Do you control welding fume? - Plymovent · from the welder by welding mechanization or the use of...


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Do you controlwelding fume?




WHY PLYMOVENT A genuine commitment to customer needs System solutions

Expertise gained over decades

High quality products

Global presence

We do. For more than 30 years we have made it our business to ensure clean air in your working environment. We provide high quality products to protect not only your welders, but also those people working nearby from inhaling hazardous welding fume. We offer a broad range of air ex-traction and filtration systems, backed by complete engineering services.


WHY FUME EXTRACTION?Welding fumes, grinding dust, oil mist: the metal industry produces all sorts of contamination. Welders

and personnel in working areas are exposed to these air contaminants. It is essential to create healthy and

safe working conditions by reducing these risks to health. Protective measures are an important aspect

of this. So important, in fact, that strict international standards have been established to regulate them.

Welding fumes, small particles and remains of molten metal, must be dealt with effectively by means of

efficient extraction and filtration. This ensures that workers feel better, enabling them to perform better.

The result is higher productivity and lower absenteeism through sickness.

Fume/Dust Possible immediate effects Possible long-term effects

Welding fume (general) Hoarseness, sore throat, eye irritation, metal fever Bronchitus, reprotoxicChromium (in welding fumes from stainless steel welding)


Nickel (in welding fumes from stainless steel welding)

Metal fever Carcinogenic

Aluminium Irritation of respiratory organs, metal fever

Manganese Pneumonia Damage to central nervous systemZinc Metal feverCopper Metal feverMagnesium Irritation of respiratory organs, metal feverLead Changes of blood and kidneys ReprotoxicGases Possible immediate effects Possible long-term effects

Nitrogen oxide Irritation of bronchial tubes and eyes, pulmonary oedema


Carbon monoxide Difficulty in breathing, unconsciousness ReprotoxicOzone Irritation of bronchial tubes and eyes, pulmonary


Health risks when inhaling welding fume and gases Source: Keep welding fume out of your body (2002)



Based on our experience, gained over decades working in the air treatment business, Plymovent

has developed a totally reliable approach, we call this engineered solutions. This approach ensures

clean air in your working environment with a cost effective and easily operated system. The pro-

cess involves 7 phases, from analysis and design to supply, installation, commissioning and service,

all included in a value for money package.


Each customer has specific requirements. To be able

to meet these, it is vital to conduct a thorough in-

vestigation, answering numerous questions about the

welding process, number of welders and reach within

work places, facility layout, filtration needs, local le-

gislation and need of system control. Are there plans

for future expansion? Finalising the first phase gives

an answer to what we need to do.


Based on the information we receive from our in-

vestigation phase we create a roadmap for achieving

the best possible air in the work environment. We

choose products from our broad product range, to

tailor make a system, which provides a durable and

optimal solution for ensuring ease of operation and a

healthy work environment.



WE DESIGNIn the design phase we fine-tune the products

chosen in the planning phase by calculating pressure

drops, filter sizes, fan size etc. The modularity of

our products enable us to optimise your system in

regard to flexibility, safety, economy and operation.

The result will be a system design which fits to your

requirements today and for future expansions.


When the design phase is finished we have the

ability to install your tailor-made system. Worldwide

Plymovent has over 30 000 installations of systems

ensuring a healthy working environment. We have

a vast experience of delivering turn-key solutions

which will operate flawlessly, enabling you to focus

on your core business.

WE COMMISSIONWhen the installation phase is finished we calibrate

the system ensuring all parameters are set correctly.

Our constant striving for perfection creates an air

cleaning system which is a trustworthy investment

today and for years to come.


As a knowledge based partner, we are happy to share

our professional knowledge and technology. We have

the ability to give you hands-on training to get the

most out of our systems.

WE SERVICE AND MAINTAINToday operational safety in production lines is es-

sential to ensure high productivity. We therefore

offer ongoing service agreements. Our maintenance

engineers will make sure your extraction system is in

perfect condition and in optimal operation.



FLEXHOODA modular extraction

hood is especially suitable

for robotic welding appli-

cations and can be tailored

to your needs.

REDUCE FUMESThe first step towards creating clean air in your working environment is to

make sure that the best available welding process is used for your applica-

tion. If applicable, you might consider using an alternative welding method.

In addition to the welding process the material should be clean, e.g. remove

oil, coatings and rust etc. For quality reasons many of our customers already

considered this first step. Our recommendation is to contact your welding

machine supplier to consult their experience in welding. Unfortunately this

first step is often not enough to ensure a safe working environment,

additional steps need to be taken.

AT SOURCE CAPTUREThe second step to consider is the removal of welding fumes from the

source. Only with source extraction is the welder protected and accu-

mulation of welding fumes in the work shop is prevented. Source capture

methods are preferably integrated in the workspace like a downdraft table

which is a combination of workbench and fume extractor. Other methods

are extraction arms that can be easily positioned close to the source or

welding guns with integrated fume extraction. Plymovent has a full set of

controls and accessories to customize the system to your local needs. De-

sign parameters are ease of use, flexibility, energy consumption and noise


ISOLATION/SEPARATIONWhen extraction close at the source is not possible the next best method

is separation of the source from the rest of the workshop. If possible even

from the welder by welding mechanization or the use of welding robots.

