Division 12 Newsletter 4



In this issue! LtG. Division 3 Ami Shah, District Governor Rachel Orbach, and me! Official Newsletter of Division 12 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International Yours in caring and service, 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204 Volume 1 Issue 4 1 Dues Payment.............3 Important Dates..........3 Tools for Schools..........4 Fall Rally Recap...........2 Lt.G’s Message............1 YOF................................4

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Volume 1 Issue 4

Official Newsletter of Division 12 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International

The Leaves Are A-Changin’

LtG. Division 3 Ami Shah, District

Governor Rachel Orbach, and me!

And Fall is in the air!

Hey Division 12,

I hope you are having a splendid school year so far. I hope that

the second month of school isn’t giving you too much stress! I know

that things are beginning to get very busy with sports, projects,

marching band ( I know many of you are very involved with the

marching band, because you came to my high school for a band

competition), and daily homework. To top it all off, you’ve got to add

service projects to the list!

First of all, don’t stress! There is always much to do, but as

long ass you manage your time wisely, I promise you will get it all

done. Stressing out about it is not going to help.

Also, if you are having a hard time finding service projects that

fit into your schedule, then October has the perfect solution for you.

Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF is a simple, effective project that doesn’t

take up much time at all, and still makes a big difference. Each club

should have recently received UNICEF boxes and distributed them at a

meeting earlier this month. Whether you are want to actually go out on

Halloween and Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF, or you want to keep the

box sitting on your kitchen table to collect change as the days pass, you

will make a big difference. Every little bit helps!

I hope you all have a lovely October, and I’d like to remind you

to take some time to appreciate the changing leaves and crisp autumn


Yours in caring and service,

Aimee Meissner

District Editor, Nicole Darrah and Voorhees Secretary Christina

Giordano took the pictures featured in this


In this issue!

Lt.G’s Message............1

Fall Rally Recap...........2

Dues Payment.............3

Important Dates..........3


Tools for Schools..........4


Meissner’s Monthly Marauder!



2 KEY CLUB Division 12 newsletter

As many of you may know, this year’s Fall Rally came with a lofty goal. The New Jersey District Board wanted to reach 3,000 attendees this year, because in we have always come close to reaching this number. However, we’ve never broken it. At our August board meeting, each Lieutenant Governor met with District Treasurer Devan Corona to go over our divisional goals for Fall Rally. The goal for Division 12 was 135 attendees. I am proud to say that we surpassed that goal with over 160 members from Division 12! The day started off with an hour long general session in one of the park’s arenas. Several guests spoke including Aimee Mansu, Presidents and CEO of Children’s Specialized Hospital, and Ruth Dekker from the Food Bank of New Jersey. The session was a lot of fun, and very informative. And, once the session was over, we were let loose in the park! I believe that Fall Rally was a great success this year, and I am very thankful to all who came. Unfortunately, we did not reach our goal this year, but what really counts is the support of your District. We continue to hold the largest percentage gathering of Key Clubbers in all of Key Club International, and it is all thanks to your pride and dedication to our mighty New Jersey District. So, even if you couldn’t make it out this year, get keep in mind next year’s Fall Rally, and don’t miss it!

Fall Rally




character building

The stands filled with 2,500

Excited Key Clubbers!

The pre-session District

Board huddle




At the 2010 New Jersey Key Club District Convention, a dues increase was unanimously passed by the House of

Delegates. The Delegation, made of Key Clubbers throughout the state,

agreed upon a goal to keep convention costs low in order toallow more members to attend and to allow the New Jersey District to grow with a larger operating budget. The increase

was designed with these goals in mind therefore the one dollar

($1) increase is split into two categories. Half of the increase will go

to defray the cost of attending District Convention and the other half will help fund and grow our mighty New Jersey District.

