DELROY SNIPPETS -€¦ · Issue 3 Wednesday 11 December 2019 DELROY...


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We pay our respects to the Wiradjuri people, who are the traditional custodians of the land on which Delroy Campus sits, and pay respect to Elders past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal

people who are part of our school community.

Issue 3 Wednesday 11 December 2019


Term 4 Week 09

East Street, DUBBO NSW 2830 Phone: 6882 7955 Fax: 6881 8749 Email: Web:

MONDAY 16.12 19 YEAR 10 FINAL ASSEMBLY at Delroy12.00pm MONDAY 16.12.19 COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS FAIR at Delroy 1.00pm

Delroy’s Year 10 students celebrating their final year at Dubbo College Delroy Campus with a formal dinner at the Dubbo Golf Club

On Tuesday 3 December 2019. The students looked resplendent in their formal wear, they had a wonderful time,

enjoyed their delicious dinner and receiving some fun awards. We wish everyone well in their endeavours for 2020.

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What’s on? Week 09 Monday 09.12.19 to Friday 13.12.19

Year 10 Transition to Senior Campus Tuesday 10.12.19


Wednesday 11.12.19

Marathon Health Hearing Tests

Week 10 Monday 16.12.19

Year 10 Final Assembly at Delroy 12.00pm

Community Christmas Fair at Delroy 1.00pm

Wednesday 18.12.19


Principal’s message……. P - PARENTS/CARERS - Thank you very much for your support for 2019. The parent community is a vital part of completing the educational journey for all students. Delroy staff look forward to working closely with all parent/carers in 2020. R - REWARDS have been plentiful at Delroy this year . PBL acknowledgements, participation in Schools Spectacular, sporting achievements, cultural dance, ASPIRE night, transition, Leadership courses and mentoring, Eisteddfod success, to name a few. Congratulations to all participants who have been rewarded for their efforts in all opportunities offered this year. I – INCOMING year 7’s have experienced many transition opportunities throughout the year. We are seeing an increase in enrolments for year 7 2020 which is very pleas-ing. We look forward to working with the families of our new students and encourage parents/carers to be active members of their children’s educational journey at Delroy. N – NEW initiatives are always high on Delroy’s list of “To Do’s”. AVID is an on-going program to enhance the learning opportunities for all students. The Thinking Learning Scope is also a teaching tool that staff are implementing and have been developing for the last three years. These initiatives are just a few that we are committed to and are constantly refining to ensure quality teaching occurs to cater for all students in all areas of their school experience. C – COLLABORATION, communication and celebration. These three words represent many areas of our school. We pride ourselves on developing relationships with parents/carers and community to enhance the communication for all stakehold-ers which then leads us to the celebration of successes that many staff and students experience. Thank you to our school community for their continued support, partici-pation and collaboration throughout the year.

I – IN 2019 Delroy has been involved in many oppor tunities. New learning oppor tunities, band per formances and tours to the ACT, primary school mentoring programs, cultural dance workshops, circus performances, creative arts nights, vocal ensembles, ANZAC day ceremonies, remembrance day community events, volunteering experiences in the wider Dubbo community, curriculum excursions, art workshops at the Dubbo Aquatic Leisure Centre, Drought relief excursions, Stewart House trips away, transition events for years 10 and 6, year excursions to various places in Australia, leadership events for the SRC, fun days to celebrate positive school life. These are simply a few of the great many experiences our staff and students have been a part of in 2019. P – PROGRESSION from year 7 to year 10 is not just related to academic results. The staff at Delroy foster the development of the whole child in everything we do. We try and build self-confidence, self-esteem, self-image, self-respect and the skills for students to be the best version of themselves. Resilience is an important element of one’s life which needs to be embedded in the school journey. A student who can bounce back and move forward will become an essential part of any community. A – A new year will see the implementation of Restorative Practice. This new initiative will assist us in helping students become accountable for their actions and instil the notion of continued trust and leadership. Critical Reading will also be a teaching and learning tool used across all Key Learning Areas in all year groups. This will enhance the students’ ability to question, create and demonstrate thorough understanding of content. L- LEARNING is a lifelong skill and at Delroy we encourage everyone to be lifelong learners no matter what obstacles stand in our way. 2020 will be yet another year of opportunity, educational growth and experiences that will enhance the development of all young people. We look forward to embracing new programs, continuing with programs already in existence and creating a school of varied experiences that will develop the whole child. On behalf of the staff at Delroy Campus I would like to wish you a very

Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year. Mrs Debbie Head Principal

May Lovely, Happy Times Decorate Your Holiday Season,

May Warm, Special Memories Brighten Your New Year,

May The Wonder of Christmas Be With You Forever.

