. (6 September 2015). Erti sebuah kepimpinan. Retrieved from: http://www.sinarharian.com.my/mobile/karya/pendapat/erti-sebuah-kepimpinan-1.427810 Winston, B.E & Patterson, K.(2006). An integrative definition of leadership. International Journal of Leadership Studies, Vol 1 Iss. 2, pp. 6-66. Retrieved from: https://www.regent.edu/acad/global/.../winston_patterson.htm

I finally finished watching the final episode of the Korean drama "Come Back to Me, Mister". A story of two men in their forties, an overworked husband and a chef/restaurant owner, who died unexpectedly and tragically. Because they were not given the chance to meet their families before they died, they pleaded with the "higher authority" to allow them return and say their goodbyes. I will not go into the details of the drama. It's a story about regrets and making amendments. It's funny, sad, heart-warming all rolled into what I believe the best Korean family drama I ever watched. Sounds a bit cliche' but that's not the point that I want to make. The point is life is short, too short. We always assume that we are going to wake up tomorrow. That we will be here next week, next month, next year, 10 years, 100 years. We make plans for holidays, weddings, careers, the future, but we forgot to live for today. Think about it, when you woke up this morning, what was the first thing you did? Did you say a prayer to God for giving you another day to live? Did you kiss or hug your spouse/children/parents and tell them how much you love them? Or did you just jumped out of bed and carried on with your daily routine? Watching that drama made me think about my own life. We take a lot of things for granted. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live on, and especially the people we love. And the worst part is we only realize how important they are when we no longer have them. How many times have we gone to sleep angry with our spouses/children/parents? How many times have we said to ourselves "I'll do it tomorrow" or “there‟s always tomorrow”? If we continue taking things for granted, we might end up living with regrets. We have to live as if there is no tomorrow. Don‟t get me wrong. I am not asking to forget about tomorrow. I am only stating that we need to emphasize on today and hope for tomorrow. We should thank God every day for all the things that we have. We should express love and appreciation to our loved ones daily. We should take time in our busy schedules to engage in activities with family and friends. We should do what we can do today instead of waiting for tomorrow. Learn a new language, do volunteer work, or go on trips to places in the country that we have never ventured. Travel the world, if possible, meet new people and learn about their culture. Hopefully, when our time is up, we have no regrets and leave our loved ones with only fond and wonderful memo-ries.

Kita yang lupa Teruna dara Perlu ibubapa Dari binasa Kita yang lupa Anak didik alpa Perlu disapa Dari kecewa Kita yang lupa Adinda setia Perlu wira Untuk gelak ketawa Kita yang lupa Kekanda perdana Santap Celana Perlu dijaga

Kita yang lupa Kerja bermegah Perlu ditegah Lebihkan amanah Kita yang lupa Jiran tetangga Bantu selia Dilupa tiada Kita yang lupa Jangan terus terlena Cari punca Selesai segera

3 3

Kajian kualitatif merupakan salah satu cara membuat kajian atau penyelidikan. Menurut Creswell (1994) dalam

kajian kualitatif, penyelidik bertindak sebagai instrumen kajian. Dalam penyelidikan, penyelidik adalah instrumen

utama yang bertindak untuk memungut data secara pemerhatian, temu bual dan analisis data di lapangan seterusnya

menganalisis data. Justeru, penyelidik perlu berada dalam situasi yang dikaji, contohnya mendengar dan memerhati

sendiri fenomena yang menjadi persoalan utama dalam kajian. Penyelidik mempunyai tanggungjawab menganalisis

peristiwa-peristiwa yang berlaku di persekitaran ketika menjalankan kutipan data. Kutipan data dijalankan adalah

secara berterusan.

Justeru itu, menyedari betapa pentingnya pengetahuan tentang penulisan Kajian Kualitatif ini kepada para pen-

syarah, pihak UPENA UiTM Terengganu telah merangka strategi mengadakan bengkel “Academic Writing of Quali-

tative Article.” Bengkel selama dua hari ini telah berlangsung pada 4 hingga 5 Mei 2016 di Makmal Komputer 3A4,

UiTM Terengganu. Penyertaan bagi bengkel ini adalah disasarkan kepada kesemua pensyarah UiTM (Terengganu)

Dungun, Kuala Terengganu dan Bukit Besi. Seramai 44 pensyarah pelbagai bidang telah mendaftar untuk

menghadiri bengkel. Penceramah yang dijemput merupakan seorang yang mempunyai kepakaran dalam penulisan

kajian kualitatif, Dr. Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi dari Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Objektif utama bengkel adalah bertujuan untuk memberikan pendedahan kepara para pensyarah yang menjalankan

penyelidikan kuatitatif dengan kaedah yang betul. Selain daripada itu, melalui bengkel ini para pensyarah dapat

mengetahui prinsip kajian kualitatif, menghasilkan “ Literature Review, Theoretical dan Conceptual Framework”

dengan betul serta menghasilkan kajian kualitatif yang berkualiti dan berkesan.

