DAK NONG PROVINCE 1 Basi c Information - Thai … Phu Enli Arm Stud Cor Sub Sec Bur Lieu Sen (Un Sen...


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1 Basi 1.1 Geog Dak23/2003/Dak Lak - Area (- Popula * Mal * Popu- Admin Gia N- GDP g- GDP i Avera- Total * Tota

1 http://vi.w2 http://ww2004-01-0

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ณ นครโฮจิมินห กันยา

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ายน 2557


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จัดทาํโดย สถานกงสุลใหญ ณ นครโฮจิมินห กันยายน 2557


- Export turnover (mil. US$, 2012) 540 (rubber, coffee, cashew nut, pepper, tea, tapioca, dehydrated pineapple, dehydrated peanut,

turmeric flour, etc.) - Import turnover (mil. US$, 2012) 24.5 (means of production, machinery, equipment, tools, raw materials, fuel, wood, manioc, raw cashew nut, black pepper, etc.) Situated in the southwest of Central Highlands, at the end of Truong Son Range, Dak Nong borders Dak Lak Province to the north and northeast, Lam Dong Province to the east and southeast, Binh Phuoc Province to the south and southwest, and Kampuchea to the west. As a gateway to the Highlands, Dak Nong lies on the National Road (NR) no. 14, linking with Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) and eastern provinces with those in the Central Highlands. Dak Nong is 230 km to the north of HCMC and 120 km to southwest of Buon Ma Thuot (Dak Lak provincial city). NR no. 28 connects Dak Nong with Da Lat City (Lam Dong Province) by a 120 km-section and Phan Thiet City (Binh Thuan Province) by a 160-km section. In the future, when the bauxite project is implemented, the railway Dak Nong – Chon Thanh – Di An will be built, offering a great opportunity for Dak Nong to make better use of its strengths. Dak Nong shares a border of 120 km with Mondulkiri Province, Kampuchea, where there are 2 border gates of Bu Prang (Tuy Duc District) and Dak Peur (Dak Mil District) linking with Mondulkiri, Kratie, Kandal, Phnom Penh, and Siem Reap of Kampuchea. On the other hand, Dak Nong lies in the development triangle of Kampuchea – Laos – Vietnam, which is of particular concern to the governments of three countries in order to achieve real breakthrough in infrastructure contruction, strong development of regionally economic ties by cooperative programs and governments policies. The mentioned geographical position will unfold exploitation and application conditions for Dak Nong to enlarge its communication and exchange with provinces in the Central Highlands, the Southern Key Economic Zone, the central coastal region, and Kampuchea and a motive for the provincial socio-economic development. 3 1.2 Population 4 Please see Annex 1: Population of Dak Nong Province, 1995, 2000-2011, page 18 The population is 516,300 in 2011 with a population density of 79 inhabitants/km2, but unevenly distributed, being higher at centers of communes, townlets, district towns, and along the national and provincial roads. The urban and rural population is 78,300 (15.16%) and 438,000 (84.84%) respectively. The population at labor age accounts for 67.86% of total population. The population growth rate is 14,4 ‰.

Year 1995 2000 2004 5 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Population x 1,000

N/A N/A N/A 423.6 440.9 457.3 474.4 491.0 505.5

According to the Population Census on 1/4/2011, there are 40 nationalities living in Dak Nong, of which the ethnic minorities accounts for 31.5% of total population. The M’nong, Ma,

3 http://daknongdpi.gov.vn/Article.aspx?TabID=3&ArticleID=9 4 http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%90%E1%BA%AFk_N%C3%B4ng

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of Tuy Duc, Dak R’lap, Dak G’long, and Gia Nghia Town slopes from north to south because they belong to the upper stream of Dong Nai River. Consequently, Dak Nong has varying and copious topography alternating between valleys, plateaus and mountains, decreasing in elevation bit by bit from east to west and from north to south. The valley topography includes the lowland parts along the Krong No and Serepok Rivers running through Ku Jut and Krong No districts, having fairly even and flat terrain with a mild slope of 0-3o suitable for food crops, short-term industrial crops and raising livestock and poultry. The plateau topography is found mainly in Dak Mil and Dak Song with the average height of about 600 - 800 m above sea level and slopes of 5 - 10o. The topography is strongly separated with slope of 15o, distributing mainly in Dak G’long, Dak R’lap, and Gia Nghia Town. The basalt soil is very appropriate for developing long-term industrial crops, forestry and cattle husbandry. Mountainous topography is found in Dak R’Lap, and the soil is basaltic, suitable for developing long-term industrial crops such as coffee, rubber, cashew, and pepper. Climate 7 Dak Nong is the transitional area between two climatic subregions of the highland and the southeast. The climate features the subequatorial tropical monsoon but has a moist tropical highland climate influenced by raising topography and the dry and hot southwest monsoon. There are two distinctive seasons: dry and rainy. The rainy season is from April to October. Ninety percent of the total annual rainfall falls then. The dry season is from November to April. Only superficial rainfall occurs during this dry season. The annual average temperature is 22oC to 23oC, with the highest in April when the temperature can hit 35oC. The lowest is 14oC in December. Total sunny hour is 2,000 – 2,300 hours a year. There are years when the temperature abnormally varies; at that time there may be a very hot sun leading to droughts and forest fires, strongly impacting agriculture and people’s lives. The average annual rainfall is 2,300 mm, but can go as high as 3,000 mm in a year. The rainiest months are August and September; January and February the driest. Average humidity is 84%, and the vaporizing rate is 15.2 mm a day in the dry season and 1.6 mm a day in the rainy season. The prevalent wind direction in the rainy season is southwest; in the dry season it’s northeast. Average wind speed is 2.4 – 5.4 m/s and storms are rare, harmless to delicate crops such as coffee, rubber, cashews and pepper. However, like other areas in the Highland, the fundamental climatic disadvantage is the great variation of temperature amplitude between day and night and by seasons. Consequently, major factors influence production and living are water supply, retaining, and crop arrangement. 3 Resources 3.1 Land resources 8 Dak Nong spans 652,561 ha, specifically: - Agriculture land: 587,928 ha, of which land for agriculture production is 306,974 ha (long-

term industrial crops accounts for the most, with the rest in rice, corn and short-term industrial crops), forestry: 279,510 ha, and water surface for aquaculture: 1,667 ha.

7 http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%90%E1%BA%AFk_N%C3%B4ng 8 Guidebook for Investment, Investment Trande and Tourism Center, dak Nong Province September, 2011

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- Non-agriculture land: 42,307 ha, comprising land for special purpose: 22,321 ha, land for public purposes: 17,600 ha, rivers and streams for special purposes: 14,783 ha.

- The area occupied by silviculture is 3,249 ha, and the percentage of land covered by forests in the province is 49 %.

- Residential land is 4,101 ha, 1% of the total. - There is 21,327 of unused land, of which hilly and and mountainous land without forest:

17,994 ha and flat land: 3,333 ha. The soil in Dak Nong is abundant and diversified, comprising 5 main groups: - Red basalt soil (Ferrasols) on decomposed basaltic foundation: about 228,046 ha, accounting

for 35% of total area, having an average thickness of 120 cm, distributed mainly in two districts of Dak Mil and Dak Song.