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Staff and students

enjoying the Year 10 evening

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Miss Bermingham and her Year 10 Child Studies students: Brad Fisher, Courtney Cook, Caitlyn Dicker, Miss Bermingham, Taleikah Kennedy, Shannon Kassell, Casey Hangan, Siobhan Fordham, Damien Jenkins, Holly Whelan, Lisa Bayliss,

Isabella Fernando, Gloria-Anne Cubby, Stevie Carr.

Stevie Carr

Gloria-Anne Cubby

Casey Hangan

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YEAR 10 CHILD STUDIES Congratulations to the year 10 Child Studies class who completed very comprehensive

playground structures for their final assessment. The playgrounds were all hand made with

some very creative activities. Miss Kathryn Bermingham

Deputy Principal/Year 10 Child Studies Teacher 2019

Taleikah Kennedy Isabella Fernando Lisa Bayliss

Brad Fisher Caitlyn Dicker Damien Jenkins

Siobhan Fordham

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left: Ms Sharon Andrews,

Simone Unverhau, Tyson Power, Steven Cox, Natalie Bruce, Jesse Fee,

Mr Doug Gordon, Jack Winner, Holly Taylor, Izakk Markcrow,

Mrs Sheree Jones, Kade McQuillan-Kennedy, Xavier Perese, Noah Fenton,

Chloe Knight, Cody Riley with staff from Opal Aged Care.

right: Simone Unverhau and Tyson Power performing with Mr Doug Gordon.

Delroy School of Rock were invited and played at the Opal Aged Care Home.

left to right: Steven Cox, Natalie Bruce, Noah Fenton, Mr Doug Gordon, Ms Sharon Andrews,

Izakk Markcrow, Holly Taylor, Jack Winner.


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CAPA/MUSIC 2019 Dubbo College Delroy Campus has had a HUGE year, both by itself and in collaboration with the College. Band, Ensemble Band, Choir, 9/10 Music Elective Class and Year 7 Music classes have been provided with a massive range of opportunities and experiences which they have taken with both hands and succeeded in every way possible. Delroy Campus as a whole has also had the pleasure of being involved in Assembly performances, Delroy’s Got Talent, ASPIRE night, presentation nights and Carols by Candlelight. Looking at how far Delroy Campus and the students have come musically this year, I’m so excited to see what we can achieve in 2020. A big thank you from me, Miss Tonks, to everyone who has performed and assisted in making music at Delroy Campus and the College possible, and a pleasure to listen to. Delroy is lucky to have so many amazing and talented students. Below is a recap of some of the highlights witnessed in 2019.

Miss Brooke Tonks Music Teacher

Delroy’s Got Talent


Dubbo Eisteddfod

John Morrison and Jacqui Cooper workshops

Canberra Tour

STRIVE Class Scoop….. Year 8 Report: Like last year, I write this final article with a sense of sadness. In only a matter of days, the Year 8 students that Steven and I have come to know so well and who have become the “Strive family” will finish up for the year, and move on to their Stage 5 studies next year. I feel as though I am the mother bird, and it is now time to watch my chicks take flight on their own! I wish the 2019 Year 8 Strive Class every success next year and encourage them to apply the things that they have discovered about themselves as a learner, as well as an individual, to all facets of their lives. I hope that they continue to strive to be the best version of themselves as possible. I also look forward to welcoming the next lot of students into the Year 8 Strive Class next year, and being part of their journey to be their best. As the year comes to an end, I would like to extend a very sincere thank you to Woolworths Delroy Park. They have been a sponsor of the Strive Class for the past three and a half years, and their partnership provides the ingredients that allow students to cater the Home-work Centre afternoon tea. Without their support, this aspect of the Strive Class would not be possible. I would like to also thank my partner in the classroom, Steven Murray, for your unwavering support of myself and the students in the class. Finally, the students themselves. While we have had some highs and lows this year, you all have a very special place in my heart. You are all capable of achieving great things- some of you though have just not realised that yet. Thank you for our year together, and I look forward to seeing you fly next year. Before I conclude my article, I would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe time over the festive period and holidays. I hope that you get to spend time with loved ones and are able to create fond memories. Have a well-deserved break and all the best for the new year. Mrs Rachel Cody Year 8 Strive Class Teacher

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Seven students from Year 7 Delroy Campus, left dusty, smoky Dubbo bound for dusty, smoky Sydney as part of the Creative Arts Dept (Sydney) "Wish Upon a Star - Drought Relief Project". They were accompanied by Kelly Bryden - Principal of Tibooburra PS, Narelle Pfeiffer - teacher from Coonabarabran High, Kayleen Hyslop and Joshua Webb - teachers from Gilgandra High. Mrs Vicki Budden Head Teacher Welfare/Teaching and Learning

School students from across drought-affected NSW were given the opportunity to take a break from the drought, through the Wish Upon a Star - Drought Relief initiative from the NSW Government and the Dept of Education. The students had the opportunity to have a fun weekend in Sydney where they attended the Schools Spectacular and had a short stay at Sport and Recreation Centres, where they had fun at the beach and other activities.

