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Joined: 13 Apr 2007Posts: 578

PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:13 pm Post subject: 1800 HIGH FREQUENCY WORD LIST Reply with quote

1. amphitheater oval-shaped theater2. anathema = curse, ban3. annul = cancel, nullify4. anodyne = pain soothing5. anoint = consecrate, to apply oil, especially as a sacred rite6. anonymity = state of being anonymous, having no name7. antediluvian = ancient, obsolete, pre historic8. antithesis = direct opposite9. apathetic = unconcerned, indifferent

10. aphasia = inability to speak or use words11. aphorism = maxim, old saying12. aplomb = poise, confidence13. apocryphal = a doubtful authenticity, not genuine, fictional14. apostate = one who abandons one's faith15. apotheosis = Deification, glorification16. approbation = praise, official approval17. archaic = Antiquated, from an earlier time18. archipelago = group of islands19. ardor = great emotion or passion20. arraign = indict, to call to court to answer a charge21. arrogate = seize without right, to demand or claim arrogantly22. ascendancy = powerful state23. ascribe = to attribute24. ashen = resembling ashes, or deathly pale25. asinine = stupid26. askance = to view with suspicion, scornfully27. askew = crooked, tilted28. aspersion = slander, false rumor, damaging report29. assail = attack30. assent = to express agreement31. assiduous = hard-working, diligent, persistent32. assuage = lessen (pain), to make less severe, ease33. astringent = causing contraction, severe, harsh34. asunder = apart, into different parts35. atone = make amends for a wrong36. august = noble, dignified, awe-inspiring, venerable37. avow = declare38. awry = crooked, askew, amiss39. axiom = self-evident truth, premise, postulate40. bacchanal = orgy, drunkenly festive41. baleful = hostile, malignant, harmful with evil intentions42. balk = hesitate, refuse, shirk, prevent43. banal = trite, overly common44. bane = poison, nuisance, something causing ruin45. bastion = fort, fortification, stronghold46. beguile = deceive, seduce, mislead47. behemoth = monster, huge creature48. beleaguer = besiege, to harass, plague49. berate = to scold harshly50. bestial = beast-like, brutal51. bestow = to give as a gift, grant52. bevy = group53. bicker = quarrel, to have a petty argument54. bilious = ill-tempered55. bilk = swindle, cheat, defraud

56. blandish = to coax with flattering, grovel57. blight = decay, afflict, destroy58. blithe = Joyful, cheerful, or without appropriate thought59. bombast = pompous speech60. bourgeois = middle class61. broach = bring up a topic of conversation62. brusque = curt, rough and abrupt in manner63. bulwark = fortification64. burgeon = sprout or flourish65. burly = husky, brawny66. cabal = plot, a secret group seeking to overturn something67. cadaver = corpse, dead body68. cajole = encourage, coax, flatter69. calumny = Slander, false and malicious accusation70. canard = hoax, a lie71. candor = frankness, honesty of expression72. canvass = survey, examine thoroughly73. capricious = fickle, impulsive, whimsical, without much thought74. careen = swerve, to lean on one side75. castigate = criticize, punish, chastise76. cataclysm = catastrophe, disaster77. cathartic = purgative, purifying, cleansing78. catholic = universal, worldly79. caucus = a small group within an organization or a meeting of such a group80. cavil = quibble, raise trivial objections81. cede = transfer ownership, to surrender possession of something82. censorious = condemning speech, severely critical83. chagrin = shame, embarrassment, humiliation84. chalice = goblet, cup85. chary = cautious, watchful, extremely shy86. cherubic = sweet, innocent87. chicanery = trickery, fraud, deception88. chide = scold, express disapproval89. chimerical = imaginary, impossible90. choleric = easily angered, short-tempered91. circumlocution = roundabout expression92. circumspect = cautious, wary93. circumvent = evade, avoid, to go around94. citadel = fortress or stronghold95. clamor = noisy outcry96. cleave = to split or separate, to stick, adhere97. clemency = forgiveness, merciful leniency98. cloister = refuge, to confine, seclude99. coalesce = combine, to grow together100. coddle = to pamper, baby, treat indulgently101. cogent = well-put, convincing, logically forceful

102. cognate = from the same source, related103. cognomen = family name, any name, nickname104. colloquy = conference105. collusion = conspiracy, collaboration, complicity106. commodious = spacious107. complicity = guilt by association, knowing partnership in wrong doing108. compunction = remorse, regret109. concur = To agree110. conflagration = large fire, big, destructive fire111. confluence = flowing together, meeting of two streams, meeting place112. confound = bewilder, to baffle, perplex113. congeal = solidify, as a liquid freezing, to become thick or solid114. conjecture = hypothesis, speculation, prediction115. conjure = summon, to evoke a spirit, cast a spell116. consanguinity = related by blood, kinship117. consecrate = make holy, dedicate to a goal, to declare sacred118. construe = interpret or to explain119. continence = self-control, self-restraint120. contrite = apologetic, deeply sorrowful and repentant for a wrong121. contusion = A bruise122. conundrum = enigma, puzzle or problem with no solution, riddle123. convivial = sociable, festive, fond of eating, drinking, and people124. convoke = convene, summon, to call together125. coquette = woman who flirts126. corroborate = to confirm, verify127. coterie = small group, group of people with a common interest or purpose128. countenance = facial expression, to favor, support129. cower = showing fear, to cringe in fear130. crass = crude, unrefined131. craven = cowardly132. credence = Belief, acceptance of something as true or real133. creed = Belief or principle134. cringe = cower, to shrink in fear135. culpable = blameworthy, guilty, responsible for wrong136. cupidity = greed137. curmudgeon = boor, cranky person138. dally = procrastinate, to act playfully or waste time139. debase = to degrade, or lower in quality or stature140. debauch = to corrupt, seduce from virtue or duty141. debutante = a girl debuting into society142. decadence = deterioration, decay (e.g. moral or cultural)143. decapitate = kill by beheading144. deciduous = shedding leaves, short-lived, temporary145. decorous = seemly, proper, tasteful, socially correct146. decry = castigate, to belittle, openly condemn147. deference = courteously yielding to another, respect, honor

148. defile = pollute, to make unclean or dishonor149. deft = skillful, dexterous150. defunct = extinct, no longer existing, dead151. deleterious = harmful, destructive, detrimental152. deluge = a flood, to submerge, overwhelm153. demagogue = An unprincipled politician, leader154. demean = to degrade, humiliate, humble155. demur = take exception, to express doubts or objections156. denigrate = defame, to slur or blacken someone's reputation157. depravity = immorality, sinfulness158. deprecate = belittle, disparage159. deride = To ridicule, to mock, make fun of160. desecrate = profane, to abuse something sacred161. desiccate = dehydrate, to dry completely162. despondent = depressed, feeling discouraged and dejected163. desultory = without direction in life, at random, rambling, unmethodical164. diatribe = long denunciation, bitter verbal attack165. dichotomy = a division into two parts166. didactic = instructional167. dilettante = amateur, dabbler168. disabuse = correct, to free from a misconception169. disburse = pay out170. disconsolate = inconsolable, unable to be consoled, extremely sad171. discrete = separate, distinct172. discursive = rambling, wandering from topic to topic173. disdain = to regard with scorn and contempt174. disingenuous = deceptive, sly and crafty175. disjointed = disconnected, incoherent, being separated176. disparage = belittle, speak disrespectfully about177. disparate = various, dissimilar, different in kind178. disparity = difference, contrast, dissimilarity179. dispirit = discourage, to dishearten, make dejected180. dissipate = scatter181. distend = swell, inflate, bloat182. distraught = distressed, very worried183. docile = domesticated, trained, tame184. dotage = senility, mental decline185. dour = sullen and gloomy, stern and severe186. droll = amusing in a wry187. dulcet = melodious, pleasant sounding188. duplicity = deceit, treachery, dishonesty, double-dealing189. duress = coercion, imprisonment190. ebb = recede, to fade away191. ebullient = exuberant, full of enthusiasm and high spirits192. eclectic = joyful193. edify = instruct morally and spiritually

