Designers AQA GCSE Exam. Designers Harry Beck Alberto Alessi Jock Kinneir and Margaret Calvert Wally...


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• Harry Beck• Alberto Alessi• Jock Kinneir and Margaret Calvert• Wally Olins• Robert Sabuda

Harry Beck

• Designer of the London underground map (tube map)

Alberto Alessi

• A designer of mostly kitchen utensils• Do not get him mixed up with his company

(Alessi)• He is the 3rd person in his family to own the

company• Focus on the person,

not the company

Jock Kinneir and Margaret Calvert

• Jock is the main person, with Margaret assisting

• Designers of the British road signs (standardising etc)

Wally Olins

• Corporate identity• Brand identity

Robert Sabuda

• 3D paper engineer!• Childrens pop-up books


• You are to produce a concise A4 booklet (2 sides of A4 maximum) colour sheet. It must have;– A Title page with the 5 designers on– For each designer:• The designers name as the title• Information about the designer and their style• A sample of the designers work (the more the better)• (if relevant), what it was like before that designer


• Harry Beck• Alberto Alessi• Jock Kinneir and

Margaret Calvert• Wally Olins• Robert Sabuda

• You are to produce a concise A4 booklet (2 sides of A4 maximum) colour sheet. It must have;– A Title page with the 5

designers on– For each designer:

• The designers name as the title

• Information about the designer and their style

• A sample of the designers work (the more the better)

• (if relevant), what it was like before that designer
