Eat and Drink to Stay Cool This Summer



Cooking tip article written for Sister Schubert's Website.

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Eat and Drink to Stay Cool This Summer

The right foods and beverages can help you stay cool in the summer heat better than

anything else. Some of our favorites are old standbys, but others might surprise you.

Stay Hydrated and Healthy

Everyone knows to eat plenty of fruits and veggies, but it’s especially important during the

summer. These nutritious foods contain lots of water, which helps keep you hydrated when

you’re sweating. Some of the best to try include watermelon, cucumbers, summer squash,

lettuce and strawberries. Fruit and vegetable juices are also good choices, but be sure to

read the labels to make sure there isn’t added sugar, salt or other undesirable ingredients.

Turn Up the Heat

As counterintuitive as it seems, spicy foods and warm beverages help your body cool down.

They cause your body to sweat, which in turn cools you off. That’s why the cuisines in hot

regions of the world are so spicy. So the next time you’re feeling warm, cook up batch of

George’s Chili!

Avoid These Indulgences

Even though ice cream and alcoholic beverages provide temporary relief, in the end, you’ll

feel worse. Ice cream and other icy treats cool you down fast, but your body heats up to

rebalance its temperature. And while a beer or daiquiri have the same temporary effect,

alcohol is dehydrating—the last thing you want in the summer heat.