Defect Formation beyond Kibble-Zurek Mechanism and Holography



Title: Defect Formation beyond Kibble-Zurek Mechanism and HolographyAuthors: Paul M. Chesler, Antonio M. García-García, and Hong LiuPhys. Rev. X 5, 021015 – Published 14 May 2015 study the dynamic after a smooth quench across a continuous transition from the disordered phase to the ordered phase. Based on scaling ideas, linear response, and the spectrum of unstable modes, we develop a theoretical framework, valid for any second-order phase transition, for the early-time evolution of the condensate in the broken phase. Our analysis unveils a novel period of nonadiabatic evolution after the system passes through the phase transition, where a parametrically large amount of coarsening occurs before a well-defined condensate forms. Our formalism predicts a rate of defect formation parametrically smaller than the Kibble-Zurek prediction and yields a criterion for the breakdown of Kibble-Zurek scaling for sufficiently fast quenches. We numerically test our formalism for a thermal quench in a (2+1)-dimensional holographic superfluid. These findings, of direct relevance in a broad range of fields including cold atom, condensed matter, statistical mechanics, and cosmology, are an important step toward a more quantitative understanding of dynamical phase transitions.

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  • Defect Formation beyond Kibble-Zurek Mechanism and Holography

    Paul M. Chesler*

    Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA

    Antonio M. Garca-Garca

    TCM Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, J. J. Thomson Avenue,Cambridge CB3 0HE, United Kingdom

    Hong Liu

    Center for Theoretical Physics, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA(Received 16 September 2014; revised manuscript received 5 February 2015; published 14 May 2015)

    We study the dynamic after a smooth quench across a continuous transition from the disordered phase tothe ordered phase. Based on scaling ideas, linear response, and the spectrum of unstable modes, we developa theoretical framework, valid for any second-order phase transition, for the early-time evolution of thecondensate in the broken phase. Our analysis unveils a novel period of nonadiabatic evolution after thesystem passes through the phase transition, where a parametrically large amount of coarsening occursbefore a well-defined condensate forms. Our formalism predicts a rate of defect formation parametricallysmaller than the Kibble-Zurek prediction and yields a criterion for the breakdown of Kibble-Zurek scalingfor sufficiently fast quenches. We numerically test our formalism for a thermal quench in a (2 1)-dimensional holographic superfluid. These findings, of direct relevance in a broad range of fields includingcold atom, condensed matter, statistical mechanics, and cosmology, are an important step toward a morequantitative understanding of dynamical phase transitions.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.5.021015 Subject Areas: Condensed Matter Physics,Gravitation, String Theory


    Driving a system smoothly from a disordered to anordered phase unveils the rich, and still poorly understood,phenomenology of dynamical phase transitions, a researchtheme of interest in vastly different fields. The Kibble-Zurek(KZ) mechanism (KZM) describes the spontaneous gener-ation of topological defects when a system is driven througha second-order phase transition into the ordered phase [13].Numerical simulations [414] have confirmed the sponta-neous generation of defects and the scaling exponent of thedefect density with the quench rate predicted by the KZM.The KZM has also been generalized to quantum phasetransitions [1517] and has been employed to computecorrelation functions [18] in the scaling region.Different experiments, with ion crystals [19,20], ultracold

    atomic gases [2123], spin liquids [24], superconductingfilms [25], polariton superfluids [26], Josephson junctions

    [27], and helium [2830], have observed, with differentlevels of certainty, defect generation, but a really quantitativecomparison with the predictions of the KZM is still missing.Let us briefly review the KZM [3133]. Consider a

    system with a second-order phase transition at temperatureTc, below which a symmetry is spontaneously broken andan order parameter develops a condensate. In equilibriumat temperature T > Tc, the correlation length eq andrelaxation time eq are related to the reduced temperature 1 T=Tc by

    eq sjj;eq sjjz; 1:1

    for some scales s, s and critical exponents , z. Consider aquench from Ti > Tc to Tf < Tc with quench protocol

    t t=Q;t ti; tf; 1:2

    where ti1Ti=TcQ < 0 and tf 1Tf=TcQ > 0.The system can respond adiabatically to the change intemperature until eqt jtj. This condition defines thefreeze-out time and length scale


    Published by the American Physical Society under the terms ofthe Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distri-bution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) andthe published articles title, journal citation, and DOI.