194. efface = To obliterate195. effrontery = insolence196. effulgent = brilliant197. elicit = provoke198. elucidate = make clear, clarify199. emaciated = underfed, gaunt200. embroil = involve, cause to fall into disorder201. emend = correct202. encomium = warm praise203. encumber = burden, to hinder, restrict motion204. endemic = Peculiar to some specified country or people205. enervate = weaken, sap strength from206. engender = generate, to produce207. enigmatic = puzzling, inexplicable208. enjoin = urge, order, command209. ennui = boredom, lack of interest and energy210. enthrall = mesmerize, to captivate, enchant211. entreat = plead, beg212. epicure = gourmet, person with refined taste in food and wine213. epigram = saying, short, witty saying or poem214. epithet = name, appellation, phrase215. equine = pertaining to horses216. erode = wear away, to diminish217. errant = wandering, mistaken218. eschew = avoid, to abstain from219. espouse = to support or advocate220. estranged = alienated, separated221. euthanasia = mercy-killing222. evanescent = fleeting, very brief, short-lived223. evince = attest, demonstrate, to show clearly224. 2225. exacerbate = worsen226. exasperate = irritate, vex227. execrable = very bad, abominable, utterly detestable228. exemplary = outstanding, serving as an example229. exhort = strongly urge230. exhume = uncover, to remove from a grave231. exonerate = free from blame232. exorcise = to expel evil spirits233. expedient = advantageous, convenient, efficient234. expiate = atone, make amends for235. expunge = erase, eliminate completely236. extenuate = To diminish the gravity or importance of237. extol = praise highly238. extraneous = not essential, unnecessary239. extricate = Disentangle, free

240. exuberant = joyous, happy241. exude = emit, ooze242. exult = rejoice243. facetious = joking, sarcastic, witty244. facile = very easy245. fallow = unproductive, unplowed246. fastidious = meticulous, careful with details247. fathom = understand, to measure the depth of248. fatuous = inane, stupid249. fealty = Loyalty250. fecund = fertile, fruitful, productive251. feign = pretend, give a false impression252. fetid = foul-smelling, putrid, stinking253. fickle = always changing one's mind254. fidelity = Loyalty255. filch = steal something of little value256. filial = of a son or daughter257. fitful = irregular258. flagrant = outrageous, shameless259. fledgling = just beginning, struggling260. flippant = Having a light, pert, trifling disposition261. florid = ruddy, with too much decoration262. flout = to show disregard for the law or rules263. foible = weakness, minor fault264. foist = palm off a fake265. foment = instigate266. fortuitous = happening by luck, fortunate267. foster = encourage268. fracas = noisy fight269. fraught = filled270. frenetic = harried, neurotic271. frond = bending tree272. fulminate = denounce, menace273. fulsome = excessive, insincere274. furtive = stealthy275. gainsay = to deny276. gargantuan = large277. garner = gather278. garrulous = talkative, loquacious, wordy279. gauche = awkward, crude280. genre = kind, category281. gibe = heckle282. glib = insincere manner283. glower = stare angrily284. goad = encourage285. gossamer = thin and flimsy

286. gouge = overcharge, scoop out287. grimace = expression of disgust288. grovel = crawl, obey289. guile = deceit, trickery290. hackneyed = trite291. hapless = unlucky292. harangue = a pompous speech293. harbinger = forerunner294. haughty = arrogant295. hedonism = the pursuit of pleasure in life296. heinous = shocking, wicked297. hermetic = airtight, sealed298. hew = to cut with an ax299. hiatus = interruption300. hone = sharpen301. illimitable = limitless302. imbue = infuse, dye, wet303. immure = build a wall around304. impair = injure305. impassive = calm, without feeling306. impeccable = faultless307. impecunious = indigent, having no money308. imperious = domineering309. impertinent = insolent, rude310. imperturbable = calm311. impervious = Impenetrable312. impetuous = quick to act without thinking313. implausible = unlikely, inconceivable314. impolitic = unwise315. importune = urgent request316. impregnable = totally safe from attack317. impugn = criticize318. inadvertent = unintentional319. inane = vacuous, stupid320. incandescent = brilliant321. incarcerate = to put in a jail322. incendiary = burning easily, flammable323. inchoate = just begun324. incipient = beginning to exist325. incisive = keen, penetrating326. incognito = disguised327. incommunicado = unable to communicate with others328. incontrovertible = Indisputable329. inculcate = instill, indoctrinate, to teach330. incumbent = obligatory, required331. incursion = raid

332. indict = charge with a crime333. indigenous = Native334. indigent = very poor335. indolent = lazy336. indomitable = invincible, fearless337. indubitable = unquestionable338. inexorable = relentless, inflexible339. infallible = incapable of making a mistake340. infernal = hellish341. infirmity = ailment, disease342. ingrate = ungrateful person343. ingratiate = pleasing, flattering, endearing344. inimical = adverse, hostile, unfriendly345. innocuous = Harmless346. innuendo = indirect and subtle criticism347. inscrutable = cannot be fully understood348. insinuate = to suggest, imply, say indirectly349. insipid = flat, dull, lacking flavor350. insolent = insulting351. insular = narrow-minded, isolated352. insuperable = insurmountable353. insurgent = rebellious354. insurrection = uprising, rebellion355. inter = bury356. interdict = prohibit357. interloper = intruder, meddler in others' affairs358. interminable = unending359. internecine = mutually destructive360. intransigent = uncompromising361. intrepid = fearless362. inundate = flood363. invective = verbal insult364. inveigh = to rail against, protest strongly365. inveterate = habitual, chronic, long-standing366. invidious = incurring ill-will367. irascible = irritable368. itinerant = Wandering, unsettled369. jaded = spent, bored with one's situation370. juggernaut = unstoppable force371. kismet = fate372. knell = sound of a funeral bell373. lachrymose = tearful374. lampoon = satirize, to attack with satire375. larceny = theft of property376. largess = generous donation377. legerdemain = trickery

378. levity = Frivolity, humor379. libertine = one without moral restraint380. licentious = lewd, immoral381. limpid = transparent, clearly understood382. lissome = agile, supple383. lithe = moving and bending with ease384. loathe = abhor, hate385. loquacious = Talkative386. lugubrious = sad, sorrowful387. lurid = glowing, shocking388. macabre = gruesome389. machination = plot or scheme390. maelstrom = whirlpool, agitated state of mind391. malapropism = comical misuse of a word392. malcontent = one who is forever dissatisfied393. malediction = curse394. malefactor = evildoer, culprit395. malodorous = fetid, foul-smelling396. manifold = multiple, diverse397. martial = warlike, pertaining to the military398. martinet = strict disciplinarian399. masochist = one who enjoys pain400. maudlin = weepy, sentimental401. maverick = a person who resists adherence to a group402. mawkish = sickeningly sentimental403. meander = to wander aimlessly without direction404. mendicant = beggar405. mercurial = changeable, volatile, quick406. mettle = courage, capacity for bravery407. minatory = threatening408. mirth = jollity, laughter409. miscreant = one who behaves criminally410. missive = letter or note411. modicum = a small amount412. mollify = to calm or make less severe413. moot = disputable, previously decided414. mordant = biting, sarcastic415. mores = moral standards, customs416. moribund = near death417. mote = speck, small particle418. motley = diverse, many colored419. multifarious = diverse, many-sided420. munificent = generous421. myriad = innumerable422. nascent = incipient, coming into existence423. natal = related to birth

