DFS algorithm


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Depth-First Search

●  Depth-first search is another strategy for

exploring a graph i.e. is a systematic way to

find all the vertices reachable from a source


■ Explore “deeper” in the graph whenever possible 

■ Edges are explored out of the most recently

discovered vertex v that still has unexplored edges■ When all of v’s edges have been explored,

backtrack to the vertex from which v was


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Depth-First Search

● Vertices initially colored white

● Then colored gray when discovered

●Then black when finished

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DFS Example


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DFS Example

1 | | |


| |


 d f 

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DFS Example

1 | | |


2 | |


 d f 

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DFS Example

1 | | |

||3 |

2 | |


 d f 

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DFS Example

1 | | |

||3 | 4

2 | |


 d f 

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DFS Example

1 | | |

|5 |3 | 4

2 | |


 d f 

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DFS Example

1 | | |

|5 | 63 | 4

2 | |


 d f 

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DFS Example

1 | 8 | |

|5 | 63 | 4

2 | 7 |


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DFS Example

1 | 8 | |

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2 | 7 9 |


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DFS Example

1 | 8 | |

|5 | 63 | 4

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 d f 

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DFS Example

1 | 8 |11 |

|5 | 63 | 4

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 d f 

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DFS Example

1 |12 8 |11 |

|5 | 63 | 4

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DFS Example

1 |12 8 |11 13|

|5 | 63 | 4

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DFS Example

1 |12 8 |11 13|

14|5 | 63 | 4

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DFS Example

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DFS Example

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DFS Example

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 d f 

Tree edges

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DFS: Kinds of edges

● DFS introduces an important distinction

among edges in the original graph:

■ Tree edge: encounter new (white) vertex

■ Back edge: from descendent to ancestor

○ Encounter a grey vertex (grey to grey)

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DFS Example

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 d f 

Tree edges  Back edges

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DFS: Kinds of edges

● DFS introduces an important distinction

among edges in the original graph:

■ Tree edge: encounter new (white) vertex

■ Back edge: from descendent to ancestor

■ Forward edge: from ancestor to descendent

○ Not a tree edge, though

○ From grey node to black node

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DFS Example

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 d f 

Tree edges  Back edges  Forward edges

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DFS: Kinds of edges

● DFS introduces an important distinction

among edges in the original graph:

■ Tree edge: encounter new (white) vertex

■ Back edge: from descendent to ancestor

■ Forward edge: from ancestor to descendent

■ Cross edge: between a tree or subtrees

○ From a grey node to a black node

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DFS Example

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 d f 

Tree edges  Back edges  Forward edges Cross edges

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DFS Applications

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● Topological Sorting

● Strong connectedness

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Topological Sort 

● There are many problems involving a set of tasks in which some of the tasks must be donebefore others.

● For example, consider the problem of taking acourse only after taking its prerequisites.

● Is there any systematic way of linearly

arranging the courses in the order that theyshould be taken?

The Answer is Topological Sort

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● Topological sort is a method of arranging the

vertices in a directed acyclic graph (DAG), as

a sequence, such that no vertex appear in the

sequence before its predecessor.

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Topological Sort: DFS

G A B 

D E 

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Topological Sort: DFS

G   A  B 

D E 


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Topological Sort: DFS



G   A  B 

D  E 

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Topological Sort: DFS




G   A  B 

D E 

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Topological Sort: DFS





G   A  B 

D E 

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Topological Sort: DFS






G   A  B 

D E 

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Topological Sort: DFS





G   A  B 

D E 

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Topological Sort: DFS




 A  B 

D E 

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Topological Sort: DFS



G   A  B 

D  E 

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Topological Sort: DFS



G   A  B 

D  E 

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Topological Sort: DFS


G   A  B 

D E 

5 4

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Topological Sort: DFS


G   A  B 

D E 

4 5 

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Topological Sort: DFS

G   A  B 

D E 

4 5 

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Topological Sort: DFS

G   A  B 

D E 

4 5 


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Topological Sort: DFS

G   A  B 

D E 

4 5 


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Topological Sort: DFS

G   A B 

D E 

4 5 

3  2 

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Topological Sort: DFS

G   A B 

D E 

4 5 


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Topological Sort: DFS

G   A B 

D E 

4 5 


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Topological Sort: DFS

G   A B 

D E 

4 5 


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Topological Sort: DFS

G   A B 

D E 

4 5 


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Topological Sort: DFS

G   A B 

D E 

4 5 



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Topological Sort: DFS

G A B 

D E 

4 5 

3  2 



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Topological Sort: DFS

G A B 

D E 

4 5 

3  2 1

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Topological Sort: DFS

G A B 

D E 

4 5 

3  2 1

Topological order:  C G B A D E F H 

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Strongly Connected Components

● Definition A strongly connected component of 

a directed graph G is a maximal set of vertices

C V such that for every pair of vertices u and

v, there is a directed path from u to v and adirected path from v to u.

● Strongly-Connected-Components(G)

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Disadvantages of DFS

● The disadvantage of Depth-First Search is that

there is a possibility that it may go down the

left-most path forever. Even a finite graph can

generate an infinite tree. One solution to thisproblem is to impose a cutoff depth on the


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● Depth-First Search is not guaranteed to find

the solution.

● And there is no guarantee to find a minimal

solution, if more than one solution exists.

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BFS in Directed graph

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BFS in Directed graph 

● Pick a source vertex S to start.

● Find (or discover) the vertices that are

adjacent to S.

● Pick each child of S in turn and discover their

vertices adjacent to that child.

● Done when all children have been discovered

and examined.

● This results in a tree that is rooted at the source

vertex S.

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Initially, d[a] is set to 0 and the rest to ∞.Q   [a].Remove head: Q  [] children of a are c,b d[c]= ∞, d[b]= ∞ so d[c]  d[a]+1=1, d[b]  d[a]+1=1Q  [c b] 

Remove head: Q  

[b] children of c are e,f d[e]= ∞, d[f]= ∞ so d[e]  d[c]+1=2, d[f]  d[c]+1=2 

Q  [b e f] 

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Remove head: Q  [e f] children of b is f d[f] <> ∞, nothing done with it Remove head: Q  [f] 

children of e is d, i, h d[d]= ∞, d[i]= ∞, d[h]= ∞ so d[d] = d[i] = d[h]  d[e]+1=3 Q  [f d i h] 

Remove head: Q  [d i h] children of f is g,h d[g]= ∞, so d[g]  d[f]+1 = 3 Q  [d i h g] 

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Each of these has children that are 

already has a value less than ∞, so these will not set any further values and we are done 

with the BFS.

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We can create tree out of order we visit the nodes

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BFS always computes the 

shortest path distance in d[I] between S and vertex I.

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Pseudocode: Uses FIFO Queue Q 

BFS(s) ; s is our source vertex for each u  V - {s} ; Initialize unvisited vertices to 

do d[u]   ∞

 d[s]  0 ; distance to source vertex is 0 Q  {s} ; Queue of vertices to visit while Q<>0 do 

remove u from Q for each v  Adj[u] do ; Get adjacent vertices if d[v]= ∞ then d[v]  d[u]+1 ; Increment depth 

put v onto Q ; Add to nodes to explore 

Breadth – first search

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Breadth first search



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  Testing bipartiteness 

Finding all nodes within one connected

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Finding all nodes within one connectedcomponent

The set of nodes reached by a BFS(breadth-first search) form the connected

component containing the starting node.

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•Finding the shortest path between two nodes u and v 

•Applications to image processing problems 
