Doorkeeper: HAttention Members of the House of ... · Doorkeeper: HAttention Members of the House...


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Doorkeeper: HAttention Members of the House of Representativesy the

House will convene in fifteen minutes. Attentfon Members of the

House of Representatives, the House will convene fn five minutea.

Al1 persons not entitled to the House floor please retire to

the gallery.'lk

Speaker Redmond: HThe House will come to order. Members please be in 1,

their seats, be 1ed in prayer by the Reverend Krueger, the House


Rev. Krueger: MIn the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

Amen. 0 Lord: bless this House to Thy service this day. Amen.

Charles Kingsley said: 'The men whom I have seen succeed have

always been cheerful and hopeful, who went about their bustness

with a smile on their faces, and took the changes and chances of

this mortal ltfe like menwl Let us pray. Almfghty Cod, with

Ilom tizere is no variableness, we beseech Thee to lcok upon the

Members of this Illinois House of Representatfves with Thy favour.

As they perform their duties to effect such legislation that is

' in harmony with Thy Divfne Law, grant them special grace to pur-

sue cheerfully that which they believe. Temper them when they

succeed and provide thèm with charity when they fail. And, 0

Lord, in a11 tbings may they be kindly affectioned one to another.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen/'

Speaker Redmond: 'fRo11 Call for attendance. Representative Nalsh is

fn the chamber. Representative Ryan, do you have any excused

absences? Representative Ryan.''

Ryan: îfYes, Mr. Speakery Representative Keats fs absent due to illness.

That's the only one I got.''

speaker Redmond: ''May the record so show. A11 unauthorized persons

leave the floor. Representative Madigan, do you have any ex-

cused absences? Representative Ryanof'

Ryan: MAdd Representative Kucharski to the absent... excused absence

list because of illness.''

Speaker Redmond: HThere any objections? Hearing noney Representative' Kucharski's name will be added to the excused absences. Messagespe'

Clerk O'Brien: ''I received a message f rom the Secretary of State f or-

warding a Total Veto Message to House Bi11 9 , Specfal Session 1;

-i;-suy4y:%. - es G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y a - 1- 7 8/ , ( 'tfl ' . . û s'rxvx oe luulaolsl . :*k

. ''

.P=' # pousl o' I'/PPEIENTATIV'E/x.v.xx.zae,. 0%


an Amendatory Veto Message from the Governor on House Bi11 24359

Speaker Redmond: ''The Gentleman from Depaul, Representative Leinenweber.î'

Leinenweber: 'Yr. Speaker, I'm looking at today's Calendary House Cal-

endar, Wednesday, March 1. I don't see l-isted anywhere the

order of sports scores. Is tbat an oversight on the part of

the Clerk?''

Speaker Redmond: ''The order of wbat?''

Leinenweber: ''Sports scores.''

Speaker Redmond: ''The Gentleman from Depaul fs basking in his glory.

You dfdn't go to that meeting of the thirty people did you?''

Leinenweber: ''Go to the meeting? I was the meetlng.''

Speaker Redmond: Mloint Resolutions.fî

Clerk O'Brien: l'House Joint Resolution 68. Resolved by the House of

Representatives of the 80th General Assembly, the State of Il-

linois, the Senate concurring herein, that the tuo Houses meet

in Joint Session in the hall of the House of Representatives

on Wednesday, March 1, 1978, at the hour of three o'clock p.m.

for tbe purpose of hearing the Governor deltver bis special mes-

sage on the budget for the year beginning July 1y 1978.1'

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Madigano''

Madigan: HMr. Speaker. I move for the adoptfon of Bouse Joint Resolu- '

tion 68..'

Speaker Redmond: ''Is there any discussion? Representative Ryano'?

Ryan: ''Wkat is House Joint Resolution 68?'1

speaker Redmond: 'fWt11 you read it again?''

Clerk O'Brien: 'lResolved by the House of Representatives of the 80th

General Assembly: the State of Illinois, the Senate concurring

hereins that the two Houses meet in Joint Session fn the hall

of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, March 1s 1978. at

three o'clock p-m. for the purpose of hearing the Governor de-

liver his specfal message on the budget for the year beginning

July 1. 1978.'.

speaker Redmond: ''Representative Ryan.î'

Ryan: ''Thank you. Mr. Speaker. ' That fs at three o'clocky is that..w''

Speake'r Redmond: î'That is three orclockw'?

.ee'e s A .'

''%A. :0 < G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y, : . x. j 3 - 1 - 7 g; f - - f'--lk; . s 'r a -r e o e' I u u 1 *4 o I st ..%.J ''XN * HotzsK oe RKPRI/KINYATIVe>%. '' e, Nx w œ evm & . . ; . jj.j. ' . $ ' . . ' . ' --. ---- --=. --..--. --- - . k..ak 'là 4.7. âs -.-d. ... Jlr/ .'. ..xt .ao... -.. .1 w.. .=J . .. u. .. a....... u... .. evix r( . f;.a. . v. a . . -. ..'.A pLiuh'iads; zJ.y.:. . .,.-= u . .. u.z'tu =.. I.=J w.î!x .K... . . 1. . z ...t.


Ryan : f'Was that the Governor' s request , three o ê clock?''

Speaker Redmond : ''It was at the Covernor' s acquiescence .''

R an : ''Tlzank you.''Y

Speaker Redmond : ''Any further questions? 'I'he questioa' s on the adop-

tion of the Resolution. Those in f avor say yes y ' ayeg , opposed

'nor. The 'ayes' have it, motion carries, Resolution's adopted.

Introduction Constitutional Amendmento'' @1

Clerk O'Brien: NHouse Joint Resolution Constitutional Amendment 39, iIl

Ebbesen. Resolved by the House of Represeatatives, the 80th i;I

General Assembly: the State of Illinois, the Senate concurring I

herein, there shall be submitted to the electors of this state

for adoption or relection at a general election next occurring I!at least sfx months after the adoption of this Resolution. A 1

proposition to amend Section 11 of Article IV, Section 21 of IArticle V and Section 14 of Article VI of the Constitution to !

iiread as follows: Article IV, Section 2, Compensation and Allow- I

I' jances. A Member shall receive a salary and allowances as provided '

by law, but changes fn the salary of a Member shall not take

effect during the term for which he has been elected. Chaages

ifn the salary of Members shall be made only in an odd-numbered .

year after the second Wednesday in Jaauary and such changes in II

salary must be 1aw thirty days before the last day for filing

nominating petitions for the next general election. Arttcle V.

Section 21, Compensation. officers of the Executive Branch shall

be paid salaries established by 1aw and shall receive no more

compensation for their services. Changes ia the salary for those

officers elected or appointed for stated terms shall not take

effect during the stated terms. Changes in such salaries shall

be made only in odd-numbered years after the second Wednesday

in January and such changes in salarfes must be 1aw thirty days

before the last day for fillng nominatfng petitions for the next

general election. Article VI, Section 14 Judicial Salaries

and Expenses-Fee officers Elimlnated. Judges shall receive

salaries provided by 1aw which shall not be diminished to take

effect during their term of offfce. Changes in salaries of

Judges shall make... shall be made only in odd-numbered years

M A o,=' L ev G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y:? <D> 3- 1-78J; % .4: 1 svxva oxluul-o'st . -z*.î.. > ' =z * HousE oe R'KPIRKIEI*TATIVE>... . 2. 1

. ' . .' r. &.* .---; . . . '


after the second Wednesday in January and such changes fn salary

must be 1aw thlrty days before the last day for ffling nominating

petitions for the next geaeral eleetion. A11 salaries and such

expenses as may be provided by 1aw shall be paid by the state.

except that Appellate, Circuit and Associyte Judges shall reeeivesuch additional compensatfon from counties wlthin their district

or circuit as may be provided by law. There sha11...'î

Speaker Redmond: ê'Representative Madfgan, for what purpose do you rise?o

Madigan: ''For purpose of an announcement. Mr. Speaker. Standiag next

to me in the aisle alongside of Representative Hart is the Mayor

of Herriny Illinois. Mayor Ottolini. Mr. Mayor.''

Speaker Redmond: ''Proceed. Representative tucco, pardon me-'ê

Lucco: 'fYes, th:nk youy Mr. Speaker: Ladies and Gentlemen of the House.

It's py prfvflege to introduce a group of fine citizens from

Granite City, Illinois, the 56th District which is represented

by Representative Mcpike and Representative Everett Steele and

myself. Tbey're up here in the Speaker's gallery.l'

Speaker Redmond: MProceed, Mr. Clerkall

Clerk OvBrfen: ''There shall be no fee officers in the ludicial sys-

tem. Schedule. This Amendment takes effect fmmedfately upon

approval by the electors. First Reading of tbe Constitutfonal


Speaker Redmond: Hlatroduction and First Reading.''

Clerk O'Brien: î'House Bill 2616, McGrew. A Bill for an Act making

appropriations to the ordinary and contingent expense of the

Capftal Development Board. First Reading of the Bi11. House

Bf1l 2617, Robinson. A Bfll for an Act providing for the dfs-

trlbution of County and Municfpal Retailor's Occupatfon Tax oa

coal fn accordance with geographical locatioas of the real pro-

perty from whtch the coal is removed. First Reading of t:e Bill.

House Bill 2618, Huskey. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections

' of the Illinofs Marriage and Dfssolutfon of Marriage Act. First

Readfng of the B11l. House Bill 2619. Emfl Jones. A Bi11 for

an Act to amend Sectfons of the School Code. Ffrst Readfng of

tbe Bill. House Bfll 2620, Rich Brummer-Matfjevich. A Bill

for an Act to amend Sectioas of the Revenue Aet. Eirst Reading

, z ,/%% * . , c e G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y? - 'T.B> , 3-1-78' .rt, 1 svx..s oe 'uulsolsi . v...è .Nk - M:F

.jr'.-: : Nxs s+s*


of the Bi11. House Bill 2621, Ebbesen. A Bill for an Aet to

amend Sections of the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act. First

Reading of the Bill. House B111 2622, Ebbesen. A Bill for an

Act to amend Sections of the Illinois Covernmental Ethics Act.

First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 2623, Ebbesen. A Bill

for an Act making an appropriation to the Ethics Review Board.

First Reading of the Bi1l. House B111 2624. Ebbesen. A Bill

for an Act to amend Sections of an Act authorizing certain counties

to fncur fndebtedness and to fssue bonds for the constructfon

of county Jails and sheriff residences. First Reading of the

Bi11. House Bill 2625, Ebbesen. A Bf11 for an Act concerning

the use of the treatment of glaucoma. First Reading

of the Bill. House Bi11 2626, Ebbesen. A Bi11 for an Act to

regulate the advertisingo... A Bill for aa Act to regulate the

advertising of ophthalmic material. First Reading uf the Bi11.

House Bill 2627, Jacobs. A Bill for an Act permitting raffles

and chance games to be conducted by not-for-profit organizations.

First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 2628. Kelly. A Bill for

an Act to amend Sections of the Illinois Abortion Law. First

Readfng of the Bi11. House Bill 2629, Kelly. A Bill for an

Act to exempt from taxation receipts from the sale of gas and

electricfty or transmission of messages to units of local govern-

ment and school distrfcts. First Reading of the Bi11. House

Bfll 2630, Kelly. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of the

Unified Code of Correctfons. Ffrst Reading of the Bi11. House

Bi11 2631, Kelly. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of an

Act in relation to construction. operation, regulation aad main-

tenance of a system of toll hfghways. First Readfng of the Bi1l.

House Bill 2632, Hanahan-Bradley. A Bill for an Act to provide

for the ordinary and contingent expense for the State Board of

Education. Ffrst Reading of the Bi11. House Bi11 2633. Gaines.''

Speaker Redmond: MRepresentative McBroom, for what purpose do you rfse?

Please give the Gentleman order.'ê

McBroom: ''Yes: Mr. Speaker, Members of the House: I arise for the pur-

pose of a very brief introduction. Behind me, the students from

Melvin Sfbley Junior High School with their fnstructory Mrs. Ames.

> >4 > G ENE RA L A SSEM BLY,, - . t.j,p a..y..y8J 'Rkka l svx'rs oe Iuulsols. -*' . ' - ' '-.LL . p a x x g s v . .r j v e: st . , so usx oe nw. :r:J-

. - . .' ' . . - '': .. . , . .. . .. . .. . . ' . . t ev .w:g J f.î 4 .'. z'F'lzkkt .k.:.w.<.!.'..x . z r ..z''L'.v.6 : ? J - - .*3 s .#J.# YLw>y<wvs..z 'e v-.l,. v'y' . :?Vi'â!Z..%


'.7z'i':r? +!s' 'L.YL/..L 'r


Representative Ryan, Representative Christensen in my districty

tbeylre behind us up here, Ray. Stand and be acknowledged please.

Thank you.''

Speaker Redmond: ''Proceedy Mr. Clerksî'

' Clerk O'Brien: ''House Bill 2633, Gaines. A Bill for an Act to amead

the School Code. Ffrst Reading of the Bf1l. House Bill 2634,I

Chapman. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections and tbe title of 1Crimfnal Health Problems and Comprehensive Health Education Act. ;

First Readfng of the Bi11. House Bill 2635, Tuerk. A Bill forI

an Act makfng approprfation to the State Board of Education. 1iFirst Reading of the Bill. House Bi11 2636. Birchler. A Bill

!for aa Act to amend Sections of the School Code. First Reading

of the Bi11. House Bill 2637, Boucek. A Bi11 for an Act in

relation to making of unsolicited commercial telephone ealls

xith automatfc equipment. First Reading of the Bf1.3.. House

Bill 2638, Robinson. A Bf11 for an Act relating to Meabers of

the General Assembly. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill

2639. Ryan et a1. A Bill for an Act relatfng to testimony of

witnesses at legislatfon hearings. First Reading of the Bi11.

House B111 2640, Skinner. A Bf11 for an Act to amend Sections

of the Illinois Publfc Demonstrations Law. Fïrst Reading of

the Bill. House Bfll 2641, Skinner. A Bill for an Act to amend

Sectfons of the Illinois Public Demonstratfons Law. First Readtng

of the Bi11. House Bill 2642, Mudd-Tuerk. A Bill for an Act

to make an appropriatfon to Department of Transportatioa. First

Reading of the Bfl1. House Bfll 2643, Lechowfcz. A Bill for

an Act to amend Sections of the Revenue Act. First Reading of

the Bi11. House Bfll 2644. Yourell. A Bill for an Act to amend

Sections of the Unemployment Insurance Act. First Reading of the

Bill. House Bill 2646. Yourell. A Bill for an Act to amend

Sections of an Act in relation to Comprehensfve County Hospi-i

ta1 Covernfng Commission. First Reading of the Bi11. House

Bfll 2647, Yourell. A Bfll for an Act to amend Sections of the ;1I

School Code. First Reading of the Bill. House Bill 2648... j' no Sponsor. House Bill 20... we#ll come back to House Bill 2648.

House Bfll 2649, Yourell. A Bi11 for an Act to amend the School

+ s A e

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; . 1. . ' , ' ''


Code. First Reading of the Bi11. Mouse Bilt 2648, Yourell.

A Bill for an Act to amend the School Code. Ffrst Reading of

the Bi11. House Bill 2650, Katz. A Bill for an Act in relation!

to police protection for exposition facilities in tbe Metro- !!Ipolitan Fair and Exhibition Authority. First Reading of the

Bi11. House Bill 2651, Schneider. A Bill for an Act to amend

the School Code. First Reading of the Bill. House Bill 2652, !

Polk. A Bfll for an Act permitting raffles and drawings for :i!prizes to be conducted for not-for-profit organizations. First

Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 2653, Polk. A Bf1l for an Act Ei

to amend Sections of the Illinois Farm Labor Contractor's Cer-

tification Act. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 2654.

Mahar. A Bi11 for an Act to provide for funding for the estab- i

lishment of an emergency telephone number system in Illinois.

First Reading of the Bi11.. House Bi11 2655, Katz. A Bill for

an Act to increase tbe message tax to provide funding for es-

tablishment of the 911 emergency telephone number system ia I1- . ilinois. Ffrst Reading of tbe Bi11. House 3i11 2656, Mahar.

A Bill for an Act to amend Sectfons of the Illinois Vehicle Code.

First Reading of the Bi11. House Bi11 2657, Kozubowski-Lechowicz.

A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of the Bingo License and

Tax Act. First Reading of tbe Bi11. House Bfll 2658: Jaffe-

Kane-Lucco. A Bill for an Act to amend the School Code. First

. Reading of the Bi11. House Bi11 2659, Tim Sfmms. A Bill for

an Act to repeal Sections of the Civil Administrative Code. I

Ffrst Reading of the Bf11. House Bill 2660, Gaines. A Bill

for an Act to amend Sections of the Illfnois Public Aid Code.

Fïrst Readfng of the Bi11. House Bill 2661, Chapman. A Bill

for an Act to amend Sections of an Act to revlse the 1aw in re-

lation to private employment agencies. Ffrst Reading of the

Bi1l. House Bi11 2662, Bradley. A Bi11 for an Act to amend

Sections of the Metropolitan Cfvic Center Support Act. First

Reading of the Bill. House Bill 2663, Bradley. A Bi11 for an

Act creatfng the Bloomington Civic Center Authority and deter-

mining its powers and duties. First Reading of the Bi11. House

Bill 2664, Lynn Martin. A Bi11 for an Act to amend the titles

z'''1-. ' -'x,'? ktjp t y G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y a.1.; g

2 - D>,r t' svxv. oe Iz-ud,4o's. , t.t ..1. . .3 e Hotllt OF REPRKIK-TATIVRI.x . ?:'

- '.x. <. %* . . . . ' . ; ; ; . , . . . , . . , .,.. ..(. g


and Sections of an Act providing for the enforcemeat by the De-

Partment of Public Hea1th for certain state and locat food haadling

and health regulations. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill I

2665, Jack Davfs. A Bi11 for an Act to amend Sections of the

' Illfnois Vehicle Code. First Reading of *he Bi11J' 1

speaker Redmond: ''Just a mtnute, Mr. Clerk. Representative Ryan, for I

what purpose do you rise?'' Please gfve the Gentleman orderw''

Ryan: ''We11 thank youy Mr. Speakers for the purpose of an announce-#


ment. We have a new Member with us today that's taking his seat

on tbe floor and I'd like to introduce hfm to the Members of

the General Assembly here if I may. Taking Representative Lauer's

place from th% 43rd Dfstrict who has departed the House to be-

come tbe Deputy Director of tbe Department of Local Governmental

Affairs is Sam Vinson from the 44th District and a former aide

co tbe Governor. Sam fs back here. Sam, stand up and take a

bow. I might point out, Mr. Speaker, that Samgs a former aide

to the Governor and has got some lead into the patronage system,

1 believe.''

Clerk O'Brien: HHouse Bill 2666, Jack Davis. A Bill for an Act in

relation to township police protectioa. First Reading of the

Bi11. House Bill 2667. Jack Davis. A Bfll for an Act to amead

Sections of the Code of Crimfnal Procedure. First Reading of

the Bf11. House Bill 2668, Jack Davis. A Bf11 for an Act to

amend Sections of the Litter Control Act. Ffrst Reading of the

Bill. House Bill 2669, Jack Davis-Matijevich. A B111 for an

Act to amend Sections of the Revenue Act. First Reading of the

Bf11. House Bill 2670, Jake Wolf. A Bf11 for an Act in relation

to the abolishment of the Illinois Naval and Mïlftia. First

Readfag of the Bill. House Bill 2671, Schlickman. A Bill for

an Act to amend Sectfons of the School Code. First Reading of

the Bf11. House Bill 2672, Steczo. A Bill for an Act to nmond

Sections of the Franchise Disclosure Act. First Reading of the

Bi11. House Bill 2673, Steczo. A B111 for an Act to nmond Sec- '

tions of the Francbise Disclosure Act. Tirst Reading of the Bf11. !

