Designing and Evaluating Two Adaptive Spoken Dialogue Systems Diane J. Litman* University of...



Today’s Talk: Overview of Issues Builders of spoken dialogue systems face fundamental design choices that strongly influence system performance Can performance be improved by adapting the system? Many forms of adaptation –machine learning vs. user-led Many levels of granularity –dialogue vs. subdialogue vs. utterance Two case studies

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Designing and Evaluating Two Adaptive Spoken

Dialogue Systems

Diane J. Litman*University of Pittsburgh

Dept. of Computer Science &

Collaborators: S. Singh, M. Kearns, M. Walker, S. Pan

*this work was done at AT&T Labs – Research, Florham Park, NJ

Overview of ResearchAdaptive and Adaptable Systems• TOOT: automatic optimization within a dialogue via

supervised learning [ACL-99, NAACL-00, AAAI-00, NAACL-01, ACL-01, UMUAI-02] (this talk)

• NJFun: automatic optimization of default dialogue behavior via reinforcement learning [COLING-00, AAAI-00, JAIR-02] (this talk)

• TOOT, CobotDS: personalization within a dialogue via voice control [UM-99, AAAI-02]

Novel Applications• CobotDS: new types of voice-enabled systems pose many

technical challenges (e.g. chat interfaces) [AAAI-02]• ITSpeaks: spoken dialogue for intelligent tutoring [ITS


Today’s Talk: Overview of Issues

• Builders of spoken dialogue systems face fundamental design choices that strongly influence system performance

• Can performance be improved by adapting the system?

• Many forms of adaptation– machine learning vs. user-led

• Many levels of granularity– dialogue vs. subdialogue vs. utterance

• Two case studies


• I. Reinforcement Learning in Spoken Dialogue Systems– Background– Applying Reinforcement Learning– NJFun: A Reinforcement Learning Spoken Dialogue

System– A Controlled User Study

• II. Rule Induction in Spoken Dialogue Systems– Background– Detecting Problematic Situations – TOOT: An Adaptive Spoken Dialogue System– A Controlled User Study

I. Optimizing Dialogue Management with Reinforcement Learning: Experiments with the NJFun Spoken Dialogue System

Spoken Dialogue Systems

• Front end: ASR (automatic speech recognition) and TTS (text to speech)

• Back end: DB, web, etc.• Middle: dialogue strategy or policy (what

action to take at each point) • Dominated by ASR “precision-recall” trade-off



TTSDBspoken dialogue


NJFun DialoguesTask Description:"You have lived in Stanhope for many years but have never managed to visit its historic sites. Today you are feeling virtuous. Use

RLDS to find out what you can see this morning.”

TTS: Welcome to RLDS. Please say an activity name or say 'list activities' for a list of activities I know about. USER: I would like to visit a historic site in Stanhope this morning. TTS: Did you say you are interested in going to a zoo? USER: No. TTS: I know about amusement parks, aquariums, cruises, historic sites, museums, parks, theaters, wineries, and zoos. Please say an activity name from this list. USER: I would like to visit a historic site. TTS: Did you say you are interested in going to a historic site? USER: Yes. TTS: Please give me more information. USER: ... TTS: Please tell me the location that you are interested in. You can also tell me the time.…. (8 turns omitted)TTS: Thank you for using the system. Please give me feedback by saying 'good', 'so-so', or 'bad'. USER: Bad. TTS: Goodbye and have a nice day!

TTS: Welcome to RLDS. How may I help you? USER: I would like to um find about Stanhope historic sites. TTS: Did you say you are interested in Stanhope? USER: Yes. TTS: What time of the day do you want to go? USER: Uh...morning. TTS: Did you say you want to go in the morning? USER: Yes. TTS: I found 2 historic sites in Stanhope that are open in the morning. They are the Lenape Indian Village, and the Waterloo Village. Thank you for using the system. Please give me feedback by saying 'good', 'so-so', or 'bad'. USER: Good. TTS: Goodbye and have a nice day!

Unoptimized System Optimized System

Initiative Strategy

• System initiative vs. user initiative:– Please state your departure city.– How can I help you?

