Dimitris Fotakis and Alkis Kalavasis and Konstantinos


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Aggregating Incomplete and Noisy Rankings

Dimitris Fotakis and Alkis Kalavasis and KonstantinosStavropoulos

National Technical University of Athens

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• Aggregating collections of ranked preferences: analyze statisticalranking models (e.g. [Mal57], [Thu27], [Smi50], [BT52], [Pla75],[Luc12]).

• Incomplete input rankings: analyze incomplete ranking models.

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• Aggregating collections of ranked preferences: analyze statisticalranking models (e.g. [Mal57], [Thu27], [Smi50], [BT52], [Pla75],[Luc12]).

• Incomplete input rankings: analyze incomplete ranking models.

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Mallows Model

• Extensively studied (e.g. [BM09], [AF98], [CPS13], [LM18], [BFZ19],[FV86], [MM03], [LL03]).

• Central (ground truth) ranking π0 ↔ ideal output of aggregation.

• Exponential decay to the (Kendall Tau) distance from π0:

Pr[π|π0, β] ∝ exp(−βdKT (π0, π)) ,∀π ∈ Sn , (1)

β > 0: spread parameter,dKT (π, π′) = #inversions between π, π′.

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Selective Mallows Model

• Generates incomplete rankings.

• Selection sets: S = (S1, . . . ,Sr ), where Si ⊆ [n].

• Exponential decay to the distance from sub-rankings of π0:

Pr[(π1, . . . , πr )|π0, β,S] ∝∏i∈[r ]

exp(−βdKT (π0|Si , πi )) , (2)

πi : a ranking of the elements of Si ,π0|Si : the ranking of the elements of Si according to π0.

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• (Pair appearance) frequency parameter p ∈ [0, 1]:

|Si : Si 3 a, b| ≥ p · |S|,∀a, b ∈ [n]

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Results: Sample Complexity

• For error prob. ε ∈ (0, 1): poly(1/β) ·Θ( 1p · log(n/ε)).

• Upper Bound: O( 1p(1−e−β)2

· log(n/ε))

Large enough sample profile length⇓

Each pair correctly ranked by majority.

• Lower Bound: Ω( 1βp · log(n/ε))

Small sample profile length⇓

∃ rarely observed, large set of disjoint pairs.

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Results: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

• As in (complete) Mallows: MLE of π0 linked to an NP-hard problem.• However:

• Average case ⇒ initial approximation of MLE.• Structure of problem ⇒ efficient local search.

• Finally: For any α > 0, we find MLE w.p. ≥ 1− n−α, in time:

T = O

(n2 + n

1+O( 2+αrβp4

)2O( 1



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Results: Top−k Retrieval

• Upper Bound: O(


+ log(n/ε)p2βk

)(if k = ω(1/(pβ)))

Low ranked alternatives ruled out with few samples.

• Lower Bound: Ω( 1βp log(k/ε))

Implied by sample complexity of finding π0.

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Positional Estimator

• Given a selective Mallows sample profile, PosEst:

1. Calculates pairwise majority positions:

π(a) = b ∈ [n] : b < a in most common appearances

2. Breaks ties uniformly.

• Optimal sample complexity for π0, Upper bound for top−k &Approximates π0 (first step of MLE).

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5 10 15Inverse frequency parameter (1/p)














50 100 150Sample profile size










p = 0.4p = 0.6p = 0.8

Figure: (Left:) Estimated sample complexity of retrieving, with probability at least 0.95and using PosEst, the central ranking from selective Mallows samples, with n = 20,β = 2, over the frequency parameter’s inverse. (Right:) Average Kendall Tau distancebetween the output of PosEst and the central ranking with respect to the size of thesample profile, for different values of the frequency parameter p, when n = 20, β = 0.3.

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The End

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