Diary of an Ant By Katie, Erin, Conor, Austin, and Collin


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Diary of an Ant

By Katie, Erin, Conor, Austin, and Collin

December 25, we went to see our relatives, bees and wasps, for Christmas. My uncle Jerry gave me 3 pairs of shoes. When we came back to the colony, I only had five shoes! It could be anywhere!

March 2, Today the fire ants were being mean and they took Martha's lunch money. I had to share my lunch with her.

June 5, Today we found my shoe. It was still at my uncle's house. Now I have 6 shoes for 6 legs!

June 22, My friend Martha was sick and I couldn't play with her. So the only thing that I could do was help the colony find and carry food.

August 8, The fire ants got a detention after they tried to take Martha's lunch again. Today I molted for the first time.

 September 16, After 3 months Martha was better, and

also today Martha learned to fly.


Works Cited Gale. "Ants." 2005. Print.

Morgan, Sally. Ants. Laguna Hills, CA: QEB, 2008. Print.

Diary of a Scorpion

By Alex L,Maeve M, Hannah S, and Jake P.

March 4:  I went to McScorpians with Pablo . I got the " Special Worm Smoothie".Pablo got the "McBigWorm".I liked his better,but he wouldn't give me anymore.So I stung him,and we had to rush him to the hospital.

March 18: 

Pablo is still in the hospital. I keep trying to convince everyone it was an accident, but they don't listen.Mom says she's going to ground me from the telesonior in your case , my stinger. 

 March 23: 

Today my whole class went to visit Pablo in the hospital.My second best friend ,Barbara, was in the elevator with me to go up to the 8th floor. But the elevator got jammed. So I came to the rescue and used my powerful pinchers to pry open the door!


June 5Today I had a bad day. Grandpa got burned by the sun

in the desert when he was only 25 years old.

October 31 Today my family and I adopted a new grandpa- we are really excited! His name is Ronald Boland. We have already adopted 3 because most grandpas only live to about 25 years.

December 25 Finally we all went to sleep.Everything was over. My twelve years were closed.

Works Cited

Gale. "Scorpian." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 2000. Web. <http://dbproxy.fh.farmlib.org.2060lservlet/kidsInfoBits.>.

National Audubon Society. Feild Guide to American Insects and Spiders. New York: Alcred A. Knope, 1980. Print.

V.H., Laurie J. "Scorpian." World Book. 2008. Print.

Diary of a praying mantis

By: Nick S.

Tessa U.

Lona C.

Christian M.

June 4: 

We moved to Hawaii. Mom got

married and had 100 kids.

June 8: 

Mom was hungry, so she ate dad, and she got married

again. I am now praying for him.

June 20:

I was at soccer practice, and I fell in the mud, so I went home to clean myself.

After, I saw mom eat step dad. We decided that mom wasn't going to get


June 25:

I was using my feelers to find some food when I saw Bully Bird. I ran back to my tree house and


July 1: 

I broke a leg trying to fly (BTW praying mantises can't fly) mom

says it will grow back soon.

September 12:

School started today. Billy the butterfly said I'm weird because

I'm green. I told Mrs. Bee, so she gave him a beetention. :) We

don't talk any more.

Works Cited

Insect World. Alexandria: Timeline, 1988. Print.

Jacobs, Liza. "Mantisis eggs." Web. 13 Nov. 2009.

Jacobs, Liza. "Mantisis Predetors." Web. 13 Nov. 2009.

Knopf, Alfred A. Amazing Insects. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993. Print.

Parker, Steve. Insects. New York: Explorers book, 1992. Print.

Diary of a Millipede

By: Albert AAndrew CRachel RLeanna K

September 5 I'm nervous about attending Tasmania

University. This is my first day in college. There are more than 160 species of millipedes attending.

November 4I met someone today. His name is

Centipede. We are now best friends. My dad keeps telling me to protect myself

using stink glands. He doesn't trust Centipede.

December 25My whole family got together and ate a huge feast of dead leaves. I got a gift card to the shoe store for


February 4I went shoe shopping today. The store didn't have enough pairs, so I had to go to 2 other stores. No shoe stores have 200 pairs of


May 17 I was invited over to Centipede's for

dinner. The only problem is that I am a herbivore and they are having dead bugs.

I pretended that I was sick so I couldn't go. Then, I actually got sick.

July 30I met the longest millipede today.

He was 3.4 cm. long. I was so excited. I asked for his

autograph. It is now hanging on my wall.

Works Cited McCormik, Rosemary. Insects and Spiders. New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1993. Print. Minch, Edwin. "Millipede." World Book 2008. 2008. Print. Sohn, Emliy. "Spotting the world's leggest animals." Kids Info Bits. 14 June 2006. Web. 13 Nov. 2009. <sciencenewsforkids.org>.

Diary of a GrasshopperBy:

Katie,Kristen,Mike,Liam,& Brian

May 4: 

My friend the bee could not fly for 8 weeks So i brought him honey every other day. I was able to jump and get the


August 30:

Today was field day we had to swim at the puddle. I won because I can swim very fast.


My brother and I went ice skating and he fell through. But not all the way because grasshoppers range from half an inch to 4 inches

Sept 19:   

I was playing hide and seek at my family reunion

and it was very hard because there are over 9,000 different types of


Oct 13:

We started raking leaves and we jumped in them and Mr. Hopper yelled at us.He could hear us because grasshoppers have ears.

Feb 6 :



We had a snowball fight and my sister swallowed a snowflake. She was mad because they got stuck in her exoskeleton.

Works Cited Horn bow, Leonora and Arthur. Insects do the strangest things. New York City: Chrysalis Education International, 2003. Print.

By: Sarah, Justine, Ben, and Philip

March 19,It's my birthday. I tried to sting someone but I missed

April 1,I found a bee with enlarged hind feet, so I just decided to give him my honey .

April 13,There are 20,000 species of bees so i couldn't find my cousins at the airport.

April 19,Our hive got overcrowded, so I had to leave and I moved in with my best friend.

July 4,It's Independence day, so my best friend and I

have to go gather pollen for everyone in our hive so we can celebrate .

December 23,It's winter now so everyone in our hive fell asleep. We will wake up in March.

Works Cited Honeybees. Jane Letch, 1973. Print. Letch, Jane. Insects. United States of America: Althea, 1990. Print. Letch, Jane. Print.

Diary of a Scorpion By: Abby, Audrey, Edwin, Jack, and Anthony

January 13:Last night I was hungry so my dad took me hunting.

February 3: The bullies made fun of me because I was so

tall. So I tried out for the basketball team and made it. I am the only one on the team that can dunk. The

bullies don't make fun of me anymore.

April 1:Tonight is April Fool's day! My friend James and I had a lot

of fun with jokes

May 15: Tonight I start night school because scorpions sleep during the

day and are awake at night.

August 9:I got lost last night hunting, but a firefly led me home.

October 10:Last night at school the teacher took out a globe and showed

us where we live. We live in the Sahara Desert.

Works Cited Maynard, Christopher. Incredible Mini Beasts. New York: Covent garden, 1994. Print. World Book. "Scorpion." World Book 2002. 2002. Print