    PHYSICAL REVIEW X 5, 021015 (2015)

    2160-3308=15=5(2)=021015(13) 021015-1 Published by the American Physical Society

  • tfreeze sQs


    ; freeze sQs




    During the interval t tfreeze; tfreeze, the evolution ofthe system is essentially frozen.1 The correlation lengthfreeze then imprints itself on the state at t tfreeze.The density of topological defects generated across the

    phase transition can then be estimated as

    KZ 1=dDfreeze dD=1zQ ; 1:4

    where d is the number of the spatial dimensions and D isthe number of dimensions of a defect. While the KZM isonly supposed to determine the density of defects up to anO1 factor, it often significantly overestimates the realdensity of defects observed in numerical calculations: Oneneeds a fudge factor f multiplying freeze with f O10[33]. See also Ref. [34] for a recent discussion.One motivation of this paper is to develop a formalism

    for describing the growth and coarsening of the orderparameter after tfreeze in a general critical system. Ouranalysis stresses a period of nonadiabatic evolution, beforea well-defined condensate forms, where the system coars-ens and the correlation length grows parametrically largerthan freeze. In particular, we show that in many systems,including conventional superconductors and superfluid4He, there could be a large logarithmic hierarchy betweentfreeze and the time scale we refer to as teq when one cansensibly measure the density of defects. Thus, our analysisreconciles the need for a fudge factor f. Moreover, ouranalysis yields a new criterion for the breaking of the KZscaling (1.4). Our discussion can also be applied withoutessential changes to quantum phase transitions. For defi-niteness, we will restrict discussion to thermal phasetransitions throughout the paper.A second motivation of this paper is to test the scaling

    predicted by the KZM and its refinement in stronglycoupled systems using holographic duality. Holographyequates certain systems of quantum matter without gravityto classical gravitational systems in one higher spatialdimension [3537]. Hence, complicated many-body phys-ics can be mapped onto a solvable numerical gravityproblem. Some examples include Refs. [3847] (see alsoRefs. [48,49] for a discussion of KZM for a holographicquantum quench). In this paper, we study the KZM in aholographic superfluid in 2 1 spacetime dimensions. Ourgravity calculation will provide a first check of KZ scalingin a strongly coupled system without quasiparticles and

    will verify key features of the coarsening physics discussedin the next section.2


    A. Unstable critical modes

    We now develop a formalism to describe a period ofnonadiabatic growth of the order parameter after tfreeze.The seeds for condensate growth come from thermal andquantum fluctuations, whose effects on the macroscopicevolution of can be described in terms of a stochasticsource for . In the IR, the statistics of the fluctuations in read

    ht; xt0; x0i t t0x x0; 2:1where is a (weakly) temperature-dependent constant.Let t; q and t; q be the Fourier-transformed order

    parameter and noise, respectively. At early times, t; q issmall and can be described by linear response

    t; q Z

    dt0GRt; t0; qt0; q; 2:2

    where GRt; t0; q is the retarded correlator. Statisticalhomogeneity and isotropy imply GR only depends onq jqj. The regime of validity for the linear response willbe discussed below. To elucidate the growth of and toextract the time evolution of the correlation length aftertfreeze, we study the evolution of the correlation function

    Ct; r ht; x rt; xi: 2:3Averaging over the noise (2.1), we find

    Ct; q Z

    dt0jGRt; t0; qj2: 2:4

    As the dynamics is essentially frozen betweentfreeze; tfreeze, at t tfreeze, the system is in a supercooledstate for which the leading time dependence of GR can beobtained by analytically continuing to below Tc theequilibrium-retarded correlator Geq above Tc. Close toTc, the time dependence of Geqt; q should be dominatedby the leading pole w0q (the critical mode) of Geq; qin the complex frequency plane, i.e.,