House Bill 2676. Steczo. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections

of the Franchise Disclosure Act. First Reading of the Bill.

K U. ' .' -....,.# : . e . G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y a '?, . 3-1-7r -i, . t 1 sm-va oe 'uu,-ojsA. A1

1 '' Y + Housl oy NKFPEI/-TA'FIVES; . i' :k , : % ' ' '. . . . . . .. k . . . . , ..(. u . . r, ut? $ ,yy.'j;î . )kry.$ .u...Jj! .@ )s. v.% .. . - e '< ',. : <:ykjzilyjjjts.. . .; . ? : r


House Bill 2675. Steczo. A Bill for an Act to amend Sectioas

of the Franchise Disclosure Act. Tirst Reading of the Bïl1.

House Bill 2676. A Bill for an Act to amend Sectfons of the'

Francbfse Disclosure Act. First Reading of the Bfll. House

Bill 2677, Steczo. A Bill for an Act to amend Seetions of the iIF

ranchise Disclosure Act. First Reading of the Bi11. House

Bill 2678, Steczo. A 3il1 for an Act to amend Sections of the ' k1Franchfse Disclosure Act. First Reading of the Bi11. House


Bill 2679, Steczo. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of tbe 1Franchise Disclosure Act. Ffrst Readfng of tbe Bi11. House

Bill 2680. Steczo. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of the

Franchise Disclosure Act. Ffrst Reading of the Bill. House

Bill 2681, Steczo. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of the

Franchise Disclosure Act. First Reading of the Bf11. House

Bf11 2682, steczo. A Bfll for an Act to amend Sections of the

Franchise Disclosure Act. Ffrst Readiag of tbe Bilt. House

Bill 2683, Mccourt. A Bi11 for an Act concerning agreements

between unions and governmental transportation agencfes. Ffrst

Reading of the Bill. House Bill 2684. Mccourt. A Bill for an

Act to amend Sections of the School Code. First Readfng of the

Bill. House Bfll 2685, Pullen-Mccourt. A Bill for an Aet to

amead Sections of tbe Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Pro-

perty Tax Relief Act. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bfll

2686, Mccourt. A Bill for aa Act to require the use of under-

standable language and meaningful sequence fn the form of con-

sumer agreements. Ffrst Reading of the Bf11. House Bil1 2687.

Adams. A Bill for aa Act to amend Sections of the Snowmobile

Registration and Safety Act. first Reading of the Bi11. House

B111 2688, Adams. A B111 for an Act to amend Sectfons of the

Illinois Highway Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill

2689, Yourell. A Bi11 for an Act to amend Sections of the I1- i

linofs Marrfage and Dissolution of Marrfage Act. First Reading

of the B111. House Bilt 2690, Deuster. A Bi11 for an Act to

amend Sections of the Illfnois Marriage and Dissolution of Mar-

1riage Act. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bfll 2691, Brady. I

A Bi11 for an Act to amend Sections ofdthe Illfnois Publfc Aid

s Arr . wwacpz r G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y a . 1 . 7 8' '-:

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Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 2692, Getty. A

Bi11 for an Act to amend Sections of the School Code. 'First

iReading of the Bi11. House Bill 2692, Getty. A Bi11 for an

Act to amend the School Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House

Bill 2693, Getty. A Bill for an Act to aaend Sections of an

Act relating to the practice of public accounting. First Reading

of the Bi11. House Bf11 2694, Getty. A Bill for an Act to amend

Sections of the Illinois Vehicle Code. First Reading of the

Bi11. House Bill 2695. Tipsword. A Bill for an Act to amend

Sections of tbe Illinois Income Tax Act. First Reading of tbe

Bi11. House Bill 2696, Skinner. A Bill for an Act making an

appropriation to the Department of Revenue. First Reading of

the Bi11. House Bill 2697. Skinner. A Bill for aa àct to amend

Sections of the Civil Adminfstrative Code. First Reading of

the Bill. House Bill 2698, Skfnner. A Bill for an Act to amend

Sections of an Act relating to alcoholfc liquors. First Readfng

of the Bill. House Bf11 2699, Schlickman. A Bi11 for an Act

to amend Sectfons of an Act in relation to the acquisition and

holding of open lands by tolzaships. First Reading of the Bill.

House Bill 2700, Skinnervpferce. A Bill for an Act to amend

Sectfons of tbe Surface Mined Land Conservation and Reclnmn-

tion Act. First Reading of the Bi11.''

Speaker Redmond: HConstitutional Amendments, Introductiono''

Clerk OîBrien: HHouse Joint Resolution Constitutional Amendmept //40, '

Simms. Resolved by the House of Representatives: the 80th Gen-

eral Assembly. the State of Illinofs, the Senate concurring

hereiny that there shall be submftted to the electors of this

state for adoption or rejection at the general election next

occurring at least sfx months after the adoption of this Resolu-

tion a proposition to amend Sections 11 of Arttcle 1V, Section

21 of Article V, and Sectfon 14 of Article VI of the Constitu-

tion to read as follows: Artfcle Vs Sectfon 1ly Compensation

and Allowances. A Member shall receive a salary and allowances

as provfded by law, but changes in the salary of a Member shall'

not take effect during the term for which he has been elected.

No 1aw to increase thefr salary as Members more than an amount

.::,1:i7R .zz-q ., G E N E R A L A S S E M B L YI . x, '<rEYS? t 7 3 - 1 - 7 8f 4

.. smxma oe Iuul-ols1$ ' -u..1 * '-OW * HOUSX QF REPRESENTATIVES

. , . , . j . f e.4? ,. . . ' .. p .., i' i:q .;' - ,z ' , 1.. L e r ' p


equal to the cost of living index increase for the current year

shall take effect unless the question of whether the 1aw shall

take effect is placed on the ballot at the next general election

and is approved by a majority of those votfng on the question.

Article V, Sectfon 21, Compensatfon.''

Speaker Redmond: MRepresentative Lechowiczs for what purpose do you

rise?'l I

Lechowicz: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Is thfs matter on the Calendar?''

Clerk o'Brfen: ''First Reading.''

Lechowicz: ''Oh I1m sorry-''

Speaker Redmond: HProceed, Mr. Clerk/'

Clerk O'Brien: MArticle V, Section 21y Compensatfon. offfcers of the

Executive Branch shall be paid salaries established by 1aw and

shall receive no other compensation for their services. Changes

in the salaries of those officers elected or appointed for stated

terms shall not take effect during the stated terms. No 1aw

' to increase the salary of those officers more than the amount

equal to the cost of living index for the current year shall

take effect unless the question of whether the 1aw shall take

effect'is placed on the ballot at the next general election

and fs approved by a majority of those voting on the questfon.

Article '/1, Section 14: Judicial Salarfcs and Expeuses-Fee .

Officers Elimfnated. Judges shall recetve sâl.aries provided

by 1aw and shall not be diminished to take effect during their

terms of office. No 1aw to increase the salaries for Judges

more than an amount equal to the cost of living index increase

for the current year shall take effect unless the question of

whether the 1aw shall take effect fs placed on the ballot at

the next general election and is approved by a malority of those

voting on the questfon. A11 salaries and such expenses as may

be provided by 1aw shall be paid by the statey except that Ap-

pellate, Circuit and Associate Judges shall receive such addi-

tional compensatfon from counties withfn thelr dfstrict or cir-

cult as may be provided by law. There shall be no fee officers

fn the judfcial system. Schedule. Thfs Amendment takes effect' on the approval of the electors. First Reading of the Constitutional

, ' ee G E N E R A L A S S E M B L YF .. - 3-1-781 Gkx

r Ti svax.s o. Iuuy-o'sr 2 . . .* a! . . ->--'. .1. . / rX:'Y Hokll? OF RKPRESENTATIVENN ' p



12. .


Speaker Redmond: HIntroduction and First Readfng of Bills. Represen-

' tative Schlickmanrs on the ftoor./''

Clerk O'Brien: ''House Bi11 2701, Kempiners. A Bill for an Act in re-

lation to publication requirements of leKal notices in newspapers.I

Tirst Reading of the Bi11. Eouse Bill 2702, Kempiners. A Bill ifor an Act to amend Sections of the Illfnois Vehicle Code. First i

Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 2703, Johnson. A Bill for an i

Act to prohfbit discrfmination by and within a11 state educa- l

Itional fnstitutions and administratfve bodies for or agatnst

any person wïth respect to raee, sexy religions age or national

' orfgin. First Reading of the Bi11. House 3f11 2704. Johnson.

A B111 for an Act to prohibit discrimfnation by aad witbin al1

state governmental agencies for or against any person wlth re-

apect to zace: sexy relfgiony age or national orfgiu ln regard

to employment. First Reading of the Bil1. House Bill 2705.

Johnson. A Bi1l for an Act eliminating certafn property and

1services fron the Use Tax Actq Service Tax Act and the Service. 1

. Occupation Tax Act fr6m the Retàilerfs oecupatlon Tax Act. Tirst

Reading of the Bill. House Bill 2706, Katz-schlickman. A Bi11

for an Act to make the day designated by faderal law, Memorial

Day, in the State of Illinofs by amendfng certafn Acts herein

named. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 2707, Kornowicz.

1A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of the Senfor Cftizens Dis-abled Personal Property Tax Relief Act. First Reading of the

Bi 1 1. @ ' '

Speaker Redmoad: ''First Reading, Constitutional Amendmente''

Clerk Ha11: HHouse Joint Resolution Constftutional Amendment 41.

Resolved by the House of Representatfves, the 80th General

Assembly, the State of Illinofs, the Senate concurring herein,

that there shall be submitted to the electors of this state for

adoption or rejection at the next general election occurrlng E

at least sfx months after the adoption of this Resolutton a1proposftton to amend Sectfon 5 aad 6 of Article 1V, Section 13

' of Artlcle V, and Section 2 of Article VII1 of the Constitution

to read as follows: Article IVy Sectfon 5. Sessions. (a) Thew A o

,A<. ee GENERAL ASSEMBLY/ z - . .,wv. 1 3 - 1 - 7 8C ''* t smA-rl oe Is-ulxolsj ' .. k . .œ:. .. -


..6.... sousl oe I4lepeslp.mA.vlvsx


Sessions of the General Assembly shall convene at tuelve ofclock

noon on the second Wednesday of January fn the year next ensuing

the election of Members thereof, and at no other time, unless I

as provided by this Constitution. (b) The Governor may conveae1

the General Assembly or the Senate alone in Speeial Session by I

a proclamation stating the purpose of tbe Session; and only busi-

ness encompassed by such purpose, together with any impeachments

or confirmations of appointments shall be transacted. Specfal

Sessions of the General Assembly may also be convened by jofnt

proclamation of the presfding offtcers of both houses, issued

as provfded by law. (c) Sessfons of each House of the General

Assembly and meetïngs of Comuittees, Joint Committees and Legis-

lative Commissions shatl be opea to the publie. Sessions and

Committee Meetlags of a House may be closed to the public if

two-thlrds of the Members elected to that House determine that

the public interest so requires; and meetlngs of Joint Committees

and Legislatfve Cnmma'ssions may be so closed if two-thirds of

the Members elected to each House so determine. Section 6,'

$ organizaeion. (a) A majority of the Members elected to each

? House constitutes a quorum. (b) 0n tbe first day of each Regular

Session of tbe General Assemblys the Secretary of State shall

convene <he House of Representatfves to eleec from its member-

ship a Speaker of the House of Representatives as presiding of-

ficer, and the Governor shall convene the Senate to elect from

its membership a President of the Senate as presidfng officer.

(c) For purposes of powers of appofntment conferred by tbfs

Constitution, the Minorfty Leader of either House fs a Mfnority

Leader of either House is a Member of tbe numerically strongest

polftfcal party other than the party to whfch the Speaker or the

President belongs, as tbe case may be. (d) Each Eouse shall

determine the rules of its proeeedings, judge the electionsy

returns and qualifications of its Members and choose its officers.

No Member shall be expelled by efther Housey except by a vote

of two-thirds of the Members elected to that House. A Member

may be expelled only once for the same offense. Each House may

punfsh by fmprisonment and persons not a Membery guilty of

; . .p*6 ' ïtq.;y < w . G E N E R X L A S S E M B L Y 3-1-78rs <. ,,- u svsvl o. lj-upaojs1

, '. D''9X

x zt zm,! s*




disrespect to the House by disorderly or contemptuous behavior

fn its presence. Imprisonment shall not extead beyond twenty-

four hours at oue time unless the person persists in disorderly

or contemptuous behavior. Article V Section l3, Goveraor-

Legislative Messages. The Governor, at khe beginnfng of each

Regular Session of the General Assembly and at the close of his

term of office, shall report to the General Assembly on the con-

dition of the state and reommend such measures as he deems de-

sfrable. Article VIII. Sectioa 2, State Finanee- (a) The Gov-

ernor shall prepare and submit to t%e General Assemblys at a

tlme prescribed by law, a state budget for the ensuing fiscal

biennium. The budget shall set forth the estfmated balance of

funds avaflable for appropriation at the beginnfng of the ffs-

ca1 biennfum, the estimated receipts, and a plan for expendi-

tures and obligations during the ffscal bieaatum of evexy cor-

poration of the state, every state cotlege and university, and

every other public agency created by tbe state: but not of units of

local government or school districts. The budget shall also

set forth the indebtedness and contingent liabilities of the

state and such otber fnformation as may be required by law.

Proposed expenditures shall not exceed funds estimated to be

available for the fiscal biennium as sbown in the budget. (b)

The General Assembly by 1aw shall make appropriaeions for

a11 expenditures of public funds by the state. Appropriations

for a fiscal year shall not exceed funds estimated by the Cen-

eral Assembly to be avaïlable during the biennium. Scbedule.

The foregofng Amendment to the Constftution takes effect on the

second Wednesday fn January next after fts adoptioa by the

electors. First Reading of tbe Constitutional Amendment/'

Speaker Redmond: HProceeds Mr. Clerk.t'

Clerk Ha11: ''House Joint Resolutfon Constitutional Amendment 42.

Resolved by the House of Representatives of the 80th General

Assembly, the State of Illfnofs, the Senate concurring hereiny

that there shall be submitted to the electors of the state for

adoption or rejection at the general electfon next occurriag

at least sfx months after the adoptlon of this Resolution. a

* 7 , G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y.,' zy/j:rm 3-1- 7 8F r t a jI ; :5 4

.. s'rA're oe 'uuI-o's'!. . uizz s **qi- . sousa oe pwppxsxnmAmlves

. . .u p . k ...


proposition to amend Sections ly 2 and 3 of Artfcle IV and Sec-

tion 1 of Artfcle XIV of the Illinois Constitution to read as j

fillows: Article IV, The Legtslature, Section 1, Legfslatùre- 1

Power and Structure. The legi:lative power fs vested in a

General Assembly consistiag of a Senate of 59 Members and a

House of Representatives of 118 Members elected by the electors

1from 59 Senatorial and 1l8 Representatfve Distrfcts. Section2, Legislatfve Composftfon. (a) 0ne Senator shall be elected

from each Senatorial Dfstrict. Immediately following each de-

cennial redistricting, the General Assembly by 1aw shalt dtvide

the Senatortal Districts as equally as possible into three groups.

Senators from one group shall be elected for terms of four yearsy

four years and tvo years; Senators from the second group, for

terms of four years, two years and four years; and Senators from

the third group, fot terms of two years, four years and four years.

The Senatorial Districts in each group shall be distributed sub-

stanttally equally over the stafe. (b) Each Senatorfal District

shall be divided into tvo Representative Districts and one Rep-

resentative shall be elected from each Representative Distrfct

for a term of two years. (c) To be eligfble to serve as a Mem-

ber of the General AssemBly, a person must be a United States

cftizen, at least 21 years old, and for the two years precedfng

his election or appointment a resfdent of the district which

he fs to represent. In the general electfon followfng a re-

dfstrfcting, a candidate for the Geaeral Assembly may be elected

from any distrfct which contains a part of the dfstrfct in which

he resfded at the time of the redistrictfng and reelected ff a

resident of the new district he represents for 18 months prior

to reelection. (d) Witbin thirty days after a vacancy occurs,

it shall be fflled by appofntment as provided by law. If tbe

vacancy is fn a Senatorial offfce with more than tcenty-eight

months remafnfng in the term, the appofnted Senator shall serve

untfl the next general electiony at whtch time a Senator sbatl

be elected to serve for the remainder of the term. lf the 1vacancy fs in a Representattve offiee or in any other Senatorial :

office. the appolntment shatl be for the remainder of tbe term.

.4-. . . -7'x'

tt r. yym '< . A G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y a .1 .p a,;- l zp 'l. srsm. oe luulso,s: > !% '. . , --'&= - sousx oe pxe,pvsssvxvlves' *&, .xb


An appointee to fitl a vaeancy shall be a Member of t:e same

liticàt party as t:e person he succeeds. (e) Ko Member of 'Po!

the General Assembly shall Teceive compensation as a public of-j

fieer or employee from any other governnental entity for tfmei

during which he is in attendance as a Mem/er of the CeneralAssembly. No Member of the General Assembly during the term

for wbicb he was elected or appointed shall be appointed to a

public office whic: sball have been created or the compensatioa

for which shall have been increased by the Ceneral Assembly durfag

tbat term. Section 3, tegfslative Redistricting. (a) Sena-

torial Districts shall be compact, contiguous and substantfally

equal in population. Each Senatorial Dfstrfct shall be divided

into two Representatfve Districts. Representative Districts

shall be compact, contiguous and substantially equal in popula-

tion. (b) In the year followin: each federal decelm.tal census

yeary the General Assembly by 1aw shall redistrfct the Senatorial

and Representative nfstricts. If no redistricting plan becomes

effective by June 30 of that yeary a Legislatfve Redistricting

Commfssion shall be constftuted not later than July 10. The

Commq'ssion shall consfst of eight Members, no more than four of

whom shall be Members of the same politlcal party. The Speaker

' and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives shall each

appoint to the Comnission one Representative and one person who

fs not a Member of the General Assembly. The President and

Minorfty Leader of the Senate shall each appoint to the Commfs-

sion one Senator and one persoh who fs not a Member of the Gen-

eral Assembly. The Members shall be certified to the Secretary

of State by the appointing authoritfes. A vacancy on the Com-

mission shall be fïlled within five days by the authorlty that

made the orfgfnal appointment. A Chafrman and Vice-chairman

shall be chosen by a majority of a11 the Members of the Com-

mission. Not later than August l0. the Commission shall file

wfth the Secretary of State a redistrictfng plan approved by at

least ffve Members. If the Commlssfon fails to file an approved

redfstrictfng plans the Supreme Court shall subm;t the nnm-s

of two persons, not of the same political party, to the Secretary

+% iy A,'..zr' ..0. % G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y a- ;- 7 8J.- M'71/j,- t svwvs oe Iuul-orsi,

' X,. .

' 5T' œ pousl oe wwppesxxm-'rlvesx . . ov> .. v

1. . - . -. . - -- ---. . . .. -- . . . ' . ... . . .--. .. - - . . . . . . -. . . . . . .'

