e-news - Chick · PDF fileEcuador, Spain, Turkey, Indonesia, and many more. e simplicity of...


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Feller S.R.L, Argentina

Avida Symphony are Rockin’ around the WorldSince the beginning of the year, we have praised the value of the ROCK controls to the single stage incubation process. ere are now systems going into hatcheries with ROCK controls i n t h e U S A , A r g e n t i n a , E c u a d or, Sp a i n , Tu r ke y, Indonesia, and many more.

e simplicity of the system makes it easier for hatchery managers to control uniform incubation with a higher quality hatch. e uniformity results in a t ighter hatch window so that the first chicks out are not waiting for the others to catch up. at leads to less stress and a chick that can get to the feed and water soon aer hatching and leaving the hatchery while still developing the digestive tract and using the nutrients provided by the yolk.

A Quarterly Articles & Events for Poultry Producers

e news- Issue #51 • Sept 2017

e Avida Symphony with ROCK controls is the better answer to a healthy and quality chick without added automation and other high costs. Find out more about the ROCK Symphony that performs as good as it sounds.

PT. Japfa Comfeed, Indonesia

George's Inc, USA

Banvit, Turkey Mar-Jac, USA

Iberavi, Spain

Performing a residue breakoutanalysis:

e goal of all hatcheries is to improve their processes and efficiency. A good residue analysis permits to identify the possible reason why the chicks didn't hatch. is procedure should be carried out as a control measure to the incubation process, since it allows to obtain certain guidelines to improve the procedures and obtain good chick quality.o

During the visit of some customers to our factory we met together with Chad Daniels, Incubation Specialist Manager at Chick Master. We discussed several issues, including the importance of conducting this evaluation with some frequency.o

Doing a correct residue analysis, allows analyzing and documenting data to monitor the process. "It helps to identify the cause of why the remaining eggs did not produce a viable chick," said Chad. When we observe a hatcher basket at the end of the incubation process, we can find:

1. A certain percentage of hatched embryos, that can be classified as viable and non-viable chicks (cull chicks).

2. Eggshells and non-hatched eggs, because they were infertile or fertile but the embryo died at some point in development.

us, the elements to be reviewed during the evaluation will be; non-viable chicks, eggshells and eggs that did not hatch.

When doing the residue breakout analysis, you can get information about:o

Breeder fertility level Hatch of Fertile Hatch Percentage Find possible causes for problems in case of setter or hatcher failures

(continued on page 3)

Beyondcracking eggs

Dr. Carolina Díaz Chick Master

Hatchery Specialist

PAGE 2 Pollo Industrializado with their new CC3 ventilation system

Pollo Industrializado Expands with Classics and CC3 e poultry business in Mexico is oen focused on the largest companies, but there are many excellent and successful broiler producers in many states around the country. One of those is Pollo Industrializiado de Mexico in Yucatan. Its hatchery was built a few years ago with Classic setters and hatchers. Chick Master also supplied the ventilation for this first phase of the hatchery. is year the company has just completed its next stage of expansion. It is continuing with Classic C576 setters and Avida Symphony AHSy192 hatchers. For this addition, the hatchery selected to include a CC3-5400 for the ventilation and energy management of the setter and hatcher rooms. e system offers them the ability to control humidity levels by using heat recovery to utilize the free heat to dehumidify the moist tropical air outside the building. Rather than have a roof mounted ventilation system, the CC3 is at ground level making it easily accessible for management and maintenance.

Recently our team of Michael Justice, Assistant Service Manager, and Ing. Armanda Medel, Hatchery Specialist, were on site for the commissioning of the CC3 along with the hatchery team from Pollo Industrializado. Congratulations on having a Hatchery in Harmony.

It is important to identify the flocks that are going to be sampled, defining the frequency with which they are to be carried out (at least once every two weeks per flock) and the person responsible for doing it. e following should be considered:o

Have at least two people trained e hatchery manager and the person responsible for breeders

must observe the data frequently Get external advice and visit other hatcheries, as it allows you

to get ideas and learn from other experienceso

Select the hatching baskets to be sampled depending on whether the setters or flocks are going to be evaluated. In case of reviewing the incubators take the baskets from different places: top, middle and bottom (take at least three baskets per flock). If the flocks are going to be evaluated, choose samples from different machines and different houses. It is important to be aware how the eggs were transferred from setters to hatchers to recognize the baskets position in the machines. If candling is done, label the trays and ask the staff not to remove the eggs from them.o

Subsequently, the baskets should be identified according to the setter, hatcher, flock number and position to avoid confusion. During the chick removal, the operator must only process the viable chicks and leave the remainder (chicks, eggshells, unhatched eggs, etc). Once the baskets that are going to be evaluated have been organized, note that:

Eggshells: must be clean of meconium or blood

Cull chicks: look if they were discarded for poor navels healing, malformations, sticky albumin on them, red hocks, etc.

