dispute resloution


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  • 8/7/2019 dispute resloution


    Dispute resolution


    Grievance management

  • 8/7/2019 dispute resloution


    Dispute :- refers to any conflictbetween employees and employers.

    Dispute are very common in industries.They manifest in the form of strikes, bandhsand lockouts. The consequences of disputes

    are loss of production, loss of profit, loss ofmarket & closure of plant.

  • 8/7/2019 dispute resloution


    Causes of disputes

    Wage demands. Union rivalry.

    Political interference.

    Multiplicity of labour law.

    Personal variable.

    Bad communication.

  • 8/7/2019 dispute resloution


    Dispute resolution methods

    1. Collective bargaining method:- takes placewhen representatives of a labour union meetmanagement representatives to determineemployees wages & benefits & to solve otherissues. C.b.method is the most effectivemethod of resolving industrial disputes.

  • 8/7/2019 dispute resloution


    Dispute resolution methods

    Objectives of c.b.method:-

    To increase the economic strength of both the

    parties at the same time protected theirinterests.

    To establish uniform conditions of employmentwith a view to avoid occurrence of industrialdisputes.

    To resolve disputes when they occur. To lay down rules & norms for dealing with


  • 8/7/2019 dispute resloution


    Dispute resolution methods

    2.Code of discipline:- it defines duties& responsibilities of employers & workers.

  • 8/7/2019 dispute resloution


    Dispute resolution methods

    Objectives of the code are:- To ensure that employers & employees recognize

    each others rights & obligations.

    To promote constructive co-operation betweenthe parties concerned at all levels.

    To avoid work stoppages.

    To facilitate the free growth of trade union.

    To maintain discipline in industry.

  • 8/7/2019 dispute resloution


    Dispute resolution methods

    3. Arbitration method:- it refers to aprocedure in which a neutral third partystudies the dispute, listens to both theparties & collect information & makes

    recommendations which are binding onboth the parties.

  • 8/7/2019 dispute resloution


    Dispute resolution methods

    4. Conciliation:- is a process by which

    representatives of workers & employersare brought together before a third partywith a view to persuading them to arriveat an agreement by mutual discussionbetween them. The third party may beone individual or a group of people. Theyare also called mediators.

  • 8/7/2019 dispute resloution


    Dispute resolution methods

    5.Adjudication :- means a mandatorysettlement of an industrial dispute by alabour court. The system of adjudication isthe most significant instrument of

    resolving disputes. But it has beencriticised bcoz of the delay involved inresolving conflicts.

  • 8/7/2019 dispute resloution


    Grievance management

    Grievance :- may be understood as anemployees dissatisfaction or feeling of personal

    injustice related to his employment relationship.

    Grievance management is a method ofresolving dispute. All labour agreements containsome form of grievance procedure. And if the

    procedure is followed strictly, any dispute caneasily be resolved. When an employee believesthat the labour agreement has been violated, hefiles a grievance. The grievance need to be

    resolved acc. to a set of procedure.

  • 8/7/2019 dispute resloution


    Grievance procedure

    Stage 1.no

    Stage 2.


    Stage 3.


    Stage 4.

    Complaint to section head

    Complaint to dept. head

    Complaint to divisonal head

    Complaint to union

    Grievance resolved

    Grievance resolved

    Grievance resolved