.. ... ....... . . . . ' .*' . ' .*ê ii'7


of State not later than September 1. Not later than September 5,

the Secretary of State publicly shall draw by random selection

the name of one of the two persons to serve as the ninth Member

of the Commission. Not later than october 5, the Commissfon1

shall file wfth the Secretary of State a redistricting plan ap-

proved by at least five Members. An approved redistricting plan

filed wfth the Secretary of State shall be presumed validy shall i

have the force and effect of 1aw and shall be publfshed promptly

by the Secretary of State. The Supreme Court shall bave orlg-

inal and exclusfve jurisdfction over actions concerning redfs-

tricting the House and Senate, which shall be initiated ia the

name of the people of the state by the ALtorney General. Article

XIV, Constitutional Revision. Sectfon 1, Constitutional Conven-

tion. (a) Whenever three-fffths of the Members elected to each

House of the Ceneral Assembly so directs the question of whether

a Constitutional Convention should be called shall be submftted

to the electors at the general election next occurting at least

six months after such legfslatfve direction- (b) If the ques-. l

tion of whether a Conventfon should be called fs not submitfed

during any twenty-year period, the Secretary of State shall submit

such question at the general election in the twentieth year fol-I

lowing tne last submission. (c) 1he vote oa to call

a Convention shall be on a separate ballot. A Conventïon shall

! be called if approved by three-fifths of those votfng on the

question or a majority of those voting in the election. (d)

The General Assembly, at the Session following approval by the

electors, by 1aw shall provide for the Convention and for the

election of two delegates from each Senatorfal District; designate

the time and place - .''

speaker Redmond: ''Representative Robinson, for what purpose do you

Y i S Ql î î 1

Robinson: 'Yr. Speakery 1 think the Xembership ought to know that

Peggy Smfth Martin is now a grandmother- She doesa't look lfke

a grandmother in the least, but her daughter had a child yeseiterday. '' I

speaker Redmond: ''Very good. How is the grandmother holding up?

ze-WAro. ' vo .. A G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y :$ . 1 - 7 81' - tx- %.%Lt.>.

''t . j u u , ,. .j s. .rk - svlvs o! .h. .' -1 . sousl oe awenlsasmA'rlvzs..... ,

. ,,.:33;3;

. . ..L-. ' -..J. = = - ...= .Z. Q 2 . . . . . .


Proceed, Mr. Clerk.'l

Clerk Ha11: ''(d) The General Assembly, at the Session following ap-

proval by the electors, by 1aw shall provide for the Conveation

aad for the election of tvo delegates from each Senatorial

District; desfgnate the time and place on the Conventfonfs

first meeting whfch shall be within three moaths after the

election of delegates; fix and provide for the pay of delegates

and officers; and provide for expenses necessarily incurred by

the Convention. (e) To be eligible to be a delegate a person

must oeet the same eligibility requirements as a Member of the

General Assembly. Vaeancies shall be filled as provided by law.

(f) The Convention s>all prepare such revision of or Amend-

ments to the Constitution as it deems necessary. Any proposed

revision or Amendments approved by a majority of the delegates

elected shall be submïtted to' the electors in such manner as

the Convention determines, at an election designated or called

by the Conventfon occurring not less than two nor more than six

months after the Convention's adjournment. Any revision or

Amendments proposed by the Convention shall be published wfth

explanations, as the Convention provides, at least one month

preceding tîe electfon. (g) The vote on the proposed revisfon

or Amendments shall be on a separate ballot. Any proposed re-

vision or Amendments shall become effectivey as the Convention

provides, if approved by a majority of those votfng.v.''

Speaker Redmond: 'fRepresentative Bradley, youVre wanted on the phonee''

Clerk Ha11: HSchedule. The changes made by thfs Amendment sball apply

to and govern the legislative redistricting of 1981 and sub-

sequent redistrictfngs and to the election of Senators and Rep-

resentatives ïn 1982 and thereafter. First Reading of the Con-

stitutfonal Amendment.î'

Speaker Redmond: fllt's the plaa to... at two o'clock to take about

a half an hour recess for the purpose of a Leadershlpy Jolnt

Leadetship meeting. So anybody that's contemplating sending

out for some food or somethingy you might take that into coa-

sideration. It'll only be a half aa hour, however. Introduc-

tion ànd Firsr Reading/l .zif e


'.kyy c G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y, , j 3-1-;gt '':r z svxv. oe luulsols; ., xk>% ''lc- * I4otllt oe RKF/ESKNTATII'K*w ' o . t .. u ' waj ja xu== . x.- .n. rq. . . : ( v. >, w . x:w . ...v txK..v;.v.g .. . ;u. a.ow.K.,.ou.v.=.. .uww wgz>XWx... . .lxiwzw..ercaa<uJ .akb... -.- z .-.-. ,xt. aJ'U e.=7 u.


clerk Hall: nHouse Bill 2708. A Bill for an Act to amend the Grade

Crossing Act. First Reading of the Bi11. Eouse Bilt 2709, Bennett.

A Bill for an Act to amead an Act concerning public utilities.

First Reading of the Bi11. House Bi11 2710, Leinenweber. A

3ill for an Act to amend the Civil Practiyes Act. First Reading i

of the Bf11. House Bi11 2711, Deuster. A Bill for an Act to

amead the Vehicle Code. First Readfng of the Bi11. Eouse Bill

2712, Dyer. A Bill for an Act to amend the Unemployment Iasurance

Act. Ffrst Reading of the Bi11. House Bi11 2713, Brxrmer. A

Bill for an Act to amend the Tllinois Municipal Code. Ffrst

Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 2714, Peters. A Bill for an

Act to amend the Court of Claims Act. First Reading of 'the Bi11.

Eouse Bill 2715, Hudson. A Bill for an Act to appropriate the

Illinofs Commlssion oa Atomic Energy. Ffrst Reading of the Bill.

llouse Eil?. 2716, Farley. A Bill for an âct to amend the Chicage

Park Dfstrict Act. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 2717:

Farley. A Bi11 for an Act to prohibit any stadium with a seating

. capacity over five thousand. First Readfng of the Bil1-''

Speaker Bradley: ''Representative Tipswordy do you wish to ca11... Al1

rfght. 0n page 3 under Amendatory Veto Motfons appears House

Bi11 2435. The Gentleman from Christiaa, Mr. Tfpsword. Pardon

me. Mr. Madigan, Mr. Madigan. IYe Gentleman from Cook, for

what purpose do you rfse, Sir?''

Madfgan: ''The purposes of a motion, Mr. Speaker; to move that we

suspend the appropriate rule which requires that the motions

to override the Governor's veto lie on the desk for one day.

And the purpose of the motion wfll be to allow for considera-

tion of motfons to override the Governor's vetoes. Todayy'l

understand that the Parliamentarian has talked to Mr. Ryan and

I hope that he would concur in my motioa to suspend this rule

at thfs time-o

Speaker Bradley: HThe Gentleman from Kankaee... Is there any discussfon?

The Gentleman from Kankakee, Mr. Ryan.'' 1I

Ryan: l'Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I understand it, that's just for iiI

T= ' EX SRA L Asssu esvp#>. .>jy>q G :$.1.y a) r ? x

..4. z ji' ek s'rl'rt oF Iuul-olll . 4'''A . ' A= . Housl oe aepKxsxsmx'rjvlsu .cj v:,wtz 2 ., 1

- ..- - a! . *

. 20.

Madigan: 'Yo. Mr. Ryan, it would apply to all veto motions on the

Calendar todayof'

Ryan: ''ue11 1'm going to have to oppose this, Mr. Speaker. I'm going

to have to oppose the motionv''

Speaker Bradley: ''Mr. Madlgan..e'' -

Madfgan: I'If the Gentleman wfshes to oppose the motion, why then I

would witbdraw it-''

Speaker Bradley: ''The Gentleman from Cbristian, Mr. Tipsword.f'

lipsword: 'Yr. Speaker and Ladies and Gentlemeny I would hope that

the Minority Leader would be able to support this. Otherwise:

these motions... wèll, if they have to 1ay on the desk for a

day would requfre us being here tomorrow I would presume or some-

time within the fifteen day period. Otherwise, it cannot be

acted onau

Speaker Bradley: HMr. Ryany if we took these as one at a time... on

that motfon?''

Ryan: ''uell, I have no objectfons to tbe motion on 2435. Mr. Speaker.'l

speaker Bradley: ''The Gentleman from Christiany Mr. Tipsword.''

Tipsword: 'Nr. Speaker, tben I would move to suspend House Rule 44/(b)

for the purpose of hearing of the motion to... on the amendatory

veto on nouse Bill 2435 only.'î

Speaker Bradley: HThe Gentleman moves the suspension of 44/(b) for .

one day, was thaty Mr. Tfpscord?''

Tipsword: HJust for the purpose of hearfng this one Bi11J'

Speaker Bradley: HJust for the purpose of hearing House Bill 2435.

A11 in favor of the Gentleman's motioa sigaify by saying 'aye'.

Al1 right, let's have a Roll Call on it. Every... al1 those

in favor of the Gentleman's motfon vote 'aye' opposed vote 'no'.. *

The Gentleman from Cooky Mr. Schlickman. For what purpose do

you rise sir?''

Schlickmaa: ''I was wondering... 11m wondering if the movant would I

yield to one question.''

Speaker Bradley: ''He indfcates that he will.'?

Scblickman: f'Wf11 you be movfng to accept the Governor's specffic i

recommendation for changeS''

.'cysnvtfw q G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y, .

' 'rpy à a!! t - s'ra'r? oe 'LulNoll 3-1-7 8. .*' . , -=r - - Boulr >e RIPPESENTATIVII..V2* .. u .



Tipsword: ''That is the motion that's on files yesw''

Schlickman: HOkay, thank you.''

Speaker Bradley: ''Have a11 voted who wished? Have a11 voted who

wished? Take the record. On this questfon there are 127 'ayes',I

no 'nays'. 50 voting... 50 absent and the Gentleman's motion

prevails. Now we will be at the posftfon of the amendatory

veto motfon on House Bill 2435. The Gentleman from Christian,

Mr. Tipsvord.''

Tipsword: HMr. Speaker and Ladies and Centlemen: this is a motion to

sustain the Governorls amendatory veto or to adopt hfs amenda-

tory veto and hts suggestions tberein for Amendment to House

Bfll 2435. This clears up some problems , some technical prob-

lems fn the drafting of House Bill 2435 which as you may recall

relates to the legislatfon wbich we passed to provide for stag-

gered registration of automobiles in the State of Illinoiss so

they'll be applying for them during nfne different months of'

the ycar instead of having them a11 come in during approximately

one three-month period. There is a technfcal problem in the

Bf11. Although the amendatory veto, if you read it, hits a num-

ber of different areas in which therels one or two words changed,

the general effect of the total amendatory veto and its sug-

gestions are to eliminate an inEquity iu the Bill 'Dhat would pru-

vide that a vehicle newly acquired fn Decembery January and

Februarys they would had to have paid nine mônths in registra-

tion fees for a ten-month period while othersy who bought in

other months of the year, uight have had to have paid eleven

months for a ten-month period. So this just simply eliminates

that inequity and provides the same kind of treatment for each

and every purchaser of automobiles during that entire year peri-

od and they would only be payfng for exactly the same length

of tfme. There would be no penalty, therefore, upon... on any

autonobile purcbaser during that time, nor would any automobile

purchaser receive any advantage over anyone elseoo

Speaker Bradley: ''Discussfon? The question fs, shall the House ac-

cept the Covernorês speciffc recommendation for change wfth re-

spect to House Bi11 2435 by adoption of the Amendment? A11 in

,,'' ump' 6 G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Yr Hnk:#> ! 3-1-786 J

.$ s'r-'rs oe IuulNols'!k .; .((% * .k. X * :4 Q tl 5 K o F' y: l @ R E $ E N T A T I V e *%' t . c a . ! . v



. g . . . . . . -

. .. ' '


favor signify by voting 'ayel, opposed by voting fno'. Have

a11 voted who wished? Have a11 voted who wished? The Clerk

wi11 take the record. On this question there are 139 Iayes',' j

' Ino 'nays' none voting 'present'. This motion having received

tbe Constitutional Majority jrevails and the House accepts thei

Governor's specific recommendation for change regarding House

Bi11 2435 by the adoption of this Amendment. Mr. Winchester on

the floor? Representative Mudd: what purpose do you risey Sir?''

Mudd: ''Yes, l4r. Speakery for the purpose of an introduction. Today

we have a state office candidate with us who served with the

Chicago Saaitary Distriot, one of the wonders of the world. Me's

done a fantàstic Job and I thfnk that weere very lucky to have

these kfnd of management people run for state office and I'd

like to introduce to the Pouse today. He's standing back by

Representatfve Lechowicz: Jerry Cosentino, who is a candfdate

for State Treasurer of Illfnois.''

Speaker Bradley: HI understand that the Amendment to the rules are

on the way to the floor of the Eouse. We wilt address that ques-

tion as soon as they arrive and are distrfbuted. In tbe mean-

tfme, Introductfon and First Readiag.'î

Clerk O'Brien: HHouse Bill 2718, Friedland. A 3i1l for an Act to amend

Sections of the Retailer's Occupation Tax Act. First Readfng

of the Bf11. House Bi11 2719, Pullen-Macdonald. A Bill for

an Act to amend Sections of the Chfld Care Act of 1969. Ffrst

' Reading of the Bi11.H

Speaker Bradley: ''The House will be in order. Committee Reports.'ê

Clerk o'Brien; llRepresentative Redmondy Chairman of the Committee on

Rulesy to which the followtng Resolution was referred; actîon

taken March 1y 1978. Reported the same back witb the following

recommendation: be adopted House Resolution 642.''

Speaker Bradley: HThe Gentleman from Cook, Mr. Madigan.n

Madfgan: ''Mr. Speaker and Ladfes and Centlemen of the House, this Reso-'

lutfon would amend the rules of the House to structure the Sprfng

' Session. And the rule would provide às follows: Number ones

' Interfm Study Bflls would be required to obtain an exemption from

the Rules Committee unless they had had a publfc hearfng beeueen

6%A K,z ' '. GEN ERA L ASSEM BLY' . -4- ,*?,P ei 3- 1- 7 8I :2 smx-r. oeluu,so'sj


. ''

kx. . '

..T< * aovsw oe p'lpaesxsvA.m vxshx. . Q. x:k .. . . - - -.. . . ---. - . .... s.'$ -4r- 1 .. k. k .L-T - . -- ----. -- - . . ;' a 7 ... r . '- L.'u,.tu.. .. FJ t tkl .4 .' .. .t:vi .u' -..... . - .=. . ... . t. .'.- . . . .. . .. . y%:. i.t;v ,:,-. x: .... - .. .-'. . xâvs-zznz uu<a.!l: : u: ;( -; - .cc:u . u..Jli-


July 1, '77, and April 5, 1978. Number twoy Committee Bills

will also be required to obtain an exemption from the Rules Com-

mittee unless they are iatroduced prior to April 14, 1978.1:

Speaker Bradley: HCould we give the Centleman some order because this

is a rule change and youRre a11 going to be interested fn ft.

It's going to affect the way we operate tbe House this Springy

Ko give him some order. Proceed: Mr. Madigan/l

Madigan: HAnd lastlyy a series of deadlines is established.'î

Speaker Bradley: HFor what purpose the Gentleman from Cook, Mr. Schlïckman,


Schlickman: ''We11, Mr. Speaker, Members of the House: I apologize to

the Malority Leadery but 1 don't find this House Resolution on

the Calendar. And furthermore, I don't have a copy of it oa

mx desk/î

Speaker Bradley: HMr...H

Madfgan: ''They are distributed, I understand.'f

Schltckman: ''Where? How do I get a copy?''

Speaker Bradley: ''Consult your Page.''

Schlickman: l'And shouldn't it be on the Calendar?'t

Speaker Bradley: ''We lust read the Committee Report, Mr. Schlickmaa.

Do you have a copy now, Sir?''

Schlickman: ''Wel1, does reading the Committee Report give the basis

for a vote on this proposed rule change?''

speaker Bradley: ''Are you objecting, Sir, or do you just waat a ruling

from the Chair?''

Schlickman: HWe11, I just wanted to know ff ft's in order at thfs time

to consider a motion to adopt an Amendment to the rules wfthout

tbere befng appearing on t:e Calendar House Resolution 642. Now,

I do see under the Order of Committee Hearfngs a scheduling for

this morning of a Rules Committee related to dfscussion on rules

governing Sprfng Session. But that doesn't put House Resolution

642 on the Calendar for consideration at this timey so I do ob-

1 e C t . :1

Speaker Bradley: ''You are objecting?''

Schlfckman: ''Ifve 'got tô.'l

Speaker Bradley: HWe11, on the basfs of what rulep Mr. Schlickman?''

, a gps + . j . G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y.:?' .; v ?p 1 svwvs oe yuul-ols- , .. t.jjp!rL '' y=. . sousx oF PXPAX/KNTATIVE*E .g 3-1-78

! M .. 2 .1 $ *. a . . . .. . .w . ' . ;. ysxjz. w , . y./;. ygj. $ v :cy y, . . a ,. . z.. jà'jlf)j ;)j!' .rjy.; .


Schlickman: ''House Resolution 642 does not appear on the Calendar;

and the rules do provide, I belfeve, that any natter to be con-

sidered by this House must appear on the Calendar; or in thei

alternative: there must be a motion to suspend the rules for

immediate consideratton.'' %

Speaker Bradley: 'llt would be helpful to the Chafr, could you state

the rule numbqr Lf you have ft bandyr'f

Schlickman: ''We11 I would refer in the''

Speaker Bradley: HCould you hold off just a minute? We'll get the

rule. It would appear in probably Rule //8. The daily Calendar

shall be printed showing Billsy Resolutions... The Gentleman

from Cook, Mr. Houliîan.''

Houlihan: ''Mr. Speakery I would move the suspension of Rule 8 so that

we may consider tbis matter fmmediately.'f

Speaker Bradley: HThe Gentleman moves the suspension of Rule /18. Is

there discussion on the Gentleman's motion? Hearing noney a11

in favor... is there leave to use the Attendance Rolt Call?

Hearfng no objectionsy the Attendance Roll Ca1l... there are ob-

Jections? A11 right. A11 in favor of the Gentleman's motion

to suspend the rule signify by voting 'aye' and opposed by voting

gno'. Have a11 voted who wfshed? Have a11 voted who wished?

The Clerk will take the record. 0n thts question we have l04

'ayes'y 24 'nays'. For what purpose does the Geatleman from

Cook, Mr. Jaffe, arise?''

Jaffe: ''Could the... could the Speaker tell me how many votes this

motion takes?''

Speaker Bradley: :189 Sir, to suspend the rule. On this questfon there

are 104 'ayes' 24 rnays' and the Gentleman's motion prevails.9

So now werre back to t:e Gentleman from Cook. Mr. Madigan/'

Ffadigan: f'Mr. Speaker: I've already explained the provisions of the

proposed rule change relative to Interim Study.Bills and also

to Commt'ttee Bills. The Appropriation Bills will be exempt from

the deadline schedule which is establféhed in the rule for a11

other Bflls. Andy Mr. Speaker, that concludes my explanation/ï

Speaker Bradley : ê'Discussfon? The Gentleman 'f rom Christiany Mr. Ttpsword.''

. Tipsword: 'Ylr. speaker, this llas Just been laid on our desks some short

,'% GA Gr: ,g:%- .(.y.. ç G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y/

. A 3-1-78' - 'x --tz sxsv. o. ,vujsolsI -i .'.. ' .-#*F * Hoult >e PIPKISINT'A'rIVR? .Y. , < ' aw x ,' v . . . . . . . v . ., .x.. . z z .u u . vg... . ..<..=.tou.u..u wwkm-w ... . .é..lw ifu.L.>L..x:.z.-tx.ç.uv.uuk# u' y1.x,.... .w . .-. J. s vnzakiwflk .:2j


time ago without an opportunity to really look this over by the

Membership and it appears to me from just a cursory exnm4nation

of tbis House Resolution 642 it makes liars out of the Chairmen

of various Committees who have indicated to people that Lf'Bills i

were placed fn Interim Study Committee: they would be heard or

have an opportunity to be heard and to bh reported back out ontol

the floor of the House fn those Comm4ttees. I know I have so 11

reported under the rules as they existed and have existed in

this House during this Session. And if thfs passesy ft appears 1

to me that I would have to turn to everybody who has a Bill ïn

Interfm Study Commfttee and the Insurance Committee and say to

. them, 'I'm sorry, but the rules have been changed in the middle

of the game and what I told you fs absolutely not true. Your

Bill's not going to get out and not be reported.'''