Evaluate the pip-line: which must be to a third of the egg.

Moreover, the eggs should be broken to identify why they didn't hatch. In case of being fertile you must register at what age they died, as shown below. It is very useful to have a good reference of pictures to recognize at which day of development the embryo died:

PAGE 3 (continued on page 4)

Infertile: e blastodisc is visible and seems like a star. Additionally the albumen should be transparent revealing the deep part of the egg.

4-7 days: A black point is shown which is the black eye of the embryo.

19-21 days: e embryo has absorbed more than 50% of the yolk sac and is positioning itself to start pipping.

Embryo Mortality Classification:

8-14 days: e beak tooth is visible which means that the embryo is older than 8 days. Additionally the embryo is partially covered with feathers.

15-18 days: The embryo is totally covered by feathers and begins to absorb the yolk sac. More than 50% of the remaining yolk sac is observed.

1-3 days: e blastoderm is visible, and seems like a donut when it is an early mortality or a white membrane when it is older than one day. Additionally the albumen seems cloudy.

ere are certain mistakes that will not give consistent information. For example, taking a small or big sample. At least 3 hatcher baskets should be taken (depending on the problem it may be necessary to take more). Select samples that represent the location of the problem (flock or setter). Label the baskets consciously and correctly otherwise it will lead to confusion when identifying them. Another mistake is to get inaccurate or non-meaningful data. e hatch percentage from the residue breakout should be similar to the real hatch percentage, so it will be confirming that the data is consistent (see figure 1 overleaf). In addition, you must count the hatched chicks and compare them with the eggs present per tray (note: there are eggs that are removed during the transference, so a few may be missing).

Frequently, there are poor detailed formats where only the week in which the embryo died is classified which avoids finding possible failures during the process. at is why in addition to the age it is

Chick Master Incubator Co. 945 Lafayette Road,

Medina, OH 44256 USA Tel: +1 (330) 722-5591

Parts Sales: (800) 727-8726Fax: +1 (330) 723-0233

Chick Master UK Limited, 1 The Leggar, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 4AF, UKTel: +44 (0) 1278 411000 Fax: +44 (0) 1278 451213


For Worldwide Customer

Service Emergency Support:

+44(0)1278 555111

Dear valued Chick Master client:O

At Chick Master, we understand that continued customer care and attention is vital to our clients and business. With this in mind, we will be implementing new and efficient processes in order to meet customer needs in a timely manner. To continue properly servicing our customers, Chick Master will put into action the following improvements:O

We are increasing our parts inventory dedicated only to replacement stockO

We have put several individuals into the parts department whose only responsibilities are to service our parts orders and expedite shipments in as little time as possible


We have added more resources to our Customer Service team to better expedite quotes and answer questions about parts availability


We have special offers on kits to replace hard to obtain parts to make older equipment more similar to the setters and hatchers we ship today


We are improving our ability to communicate with our customers on order status so you know when to expect to receive your orders

O We are implementing more flexible payment terms to facilitate the purchase and order processing

based on good credit of Chick Master customers O

Over time, these actions will make our parts department friendlier and easier to work with, while keeping your Chick Master incubators in top condition with certified Chick Master parts. We value our long-term relationships and look forward to enhancing your customer service experience with Chick Master. O

Robert HolzerPresident

Replacement Parts:

Upcoming Seminars:

We Are MakingImprovements

necessary to identify the cause of embryonic death: cracks, contamination by fungi or bacteria, malformations, mal- positions, live piped and dead piped. Finally, you should compare the values obtained with a standard or with the data base to be able to relate abnormalities.o

Reviewing the hatch residue takes time, so it should be done honestly and consciously since it is the test to evaluate the incubation process and make the right decisions. Residue breakout allows us to learn from past losses in a hatch to increase our hatchability and chick quality in the future. o

"e correct identification, avoids pursuing the wrong problem". (C. Daniels)

Figure 1.

Flock Age: 45 Weeks0

Total Eggs Sampled: 4950

Unhatched Eggs: 560

56 ÷ 495 x 100 =11.31% Unhatched eggs0

100% -11.31% = 88.69% Residue breakout hatch percentage0

Residue Breakout Hatch: 88.69%0

Real Hatch: 89.5%0

Conclusion: e residue breakout hatch % is similar to the real hatch %, so the sample is consistent.

Manila, Philippines13 November 2017


Jakarta, Indonesia16 November 2017

General Topics:0

Improve hatchery performance with our latest technology using

single-stage and multi-stage incubators or upgrade your

existing equipment.

Ventilate the hatchery while lowering energy costs and

improving bio-security with our CC3 and Aria systems.

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