E-MAG Active ∙ E-MAG Control - Ottobock US Healthcare · E-MAG Active ∙ E-MAG Control. Table of...


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∙ E-M




Table of Contents

4 Orthoses

6 E-MAGActive

8 Peter Hartmann

12 Technology

14 E-MAG Active System

16 E-MAG Active Knowledge

18 E-MAG Control

20 Semra Cinpolat

24 E-MAG Control System

26 E-MAG Control Knowledge

28 Fitting

30 People are the Standard

Otto Bock HealthCare is a leading provider of innovative products for people with limited mobility. With high-quality, technologically superior products and services, we help people maintain or regain their freedom of movement. Our strong “Otto Bock” brand is carried by outstanding innovation and technological leadership, a large range of services, the global presence of our sales and service network, and our committed, qualified employees around the world. Together, we are putting our vision into practice: Providing people with the highest possible level of mobility and independence.


Changes over time

For centuries, fittings on paralysed lower limbs were consid-

ered extremely complicated. The first functional solutions,

however, were very simple. Elaborate leg appliances with

continuous splints were forged at the start of the 16th century.

Unfortunately these early orthoses did not allow the user to

flex the leg, for example when sitting down.

Orthoses with a knee joint equipped with a lock, which al-

lowed the leg to be flexed, were first built at the start of the

19th century. Otto Bock introduced system splints to the

market in the ‘60s of the 20th century, setting the standard

for orthotics.

With the E-MAG Control and E-MAG Active electromagnetic

knee joint systems, Otto Bock has ushered in a new era in

orthotic fittings. Novel materials have resulted in significant

application technology changes in the orthotic field over the

last few years, while new options for manual joint locking

mechanisms also appeared. The electronics and computer

industry has continuously developed smaller systems, so

that it is now possible to integrate electrical components

into an orthosis in order to enhance system functionality

and safety.



More mobility and a natural gait pattern

The E-MAG Active is the first electronically controlled knee

joint system with a secure stance phase and free swing

phase that is controlled independent of the ankle or sole

of the foot. An intelligent sensor system measures the leg

position during walking and controls the orthotic joint accord-

ingly. This means that the knee joint is automatically opened

and closed while walking, locking in the stance phase and

unlocking in the swing phase.

The advantage: Because the joint is controlled independently

from the ankle and sole of the foot, even users who have no

ankle functionality whatsoever are able to take advantage

of the functionality offered by this orthotic joint. The E-MAG

Active facilitates a more natural, smoother gait pattern for

the user and therefore improves his or her quality of life.

The E-MAG Active was developed for patients who, due to

a partial paralysis or a complete failure of the knee exten-

sors, are unable to stabilize their knee without compensating

measures. Safe use of the E-MAG Active knee joint system

requires certain residual muscle functions or hyperextension

of the knee joint. This guarantees consistent activation of

the swing-through and stance phases.

With its closed design, the E-MAG Active is protected against

external influences such as impacts or tangled clothing. The

joint surfaces form a homogenous, enclosed face even when

the joint is flexed.

Since the system is energy efficient, the battery provides

energy for up to 10,000 steps per day, depending on the

type of activity. We recommend charging the battery each

night in order to avoid possible capacity shortfalls.

The E-MAG Active is suitable for a body weight of up to

85 kg. Although th e knee joint system is controlled on the

lateral side of the involved leg, it is always equipped with a

medial support; this means a joint with the same design is

also located on the inside of the leg.

Enjoying a walk

Peter Hartmann

The odyssey begins in 1989 when Peter Hartmann suffers a severe Achilles

tendon injury during a soccer game. As a result of incorrect diagnoses and

treatments, his right leg is almost totally paralysed. The 48-year-old also suffers

several herniated discs and ultimately even a heart attack.







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After numerous operations on his knee and spine, he is no

longer able to stand upright and becomes dependent on the

help of others for day-to-day tasks. “It was a terrible time,”

says Peter Hartmann about the many months he had to

spend in hospitals and rehabilitation clinics. His family was

instrumental in helping him find the courage to face life

during those difficult times.