Speaker Bradley: 'slurther discussion? 'fhe Centleman from Dupage,

Mr. Schneider/'

Schneider: f'Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Members of the House. I share '

Reprçsentative Tipsword's concern about the frankness of our

attftude toward Interim Study a couple of months ago. What

this Amendment does in relationship to those Bills fs to pretty

much simply say, #We presumed that everybody would have %ad

their Interim Study Bill heard by the date stated in this

Resolution.' Thar presumptfon fs erroneous ohviously, and now

we're being squeezed into a period of time that limits us not

only by the boundaries of the natural process that we are fa-

miliar wfth fn the Legfslature, but also now we're distorting

what was the orfginal concern about Interim Study. Those Mem-

bers that wanted to hear their Bills had the opportunity cer-

tainly since July of last year to deal with it but for some#

reason could not. But ncg that we are downstate and nearing

a full-blown Session, what weRre really sayfng to tbem is ft's

getting kind of late for that. We won't be able to hear the

Interim Bills and we're going to be very selective about what I!1we hear. I think ït again does exactly as Representative Tfpsword i

Isaysy changes the rules in the mfddle of the game: and I tbink

that says very little about our abilfty to be candid and out

GA o. , . % G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Yr r . i''?'..0 3-1-78f - %alâ 1 smxms oe Iuulso'sj '. . ''V VF * HOUIC oF RZPRKIKNN*ATIVKI'.x ''e... .. av* &* . .

26 .

front to the Mesbers as well as to the publicy and I would op-

pose the ResoluLiong''

Speaker Bradley: R'The Gentleman fron Cook, Mr. llahar/'

Mabar: 'îThank you, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House.

I rise in support of this... tules and particularly in respect

to the Interim Study B111s. It just seems to me that ff you had

an Interim Study Bill that went to Interfm Study last July l I

or before July 1, you'd have adequate tfme to ask the Comm#ttee

Chairman to appofnt a Subcommittee to hear that particular Bi11.

And those people who are serious about thefr Bills, I'm sure

are... either have tbe... have hearings scheduled at thfs point

or have had them in the past. And 1 think they show that therefs

a process in which they want to move with the Bill and have it

moved out. Those people of the six huadred aad some Bills tNat

are on the Calendar fn the varfous Committees that have had no

action, ft seems to me at thfs late date to come along and want

to have soue Committee hearings is a little bit late and they

aren't really that serious about the Bflls. And for that reasona

I don't think they should be considered.''

Speaker Bradley: uThe Gentleman from Cook, Mr. Jaffe.n

Jaffe: ''Would the Sponsor yield to a question?''

Speaker Bradkey: HHe indicates he w111.''

Jaffe: ''Would yov explain Item C under House Resolutfon 642 to us?''

Speaker Bradley: îfWelre waiting for Mr. Madfgan to reply.ov''

Madigan: ''And the answer fs that this language is simply implementa-

tfon of tbe concept proposed by the Resolution. That ff the

B111y in fact, is exempt under the proposed ruley why theny

the Commi-ttee c'an proceed to consider the Bill when we retura

oa April 5. On the other handy if under the proposed rule the

Billy fn fact, fs not exempt, then we are providing that t*e

Bi1l must appear before rhe Rules Comma*ttee and obtain an exemp-

tion from the Rules Committee from the ruleso''

Speaker Bradley: îtr. Jaffe-''

Jaffe: ''Let me say, Ifd like a lfttle attention. Mr. Speaker-''

Speaker Bradley: ''Give the Gentleman some order please.''i

Jaffe: ''It would seem to me as I read Rule 60... Rule C there. it seems

. . , ' )' Wf * ' . . G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y' .' .-4. ï 3- 1- 7 8/: . ...igï 1 svxv? oe Iuulsols$



- ' V * Housl oe elpyeesll'rA.-rlves%.. w . tk. a e +

Q ' - - '


to me that anything in Interim Study, anything really that is

in a Comma*ttee way cannot be discharged from Committee until

after July 1. Isn't that correct?ê'(

Madigan: ''That fs correct. The avenue for consideration would be

through the..'''

Jaffe: 9'We1l, if I may just address the motion.n

Speaker Bradley: ''You certainty may, Sirsll

Jaffe: 'fYeah, I think that House Resolution 642 is really an atrocity,

I must tell you that. Basically what we're saying fs weVre saying

to the people of this state that weere not gofng to be studyfng

school finance anymorey we're not going to be studytng problems

in our mental health institutions. A11 weVre going to do is

welre going to cut off everything and make ft impossible. really

impossible for everybody to dfscharge a Committee or for any-

body to get a Bi1l out that we ltave to really discuss. You knalz,

I think that we have some hard decisions to make in the coming

year. I think we have bard decisions to make wtth regard to

Chfldren and Family Services. I think we have hard decisions

to make on school finance. I think we bave hard decisions to

make with regard to the mental instftutions. And if we adopt

thfs Resolutfon, I think what wefre really saying to the people

of ïllinois is we don't really care to adopt anytning. We really

don't want to address those problems. We want to have potttics

as usual.. We want to give tbe Governor a free ride and I think

if any Democrat votes for House Resolution 642, he ought to quft

the Democratic Party/'

Speaker Bradley: ''The Centleman from Cook, Mr. Telcser/'

Telcser: fNr. Speaker and Members of the House, ever since we went

to annual Sessfons some years ago, weVve always been faced with

the dflemma as to how to conduct our business in the even num-

bered years. There's been no real opposition to tryfng to have

an orderly procedure whenever this Assembly meets, particularly

with the appropriation process. And most of the people who have

been fntimately fnvolved with the process agree thad the even

numbered year ought to have as much as possible the princfpalI

amount of fts attention paid to that reveaue and appropriation

, . . ?.x.#, ' .ta J G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y

t . ! 3-1-78- Nrj.(. . sv..-r. oe 'uulsols .q œ . .'1,,

'.' .uw .- + uo u l K o #' 4j EPR E%KHT AT': V 1%4. e . ' * .' c v<.. vw$. . * *


.. 3.:

r .


process. Wefve always been facèd with the conflict and dilèmmn

of how expanded or how much of a Sessfon we ought to have in

the even numbered year. Nowy I think that the... thfs Resolu-

tion strikes a good balance. That is that if you had a Btll E

. in Interim Study Committee at tbe time of adjournment and it iwas heard, that Bill fs alfve and that Bill is exenpt from the ë

rule of having your Bill gofng to the Rules Commzettee in order

to see kf it could be exempted. So I think we should be looking

at a ' broad program, ra ' broad pfcture of how to conduct the

business of this Legislature. It has absolutely nothing wbatever

to do with politicsy no matter who may or may not be the Gov-

ernor or no matter who may or may not be the Majority Party or

the Speaker of tbis House. It sfmply... it simply fs about time

that we did everythfng possfble to bring an orderlyy deliberative

procedure to what we do in the General Assembly. The more weVre

fn Sessiony the more days we spend fn Sessfony the easier it is

for us to fall into the... into the pattern of considering al1

kinds of Bills, no matter when we come into Session. I don't

think there's a Member of tbis General Assembly who does not

admit privately, ff not publicly, that the amount of time we

can spend or the attention we give to the appropriatfon process

whfch afzer a11 fs the heart of what werre doing is adequate.

It is totally inadequate. And one of the reasons weVre faced

witb shortcomfngs and inadequate time and inadequate attentfon

we can pay to that process is because we'll always have substan-

tive legislation to consider. So again I repeaty in my judg-

ment, I think we have struck a reasonably good balance betweea

substantive legislationywhich could be considered in this year;

and yet, we are able to devote the majority of our time and at-

tention to those matters dealing with appropriations and revenue.

And so, I really think in a11 due respect to the people who area

in a sense, talking about a full-blown Session, which by the

way fs where I have always in the past been: I think wefve re-

speeted their wishes and yet have... and yet We're setting the

. precedent to leave most of the time available to us to the revenue!

appropriation process.. And Is for one. am going to support House

= >, LV ' e < ;). G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y, .. x 'r& 3- 1- 7 af Jtra l s'rwm. oe Iuu'sols) . % .. I.> - .k - ..y rr * H o t; S E & #' R E P 1: K S E N T A T' 4 V E %X. .

29. I

Resolutfon 642.''

Speaker Bradley: OThe Gentleman from Cook, Mr. Barnes. Would those I

people surrounding Mr. Barnes...''I

E. Barnes: f'Thank you very much.eo'' lSpeaker Bradley: 'fsit down and give him a littlg room.''

E. Barnes: ''We11, Mr. Speaker and Members of tbe House, my problem

wit: this as has been indicated early on is that we just got

it on tbe desks. Now, tbere is some confusfoa here. Fart of

the... two things that I1m concerned about. 0ne fs relative

to Bflls in Interim Study that would require a change now ia

the midstream because some of us have legislation there. 1:

for one, have legislation there. And they have not been heard

because of certain extenuatfng cfrcùmstances relatfve te t:e

piece of legtslation I have there that was a governmental Com-

uission upon it dealing with that subject matter and thaz's the

onty reason that that Bill has not been heard. Now, under these

rules if that Bill is not heard by April 5, it's going to require

me to go back through a process that was noty did not exist when

tbat legislation was introduced. I think that what veVte doing

here is we're changing borses in midstream and werre going to

make ft extremely hard for us to follow legfslatioa that we have

worked on for some time. I think agafn, also, new legfslation

that would be involved fn making certain klnds of chanses other

than approprfations and finance would have... would create a

real hardship on the proposal of the language as now embodied

fn this rule change. I vould solicft that we either or be given

some time to look at the wording in this change or othérwise I would

have to solicit opposition of this particular rule change at

this point.''

Speaker Bradley: HThe Gentleman from Cook, Mr. Mahar, for what purpose

do you rfse, Sir?''

Mabar: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. For the purpose of an introductioao''

Speaker Bradley: ''Give the Gentleman some order. Proceed, Sirol'

Mahar: ''Ladies and centlemen of the House, ft's my privilege to intro-

duce to the Mouse a colleague. â former colleague of ours, one

I'm sure many of you know from the... my area of the south Cook

e-;-(;4 ' O EX ER AL ASSEM BLY--. y or-ex . 3-1-78/ lttl'y l s'ra'rx oe Iuu,sols1 ..

. .. ...)3k3b?6à' zb' 7

. . =N!s. * Ho tzlK QF PKPRESKMT'ATIV t*''. k) z.n' * r. .- ---. . .. .. .<.s-xkj..%-j'#..(t. .,. .r....o.vfî:k'y.IiJJttp-'a zga.k...s . . . s ....u.... . s .uushc.raa .r.b3w.â' ï.;:k.' - up k .. . o a;,. .:'.xjh;jjjiik.* !' é.u... '

30. 1

County who is running for Congress in the 3rd Congressional Dis-

trfcts Bob Dunn.'' Ispeaker Bradley: ''Further discussion on the Resolution? The Gentle-

man from Sangamons Mr. Kane.''(

Kane: ''Would the Sponsor yield to a question?''

speaker Bradley: ''He indicates that he wi11.1'i

Kane: ''subsection 6 of this rule says that Subsection B and C may hot i

,, 1be suspended at a11 even with 107 votes. Is that correct? I

Madigan: ''Thatls correct.''

Kane: ''Does that mean then that for a B111 to be considered it has '

to be... have either the approval of the... a majority of the

Rules Committee or be a Committee Bill evea if an extraordinary

majority of the Mouse decided that it was an important Bill and

should be heard?'î

Nadigan: HI didu't bear the Gentleman's questicno''

speaker Bradley: ''Would you repeat the question. Mr. Kane?''

Kane: î'Does that mean that a Bill in order to be heard bas to either

have a majority of the Committee to which it's assigned or talk

some Comma-ttee into sponsoring the Bfll or have a majority of

the Rules Committee approve it even though a majority of... an

extraordinary majority of the House may think that it's an im-

portant Bi11, it stfll could not be heard?'î

Madigan: nSo far the centlemanls questlon states the rule, Mr. Speakeroê'

Kane: HI mean, is there any reason why l07 Members should not be able

to suspend Subsection B and C?''

speaker Bradley: ''Mr. Kane, are you asking another question of the...n

Kane: ''YesJ1

speaker Bradley: HHe was... Hr. Madigan: there was anotber question

by Mr. Kane.''

Kane: 'îl'm wondering why youfre saying that Subsections B and C can-

not be suspended even with the vote of 107 Members. That seems

to be putting an extremely tight straitlacket on the Houseo''

Madigan: ''The intent ôf this Amendment is to establish the type of

Session that we have always had in the even numbered year Ses-

sfons since Ifve been a Member of the House beginning in 1971.

Never in my memory have we considered the even numbered years

z:C<a o,.' . sP- ' .jrax' G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y

. 3-1-78l Nzk'z svxv. oe yuu,sols$ ' '' '

i . ..6 . '' * J- HotzlK oe PKPREIXHT'ATJVK*' N. .'''. .* 16I . ' N . .s . . . ., . : , . ; , . w j.. , . . ,x ts v . ( a. s . .. . . a. s .z F)J g,rfjrelt'/ g) is/j .,%) p


u ,j.y w . s sytyzjyjysug.jsutyjveszz. ' .4.1- Lfj**. . . . s. ..o . p;j. . . . . . >.


Sesstons to be anything close to t:e odd numbered years Sessioni

where we would consider a11 leglslation. Traditionally, wefve 5t

always treated the even numbered Sessfons as primarily concerned l

with budgetary matters and also with items considered to be of !

an emergency nature or of a substantial importance to government. iAnd therefore, the focus of this proposed Amendment fs to struc-

ture what has become the traditional even numbered year Session.n

Kane: HMr. Speaker, Ladfes and Centlemen of the House.î'

' Speaker Bradley: ''Proceedy Sfr-''

Kane: NGiven the tremendously strict limitatfons that this proposed

rùle gives us, remfnds me ef the last time thàt we had this kind

of rule that could not be suspended whieh was the last time that

we had a jotnt rule of the House and Senate for whfch tbere was

no provision for suspension of those rules. And I remember the

kind of frustration that we had fn the House at that time be-

cause tbere were Bills that a majority of the Meabers of the

' House thought should be handled and there was no way of getting

' to that because the joint rules could not be suspended. And ff

we had thfs provisfon in these House rules, that Subsections

5 and C cannot be suspended even wftb an affirmative vote of

107 Members, I think tbat that's putting us in a straitjacket

that h'e Jannot remove. And I woulf urge. the defeat of this Re-

solutfon at this time with this kind of provisioa in 1tJ'

Speaker Bradley: ''The Gentleman from McRearyy Mr. Skinner-''

Skfnner: eYr. Speaker, I rise to oppose this Amendment to the rules.

The preceding speaker from Sangamon County has, as usual, under-

stated the enormity of the theft from the Menbership of power

that this rule wi1l... will result fn. Representative Jaffe

has told us what welre talling the people of the State of I1-

lfnofs. Well, basfcally you#re telling the people of the State

of Illfnois that Lf you have a problem, you'd better have the '

problem in an odd numbered year because any crisfs that comes

fn even numbered years, unless the power brokers on the Rules

Committee agree wfth that crists, is not gofng to get coasfdered.

So what webre saying is if we pass this Resolution is that we!

are in favor of concentratfng power in the Rules Committee. 0ae

er'ik GATz' .; q. G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y

,f ? . r.j-l-,?az X..

't sra-rx oe ls-ulaojs( . .... z7'. ...x)bq allv sl


of the... one of my colleagues on my side of the aisle has sug-

gested this has nothfng to do with politics. Well, as politely

as I may observe it, that is Just baloney. This has everything:

Ito do with politfcs. It just has nothing to do with parttsan

politfcs. If you are a leader and if yoa are fn power whfch k

a minority of this Membership 1s, then youfre going to be able i

to do what you want to do. But if you're an average Member ïn

the Illtnois General lssembly, youVre not going to get anything

' done this next year. Now, 1'm reminded by a crisis tbat is now

occurrfng fn Skokie that... I wondered ff therels anybody that's '

an expert in German hfstory that could tell us what Hitler dfd

after he took control of the legislative body in Cermany. Do !

you think maybe he took the pover away from the Membership to!Iwaive rules or did he concentrate ft so much that the Member-

ship couldn't then initiate any changes chat ft wanced to'f Now,lsomeone has argued that Approprfations Bills will be givea more

cons ideration by the Membership this year if they are not allowed' !

to consider anything else. Nov who's kidding who? Most of the

Membership doesn't give much attention to Approprfations Com-I

mittee any year whether ftfs odd or even and there's a very good

reason for that and that is thst the Governor has the absolute

ability to raise appropriatfons... well, to do evezything except

rafse approprfatfons. The only way we can hurt the Executive

budget is by passing less money than the Executive wants fn a

given lise item. Now, 1'm reading Mr. Campbellfs cartoons, looking

at them in the press cllppings and in the Dafly Newsa aad I no-

tice that he's doing an inordinate number on property taxes and

how the Illinois Legislature is characterized... is being charac-

terized as someone who fs basically thumbfng its nose at the *

taxpayer. Well, there's a myth going around that I think is

befng slightly perpetuated on this floor that fn odd numbered

years or, excuse me, even numbered yearsy that is this year

we're gofng to consider Appropriations Bflls and Revenue Bills.

1That is not true. If you want to do anything about property

' taxes this year. our God heai... the Rules Committee had beteer

agree with the cbange that you want to make. So we3re not talking+% *

A GENERAL ASSEMBLY;.' -$n- A3)?'s. 1 .S

i STAYK DV ILIZOOIYt, .. ' -:*', -ee'=e sous. oe plepxse-'rl-rlvex'1 . xx 3-1*78 .

. ! ; . , . . . ''k ..j . ,y;,: o . ,. .. . ; . .n . . . v . . .; . . . .; , ., . .t . . A! J'


about Revenue Bills. They are not automatically exempt. Ifi

you want to increase property tax .relief for senior citizens, II

just forget it unless the Rules Committee says 'yesla I don't

see any reason anyonw who's not on the Rules Committee or ia

tbe Leadership and receivfng extra compenYatfon for that prï- i

vilege and if theybre access to that privilege, would vote for

this Resolutfon to gut tbe power of the average Member of the

Illinois General Assembly. And I trust that one of the Members

on the other sfde of the aisle who has a better view of the!

absent Members on his side than I have will demand a veriffca-

tion of this Roll Call and I woutd be certainty happy to be

willing to help.'' I1

Speaker Bradley: î'The Gentleman from Cook, Mr. Teleser. For what pur-

ose do you rise . Sir?''P

Telcser : ''Mr. Speaker. Members of the llouse, I wondered if we could

take a moment to introduce a former Member of t%e House, a for-

mer Republican Leadere'' ' '. '

- Speaker Bradley: llcould we have soxe order for.oo''i

Telcser: ''He's sitting in a balcony behind me. My good friend and

yoursy former Representative Ray Anderson.'':

speaker Bradley: ''The Gentleman from Cook, Mr. Lechowiczy on the ques-

Viof * ' î

Lechowicz: ''Thank you, Mr. Speaker. If I may just address a couple. I

of the ftems that were probably missed in the discussion on I

House Resolution 642. The Rules Committee has been reviewiag;

the workload of the Ceneral Assembly based upon the premise that !