Aturcara bengkel tersebut adalah:

Pemahaman tentang kajian dan kaedah kualitatif

Literature review

Theoretical dan conceptual framework

Kaedah pengumpulan data

Kesahihan dan kebolehpercayaan data

Para peserta telah berpuas hati dengan penganjuran bengkel seperti ini di UiTMT. Pihak UPENA amat berharap

bengkel ini dapat diteruskan lagi di masa-masa akan datang dengan harapan lebih ramai lagi penglibatan daripada

para pensyarah yang dapat membantu UiTM dalam mencapai status Universiti Penyelidikan.


Aini Hassan. 2007. Kualitatif Atau Kuantitatif ?: Memahami Andaian Asas Yang Mendasari Penyelidikan Pendidi-

kan. Masalah Pendidikan. 30 (1). Halaman 7-16. ISSN 0126-5024

Creswell, J. W. (1994). Research Design, Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Suatu ketika

Daku tersenyum melihat percikan bunga api

Bunyi mercun berdentuman, bersahutan sini sana

Malam tujuh likur penuh cahaya dan gegak gempi-


Tandanya raya sudah tak lama

Namun semakin aku dewasa

Tujuh likur mulai sunyi

Entah mengapa mercun diharamkan

Kerana bisingkah atau kecuaiankah

Semuanya berputar tanpa sebarang jawapan

Tanggal 7 Mei 1991

Jawapan kepada semua persoalan

Tragedi Hiroshima Sungai Buloh

Kilang mercun Bright Sparklers yang gagah berdiri

Rupa-rupanya tiada lesen operasi

Akibat kecuaian diri

Berpuluh-puluh nyawa menjadi galang ganti

Beratus-ratus tan belerang

Hasilkan letupan dan pelbagai kemusnahan

Kedengaran hingga ke Selayang

Tangisan dan raungan kuat kedengaran

Masyarakat setempat mula ketakutan

Gas toksik dan asap mula bertebaran

Ngeri tiada terungkap

Takut tiada tergambar

Rahsia mula tersingkap

Bagaikan Hiroshima

Yang ada hanyalah kemusnahan

Serta kedukaan

Inilah takdir Tuhan

Untuk dijadikan sebagai pedoman


Wikipedia (23 Oktober 2016). Tragedi letupan ki-

lang mercun Bright Sparklers, dilayari pada 27 Ok-

tober 2016 dari https://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/




4 4

Its 2016 and many entrepreneur or marketer had chooses to market their product or services online because of the many advantages such as cost saving, time saving, keeping up with current behavior and many more. Some people even before starting or completing their business plan are thinking about their web site domain name, Facebook pages, Instagram account and Twitter account. They are putting so much effort into the online marketing without giving the same amount of attention to their brand and product development.

They are so much focus on Facebook likes without knowing the relevant of a single click effect

their sales outcome, every single likes does not determined how many people will buy your product or use your services. Some of the posting might not even reach even 1% of the prospect because of the current algorithms that Facebook Company uses. The Face-book likes also have the same effect on the amount of twitter followers that the company had. Some of the follower may not even be a real person because it is impossible to know why people would decide to follow an account. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter do come up with a solution that is to buy an advertising slot where the post will suddenly pop up in people time line and the negative effect is some people do get annoy with that kind of strategy.

Before the time of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, the online marketer uses email to promote

their product or services, back at that time people rarely get email so much so they will open and read the email. Time have change, not only email is now use in most of work place where people will receive tons of email per day and the introduction of spam mail make people just ignore and delete any irrelevant email. Some might use making videos and uploaded to You Tube but the number of views also did not give any implication of prospects reach because some people maybe viewing the same ad more than ones.

Online reviews by a blogger that can be share into any social media also hard to predict the

target reach. The blogger will ask their follower to share the entry and the number of share is certainly not an indicator to how many had read the post from the share, like for example from 50 times the post is shared on Facebook maybe the entry was seen and read by 2 or 3 people. To conclude online advertising is still the best medium to use but the entrepreneur / marketer do have to carefully digest the feedback they get and react accordingly.