    Geqt; q tHqeiw0;qt;w0; q zhq; 2:5

    where Hq is some function that depends weakly on q.hx is a universal scaling function that is analytic in x2 for

    1Strictly speaking, one should distinguish t>freeze for T > Tcand t

  • small x. For T > Tc,w0q; T lies in the lower half plane,and its imaginary part at q 0 gives the inverse of therelaxation time.3 When continued to a supercooled state atT < Tc, w0 moves to the upper half frequency plane for qsmaller than a certain qmax, and for such qs, (2.5) growsexponentially with time. More explicitly, for positive , wecan expand Imw0 in small q as

    Imw0 az2q2 bz ; 2:6

    where a and b are positive constants. Hence, Imw0 > 0until q qmax with

    qmax : 2:7

    Now, let us consider the limit of slow quenches 0t 0.Assuming that the Green function depends weakly ontemperature, then for a short interval t t0 1=jw0j(2.5) should still apply, if w0 changes with time sufficientlyslowly, i.e.,

    jt logw0Ttj jw0j: 2:8Under this approximation, GR then satisfies a first-order

    differential equation

    tGRt; t0; ~k iw0TtGRt; t0; ~k ; t > t0;2:9

    the integration of which leads to

    GRt; t0; q t t0HqeiR


    t0 dt00w0t00;q: 2:10

    From jt logw0j < jw0j, and using (2.6) and (1.3), it isstraightforward to show the earliest time when (2.10) can beapplied is precisely t > tfreeze.Substituting (2.10) into (2.4), we then secure

    Ct; q Z





    t0 dt00Imw0t00;q :


    The ellipses in (2.11) denote the contributions in (2.4)coming from the integration domain t0 < tfreeze, which willbe neglected in our discussion below as the first term in(2.11) grows exponentially with time and will soondominate.4 We note that w0 can also have a real partand therefore lead to oscillations of the order parameter

    superimposed to the exponential growth induced by theimaginary part. These oscillations are an interesting phe-nomenon that deserves further discussion. Let us considerthe behavior of the above integral for t parametrically largecompared to tfreeze assuming for the moment that the linearanalysis holds. For this purpose, it is convenient to introduce

    t ttfreeze

    : 2:12

    In the regime t 1, we find for qfreeze 1 (seeAppendix A for details)

    Ct; q a1tfreeze expa2 t1z



    ; 2:13


    lcot a3freezet1z2=2 2:14

    and a1; a2; a3 areO0Q constants. Fourier transforming q tocoordinate space, we find

    Ct; r j j2ter2=2l2cot; with j j2t ~tea2 t1z ;2:15


    ~t tfreezeldco t tfreezetd1z2=2 2:16with

    dfreeze d=1zQ : 2:17Equations (2.13)(2.17) are our main results of this section.We now proceed to discuss their physical meaning andphysical implications.

    B. Equilibration time and density of defects

    With the usual inverse volume dependence, defined in(2.17) may be interpreted as the effective parametercharacterizing fluctuations for a spatial region of sizefreeze, while tfreeze may be interpreted as the fluctuationsaccumulated over a time scale of order Otfreeze. In thelimit of large Q, goes to 0, justifying the use of linearresponse. The linear response analysis should break downat some point, which can be estimated by comparing j j2tin (2.15) with the equilibrium value of the condensatesquare. Recall that in equilibrium, the expectation valueof an order parameter for reduced temperature 1 ischaracterized by a critical exponent

    j j2eq 2: 2:18

    Introducing a scale teq by requiring

    3In the language of the dual gravitational description discussedbelow, w0 is the lowest quasinormal mode frequency of a dualblack hole.

    4In addition to the exponential suppression in time, whenFourier transformed to real space, the omitted terms in (2.11) alsofall off parametrically faster with distance than the first term.