• Influences user expectations• ASR grammar must be chosen accordingly• Best choice may differ from state to state!• May depend on user population & task• Early mistakes may be costly (e.g. confirmation)• Delayed reward

Typical System Design: Sequential Search

• Choose and implement several “reasonable” dialogue policies

• Field systems, gather dialogue data • Do statistical analyses• Refield system with “best” dialogue policy• Can only examine a handful of policies

Why Reinforcement Learning?(Levin, Pieraccini, Eckert; Walker; Singh, Kearns, Litman, Walker)

• Agents can learn to improve performance by interacting with their environment

• Thousands of possible dialogue policies, and want to automate the choice of the “optimal”

• Can handle many features of spoken dialogue– noisy sensors (ASR output)– stochastic behavior (user population)– delayed rewards, and many possible rewards– multiple plausible actions

• However, many practical challenges remain

Our Approach

• Build initial system that is deliberately exploratory wrt state and action space

• Use dialogue data from initial system to build a Markov decision process (MDP)

• Use methods of reinforcement learning to compute optimal policy of the MDP, with respect to some reward

• Re-field (improved?) system given by the optimal policy

State-Based Design• System state: contains information

relevant for deciding the next action• Dialogue policy: mapping from current

state to system action• Typically hundreds of states, several

“reasonable” actions from each state• In practice, need a compressed state

Markov Decision Processes• System state s (in S)• System action a in (in A); not all states need have

choice• Transition probabilities P(s’|s,a)• Reward function R(s,a) (stochastic)• Fast algorithms for optimal policy• Our application: P(s’|s,a) models the population of

users• Allow choice of actions• Learn best choices• Parallel search in policy space!

The Application: NJFun• Dialogue system providing telephone

access to a DB of activities in NJ• Want to obtain 3 attributes:

– activity type (e.g., wine tasting)– location (e.g., Lambertville)– time (e.g., morning)

• Failure to bind: query DB with don’t-care

The State SpaceFeature Values Explanation Attribute (A) 1,2,3 Which attribute is being worked on

Confi dence/ Confi rmed (C)

0,1,2 3,4

0,1,2 f or low, medium and high ASR confi dence 3.4 f or explicitly confi rmed, disconfi rmed

Value (V) 0,1 Whether value has been obtained f or current attribute

Tries (T) 0,1,2 How many times current attr has been asked

Grammar (G) 0,1 Whether open or closed grammar was used

History (H) 0,1 Whether trouble on any previous attribute

N.B. Non-state variables record attribute values;state does not condition on previous attributes!

Sample Action Choices

• Initiative (when T = 0)– user (open prompt and grammar)– mixed (constrained prompt, open grammar)– system (constrained prompt and grammar)

• Example– GreetU: “How may I help you?” – GreetS: “Please say an activity name.”

Dialogue Policy Class• Specify “reasonable” actions for each state

– 42 choice states (binary initiative or confirmation action choices)

– no choice for all other states • Small state space (62), large policy space

(2^42)• Example choice state

– initial state: [1,0,0,0,0,0]– action choices: GreetS, GreetU

• Learn optimal action for each choice state

The Experiment• Designed 6 specific tasks, each with web survey• 54 training subjects generated 311 dialogues• Exploratory training dialogues used to build MDP• Optimal policy for objective (binary) task

completion computed and implemented• 21 test subjects performed tasks and web surveys

for modified system generated 124 dialogues• Did statistical analyses of performance changes

Main Results

• Objective task completion (-1 to 3, partial credit):– train mean ~ 1.722, test mean ~ 2.176– two-sample t-test p-value ~ 0.0289

• Binary task completion:– train mean ~ 51.5%, test mean ~ 63.5%– two-sample t-test p-value ~ 0.05

Other Results

Subjective measures“move to the middle” rather thanimprove

First graph: It was easy to find the place that I wanted (strongly agree = 5,…, strongly disagree=1)train mean = 3.38, test mean = 3.39, p-value = .98

Other Results (continued)

• Using exploratory dialogues as a Monte Carlo proxy shows that our learned policy outperforms several standard fixed policies

Comparison to Human Design

A Sanity Check of the MDP• Correlation between Monte Carlo and MDP

Conclusions I

• MDPs and RL a natural and promising framework for automated dialogue policy design

• First practical empirical test of formalism• Resulted in significant system improvements• Favorable comparison to human-designed

strategies• Interesting dialogue results• Care in application:

– choice of states and actions– gathering exploratory data– choice of reward to optimize

Future Work I

• Automate choice of states and actions

• Scale to more complex systems• POMDPs due to hidden state• Learn terminal (and non-terminal)

reward function• Online rather than batch learning

II. CobotDS: A Spoken Dialogue System for Chat

Predicting and Adapting to Poor Speech Recognition in a Spoken Dialogue System

Diane J. Litman AT&T Labs -- Research

Shimei PanColumbia University

A Successful Dialogue after Adaptation S: Hi, this is AT&T Amtrak schedule system. This is Toot. How may I

help you?U: I need to find a train going to New York City .S: Which city do you want to leave from? U: Baltimore.S: Do you want me to find the trains from Baltimore to DC on

Thursday at anytime now?U: No. S: How may I help you? U: I need to leave on Sunday.**TOOT adapts to more conservative dialogue behaviors**S: I heard you say go to DC between 1 night and 8. Do you want me to

find the trains from Baltimore to DC on Thursday between 1 night and 8 now?