424. necromancy = sorcery, black magic425. Nemesis = implacable foe, often victorious opponent426. neologism = new word or expression427. neophyte = beginner428. nether = located under or below429. nettle = irritate430. niggardly = stingy431. noisome = harmful, stinking432. nonentity = person of no significance433. obdurate = unyielding434. obeisance = homage, deference435. obfuscate = bewilder, muddle, to confuse436. oblique = indirect437. obliterate = destroy438. obloquy = slander, abusive language439. obsequious = fawning, servile, overly submissive440. obsequy = funeral ceremony441. obstinate = stubborn442. obstreperous = noisy, unruly, troublesome443. obtuse = stupid, dull444. occlude = block, to shut445. odious = despicable, hateful446. onerous = burdensome447. opprobrious = abusive, disgraceful448. ordain = appoint449. ossify = harden450. ostensible = apparent, seeming451. ostentatious = pretentious, showy452. overweening = arrogant, forward453. 3454. pacifist = one who opposes all violence455. paean = a song of praise456. palaver = babble, nonsense457. pall = to become dull or weary458. palliate = to make less serious, ease459. pallid = pale, sallow, lacking color or liveliness460. palpable = touchable, obvious, real461. paltry = scarce, pitifully small or worthless462. panache = flamboyance, flair463. pandemic = spread over a whole area or country464. panegyric = praise465. panoply = full suit of armor466. paragon = model of excellence or perfection467. pariah = outcast468. parley = conference, discussion469. parry = avert, ward off, reflect

470. partisan = supporter471. pathos = emotion, feeling of sadness472. patrician = aristocrat473. patrimony = inheritance or heritage derived from one's father474. peccadillo = a minor fault475. pedagogue = dull, formal teacher476. pedant = a person who is too interested in formal rules and small

unimportant details477. pejorative = insulting, having bad connotations478. pellucid = transparent, easily understood479. penance = voluntary suffering to repent for a wrong480. penchant = inclination481. penitent = repentant482. pensive = sad483. perdition = damnation, complete ruin484. peremptory = dictatorial485. perennial = enduring, lasting486. perfidious = treacherous ( of a person )487. perfunctory = careless, done in a routine way488. peripatetic = moving from place to place489. pernicious = destructive490. pert = flippant, bold491. pertinacious = persevering492. pertinent = Relevant, applicable493. philistine = barbarian, narrow-minded person494. phlegmatic = sluggish, someone who is calm495. pillory = punish by ridicule496. pique = sting, arouse interest497. pithy = concise, to the point498. pittance = alms, trifle499. placid = Serene, calm500. platitude = trite remark, stale501. plebeian = common, vulgar502. plethora = overabundance503. poignant = pungent, sharp, emotionally moving504. polemic = a controversy505. portend = omen506. portly = large, dignified507. potentate = sovereign, king508. prattle = chatter, foolish talk509. precept = principle, law510. precipice = cliff, edge511. precipitous = steep512. precocious = advanced513. precursor = forerunner514. predilection = inclination, preference

515. premeditate = plan in advance516. preponderance = predominance517. preposterous = ridiculous, illogical518. presage = omen, indicate in advance519. privation = lack of usual necessities or comforts520. probity = integrity, complete honesty521. proclivity = inclination, tendency522. prodigal = wasteful523. prodigious = marvelous, enormous524. profligate = licentious, prodigal, corrupt525. progenitor = ancestor526. progeny = children527. prognosis = forecast528. prognosticate = foretell529. prolix = long-winded, wordy530. promontory = headland, cape531. promulgate = publish, disseminate532. propensity = inclination533. propinquity = nearness, kinship534. propitiate = satisfy, to win over535. propitious = auspicious, favorable536. prosaic = uninspired, flat, dull537. proscribe = prohibit, to condemn538. proselytize = recruit, convert539. protean = changing readily540. protract = To prolong, extend541. provident = having foresight, thrifty542. prude = puritan543. prudent = cautious, careful544. prurient = exhibiting lewd desires545. puerile = Childish546. pugnacious = combative, quarrelsome547. pulchritude = beauty548. punctilious = careful in observing rules of behavior or ceremony549. pungent = sharp smell or taste550. purport = claim to be551. pusillanimous = cowardly552. quaff = to drink heartily553. quagmire = difficult situation554. quandary = dilemma, difficulty555. quell = suppress, allay556. querulous = complaining557. quibble = to argue about insignificant and irrelevant details558. quiescent = still, motionless, at rest559. Quixotic = impractical, romantic560. raconteur = story teller

561. rampant = unbridled, raging562. rancor = resentment, dislike563. rant = rage, scold564. rapacious = grasping, avaricious, greedy565. rapprochement = reconciliation566. raze = destroy567. recalcitrant = resisting authority or control568. recant = retract a statement569. recidivism = habitual criminal activity570. recondite = known to only a few571. recreant = coward, betrayer of faith572. refractory = obstinate573. regal = royal574. relegate = assign to an inferior position575. renege = break a promise576. replete = complete577. reprehensible = blameworthy, unacceptable578. reproach = blame579. reprobate = morally unprincipled person580. reprove = to criticize or correct581. repudiate = to reject as having no authority582. requiem = rest, a mass for the dead583. requite = to return in kind584. rescind = revoke, cancel585. respite = interval or relief586. resplendent = shining, splendid587. restitution = act of compensating for loss or damage588. restive = nervous, uneasy589. retort = quick replay590. retrench = reorganize, to regroup591. retrieve = reclaim592. retrograde = regress593. revelry = merrymaking594. revere = honor595. revile = to criticize with harsh language596. revulsion = aversion597. ribald = coarse, vulgar598. rife = widespread, abundant599. risque = off-color, racy600. rostrum = stage for public speaking601. ruminate = reflect upon602. rustic = rural603. sacrosanct = sacred604. sagacious = wise605. sallow = sickly yellow in color606. sanguine = cheerful

607. sapient = wise, shrewd608. sardonic = scornful609. saunter = walk in a leisurely manner610. savant = scholar611. schism = a division or separation612. scintilla = very small amount613. scintillate = sparkle614. scoff = ridicule615. scurrilous = abusive, insulting616. secular = worldly, nonreligious617. sedition = treason, resistance to authority618. sententious = concise, trying to appear wise619. sequester = to remove or set apart620. seraphic = angelic, pure621. serendipity = making fortunate discoveries622. servile = slavish, obedient623. simian = monkey like624. simper = smile foolishly, smirk625. sinecure = well paid position with little responsibility626. skulk = sneak about627. slake = to calm down or moderate628. sloth = laziness629. slovenly = sloppy630. sobriety = composed631. sobriquet = nickname632. sodden = soaked633. sojourn = trip, visit634. solace = consolation635. solecism = ungrammatical construction636. solicitous = considerate, concerned637. soliloquy = A monologue638. solstice = furthest point639. somber = Gloomy640. somnambulist = sleepwalker641. somnolent = Sleepy642. soporific = sleep inducing643. sordid = foul, ignoble, dirty and unpleasant644. spawn = produce645. specious = false but plausible646. sporadic = occurring irregularly647. sportive = playful648. spurn = reject649. squalid = filthy650. staid = demure, sedate, boring651. steadfast = loyal, immovable652. stentorian = extremely loud