  • j j2t teq j j2eqteq; 2:19

    we expect the linear analysis to break down for t teq.In particular, for t teq, we expect the condensate growthto transition from the exponential growth of (2.15) tothe adiabatic growth governed by (2.18) with in (2.18)given by the time-dependent reduced temperature (1.2).Moreover, the system does not contain a well-definednumber of topological defects until a well-defined con-densate forms that necessarily lies outside the domain oflinear response. Thus, teq is also the natural time scale tomeasure the density of topological defects.To estimate teq, we have to solve Eq. (2.19) for teq=tfreeze.

    From (2.14)(2.18), it is clear that this ratio, whichdetermines the duration of the coarsening region, is con-trolled by the dimensionless parameter

    R 2


    1=1zQ ;

    d z 2: 2:20When RO1, we must have teq tfreeze. In this case,there is no hierarchy of scales between tfreeze and teq and thecondensate begins to grow adiabatically after tfreeze. In otherwords, in this case, our analysis reduces to the standardstory of the KZM and the density of topological defects isgiven by (1.4). When R 1, there is, however, a hierarchybetween teq and tfreeze, and (2.15) applies over a parametri-cally large interval of time during which the condensategrows with time exponentially, and the coarsening lengthlcot, which controls the typical size of a condensatedroplet, grows with time as a power. In particular, in thelimit R , from (2.15), (2.19), and (2.14), we see


    logR1=1z 2:21



    logR1z2=21z : 2:22

    Thus, for R 1, a parametrically large amount of coars-ening occurs before a well-defined condensate even forms.The density of topological defects of dimension D is then[using (2.14)]

    teq 1=ldDco teq log1=1zQ fdD1z2g=21zKZ:


    As a result of early-time coarsening, the defect density isparametrically much smaller than the Kibble-Zurek

    prediction KZ and the standard KZ scaling is correctedby a logarithmic prefactor. Possible systems with R 1will be further discussed in the conclusion section.We stress that the time dependence of (2.15) differs from

    the scaling behavior of standard coarsening physics [51],which applies only after the magnitude j j has achieved itsequilibrium value. The possible importance of early-timecoarsening physics in the KZM has recently also beendiscussed in Ref. [34], but it assumed the scaling behaviorof standard coarsening physics and thus is not compatiblewith our result.

    C. Rapid quenches

    By decreasing Q (while keeping Ti, Tf fixed), even-tually the scaling (2.23) for the defect density must breakdown. In standard KZ discussions, this breakdown shouldhappen when tf tfreeze. Here, we point out that forsystems with teq tfreeze, the scaling (2.23) breaks downfor tf teq, and can happen even for tf parametricallymuch larger than tfreeze. This behavior is easy to understand;for teq tf tfreeze, since the system stays at Tf after tf,the growth of the condensate will largely be controlled bythe unstable modes at Tf, and the defect density will bedetermined by Tf rather than Q. We now generalize theabove discussion of far-from-equilibrium coarsening tosuch a case, where Eq. (2.11) should be modified to

    Ct; q Z



    dt0jHqj2e2Imw0f;qtt0 ; 2:24

    where as commented below (2.11), the ellipses denotecontributions from earlier times that can be neglected insubsequent discussions. Note that w0f; q is now evalu-ated at f Tc Tf=Tc, which results in a simple etgrowth for any , z [compare with (2.13)]. Fourier trans-forming the above expression, then Ct; r can be written ina scaling form (see Appendix A for details)

    Ct; r dzf fzf t tfreeze; rf 2:25

    for some scaling function f. For zf t tfreeze 1 andrf 1 (assuming linear response still applies), f can beobtained explicitly and one finds

    Ct; r j j2ter2=2l2cot;j j2t dzf exp 2bt tfreezezf 2:26


    l2cot 4at tfreezez2f : 2:27

    Note that in comparing with (2.13) and (2.14), we see thatboth the logarithm of the condensate square and thecoarsening length square grow linearly with time.

