Drawing Narratives



Course Publication of Sketching Vignettes ARC 6116 Drawing Toward Architecture Fall 2012 CityLab-Orlando University of Florida Graduate School of Architecture

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Herranz, Miguel. "Back From Lisbon." Freekhand. Blogspot, 2 2011. Web. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://freekhand.blogspot.com/2011_08_01_archive.html>.

Ching, Francis D. K. Architecture: Form, Space and Order. Van Nostrand Reinhold: International Thomson Pub-

lishing, Inc.: New York, 1996. p. ix, 228.

Fox, Susan. "Inspirations: 10 Great Quotes About Drawing." Susan Fox: American Artist. Wordpress, 15 2010.

Web. 29 Nov 2012. <http://foxstudio.wordpress.com/2010/10/15/inspirations-10-great-quotes-about-drawing/>.








The French artist of the 19th Century, Edgar Degas, said that “Drawing is not the form; it is the way of seeing the form.”[3] Sketches do not attempt to replicate real life conditions as they are. Instead, sketches provide the viewer with a constructed narrative on how to view a subject. The techniques and approaches to construct these sketch narratives are virtually limitless. The combination of digital techniques and techniques of the hand create surprisingly powerful, relatable drawings that are indispensable in convey-ing architectural ideas.

