Dassie adventure 2



Dassie is homescik, what is his solution?

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Once upon a time, a Dassie was living in The Netherlands

But he felt a little homesick and longed for his home at

Capepoint and his friends there.

He made a plan… his fostergrandfather took him sailing when

he saw a way to go home.

He wanted to learn everything; communication, navigation

and keeping his log.

And he loved the water!

But… this ship could never sail as far as South-Africa.

He needed a bigger one, and he found one.

He checked it from the inside-out…,

… he instructed a new mate…,

… checked the navigation…,

..and it all seemed possible.

He instructed the crew and went to the prow of the ship to

hang out with the lion.

But… nothing happened.

He called the entire crew: one mate.

‘Why is nothing happening??!!!!’ He yelled.

‘Uhhh, sir… there is no wind, no wind means no sailing.’

Stumbled the mate.

Dassie hushed away…

No wind, no sailing…

No sailing, no South-Africa..

‘Shoot me, you can shoot me to Cape point. Aim for the

South!’ Yelled Dassie.

But his Foster Grandfather heard him and stopped him…

‘Dassie, idiot! If you shoot yourself towards South-Africa you

never know where you will end… maybe you will fly over the

continent and end up in the South pole!’

Dassie thought about it and figured out he didn’t want to live

on ice and stayed in Holland, nice in the sun, close to the

water and with new friends.

Dassie is everyday available for visitors, do contact him on his site ;D.