- Grey soil (Acrisols) on foundation of acidic magma stone and sandy stone: about 262,624 ha, accounting for 40% of total 651,561 ha, distributed regularly in the whole province.

- The remaining is black soil deposited in basaltic foundation, gley soil and alluvial soil deposited along rivers and streams.

With the mentioned land resources, it is advantageous for Dak Nong to develop long-term industrial plants such as coffee, rubber, tea, pepper, cashew on the grey soil and basalt together with paddy, corn, and short-term industrial plants in deposited soil, gley soil, and alluvial soil along river banks and streams. 3.2 Water resources 9 With the average rainfall of 2,513 mm a year, reaching the maximum of 3,000 mm and the average humidity of 84%, water from rain is rather abundant, meeting the needs of production and daily living. However, influenced by highland climate and located in the west at the end of the Truong Son mountain range, during the dry season, there is litte rainfall and a long-lasting scorching sun leads to drought and water shortage. The latter’s impact on industrial agriculture and daily life is significant. Consequently, the province has many large- and medium-size lakes and dams built to serve agricultural and industrial production, irrigation, power generation together with tourism development. The works comprise West lake, EaSno, Ea T'Linh, Dak Rong, Dak Dier, Dak R’tih, Dong Nai 3, Dong Nai 4, etc. The network of rivers and streams is relatively dense and evenly distributed. Three main rivers flowing through the provincial territory are: - The Serepok River is formed by the confluence of two river branches of Krong No and

Krong Na. Due to complicated geotectonic, the river bed becomes narrow and sloping, creating many immpressive waterfalls such as Trinh Nu, Dray H’Linh, Gia Long, and Dray Sap, beautiful landscapes together with hydropower potentials.

- The Krong No River originates from the mountain range higher than 2,000 m in the southeast of Dak Lak Province, running through Krong No District. This river is particularly significant to the provincial production and people’s living. There are smaller streams such as Dak Mam, Dak Ro, Dak Ri, and Dak Nang which are the upstream waters of the Krong No River.

- The upper network of Dong Nai River comprises many rivers and streams such as Dak Rung Fall, Dak Nong, Dak Bukso, Dak R’lap, Dak R’tin, etc. The main current of Dong Nai River

9 http://daknong.gov.vn/gioithieu/Pages/tai-nguyen-thien-nhien.aspx

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does not flow through the territory of Dak Nong but it has many streams and rivers originating here. Special mention must be made of the Dak Rung Stream originating from Thuan Hanh area with a length 90 km, the Dak Nong Stream having an average discharge of 12.44 m3/second and an average rate of runoff 47,9 m3/second/km2, the Dak Bukso Stream as a border between two districts of Dak Song and Dak R’lap. With a catchment area of 55 km2, the Dak R’lap Stream functions as a headwater stream network of Thac Mo Hydropower. The Dak R’Tih Stream flows to the Dong Nai River, a headwater of Dak R’Til Hydropower and Tri An Hydropower.

+ Underground water 10 A great reserve of underground water, at a depth of 40–90 ms, is found in most of the basaltic highlands and other areas of the province. It serves as the supplementary source of water for manufacturing and routine daily needs during the dry season. However in some mountainous areas of Dak R’Lap District, Dak Glong District and Gia Nghia Town, the underground water resources are very limited, because the cost of drilling wells is rather high. + Hydropower The upstream waters of rivers of Dong Nai, Krong No, and Serepok is suitable for many hydropower works with a total capacity of 1,500 MW, such as Buon Khon (280 MW), Duc Xuyen (92 MW), Buon TuaSrah (85 MW), Dak Tih (140 MW), Dong Nai (3-180 MW), Dong Nai 4 (340MW), Dong Nai 6&6A, etc. which are under gradual construction. Moreover, the network of small streams running all over the province can be developed into small hydropower plants serving the energy needs for producing and daily activities of highland villages unable to access the electricity grid. + Flooding regime Under strong influence of the Krong No River, serious floods strike Duc Xuyen in September and October. This river has inudated some areas in the south of Krong no District. Floods in the Serepok River is the combination of those from two rivers of Krong No and Krong Na, occuring in September and October. 3.3 Mineral resources 11 Surveys indicate that there are 178 mineral mines and large deposits of minerals in Dak Nong Province, with 16 main minerals such as bauxit, wolfram, antimoal, foamy basalt, column basalt, basalt stone, granite, peat, construction sand, clays for tile and brick production, opal, stream tin, kaolin, natural mineral water, and sapphire.

- Bauxite: Located in Gia Nghia Town and Dak Glong, Dak R’Lap, Dak Song, Tuy Duc districts but mainly in Gia Nghia Town and Dak Glong District. Estimated reserves are 5.4 billion tons; exploratory reserves 2.6 billion tons. The aluminum oxide content is 35-40%. The surface, under which this ore lies, is a good basaltic layer on which grows forest and long-term industrial crops. Challenges blocking the exploitation are lack of transportation roads, power, water, and funding.

10 http://www.vietrade.gov.vn/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1236:overview-of-dak-nong-province-part-2&catid=335:central-highlands-economic-region&Itemid=267 11 http://daknong.gov.vn/gioithieu/Pages/tai-nguyen-thien-nhien.aspx and http://www.vietrade.gov.vn/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1235:overview-of-dak-nong-province-part-1&catid=295:dak-nong-province&Itemid=273

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- Valuable and rare minerals: Gold and precious stones such as white and red sapphires are at Truong Xuan Commune, Dak Song, Dak Glong, Dak Mil districts. Volfram, tin and antimony are at Gia Nghia Town, Dak Glong and Cu Jut districts.

- Minerals exploitable to produce construction materials: Clay used in brick and tile manufacturing, kaolin for making quality pottery, puzzolane for manufacturing cement and ceramic bricks, basaltic rock for processing soundproof and insulating ashlar facing stone and heatproof fiber.

The mineral water in Dak Mil District was discovered in 1983. It’s found at a depth of 180 m and reserves are sizeable - 570 m3 of water and 10 tons of carbon dioxide a day. Only the carbon dioxide is being exploited. 3.4 Forest resources 12 Dak Nong has 279,510 ha of land used in forest harvesting (including natural and planted forest). Such land is found in almost every district, occupying 79% of the total silvicultural land area of the province. - Productive forests of 212,752 ha distribute evenly in all districts - Protective forests of 39,000 ha are mainly in districts of Dak R’Lap, Dak Glong, Dak Mil and

Dak Song, accounting for 12% of the total sylvicultural land of the province. - Specialized forests of 28,000 ha are located mainly in two districts of Dak Glong and Krong

No to serve ecology preservation and tourism. The forest is situated in two natural reserve areas of Nam Nung and Ta Dung where there are many beautiful landscapes and waterfalls suitable for tourism site establishment.

- Planted forest is located mainly in hill and low-mountain areas which are not far from residential areas.

