Do You Know Why Hurricanes Have Names Instead of Numbers


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7/28/2019 Do You Know Why Hurricanes Have Names Instead of Numbers 1/5

"Do you know why hurricanes have names instead of numbers? To keep the killing personal. No one

cares about a bunch of people killed by a number. '200 Dead as Number Three Slams Ashore' is not

nearly as interesting a headline as 'Charlie kills 200.' Death is much more satisfying and entertaining if 

you personalize it.

Me, I'm still waitin' for Hurricane Ed. Old Ed wouldn't hurt ya, would he? Sounds kinda friendly. 'Hell no,

we ain't evacuatin'. Ed's comin'!"

— George Carlin (Brain Droppings)

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"You might start by thanking me."

For what? For finding something else that was so important to do that it took you all the way from

midnight on Samhain ‗til four days later to come for me? I‘m not going to thank you for saving me from

something you failed to save me from to begin with."

You look fine to me.

In fact, you‘re better than fine, aren‘t you? You walked right through my wards, without a word. Didn‘t

even leave a note by the bedside. Really,after all we shared, Ms. Lane. But do I get any thanks for doing


impossible and bringing you back from being Pri-ya? No. What do I get? You steal my guns."

— Karen Marie Moning (Dreamfever (Fever, #4))

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"La rutina no está tanto en las cosas como en nuestra incapacidad para crear a cada momento un

vínculo original con ellas, en nuestra tendencia a leerlas por la falsilla de lo rutinario, de lo ya aprendido.

Hay que seguir dejando siempre abierta la puerta al cuarto de jugar."

— Carmen Martín Gaite (El cuento de nunca acabar. (Apuntes sobre la narración, el amor y la mentira))

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"Safer than we are.” I told Franny. “Safer than love.” “let me tell ya kid,” Franny said to me, squeezing

my hand. “Everything’s safer than love."

— John Irving (The Hotel New Hampshire)

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"This is a world where everybody’s gotta do something. Ya know, somebody laid down this rule that

everybody’s gotta do something, they gotta be something. You know, a dentist, a glider pilot, a narc, a

 janitor, a preacher, all that . . . Sometimes I just get tired of thinking of all the things that I don’t wanna

do. All the things that I don’t wanna be. Places I don’t wanna go, like India, like getting my teeth cleaned.

Save the whale, all that, I don’t understand that . . ."

— Charles Bukowski

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"What does my smile look like now? Vivi wondered. Can you reclaim that free-girl smile, or is it like

virginity- once you loose it, that's it?"

— Rebecca Wells (Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood)

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"Ya Rasul...aku lumpuh karena rindu"

— Tasaro G.K. (Muhammad: Lelaki Penggenggam Hujan)

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"I have been to the edge and lived to tell the tale.."

— Rebecca Wells (Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood)

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"I elbow my way through the mass of people to get to my locker because there's something immensely

satisfying about the toughest part of my arm connecting with the softest part of everyone else. (page 3)"

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— Courtney Summers (Cracked Up to Be)

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"I wanted to be his life preserver, the thing that would keep him afloat. Instead, he became my anchor.

And I’m tired of drowning."

— Amanda Grace (But I Love Him)

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"What did ya learn from this dumbass stunt?” 

Here's where she was supposed to apologize, promise to be a good little girl and never do anything like

this again.

Screw that.

Riley locked eyes with him. “I learned that the Holy Water better be fresh, that I need practice throwing

the spheres, and that someone has to watch my back so asshats don't steal my demons."

— Jana Oliver (Forsaken (The Demon Trappers, #1))

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"Did ya get in a couple of good swipes?" Emmett asked eagerly.

"No! Of course not!"

"No, not really? You really didnt attack him?"

"Emmett!" I protested.

"Aw, what a waste. And here you're probably the one person who could take him- since he can't get into

your head to cheat- and you had a perfect excuse too. I've been dying to see how he'd do without that


— Stephenie Meyer (Breaking Dawn (Twilight, #4))

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"I close my eyes and ride the mindless bliss. It's all I can do. Be. Feel. Live.

I'm Pri-ya again.

I always will be with this man."

— Karen Marie Moning (Shadowfever (Fever, #5))

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"I decided to deflect her attitude by giving a long, Southern answer. I come from people who know how

to draw things out. Annoy a Southerner, and we will drain away the moments of your life with our slow,

detailed replies until you are nothing but a husk of your former self and that much closer to death."

— Maureen Johnson (The Name of the Star (Shades of London, #1))

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"But all she wanted to do was lie in bed, eat Kraft macaroni and cheese, and hide from the alligators."

— Rebecca Wells (Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood)

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— Elvis Presley

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"Every teenager in the world feels like that, feels broken or out of place, different somehow, royalty

mistakenly born into a family of peasants. The difference in your case is that it's true."

— Cassandra Clare (City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1))

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"Time has no meaning in the wyldwood. Day and night don't really exist here, just light and darkness,

and they can be as fickle and moody as everything else. A "night" can pass in the space of a blink, or go

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on forever. Light and darkness will chase each other through the sky, play hide-and-seek or tag or catch-

me-if-you-can. Sometimes, one or the other will become offended...and refuse to come out for an

indefinite amount of time. Once, light became so angry, a hundred years passed in the mortal realm

before it deigned to come out again. And though the sun continued to rise and set in the human world,

it was a rather turbulent period for the world of men, as all the creatures who lurked in darkness and

shadow got to roam freely under the lightless Nevernever skies."

— Julie Kagawa (The Iron Knight (Iron Fey, #4))

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"when life gives you lemons, say, "yeah I like lemons, what else ya got"?"

— Ann Brashares

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"I'll be there for ya, girl. No matter what.

Beck took a deep breath and released it slowly. He had to stay strong for her, make the tough decisions.

It was best that Paul's daughter never know how he felt about her. There'd be less hurt that way, for

both of them.

Just keep her safe, God. I can settle for that."

— Jana Oliver (Forsaken (The Demon Trappers, #1))