    CHESLER, GARCA-GARCA AND LIU PHYS. REV. X 5, 021015 (2015)


  • Parallel to the earlier discussion, we postulate that thelinear response analysis breaks down when the condensatesquared obtained from (2.26) becomes comparable toj j2eq. To estimate the time scale teq when this breakdownhappens, it is again convenient to introduce

    Rf 2f

    dzf 1f ; 2:28

    and the criterion for linear response to apply forzf t tfreeze 1 is again Rf 1. In particular, theequilibrium time teq and the density of defects should begiven by

    teq tfreeze

    8 200. For Q < 200, our numericsare consistent with Nvortices const, which is consistent with ourexpectation that the density of defects should asymptote to aconstant in the limit of sudden quenches. Also included is a plotof LB=FWHMteq2, where L is our box size and B 1.92. Ourstatistics are not sufficient to resolve the logarithmic prefactor in(3.5). Right: Nvortices vs f Tf, in units of Tc (B15) forsufficiently small Q. The results are consistent with (3.8) withNvortices f. Our statistics are again not sufficient to resolve thelogarithmic prefactor in (3.8).

    6We note that our numerical results go at least up to timest 2teq. This is the shortest time scale necessary to distinguishbetween the growth corresponding to fast and slow quenches. Forslow quenches, technical limitations related to long computationtimes prevent us from going beyond this time scale.

    CHESLER, GARCA-GARCA AND LIU PHYS. REV. X 5, 021015 (2015)


  • evolution can dramatically increase the correlation lengthand decrease the expected density of defects from the KZprediction (1.4).


    To summarize, we elucidated a novel period of non-adiabatic evolution after a system passes through a second-order phase transition, where a parametrically large amountof coarsening occurs before a well-defined condensateforms. The physical origin of the coarsening can be tracedto the fact that when the system passes through the phasetransition, IR modes of the order parameter becomeunstable and exponentially grow. We showed that such afar-from-equilibrium coarsening regime could have impor-tant consequences for defect formation. We also numeri-cally simulated thermal quenches in a (2 1)-dimensionalholographic superfluid, which provided strong support forour analytic results.For slow quenches, a key quantity is R (2.20), which we

    copy here for convenience:

    R 1=1zQ ; d z 2: 4:1For R 1, there is a large hierarchy between tfreeze and teq,and the density of defects can be significantly lower thanthat predicted by KZ. Systems with R 1 can be separatedinto two cases.

    (I) The exponent is positive, i.e.,

    d z > 2 4:2for which R as Q . For a mean field withz 2, 1

    2, 1

    2, Eq. (4.2) implies d > 4, i.e.,

    above the upper critical dimension of mean-fieldtheory. Using the hyperscaling relation 2 d 2 , for a general critical point, can besimplified as

    2 z 4:3and (4.2) becomes

    z < 2 : 4:4An example that satisfies this condition is superfluid4He, which has

    z 32; 0.037: 4:5

    Other examples include a three-dimensional isotropicantiferromagnet and the three-dimensional XY model.

    (II) is negative, but 1, so that for large but finiteQ, we still have R 1, i.e.,

    =1zQ : 4:6

    One class of examples is holographic theories, such asthat discussed in Sec. III, for which 1=N2 withN . As another class of examples, let us considermodel A for dynamic critical phenomena [56]. Recallthat the van Hove theory of critical slowing-downpredicted exactly z 2 . Renormalization-groupanalysis gives z slightly greater than this value [57],which means that generically for model A, is onlyslightly negative, and thus (4.6) essentially translatesinto 1. As an explicit example, conventionalsuperconductors have a very small , and thus weexpect them to have a large hierarchy between tfreezeand teq.

    For fast quenches, the analogous quantity is Rf definedin (2.28). Comparing (2.28) with (2.20), we see theconditions for Rf 1 are essentially identical to thosefor R 1, and the above discussion also applies.


    We thank Laurence Yaffe for useful discussions. Thework of P. M. C. is supported by the Fundamental LawsInitiative of the Center for the Fundamental Laws ofNature at Harvard University. The work of H. L. ispartially supported by the U.S. Department of Energy(DOE) under Cooperative Research Agreement No. DE-FG0205ER41360. A. M. G.-G. was supported byEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council,Grant No. EP/I004637/1; Fundao para a Cincia e aTecnologia, Grant No. PTDC/FIS/111348/2009; and aMarie Curie International Reintegration GrantNo. PIRG07-GA-2010-268172.