U: No.

A Successful Dialogue without Adaptation

S: Hi, this is AT&T Amtrak schedule system. This is Toot. How may I help you?

U: I want a train from Baltimore to New York City on Sunday at 8:30 in the evening.

S: Do you want me to find the trains from Baltimore to New York City on Sunday approximately at 8:30 in the evening now?

U: Yes.S: I am going to get the train schedules for you. It will take

some time depending on the internet traffic. Please wait patiently....

S: You can say yes or no. U: No.S: How may I help you?U: I need to go to New York City from Baltimore on Sunday at 8:30 pm.S: I heard you say go to Chicago on Tuesday around 8:45 am. Do you

want me to find the trains from Baltimore to Chicago on Tuesday around 8:45 am now?

U: No. **TOOT adapts to even more conservative dialogue behaviors**S: Which city do you want to go to?U: New York City.S: Do you want to go to New York City?U: Yes.S: Which city do you want to leave from? U: Baltimore...

Toot: An Adaptive Spoken Dialogue System

• A phone-based system for accessing train schedules • Implemented using internal platform (Kamm et al ‘97)

– phone interface– automatic speech recognition (ASR)– text to speech (TTS)– dialogue manager– application manager

• Different versions depending on dialogue strategy and adaptability parameters– initiative strategies (system, mixed, user) – confirmation strategies (explicit, implicit, none)– adaptability condition (adaptive, non-adaptive)

Learning to Detect Problematic Dialogues (Litman et al. ‘99)

• Use machine learning to automatically derive rules for detecting poor speech recognition at the dialogue level– speech recognition is most predictive of performance– can improve recognition by changing dialogue strategies

• 2 classifications – if (% of misrecognized utterances > threshold) then BAD – else GOOD

• 23 (automatically computable) features– acoustic confidence, dialogue efficiency, dialogue quality,

lexical, experimental parameters

Instantiation for Toot• Corpus

– 120 Toot dialogues from previous experiments (Litman, and Pan ‘99)

– 45 GOOD dialogues (e.g., first Toot example) – 75 BAD dialogues (e.g., second Toot example)

• Machine learning program – Ripper (Cohen ‘96)

• Best learned ruleset uses a single acoustic feature – if (predicted_misrecog%_using_confScore_-4 > 3%)

then BAD – else GOOD – 80% cross-validated accuracy rate

Example S1: This is Toot. How may I help you?U1: I need to find a train going to New York City . ASR1: string=DC I don’t care on Thursday confScore= -

5.3S2: Which city do you want to leave from? U2: Baltimore. ASR2: string=Baltimore confScore= -1.7

Since predicted_misrecog%_using_confScore_-4 = 50%,

which is > 3%, dialogue is classified as BAD

Predicting and Adapting to Problems Online Algorithm and tuneable parameters:Main

…for each user utterance

if ((turns since CurStrat assigned) >= AdaptFreq)PredictUsing(Ruleset);

PredictUsing(Ruleset)for each rule R in Ruleset

if (CheckPre(R) == “TRUE”)if (RightHandSide(R) == “BAD”)


Experimental Evaluation

• Adaptive vs. Non-Adaptive Toot– initial dialogue strategy = UserNo (user initiative, no

confirmation)– adaptation frequency = 4 user turns– ruleset = rules learned using Ripper– AdaptConservative = switch to MixedImplicit, then

switch to SystemExplicit• 6 subjects (naïve users) per Toot• 4 tasks per subject• 48 total dialogues (recordings, logs, and user surveys)• Evaluation measures: dialogue efficiency, dialogue quality,

task success, and usability

Adaptability Results• Adaptive Toot outperforms Non-Adaptive Toot

– higher task success– higher user expertise and overall satisfaction – more accurate ASR – shorter dialogues

• Adaptive Toot only adapts when appropriate– task success is .66/.60 when adaptation is/isn’t triggered



Non-Adaptive(n=24) P

Task Success .65 .23 .01User Expertise 4 3.2 .09User Satisfaction 25.6 21.6 .20Misrecognized Turns 3.9 6.0 .15System Turns 13.7 17.4 .28

Related Work

• Dialogue level – Litman and Pan ‘99, Litman et al.’99, Walker et al. ‘00

• Utterance level– Smith ‘98, Levow ‘98, Litman et al. ‘00, Chu-Caroll

and Nickerson ‘00• Multiple dialogue level

– Levin & Pieraccini ‘97, Satinder et al. ‘00 (see talk tomorrow at 2!)