Extraction hoods with welding strips enclosing the welding process are

in these cases the preferred solution. The workers near by the extraction

hood are protected, those working inside an extraction hood will require

additional personal protection.

VENTILATION & PERSONAL PROTECTIONSometimes at source capture and welding hoods cannot provide a total

solution. In those cases, general air cleaning and ventilation together with

personal protection is the preferred method. With this approach accumula-

ted fumes in the workshop are captured and filtered.

DIFFERENT METHODS (in order of effectiveness)



Depending on your needs we can provide at source extraction systems,

downdraft tables, extraction hood systems or general ventilation systems.

EXTRACTION ARMSOur extraction arms are avai-

lable in various working reaches.

They can be used on extension

booms if extra reach is needed

or put on a rail for virtually

unlimited reach.

CONTROLSOur control equipment can

automatically control the

whole extraction system,

adjusting airflow depending

on usage and more.

FANSWe offer a wide range

of fans covering most

common demands in

various applications.

DRAFTMAXA robustly designed

downdraft table which

ensures efficient fume

extraction and filtration.

MDB FILTERSThe MultiDustBank filter is a

modular cartridge collector

system which can be tailored

to your need today and

expanded tomorrow as your

business grows.

OTHER FILTERSWe offer a wide range

of stationary and mobile

filter units. Contact us to

find out more or visit our





HEALTH REASONSInvesting money in at source capture in hazardous environments results in less absence due to sickness and a lower turnover of employees.

ENVIRONMENTAL REASONSWith at source capture you effectively prevent pollution from spreading all over your premises, where they will not only reach the operator at the process but also all other people in the building. An automatically controlled extraction system will also lower your energy consumption. It will save you money and at the same time you will make a contribution to improving the global environment.

AT SOURCE CAPTURE Plymovent offers various fixed and mobile solutions for at source capture of welding fumes and grinding dust. Different lengths and diameters of an arm can be specific to certain processes and application. That is why the extraction arms of Plymovent are available in various working radiu-ses, from 1.0 up to 8.8 metres. The Plymovent filter range varies from small single filters up to large modular, self-cleaning filters which can be expanded as your business grows. A state-of-the-art Plymovent system will automatically monitor and adjust the air volume needed depending on how many workplaces are being used at any particular time. The controls in the system will also automatically adjust to the pressure drop in mechanical filters and maintain the air volume performance at each fume extractor.





Investing money in a FlexHood system in hazardous environments enables you to separate the welding source from workers.

ENVIRONMENTAL REASONSWith a FlexHood system you effectively prevent pollution from spreading all over your premises.

WELDINGHOODS CAPTURE FUMESPlymovent provide extraction hoods tailored to your needs. FlexHood can be placed on legs or hang from the ceiling, either option makes it easy to position the hood in your specific work area. Various options enable you to complete FlexHood with lighting fixtures and welding strips. Traditional extraction hoods often have centred extraction. FlexHood has an innovative framework with side extraction, capturing the fumes at the edges of the hood. This very efficient way of extraction prevents fumes from escaping at the sides of the hood. FlexHood is designed to protect welders, personnel in other working areas, your working equipment and the facility. The deflection plates in the hood control the airflow and reduce the risk of sparks reaching the filter. FlexHood comes in easy to handle modular parts and can be easily put together on location.



HEALTH REASONSPlymovent Push/Pull systems will red-duce environmental fumes to acceptable OES (Occupational Exposure Limit) within your facility

ENVIRONMENTAL REASONSWith a Push/Pull system you effectively prevent pollution from spreading over your premises.

When to use push/pull-systems to create a cleaner work environment?• Extraction at source is very difficult• Large work pieces• Changing welding locations


GENERAL AIR CLEANING & VENTILATIONIf work pieces are too big to be covered by extraction arms, or if the welder constantly moves between locations, extraction at source may not be possible. Plymovent now offers a solution to this problem; a Push/Pull system that, using proven techniques, captures environmental welding fume, filters it and then pushes clean air back into the working area. This way, expensively heated air stays in the working area and occupational exposure levels are kept easily within accepted standards.

A Plymovent Push/Pull system consists of 4 components: the pull duct, filter unit, central fan and a push duct.




FINANCIAL REASONSA fully automatic controlled system will enable you to substantially lower your use of electricity and overall energy consump-tion and therefore give a shorter ROI (return on investment).

TOTAL SOLUTIONWe have products suitable for every step in the methodology of re-moving welding fumes. The system solutions we provide are engineered and completed with our wide range of fans, control equipment and filters.

• Fans are available from 0,37 kW up to 22 kW. Others on request.• System controls range from simple manual controls to fully auto-

matic, state-of-the-art controls.• Our filters range from small stationary units to large self-cleaning

modular designed units.

Our expertise gained over many years, high quality products and ge-nuine commitment to customer requirements enable us to provideprecisely the solutions you need.

Investing in a Plymovent system is investing in the environment and in your competitive future.

Your authorized Plymovent distributor:

Plymovent cares about the air you breathe.We offer products, systems and services whichensure clean air at work, anywhere in the world.

We respect the environment and we deliverhigh-quality products. Our expertise gained overmany years and our genuine commitment tocustomer requirements enable us to provideprecisely the solutions you need.

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International Distributor SalesPlymovent Group BVP.O. Box 93501800 GJ AlkmaarThe Netherlands

T +31 (0)72 5640 604F +31 (0)72 5644 469E