V k here on April 5. And I would strongly hopewe 11 be coming bac

that the Membership would listen to both the proposal on HouseI

Resolutlon 642 and some of the legftfmate concerns that were

assessed on this House floor. But I would hope that the Member-

ship as a whole would realize there are 613 Bills fn the categoryi

of Interfm Study Bills. Upon much discussion by Representative l

Mahar. Monroe Flinn, Don Brnmmet, Ceorge Ryan stating the fact

that there were Members that were seriously pondering tîe neces-

sity of their Bills that were placed fa Interfm Study. That

was expanded to provide that if there was a hearing, a hearing

slrrA.r, ' * . e G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y. 3-1-78l '%,,p t s-rwv. o. 'uul-o'st , -='* .,- * HOtllK GF RKPKK**NTATIVEY

. . - . * . . . . f q .. .. .. . . . ' . ,; . 4.. ;.v.à ; .)(jtL.j,.: 0.$. ;; i;L, -. ., :,;, p jizjâ zspy.. .: ,


mfnd youy on that Bfll sïnce we adlourned ln July up to aad in-

cludfng the mlddle of April, that Bill would not have to go back

through the Rules Committee. I think it's fair. There are ninety-

some Bills in tbat category as of today and I know that each and i

every one of the Members knows what Committee thefr Interfm Study 1Bi11 is in. Al1 you have to do is to ask the Eomnittee Chafrman

to be so kind and post your Bfll for a hearing evea after the

prfmary be tween Marc: 21 and the middle of April. I donlt be-

' lieve that causes any additional concerns. I think you have an

ample opportunfty to have your Bflls posted and to be heard and

to be recorded in or out. As far as the Commq'ttee Billsy the

Republicans were quite concerned with the possfbility of aa ahuse

fn the Committee Bf11 system. For thls reason, it was re...

upon a jotnt agreement that the Commlttee Bills would be limited' to the miâdle of April as well. Nou rhe Senate has adopted a

set of guidelines and I believe if you take a look at t:e Bills

that we#re gofng to have to be consfdered betveen now and the mid-

d1e of May and if anyone in his soul 'wants to get out of here

by the end of Juaea I would strongly recommend they read Resolu-

tion 642, understand it and adopt it. Thank you.'f

Speaker Bradley: HThe Gentleman from Winnebago, Mr. Giorgi.''

Gforgi; 'Nr. Speaker, I move the previous question/'

Speaker Bradley: ''That was the last speaker anyway. Sorry. lt wasn't'

vflashing up hbre. The Gentleman s moved the previous question.

A11 in favor of the Gentleman's motion signify by saying 'aye',

opposed 'no'. The opinion of the Chafr, the 'ayes' have it.

The Geatleman from Cook, Mr. Madfgan. to'close debate.''

Madigan: NMr. Speaker, I have previously explained that this is an

attempt to structure a tradltional even numbered year sessioa.

The proposed Amendment represents a compromise between two ex-

treme views relative to the fortbcoming Spring Sessfoa. 0n the

one hand there are those who feel that we ought to have a re-#


Play of our last Sessïon and consider a1l proposed pieces of

legislation. On the other handythere are those who feel that!

' every Bill has to be approved by the Rules Committee so that l

we would have a session concerned exclusively with budgetary

W 'nA.,;tr. . n - G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y' y%t'ivs 1 3.:1-7 8fj

.,.œP s'rwve o. 'uudso's'h '7 -.....3- - . souss oe pseaxsssvwmjvesN . t +' uw , s ,

. . . -- . : z , J . . J .. ;' .. .! j . $ o . .. . . ..... uij . ... r .-- .- --... - .. . ..0. . . ' 2 .! . ..... - . . ) . . .(... ..... . '


items and items of an emergency nature or of substantfal impor-

tance to government. This proposal by recognizing that Interfm

Study Bills where the Sponsor has demonstrated an interest in

that Bi11 over the summer by conducting a publfc hearing ought

to be exempt. And secoidly, it recognizes that Committee Bills

where the primary Sponsor of the Committee Bill has worked with

the Committee over the summer and now is fn a position to cause

that Committee to introduce its Committee Bills ought to be exempt

also. Given tbose two exemptionsy I believe that we have struck

a good compromise between these two extreme views and that we

ought to adopt this Amendment to the ruleso'f

Speaker Bradley: HThe question is: the adoption of the House Resolu-

tion 642. A11 in favor of the adoption of the Resolution will

signify by voting 'aye', opposed by votfng 'nog. The Gentle-

man from Lake, Mr. Griesheimer, and I apologize, Sir. The light

is not flashfng up here. Is your light flashing?''

Griesheimer: Hily light is flashing, Mr. Speaker. I'd appreciate it

if somebody would check thato''

Speaker Bradley: f'Weîl1 check it betweea now and April 5. The Gentle-

man from Lake: Mr. Griesheimers to explafn his vote.''

Grfeshefmer: HThank you, Mr. Speaker. I did want to have the oppor-

tunfty when this Bf11 was being debated to ask the Sponsor of

the measu're as the Majorityieader why they would suggest this proce-

dure. In actuality, there's no doubt why thèylre suggestfag

thfs procedure. The Committee which is charged with making the

rules wants to break the rules. And that's just the sqay it's

been down here for about the last four or five years. Those

people who have tbe authority want to have the authority to their

best interests but not to the interests of the people of the

State of Illinois. It's been my experience that ln the second

year down here, we handled three types of Bills - approprfation.

revenue and emergency matters. It's also been my experience that

the only thing thatls an emergeacy matter are those Bills spon-

sored by the Leadershlp. Now thatîs just not the case. The

Leadership of this Legislature has not done the job ln the last

four or five years as fs pretty evident by the problems the State

N K,.s . . G E N E R A E A S S E M B L Y' - %>j.T, y 3 - 1 - 7 81. -k' . x svwx. o. luulaols'. > ' ..-p' * HotllK OF REPRKIKNTATIVE@-' '' ' ' .' .. k .uuutu., J-.q.y. ,.,: ,.. ., .w .y a . < .w . v .. .. ..i . -. ......Au. .. .-. . =-...' . .'...' ' ' . a . J''x .. ïztu.'..... ;à-. a zKxuxoap .K ..;,y .ïtu z à:-nt': t2,,i%b' .7k's:i


of Illinois faces. There are a number of good Bills languishing

fn Subcommq'ttees and on lnterim Study Committees tbat we were

promïsed last year would be givea a full opportunity for hearing

in the spring. We were told that there would be no new Bills

allowed to be fntroduced in the spring, but these Bills were

a11 introduced this last year. I think ft would be very inap-

propriate at this time to turn over any more power to the people

who have already abused that power. I think thfs Bill should

be soundly killed and this rule should not be cbanged.l'

Speaker Bradley: 'lThe Gentleman from Cook: Mr. Jaffe, to explaia hisi

vote . '' i

IJaffe: 'Mr. Speakery 1 have already spoken on the subject, sokl'don'tthfnk I can explafn my vote, but I would lfke to be recognized i

for a verification of the Roll Call if this does receive 89 votes/'' 1

Speaker Bradley: ''You wfll be so recognfzed, Sbr. Have a11 voted who

wfshed? Have a11 voted who wished? The Clerk will take the

record. 0n this question we have 97 'ayes', 39 'nays', and 8

voting 'present'. And the Centleman requests verification of

the Roll. Representatfve Madigany do you wish to have a poll

of the absenteesy Sir? Mr. èhdfgan requests a poll of the ab-

sentees and the Clerk w11l call the absentees. For what pur-

pose the Gentleman from Cook, Mr. Lechowiczy ariseq''

Lechowicz: HHas there been a request to poll the absentees?'f

Speaker Bradley: 'lThere's been a request to do that, yes.''

Lechowfcz: ''A11 right, thank you-''

Clerk O'Brien: ''Jane Barnes.''

Speaker Bradley: HJust a minute. What purpose the Gentleman from Cooky

Mr. Schlickman, arise?''

Schlickman: 'Yr. Speaker, dîd you indicate 89 votes would be required

for the adoptfon of thls Resolution?''

Speaker Bradley: HNobody's asked that yet, Sir.''I

Schlickman: RlHow many Votes are requfred?f'

Speaker Bradley: 1189.11iISchlickman: ''And that's on the baéis of what? If three-fifths of the

' Membersbfp of the Rules Commfttee vote in support of tbis or a'

d tion to adopty'' 'recommen a

.-opv o, zy . , ,e G E N E R A L A S S E M B Ia Y'.- 3-1-78/3

.'>- r 't svx..x oe Iuul-olsk . - b.g -t . '' /. *' * I4oklsr oF RFFF'E7SFFêTATIVKS.x .v (;


Speaker Bradley: NIfm informed the answer to your question is 'yes',

but fs irrelevant.''

Schlfckman: ''We11, I don't think it fs. 1 think it ought to be in

the record to support the ruling of 89 votes.''

Speaker Bradley: ''The Gentleman from Cook, Mr. Lecbowicz.'' l

Lechowfcz: HTo answer the question there, Representative Schlickman, j'it was unanimous by the Rules Commn'ttee. Unaninous-''

Speaker Bradley: î'Proceed with the absentees.''

Clerk O'Brien: HJane Barnes, Bartulfs, Bluthardts 9on Brllmmety Collins,

Deuster, Epton, Ewing, Friedrfch, Caines, Cettyy Hoffman,

Holewinski, gave Jones, Keats, Kent, Klosak: Kucharski, McAvoy,

Mcclain, Mudd, Mugalian, Neff, Pierce, Porter, Satterthwaite,


Speaker Bradley: ''The Lady from Champaign wants to be recorded as

voting 'present'. Mrs. Satterthwafte wishes to be reeorded as

voting 'present'. The Gentleman fron Cooks Mr. Katz, for what

urpose do you rise?''P

Katz : ''Only to be verified ïf I miglat , Mr . Speaker. I need to be some

other place at this moment.î'

' Speaker Bradley: HMr. Jaffe, Mr. Katz wfshes to be verified. Mr. Garmisa

has the same request. Mr. Jaffe. He graciously aoknowledges

that you wfll be verffied. Proceed with the call of the absentees.'l

clerk OlBrfen: 'IE.G. Collins, Sumner, Kall, Nalsh. U.D.'' 1Speaker Bradtey: 'Yfr. Co111ns... Mr. Fhil Collins... recorded as vottng

'no'. Mr. Leinenweber wishes to be recorded as voting taye'.

Mr. Adams.-'' I

Adams: ''Verified? I'd like to be verified on the Roll pleaseo'' :

Speaker Bradley: HMr. Jaffe, Adams wisbes to be verified. He gra-

ciously consents to your wishes. The Gentleman from Winnebagoy

1tr Simms/'

Simms: ''Mr. speaker, 1$d like to be verified at this time, too. please.'' !

Speaker Bradley: 'Yr. Jaffe, meet your approval? That's as far as i

theyfre going to take you? Mr. Bluthardty what purpose do you...

Mr. 3luthardt wishes to be recorded 'aye'. Antoaovych uishes ;1

to be recorded as voting 'aye'. Well, I don't think we're going

to go with any more verfffcations. A11 right now, Mr... Let's

s < A. . r. g*' . tym. e r G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y' . x.:k js 3-1-78; (

. 51a svwvl oe luuvaols'. .' . 6 . ousx or RxeaxslNTaTlvesqx . . ;=' H


ffnish the absentees. Then wefll get back to recognlzing. Pro-

ceed, Sfry Mr. Clerk.''

Clerk O'Brien: ''Willer and Winchester.'l

- Speaker Bradley: ''Nows Mr. Pierce wishes to be recorded as voting 'no'.

Mr. Bartulis wishes to be recorded as voting 'aye'. Mr. Deuster

wfshes to be recorded as voting 'aye'. Deuster. Mr. Schoeberlein

Yishes to be recorded as voting 'aye'. A11 right nows Mr. Jaffe,

so you mfght know where we stand. Weîre at 102 'ayes' and 41

'nays'. Questions of the Affirmative Roll. Welly wait a ninute.

tet's read the Affirmative Roll first.''

Clerk O'Brien: ''Abramson, Adams, Antonovychs Bartulfss Beatty. Birchler.''

Speaker Bradley: HJust a mfnute, Mr. Clerk. I think if the Members

could please be in their seatsy we might run through this rather

quickly and raise your hands when your name is called so Mr. Jarfe

can see. And, Mr. Ewing, what purpuse did you arise? Xr. Eving

wishes to be recorded as voting 'aye'. Mr. Winchester wlshes

to be recorded as voting 'ayeg. Mrs. Reed, you... you want to

change your vote? From 'no' to 'aye'. Reed. Mr. Davis wlshes

to be... to change his vote from 'no' to 'aye'. Mr. Huskey fs

votfng 'presentl and he changes to 'aye'. We canlt further...

faster than the Clerk can record them, so wefll... A11 right

now, the Gentleman from Champaigns Mr. Wikoff, wishes to be re-

corded from lpresentl to 'aye'. Mary Lou Kent. the Lady from

Adams, wishes to be recorded as voting 'aye'. For what purpose

does the Centleman from Lawrence, Mr. Cunningham, arise?''

Cunningham: ''Speaker, would it be an fmpositfon for me to be verified

that I mlght go confer with Harold Katz in the matter of large

vp 'moments.

Speaker Bradley: ''It is up to Mr. Jaffe who has said that he's goae

far enough wfth those, but..-f'

Cunnfngham: ''Aaron. make an exception. 01d frfendso''

Speaker Bradley: 'Yake an exception?'e

Cunningham: ''Okay.''

Speaker Bradtey: ''AII right now, Mrs. Willer wishes to be recorded

as votfng 'nof. A11 right now. any other additions or sub-

tractions? The Gentleman from Macon, Nr. Bennett, wfshes te

A c. x:P- ' : '.r.p. e < G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y, . . j 3-1-7,/. k%. n sv

xvs oe ruulsolsl ' '4d0jR', .' -.r'$w . sous. oe lsj.azssarw.rtvesX s..x xs s,w


be recorded as 'aye'. Mr. Hudson from 'no' to 'aye'. Beanett

kishes to be recorded as voting 'aye'. Yeah, Hudson 'aye'.

Friedrfch .'aye'. We just can't go faster than the Clerk can

write them down. Friedrich 'aye'. Mr. Neff wishes to be re-

corded as voting 'aye'. J. David Jones wishes to be recorded

as voting layeR. You got Jones? Proceed with the verification

of the affirmative vote. The Gentleman from Cooky Mr. Houlihany

for what purpose do you rise, Sir?''

Houlihan: HWhat's the count, Mr. Speaker?l'

Speaker Bradley: ''Wefre gettfng it. The count now reads 114 'ayes'.

39 'nays'. The Gentleman from Cook, Mr. Jaffep''

Jaffe: 'Nr. Speaker, now that we have émoked a11 the Republicans out

and gotten them on the Roll Call and we see who the Republicans

are doing business witb in the State of Illinois today to limft

the people's businessy IVm going to withdraw my motlon for a


Speaker Bradley: HThe Centleman wfthdraws his motfon for the verifi-

cation. So on the question, on the question we have 114 gayes',

39 'nays' and the Resolution is adopted. The Centlemaa from

Cook, Mr. Madiganon

Madigan: f'Mr. Speaker, pursuant to t:e Speaker's announcement, I re-

quest that we now stand at ease for fifteen or twenty minutes

to provfde for a meeting of the Joint Leadership in the Speaker's


Speaker Bradley: ''There will be a Joint Leadershfp meetïng. Howevers

there fs a couple. there are a couple pieces of business we

can take care of. Mr. Ewell, do you wish to move on House Bill

24810 The Gentleman from Cooks Mr. Ewe11.n

Ewell: 'Nr. Speaker, Ladies and Centlemen, Ifd like to move for the

suspension of Rule 41... 4#.1(b) for the purpose of proceeding

with my motion.l'

Speaker Bradley: ''The Gentleman from Kaakakee. Mr. Ryan.''

Ryan: ''I would have to object to that, to that motion, Mr. Speaker.''

Eve11: ''Speaker, then I#d like to move pursuant to the rules and I

believe that there fs a written motion on the desky T would like

to move to suspend the provisions of Rule 44.1(b) fn order thatxws. AA o

/ . eç G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y/ - = t'rz'k,,.x <(j 3-1-.y8: * ''tptz : svxms oe 'uulsols

k . .*1. . Q/ -J, e Housx oe ae#ppwsl-ravlves' x. , k . 7's


we might address ourselves to this particular questton.'f

Speaker Bradley: HThat suspends tbe rule for t:e tmmediate considera-

tion of House Bill 2681 on an amendatory veto motfon. Mr. Rzan

from Kankakee objects. So a11 those in favor of the Gentlemangs

motion to suspend the rule wfll vote 'ayev and those opposed,i

vote 'no'. Mr. Ewell wfll explain his vote.'f

Ewe11: nMr. Speaker, very brfefly, this deals with the ability of thisi

General Assembly to address itself to a very pressing need ofI

the Junior colleges within the Cïty of Chfcago. This is simply

the land acquisition Bill that would allow the City of Chfcago!

to proceed to attempt to acquire land for a junior college sïtey

and I tbink that the Members of thfs Assembly realize that our

efforts to do this will be brought to nought ff we cannot at

least have our vote today. Now youlre talkfng about one of the

more deprived junfor college systems and why the Governor would

veto ft. I think thfs Body has a duty and an oblfgation because

I pofnt out it's not just the Cfty of Chicago this time and many I

of you can cast those red votes and says well this fs the City

1of Chicago's problem. I'd lfke to pofnt out to you that when

ït rains, it rains a11 over. And whea the rain from Chicago

drains off. itfs going to come downstate. And youere going to

be hera before thfs Body time afcer cime crying abcut t'ae needs

of your districts, telling us what you need and what must be

doae for your particular district because of the disasters that

have occurred. I say that wegre trying fzithin the City of Chfcago

to anchor one end of the loop to bring back tha't kind of con-

struction that will make the City of Chicago once again perhaps

not Just the second city in the natfon. but perhaps the first.

Now I point out. you can ignore our pllght, you can ignore our)

problem and you can say, hah, ft fs yours, not ours; but Centle-

men, I say to you, remember, it's gofng to melt. The snow that

came throughout the state is gofng to melt. It's gofng to melt

ln your dfstricty your bridges are gofng to be washed out. Your!

creeks are golng to overflow. You're going to cry for money.

. You#re going to cry for satisfactfon. So when you turn your

back to us nov, remember that the snov does melt and the raia

ux.x o/ut - ' vaw-r. '$ G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y(' ' %. & . 3- 1- 7 82

. wx:% . smAve oe kuulsolstt& . ' 6 e aouss oe swpnxseplmA.mlves.x .. .zk... e o'x.. t; 2*,: *

. . --. - - . . . - -. . .- -* .. - . *'


does flow downstream, and 1 beseech you on behalf of the thou-2

sands of children in the City of Chicago who do not ask for that

type of educatfon that comes out of the great unfversity fn 'i

Champaiga-urbana, but we ask only for a few thousand dollars. !!

A few dollars in order to acquire a site in downtown Chicago

for the purpose of providing a juniot college education and

a junior college education is the cheapest educatfon provided

fn this state. ï doa't have to take out the vouehers for the

University of Illinois to point out the dollar costs. And whea

you add for those universlties in northern Itlinoisy eastern

Illinofs, western lllinofs, southern Illinois, where are you

now tbat we need you? And I would plead witb the Members of

this Body to help suspend tbis rule and help the City of Chi-

cago and the scbool children to a decent educationp''

Speaker Bradley: HHave a11 voted who wished? The Gentleman from Cook,

Mr. Madison-l'

. Madison: 1'Mr. Speaker, I have a parliamentary inquiry and I donft know

if ft's tfmely at this point or not. But I understood that we

' bad before us the motion earlier made by Representative Madigan

relative to veto motion items and I wonder if you could explain

to me what happened to that motion and what effect it has.''

