Designing an Effective Leaflet


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Designing an Effective Leaflet Leaflets can be one of the most effective marketing techniques but the success of this type of marketing depends primarily on the leaflet design.

A leaflet must grab the recipient’s attention, make them interested in the product or service, and finally induce some action, whether that’s phoning a number, visiting a website, or placing an order.

Follow our step-by-step guide to creating an effective leaflet:

The Leaflet Itself – Make It Professional

Graphic design experts exist for a reason – because professional leaflets make a difference. Anyone can write a few lines of text on their home computer, print it out in black and white, before delivering it to households. Some people will recommend that it’s cost-effective to go for black and white leaflets if you’re short of money. It isn’t.

Unprofessional leaflets will reflect badly on your company, possibly doing more harm than good. After all, if you don’t feel confident enough in your product or service to spend a little money promoting it then why should people feel confident in ordering from you.

Invest in a high quality professionally-designed leaflet. If you don’t have a huge budget go for 1,000 leaflets at A6 size – that way you can test the market and have more printed if they are a success.

An Attention-Grabbing Headline

Many people pick up leaflets that have been delivered to their home and head straight for the bin. In the time it takes for them to walk there your leaflet needs to grab their attention. This is where an excellent headline is required.

Don’t use your business name or product category as the headline. This isn’t a business card and customers don’t care that you’re called ‘Smith’s Repair Centre’ for example.


Instead, create a headline that initiates interest, such as ‘What do you do when your washing machine breaks down?’ or ‘Be prepared – don’t end up with huge repair bills.’

Find out what’s important to your customers and incorporate that into your headline.

Avoid Long Sentences

People rarely read long sentences on leaflets so don’t use them. Instead use bullet points and get straight to the point.

Include ‘Power Words’

There are some words that are known for being good at attracting people’s attention. They include – avoid, free, bargain, bonus, discover, earn, easy, enjoy, exciting, exclusive, extra, fast, how to, learn, money, mystery, new, profit, save, special, win. Try to naturally incorporate these words into your text.

Use Images

The saying goes that a picture says a thousand words so think about using one. Make sure it’s relevant and reinforces what is being said or the brand image that you’re trying to portray.

Avoid Clutter

Don’t feel that you have to fill the whole leaflet with text or images. Blank space makes the leaflet appear easier on the eye, making it easier for people to read.

A Call to Action

Tell people what to do next, but not in a passive way. “For more information, call…” is a passive call to action. It doesn’t motivate action. Instead, use one of the following closing lines:

Buy before (Date) and receive this gift Book before (Date) and get 10% off Buy now – 10% off for the first 50 customers