Reference Gordon, M. (2015, November/December 1). Ignore Five Web Marketing Metrics. The Home-

Based Entrepreneur's Magazine , pp. 45-47. Viera, C. (2015, November/December 1). 7 Reasons to Market with Bloggers / Online Influenc-

ers. The Home-Based Entrepreneur's Magazine , pp. 44-45.


Back pain can be distressing and excruciating. It is normally common among adults range between 35 to 55 years old (Nordqvist, 2016). There are several reasons that can contribute to the illness. Among them are due to poor posture in everyday activities. Sitting in front of the computer in the office, teaching in the class especially in kitchen practical classes or standing for long periods can devote to back pain. Additionally, indi-viduals experiencing sleep disorders can also encounter back pain. It is advisable to have suitable mattress that support the backside of your body when you sleep. Moreover, Nordqvist (2016) highlighted that strain is the most common reason for back pain. It normally occurred from a blunt and amateurish movement. For instance, when you are picking up something that is too heavy, you tend to experience strained muscles and ligaments. Early mediation is essential to avoid the back pain from getting worst and required a medication or surgery. Thus, activities can be seen as the soothing solutions to back pain. Simple exercises such as walking are essential. It holds the position of the body in a neutral and upright posture. However, every movement needs to be in moderation manner. In addition, it is important to maintain good posture. A simple thing such as standing incorrectly when brushing the teeth can also cause back pain. Leaning over the sink can put 50% pressure on your back pain. In con-junction with that, sleeping the right way is crucial. If you are back sleepers, then it is suggested to put pillow under your knees. A side sleeper should establish pillow between your knees with the purpose to support your back. Smith (2013) suggested that relaxation techniques would be very helpful for the back pain. Meditation, tai chi, yoga and deep breathing can do wonders for the back and easing the mind to rest. Therapy can be an essential part of rehabilitation. Majority of the back pain cases resolve itself without the medical team assistance. It can be treat with careful attention and home treatment. Resting is important but too much resting may lead to counterproductive. Anyway, different individuals may encounter different level of back pain. Physicians should be able to diagnose back pain after several physical examination inspections and interviewing the patient. It goes back to individual inner strength in tackling this illness. The emotional state will color the perception of the pain. Till we meet again in the next issue. Have a nice day everyone! J References Norqvist, C. (2016), Back pain: causes, symptoms and treatments, available at www.medicalnewstoday.com Smith, M. W. (2013), 12 ways to improve back pain, available at www.webmd.com

Social media nowadays is evolving tremendously. Netizens used social media such as Facebook, instagram and twitter to get con-

nected with colleagues and family/relatives. Instagram is among the popular online site giving advantage to individuals as well as

organizations to escalate a message by just a single click. With instagram, individuals can upload and share photos as well as videos

with either publicly or privately on the app.

A study from City Base Apartments discovered that Disneyland Park in California appeared to be the most instagrammed tourism

destinations in the world capturing more than 12 million instagram post. Amazing right? Probably the awe-inspiring attractions in

Disneyland such as Splash Mountain, Cinderella’s castle and Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye attracted tour-

ists to seize the awesome moments. Another top five tourism destinations worldwide most instagrammed are Walt Disney World

Resort, Orlando Florida at second place, Central Park, USA at third place, while Eiffel Tower, France and Universal Studio, USA re-

spectively at fourth and fifth place.

In line with the popular instagrammed tourism destinations in Malaysia, Mulu Caves in Sarawak appeared to be the number one

destination nailed by many instagram users. The underground cave is the largest cave chamber in the world. It’s said that the huge

chamber can accommodate 40 Boeings 747 without overlaying their wings. Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre in Sabah turns

up at second place. While Perhentian Islands and Langkawi are both emanated at third and fourth place. Petronas Twin Towers is at

fifth popular instagrammed destinations.

For those who love taking photographs, they can automatically post the same picture in Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr if they con-

structed the settings in their Instagram account. While for organizations, Instagram can be powerful marketing tools in promoting

their brand or product since it relies heavily on images. However, of course Instagram possessed their drawbacks too. It can matu-

rate individual’s enslavement and lead to individuals/users spending more time on Instagram. Additionally, whatever pictures that

users share online, will remain on the net forever, unless the user delete it. So be careful with any pictures that you post. J


Malaysia Travel World (2016), The World’s Most Instagrammed Tourist Destinations, The Star, available online at


Touropia (2016), Ten Top Tourists Attractions in Malaysia, available at www.touropia.com