Natural forests lie in the convergence of two flora currents with two forest types: the evergreen forest distributes mainly in areas having high rainfall, moisture, and deep soil layer in Krong No, Dak Song, Dak Glong, and Tuy Duc. The dipterocarp forest distributes mainly in low rainfall area having harsh conditions and soil such as the north of Dak Mil and Cu Jut. Dak Nong forest possesses many abundant and diversified examples of fauna and flora systems. There are many primeval forests with various species of precious wood and special plants valuable both in terms of economical worth and science. In the forests live many valuable and rare fauna species such as elephants, bears, and tigers that are listed in national and international Red Books. And there are many precious medicinal plants which are necessary for traditional-medicine manufacturing. The two natural reserves of Nam Nung - Ta Dung in particular have primeval forests with much beautiful scenery and waterfalls forming an attractive tourism complex. The natural forest exists in almost every district, mainly in mountainous areas, meaning benefits of watershed protecting, erosion resistance, and environmental protection. 3.5 Tourism resources 13 Endowed with a geographical advantage of being in the immense M’Nong Plateau and the originating source of two major rivers, i.e., the Serepok and the Dong Nai, Dak Nong Province

12 http://daknong.gov.vn/gioithieu/Pages/tai-nguyen-thien-nhien.aspx 13 http://daknong.gov.vn/gioithieu/Pages/tai-nguyen-thien-nhien.aspx and http://www.vietnamtourism.org.vn/travel-guide/destination-in-vietnam/dak-nong/the-natural-beauty-of-dak-nong-province.html

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has beautiful scenery - primeval forests, waterfalls, lakes and reservoirs. Gia Nghia Town, the capital of Dak Nong Province which is 230 km from HCMC, is covered by green hills, creating a fresh and cool weather all year round. In the middle of Nam Nung Nature Reserves (25,000 ha), Ta Dung Nature Reserves (28,000 ha) and the small grassland Ba Cay, there are ecotourism and outdoor tourism areas such as horse-riding, hunting and camping. Dak Nong has many stunning waterfalls in the middle of forests, of which 16 superb waterfalls have splashing water all year round. Some names of the waterfalls such as: Dray Sap, Gia Long, Trinh Nu, Co Tien, Dieu Thanh, Gau, Chuong, Ngam, Lieng Nung, Len Gun, Dak G’long, etc. Each waterfall has an individual beauty and contains a legendary story that fascinates every visitor. The way to Dray Sap Waterfall winds through primeval forests with a large canopy of leaves. Seen from afar, the waterfall looks like a wall of water looming in a dim space and the sound of falling water can be heard from a distance. This beautiful landscape is formed by the Krong No and Krong A Na Rivers which are called Husband and Wife Rivers by the Ede and M’Nong ethnic people. Nearly, the Dray Sap Waterfall is Gia Long Waterfall with the murmuring sound of falling water. The waterfall was named after King Gia Long of the Nguyen Dynasty (19th century) who once came to this place to rest and enjoy the scenery. Visitors will be interested in seeing the romantic beauty of the Co Tien and Lieng Nung Waterfalls and learning about the brocade-weaving craft of the ethnic people. Aside from a system of waterfalls, Dak Nong has many natural lakes in the mountains and forests, which together with such natural reserves as the Nam Nung and Ta Dung have created attractive eco-tourist routes. Ea Sno Lake covering over 80 ha is an amazing natural landscape associated with the folk legends and customs of the local people. Visitors can take a boat ride to enjoy the beauty of green hills, or go downstream to the Dray Sap Waterfall or upstream to visit Choah and Bu Nor Hamlets, the native places of chiefs Guh Trang and No Trang Long who led the M’Nong ethnic people against the French invaders to protect their land. Tourism resorts and boat races can be introduced to the lakes of West lake, EaSno, Dak Rong, Dak Dier, Dak R’Tih, Dong Nai 3, Dong Nai 4, etc. Dak Nong Province is known as the homeland of epics, gongs and legendary stories, especially those of the M’nong, Ma, and Ede tribes. It is located in the Space of Gong Culture in the Central Highlands which has been recognized by UNESCO as Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. During the festival season in Dak Nong, visitors will have a change to drink Can wine with villagers, enjoy gong performances near a flickering camp-fire, listen to epic songs sung by elderly villagers and enjoy the delicious specialties of mountainous area. That tourism potential is the foundation to promote dynamic forms of ecotourism, considering the waterfalls, lakes, dams, gardens, forest sightseeing. Moreover, mountain-climbing, hunting, horse-racing, and community-based tours are promising potentials for tourism development in Dak Nong. However, such prospect can be attained whenever there is a connection with tourism sites in provinces of Dak Lak, Binh Thuan, Lam Dong, HCMC, and Kampuchea.

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3.6 Human resources 14 Until 2010, Dak Nong has 360,000 laborers, accounting for 63% of total population, of which 269,900 participate various economic sectors, including 217,269 (80.5%) laborers in agriculture, silviculture, and aquaculture, 9,986 (3.7%) in industry and construction, 42,374 (15.7%) in service. The trained laborers account for a little rate, only 13.2%. The people’s literacy level is still low, especially in the remote and isolate areas, posing difficulties for the application of technical advances in production. Majority of them is the manual labour engaing in agriculture and silvicultre. However, the contingent of farmers and technical staff of farms and plantations have gained experience on planting and intensive cultivation of short- and long-term industrial plants such as beans, sugarcane, cotton, coffee, rubber, pepper, and cashew, etc.

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Labor source 228,007 254,407 276,923 307,063 333,127 - People of labor age 219,044 248,347 270,385 299,916 325,593 - Capable worker 244,971 266,935 296,339 321,932 - Incapable worker 3,376 3,450 3,577 3,661 - People over labor age still working 8,963 9,436 9,968 10,742 11,195 - People over labor age 5,901 6,316 6,852 7,039 - People under labor age 3,535 3,672 3,872 4,156 Distribution of labor force - Labor engaging in economic sectors 149,507 224,873 246,873 275,738 297,081 - People of labor age attending school 20,529 20,726 21,444 21,971 24,707 - Students of universal education 17,252 17,717 18,286 18,506 18,676 - Students of vocational and professional training

3,277 3,012 3,158 3,465 6,031

- People of labor age engaging in housework 8,104 4,789 4,825 5,134 6,593 - Non-working people of labor age 1,384 1,458 1,534 1,647 1,692 - Unemplyed people of working age 3,483 2,561 2,247 2,573 3,054 Labor structure by economic sector (%) - Agriculture, forestry, aquaculture 85.33 80.40 81.49 82.19 81.37 - Industry and construction 2.61 3.81 3.74 3.60 3.79 - Service 12.06 15.79 14.77 14.21 14.84

4 Education and health care 15 4.1 Education In the school-year 2012-2013, there are 349 schools (including 6 continuing education centers) from pre-school to high school levels, a double increase as of 2003-2004 schoolyear. with 12,856 classes, 20,261 teachers, and 420,751 pupils. There are 64 schools attaining the national standard. The total pupil from pre-school to high school (including continuing education) is 146.332, of which the pupil of ethnic minorities is 41,275, accounting for 31%. The network of vocational training has been established and thriving. Currently, there are 19 schools and vocational training centers (12 public and 7 non-public).

