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Learning Project - Under the Sea W/C 15.06.2020

Age Range: KS1 – Year 1

Weekly Reading Tasks Weekly Phonics Tasks

Monday- Learn the rhyme ‘A Sailor went to Sea, Sea, Sea’. Click here for a video of the rhyme and lyrics. Can you perform this rhyme by heart?

Monday- ie – work through lesson 21

Please feel free to revisit phonemes your child is unsure of rather than following the suggested phoneme for each day. Click on the following link to access alternative phonemes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnM6XDFNCFE&list=PLuGr6z2H2KNGObda6B-T36vJlZYN06lOh

Tuesday- Share the eBook Commotion in the Ocean – take it in turns to read about the different sea creatures.

Tuesday-.er – work through lesson 22

Wednesday- Listen to the story Winnie and Wilbur Under the Sea then retell the story, through pictures, writing or just retell it to a grown up – what happened at the beginning? In the Middle? At the end?

Wednesday- oe – work through lesson 23

Thursday- Read a story/poem/nursery rhyme to another family member. This could be to a younger sibling before bedtime or you may wish to Facetime an elderly relative (with adult supervision of course).

Thursday – i – work through lesson 25

Friday- Read along with There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea. Can you keep up – it gets very fast!

Friday- Play Buried Treasure game. Phase 5, then revisit all Phase 5. Alternatively please focus on any phonemes from any phase that your child has been working on.

Weekly Writing Tasks Weekly Maths Tasks- Time

Monday- Visit a desert island here. Now write a message in a bottle. What can you see, hear, feel, taste and smell?

Monday- Oak National Academy – Year 1 – Week 7 – Maths lesson 1

Count forwards to 100, repeat starting and stopping at random numbers for example start at 23 and stop at 56. Can you do this forwards and backwards? You can use a 100 square to help if you need to.

Tuesday- Plan the perfect beach trip, draw and label all of the things that you would pack including a picnic. Who would you take? What games would you play?

Tuesday- Oak National Academy – Year 1 – Week 7 – Maths lesson 2

How much time would you spend in the sea? Ask your grown up to say a number between 1-100, can you tell them the number that is one more and the number that is one less than their number. You can use a 100 square to help if you need to.

Wednesday- Talk to your grown up about all of the things that make you happy or all of the things that you’re grateful for, record these in a list.

Wednesday- Oak National Academy – Year 1 – Week 7 – Maths lesson 3

Pick a number between 1-100, how many tens in the numbers, how many ones in the number?

Thursday- Create a fact file about the endangered Sea Turtle. Can you find out about its appearance, its diet and its habitat? This link may help. Following this, you could draw a detailed sketch of the Sea Turtle.

Thursday- Oak National Academy – Year 1 – Week 7 – Maths lesson 4

Write numbers in words and numerals to 20, cut them out and play snap – you can snap when you match the same numeral and word.

Friday- Design a beach safety poster. What tips would you give beach- goers for staying safe at the seaside?

Friday - Oak National Academy – Year 1 – Week 7 – Maths lesson 5

Count forwards in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. What do you notice about all the numbers when you count in 2’s? 5’s? 10’s? You can use a 100 square to help if you need to.

Learning Project - to be done throughout the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about life in and around the sea. Learning may focus on the strange and wonderful creatures and plants that occupy our oceans, their habitats and how human beings affect this environment.

● Guess Who?- Write fact cards about animals from under the sea. You can use books or websites to find out about the appearance, habitat and diet of each creature. After this, play a game of ‘Guess Who?’ using the cards and yes/no questions.

● Junk Modelling- Using junk or recycling materials from around the home, design and make a Sea Turtle. You may wish to make another sea creature after this. Share your creations by e mailing pictures to your teacher.

● Put Your Goggles On- Watch a live stream of a tropical reef. Whilst watching, sketch all of the animals that you can see. Remember to look at the shapes and patterns on each creature and to include these in your sketches.

● How do Humans Affect the Sea? - Talk to a grown up about and investigate the impact that human beings have on the sea. Think about fishing, transport and pollution. Create a poster or information report.

● The Oceans of the World- Using an atlas or the web identify the world’s oceans. Can you find out what animals live in each ocean? This game allows your child to practise naming and locating the oceans.

Additional learning resources parents may wish to engage with

● Visit this BBC website for more sea themed music and learning ideas.

● There are some lovely games and ideas from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution here.

● White Rose Maths online maths lessons. Watch a lesson video and complete the worksheet.

● Numbots . Your child can access this programme with their school login.

● Mathletics

● Times Table Rock Stars

● Phonics Bloom phonic games

● Teach your monster to read phonics games

● Oxford Owl eBooks

● BBC Bitesize has some lovely foundation stage activities

● All Stars Cricket activities

● Yoga

● PE Active Board Game

● While we can't hug online story

● Everyone worries online story

● Coming back in a bubble online story