653. stigma = mark of disgrace654. stilted = formal, stiff, unnatural655. stoic = indifferent to pain or pleasure656. stolid = impassive657. stratagem = trick658. stricture = negative criticism659. stultify = inhibit, enfeeble660. stymie = hinder, thwart661. suave = smooth662. sublimate = to repress impulses663. sublime = lofty, excellent664. subterfuge = cunning, ruse665. succulent = juicy, delicious666. sully = stain667. supercilious = arrogant668. supplant = replace669. surly = rude, crass670. surmise = to guess671. surmount = overcome672. surreptitious = secretive673. sustenance = supplying the necessities of life674. swarthy = dark (as in complexion)675. Sybarite = pleasure-seeker, lover of luxury676. sycophant = flatterer, flunky677. taciturn = who does not talk much678. talon = claw of an animal679. tantamount = equivalent680. tawdry = gaudy, cheap681. temerity = boldness682. 4683. ample = enough, specious, abundant684. amplify = enlarge, increase, intensify685. ancillary = supplementary, subsidiary, subordinate686. anomaly = deviation from the rule, irregularity687. artifact = an object made by human, of historical interest688. artisan = a skilled handicraftsman689. authoritarian = dictator, extremely strict, bossy690. autocrat = dictator or a high ranking government officer691. bifurcated = divided into two branches, forked692. blatant = glaring, obvious, showy693. bountiful = abundant, plentiful694. brazen = bold, shameless, impudent695. breach = breaking of a rule, agreement, or law696. caricature = cartoon, exaggerated portrait697. carnivorous = meat-eating698. catalyst = something that causes change without being changed

699. centripetal = tending toward the center700. chaotic = in utter disorder701. chauvinist = a man who thinks men are better than women702. complement = To make complete, perfect703. composure = Calmness of appearance704. compress = to reduce, squeeze705. constituent = electorate, component, part706. constraint = something that limits what you can do707. correlation = mutual relationship, association708. corrugate = to wrinkle or draw into folds709. depose = testify, to remove from a high position710. depreciate = To lessen the worth of711. determinate = Definitely limited or fixed, conclusive712. dexterous = skillful, adroit713. dwindle = To diminish or become less714. earthy = crude715. entity = being, existence716. equity = impartiality, justice717. equivocal = Ambiguous, open to two interpretations718. eulogy = high praise719. exotic = Foreign, romantic720. extemporaneous = unrehearsed721. fabricate = construct722. fallible = Capable of erring723. felicitous = very appropriate, pertinent724. flair = a natural aptitude725. flaunt = to show off726. flora = plants727. fraudulent = Counterfeit728. fusion = union, coalition729. germinate = To begin to develop into an embryo or higher form730. heterogeneous = composed of unlike parts, different731. hypothetical = theoretical, speculative732. immune = Exempt, as from disease733. imprudent = unwise734. inception = The beginning735. inconsequential = Valueless736. indefatigable = never getting tired737. indicative = suggestive, implying738. indisputable = not disputed, unquestioned739. infantile = childish, immature740. ingenuous = naïve and unsophisticated741. injurious = harmful742. innovate = to invent, modernize743. integrity = decency, honest, wholeness744. intermittent = starting and stopping

745. introspective = looking within oneself746. introvert = To turn within747. invoke = request assistance or protection748. iota = A small mark or part749. irreverent = disrespectful750. jaundice = disease of yellowish discoloration of skin751. lackluster = dull, dreary, colorless752. laudable = Praiseworthy753. lexicon = A dictionary754. litigation = lawsuit755. lunar = related to the moon756. luscious = Rich, sweet, and delicious757. metaphor = figure of speech comparing two different things758. microcosm = The world on a small scale759. migratory = Wandering from place to place with the seasons760. mishap = Misfortune761. mnemonic = related to memory762. monotony = A lack of variation763. omnivorous = eating everything764. opportunist = One who takes advantage of circumstances765. orifice = a small opening766. overt = open to view767. paradox = seemingly in contradiction768. parasite = one who lives at another's expense769. patent = the right to make or sell a new invention770. pediatrician = a child doctor771. perusal = reading carefully772. plenitude = Abundance773. polyglot = Speaking several tongues774. propagate = To spread775. reactionary = related to, or favoring reaction776. reciprocate = To give and take mutually777. regimen = government rule, systematic plan778. rehabilitate = To restore to a former status779. reminiscence = remembrance of past events780. renegade = rebel, dissident781. resilient = the quality of springing back782. retroactive = applying to an earlier time783. sensual = related to the physical senses784. strident = rough, harsh, caustic, loud785. subliminal = subconscious, imperceptible786. superannuated = retired787. superficial = shallow and phony788. supple = Easily bent789. synchronous = happening at the same time790. tainted = contaminated, corrupt

791. talisman = an object supposed to bring good luck792. theocracy = government by the priests793. therapeutic = medicinal794. tortuous = with bends or turns795. transcend = To surpass796. transmute = To change in nature or form797. tribute = a gift or statement showing respect798. turbulence = violent agitation799. unobtrusive = inconspicuous, not blatant800. vent = small opening, outlet801. verisimilitude = appearance of being true802. versatile = adaptable, all-purpose803. vicarious = substitute, surrogate804. viscous = sticky, gluey, thick805. warranty = guarantee of a product's soundness806. wax = increase, grow807. weather = endure the effects of weather or other forces808. yoke = join together, unite809. temporal = limited by time, secular, not lasting forever810. tenacious = persistent811. tendentious = biased812. tenet = doctrine, principle813. tensile = capable of being stretched814. tenuous = thin, insubstantial815. tepid = lukewarm816. terse = concise, brief817. tether = tie down, tie with a rope818. thrall = slave819. thwart = to block or prevent from happening820. timorous = fearful, timid821. tirade = scolding speech822. toady = fawner, sycophant823. torpid = lethargic, inactive824. transient = fleeting, temporary825. translucent = clear, lucid, almost transparent826. travesty = caricature, farce, parody827. trenchant = incisive, penetrating828. trepidation = fear829. trite = commonplace, insincere830. truculent = fierce, savage, tending to argue a lot831. truism = self-evident truth832. tryst = meeting, rendezvous833. tumult = commotion834. turbid = muddy, clouded835. turgid = Swollen, not flowing836. turpitude = Depravity, evil

837. tyro = beginner838. umbrage = resentment839. unctuous = insincere840. unkempt = messy in appearance841. unsullied = spotless842. usurp = seize, to appropriate843. usury = overcharge, lending money at illegal rates of interest844. vacillate = To waver845. vacuous = inane, empty, not showing intelligence or purpose846. vapid = vacuous, insipid847. venal = willing to do wrong for money848. vendetta = grudge, feud849. venerable = respected because of age850. verdant = green, lush851. vex = annoy, to irritate852. vicissitude = changing fortunes853. vie = compete854. vignette = scene, decorative design855. vilify = defame856. vindicate = free from blame857. virile = manly858. virulent = deadly, poisonous859. vitiate = spoil, ruin860. vitriolic = scathing, burning861. vociferous = adamant, clamoring862. volition = free will863. voluminous = bulky, extensive, or great quantity864. wallow = indulge, luxuriate865. wan = sickly pale866. wane = dissipate, wither867. wary = guarded, careful868. welter = confusion, hodgepodge869. whet = stimulate, to sharpen870. wily = shrewd, clever871. winsome = charming872. wizened = shriveled873. wraith = ghost874. wry = twisted, amusing875. zephyr = gentle breeze, west wind876. 5877. amphibian = creature that lives on land and water878. anachronism = Anything occurring or existing out of its proper time879. angular = Sharp-cornered or sharp angled880. anthropomorphous = Nonhuman having or resembling human form or

quality881. apothegm = a short saying

882. appraise = assess, evaluate the value883. arable = suitable for cultivation884. asperity = roughness of temper885. assay = to analyze or estimate886. audit = formal examination of final records887. augury = prophecy or prediction of events888. aver = to declare to be true889. aversion = intense dislike890. aviary = cage where birds are kept891. banter = to tease playfully and in good humor892. beatific = supremely happy, angelic, saintly893. benighted = un enlightened894. benison = Blessing895. blanch = bleach, whiten, to take the color out896. bludgeon = to hit someone several times with a heavy object897. bolster = To support or make something strong898. burnish = To make brilliant or shining899. canny = clever and able to think quickly, especially about money or

business900. carnal = of the flesh, sensual901. carp = to find faults, complain constantly902. cavalcade = a procession or sequence903. celerity = quick moving or acting904. cession = Surrender, as of possessions or rights905. champ = to chew noisily906. chastise = to criticize or punish someone907. chattel = piece of personal property908. churlish = rude, ungracious909. circumscribe = To confine within bounds910. clairvoyant = who can see the future, having ESP911. collate = to sort or put in proper order912. complaisant = Agreeable, friendly913. consequential = important914. contumacious = rebellious915. cuisine = cookery, style of cooking916. culmination = climax, final stage917. curator = in charge of a library or museum918. daunt = to frighten, subdue919. declivity = a place that declines or slopes downwards920. deranged = insane, delirious, maniacal921. derivative = copied or adapted, not original922. descry = To discern, to discover or reveal923. diffidence = shyness, lack of confidence924. dirge = lament with music, funeral hymn925. discomfit = To put to confusion, discomfort926. discordant = harsh-sounding, badly out of tune