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Elementary school 99 103 112 130 132 Secondary school 59 58 63 75 79

14 http://www.baodaknong.org.vn/tin-tuc/de-cuong-tuyen-truyen-ky-niem-10-nam-thanh-lap-tinh-dak-nong-01-01-

2004-01-01-2014-26119.html and http://www.daknongdpi.gov.vn/Article.aspx?TabID=3&ArticleID=10 15 Education and Helath Care: Investment Guidebook, Investment Trade and Tourism Promotion Center, September 2011

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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 High school 8 12 15 22 20 Vocational school 1 1 1 1 1

4.2 Health Care (Please see Annex 2: Health data 2005 – 2011, page 19) There are health stations in 100% of communes, wards, and townlets so far; 85% of the mentioned adminstrative units have attained the national standard on health care. The provincial Polyclinic has been built and put into effective operation. In the end of 2012, Dak Nong has achieved the target of 82 medical units, 1,144 beds, and 5.7 doctors per 10,000 inhabitants. The rates of under-5 children being vaccinated and malnourished are respectively 96.7% and 24.8%. The birth rate has been reduced 1o/oo yearly and the natural population growth is 1.44% a year.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Public hospital 6 8 8 8 8 Health station at communes, wards 52 64 71 71 71 Doctor per 10,000 inhabitants 3.96 4.38 4.52 4.15 4.31 Health station staffed by doctor (%) 28.87 39.44 35.25 33.80 42.25

5 Infrastructure 16 5.1 Transportation + Roads The transportation network has only land routes. There is neither railroad nor air service. In recent years, the road system developed with certain national and provincial routes undergoing upgrade. There are 3,400 km of roads in the province with route density of 0.5 km/km2 and 9 km/10,000 people. The main routes from the provincial center to district centers were asphalted. Of the roads, 291 km were asphalted (8.5%), 184 km were built of asphalt-concrete and cement-concrete (5.4%), and 3,000 km were aggregated and unsurfaced (86%). * National Road (NR) Total length of 311 km, most of which (71%) has been asphalted but there are still 91 km of

aggregated road, comprising - NR no. 14: The section running through the province is 155 km long and is completely

asphalted, crossing Gia Nghia Town and Cu Jut, Dak Mil, Dak Song, Dak R’Lap districts, connecting Dak Nong with other provinces in the Central Highlands and the southern region.

- NR. No. 14C: The part running through the province is 98 km long, crossing districts of Dak Mil, Dak Song, Dak R’Lap (to Puk Prang Border Gate) and Tuy Duc.

- NR. No. 28: The part running through the province is 58 km long, connecting Dak Nong with Lam Dong and the central provinces. It has now been almost completely upgraded and asphalted; only a few sections are still unsurfaced and a few bridges have not yet been permanently built.

16 http://www.vietrade.gov.vn/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1235:overview-of-dak-nong-province-part-1&catid=295:dak-nong-province&Itemid=273

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* Provincial roads (PR) There are 6 PRs with totaling 318 km, of which 192 km is not asphalted (60%), comprising - PR no. 687: Kien Duc – Tuy Duc, 36 km in length. - PR no. 682: Duc Manh – Dak Song, 24 km in length. - PR no. 683: Dak Mil – Krong No, 40 km in length. - PR no. 684: Gia Nghia – Cu Jut, 111 km in length. - PR no. 685: Kien Duc – Cai Chanh, 45 km in length. - PR no. 686: Dak Buk So – Quang Son, 62 km in length. * District roads The total length is 497 km, comprising mainly earthfilled roads. In the 2006 - 2010 periods, the province asphalted about 171 km of roads, the percentage of asphalted roads in all communes increased by 65%. * Commune, hamlet and village roads There are round about 2,173 km, mainly earthfilled road. So far, there have been 100% of total communes with large roads leading to commune centers; however, only 17.6% of the roads have just been asphalted, these roads mainly run across towns and commune centers. The period of 2006 - 2010, the road system of commune, hamlet and village has been renovated 307 km of asphalted roads, the percentage of asphalted roads went up 21%. There are 30 villages, hamlets to be covered with asphalted roads; It raises the number of villages which have asphalt roads up 69/139, the rate of hamlets and villages is asphalted up 50%. + Railways There is no railway in Dak Nong Province. + Waterways N/A + Airways There is no airport in Dak Nong Province. 5.2 Electricity and Water 17 + Electricity Dak Nong depends mainly on the national power grid and has a rather fast-developed electricity network. The National Grid serves all districts by 4 transformer stations of 110KV and the network of transmission line of 86.5 km, 1.517 km of medium voltage 10 kV and 22 kV transmission line, 1,223 km of transmission line, 1,098 transformer stations for additional charge, with the total output capacity of 161,730,5 kVA. All communes have electricity, and 90% of the households access power. Some of the hydropower plants have been put into operation such as Dak Nong, Dak Ru, Quang Tin, Buon Tua Srah and Dray Hling. The others are under construction such as Dong Nai 3, Dong Nai 4, Dak R’Tih, and many small and medium hydropower plants.

17 http://www.vietrade.gov.vn/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1235:overview-of-dak-nong-province-part-1&catid=295:dak-nong-province&Itemid=273

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+ Water supply 18 The province has 186 small-scale irrigation projects with a total designed capacity for 18,332 ha of coffee plantations and other crops, but in reality only 44% of the need is met. As for the rice fields only 4,104 ha is irrigated. The remaining cultivated areas were irrigated by water from small streams and wells. Because of the limited irrigation capacity, expansion of wet rice cultivation is constrained, leading to unstable agricultural productivity. Much of the coffee plantation is not irrigated because farmers lack funding and depend mainly on rainfall. The rate of households using fresh water reaches 70% and 90% for those in in urban areas, towns and villages of ethnic minorities. 5.3 Communications There are 10 post offices, 43 communal post sites, and 105 multi-service post agents in Dak Nong, attaining the rate of 3,037 people/site. The average radius of a service site is 3.6 km. The telecom infrastructure has been extended from provincial center to districts, townlets, and communes. The total length of optical cable and copper cable networks is respectively 2,314 km and 319 km. The total number of fixed telephone subscriber is 82,131, with a telephone density of 18.7/100 inhabitants. The mobile phone service is provided by 6 enterprises, comprising VinaPhone, MobiFone, Viettel, Sfone, EVN Telecom, and Vietnamobile. The total number of Base Station Subsystem (BTS) is 592. Until 2010, 100% of communes have fixed telephone. The optical cable has reached 80% of communes and 100% of communnal centers. In addition to 3B telecom, other services of Internet access by 3G mobile network, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), and Internet protocol TV (IPTV) have been operated. 6 Economy 19 Please see Annex 3: Some main economic indicators of Whole country and Dak Nong Province, 2007-2011, page 20. The economic growth is high compared with that of other provinces in the Central Highlands. In 2000 - 2003, the economic growth was just 7,3%/year but increased to over 15.19% in 2006-2010, of which the the agriculture – forestry – fishery sector was 8% (planned 6%), the industry – construction sector 39% (planned 45%), and the service sector 18% (planned 17%). In 2011-2013, the growth rate was 12.45% despite of many impacts from national and international economic regression. The average per-capita income of 3.83 million in 2003 has increased to 29.87 million in 2013, an increase of 7.8 times. The state buget revenue has increased rapidly, attaining an estimated 1,500 billion in 2013, an inccrease of 5.3 times as of 2003. The economic structure continued to improve; the proportion of industry, construction and services increased while agriculture and forestry decreased. The proportion of agriculture and forestry decreased from 71.8% in 2003 to 55.32% in 2013, that of industry and construction increased from 9.2% in 2003 to 22.04% in 2013, that of service sector increased from 19% in 2003 to 22.64% in 2013.