The increase will take effect for this year’s dues cycle; therefore

dues will no longer be set at $11 when you pay this November. As stated in the amendment, the new dues breakdown will

be as follows:

• $6.50 collected by Key Club International • $5.50 collected by the New Jersey District • Up to $5.50 collected by individual clubs

This brings the total cost of dues in the range of $12-$17.50 depending on how much your club decides to charge. The

New Jersey District is recommending for each club charge four dollars

($4) as their membership fee, bringing the total cost to a reasonable $16. If you have any questions on the dues increase or dues

payment in general, please contact the New Jersey District Treasurer,

Devan Corona, at devancorona@gmail.com.

Dues Payement By District Treasurer, Devan Corona




Dates! 11/1- Early Bird Dues


11/10- Club Monthly

Report Forms due

for the month of


12/1- Dues are due

to International

Always keep

these dates


have already planned and your

club still cannot fund the entire

project, apply for YOF


Don’t be nervous to apply. Even

though you have International competition, the YOF is one of

the most under-utilized resources

Key Club has to offer. Very few

people apply so if you enter

properly, your chances of

winning are pretty good. Also,

there is more than one winner.

The Committee picks the projects

on an individual basis not in

competition against one another.

The application deadline is

October 15th and there is only

one funding cycle per year. If you

miss out your project may have

to go on hold. Start by checking

out the Youth Opportunities Fund

Webpage where you can find

previous winning projects and the

application. The application is

only two pages long and easy to

complete, but here are some tips

on entry. Make an effort to

partially fund your project without

Aimee Meissner

a Kiwanis-family member

4 www.njkeyclub.org

Is your dream service project just out of

reach? Do you have it all planned out

and the man-power to execute it but

you lack the funds? Maybe you would like to help local children through

education or the elderly through

recreation. There are thousands of

great service projects out there and the

Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) can

help your turn your dream to a reality.

The Fund is all about financial support.

Your club can be awarded anywhere

from $200 to $2000 of assistance for

your project. But now you might be

thinking, “If someone is just giving out

money, there must be strings

attached.” There really aren’t; The

Youth Opportunities Fund is such a

simple process. All you have to do is

plan, apply, and complete your

project. With those three steps, you’ll be

on your way to one of the most

successful projects ever!

So you have your project idea, where

do you go from here? Start with

detailed planning to determine if the

YOF is even needed to fund the project. Being economical can

eliminated many wasteful costs. If you

the YOF grant; the committee loves to

see that you have put effort into

funding the project by yourselves. A

precise project timeline and detailed line item budget should be included so

the committee knows you are

committed to the project and have a

solid plan of execution. They only want

to fund responsible clubs! The final tip is

a detailed application. Chose to be

more specific rather than less, the

committee that chooses winners does

not know your area’s needs. Make sure

they understand why this project is vital

to your community. With all of that said it is time for you to go out

and make your dream a reality. Take your

service project idea and run with it; you will

end up impacting the lives of so many people.

Remember the deadline for application is

October 15th, so have your application in way

before that. It’s better to be early than late

because the mail got lost. I wish you all good

luck with the Youth Opportunities Fund, now

go out there and get it done!

Youth Opportunities Fund

Important Contacts Aimee Meissner Lieutenant Governor

Aim.Meissner@gmail.com Rachel Orbach District Governor

Governor.orbach@gmail.com Kevin Sun District Secretary

secretarysun@gmail.com Devan Corona District Treasurer devancorona@gmail.com Nicole Darrah District Editor njkceditor@gmail.com Helene Meissner Zone Administrator

Junecleaver603@msn.com Barrie Werfel District Administrator


Tools for Schools

Results! As many of you know, at this year’s Fall Rally, the New Jersey District held a Tools for Schools drive. I am proud to say that we collected 1,156 pounds of school supplies! This doesn’t even include the bags of supplies that we took home after the truck left. This is really a great accomplishment and you should all be proud. Don’t forget to include the Tools for Schools collection in your monthly report if you participated. This also counts as a part of the Governor’s Project, Operation Educate.

Keep up the good work, everyone!