927. dissimulate = to disguise928. distaff = the female branch of a family929. dolt = a stupid person930. domineer = to rule over something in a tyrannical way931. doughty = brave, dauntless932. dross = waste matter, worthless impurities933. dyspeptic = suffering from indigestion, gloomy and irritable934. effluvium = noxious smells935. effusive = expressing emotion without restraint936. elation = exhilaration, joy937. eloquence = fluent and effective speech938. emollient = cream for softening, making supple939. ensconce = to hide safely, settle comfortably940. enunciate = verbalize, articulate941. epilogue = The close of a narrative or poem942. epitome = A simplified representation943. equestrian = one who rides on horseback944. excoriate = to denounce945. exculpate = to clear of blame or fault946. expatiate = to discuss in detail, elaborate947. expatriate = who does not live in one's own country948. expurgate = to purify by removing obscenities949. extrinsic = not inherent or essential, coming from without950. extrovert = an outgoing person951. fell = to chop, cut down952. fervid = fervent, passionate953. fetter = to restrain, to bind954. finicky = meticulous, fussy955. fissure = a crack or break956. flaccid = limp, flabby, weak957. flamboyant = Characterized by extravagance958. fluster = confuse959. forbearance = Patient endurance or toleration of offenses960. forte = A strong point961. fractious = wayward, unruly, disorderly962. frenzied = feverishly fast, hectic963. funereal = mournful, appropriate to a funeral964. gall = bitterness, nerve965. gambol = Playful leaping or frisking966. gaunt = thin, emaciated967. gustatory = relevant to the sense of tasting968. hallow = to make holy969. hoary = white, old970. holocaust = widespread destruction971. ignominious = Shameful972. impious = not devout in religion

973. implacable = doubtful, dubious974. improvident = lacking foresight or thrift975. incarnadine = blood-red in color976. indenture = bound to another by contract977. interstice = a small space between things978. iridescent = showing many colors979. jettison = to throw overboard, abandon980. jingoism = extremely aggressive and militant patriotism981. lackadaisical = Listless, idle982. languor = Lassitude of body or depression983. lapidary = relating to precious stones984. latitude = freedom from narrow limitations985. lionize = treat as a celebrity986. loiter = dawdle, loaf987. lull = moment of calm988. maritime = Situated on or near the sea989. megalomania = mental state with delusions of wealth and power990. mendacious = Untrue991. meretricious = Alluring by false or gaudy show992. molt = to shed hair, skin periodically993. monastic = related to monks994. morbid = abnormally gloomy995. naiveté = a lack of worldly wisdom996. nihilism = a belief in nothing, extreme skepticism997. nomadic = moving from place to place998. non sequitur = an irrelevant conclusion999. nuptial = relating to marriage1000. objurgate = to chide, scold1001. opalescent = iridescent, displaying colors1002. ornithologist = scientist who studies birds1003. orotund = pompously said1004. palette = board for mixing paints1005. pastiche = imitation of another's style1006. patricide = murder of one's own father1007. peculation = theft of money or goods1008. pediment = triangular gable on a roof or façade1009. penumbra = partial shadow in an eclipse1010. permeable = penetrable1011. philology = study of words1012. plaintiff = injured person in a lawsuit1013. plangent = plaintive, resounding sadly1014. politic = expedient, prudent, well devised1015. potable = suitable for drinking1016. presentiment = sense of foreboding1017. primordial = existing at the beginning, rudimentary1018. pummel = beat, attack

1019. putrid = dirty, rotten1020. quintessence = The most essential part of anything1021. ramshackle = dilapidated, falling to pieces1022. ratiocination = reasoning1023. raucous = Harsh sounding1024. ravenous = extremely hungry1025. rectitude = moral uprightness1026. refectory = dining hall1027. remediable = capable of being corrected1028. remonstrate = to protest or object1029. retinue = group of attendants1030. rococo = ornate, highly decorated1031. roil = to disturb or cause disorder1032. salubrious = healthy1033. serenity = calm, peacefulness1034. serrated = toothed, with a zigzag edge1035. sinuous = Curving in and out1036. slough = to discard or shed1037. sluggard = lazy, inactive person1038. sophist = person good at arguing deviously1039. sophomoric = immature and overconfident1040. staccato = marked by abrupt, clear-cut sounds1041. succinct = Concise1042. synthetic = artificial, imitation1043. threnody = a sad poem or song, dirge1044. tremulous = trembling, fearful1045. tundra = treeless plain found in Arctic or sub arctic regions1046. upbraid = to scold sharply1047. vagrant = An idle wanderer1048. variegated = many-colored1049. vaunted = boasted, bragged1050. veracious = truthful, accurate1051. verity = Truth1052. vernal = related to spring1053. wrangle = loud quarrel1054. 61055. abase = lower, humiliate1056. abash = humiliate, embarrass1057. abdicate = give up power or position1058. abeyance = postponement, temporary suspension1059. abhor = detest, loathe1060. abjure = renounce, to formally reject or abandon1061. ablution = cleansing, washing1062. abortive = unsuccessful, interruptive while incomplete1063. abrogate = cancel, to abolish by authority1064. absolve = acquit, to forgive or free from blame

1065. abstruse = difficult to comprehend1066. abut = touch, border on1067. abysmal = deficient, sub par1068. accede = yield, express approval, agree to1069. acclimate = accustom oneself to a climate1070. acclivity = ascent, incline1071. accolade = applause, praise1072. accost = to approach and speak to someone1073. accouter = equip1074. acme = summit, highest point1075. acquiesce = to agree, comply passively1076. acrid = harsh, bitter, pungent, caustic1077. acrimonious = caustic, bitter1078. actuate = induce, start1079. acumen = sharpness of insight1080. adamant = insistent, uncompromising, unyielding1081. adduce = offer as example1082. adjunct = addition, something added, attached, or joined1083. admonish = warn gently, caution, or reprimand1084. adroit = skillful, accomplished, highly competent1085. adulation = applause, high praise1086. advent = arrival1087. adventitious = accidental1088. aegis = that which protects1089. affect = influence1090. affray = public brawl1091. agape = openmouthed, wonder1092. aggrandize = exaggerate, to make larger or greater in power1093. aghast = horrified1094. alacrity = swiftness, speed, cheerful willingness, eagerness1095. allay = to reassure; to lessen, ease, or soothe1096. allege = assert without proof1097. allegory = fable, symbolic representation1098. alliteration = repetition of the same sound1099. allude = refer to indirectly1100. amenable = agreeable1101. amiss = wrong, out of place1102. amity = Friendship1103. amorous = strongly attracted to love; showing love1104. amorphous = shapeless1105. amortize = to diminish by installment payments1106. amuck = murderous frenzy1107. anarchist = terrorist1108. animadversion = critical remark1109. animus = hate1110. annals = historical records

