Dynamic planet. Can you name the four spheres? How do the four spheres link together? Biosphere...


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Dynamic planet

Can you name the four spheres?

How do the four spheres link together?





How do humans damage theseSpheres?

The Geosphere

Carefully complete you own diagram.

Stick the labels on the correct part of the diagram

Use pages 8 – 11 to add extra notes

Extension: what is the difference between the oceanic and continental crust?

Describe the different layers of earths interior (4)

How is the magnetic field created?

What are convectional currents?

• Inside the Earth is hot – over 5000°C

• Inside the earth is called geothermal heat

• This is caused by radioactive decay of elements such as uranium in the core and mantle

Let’s read p10

Explain why earth tectonic plates move? (6)

Page 8 and 9Continental crust VS Oceanic crust

Crust Type Density Depth Picture

Continental(older 3-4 billon yrs old)

Granite Low 30-50km

Oceanic Basalt high 6-8km

Describe the differences between the oceanic and continental plate (4)

Continental drift

Look at the map on p12. Plate tectonics have moved the continents to the positions they are in today

And now this!!

Label your map and arrow the arrows (page 13)

Compare the physical features and tectonic hazards of constructive and destructive plate

boundaries (6)

Key Vocabulary

Focus: the actual point where the earthquake occurred

Epicentre: the point on the earth’s surface directly above the focus

Seismic waves: the shockwaves produced by an earthquake

Seismometer: an instrument that measures vibration in the earth’s crust

The Richter Scale: a scale that measures the magnitude of an earthquake

Create a mind map explaining why?

The strength ofan earthquake/volcano

The time the event took place

If it is very early in the morning people will be less prepared

They could be asleep Which means there isless reaction time


Why do people live near volcanoes?

Shield cone volcanoes

• Shield cone volcanoes are wide-based, with gentle slopes. Their lava is runny and thin, which means that it can travel a long way before cooling and solidifying. Often these eruptions are non-violent and can last for years

Composite Cone Volcanoes

• Composite Cone volcanoes are steep-sided,and made of alternate layers of ash and lava. Often the lava cools to create a plug in the vent, meaning that a huge explosion is needed to remove it.The best example is Mt. St. Helens

Monitoring Volcanoes

• We CAN predict and prepare for volcanic eruptions…

Protection Prediction

What are primary and secondary effects of a Volcano?

Primary effects are…

Secondary effects are….

Mount Nyiragongo is one of the most active volcanoes in the world


Mt Skurajima Mt Nyiragongo

Volcano type

Magma type



Using a named example, explain the economic and social impacts of a volcanic eruption (6)