Speaker Bradley: 'Yr. Madiganfs motion was withdrawn. Mr. Tipsword

made a motion on his specific Bi11 to... for the immediate con-

sideratfon and the suspension and his motion covered only that

one Bi11.H

Madfson: HSo we did not have a motion relative to a11 items?'l

Speaker Bradley: '%!r. Madigan withdrew his motion that would have taken

care of al1 items, so we are taking them one at a time.''

Madison: 01 thank you, Mr. Speakerv''

Speaker Bradley: f'So have à11 voted who wished? Have a11 voted who

wished? The Clerk will take the record. On this question ve

have 67 'ayes' and 46 'nays? and the Gentlemanls motion-... and

that makes 68 'ayes' and the Gentleman's motion- . Mr. Evell-l'

Ewe11: ''Very rarely would I ask, but fn thfs question, letls perform

the record and let's see where those people who are sitting on

absentees stand and I would request a poll of the absentees.''

,-5U.0.3ro. ê G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y/ q z y 3-1-78tk - :V.4 j s-rxvs oe luu'sops. . .+è, . a ON . - sousz oe aeencsesmxv,ves. .... .c. . ... gv

waq' ) v. , . ..' Ix . -â:zNeg ' ' >. $:,, eyg.' i 'u ,A( y:x .. Ja#L( çj'.w..a .#p' ' -. .. :( . . . . . .. & .. Js . .- a ,.. . ... . k. .. . .p. , . .. lu , . . . . , . . . .

. 42.

Speaker Bradley: HThe Gentleman requests a poll of the abseatees.''

Clerk O'Brien: 'lAbramsoay Anderson, Jane Barnes. Bartulis... Bluthardt.

Brandt, Breslin. Don Brummety Byers, Chapman, Christens en, Contip''

Speaker Bradley: ''Conti 'no' #'

jClerk O'Brien: î'Cunnfnghams Daniels, Jack Davis. Jack Davis votes;

'no' Dawsone'f

Speaker Bradley: HChapman wishes to be recorded as voting 'aye'-'l

Clerk o'Brfen: ''Dawson 'aye'.''

Speaker Bradley: ''Dawson fayel.''

clerk O'Brfen: f'Deavers, noaico, John Dunn, Ralph Dunnm Edgar, Eptoa,

Ralph Dunn 'no'a''

Speaker Bradley: ''Ralph Dunn wfshes to be recorded 'noA/'

clerk O'Brien: I'Ewing, Farley, Friedrich, Garnisa, Hart. Hoffmaa,

Holewinski, Huff, Kane, Katzy Keats. Kempiaerss Klosaks Kosinskis

Kucharski, Leverenz. Leverenz/'

speaker Bradley: ''Leverenz wishes to be recorded as votfng 'ayedo''

Clerk O'Brien: HMautino, McAvoy, Mcclafn, Mccourt, Mcpfke. Mudd.'f

Speaker Bradley: ''Mudd wishes to be recorded as voting 'aye'.''

clerk O'Brien: ''Mulcabey.''

speaker Bradtey: ''Mulcahey 'no#-''

clerk O'Brien: H01Dante1... that would be R.V. Walsh-''

Speaker Bradley: fîWalsh recorded as 'nof-''

clerk o'Brlen: HPeters, Porter.''

speaker Bradley: ''Kempiners wishes to be recorded êno'. Totten înoro''

Clerk O'Brien: ''Satterthwaite, Schisler, Schuneman. Sharp. Stearneyw''

Speaker Bradley: 'êstearney 'presentf.f'

Clerk O'Brfen: ''Tuerk: Von Boeckman, Wall, Wfller, and Winchester-''

Speaker Bradley: Hon this question, 71 îayes'. 53 'naysl and the Centle-

man's motfon fails. A11 rfght, Agreed Resolutions. The Gentle-

man from Ufnnebago. Read the Agreed Resolutfons.''

Clerk O'Brien: ''House Joint Resolutfon 71, Vitek. House Resolution

629, Mahar. 630. Kane. 631, Kane. 632a Huskey. 633, Huskey.

634, Kelly. 635, Mulcahey. 636, Katz. 637, J. David Jones.

639, Kelly. 641, Madigan. 643, Madfgan. 644, Madigan. 645,

Geo-Karfs. 646, Yourell. 647, Yourell. 648, Yourell. 649.

Yourell. 650, Yourell. 651, Yourell. 652, Yourell. 653. Polk.

..,j*% . G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Yh? . j 3..1..7 g'>' , . svxm. o. Iuussols(, . . y.lï

+ ' Pj= e Housl oF RKP##K@/NTATIVE*

- ' *' :w=.'s;et:...<'.s-knai s'-ek-x.u,-.z.rAok- z-. . . .- ,.-- :.t'...=-1.= ,= s1'=a'O =>-1..z.-u--s..= :,5:...:.:-. -..--:.-w . ..v! .


654, Geo-Karis. 655, Jane Barnes. 656, Mann. 657y Youage.

658, Younge. 659. Younge. 660, Younge. 661, Lechowicz. 662, ,

Yourell. 663, Macdonald. 664, Dyer-schnefder. 665, Terzich.I

666, Jaffe. 668, Diprima. 669, Dawson. 670, Dawson. 671, IDawson. 672. Dawson. 67$, Macdonald. 675. Waddell. 676.

dell. 677, Waddell. 678, Waddell. 679. Koraowicz. 680. iWad

E.M. Barnes. 681, Brumner. 682 is Skinner. 682 is Barnes.il683

, Ebbesea. 684, Diprima. 685, Diprima. 686, Levine''

Speaker Bradley: nMr. Giorgi on the Agreed Resolutions. Is that it,

Mr. Clerk? He moves the adoption of the Agreed Resolutions. i

A11 those in favor of the adoption say faye', opposed 'nay'.

Ayes have ity the Agreed Resélutions are adopted. Stand fn '1

Perfunct now for... to introduce... purpose of introducing Bflls

for the next fffteen mfnutes or twenty minutes. The House <i11...

and Constftutional Amendments and tbe House will come back to

' order about five minutes to three. So we will stand ln a Per- i

funct until five minutes to tbree-''

. Clerk O'Brien: HHouse B111 2720, Walsh, W.D. A Bi11 for an Act to

amend Sections of the Workmen's Compensation Act. First Reading

of t%e Bi11. Nouse Bill 2721, Grieshelmer. A Bill for an Act

to amend Sections of the Code of Crimfnal Procedure. xFirst

Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 2722, Vfnson. A Bill for an

Act to amend Sections of an Act in relatton to compensation of

Members of the General Assembly. Ffrst Reading of the Bill.

House Bi11 2723, Daniels. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections

of the Illinois Munfcipal Code. First Reading of the Bil1.

Eouse Bi11 2724: Vinson. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections

of the Election Code. First Reading of the Bill. House Bill

2725, Schisler. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of the Crim-

inal Code. First Reading of the Bi11. House Bfll 2726, Schisler.

A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of the State Property Con-

trol Act. First Readfng of the B111. House 3il1 2727. Boucek-

Geo-Karis. A Bi11 for an Act to amend Sections of the Criminal i

Code. Fïrst Reading of the Bi11. House Bill 2728, Mcpike. A

Bi11 for an Act fn relation to student tuition and fees of pub-'lic colleges and unfversities. First Reading of the Bill. House

x<* V *' G... - .

(g:4* ' , e: G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y' 'w:. iC.*# & 3 - l - 7 8

f Q-'t.W =y STATe o e 'uulNol 5. q- e u .... .- wm. HotlsE oe REPAKSENTATII'K?- ,j . . . . -1- . . , ' n-... .- % - . . . . e ...: . .-u, . ; .. . . . ,, . . . . .. ..... .-- -, bJ .-.-z . - v.a' g r' ,'1/ .dh sv.'L. s.,'... $$ :..-- r -;'-: 4...'b ..., .... z. u,.. - - . .z . . . ... .. .- 4, .ïL2 7f;. .. ..z. +-a.r...: - ? .. . c .-î -,0 -'-,- L ..1.- ... .. ' = ':k.'r,kkFi'e'W' . F..<è J--si'k 'k




Bill 2729, Levin. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections of an

Act concerning public utilities. Ffrst Reading of the Bi11.

House Bill 2730, Polk. A Bill for an Act to amend Sections

of an Act to provide for the ordinary and contingent expense' of the Department of Labor. First Readin? of the Bill. House

Bill 2731, Sumner. A 3i11 for an Act to amend Sections of the

Illinois Vehicle Code. First Reading of the Bi11J' I

Clerk Hall: f'House Joint Resolution Constitutional Amendment 43. Re-

solved by the House of Representatives of the 80th General As-

sembly, the State of Illinofs. the Senate concurrfng herein.

that there shall be submitted to the electors of this statey

at the general election next occurrfng at least six months after

the adoption of this Resolution, a proposition to amend Section

12 of Article IV of the Constitution to read as fotlows: Article

IV. the tegislature. Section l2, Legislative Immun:'-ty. A Mem-

ber shall not be beld to answer before any other tribunal for

any speech or debate, writtea or oral, fn either House. This

fmmunity shall apply to Committee and Legislative Commission

proceedlngs. Scbedule. This Amendment shall take effect on

January 1 next occurring after its approval by the electors.

First Reading of the Constitutional Aaendment. Introduction

and First Reading. House Bfll 2732, Kent. A Bi11 for an Act

to amend Sections of the Motor Fuel Tax Law. First Reading

of the Bi11.''

Clerk 0 'Brien : 'îlntroductioa and First Reading. House Bf11 2733,

Friedrich. A Bill f or an Act to exempt local assessment of-

f icers and their agents f rom civil and criminal trespass for

thefr performing their dutfes . First Reading of the Bi11.''

Doorkeeper : ''AII persons not entitled to the Hotlse floor , please re-

tire to the gallery.î'

Speaker Redmond : l'House will be back in order. Members please be in

their seats . Please be in order. The hour of three o ' clock

designated in the Jofnt Resolution having arrfved , the Joint

Session of tbe 80th General Assembly vi11 come to order. Will

' the Members of the House and our esteemed guests f rom the Senate

please be in their seats . Mr. Clerk , is there a quroum of the.<G. o

,,4 ..W- ' , wc..- ': G E N E R A L A S S E M B L YJ r '-'=' X'J.'b'>'-* !; 1g'ka

. svxva oe Iuulsolst . %',. -

'' ' , cik- souse o. seppesssvAmlvesx . .t 3-1-78..a.. a xnc, &:k


House present?o

Clerk O'Brfen: f'There is a quorum of the House preseato''

Speaker Redmond: '1Mr. Presfdent. is there a quorum of the Senate pre-

S CZ t: S î '

President Hynes: HA quorum of the Senate is prelenty Mr. Speaker.''!

Speaker Redmond: î'There being a quorum of the Rouse and a quorum of l

the Senate in attendancey the Joint Session is convened. Joint ;Isession. Resolutfon //3.'1


. jClerk O'Brien: HResolved, that a Commlttee of tea be appointedy five

from the House by the Speaker of the Houses five from tbe Senate

by the Commfttee on Committees of the senate, to avaft upon His

Excellency, Governor James R. Thompsoay to invite htm to address

the Joint Assembly.ll

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Lechowicz moves the adoption of the

Joint Session Resolutfon. Those .tn favor say 'aye'y 'ayz'; op-

posed 'no'. The 'ayes' have fts the motion carrfes and tbe Reso-

lution fs adopted. Pursuant to the Resolutiona the folloving

are appointed as a Commn'ttee to escort the Chief Exequtive.

j Senators Vadalabene, Sangmeister, Leonard, Crotberg and Rupp.Representativœ Kozubowskiy Brady: Stuffley' Campbell and J. Davfd

Jones. Will the Commfttee of Escort coavene at the rostrum and I

then retzre to the rear of the chamber to await the Governor.

I understand theyfve already done that. Mr. Doorkeeper. Mr.


Doorkeeper: ''Mr. Speaker, the Honorable Governor James Thompson is at

the door and wishes to enter.''

Speaker Redmond: HAdmit the Honorable Coveraerz'

Covernor Thompson: ''Mr. Speaker, Mr. Presidenry dfstinguished Ladies

and centlemen of the General Assenblyy I present to you today

my budget reeommendations fox fiscal 1979- Kt the same time,

I Tiant you to know that I b0th appreciate and respect your con-

ional role in the budget-making process. These are but lstitut

my recommendations. They have received the most careful con-

sideration fn the Executive Branch. But under our Constitution.

you have tbe ffnal word and you iust carefully consider the pri-

orftfes and'the needs of the people of Illinois for fiscal 1979.lZV 'WY '


, ,,tytsqrs ) G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y g.y.p a/

( 'A-kz l / svwvs o. Iuu,sols- ' - . f sowswoe 'veey.azs,r,.v..v,vesh .,.... . , zpz)-%. . Nj s x , j-

. . ' ' f .4! '.. .L. '7 ' '' ' .


Any government-budget is more than just a blueprint for spendiag

of a fiscal plan. It is also a moral and political statement...

a guide to the basic prforities and goals of the admfnistration

which presents it. Talk =ay be cheap, even in governmenty but

the dollars and cents figures of a budget are the litmus test

for a whole year of pronouncements and promises. In an hoaest

budget, as we have had for two years now, the citizens of a state

can clearly see the importance given varfous activities of state

governaent... the distinction between khat the state would like

to do and what the state can afford to do...and the bargain which

has been struck between meetfng the needs of the present and

avoiding an undue mortgage on the resources of the future. In

recent years, two trends have combined to work against dramatic

increases in the size of government budgets. Both trends appear

to be strong in every part of the ccuntryy as well as in b0th

political partfes. The first trend is a heightened skepticism

about the powers of government itself. Again and again, people

have come to questiou not whether a government program is well-

intentioned, but whether it can ever begfn to accomplish what

it fntends. It is no longer enough to isolate a problem in order

to Justify a governmental solution. Today you have to provtde

a reasonable expectation that the solution w111 be etfective

and that it will be worth the tax dollars that it consumes. This

last consideration- mthe consideration of values..oià a part

of the second trend...a greater appreciation for the cost of

government to the people who pay for it. And once youVve sbown

that a government program is effective, you stlll have to weigh

it agafnst the dollars that .it takes out of people's pockets...

the money they don't have to spend on food or clothing or cars

or homes because the government has other plans for it. Taxes

have never been popular fn the history of this or any nation.

An o1d joke bas ft that kf the American colonists didn't like

taxation with representation...they should come back and find

out what taxatfon with representation is like. Unfortunately:

that è1d joke becomes more appropriate and less funny each year.

In 1978, fn the wake of dramatic rises fn property taxes for...'esvx.A* G O ENER AL A SSEM BLY

( c ; .'y.sjt.s- p . < a - 1 - 7 aXe ? 1 sv.xme oe 1 uu$ sol s; I z,suk .i .l . ' a--.$- + Hotlsr o' RKe-R K-T'AT:VKIN w

WZ '* b


many Illinoisans, as well as sharp increases in the Social

Security tax, the cltizens of our state look to Springffeld

not only with anticfpations but also with a mixture of exas-

peration and fear. They know tbat tax revenues are not some

4 1kind of vague resource fabricated out of other people s excess

income. Tax monies.o.especially the sales tax and the incomeIi

tax...represent real chunks out of real people's income...

money that they won't have to spend in their own lives. Taxes Ii

are not only a drag on the economy, they are a drag on the in-

dividual pursuit of happiness of persons who work very bard for

the privilege of paying them. As such, that tax money is a whfch must be used with t:e utmost wisdom and care.

Last yeary tbe government of Illinois showed a renewed appre-

ciation for that point of view. After years of deficlt spendingy

spending whicb had nearly wiped out our General Revenue Fundy

we passéd a balanced budget. What's more, it was a balanced'

budget witb no tax increase. It prevented bankruptcy and the

. need for higher taxes. It restored confidence in our abflity

to provide and pay for human services. It protected our AAA

bond ratfng and saved Illfnois taxpayers mfllions of dollars

fn interest costs. And one thing eliminated the de-

fïcft base in our budget. A penay saved is a penny uaraed, saud

Poor Riehard's Almanac a long, long tlme ago. But in budgeting

terms, a penny saved is also a penny carried over...a saving

that reappears in the form of a lower base the following year.

0ur fiscal discfplfne in fiscal 1977 and '78 gives us room to

take a breath in 1978 and 179. This does not mean that Illinois'

fiscal crisis fs over. It is not. 1he wolf is stilt at the

door. But at least we have closed that door in hfs face. And

as long as we remain insfde the parameter of our modestly ex-

panding revenuesy we will be safe and secure. What does a11

thfs translate to in dollars and cents? As Senator Dirksen fs

supposed to bave said, IA billion here... a billion there and

ït can add up to some real money-' This year's budget for the

State of Illfnofs adds up to $11.26 billion fncrease

of 4-.7 over last year's budget. Lfke last year's budgets it

+ .A<, - .

. ,tvru% e G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y. . u , 't q;<

. r'l-e j svx-rc oe ,uulsolsL, , .

'VLh'- .= . uousl oe wwewxse-vaxlves. *' . J* - . a..

's.e 3-1-7 8

48.I: is a balanced budget. It will again put some money back into

the bank. Eleven millton dollars. This should ratse our gen-

eral reserves from $85 million at the end of fiàcal 1978 to

$96 million at the end of fiscal 1979...1ust about the $100

million mark whfch is necessary to protect against cash flow

problems and sudden emergencies. Also, like last year's bud-

get, it fs balanced with no suggested tax increase. This is

notable because unlike the federal government and many other

states, we do not depend on a progressfve tax rate a rate

whfch permits inflation to drive people into higher and higher

tax brackets. In spite of that facts we are still the only

major state to go without a tax increase since l969...and witb

your help, we will be proud to keep that record going into fis-

ca1 :79. As was the case last year, the largest budget ia-

crease will be for education. That increase of $182 mfllioa

in new spending is nearly 50 percent bigher than last year's

$125 million iùcrease, and brfngs the level of total education

spending to $3.2 billion from state and federal sources. Thls

wfll represent on the average a per student increase of eight

percent, clearly ahead of the expected fnflation rate of ffve

to six percent. Real education in Illinofs requires real dolu

lars 1nd this budget contains real growth in those dftllars for

fiscal 1979. In addition, the budget for elementary and second-

ary education includes for tbe ffrst time 100 percent fundfng

of statutorily mandated programs. These include transportation,

special education, bflingual instruction, and hold-harmless pro-

visions. Last year, almost a11 of us safd it was time to stop

the practfce of requirfng local governments to take particular

actfon, and then disappearing when the bflls for that actioa

came due. This education budget, I belfeve, delivers on that

promise. I encourage the Ceneral Assembly to consider formula

reform ïn education during this Session. But I repeat my pre-

vious statement that I cannot sign formula reform unless it is

equitable and fully-funded in this year's budget. We must not

go back to the political shell gane of now-you-see-it, new-you-

don't educational fundfng fa Illinois. The higher educatlon

A'-B/TA'.zs + . . .

n--q ., G E N E R A L A S S E M B L YJ * . . x . w vjA 3- 1- 7 8f T 'Xn . . e z - .' > rs s'#' A'TK OF luu%aolAè vqm I

%.. e , -.M .1 * #: o u 5 l o F #'l P R RIENTA TI V e@



budget will permit an eight pereent salary increase for academic

staff and a 10 percent increase for non-academic staff. Aad

at a tfme when many levels of government are looking for ways

to help middle-class families afford rising college costsy this

budget includes the most basic and universal type of help:

There wfll be no tuition increase in fiscat 1979. Transporta- f

tion is vitally important to every citfzen of our state. This I

budget contafns one of the largest road progrnmq of any stateI

in the nation...almost $1.4 billion. This dramatic ffgure was I

made possible by the combfnation of the Crosstown agreement plus I

more aggressive work by the Department of Transportation in se-

curing federal dollars for oue highway fund. In fiscat 1978

and 1979, Illinofs wfll receive $1.25 for every dollar that ft

contrfbutes to thé federal highway fundy a sharp turn-around

from the negative road fund return of the last several years,

as well as a marked eontrast to continued federat discrimina-

tfon fn other areas. State support of local public transit sys-

tems will exceed $160 million, and an addftional $205 million

of state and federal funds will be used to upgrade transit sys-

tems. Tbe state will also work for federal solutions to improve

faltering rail servfce and act as a catalyst for a united fed-!

eral, state, local, and private effort to advance vhe St. Louis

Rail:zay Gateway Terminal Project in East St. Louis. Rising pro-

perty taxes have been a serious burden on homeowners through-

out the statey and no one is more vulnerable than the our senior i

citfzens. They have seen their homes shoot up fn vatue on papery@


while they remain on a pension or other ffxed income. The cir-I

cuit breaker program was passed to provide relief to this group

of people. But fn many ways ft remains one of the best kept

secrets in Springfield. 1 sometimes think that some people who i

were proud of the circuft breaker program silently hoped thatE

not too many senfor citfzens would take advantage of it. This

. ipast year we changed that. The Lieutenant Covernor s offfce#

the Department of Aging and the Department of Revenue went out I1and made sure Lhat persons who were eligible were made aware

' f ft We were pleased with the size of the response. MoreO .

p <A. . oi Lp*. oo ke G E N E R A t, A S S E M B L Y

. t 3-1-;gJ X/t . s'rA're o e I uu1 Nol >y ' ''i. . '.u/ = . souss oe all.nerslsrA.-rlvesP ..



people than ever before registered for the program. And what's

more, we provided them with back payments for Lhe past five

years of eligibility. For that reason, I will ask for a supple-

mental appropriation of $l9 million for fiscal 1978 to pay for

the much higher participation in the cfrcuit breaker program.