1111. apocalyptic = ominous, doomed1112. apoplexy = stroke1113. appall = horrify1114. apparition = phantom1115. appellation = title, name1116. apposite = apt1117. apropos = Appropriate1118. arbiter = judge1119. archetype = original model1120. argot = slang1121. aria = operatic song1122. array = arrangement1123. arroyo = gully1124. artifice = trick1125. aseptic = sterile1126. atelier = workshop1127. avuncular = like an uncle1128. azure = sky blue1129. badger = To pester1130. badinage = banter, teasing conversation1131. bagatelle = nonentity, trifle1132. bandy = discuss lightly1133. bard = poet1134. baroque = ornate1135. bask = take pleasure in, sun1136. bauble = A trinket, trifle1137. beatitude = state of bliss1138. begrudge = resent, envy1139. beholden = in debt1140. bereft = deprived of1141. beset = harass, surround1142. besmirch = slander, sully1143. bicameral = having two legislative branches1144. bivouac = encampment1145. blase = bored with life1146. bode = portend1147. bogus = forged, false1148. brackish = salty1149. bucolic = rustic1150. burlesque = farce1151. cache = hiding place1152. cadaverous = haggard1153. callow = inexperienced1154. canine = pertaining to dogs1155. captious = fond of finding fault in others1156. carafe = bottle

1157. cardinal = chief1158. carrion = decaying flesh1159. cascade = small waterfall1160. casuistry = clever argument to trick people1161. cauterize = to sear1162. chafe = abrade1163. chaste = pure, virgin1164. chasten = castigate1165. cipher = zero1166. cleft = split1167. clique = a small group1168. cloven = split1169. codicil = supplement to a will1170. cogitate = ponder1171. cognizant = aware1172. cohere = To stick together1173. cohort = an associate1174. comport = to conduct oneself1175. conch = spiral shell1176. concordat = Agreement1177. condescend = patronize, talk down to, to treat someone as though you are

better1178. condiment = seasoning1179. condolence = sympathy for the family or friends of a person who has

recently died1180. coniferous = bearing cones1181. consort = spouse1182. contagion = infectious agent1183. contingent = conditional1184. contort = twist1185. controvert = dispute1186. cordon = bond, chain1187. corollary = consequence1188. corpulent = fat1189. cortege = procession1190. coruscate = sparkle1191. covenant = agreement, pact1192. crestfallen = dejected1193. crevice = crack1194. cruet = small bottle1195. cull = pick out, select1196. culvert = drain1197. curry = seek favor by flattery1198. cynosure = celebrity1199. dank = damp1200. dauntless = courageous

1201. deadpan = expressionless1202. debonair = sophisticated, affable1203. decant = pour1204. decrepitude = enfeeblement1205. defamation = slander1206. deflect = turn aside1207. defray = pay1208. deign = condescend1209. delirium = mental confusion, ecstasy1210. delve = dig, explore (of ideas)1211. demeanor = behavior1212. demented = deranged1213. demure = sedate, reserved1214. denizen = dweller1215. denouement = resolution1216. deposition = testimony1217. depredation = preying on, plunder1218. derelict = negligent1219. desolate = forsaken1220. desuetude = disuse1221. dialectic = pertaining to debate1222. diminution = Reduction1223. disconcert = confuse1224. discretion = prudence1225. dishevel = muss1226. disinter = unearth1227. disinterested = Impartial1228. disputatious = fond of arguing1229. disquisition = elaborate treatise1230. dissolute = profligate, immoral1231. dissonance = Discord1232. distrait = preoccupied, absent-minded1233. doggerel = poor verse1234. dolorous = gloomy1235. dregs = residue, riffraff1236. drone = speak in a monotonic voice1237. duenna = governess1238. ecclesiastical = churchly1239. eclat = brilliance1240. educe = draw forth, evoke1241. effete = worn out1242. effusion = pouring forth1243. elegiac = sad1244. emblazon = imprint, brand1245. embryonic = rudimentary1246. emeritus = retired, but retaining title

1247. enamored = charmed, captivated1248. enclave = area enclosed within another region1249. engross = captivate1250. epoch = era1251. escapade = adventure1252. eviscerate = disembowel1253. ex officio = by virtue of position1254. excision = removal1255. exegesis = interpretation1256. exigency = urgency1257. exiguous = scanty1258. expletive = oath1259. extant = existing1260. extirpate = seek out and destroy1261. extrude = force out1262. facet = aspect1263. factious = causing disagreement1264. factitious = artificial1265. factotum = handyman1266. faux pas = false step, mistake1267. febrile = feverish, delirious1268. ferment = turmoil1269. ferret = rummage through1270. fervor = intensity1271. fester = decay1272. 71273. festive = joyous1274. fete = to honor1275. fiat = decree1276. firebrand = agitator1277. flagellate = whip1278. flail = whip1279. foray = raid1280. fortitude = patience, courage1281. fret = worry1282. fritter = squander1283. frivolity = playfulness1284. fruition = realization, completion1285. galvanize = excite to action1286. gamut = range1287. garnish = decorate1288. genealogy = ancestry1289. genesis = beginning1290. genuflect = kneel in reverence1291. ghastly = horrible1292. glean = gather

1293. gnome = dwarf-like being1294. gorge = stuff, satiate1295. gory = bloody1296. grapple = struggle1297. grisly = gruesome1298. guffaw = laughter1299. gusto = Keen enjoyment1300. guttural = throaty1301. haggard = gaunt1302. halcyon = serene1303. hale = healthy1304. hamper = obstruct1305. harbor = give shelter, conceal1306. harridan = hag or an ugly old woman1307. harry = harass1308. heedless = careless1309. hegira = a journey to a more pleasant place1310. hibernal = wintry1311. histrionic = overly dramatic1312. homily = sermon1313. horde = group1314. hortatory = inspiring good deeds1315. hovel = shanty, cabin1316. hoyden = tomboy, boisterous girl1317. hubris = arrogance1318. hummock = knoll, mound1319. humus = soil1320. ichthyology = study of fish1321. idyllic = natural, picturesque1322. immolate = sacrifice1323. impale = pierce1324. impetus = stimulus, spark1325. impinge = encroach, touch1326. imponderable = difficult to estimate1327. imprimatur = sanction1328. impunity = exemption from harm1329. impute = charge1330. inalienable = that which cannot be taken away1331. incantation = chant1332. incapacitate = disable1333. inclement = harsh1334. incriminate = accuse1335. incubus = nightmare1336. ineffable = inexpressible1337. ineluctable = inescapable1338. infidel = nonbeliever

1339. influx = inflow1340. infraction = violation1341. inimitable = peerless1342. iniquitous = unjust, wicked1343. inopportune = untimely1344. inordinate = excessive1345. insensate = without feeling1346. insouciant = nonchalant1347. insubordinate = disobedient1348. integument = a covering1349. inveigle = lure1350. irresolute = hesitant, uncertain1351. jejune = barren1352. jostle = push, brush against1353. ken = range of comprehension1354. knave = con man1355. knead = massage1356. lacerate = tear, cut1357. lackey = servant1358. laity = laymen1359. lambent = softly radiant1360. lave = wash1361. lax = loose, careless1362. lectern = reading desk1363. limn = portray, describe1364. litany = list1365. litotes = understatement for emphasis1366. lout = goon1367. lupine = wolf-like1368. luxuriant = lush1369. maim = injure1370. manacle = shackle1371. marauder = plunderer1372. masticate = chew1373. matriarch = matron1374. maul = rough up1375. mausoleum = tomb1376. mayhem = mutilation1377. medley = mixture1378. melee = riot1379. mellifluous = sweet sounding1380. menial = humble, degrading1381. mete = distribute1382. miasma = toxin1383. mien = appearance, demeanor1384. minion = subordinate

