Don't Let Third Parties Slow You Down Arvind Jain, Michael Kleber Google


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Don't Let Third Parties Slow You Down

Arvind Jain, Michael KleberGoogle

Web is slow

• Average page load time: 4.9s• Pages are complex: on average, 44

resources from 7 domains, and 320KB• A lot of what's loaded is third party content

o Diggo Facebook Connecto Twittero Tribal Fusiono Yahoo Widgetso GlamMediao DoubleClick, AdSense,...

Typical Example: Digg Widget

<script type=”text/javascript”>digg_id = ‘digg-widget-container’; //make this id unique for each widget you put on a single page.digg_title = ‘Top 10 list from Technology’;</script><script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script><script type=”text/javascript” src=”;callback=diggwb&amp;endPoint=%2Fstories%2Fcontainer%2Ftechnology%2Ftop&amp;count=10″></script>

snippet code as of Feb 23, 2010


• 9 HTTP requests, 52 kB transferred over the wire.• scripts block the main page’s content from downloading• stylesheet blocks the main page from rendering in IE.

Latency Impact: Knockout Lab

Load some publisher pages with and without third party content

Testing our own code's effect on top 100 publishers' latency:• AdSense: Responsible for 12.8% of pageload time• Analytics: < 5%   (before launch of the asynchronous GA snippet)• Doubleclick: 11.5%

Our internal measurements of some other snippets: 

Third-party Publisher site % Impact

Digg 14

Digg   9

FriendConnect 10

FriendConnect 30

FacebookConnect 17

FacebookConnect 12

TribalFusion 53

TribalFusion 31

Making Google AdSenseFast By Default

The Problem

<script>  google_ad_width=300;  google_ad_height=250;</script>

<script  src="http://.../pagead/show_ads.js"></script>

The Goal

Minimize Time Blocking the Publisher Page

• No retagging!

• Put the ad right here:

• Must run in publisher domain

<div>  <script src="http://.../pagead/show_ads.js">  </script></div>

Our Solution: ASWIFT

– Make show_ads.js a tiny loader script

– Loader creates a same-domain iframe

– Loads the rest of show_ads into the iframe by document.write() of a <script> tag.

Asynchronous Script Written into IFrame Tag

Our Solution: ASWIFT

var adsHtml ='<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>  <script> google_ad_width=300;... </script>  <script src=".../show_ads_impl.js"></script> </body></html>';

document.write('<iframe id="foo"></iframe>');var idoc = document.getElementById('foo').



  Old show_ads.js 47 ms 288 ms

  ASWIFT 11 ms 32 ms

Time spent blocking the page, once the script has loaded.

median 90th %ile

Browser-specific Surprises

• Parallel downloads of same script in IE

• Iframe creation inside <head> in Firefox

• Request headers in Chrome

• Forward-Back-Reload behavior

Browser-specific Surprises

• Parallel downloads of same script in IE

Some web pages have multiple ad blocks on them. If you use this technique in multiple iframes at the same time, IE seems to sometimes abort a second frame's fetch when the fetch for the first frame completes. We handle this by serializing the fetches, only doing it in one iframe at a time.

Browser-specific Surprises

• Iframe creation inside <head> in Firefox

In Firefox, when you document.write an <iframe> tag from <head>, there's no way to get a handle on the DOM object until <body>. In this case, we don't use this technique.

Browser-specific Surprises

• Request headers in Chrome

Chrome developer tools showed malformed HTTP headers on the requests inside the iframes. Fortunately, wireshark showed that the requests were fine; the dev tools were reporting incorrectly. (Whew.)

Browser-specific Surprises

• Forward-Back-Reload behavior

When a user reloads a web page, this technique causes some browsers to reissue the request created by the show_ads_impl javascript. (The JS doesn't rerun; the URL it generated the first time is reloaded.) Be warned, since this behavior might be different than what happened before.