In additfon: I believe the program itself should be expaaded.

This new budget contains $20 millfon for expanding coverage of

the program, about a thfrd of which will enable us to raise the

maximum income level from $10.000 to $12:000. Sfnce the maxi-

mum grant was raised last year from $500 to $650, this repre-

sents the second major expansion of this program during this

admfnfstration. In my 'vfew, no one deserves a break more than

people who have workedy aad saved, and paid taxes a11 of their

lives. And I tbink we should give them a bigger break fn 1978-

In a momeaty I will highlight departments and progrxmlx which

deserve individual mentfon. But before I do: I want to estab-

lish the thread which binds them a11 together. That thread is

very simple. It is 'jobs'. Jobs in the private sector. Jobs

in the public sector. Jobs secured by new initiatives to get

federal dollars. Jobs created by aggressive salesmanship in

agriculture, fflm-making and tourism. Jobs protected by a stable

tax climate and balanced budgets. Jobs attracted by tax ia-

centives and revitalized state-local cooperation. Jobs continued

and expanded wfth a strong capftal spendfng program. Up and

down the lineoeefrom agency to agency and from first dollar to

last...the heart of this budget fs employment and the economic

health ft will brfng to the people of Illinois. Some of the

specffic fnitiatives...great and small.o.which we will pursue

fn flscal 1979 fnclude the following: Acontinued personal

lobbyfng 6f administration offfcfals, accommodation with offi-

cials wfth the City of Chicago, for a renovated Midway Airport

wfth a potential of 10,300 jobs by the 1980's. Wcreation of

1,300 new full-time jobs through increased Illinois partictpa-

tion in foreign trade shows and missions. WTwo-and-a-balf mil-

lfon dollars in manpower programs to place older citizens in

unsubsidized jobs and community servfce work. Wconstruction-ss-. o

rofzpn.. . . G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y/ . , I'1.> ! 3-1-78i' 'lrkz svAme oe IuulNo'sl '' .745 e Hotzsx oe azeawsl-'r-vlves%., ..'x r.. a.., .;:*

. .

. e'


of Interstate 270, which will create employment ia the East

St. Louis area during 1979. The total in the number of direct '

and fndirect Jobs will eventually reach 6,000. *319 new full-

time jobs with the Illinois Young Adult Conservation Corpsy as

well as over 1,000 seasonal jobs under the Department of Con- i

servation. *4,800 funded public service employment jobs. plus

2:500 in the Youth Program under the Governor's Office of Man-

power and Human Development. *400 participants in the Skill !1

Training Improvement Program under the Department of Labor.

*An increased level of participation in the Minority Business

Enterprise Program by small and minority businesses in the

State's economy. In addition to these government programs, a

strong capital budget continued stability in the

prfvate construction fndustry. I have already mentioned the

exceptionally big transit program. This budget also includes

$15 million to begin work on a new state offfce building for

downtown Chicago to help revitalfze the city's loop. Coal

Development Bondsy which were sold for the first time fn fis-

ca1 1978, wfll provide support for tbree bold new capital pro-

jects. A 1ow BTU coal gasification plaa in Pekin will combine

state, federaly and private funding to create an fnvestment

fn excess of $160 million. Agreements will also be sfgned

shortly for state particfpation in a demonstration of the

fluidfzed-àed combkstion process at the Great Lakes Naval Sta-

tion. Fluidized-bed combustion involves tbe buraing of high

sulfur coal, precisely the type of coal which Illinois has in

abundance. In this prolect, less than $800,000 in state funds

wfll be matched by almost $8 million in federal and private funds.

Tbe budget also includes $3 million for a proposed coal liquids

refinery. We hope the availabilfty of these funds will en-

courage tbe federal government to choose Illinois as the site

for this refinery. In additfony $1 mfllfon wfll be available

in fiscal 1979 for demonstration projects usfng alternate forms

of energy, such as solar energy or agricultural waste conver-

Ision. On top of a11 these state jobs and government-generated

jobs. the budget for fiscal '79 also fncludes a sfgnificantn . . A

, , t v,y:4w ç . < r G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y' '''kz 't 3 - 1 - 7 8' *

w 2 . s'r-'re or Iuulsolsl . ' . ' . ' ' .%- .L . QWF - HotlsE oF ''KPGEIE-TATIVISI k .

,,.r .s;r- - . w .,s v ,+ , $ s y , k .,#, s j s s,. .,.u x ,.u ;. . ..s y ; r,, g ..jtoy.s,x i.g.y.


initiative to generate more jobs entirely fn the private sec-

tor. As I announced several weeks ago, I will support an Amend-

ment to 'Aending legislation creating a phased exemption from

the state sales tax for business equipment or machinery in a

new or expanded manufacturing facility. wThfs wfll put the exemp- '

tion where it will do the most good and ereate the most jobs.

By permitting a 50 percent exemption in fiscal 1979, and a 100

percent exemption in fiscal 1980 and beyond, we can afford this

tax fncentive without any new or replacement taxes. As most

of you know, Illinois is the only mfdwestern state that still

has such a tax. That means that wefve been fighting the battle

for plant locations with a sélf-inflfcted wound. It's time we

healed that wound, and put Illinois at the front of the line

agafn. And with your helps we can do it this year. There are

many other aspects of the budget which deserves careful exqm4a-

ation, but economy fn government demands economy in speech-

making as well: so I w111 limit my comments to the most note-

worthy changes. In the Department of Public Aid: 10 straight

months of declining welfare caseloads have made it possible to

make our resources go further. For example, I believe we are

now in a position to be able to grant a five percent fncrease

to recipients of public assistance. Even with this increase,

the total income assistance figure in the budget will be less

than it wai two years ago. Our efficiencies as well as the

state of the economy have made it possible to offer more help

to our people at the same time we spend less. And when was

the last time a government could say that? This is also the

first time in four years that a supplementat appropriation will

not be needed to balance Public Atd spending. The budget ia-

cludes the transfer of responsibility for publfc assistance I

fraud from the Department of Public Afd to the Department of

Law Enforcement, and signifïcantly fncreases our capabflities :

fn thfs area. We can and should have more help for those who

deserve it.eebut we want no help for those who don't. In the 1area of human services, the Purchase of Care Review Board which

we created last year has worked effectfvely to reduce inequftfes

zgu'o cX%- ' gifwkr G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y' '.> $ 3-1-78f;

.. ?!z,* sva-rs o, 'uu'sorsl . -'. . =9'j' * House oe plpF.E%x-TAYl+Es'.: .' N. a e . .' q..c- .. .y. , . .; . , , . . . % ., : !,.. .j.: y . ... :.b..u. c j. q.j : .v.. ,u g . . . r . v . o; s . v . r.s..N jjgjy/zwjyyj.: uv.ig.. : .gu-ziwm,k*.L:ty.J..iQ xif.y t:k?tt

j 53.

and gross underpayment. This budget includes a substantial per-

centage increase for doctors, dentists: pharmacistsy optome-

trists and other health care provlders. It also provfdes a

more equitable fee schedule and elimfnates the absurd prac-

tfce of payfng newer physicians more for the same service that

we pay older and more experienced physicians. Department of

Public Hea1th expendftures for local health services are up

by 25 percent due to more effectfve use of federal Title XX

funding. An increase of 50 percent has been allocated for so-

cfal services includfng adult day care under the Department on

Aging. This will enable more elderly people than ever before

to remain in their homes and nefgbborhoods, rather than be forced

by their minor disabilities into the drastic separation of cus-

tedial care. Increases in tbe Nutrition Program will enable us

to provide a better diet for 100,00G elderly out

of every 10 livfng fn Illinois. The same concern about unneeded

use of a custodfal institution is reflected in the budget of

the Department of Mental Hea1th. Their allocation is up by $24

millfon wfth the percentage of increase for community-based care

more than double the percentage increase for custodial care.

In the Department of Chfldren and Famfly Servfcess 1,800 chil-

dren for vzhom the state has responsibility, wfll be admini-

stratlvely transferred to prfvate agencfes for monitoring.

Under thfs budget, these agencies receive a signiffcant rate

fncrease for performfng this type of supervfsion, and the fos-

ter families themselves will also receive a rate increase of

about 10 percent. Ne tbink private care agencies, many of which

have a religious affiliatfon, can do the Job and do tt better

than the state. Here again, the intention is to improve in-

home counseling and work toward a lesser retiance on institu-

tional care. Twenty-nine state workers prevfously assigned to

monitorfng foster chfldren will be transferred to the critfcal

area of emergency response to child abuse. One area of state

government which produced many pleasant surprises in the past

year was the Illinois office of Fflm Servicess which brought

us the television productfon of êThe Awakenfng Landy' and





awakened us to the possibilities of many nore dollars for our

state in this field. The Film Services budget is up by 63 per-

cent as a result of the millions of dollars in spendfng that

office attracted to Illinois last year. The Department of

Tourfsmy which has a similar function andr is a funded by a

hotel/motel tax, is also up dramatfcally..oby 120 percent. I

have pledged to bring more jobs: money and business to Illtnois

and expanding tourfsm is a good way to do a11 three. The De-

partment of Agrfculture w111 receive an increase to provfde full

funding of the County Fair Grant Program for the first time fn

several yars. New funds are also included for tighter graia

inspectfony nursery inspection and weights and measures certi-

fication, to protect consumers and merchants alike. Thirty-tvo

million, oae-hundred thousand dollars in capital development

funds are earmarked in thfs budget for Food for Century III...

an investment that will fmprove our agricultural and veterinary

knowledge for decades to come. Appropriatlons uader the Depart-

ment of Local Governxent Affafrsl Distributive Fund will fn-

crease by thefr statutory formula because income tax collections

are up. In ffscal 1979, those funds will amount to a tidy $178

mfllion fn string-free revenue sharing to the local governments

of our state. When I took office just over a year agoy the

agency of state government wbich faced the most immediate crisis

was clearly' the Department of Corrections. Over-crowding fn

our prfsons had reached dangerous levels and a federal suit over

medical treatment remafned unsettled. And we met b0th problems

head on wfth the cooperation of thfs Assembly. By convertfng

the Logan County Mental Hea1th Facflity to a 750-bed medium

security prisùn we were able to save almast $25 million over

the cost of building a new facility. In addition, two new

facilfties were authorized at Hillsboro and Centralia and the

suit over medfcal treatment was settled to the satfsfaction of

botb sides. In thfs budget, the Department of Correctfons con-

tinues to receive adequate funding for the importaat and dtf-

ffcult mfssion it faces. Consumers also receive a fair shake

from thfs budget. One of the most urgeat problems facing

.X% FYA' .. ( n ' . . es

vy G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y/ ' '.i. ''':.J*>' , 3 - 1 - 7 B;

. 't $ s'rl'rl oe Iuulpdo'l.. . p :pw-- . . , i , ' t. ..- t- , '/.... / . ...1 lskt Lb..-. àj u . . : .s ..: -. ..? ...LL Jlbik - .êE... ' . - .. uk%1kJ


indivfdual consumers is hfgher and higher utility bitls. This

budget includes fncreased funds for research and legal investi-

gation by the Illinois Commerce Commfssion. Thfs increase will

permit greater research of issues raised in :he regulation of

utilities and motor carriers and enhance the capacity of the

I.C.C. to adequately and independently decfde those issues.

It will enable the development of policies designed to achieve

uniformftyy consfstency and fairness to the conpanies it regu-

lates and to the people of Illfnois whom it serves. More funds

will also be avaflable Lo the Department of Insurance for

greater consumer protection in an area of the market where com-

parfsons are difficult and mistakes can be very costly to our

people. Another type of consumer protection will be dfrected

at protecting taxpayers by providing 30 new inspectors and 70

nev auditors for the Departments of Revenue and Law Enforce-

ment and the Illinois Liquor Control Commission. This will

ffght the type of abuse revealed by the Chicago Sun Times and

newspaper stories in recent weeks. I am recommendfng that we

spead $1 millfon this year and $5 miltion in the Department of

Revenue over the next three years to computerize the withholding

tax system and automate sales tax processfng and audit selec-

tion. Wnen the rtew systems are operaticg: we caa cxpect to in-

crease revenues by a minimum of $1& million a year by reducing

the amount.of tax fraud. Another type of fnspectfon which will

receive greater funding is the area of mfne safety under the

Department of Mfnes and Minerals. This, of course, does not

exhaust the areas of state spending which have received a note-

worthy increase. I am afraid that by covering a number of them.

I may only antagonize those wbo 'are concerned with areas which

are not mentioned. Well, a few days ago I received a letter

from a group of private sector professionals who deal with one

agency of state government. These professionals took me to task

for only mentionfng the department they deal wlth for two sen-

tences in the State of the State Message. The: thought my

prioritfes were misplaced and that I obvfously couldn't care

very much about sometbing I would only mention in two sentences.

. AA:. e ..

O zx G E N E R A L A S S E M B t Y. x , t. j 3-1-78: ' . ''.x. / . , !: . .s % STATI le lLu1No$l. :1.'. . > 'b e Housl oe IAI/PISFNTATIVeS'v u- ' J

s:i. 6) g. . **


But that is not true. Much care and much thought have gone fnto

a11 the numbers fn thfs budget Just as I know that much care

and mueh thought will go into your consideration of the numbers

in this budget. And I think those numbers speak louder about

my goals and my priorities than a number of words a department

gets in a formal budget speech. This budget serves up the proof

of the pudding. I safd we would go for jobs...and it does. I

said we would move away from institutional care...and we have.

I said we would have another balanced budget with no tax fn-

crease..oand with your help we'will. And yet for a11 the many

increases contained in thïs budgety there is one decrease.'of

which 1 am especially proud. Debt service.y.the money we pay

for the privilege of using moneyoamthe moaey which measures how

deeply we are borrowing against the resources of our children.

and their children...the increase fu debt service wklk' be down...

again. Bqcause total bond sales w1l1 be down-.aagain. The 1n-

crease in debt servtces had reached the unbelievable level of

$47 million in fiscal 1977: tbe last yeay of the prior admini-

stration. But that was the peak. 1or ftscal 1978 we brough:

the increase down to $40 miltion. In this budget for fiscal

1979 it is down still further to $34 million. Thomas Jeffersoa

said, 'The care of human life and happiness and not their de-

structfon is the first and only legftimate object of good govern-

ment.' Last year I said our budget was one which met the needs...

kf nôt always the expectations of the people of Illinois. This

year we have a budget which meets the needs clearly... and

maybe a few of the more important expeqtations as well. My

friends, we have turned the corner and we are not going back.

Thank you very mucb-''

Speaker Redmond: NWf11 the Committee of Escort come forward to the

rostrum to escort the Governor from the cbamber? President

of the Senate, the Honorable Thomas Hynesy is recognized for

a motion-'t

Presideat Hynest ''Mr. Speaker, 1 move that the Joint Session do now

i S C œ ' 'ar

Speaker Redmond: HThe Presfdent has moved the Jofnt Session do now


Hotlll o' RFPREIKNTAT'IVK*<.z '; z ' .'.k ' ) ' ï ' ' ' *


. . .. . c z 5. i . s






arise. A11 in favor fndicate'by saying 'ayela opposed 'no'.

The 'ayes' have it and the Joint Session will arise. The House

will be in order. Representative George Ray Hudson. Represen-

tative Hudson. Representative Hudson, will you please.o/l ii!

Hudson: HYesy a point of inquiry from the Chairvy Mr. Chairmano''

Speaker Redmond: HWhat fs your point, Sir?l'

Hudsoa: NEarlfer this afternoon we acted upon House Resolution 642.

I had intended to vote 'nol. I voted 'yes'. I am asking leave

of the House to have my voted cbanged, if I can, back to 'no'.

It will not affect, it will not affect the outcome of the voteo''

Speaker Redmond: ''Was that a verified Roll Callî'l

Hudson: ''No, it was not. Request for a verificatfon was withdtawn,

as I recall-''

Speaker Redmond: HThe Gentlemaa needs unanimous consent. Is there

any objecuion? Hearfng none, the consent fs granted and the

Gentleman wfll be permitted to change his vote.''

Hudson: HThank you very much, my colleaguesw''

Speaker Redmond: ''Agreed Resolutfons.''

Clerk o'Brien: HHouse Joint Resclution... House Joint Resolution 76,

Leverenz. House Resolutfon 687, Ewell.''

Speaker Redmond: ''Representatfve Pierce on the Agreed Resolutfons.

Move the adoptfon of the Agreed Resolutions? Is there any dis-

cussion? Hearing no discussion. the question's on the Centle-

man's moti8n for the adoption of tbe Agreed Resolutions. Those

in favor say laye' opposed 'not. The 'ayes' have it. Motion$

carries and the Resolutions are adopted. Adjournment Resolu-

tiofl œ î '

Clerk o'Brien: HHouse Joint Resolution 75. Resolved by the House of

Representatives of the 80th General Assembly: the State of I1-

linois, the Senate concurring herein, that when the House of

Representatfves adjourns on Wednesday, March 1. 1978, it stands

adjourned until Thursday, March 23: 1978. at ten o'clock a.m.;

and when ft adjourns on that day: it stands adjourned until

Thursday, March 30, 1978, at ten o'clock a.m.; and wben it ad-

journs on that day, it stands adjourned until Wednesday, April

5. 1978, at twelve o'clock noon; and when the Senate adj ourns;1= .'G : . GEN ERA L ASSEM BLY

,'--- z.>'.> 'rk.h 3-1-78; -R

.% 'j.a k svxvx o, luulso's2. 4. . :

.> e ' ' . ., J . ; ' c .) . ,... . . . . . .' ; ! xî.YL; rJE<.# zr q .. '. . =; ...p '.;a( . .... ..! k .B.jj é.a .x..z 4J' ...t.z: ...


on Wednesady, March 1, 1978, it stands adjourned until Wedaesdayy

April 5, 1978, at twelve o'clock noon-''

Speaker Redmond: HRepresentatfve Madigan/' !I

Madigan: MMr. Speaker, 1et the record show that we are now considering

House Joint Resolution 74s not 75, as staTed by the Clerk.n ;I

'B sen: '' correct-'' iClerk 0 r ;' IèKdigan: #%Iy copy is incorrect? I stand corrected. Webre now con-

Isidering House Jofnt Resolution 75. And relative to that Reso-

lutions 1et the record show that it is the intent of that Reso-

lutfon that the first Session day after today be April 5, 1978,

and not March 23, 1978. Mr. Speaker, I move for the adoptfoni

of the Resôlution-'' I

Speaker Redmond: 'îThe March 23 is a Perfunctory Session and the Plenary

Session is April 5. Question... any questions? Representative

R Z'Z * î by

Ryan: ''Mr. Speaker. is that going to be the only Perfunctory Session

we have is bn Maxc.b 23?11 :' . I

Speaker Redmond : 'Yr. Clerkn. The 30th , the 23rd and tlae 30th. îl

Ryan : l'The 23rd and the 30th?'1

speaker Redmond : ''Rfght .''