1385. minutiae = trivia1386. mire = marsh1387. miscegenation = intermarriage between races1388. miscellany = mixture of items1389. modish = chic1390. molten = melted1391. monolithic = large and uniform1392. mortify = humiliate1393. mottled = spotted1394. mountebank = charlatan1395. muffle = stifle, quiet1396. mulct = defraud1397. muse = ponder1398. muster = to gather one's forces1399. noncommittal = neutral, circumspect1400. nonplus = bring to a halt by confusion1401. nubile = marriageable1402. nugatory = useless, worthless1403. oaf = awkward person1404. obelisk = tall column, monument1405. obituary = eulogy1406. oblation = offering, sacrifice1407. obliquity = perversity1408. odoriferous = pleasant odor1409. offal = inedible parts of a butchered animal1410. offertory = church collection1411. ogle = flirt1412. onus = burden1413. opprobrium = disgrace1414. opus = literary work of musical composition1415. orison = prayer1416. paleontologist = one who studies fossils1417. palpitate = beat, throb1418. pandemonium = din, commotion1419. pander = cater to people's baser instincts1420. pantomime = mime1421. papyrus = paper1422. paramour = lover1423. parapet = rampart, defense1424. paroxysm = outburst, convulsion1425. parsimonious = stingy1426. parvenu = newcomer, social climber1427. passe = outmoded1428. pastoral = rustic1429. peculate = embezzle, steal1430. pedantic = bookish

1431. pell-mell = in a confused manner1432. penurious = stingy1433. peregrination = wandering1434. perforce = by necessity1435. perigee = point when moon is nearest to the earth1436. perjury = lying1437. peroration = conclusion of an oration1438. petrify = calcify, shock1439. petty = trivial1440. petulant = irritable, peevish1441. picaresque = roguish, adventurous1442. pied = mottled, brindled1443. piquant = tart-tasting, spicy1444. platonic = nonsexual1445. plebiscite = referendum1446. plumb = measure1447. polity = methods of government1448. poltroon = coward1449. portend = signify, augur1450. prate = babble1451. preamble = introduction1452. preternatural = abnormal1453. prim = formal, prudish1454. primogeniture = first-born child1455. primp = groom1456. proboscis = snout1457. prod = urge1458. profusion = overabundance1459. propellant = rocket fuel1460. prophylactic = preventive1461. propound = propose1462. proscenium = platform, rostrum1463. prosody = study of poetic structure1464. provender = dry food, fodder1465. proviso = stipulation1466. puissant = strong1467. purblind = obtuse, dim-sighted1468. purgatory = limbo, netherworld1469. purloin = To steal1470. purview = range, understanding1471. putative = reputed1472. quail = shrink, cower1473. quaint = old-fashioned1474. qualms = misgivings1475. quarry = prey, game1476. quay = wharf

1477. queasy = squeamish1478. quip = joke1479. quirk = eccentricity1480. quizzical = odd1481. quorum = majority1482. rabid = mad, furious1483. raiment = clothing1484. rankle = cause bitterness, resentment1485. realm = kingdom, domain1486. reconnaissance = surveillance1487. recrimination = countercharge, retaliation1488. recumbent = reclining1489. redolent = fragrant1490. redoubtable = formidable, steadfast1491. redundant = repetitious1492. reek = smell1493. refraction = bending, deflection1494. regale = entertain1495. remiss = Negligent1496. remnant = residue, fragment1497. remorse = guilt1498. rend = to tear apart1499. render = deliver, provide1500. rendezvous = a meeting1501. rendition = version, interpretation1502. reparation = amends, atonement1503. repartee = witty conversation1504. repellent = causing aversion1505. repercussion = consequence1506. repine = fret1507. reprieve = temporary suspension1508. reprimand = rebuke1509. reprisal = retaliation1510. retaliate = revenge1511. retribution = reprisal1512. reverent = respectful1513. reverie = daydream1514. rigor = harshness1515. rime = white frost1516. risible = laughable1517. roseate = rosy, optimistic1518. roster = list of people1519. rout = vanquish1520. rubicund = ruddy, having healthy reddish color1521. ruffian = brutal person, bully1522. rummage = hunt

1523. ruse = trick1524. sacerdotal = priestly1525. salutary = good, wholesome1526. sanctimonious = self-righteous1527. sang-froid = coolness under fire1528. sanguinary = gory, murderous1529. sapid = interesting1530. sarcophagus = stone coffin1531. sartorial = pertaining to clothes1532. sate = satisfy fully1533. saturnine = gloomy1534. satyr = demigod, goat-man1535. savoir-faire = tact, polish1536. savor = enjoy1537. scarify = criticize1538. scurry = move briskly1539. scuttle = to sink1540. sebaceous = like fat1541. seclusion = solitude1542. sedulous = diligent1543. seethe = fume, resent1544. semblance = likeness1545. senescence = old age1546. sepulcher = tomb1547. sequacious = eager to follow, ductile1548. serried = saw-toothed1549. shibboleth = password1550. shoal = reef1551. shrew = virago1552. sidereal = pertaining to the stars1553. sinewy = fibrous, stringy1554. skinflint = miser1555. skittish = excitable1556. skullduggery = trickery1557. slander = defame1558. sleight = dexterity1559. slither = slide1560. smattering = superficial knowledge1561. smirk = smug look1562. snivel = whine1563. solvent = financially sound1564. somatic = pertaining to the body1565. spasmodic = intermittent1566. spate = sudden outpouring1567. spectral = ghostly1568. splenetic = peevish

1569. spry = nimble1570. spume = foam1571. stanza = division of a poem1572. stoke = prod, fuel1573. stratum = layer1574. stupor = lethargy1575. sub rosa = in secret1576. substantiate = verify1577. substantive = substantial1578. succor = help, comfort1579. succumb = yield, submit1580. suffuse = pervade, permeate1581. sultry = sweltering1582. sunder = split1583. sundry = various1584. supernumerary = subordinate1585. suture = surgical stitch1586. sylvan = rustic1587. tantalize = tease1588. taper = candle1589. tarn = small lake1590. tarry = linger1591. taurine = bull-like1592. taut = tight, stretched1593. temperate = moderate1594. tempo = speed1595. tentative = provisional1596. tenure = status given after a period of time1597. terrapin = turtle1598. testy = petulant1599. thespian = actor1600. throes = anguish1601. throng = crowd1602. timbre = tonal quality, resonance1603. Titanic = huge1604. tithe = donate one-tenth1605. titular = in name only, figurehead1606. tocsin = alarm bell, signal1607. touchstone = standard1608. traduce = slander1609. travail = work, drudgery1610. tribunal = court1611. troglodyte = cave dweller1612. truckle = yield1613. tutelage = guardianship1614. tyranny = oppression

1615. unassuming = modest1616. uncouth = uncultured, crude1617. undulate = surge, fluctuate1618. uniformity = sameness1619. unsavory = distasteful, offensive1620. unscathed = unhurt1621. unseemly = unbecoming, improper1622. untenable = cannot be achieved1623. ursine = bear-like1624. uxorious = a doting husband1625. vagary = whim1626. vainglorious = conceited1627. valor = bravery1628. vanguard = leading position1629. vassal = subject1630. vehement = adamant1631. veneer = false front, façade1632. venial = excusable1633. venturesome = bold, risky1634. viand = food1635. victuals = food1636. visage = facial expression1637. viscid = thick, gummy1638. vitreous = glassy1639. vituperative = abusive1640. votary = fan, aficionado1641. vouchsafe = confer, bestow1642. vulpine = fox-like1643. waggish = playful1644. wastrel = spendthrift1645. waylay = ambush1646. wean = remove from nursing, break a habit1647. wheedle = coax1648. whimsical = capricious1649. wince = cringe1650. winnow = separate1651. wither = shrivel1652. wont = custom1653. wrath = anger, fury1654. wreak = inflict1655. wrest = snatch1656. writhe = contort1657. yen = desire1658. yore = long ago

