


D&D 3.5 Custom Prestige Class

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DragoonPrerequisites:Base Attack Bonus: +5Feats: Weapon Focus (Any Polearm), Heavy Armor Optimization, Power Attack, Leap AttackSkills: Jump (8 Ranks)Hit Die: d12LevelBABFort SaveRef SaveWill SaveSpecial

1+1+2+2+0Jump Specialist

2+2+3+3+0Armored Jump (-1), Vertical Leap Attack

3+3+3+3+1Short Start, Dragoon Leap 1/day

4+4+4+4+1Armored Jump (-2)

5+5+4+4+1Standing Leap

6+6+5+5+2Armored Jump (-3), Dragoon Leap 2/day


8+8+6+6+2Armored Jump (-4), Improved Vertical Leap Attack

9+9+6+6+3Dragoon Leap 3/day

10+10+7+7+3Armored Jump (-5), Leaping Pounce

Class Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Profession (Int), and Swim (Str).Skill Points: (2 + int) per levelJump Specialist: You receive Skill Focus (Jump) as a bonus feat. In addition, you are treated as having a land speed of 30 (or your current land speed, whichever is higher) for the purposes of jumping, even if you are slowed by armor.Armored Jump: At 2nd level and every two levels after, your armor check penalty for the purpose of Jump checks is reduced by 1.Vertical Leap Attack (Ex): At 2nd level, if you have at least 10 feet of overhead clearance and 10 feet of horizontal distance from your target, you may attempt a Vertical Leap Attack as part of a charge action using a polearm. The DC of this Jump check is increase by +5, in addition to the check for clearing the horizontal distance. If you pass the Jump check and your attack hits, you deal an additional +1d12 damage, in addition to the benefits from Leap Attack. This improves to +2d12 at level 8.Short Start (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, you need only 10 feet of room to make a Running Start to a jump, as opposed to the usual 20 feet.Dragoon Leap (Su): At 3rd level, you gain the ability to make a supernaturally powerful leap and come down on your enemy with your polearm. To make a Dragoon Leap, roll a Jump check as if you had made a running start (though you do not need to) and add twice your Dragoon level to your Jump skill. Multiply the resulting distances by half your Dragoon class level (rounded up). This Jump check applies to both vertical and horizontal distance traveled. You must have enough clearance for your vertical jump, but you may move any distance up to your horizontal jump. For example, Sir Gellard rolls a 30 on his Jump check. Looking at the Jump table on both vertical and horizontal distance, Gellard finds that this roll will normally take him 30 feet horizontally and 7 feet vertically. However, as a level 4 Dragoon, Sir Gellard multiplies these results by 2, allowing him to jump 60 feet horizontally and 14 feet vertically. As a 6 tall human, Sir Gellard needs at least 20 feet of overhead space to make the full jump.Treat this as a Vertical Leap Attack. However, for every 5 feet of vertical distance jumped, add 1d6 of damage. You need enough overhead clearance to get the full bonus if your roll takes you higher than the ceiling above you, your damage is limited by the height of the space youre in. Referring back to Sir Gellards example, he jumped 14 feet vertically. Thats enough to get him +2d6 damage on his attack had he gotten 15, he would add +3d6. This is in addition to the +1d12 he gets from Vertical Leap Attack.Master Dragoons can find themselves leaping extremely high, and it may take them some time to return to the ground. For every 30 feet of vertical distance you jump using this ability, it takes you one additional turn after initiating this jump to land. From 30 feet to 59 feet, you will land in the turn after you made the Dragoon Leap (which spends that turn, as well). From 60 to 89 feet, you will land two turns after you made the Dragoon Leap, spending all three turns on the action, and so on. Treat yourself as being at the top of your jump during your first turn, 15 feet down from that on your second turn, and 30 feet below the last for each turn following. If your target has moved out of its space by the time you land, your attack has missed. You receive a +4 Dodge bonus against any attacks made against you while you are in the air.Dragoon Leap is a full round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It may be used once per day at level 3, twice at level 6, and three times at level 9.Standing Leap (Ex): You have learned how to make great leaps without any running start. Starting at level 5, you treat all Jumps as if you had taken a running start before them.Leaping Pounce (Ex): At 10th level, you have mastered the art of leaping charges. At the end of any leaping charge (Leap Attack, Vertical Leap Attack, Dragoon Leap), you may make a full attack action. However, you only receive any damage bonuses from the leap to the first attack made in the round.