18 http://eng.daknong.gov.vn/Introdution/Pages/Infrastructure.aspx 19 http://www.baodaknong.org.vn/tin-tuc/de-cuong-tuyen-truyen-ky-niem-10-nam-thanh-lap-tinh-dak-nong-01-01-2004-01-01-2014-26119.html

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6.1 Economic results implemented in 2010 and 2011 20

Indicators Implemented in 2010 2011 Jan-Sep 2012

- Gross Domestic Product (billion VND) (at current price 2012) 8,639.037 - Gross Domestic Product (billion VND) (at constant price 1994) 4,198.778 2,829 - Gross Domestic Product growth (%) 15.11 Est. 12.13 13.84 - Increased output value of agriculture – forestry – fishery (%) 5.9 6.4 - Increased output value of industry and construction (%) 32.5 19.4 - Increased output value of service (%) 17 16.4 - Average per-capita GDP (US$) 719 - GDP structure (at current price) + Sector I : Agriculture – Forestry – Aquaculture (%) 54.02 50.21 + Sector II: Construction and industry (%) 25.05 26.66 + Sector III: Service (%) 20.93 23.13 - Total export value (mil. US$) 260 370 402 - Total import value (mil. US$) 16 20 - Total revenue in area (billion VND) 700 965 934.38 - Total budget expenditure in area (billion VND) 2,488 3,478 2,975.5 - Tourism activities

Tourism turnover (estimated, billion VND) Total visitor (thousand visitor arrival), of which 118,947 International visitor (estimated, thousand visitor arrival) 4,760 Domestic visitor (thousand visitor arrival)

- Investment activities Newly registered enterprise 170 143 Newly regsitered capital (billion VND) 739 465

- Vocationally trained people (men) 6,560 9,480 - Job creation (men) 16,500 17,000 12,890 - Population growth rate (o/oo) 17 - Poor household rate (o/o) 29.25 26.25 - Rate of under-5 malnourished children (%) 27.8 - Households accessing fresh water (%) 70

6.2 Agriculture – Aquaculture - Forestry 21 Please see Annex 4: Data of Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, 1995, 2000-2011, page 22 The agro-forestry production value was always high, with an average growth for five years from 2006-2010 was 7.5%. The added value increased 8%. The farming industry incrementally changed into market-responsive commodity production, accounting for most of the total value of agriculture production (69% in 2010). The Total cultivated area in 2010 was 255,000 ha, a 9% increase over that of 2005; food output in 2010 was 317,000 tons, increasing by 1.3 times over that of 2005.

20 Socio-Economic Reports of Dak Nong Province, 2010, 2011, 9 months of 2012 and Investment Guidebook, Investment Trade and Tourism Center, Dak Nong Province, September 2011 21 http://www.daklakdpi.gov.vn/Doc-tin/tabid/162/flag/2/topic/OL6616T5010165615H/language/vi-VN/Default.aspx and Investment Guidebook, Investment Trade and Tourism Promotion Center, Dak Nong Province September 2011

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Rubber Coffee Pepper Area (ha) Output (ton) Area (ha) Output (ton) Area (ha) Output (ton) 2010 20,900 6,200 78,000 140,000 7,100 12,600 2012 115,270 204,857 8,924 14,563

Along with expansion of the production area, the qualitative level of production was also upgraded. Many new science and technological achievements and production technology were applied, helping to increase productivity and product quality. The annual average output productivity of rice increased from 4 tons/ha in 2005 to 5 tons/ha in 2010, and that of corn increased from 5.6 tons/ha in 2005 to 6.2 tons/ha in 2010. This would help increase the average annual food productivity per capita to 550 kg. The agricultural output value in 2012 reached over 18.2 thousand billion, 9.3 times higher than that of 2003. The food output in 2012 was 366,430 tons, increasing 2.8 times as 2003. The value gained from 1 ha of cultivation land has increased from 15.93 million VND in 2005 to 55.72 million VND in 2012. The focus regarding forestry continued to be growing. Protecting forests have been changing gradually from the state-run to multi-component management with 31,200 ha of protected forest being transferred a year. In the past 5 years, 12,000 ha of forest were newly grown, helping to supply part of the raw material needed by local wood-processing factories. 6.3 Export and import 22 The export turnover has increased significantly from under 3 million US$ in 2003 to over 540 million US$ in 2013. In 2012, the provincial export turnover reached 540 million US$, increasing 35.4% as of 2011. The import turnover in 2012 was 24.5 million US$, increasing 11.3% as of 2011. Main export products are coffee (239.8 million US$, increasing 41.6%), cashew nut (127.3 million US$, increasing 19.2%), pepper (140 million US$, increasing 63.1%, tapioca (3.9 million US$, increasing 8.5 times) as of 2011. The provincal agriculture products were exported to over 20 countries, including choosy markets of USA, China, India, Singapore.

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1 Turnover of direct export Mil. US$ 132.05 153.20 176.18 195.17 250.15 - Ligh industry goods & crafts Mil. US$ 0.89 - 10.17 17.19 - Agricultural products Mil. US$ 132.05 152.31 175.58 184.54 214.88 - Other Mil. US$ 0.60 0.46 18.08 2 Key export products - Coffee Ton 66,342 57,865 39,580 42,602 56,229 - Cashew Ton 9,525 9,768 10,740 9,012 14,672 - Pepper Ton 10,327 5,274 5,826 14,748 16,936 - Tea Ton 53 47 45 32 30 - Tapioca Ton 2,630 2,370 4,235 2,112 - Dried pineapple Ton 2,072 1,982 2,147 100 - Turmeric flour Ton 30 - Dried peanut Ton 848 1,011 1,091 3 Import turnover Mil. US$ 7.05 39.89 6.14 13.12 14.65 + By goods group - Production materials 7.06 39.75 6.14 13.10 14.65 - Machinery, equipment, tools 0.23 0.34 0.32 10.68 0.01 - Materials and fuel 6.83 39.41 5.82 2.42 14.64

22 http://www.baodaknong.org.vn/tin-tuc/de-cuong-tuyen-truyen-ky-niem-10-nam-thanh-lap-tinh-dak-nong-01-01-2004-01-01-2014-26119.html and

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Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 - Other 0.15 0.02 4 Key import products - Cashew Ton 6,827 58,582 6,521 310 - Pepper Ton 287 864 348 3,971 - Sack Ton 286,000 428,000 - Machinery, equipment Ton 342 262 7 1

6.4 Tourism N/A 6.5 Industry 23 The average industrial output value of the period 2006–2010 increased over 40% yearly. The average added value brought by industry increased 39% yearly (the goal was 45%). The industrial output vallue in 2012 was 3,922 million VND, increasing for 10 times as of 2003. There are 1,789 industrial and small industry unit operating in the province. The processing industry improves in diversifying and refining products, contributing to the increasing of industrial production value. From the little-value-added products such as coffee, cashew nut, and sawn timber in 2002, today there are plenty of refined products, such as industrial alcohol, wood products, and both ground and instant coffee. The processing industry accounts for over 90% of the province’s total export revenue. The hydropower industry is strongly developed, with 16 projects operational, generating a total power of 1,403 MW a year. The mineral exploitation industry has made active start. Nhan Co Alumina Plant has been built for operation in 2014. Simultaneously, an aluminium electrolysing plant starts its construction in Nhan Co and projects to exploit antimon and wolfram are implemented in Dak Drong Commune, Ku Jut District.

Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1 Industrial output value

(at current price) Mil. VND 1,027,600 1,397,536 1,746,48 2,196,4846 3,076,747

- State sector Mil. VND 171,500 214,306 283,857 377,761 506,815 - Private sector Mil. VND 716,500 993,871 1,224,076 1,535,509 2,218,317 - FDI Mil. VND 139,600 189,359 238,553 283,214 351,615 2 Structure of Industrial

output value %

- State sector % 16.69 15.33 16.25 17.20 16.50 - Private sector % 69.72 71.12 70.09 69.91 72.10 - FDI % 13.59 13.55 13.66 12.89 11.4 3 Output value of industry

(at current price) Mil. VND

- Industrial exploitation Mil. VND 13,500 22,000 30,000 40,997 49,011 - Industrial processing Mil. VND 950,200 1,299,093 1,620,893 2,036,586 2,820,926 - Production & distribution

of electricity, water Mil. VND 63,900 76,443 95,593 95,593 206,810

4 Output value of construction sector

Mil. VND 578,900 763,000 948,000 2,059,891 2,535,073

23 http://www.baodaknong.org.vn/tin-tuc/de-cuong-tuyen-truyen-ky-niem-10-nam-thanh-lap-tinh-dak-nong-01-01-2004-01-01-2014-26119.html and Investment Guidebook, Investment Trade and Tourism Promotion Center, Dak Nong Province September 2011

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Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 - State Mil. VND 16,900 22,300 26,000 62,500 71,432 - Private Mil. VND 562,000 741,000 922,000 1,994,391 2,463,641

6.6 Investment 24 Currently there are 1,875 enterprises and 488 units belonging to the State, with a total registered capital of nearly 13,000 billion VND. Majority of State-run enterprises have been transformend into joint-stock companies, one-member limited liability companies and initially conducted profitable business. The collective economic sector has developped rapidly. So far, there are 550 artels (cooperative units) and 131 cooperatives on many sectors. Dak Nong Province has attracted 250 investment projects from 2004 until 2012 with a total registered capital of over 30,903 billion VND, of which 78 projects have been operated with a capital of 1,042 billion VND and 35 projects are under construction.

Agriculture Indusry & Construction

Trade, service, tourism, and socialization

Others Total

Project 98 95 14 43 250 Capital (bil. VND) 2,000 14,400 1,768 12,735 30,903

+ Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Dak Nong has attracted 7 projects/enterprises having FDI funds with a total registered capital of 27.8 million US$ by the end of 2008, of which 17.1 million US$ has been disbursed. + Thai investment in Dak Nong N/A 6.7 Border Economy Dak Peur Border Gate (Dak Mil District) and Bu Prang Border Gate (Tuy Duc District) Vietnam and Kampuchea have established pairs of border gates, i.e. Dak Peur (Dak Nong Province) – Busara (Mondukiri Province) and Bu Prang (Dak Nong Province) – Busara (Mondulkiri Province). Many infrastructure investments and civil works have been built here since 2010. 7 Industrial Parks (IP) and Industrial Clusters (IC) in Dak Nong 25 Please see Annex 5: Industrial parks and Industrial Clusters in Dak Nong Province, page 25 Dak Nong has invested nearly 1.000 billion VND to build the infrastructure of two industrial zones: Tam Thang and Nhan Co. Besides, the province has also deployed the infrastructure investment of ICs Dak Ha (Dak Glong District), Dak Song, Krong No, Quang Tam (Duc Thuan District), Thuan An (Dak Mil District) and IC in Gia Nghia Town. By the end of 2010, the IPs have attracted 189 projects capitalised at 1.7 billion US$. The implemented capital was about 680 million US$, accounting for 40% of the total registred capital. Yearly, these IPs create jobs for about 5.000 - 10.000 employees. As the province's orientation, IPs and ICs must

24 http://www.baodaknong.org.vn/tin-tuc/de-cuong-tuyen-truyen-ky-niem-10-nam-thanh-lap-tinh-dak-nong-01-01-2004-01-01-2014-26119.html and http://www.techmartskhcn.daknong.gov.vn/overview/gi%E1%BB%9Bi-thi%E1%BB%87u-%C4%91%E1%BA%AFk-n%C3%B4ng.html 25 Investment Guidebook, Investment Trade and Tourism Promotion Center, Dak Nong Province, September 2011

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be closely associated with production, process and consumption of forestry products; focus on developing industry and occupational handicraft in rural areas associated with the provincial potentials and strengths. 8 Date: 29 November 2013 Updated: 24 April 2014 Prepared by: Mai Viet Hung The report is prepared mainly on the basis of publicly available information, analysis, and comments retrieved from the internet and available provincial documents. All sources and data stated in this report are for information purposes only. Users of this report should note that in the event of any inconsistency of data and facts between the English translations and the original Vietnamese text the latter shall prevail.

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Annex 1: Population of Dak Nong Province, 1995, 2000-2011 Source: General Statistics Office http://gso.gov.vn/default.aspx?tabid=714 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

(*) Population .. .. 423,600 440,900 457,300 474,400 491,000 505,200 516,300 Male .. .. 217,300 218,700 226,800 237,200 255,200 264,800 272,900 Female .. .. 206,300 222,200 230,500 237,200 235,800 240,400 243,400 Urban .. .. 61,800 63,000 69,400 71,100 72,400 75,500 78,300 Rural .. .. 361,800 377,900 387,900 403,300 418,600 429,700 438,000 Total Fertility Rate (TFR): no. of children per woman

3.38 3.05 2.87 2.72 2.68 2.57

Crude birth rate (o/oo) 26.4 24.1 22.2 22.8 20.7 19.6 Crude death rate (o/oo)   5.9 5.9 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.1 Natural increase rate (o/oo)   20.5 18.2 16.6 17.3 15.2 14.4 Death rate of newborn under 1 (o/oo)

  34.0 30.0 27.0 26.8 26.6 26.1

Population increase rate (%)

  4.99 3.73 3.72 3.51 2.89 2.19

In immigration rate (o/oo)   11.4 9.4 8.9 18.9 7.3 5.7 Out immigration rate (o/oo)   1.5 4.5 3.0 5.7 3.2 10.7 Net immigration rate (o/oo)   9.9 4.9 5.9 13.2 4.1 -5.0 Labor over 15 years old (1,000)

  235,1 246,8 249,9 283,3 293,4 306,6

Labor over 15 years old working in the State sector (1,000)