    In this section, we give some details in the derivation of(2.13) and (2.26).

    1. Slow quenches

    Consider the integral (2.11) for small q qmax

    Ct; q Z





    t0 dt00Imw0t00;q








    t0dt00Imw0t00; q

    ; A1

    where we have introduced t t=tfreeze. Now, note from(2.6) that

    tfreezeImw0t; q as2s

    tz2q22freeze bstz ;




  • where we have used (1.2) and (1.3). We thus find that

    Ct; q CjH0j2tfreeze expa2t1z




    l2cot a232freezet1z2; A3where

    a2 2bs1 z ; a


    4as1 z 22s


    C Z



    dx exp







    Note that since x > 1, > 0, and we are interested in theregime qfreeze O1, the first term in the exponential ofC always dominates over the second term. For large t, dueto exponential suppression, the integral for C is dominatedby the lower end, and we thus conclude that C O1.For t O1, the t dependence is more complicated, butthis is not the regime we are interested in. Suppressingvarious O1 prefactors, we thus find (2.13) and (2.14).Note that in (2.11), we have assumed the condensate

    starts growing at tfreeze, but it is clear from our derivationthat (2.13) and (2.14) are not sensitive to the specific timewhen the condensate starts growing. For example, theconclusion remains the same if the lower end of the integralof (A1) is changed to 0.

    2. Rapid quenches

    For rapid quenches discussed in Sec. II C, we have

    Ct; q Z





    Imw0f; qe2Imw0f;qttfreeze 1: A5

    Given the scaling form of Imw0T; q zImhq, theabove equation can be written as

    Ct; q zf jH0j22Imh ~q e

    2Imh ~q~t 1; ~q qf ;~t t tfreezezf A6

    whose Fourier transform can also be written in a scalingform

    Ct; r dzf f~t; ~r; ~r rf A7for some scaling function f. For large ~r 1, we can usethe small ~q expansion h ~q b a ~q2, and for ~t 1, wefind that

    Ct; r dzf exp2bt tfreezezf





    l2cot 4at tfreezez2f : A9



    The field content of the (2 1)-dimensional holographicsuperfluid we study consists of the metric GMN , a U1gauge field AM, and a charged scalar with charge e.These fields live in asymptotically AdS4 spacetime.Following Ref. [58], we take the action to be

    Sgrav 1





    R 1




    jDj2 m2jj2

    ; B1

    where R is the Ricci scalar, FMN is the U1 field strength,D is the gauge-covariant derivative, and G detGMN .The mass m of the scalar field and the cosmologicalconstant are given by

    m2 2; 3: B2

    The U1 gauge redundancy in the bulk encodes a U1global symmetry in the boundary theory where the boun-dary order parameter transforms with a phase ei.Indeed, the bulk scalar field encodes .Following Ref. [38], we employ infalling Eddington-

    Finkelstein coordinates where the metric takes the form

    ds2 r2gt; x; rdxdx 2drdt: B3

    Here, greek indices run over boundary spacetime coordi-nates and r is the antide Sitter (AdS) radial coordinatewith r the AdS boundary. With our choice ofcoordinates, lines of constant t represent infalling nullradial geodesics affinely parametrized by r. In addition, wechoose to work in the gauge Ar 0.For simplicity, we choose to work in the probe limit

    e where gravitational dynamics decouple from thedynamics of the gauge and scalar fields. The equations ofmotion following from (B1) are then simply

    0 RMN 1

    2GMNR 2; B4a

    CHESLER, GARCA-GARCA AND LIU PHYS. REV. X 5, 021015 (2015)


  • 0 MFNM JM; B4b0 D2 m2: B4c

    Since the boundary of AdS is timelike, the equations ofmotion (B4) require boundary conditions to be imposedthere. As the boundary geometry of AdS corresponds to thegeometry the dual quantum theory lives in, we demand thatthe boundary geometry be that of flat (2 1)-dimensionalMinkowski space. This is accomplished by settinglimrg . The near-boundary behavior of the gaugeand scalar fields can easily be worked by from Eqs. (B4b)and (B4c) and read