9aberration = different from normal or usual

abettor = encouragerabnegation = repudiation, self-sacrificeabominate = to hateabrade = to rub off a surfaceabstemious = Characterized by self denial or abstinenceaccretion = grow in size or increase in amountacerbity = bitterness of speech or temperacetic = related to vinegaracidulous = sour in taste or manneracquiescence = Passive consentacquittal = release from blame (as by a court)actuarial = calculatingacuity = sharpnessaddiction = compulsive, habitual needaddle = To make inefficient or unable to thinkadjuration = solemn urgingadjure = to request solemnlyadmonition = Genteelly point out mistakeagility = nimblenessagitation = excitement, uneasinessalimentary = supplying nourishmentallure = appeal, attractallusion = indirect referencealluvial = soil deposits left by riversamalgamate = To mix or join together to become oneamazon = female warriorambrosia = food of the Greek gods that provided immortal youth & beauty, anything sweet and pleasingandirons = metal supports in a fireplaceanneal = to gradually heat and cool in order to soften, reduce brittlenessannuity = An annual payment or incomeantecede = To precedeanthropoid = manlikeapiary = A place where bees are keptapogee = The climaxapothecary = One who keeps drugs for sale and puts up prescriptionsappurtenances = subordinate possessionsaquiline = like an eagle, bent, booked, curvedarcade = a roofed passage between shopsarchaeology = the study of ancient cultures by looking for and examining their buildings, toolsaromatic = fragrantarrant = Notoriously badasceticism = doctrine of self-denialassessment = estimationastronomical = enormously large or extensive

athwart = across, oppositionaureole = sun's corona, haloauroral = pertaining to the aurora borealisauscultation = act of listening to the heart or lungs to discover abnormalitiesausterity = quality of being self disciplinedbaffle = to frustrate or unable to understandbandanna = large, bright-colored handkerchiefbarb = sharp projection from fishhookbarrage = a lot of questions or criticismbarter = to give in exchange rather than paying moneybassoon = reed instrument of the woodwind familybate = let down, restrainbawdy = indecent, obscenebedizen = dress with vulgar finerybedraggle = wet thoroughlybefuddle = confuse thoroughlybehoove = to be fit, to be rightbenignant = Benevolent in feeling, characterbereavement = state of being deprived of something valuable or belovedbete noire = aversionbetrothal = Engagement to marrybibulous = Fond of drinkingbigotry = discrimination, prejudiceblasphemous = profane, impiousblazon = print or decorate something in a very noticeable wayblurt = to say something suddenly and without thinking, especially when you are excited or nervousboorish = Rudebouillon = clear beef soupBowdlerize = To expurgate in editingbraggadocio = someone who boastsbrazier = An open pan or basin for holding live coalsbrindled = tawny or grayish with streaks or spotsbrittle = Fragilebrocade = rich, gaudy fabricbrooch = a piece of jewelry for women which is fastened onto clothes with a pinbuffoonery = coarse jokes, etcbugaboo = bugbear, object of baseless terrorbumptious = full of offensive self-conceitbungle = to do something wrong in a very careless or stupid waybuskin = thick-soled half boot worn by actors of Greek tragedybuxom = plump, vigorous, jollycameo = when someone famous appears for a short time in a film or playcanker = any ulcerous sore, any evilcanto = part of an extended poemcaparison = showy harnesser, ornamentation for a horse

caprice = A whimcarillon = a set of bells capable of being playedcarmine = rich redcarousal = To drink deeply and in boisterous or jovial mannercarte blanche = complete freedom to do what you wantcaryatid = sculptured column of a female figurecaste = one of the hereditary classes in Hindu societycatapult = slingshotcatechism = book for religious instructioncensor = to prohibit publication by lawcentaur = mythical figure, half man and half horsecerebration = thoughtchaff = worthless products of an endeavorchasm = a long, deep, narrow hole in rock or icechiropodist = one who treats disorders of the feetchivalrous = courteous to ladiesciliated = having minute hairs, one-celled animalcirclet = small ring, bandclangor = loud, resounding noiseclarion = shrill, trumpet like soundclavicle = collarboneclimactic = relating to the highest pointclime = region, climatecoadjutor = assistant, colleaguecockade = decoration worn on hatcoeval = living at the same time as contemporarycog = a spoke in a wheel, a small and unimportant personcohesion = consistencycolander = utensil with perforated bottom used for strainingcollage = a picture made by sticking small pieces of paper or other materialscollier = worker in coal mine, ship carrying coalcolossal = hugecomely = a woman who is attractive in appearancecomestible = something fit to be eatencomeuppance = rebuke, one's deserved fate or punishmentcomity = courteousness, civilityconclave = private meetingcondign = adequate, deservedly severeconnivance = pretence of ignorance of something wrong, assistance or permission to offendconnubial = related to marriage or matrimonycormorant = greedy, rapacious birdcornice = a decorative border around the walls of a room close to the ceilingcorsair = pirate shipcovetous = very desirous of something, avaricious, greedycoy = shy, modest

cozen = cheat, hoodwink, swindlecrabbed = sour, peevishcredo = a set of beliefscrepuscular = pertaining to twilightcrone = hagcrotchet = a fancy, a whim, an eccentricitycul-de-sac = a blind alley, a trapdappled = spotteddastard = A base cowarddaub = to paint carelessly, to smeardawdle = to waste time by trifling, to move slowlydebenture = bond issued to secure a loandecollete = having a low-necked dressdecrepit = Enfeebled, as by old age or some chronic infirmitydeducible = derived by reasoningdefalcate = to misuse money put in trustdefection = desertiondeify = To regard as a goddeliquescent = capable of absorbing moisture from air and becoming liquiddelusion = Mistaken convictiondelusive = deceptive, raising vain hopesdemesne = domaindemolition = destructiondemoniacal = related to evil spirits, devilishdenotation = the exact literary meaning of a word, designation, definitiondepilate = remove hairderision = Ridiculedermatologist = one who studies the skin and its diseasesdescant = discuss fullydesideratum = that which is desireddespoil = to bereave, rob, plunder, strip of possessionsdespotism = Any severe and strict ruledetergent = cleansing agentdetonation = explosiondevolve = to roll down, to hand downdiadem = crowndint = means, effortdipsomaniac = a person having an uncontrollable desire for alcohol, inebriatedisapprobation = rejection, disapprovaldisavowal = Denialdishabille = in a state of undressdishearten = discourage, lose spiritdismember = cut into small partsdisport = amusedissuasion = advise againstdivergent = Tending in different directions

divination = The forecast of future events or discovery of what is lost or hiddendocket = a list of cases to be dealt withdoddering = shaky, infirm from old agedoff = take offdorsal = belonging to the back side, posterior, taildouse = to plunge into water, to extinguishdowdy = slovenly, untidydrudgery = Hard and constant work in any dull occupationdurance = confinementeclipse = The obstruction of Sun by moon, or of moon by eartheerie = weirdefflorescent = opening in flowerelusory = tending to deceive expectationselysian = relating to paradise, blissfulemanate = to express a feeling or quality through the way one looksemendation = corrections of errorsemetic = a medicine that causes vomitingemolument = salary or fees for a job, remuneration, pay scaleempyreal = celestial, fieryencomiastic = praising, eulogistic_________________Admin,drrajusgre.comYour Ad HereBack to top View user's profile Send private message Display posts from previous: Post new topic Reply to topic Dr Raju's Institute of Graduate Studies Abroad Forum Index -> 1800 MOST FREQUENT GRE WORD LIST All times are GMTPage 1 of 1

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