Daniel cooke Narrative analysis


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Tenacious D and the pick of destiny: The plot of this film consists of a ‘Quest’. This is a comedy film so it is littered with gags and other jokes and comedy. This is a musical comedy and throughout the film the story is told via the medium of music. One character (Jack Black) seems completely mad and maybe even stupid and the other seems down to earth (Kyle Gass) and thinks that jack is being stupid for taking up this ‘quest’ The main plot is about the creation of the band Tenacious D, the film makes the creation of the band into a fantasy adventure going on a quest/road trip to acquire ‘The pick of destiny’ Beginning with background on hour Jack Blacks parents didn’t agree with his taste in rock as they were devoted Christians and the music was believed to be satanic. It then jumps 30 years into the future where the two characters finally meet. They then go through numerous problems until they finally acquire the ‘pick of destiny’. The pick of destiny then presents them with ‘a final showdown’ with the devil. The movie is then resolved and there are no more problems that appear for the character and the ending seems happy and the characters go back to their normal life. Hot Fuzz: Hot Fuzz is a film about two characters that become partners in the police force and solve a mystery in a village. The plot starts with the main character being introduced as one of the big most successful detectives in London. He is then sent to a small village as he is ‘ to successful’ and makes them ‘look bad’. This is his first problem in the film then he is sent to the ‘best kept village in Britain’ This is littered with comedy as all other characters seem eccentric compared to the main character. The character is then presented with a murder mystery where all the residents of the village seem to be plotting against others and killing them, there is a lot of twists and turns which add to the comedy.

The characters flee the village and then finally return and go on a ‘Rambo’ style rampage and the problem is resolved in a model village. Borat: Borat starts by introducing himself in a documentary style film. This film is about the character Borat, going from his home in Kazakhstan to America to observe some of the culture and bring it back to his family and village and hopefully make enough money off of it to his family. A problem arises though when he goes ona quest to find a ‘Pamela Anderson’ he goes on this quest and loses all money and his chicken. He also loses touch with his camera man director and the film takes a dive as it looks like Borat is in trouble. He then goes and finds the word of the lord and the movie slowly pieces it self back together and eventually everything is happy again and he goes back and lives a happy life back in Kazakhstan. Similarities in plots:

- The characters seem to consist of two main characters, one who seems down to earth and another who is crazy/stupid. This contrast seems to be important, as there is usually a falling out between the two characters.

- The storyline usually involves a quest or a journey, which doesn’t go completely to plan and ends up so that the quest didn’t have the outcome expected.

- There is usually multiple small problems that arise throughout the film then one big finale at the end of the film with the big overall problem being resolved in a over the top fashion.

- The two characters often do not know each other before the film and you see them fall out and then finally become best friends in the end of the film and they live there lives ‘happily ever after’