    At; x; r A0 t; x A1 t; x

    rO1=r2; B5

    t; x; r 1t; xr

    2t; xr2

    O1=r3: B6

    On the gauge field, we impose the boundary condition

    A0 t; x 0; B7

    where is a constant. In the dual quantum field theory, isinterpreted as a chemical potential for the conserved U1charge. As a final boundary condition, we set

    1t; x t; x B8

    with random variable satisfying statistics (2.1). Thestochastic driving of the scalar field mimics the effect ofquantum and thermal fluctuations induced by the blackbranes Hawking radiation. In the dual quantum theory, theboundary condition (B8) amounts to deforming theHamiltonian

    H H Z

    d2xf g: B9

    Note that has mass dimension one and has massdimension two. In terms of the asymptotic behavior of thescalar field (B6), the boundary order parameter reads

    t; x 2t; x t it; x: B10Let us first discuss static equilibrium solutions to the set

    of equations of motion (B4). Translationally invariantequilibrium solutions to Einsteins equations consist ofblack branes

    ds2 r2fdt2 dx2 2drdt; B11


    f 1 rhr


    : B12

    The Hawking temperature T of the black brane is related tothe horizon radius rh by

    rh 4T3


    and corresponds to the temperature of the dual quantumtheory.Static equilibrium solutions to the scalar-gauge-field

    system (B4c) and (B4b) were first explored in Ref. [58].One static solution to (B4c) and (B4b) (with 0 andhence no stochastic driving) is simply

    A 1


    0; B14a

    0: B14b

    However, for sufficiently low temperatures, this solutionis unstable and not thermodynamically preferred. ForT < Tc, where

    Tc 0.0587; B15

    the thermodynamically preferred solution has 0. Hence,the bulk U1 gauge redundancy is spontaneously broken atlow temperatures and the black brane develops a chargedscalar atmosphere. Likewise, via (B10), the boundary orderparameter is nonzero and the global U1 symmetry on theboundary is spontaneously broken. The gravitational andboundary systems have a second-order phase transition atT Tc with mean-field critical exponents.To study the Kibble-Zurek mechanism gravitationally,

    we drive the system stochastically with the boundarycondition (B8) and choose to dynamically cool the blackbrane geometry through Tc. When the geometry coolsthrough Tc, the aforementioned instability will result in thescalar field growing and the black brane developing ascalar atmosphere. Likewise, as this cooling happens, theboundary quantum field theory condensate (B10) will growin amplitude.Instead of solving Einsteins equations (B4a) for a black

    brane with dynamic temperature, we choose to fix thegeometry to be the equilibrium geometry (B11) but with atime-dependent temperature Tt equal to the boundaryquench protocol temperature (1.2), which we control. Themetric will therefore no longer satisfy Einsteins equations.Why is it reasonable to employ a geometry that does notsatisfy Einsteins equations? To answer this question, wenote that to cool the system through Tc, we can couple it toan external thermal bath at controllable temperature Textt.This coupling can be done by, for example, putting our



  • system in a box of size L and putting the surface of the boxin contact with the thermal reservoir. As we are ultimatelyinterested in slow quenches where T 0extt is parametricallysmall, we expect thermal equilibration and Tt Textt.In this limit, Einsteins equations can be solved with thegradient expansion of fluid and gravity [59]. At leadingorder in gradients, the solution is simply (B11), but with thetime-dependent temperature Tt.Our numerical methods used to solve the scalar-gauge-

    field system (B4c) and (B4b) are outlined in Ref. [38]. Weuse pseudospectral methods and discretize the AdS radialcoordinate using 20 Chebyshev polynomials. In the spatialdirections, we work in a periodic spatial box and discretizeusing a basis of 201 plane waves. We chose box size LTc 30.8 and measure all other dimensionful quantities in unitsof Tc. We choose noise amplitude Tc 1.5 103. Asour quench protocol (1.2) starts off at temperatures T > Tc,in the infinite past, we choose initial conditions (B14).

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