Peter Hartmann is fitted with an orthosis in 2001. He is

able to return to work and starts reorganising his life. The

67-year-old used to love playing soccer, tennis, and handball.

Now he spends a lot of time with his three grandchildren,

and is actively involved in the local gun club and bowling

league. Since his retirement two years ago, the former de-

tective has been working as a lay judge for Sozialverband

Deutschland and helping others experiencing difficulties in

their lives. Long walks with his wife and shared vacations

in the caravan are also possible once again. “All this would

have been unthinkable back then,” says Peter Hartmann.

“Today, I can do almost anything I want.”



E-MAG knee joint systems combine mechanics and electronics

in order to maximize mobility, security, and reliability.

With the E-MAG Active, the locked stance phase and unlocked

swing phase are electronically controlled. An intelligent sensor

system measures the position of the leg during walking and

controls the orthotic joint accordingly.

The locking function of the orthotic knee joint is controlled

via a wireless remote control. A feedback system also keeps

the user informed of the current joint status.

E-MAG knee joint systems – innovation in orthotics

Electronics for enhanced safety



Closed joint design

Enclosed electro-

magnetic locking


E-MAG Active System

1 Closed knee joint with lubricant-free bearings

2 Electromagnetic lock

3 End position sensor to control the lock

4 Control electronics process all signals and measuring data, and control all knee joint functions

5 May be operated directly through the control electronics

6 Removable batteries for a reliable source of power

(no illustration)

7 Auto-calibrate and test buttons for technicians














E-MAGActiveQuestions and answers



Experience collected with the E-MAG Control contributed

to the development of the E-MAG Active. It is the first elec-

tronically controlled system knee joint with a locked stance

phase and free swing phase that is not dependent on the

ankle and sole of the foot.

The E-MAG Active principle is innovative and consistent: An

intelligent sensor system measures the leg position while

walking and controls the orthotic joint accordingly. The key

advantage: This allows the user to take advantage of the

features offered by the orthosis even if he or she does not

have any ankle functions.

The E-MAG Active offers maximum mobility and safety for

the user. It facilitates a more natural, smoother gait pattern

and therefore improves the user’s quality of life.

During walking, the E-Mag’s electronic system measures leg

position and locks or unlocks the joint depending forefoot

load and knee extension.

1. What is the E-MAG Active?

2. How is the E-MAG Active controlled?


E-MAG Control

Enhanced reliabilityand safety

The E-MAG Control is the first knee joint system with an

electromagnetic lock operated by an electronic control unit.

Conventional locking systems use a variety of methods to

deactivate a lock. With all of these systems, the user has to

reach into the vicinity of the knee joint with at least one hand

in order to operate the joint. This is the most unpleasant and

unsafe moment during day-to-day orthosis use.Since the knee

becomes unstable when it is unlocked, the unnatural move-

ment leads to an insecure stance during the unlocking phase.

The E-MAG Control facilitates a secure stance during this

phase. A remote control, which can be used as a hand-held

device or integrated into a crutch, leaves the hands free so

they can help support the body. The E-MAG Control features

a feedback system in the unlocking phase, which sends

a signal when the joint is opened. This allows the user to

consciously prepare for that moment.


In addition, the anterior offset of the knee rotation point

causes the knee joint to remain in a secure position until a

movement that involves knee flexion is consciously initiated.

According to user feedback, failure of the knee joint lock

to engage properly when standing up is the most frequent

cause for a fall with an orthosis. Once again, the E-MAG

Control offers a key advantage: It also has a feedback

function for the locking process. As soon as the knee is

extended and the knee joint is locked, a signal commu-

nicates the fact that the joint is secure. Verification or the

subsequent application of manual pressure to the locking

bail is not required. As a result, the system guarantees a

secure stance at all times.