R an : 'ln ank you-'êY

Speaker Redmond: HNo per.ldiem, Representative Ceo-Karfs. Represen-

tative Geo-Karis-''

Geo-Karis: 1'Mr. Speakery I'm not worrying about the per dfem because '!

if 1 told you what it cost you per diem actually to be fn the !iIHouse you'd be surprised: but at least...'' I

speaker Redmond: ''Then are you voting for the pay rafse?''

ceo-Karis: ''No, I'm not because I committed myself to my constituency.

I keep my word. I believe in polftfcians... Anyway, Mr. Speaker:

can you tell me when are we coming back? Is that the 30th or

the 5th of April?î'

Speaker Redmond: HWe11: those who are really dedicated to this cham- i;

ber wfll be here on the 23rd and will return on the 30th. Others

who want to come to the Plenary Sessfon will be here on the

5th O

Geo-ltarfs : ''We11, fs the 23rd . . .'ï

srLknAv, ' . cj*- ' 2 . rr . G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y

, r . 3-1-78-4- y'k 't svxvs oe 'uuIxo,s( ; . - ..* .E. . ' J -61- + Hotzst oe RlppeseNT'Avlves

'x.??-- - . . .y



Speaker Redmond: HPerfuncton

Geo-Karis: ''0h so we're not due unttl the 5th?''

Speaker Redmond: NYoulre due the 5th, the Plenary Session/'

Geo-Karis: HThe plenary, is that what you call Plenary Sessfon or

Plenary Session7'' .

speaker Redmond: ''We11 it depends whether you're fromy.-'' ;

. Geo-Karis: HDupage or from Lakey is that rfght? Plenary to you,

Mr. Speaker/î '

Speaker Redmond: l'Depends on whether youfre from Cyprus or tbe mafn-

IZ'KII @ ' '

Geo-Karis: NWell, wepve got to question which is which. Thank you/'

Speaker Redmond: ''Is there anything further? The question... Repre-

sentative gunnp'' .

Dunn: ''We1l, Mr. Speaker, there are a large number of us here in the

room who vzould like to know what time and place would be appro-

priate for you to settle your debts witb us. And I presume that

you know to which debts we refere'î

Speaker Redmond: NI do and I think it's a washout. At least that was

our last telephone conversation.ll

Dunn: 'Qt mfght be in my case, but IRm sure there are manyy many others

' who are... who did not bet against Marquette.''

Speaker Redmond: 'fRow about Totten, Representative Totteku did I have

a wager with you? W111 you please put hfm on the record so that

the world will know that he wagered? Anything further? The

question is on the Centleman's motion for the adoption of the

Resolutfon 75. Those in favor say laye' and opposed 'no'. The

'ayes' have ft. The Resolution is adopted. Anything further?

Ceneral Resolutfons.''

Clerk O'Brien: f'House Resolutfon 628, Robinson. 638, Kelly. 667,

Giglfo. House Joint Resolutfon 69> Ryan. House Joint Resolu-

tion 70y Ryan. House Joint Resolution 72y Bowman. House Jointi

Resolution 73, Luft/'

Speaker Redmond; î'Committee on Assignments. Death Resolutions.''I

Clerk OrBrien: NHouse Resolution 640, Lechowicz. House Resolution 673,


Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Lechowicz.''

:'k sc A. . o,,* ., va G E N E R A L A s s E M 3 L Y/ ? . . ; d(rRx' : 3 - 1 - 7 8J e X. 4z 'i svw-rs oe juu.l s oIss . Ac ax . .f. . ..c. ox.

. '2 2*:* %

l 60.

Lechowicz: 1'Mr. speaker, I move the adoption of the Deatb Resolutions-''

Speaker Redmond: MIs there any discussion? The question's on the

Gentleman's motion for the adoption of the Death Resolutioas.

Those ia favor say 'aye' opposed fno'. The 'ayes' have it.#

Resolutions are adopted. Introduction apd First Readingp'î

Clerk O'Brien: 'fHouse Bill 2734, Lynn Martin. A Bill for an Act to

amend Sections of tbe Bingo License and Tax Act. First Reading

of the Bi11. House Bi11 2735, Jaffe-l'fann. A Bill for an Act

to amend Sections of an Act concerning public utilities. First

Reading of the Bi11.H

Speaker Redmond: ï'Any further business? Representative Ryany any-

thing for the good of the order?''

Ryan: ''Just adjournment would be to the best of the order, Mr. Speaker.''

Speaker Redmond: ORepresentative Pounceyy are you seeking recognition?

Okay, nothing further, the Adjournment Resolutfon having been

adopted, this House now stands adjourned till April 5..:

.4 < - n'z ',, 'e/, G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Yf

. . xç. 1L 3-1-78IJ NXg , ' svw'rl oe luulsolst z . . .. j-A .'q .'' ' r-'sl.r œ souse oe RxeyexseLa'r-'rlves%y xw ... ..' . ss*.w %


.+ x



jpaae Time Speaker Information'

j1 12:00 Speaker Redmond House to orderl Reveread Krueger Prayer1I speaker RedsondIl

1 Ryan Excuse-d absencesl1 speaker RedmondIj Clerk OfBrien Messages2 Speaker Redmond

Lefnenweber Questionil Speaker RedmondIti Clerk O'Brien House Joint Resoqutions1l S

peaker RedmondIl Madigan Move for adoption

speaker Redmond


Speaker Redmond

Clerk O'Brien Reads Resolution agaïn

Speaker Redmondll .RyanI

Speaker Redmond Resolution adoptdd

Clerk O'Brien Introduces ConstitutionalAmendment

4 Speaker Redmond

Madigan Announcement

Speaker Redmond

Lucco Introduction

12:15 Speaker Redmond

Clerk o'Brien

J7--t.N x e (-.x.é.Xt > ,, = . u. -7.-.1 ck j G E N E R A L A S S E A I B L YI ; w

. . . ;.g jl rn L.t- s 'r A. 'r e: o F' 1 u u 1 N o 1 sh. .. .'kë


, :J.:....:.k- .. i. xftu xb

. ' .; ... * . . ' .; l L. t . ( ' .e ' .' . .' . '- .. -.--é L -- . .


2. iPage Time Speaker

.p.:J/1.-:E1 f ti '

jSpeaker Redmond

Clerk o'Brten Introduction and 1st Reading

5 Speaker Redmond

McBroom Introduction

6 Speaker Redmond

7 Clerk O'Brfen

8 Speaker Redmond

12:30 Ryan Announcement

9 Clerk O'Brien Contfnues

10 Speaker Redmond

12:42 Clerk O'Brien Constitutional Amendment

11 Speaker Redmond

Lechowicz Question1

Speaker Redmond Discussion

Clerk OlBrien

12 Speaker Redmond

Clerk O'Brien Introduction and 1st Readïng

Speaker Redmond

l3, l4, ' Clerk Hall Houst Jofnt Resolutionl5y 16 Constitutional Amendment

17 Speaker Redmond

1:00 Robinson Announcement

Speaker Redmond

18 Clerk Hall Continues

Speaker Redmond

19 1:05 Clerk Hall Introduction and lst Reading

Speaker Bradley

<JVJ N-...;L ,f:q4:;6i. . . N .u,, =c( c':lJ7z, 't q G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Yf -.

.>;z ) ..;kj.z,@ ;

..u % t) c g. . s ev

. .

. . ' ( '. . .. ' .(. L; g.:Lj.'L: t . - : . r . .

' . r.' ' : 7. . x ' - ' tï t:: 'y-' k -...zy'...,j: . .,,. : .r-jIk:; ar a.. ...y

. . rgjr ,...... , f . a.'..1jjjtL.'j4j)j;j,.. .o. :''w'l;.t,:x . . , r.,f x, . .r. 3i.. i v-.' ' ; :r. -' 'li 7>uî'.4 :. e . .. . v >.w is. .( ... & y V .. . .. . . , .. .. s' N $- ..w ..4 . c 7 :'. ' (,!:; j.s/tJj;c > -jà. .,$.f . ;.'( ; x . .)î .' pr ipj , . . .::j . . vy, . # * .'. J($'jjj(.(..., .)j. q y. . , : . :. . .. .. ..... . jr . . . ..y.zx ....):.?

q' '


3. iPage Time speaker Information

Madigan Motfon to suspend rules

Speaker Bradley

Ryan Question

20 Madigan Discussion

Ryan Oppose

Madigan Kithdraws motion

Speaker Bradley


Speaker Bradleyl .


Speaker Bradley

' Tipsword Move to suspend rules onH.B. 2435

Speaker Bradley

Schlickman Questfon '

21 Tfpsword Dfscussion

Speaker Bradley Motfon carries

Tfpsword H.B. 2435. motion

1:12 Speaker Bradley House accepts Gov. recommendatl n

22 Mudd Introductlon

Speaker Bradley

Clerk Hall Introduction and 1st Reading

Speaker Bradley House fn order

' 1:30 Clerk o'Brfen Committee Reports

Speaker Bradley

Madfgan H.R. 642, motion

23 Speaker Bradley

'VW -'r x ....s * rw''%x Ir' 4 ' >. .1 ex 's .. c cm. .7..6:9.7$. ' j à G E N E R A L A S S E M B L YI (' . . J : ga z .kl r -.:; z sva.r s o .. , uu' ,q o Is Il uz . . .... - .ké?zx . s. Housu oe' aeeasseama'rlves.....yi v:. . ,.>

7. i

: . ' ' .vj. ' .. . ' j* ' ' .t '' .' Xi' . ' ' ., z

' . . .

' yyo' jj.(.. t. u.jy .u'.. .. j..t ..j. . yt

' yjju jy sy(r. '77è . . y;(g.;q' ..jlv yyy, js 6.V;!, c ..w. ,- r :4-..,-..,. -'-,a.saw.a;.&u v$..:.. z..,k'.'.k.,';...' g... ,'-,r;,x'ç.-.k,.,,; y. ,.'',k. '.i-,?e'y.z, ..'s:,''''gi'ik-. ylzxuvz.;,é#.,.yt ':'''k' .a... . : i . z : j f .w



kr '


4. IPage Ttme Speaker lnformaLion

w !

't have a copy Isehlickman Doesn

speaker Bradley!


Speaker Bradley

24 Scblickman

Speaker Aradley

D. Houlihan Move to suspend rule #8

. Speaker Bradley Any objections?

Jaffe Parliamentary inquiry

Speaker Bradley Motion prevafls


Speaker Bradley


25 Speaker Bradley

1:38 Schneider

26 Speaker Bradley


Speaker Bradley l


27 ' Speaker Bradley

Jaffe Yfeld?

. Madfgan Discusston

Speaker Bradley

28 Telcser

29 Speaker Bradley


. S eaker BradleVf&X*zr . % . e. x.., ' ' -J 'A ':.zr ) tT>. . ' ,t à G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Yf ; %. 4 a! tb-a-.W : smxvs os luujlqo's.y !:'; , .syr ... . 'o: o House os pelyaEsi-'rAylve:s

. ' j


. . . r .-Jà é' , . . .. ,. '. . ;. :. ty . ' lj . J :.' ? :. ,. - qk. ,.b, , . .. .....: i:f . ..,.

. . .., ., ; .x....

. ... . . - k -.. ---,.-

. . - .. .

. , ,. ..

.,'-. j. .,s.x)..k.-u. . - ., k ,- k'-,.ct. ---; --ibt. - . -ï. -;;1k-...-. ,iL $z'.u -i...v..i: -;kj', . zk'., , .-. , . s.. . ez agiill'' . -kwitvrkt,>r.::..- ... . - ''

,,L..Lbbbbà6àbq3' '. '$;k;h;4..k. > ''L Itjik;9kkkKJ ' *hr 'E - -sâkikih.'t -' iititkt-likiitilldè' . - /ùb-I '.-,' --,.-?Ji. .-,%ti.#-*é-., 4L''-;,.. . '. , .s - . -'1!4::k!7. ?@$ '@t. . kt+ +'tw.f,.h;k z7' ' '- -1;8tkl!!7 j!!j?J/;tr..... . .177.....: '. J..:. A.vqï'' ':4,-: - . ï'... .è.T;.-. -:......!'- .. x..


. . %L'Ye'3z.., - . . .L' ,' .'L; rrtllb-qrrry. .

'.' 7.---:!!1)' r! ---4!!r.


5.Paze Time Speaker lnformation

Mahar Introduction

30 Speaker Bradley

Kane Yield?

31 Madigan Discussion

Speaker Bradley

32 Skinner Oppose

33 Speaker Bradley

Telcser Introduction

Speaker Bradley

1:57 Lecbowicz

î 34 Speaker Bradley


Speaker Bradley..

u (jj. aua g

35 Speaker Bradley

. Crieslxeimer Explains vote

36 Speaker Bradley

Jaf fe Wishes to be recorded forvertf ication

Speaker Bradley

Clerk 01 Brien Polls absentees

Speaker Bradley


Speaker Bradley

Schlickman Question

37 Speaker Bradley Discusston


VQWX x..Jk ...w ....., ' fc .,z5'. . 7,/5.122a.. . c y : j G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Yf f 7% 4

.4 j6 x 4 .k y srwve oer Suus-ossE . . w y -A. . j .. . . ,'q. .x>.. Houss orr nzenese:-mx'rlves' ...@ 6 k: . . kpxt.... . a g




6.Paqe Time Speaker lnformation

Speaker Bradley

Clerk OfBrien Proceeds with absentees

Speaker Bradley

Katz Leave to be verified

Speaker Bradley

Clerk OfBrien Proceeds

2:10 Speaker Bradley

Adams Wishes to be verified

Speaker Bradley


Speaker Bradley

38 Clerk O'Brien Proceeds%

Speaker Bradley

l Clerk O'Brien Reads Affirmative vote

Speaker Bradley

Cunningham Leave to be verified

Speaker Bradley

39 Houlihan Waht's the count?

Speaker Bradley 114 'ayes' 39 'naysf. >

Jaffe Withdraws verification

Speaker Bradley Resolution adopted

Madigan Requests stand at ease

Speaker Bradley

Ewell H.B. 2481: motion

Speaker Bradley

Ryan Objects

- .Ewe11 Move - -tb - -su-spqnd rule..j.jj7 a-y -Lx. ... 1% %. x, 3 Ar co-w k x o s x E R a j. A s s E M B t. y-i' -:4,.4.: 114 x :.k n.k: x s v x v s o s I u u 1 a o I sk Z . 75 .. -o- o Hoklss o!r REeaEsEa'rn'rlues



...'' :( ..''''': .j.. j;,.j a; zzs .. - . . . , . : ...

. ..-- . . r.. g .î.-?n....-sLi- . ;.u,- :. . - rj ;- .-y , . . . ., . -;. - ,, .;.- - . . - -.... ,- .... , ... . .. . . . . . . - ..: . . ., -:-. . - . - ..-, -... à ;-;iki;;. .kk;.-. ly, .è:b6.-ù. .. ..,-:)-. .,'-.0. ,.-> (-. -',s:,idî' sa'r.ï.'-l':' ') ..v..-k'7- .,' ' ..iii:iià.. -,' ,,'13. . . ï-, .-.. .. $. . .. . ; -.2. - - . .--.. -; ,sz- c-q' - t. -..1/1-. ib-u.' :... .. . -,. ' ' ' .

'.--!' p7--iik::-:-k@'. -,rr,,i);,.Jè-i';--. ' '. ;:k72. '- , ..r:1i:- - f' i; '' ' ' ' ?kk.t...uJ-

. .? .


7. iiPaRe Ttme Speaker Information

40 Speaker Bradley


:1 Speaker Aradley

Madison Farliamentary inquiry

Speaker Bradley


42 2:24 Speaker Bradley

Clerk O'Brien Polls absentees

Speaker Bradley Motion fails

Clerk O'Brien Agreed Resolutl.on

43 Speaker Redmond Resolution adoptedStand in Perfunct Session

l clerk O'Brien Introduetion and 1st Reading44 Clerk HallI

l Clerk O'Briea3:00 Speaker Redmond House in order

45 Clerk O'Brien

l s eaker Redmond ''. pl

l ç senate present :Prestdent Hynes quorum ol 1l

speauer Redmondly j.1 Clerk 0 Br en

Speaker Redmond ;l


Speaker Redmond

46, 47, 48, 49, 50r Governor Thompson Gives speech 151, 52, 53# 54, 55,56 j

3:35 Speaker Redmond I

.w;u,..Gx za .ss... 't ,ws-' 'C â ' . .f/-îxc,a> r!j G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y 1' . z x,el j w x I. - f:r 1 ' iie-o'a' l 5 'r J. 'r E. o Fr I t- L I N o 1 s. . u / z , ----r z ' m . . ''' -V - x Z H o u s E' o F IP EB F: E s E N TA'r 1 u E S.6L.L v... ::w- I

'< . 'J ' D. . . . . . . .r . . . . . , : . .. t .. . , .: . .. $: . . f . ,. ) !; -1.'. :jïL;à.. ib.gj ;è, s.. . . .t .;.- - . . . . .: . :. . , . . .. ... .. ; .: ., . jsry,i.syj ,0 - .,. :.?y. y, .. . ..-... xl:tùirt,'t't, ....,,... :.'.';@.:ty--, p s ,. -s : i, .)k,;. js..: r-:x. t. . qk. àbLLLAI' .r,;. q . .(., . . . ! ...s -' h.. ré x:qL é. . . - e- .. . . , : ;xo /A>. . .'.'bj;;âLb. .ïE4 /(). '' ) : q., . :.?F. . --

-*. 4Y /.. yj- ..,. ,,jjt: !.= ' -'- ' -2-L - a . . u z'M J 7 . . .. : . v


8.Page lime Speaker Information

President Hynes Moves Joint Session arise

Speaker Redmond House fn order

57 3:52 Hudson Point of inquiryLeave to change vote

Speaker Redmond

Clerk O'Brien Agreed Resolutions

Speaker Redmond Resolutions adopted

Clerk O'Brien Adjournment Resolution

58 Speaker Reâmond

3:55 Madigan Change to &/5

Speaker Redmond 3/23 Perfuact Sessfon

Ryan Question

Speaker Redmond 3/30 Perfunct Sessfon

59 Geo-Karis Question

Speaker Rednond Discussion

J. Dunn

Speaker Redmond H.J.R. 75> adopted

Clerk O'Brien Ceneral Resolutions

Speaker Redmond

Clerk OrBrfen Death Resolution !,

Speaker Redmond(

60 Lechowicz Move for adoption

Speaker Redmond Resolution adopted !

Clerk O'Brien Introduction and 1st Reading

Speaker Redmond


4:00 Speaker Redmond House adjourned till April 5 EI


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