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ISO: 9001 – 2015

Summer Vacation is probably the best time of the year for you all; it’s time for loads of ice cream, time to visit

grandparents and getting pampered to no end and of course bonding with cousins. School is fun too; with

learning happening at all times, summer vacation can also be a time for learning with lots of activities around.

Here are few tasks for you to be completed during the vacation. Do remember to complete the given tasks after

reading them carefully. You need to bring your Holiday homework to school on the reopening day without fail.

Happy Holidays!

Some Tips to make this holiday special:

● Have a family dinner every day of the holidays.

● Play board games with your parents and sibling and show them who is the smartest.

● Visit your grandparents and relatives whom you have not seen for a few years.

● Spend some quality time with an elderly person in the family or neighbourhood and learn a small skill from

them. Don’t forget to collect the coins (stars, badges, etc.) of appreciation.

● Have lots of fun


Learning doesn’t stop when school is out: Instead of spending time playing video games or watching TV, find

other ways of entertaining yourself – learn a musical instrument like guitar or keyboard, learn a hobby like

origami, cooking, painting, pottery, gardening, art, knitting, etc.

* Spend time with your family and Watch the Movie: “My Home Is Green” and write the enlightening

message it gives.

Read the book: “Treasure Island” by R. L. Stevenson and write it’s review in 10 sentences.

Social Studies

Those vivid eyes gazing and cautious hands moving relentlessly in synchronization on the wheel as a

mass of clay gets transformed to a pot and one who sees it happen sings praise for the mesmerizing skills, these

people who are known to be potters, possess. Pottery being an age old prominent handicraft in India, its roots

here can be traced back to the earliest times of civilization.

Pottery is one of the oldest human inventions, originating before the Neolithic period. It is an art of making

different objects by carefully molding clay. The sheer hard work they put and the skills through which they

design those very pots are magnificent. As the modern ways of plastic made crafts forayed into our household

people living in urban areas started relying on them and the traditional handicrafts lost their luster.

Let us enjoy our holidays doing the below given tasks:

Task to do:

1. Visit Shilparamam and know about different types of handicrafts. Talk to the artists selling their products

and make a brief note of each handicraft. Take pictures and make a collage.

2. Visit Salarjung museum and observe different clay / ceramic/ porcelain vessels and make a note of the year

and place they were found.

3. Please learn to make jewelry from clay like the people in the past used to make and wear. Also find the other

name for clay jewelry.


Please interview a potter with the help of the below given questionnaire:

1. What is a typical day at work for you?

2. How long have you been making pottery?

3. From whom did you learn this art?

4. How long does it take to make a piece?

5. What temperatures are suitable for different pieces?

6. Do you recycle?

7. Name the source of the clay?

8. How do you determine the quality of the clay?

9. What is the cost of procuring clay?

10. Name the type of equipment used in pottery.

11. How much do you earn annually by selling pots? Is it sufficient?

12. Share some of your memories about your early days as a potter.

13. Share the story of any big event where you have showcased your work.

14. Tell us about some of the challenges of this trade.

15. What advice would you give to someone who wants enter this trade?



Collect different types of clay used for pottery and put in small zip lock bags and paste them on an A4

size paper.

What are the minerals present in this clay?

Types of earthenware Vs activity :

a. Cooking vessels :

i. Use earthenware to cook your favorite recipe and find out the difference in taste when it is also

cooked in metal cookware.

ii. Why earthen cook ware has so many benefits when compared to metal cookware?

iii. Take a photograph and file it in your project work.

b. Natural refrigerators :

i. Use earthen pots to store and drink water. Feel the difference with refrigerated water.

ii. Also use earthenware to store vegetables rather than using refrigerators.

iii. Write a small description on this and provide pictures on this activity you have done for your

project work.

c. Bird feeders :

i. Hang earthen bird feeders on to the trees in your garden or keep them on the terrace.

ii. Provide water and grains regularly during this summer.

iii. Take photographs and write your observations.


1) Observe any five earthen pots of different sizes and shapes in or nearby your home/hometown.

2) Using a tape, find out the diameter, radius of mouth of each pot

3) Find out the capacity of each pot .

4) Draw shapes of each pot and make a tabular chart on an A4 size paper as following: Picture of pot

(use pencil shading)


(in cm)

Radius (in cm)

(Diameter ÷2)


(in Litres)