With its closed design, the E-MAG Control is protected

against external influences such as tangled clothing or

impacts that could trigger the joint to unlock or lock. The

joint surfaces form a continuous, enclosed face even when

the joint is flexed.

And because the system is energy efficient, the battery will

last up to 48 hours with 120 knee flexions and four hours of

standing per day. Charging the battery regularly every night

eliminates capacity problems. Since the battery is quick and

easy to replace, using a spare battery is also an option.

A second remote control that allows the joint to be control-

led according to present requirements is also available. A

remote control can be permanently integrated into a crutch.

Please note that only model 22K2/4 crutches are approved

for remote control installation.

The E-MAG Control may be used as a unilateral joint for

a body weight of up to 55 kg, without employing a second

joint on the medial side of the leg. If this is not desirable, a

medial support of the same design may be installed. This

is mandatory for a body weight in excess of 55 kg and is

currently approved for a body weight of up to 85 kg.


Semra Cinpolat

Athletic and active

Her colleagues value Semra Cinpolat as an active, spirited young woman. The

32-year-old native of Turkey is an orthopaedic footwear technician by trade. At

the end of her workday, Semra Cinpolat is rarely home before 6:00 pm. Service

and customer consultations form the focus of her job.










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Standing for extended periods is unavoidable at her job, but,

in spite of paralysis in her left leg caused by Polio, Semra

does not mind standing up. Sitting still is much harder – un-

less she is focused on her trade, which requires skill and

a steady hand.

Semra Cinpolat has been married for many years. In her

spare time, she dedicates her full attention to her son. “Of

course my husband doesn’t get left out either. The three

of us have a lot of fun together, trying out new games or

romping through the apartment. We are all very active

and like to be out and about.” Sports are very important

to Semra Cinpolat. She cycles regularly, attends a fitness

studio, and goes dancing. She has also discovered the joys

of Nordic walking.

She and her family own their home. Her husband operates

a restaurant on the ground floor. The second floor is rented

out and the family lives on the upper floor. Stairs are no

problem for Semra Cinpolat.



E-MAG Control System

1 Closed knee joint with lubricant-free bearings

2 Electromagnetic lock

3 End position sensor to control the lock

4 Control electronics process all signals and measuring data, and control all knee joint functions

5 Remote control in order to independently operate the knee joint and stabilise the body

6 Remote control may be integrated into a crutch

7 Feedback system to report the knee joint status via vibration, light, or sound

8 2.4 GHz microprocessor measures and controls proper remote control encoding

9 May be operated using the control electronics directly

10 Removable batteries for a reliable source of power

(no illustration)














E-MAG Control Questions and answers



The E-MAG Control is the first electronically controlled orthotic

joint system. Through the combination of mechanics and

electronics, it significantly enhances safety for day-to-day

mobility. The electronic control unit allows the orthotic joint

to be locked and unlocked using a wireless remote control

– even for those users who have limited mobility or who are

dependent on forearm crutches. The remote control may

also be integrated into a crutch. Thanks to this option, the

user can always support him or herself with both arms. The

knee joint is unobtrusive and easy to operate.

The E-MAG Control is a system that operates with an

electromagnetic lock. An electronic control unit and remote

control are also required in order to operate the joint. Power

is supplied by a battery.

The electronic control unit is activated using the remote

control. It operates the lock and provides the user with

feedback regarding the knee joint status. This means the

joint position is reported in addition to the operating state.

As a result, the user can rely on the joint in any situation.

The E-MAG Control eliminates the need to manually check

whether the joint is in a secure position. Using a selection

of profiles, the feedback system confirms the position and

state of the joint.

Users can select from the profiles according to the settings

they prefer. Choices include the “Loud Environment” profile

that provides feedback with a tone, light, and vibration, and

the “Quiet Environment” profile that provides feedback with

vibration only. The light signal is mainly intended to verify

electronics adjustments since it is not readily visible under


1. What is the E-MAG Control?

2. How is the E-MAG Control controlled?

3. What is the E-MAG Control feedback system?


How can I get the E-MAG?

