eDiscovery and Data Preservation for Slack · eDiscovery and Data Preservation for Slack Easier...


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eDiscovery and Data Preservation for SlackEasier collection and preservation for your organization’s favorite productivity tool

Slack has transformed the way companies and teams connect andshare information. As Slack’s suite of tools minimizes the number ofinternal emails exchanged, the need for a searchable and preservedworkspace solution becomes a priority for legal and IT leaders.

Defensible CollectionsOnna collects all metadata from the original source, extracts all embedded items and zip files, and preserves files in their native format.

Granular CollectionsOnna lets you conduct granularcollections across individualSlack users, channels, or filterdown scope by date ranges.

API-BasedOnna focuses on API-based collections from new media sources, which may not have a defensible native export functionality in place.

Export to ReviewOnna processes all files upon collection, meaning that exports are ready to be plugged into all major review platforms.

Indexed RepositoryOnce you connect your data source to Onna, the platform will keep collecting and processing the content without any further involvement.

Smart OrganizationOnna uses machine learning and AI technologies to automatically categorize and classify files, making it easier to organize and cull relevant data.

Onna is the most robust and comprehensive eDiscovery tool to collectand preserve data from Slack. By integrating with Slack’s Discovery APIand Enterprise Grid, Onna extracts all related data and metadata fromentire Slack workspaces, specific user accounts, private/publicchannels, and private multiparty chats.

Intuitive and Advanced SearchLeverage real-time and robust advanced search across your enterprise data.

Onna OCRs all data and performs image entity recognition and speech to text recognition for video and audio files.

Collaboration and Sharing

Work with your team, outside counsel, and service providers in real-time, in one platform, by sharing data relevant to your case using Groups.

Legal Holds

Apply legal holds with one click to retain relevant data for as long as needed in one platform.

Audit Logs

Onna maintains a comprehensive audit log of all your data collections.

Unified Collection Tool

With Onna there is no need to purchase multiple collection tools or spend extra money processing data. Onna centralizes collections and automatically processes data.

Central Repository

Maintain a centralized repository of your enterprise data, categorized and classified using our ML and AI technologies.

Reduce Costs and Save Time

Greatly reduce costs and time spent on discovery requests by having an indexed repository of your enterprise data that is always ready to be searched.

Minimize risks

Control who you share relevant data with and limit handoffs between service providers and outside counsel.


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