‘Wish Upon a Star’ Drought Relief Opportunity for students

left: Back Row: Lauren Blunt, Layla Morris Front Row: Maddyson Eather, Jennae Lozinski, Makayla Lewis-McInnes, Jack Stevens.

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The YES Program has been running at TAFE during Weeks 8 and 9. Students have been spending a day in various faculties across Myall Street and Narromine Road Campuses. Students have tried spray painting, auto-mechanics, hospitality, shearing and wool classing. Careers activities are organised to help students gain an insight into industry areas and the pathways they can access to obtain qualifications and employment. Try everything! Delroy students were invited to the New South Wales Rural Fire Service Dubbo headquarters on Friday 29 December to attend their Cadets program graduation ceremony. Students have been working with local RFS officers to complete their training through the Duke of Edinburgh subject linked to the PDHPE faculty. The local member for Dubbo, Dougal Saunders presented the students with their certificates. RFS Orana District Officer, Mr Peter Fothergill gave students a tour of the brand new RFS training facility that will see training delivered to RFS staff across NSW right here in Dubbo. Our work experience program has seen many students going out to work places across Dubbo this year. Our latest worker is Nathaniel Irvine who spent a week with Hillross Financial Services. Nathaniel was a wiz on spreadsheets and greeted customers with his smile. Thank you to all employers who take students from Dubbo College Delroy Campus. To share your time and knowledge with our students is very much appreciated. We look forward to sending our Year 10, 2020 students out on work experience. The process to go on work experience was presented to our Year 9's in their recent Work Readiness lessons.

Year 10 transition to Senior Campus, Week 9: Monday - Thursday Mrs Renae Justice - Careers Adviser

Future Spray Painters: Kye Stubbs, Loni Langi, and Sion Gordon

Enjoying work experience: Nathaniel Irvine really enjoyed his time at Hillross Financial Services.

Delroy students, Doug Willis, Billy Hopkins, John Toohey, Ryan Johnson at the NSW Rural Fire Service Dubbo Rural Fire Service Headquarters.


With the weather warming up, it can only mean one thing - Summer Reading Club is here! Summer Reading Club runs from 1 December 2019 until 31 January 2020. Students can join the challenge at Dubbo Library to receive a free Summer Reading Club kit, and lots of bonuses for reading

books and listening to stories. Participants will receive a book prize when they complete their first reading log, and all completed logs will go into the draw to win the major prize – a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. Last year the Summer Reading Club was a huge success! Over 43,000 children participated across Australia, and more than 360,000 books were read. We are looking for bigger numbers this year so come to the library and sign up for this year’s Summer Reading Club! To find out more come visit the Dubbo Library or contact us on 02 6801 4510.

Dubbo College Delroy Campus P&C Meeting TBA

Term 1 2020

Best Wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year

We look forward to seeing new and

familiar faces in 2020.

Seeking Donations! Delroy Campus is looking to

establish a uniform clothing pool. If there are any families that have good quality school uniforms, that their child has outgrown or they no longer need, we are seeking

donations. Please drop these items to the front office. We thank you for

your support.

Dubbo College - Delroy Campus SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS WILL BE TAKEN ON: Monday 24 February 2020

Dear Parents, School photographs are scheduled to be taken by advancedlife. Whilst an envelope and flyer will be distributed shortly, if possible it is our preference that ordering be completed online to reduce administration and potential security issues related to the return of cash and envelopes on photo day. Orders for packages and sibling photographs can be placed securely online at using our school ’s unique 9 digit advancedorder code. Portrait and group package orders are due by photography day. Should you have any queries concerning school photographs or online ordering, please direct them via email to

ORDER NOW go to and enter the code RPH F5KZLE

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The platform hosting the Dubbo College App was decommissioned at the end of August.

Absence notifications can be made via the Parent Portal.

If you do not currently have access to the Parent Portal, please contact the school at and login information will be sent to you.

PLEASE NOTE: absences must be reported to the school promptly as they can only be amended for the previous

2 week period. Absences outside this period cannot be changed.


TERM 4 - 2019

TERM 4 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Wk 09 Dec 09 Year 10 Transition to Senior Campus

10 Year 10 Transition to Senior Campus




11 Year 10 Transition to

Senior Campus

Marathon Health Hearing Tests

12 Year 10 Transition to

Senior Campus

13 Year 7 PBL Reward

Recipients to the Pool

Wk 10 Dec 16 Year 10 Final

Assembly 12.00pm

Community Christmas Fair at

Delroy 1.00pm






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Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a

Happy and Healthy New Year from all at

Delroy Campus 2019