Please consult your orthotist in order to determine if one of

the E-MAG knee joint systems is suitable for you and if an

additional therapeutic benefit for your orthotic fitting can be

guaranteed. If so, you and your prosthetist should discuss

the structure of the orthosis.


about E-MAG fittings


If you have any further questions, please contact the Otto

Bock branch responsible for your region. For the address,

please consult this brochure or visit our homepage at



Who can use the E-MAG Control?

The E-MAG Control is suitable for users with post-traumatic

conditions, e.g. poliomyelitis, post-polio syndrome, and knee

extensor failure or weakness. Please note that the use of

the E-MAG system is specifically contraindicated for users

who are not able to bring the E-MAG joint into the extended

position by contracting the knee musculature. The user must

be able to bring the E-MAG joint into the extended position

in order to activate the lock. A variety of factors can help

achieve this. Either the user is able to independently extend

the knee joint while standing, or he or she requires help from

the forefoot lever through a specific dorsal stop that can be

achieved using an adjustable ankle joint. Forefoot support

from a long, rigid sole is another option.

Who can use the E-MAG Active?

The E-MAG Active is suitable for users with higher mobility

requirements who were previously unable or unwilling to obtain

an adequate orthotic fitting for various anatomical reasons

such as leg length reduction, valgus / varus deviations in

the knee joint, or a severely atrophic leg. This includes users

suffering from poliomyelitis, post-polio syndrome, or partial

paraplegia with certain physical limitations. The E-MAG Active

was developed for patients who, due to a partial paralysis

or a complete failure of the knee extensors, are unable to

stabilize their knee without compensating measures. Safe

use of the E-MAG Active knee joint system requires certain

residual muscle functions or hyperextension of the knee joint.

This guarantees consistent activation of the swing-through

and stance phases. The E-MAG Active may also be used

with orthoprostheses.


Our innovations are based on the science of Orthobionic®, which

investigates the details of natural movement patterns. Otto Bock has

achieved global leadership with its products based on the resulting

expertise. The pace of development has accelerated rapidly due

to new technologies. At the same time, every new product is cre-

ated based on decades of experience in our successful company

history that began in 1919.

We do not experience progress and tradition as a contradiction

but as a natural entity. Based on our past, we have learned that

the following must continue to apply to our future research and

development efforts: People are the standard. It is our daily chal-

lenge to see the world through the eyes of the people whom we

help, improving their quality of life with our products, our know-

how, and our service.

People are the standard


Quality for Life

Advanced skills and experience in processing materials

such as titanium and carbon supplement our expertise as

an industrial manufacturer. We disseminate our knowledge

about practical rehabilitation to prosthetists in seminars and

training programs. This is a key element for custom fittings

at medical supply companies.

Duderstadt in Eichsfeld, Germany, is not just home to the

largest development and production locations, but also

the company headquarters of Otto Bock HealthCare. The

world-wide activities of the company are coordinated here.

Motivated, highly trained employees and efficient knowledge

management will allow us to continue setting standards

through the use of new technologies in the future.


Otto Bock worldwide


Otto Bock HealthCare Deutschland GmbHMax-Näder-Str.15·D–37115DuderstadtTel.+495527848-3411·Fax+495527848-1414e-mail:healthcare@ottobock.de·www.ottobock.com

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Otto Bock Ortopedi ve Rehabilitasyon Tekniği Ltd. Şti.AliDursunBeyCaddesi·LatiLokumSokakMeriçSitesiBBlockNo:6/1TR–34387 Mecidiyeköy-İstanbulTel.+902123565040·Faks+902123566688e-mail:info@ottobock.com.tr·www.ottobock.com.tr


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Otto Bock Korea HealthCare Inc.NongsanB/D1F,320-4Yangjae-2DongSeocho-Gu·ROK–37-897SeoulTel.+822577-3831·Fax+822577-3828e-mail:ottobock@korea.comwww.ottobockkorea.com

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