  11,8 14,7 14,5 14,8 15,1

Labor over 15 years / total population (%)

  53.0 52.7 51.6 57.0 57.1 59.1

Labor over 15 years old being trained (%)

  8.0 7.7 6.2 7.2

Note (*): Preliminary data

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Annex 2: Health data 2005 – 2011 Source: General Statistics Office of Vietnam http://gso.gov.vn/default.aspx?tabid=714

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 Health care unit Total 59 64 71 78 78 78 79 1.1 Hospital 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 1.2 Regional polyclinic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3 Convalescent and Functional

Rehabilitation Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1.4 Health stations at communes. Wards, agencies, enterprises

52 57 64 71 70 70 71

2 Hospital bed Total 2.1 Hospital 648 648 709 871 919 1,464 1,029 2.2 Regional polyclinic 480 480 472 585 636 1,214 782 2.3 Convalescent and Functional

Rehabilitation Hospital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2.4 Health stations at communes. wards, agencies, enterprises

168 168 237 286 283 250 247

3 Medical staff 3.1 Doctor 162 192 186 181 203 227 258 3.2 Assistant doctor 120 176 284 262 297 331 242 3.3 Nurse 384 292 280 229 268 322 519 3.4 Midwife 88 97 109 113 176 146 191 4 Pharmacist 4.1 Pharmacist of university

graduate 10 8 4 8 4 5 9

4.2 Pharmacist of high school level

24 22 36 43 97 118 151

4.3 Druggist 5 9 11 12 7 7 3 5 HIV Patient in 2011 5.1 Newly acquired cases 40 5.2 AID patients detected 30 5.3 HIV patient living until

31/12/2011 (accumulated) 319

5.4 AID patients living until 31/12/2011 (accumulated)


5.5 HIV death cases 8

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Annex 3: Some main economic indicators of Whole country and Dak Nong Province, 2007-2011 Source: General Statistics Office

Indicators 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 Average population - Thous pers Whole country 84,221.11 85,122.27 86,024.98 86,932.52 87,840.04 Dak Nong Province 441.46 460.14 492.03 505.22 516.26 2 Natural growth rate - %o Whole country 11.60 11.74 10.80 10.30 Dak Nong Province 18.15 16.58 16.86 15.70 14.47 3 General poverty rate - % (*) Whole country 14.80 13.40 - - Dak Nong Province 15.70 16.58 17.35 - 25.90 4 Budget revenue - bil. VND Whole country 315,915 416,783 442,340 - Dak Nong Province 348.58 471.26 624.81 735.30 965.00 5 Budget expenditure - bil. VND Whole country 399,402 494,600 584,695 - Dak Nong Province 2,369.41 2,884.53 2,345.46 3,241.40 3,478.00 6 Investment at current prices - bil. VND Whole country 532093 616735 708,826 830,278 877,900 Dak Nong Province 2,377.61 2,581.29 3,062.95 3,749.20 5,425.80 7 Gross Domestic Product (GDP - at current price) Whole country (bil. VND) 1,143,715 1,485,038 1,658,389 1,980,914 2,535,008 Dak Nong Province - bil. VND 4,268.25 5,948.49 6,688.34 8,428.60 10,100.60 8 GDP (at constant 94 price) - bil. VND Whole country 461,344 490,458 516,566 551,609 584,073 Dak Nong Province 2,763.16 3,183.90 3,647.48 4,039.60 4,529.60 9 GDP person capita (at current price) - Thous dongs Whole country 13,579.91 17,445.94 19,277.99 22,785.80 28,858.37 Dak Nong Province 9,668.55 12,927.68 13,593.38 16,683.03 19,564.95 10 GDP Structure Dak Nong Province - % 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Agriculture, forestry and fishing - (%) 55.83 60.78 55.35 55.37 49.95 Industry - construction - (%) 21.61 19.99 23.34 23.17 27.04 Service - (%) 22.56 19.23 21.31 21.46 23.01 11 Production of cereals - Ton Whole country 40,247,400 43,305,400 43,329,800 44,595,700 46,972,000 Dak Nong Province 226,589.00 271,001.00 297,947.00 310,364.00 320,759.00 12 Production of cassava - Ton Whole country 8,192,800 9,309,900 8,556,900 8,521,600 9,875,200 Dak Nong Province 454,560 450,868 305,659 280,554 326,180 13 Production of seed coffee - Ton Whole country 915,800 1,055,800 1,057,500 1,112,200 1,167,900 Dak Nong Province 117,017 136,484 137,341 156,685 179,248 14 Production of dry latex rubber - Ton Whole country 605800 660000 711,300 751,700 811,600 Dak Nong Province 3,663 4319 5,316 8,497 10,410 15 Livestosk Whole country - Thous Heads Buffaloes 2,996.40 2,897.70 2,886.60 2,877.00 2,712.00 Cattles 6,724.70 6,337.70 6,103.30 5,808.30 5,436.60 Pig 26,560.70 26,701.60 27,627.70 27,373.10 27,056.00 Dak Nong Province - Thous Heads

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Indicators 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Buffaloes 7.23 7.45 7.47 7.70 7.80 Cattles 23.53 25.58 24.31 23.03 23.00 Pig 117.66 127.41 131.43 132.44 149.60 16 Output value of Industry (at constant 1994 prices) - bil. VND Whole country 568,140.60 647,244.30 696,647.70 794,202.00 - Dak Nong Province 770.30 970.55 1,235.22 1,712.40 2,150.10 17 Retail sales value of goods and services at current prices - bil. VND Whole country 746,159.40 1,007,213.50 1,214,532.10 1,561,613 2,004,360 Dak Nong Province 2,301.00 3,046.26 4,184.59 5,213.20 6,663.80 18 Consumer price index with Dec. of previous year (Dec. of previous year =100) - % Whole country 112.63 119.89 106.52 111.75 118.13 Dak Nong Province 110.98 129.63 104.65 109.14 117.54 19 Exports of goods - Thous US$ Whole country 48,561,400 62,685,100 57,096,300 71,629,000 96,257,000 Dak Nong Province 153,200 176,180 195,170 250,150 399,190 20 Imports of goods - Thous US$ Whole country 62,764,700 80,713,800 69,948,800 84,004,000 105,774,000 Dak Nong Province 39,894 6,140 13,120 14,650 5,590 (*) The general poverty rate is based on new criteria in 2010

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Annex 4: Data of Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, 1995, 2000-2011 Source: General Statistics Office http://gso.gov.vn/default.aspx?tabid=717

Item 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 (*) 1 No. of farm ,, 3,774 4,592 4,591 4,664 3,514 3,501 985 2 Production value of

agriculture (bil. VND) (at constant price 1994)