• A fixed dialogue strategy will not be ideal for different users, or even for the same user in different circumstances

• An adaptive system can improve performance– adaptive Toot adapts to more conservative dialogue

strategies, based on its predictions of ASR problems– task success increases from 23% to 65%

Sample Task Scenario

• Try to find a train going to New York City from Baltimore on Sunday at 8:30 pm. If you cannot find an exact match, find the one with the closest departure time. Please write down the exact departure time of the train you found as well as the total travel time.

Overview• Problem

– spoken dialogue system performance can vary widely for different users, and even for the same user during different dialogues

• Hypothesis– system performance can be improved by dynamically

detecting and responding to problematic dialogue situations

• Results– task success increases in a system which predicts and

adapts to poor speech recognition during the course of a dialogue


• Adaptation via Learning and Personalization can improve dialogue system performance

• NJFun: Given a small number of exploratory dialogues, reinforcement learning can be used in a working system to choose a more optimal policy within a large search space

• CobotDS: Personalization can be useful and entertaining in a social environment; such applications pose interesting and different research challenges

Backup Slides

Sample DialogueS1: Welcome to NJFun. How may I help you?U1: I’d like to find um winetasting in Lambertville in the morning. (ASR output: I’d like to find out wineries the in the Lambertville in the morning.)S2: Did you say you are interested in Lambertville?U2: YesS3: Did you say you want to go in the morning?U3: Yes.S4. I found a winery near Lambertville that is open in the morning. It is […] Please give me feedback by saying “good”, “so-so” or “bad”.U4: Good

Confirmation Policy• High ASR confidence: accept ASR

match and move on• Moderate ASR confidence: confirm• Low ASR confidence: re-ask• How to set confidence thresholds?• Early mistakes can be costly later,

but excessive confirmation is annoying

Computing the Optimal• Given parameters P(s’|s,a), R(s,a), can

efficiently compute policy maximizing expected return

• Typically compute the expected cumulative reward (or Q-value) Q(s,a), using value iteration

• Optimal policy selects the action with the maximum Q-value at each dialogue state

Potential Benefits• A principled and general framework for

automated dialogue policy synthesis – learn the optimal action to take in each state

• Compares all policies simultaneously– data efficient because actions are evaluated

as a function of state– traditional methods evaluate entire policies

• Potential for “lifelong learning” systems, adapting to changing user populations

Actions and State• Actions:

– initiative:• open or closed prompt?• open or closed grammar?

– confirmation:• confirm, re-ask, move on?

– binary choices– only “reasonable” states– conservative actions

• State features:– ASR scores– barge-in counts– number of tries– time-outs– ASR-centric

42 states with binary action choice;no function approximation

Sample Confirmation Choices

• Confirmation (when V = 1)– confirm– no confirm

• Example– Conf3: “Did you say want to go in the

<time>?”– NoConf3: “”

Some System Details• Uses AT&T’s WATSON ASR and TTS

platform, DMD dialogue manager• Natural language web version used to

build multiple ASR language models• Initial statistics used to tune bins for

confidence values, history bit (informative state encoding)

Main Results

• Objective task completion (-1 to 3, partial credit):– train mean ~ 1.722, test mean ~ 2.176– two-sample t-test p-value ~ 0.0289

• Binary task completion:– train mean ~ 51.5%, test mean ~ 63.5%– two-sample t-test p-value ~ 0.05

On all dialogues:

On “expert” dialogues 3-6:• Binary task completion - train mean ~ 45.6%, test mean ~ 68.2% - two-sample t-test p-value ~ 0.001

Comparison to Human Design• Fielded comparison infeasible, but

exploratory dialogues provide a Monte Carlo proxy of “consistent trajectories”

• Test policy: Average binary completion reward = 0.67 (based on 12 trajectories)

• Outperforms several standard fixed policies– SysNoConfirm: -0.08 (11)– SysConfirm: -0.6 (5)– UserNoConfirm: -0.2 (15)– Mixed: -0.077 (13)– User Confirm: 0.2727 (11), no difference

A Sanity Check of the MDP• Generate many random policies • Compare value according to MDP and value

based on consistent exploratory trajectories• MDP evaluation of policy: ideally perfectly

accurate (infinite Monte Carlo sampling), linear fit with slope 1, intercept 0

• Correlation between Monte Carlo and MDP:– 1000 policies, > 0 trajs: cor. 0.31, slope 0.953,

int. 0.067, p < 0.001– 868 policies, > 5 trajs: cor. 0.39, slope 1.058,

int. 0.087, p < 0.001

Related Work• Biermann and Long (1996)• Levin, Pieraccini, and Eckert (1997) • Walker, Fromer, and Narayanan (1998)• Singh, Kearns, Litman, and Walker

(1999)• Scheffler and Young (2000)• Beck, Woolf, and Beal (2000)• Roy, Pineau, and Thrun (2000)