.. .. 1,878.0 2,039.5 2,118.0 2,380.7 2,423.7 2,465.0 2,786.9

3 Area of cereals (ha) .. .. 39,400 39,600 42,400 45,400 50,300 51,100 54,100 3.1 Output of cereals

(1,000 ton) ,, ,, 195,6 212,5 226,5 257,1 297,9 309,6 320,8

4 Food output per capita (kg)

.. .. 461.8 482.0 495.3 541.9 606.7 612.8 621.3

5 Paddy planted area .. .. 13,300 12,100 11,400 11,400 11,800 11,100 12,300 5.1 Paddy yield

(quintal/ ha) .. .. 38.9 43.1 43.6 45.3 51.9 55.7 52.8

5.2 Paddy output (1,000 tons)

.. .. 51.8 52.1 49.7 52.1 61.2 61.8 64.9

6 Paddy planted area (1,000 ha). Spring Crop

.. .. 3,2 3,5 3,6 3,9 4,2 4,1 4,5

6.1 Paddy yield (quintal/ ha) Spring crop

.. .. 45.6 53.1 55.6 56.4 59 59 55.3

6.2 Paddy output (1,000 ton. Spring Crop

.. .. 14,6 18,6 20,0 22,0 24,8 24,2 24,9

7 Paddy planted area (1,000 ha). Autumn crop

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

7.1 Paddy yield (quintal/ ha) Autumn crop

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

7.2 Paddy output (1,000 tons) Autumn crop

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

8 Paddy planted area (1,000 ha) Winter crop .. .. 10.1 8.6 7.8 7.6 7.6 7 7.8

8.1 Paddy yield (quintal/ ha) Winter crop .. .. 36.8 39 38.1 39.6 47.9 53.7 51.3

8.2 Paddy output (1.000 tons) Winter Crop

.. .. 37,2 33,5 29,7 30,1 36,4 37,6 40,0

9 Corn area (1,000 ha) .. .. 26,1 27,5 31,0 33,9 38,5 40,0 41,8 9.1 Corn yield

(quintal/ha) .. .. 55.1 58.3 57 60.5 61.5 62 61.2

9.2 Corn output (1,000 tons)

.. .. 143.8 160.4 176.8 205 236.7 247.8 255.8

10 Sweet potato area (1,000 ha)

.. .. 2,4 4,5 4,1 4,8 6,0 6,6 7,1

10.1 Sweet potato yield (1,000 tons)

.. 19 50.3 45.7 56.7 71.7 76.9 80.8

11 Manioc area (1,000 ha)

.. .. 15,4 23,7 20,9 21,5 16,5 14,7 17,7

11.1 Manioc output (1,000 tons)

.. .. 381,0 526,4 454,6 440,8 305,7 280,6 326,2

12 Sugarcane area (1,000 ha)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

12.1 Sugarcane output .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

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Item 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 (*) (1,000 tons)

13 Peanut area (1,000 ha)

.. .. 8,2 7,7 8,7 8,3 7,6 7,8 7,7

13.1 Peanut output (1,000 tons)

.. .. 15,2 16,6 18,9 18,2 17,1 17,1 16,7

14 Soybean area (1,000 ha)

.. .. 15,1 13,7 14,9 15,0 15,9 15,5 11,1

14.1 Soybean output (1,000 tons)

.. .. 29,0 26,7 30,3 30,5 33,2 31,1 21,5

15 Buffalo .. .. 4,900 6,700 7,200 7,500 7,500 7,700 7,800 16 Cattle .. .. 15,500 23,600 23,500 25,600 24,300 23,000 23,000 17 Pig .. .. 124,900 97,600 117,700 127,400 131,400 134,600 149,600 18 Poultry

(1,000 heads) ,, 826 863 953 1,079 1,09 964 1,134

19 Forest status 19.1 Total forest area

(1,000 ha) .. .. .. .. .. 323,7 324,0 288,8 ..

19.2 Natural forest (1,000 ha)

.. .. .. .. .. 311,0 309,5 261,7 ..

19.3 Planted forest (1,000 ha). of which

.. .. .. .. .. 12,7 14,6 27,21 ..

19.4 Newly planted forest (1,000 ha)

.. .. .. .. .. 4,2 0 0,5 ..

19.5 Forest coverage rate (%)

.. .. .. .. .. 49.0 49.1 44.2 ..

20 Planted forest area (1.000 ha)

.. .. 1,7 2,2 1,4 1,7 2,1 1,3 1,9

21 Forestry production value (bil. VND)

.. .. 37,30 45,60 47,80 50,60 49,40 50,60 42,90

22 Wood output (1.000 m3)

.. .. 25,40 20,10 22,00 20,60 30,00 33,80 36,80

23 Burnt forest area (1.000 ha)

.. .. 9,0 9,0 .. .. 9,2 6,0 35,3

24 Deforestation area (ha)

.. .. 337,0 312,0 7,0 438,8 93,0 142,0 273,5

25 Fishery area (1,000 ha)

.. .. 0,70 0,70 0,70 0,90 0,90 0,90 1,10

26 No. of fishing boat (boat)

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

27 Horse power (HP) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 Production value of

fishery (bil VND) .. .. 12.2 11.4 15.7 15.1 16.3 20.2 15.8

29 Fishery output (tons)

.. .. 1,558 1,468 2,158 1,962 2,118 2,608 27

30 Maritime Fish output (1,000 tons)

.. ..

31 Aquaculture output ( tons)

.. .. 989 1,053 1,561 1,566 1,639 2,181 1,594

32 Fish Farming output ( tons)

.. .. 948 999 1,216 1,485 1,570 258 1,585

33 Shrimp farming output (ton)

.. .. 7 5 29 5 10 12 9

Note: (*): Preliminary data

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Unit 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1 Agriculture output value

(at current price) Mil. US$ 4,339,954 5,553,174 7,663,981 7,693,511 9,686,564

- Farming Mil. US$ 4,057,654 5,187,485 6,992,556 6,098,266 8,883,869 - Breeding Mil. US$ 224,375 286,209 582,025 667,245 666,627 - Service Mil. US$ 57,565 79,840 90,400 118,000 136,068 2 Structure of agricultural

output value %

- Farming % 93.50 93.41 91.23 89.79 91.71 - Breeding % 5.17 5.15 7.59 8.67 6.88 - Service % 1.33 1.43 1.18 1.53 1.40 3 Structure of farming output

value by plant group (at current price)


- Food % 22.68 19.98 12.61 25.10 21.23 - Vegetable and bean % 4.12 3.27 3.12 5.01 5.42 - Annual industrial plant % 8.82 7.81 7.6 10.77 9.42 - Perennial industrial plant % 56.39 62.31 60.34 57.66 62.46 - Fruit % 1.14 1.23 1.04 1.46 1.29 4 Cultivation area Ha - Seed- and Starch-yielding

plant Ha 67,819 67,381 74,976 72,771 73,036

- Annual industrial plant Ha 24,462 25,099 24,888 25,532 25,044 - Perennial industrial plant Ha 111,190 115,870 122,155 124,031 128,657 - Fruit Ha 2,848 3,013 3,224 3,325 3,494 - Other Ha 12,463 13,881 13,047 13,249 15,643 5 Output of mail tree ? - Coffee Ton 108,600 117,017 136,484 137,341 138,521 - Rubber Ton 3,148 3,663 4,319 5,316 8,497 - Pepper Ton 11,541 11,182 12,196 12,219 11,777 - Cashew Ton 5,778 7,072 9,745 11,729 16,859 6 Forestry output (at current price)

Mil. VND 119,314 101,300 89,200 95,790 147,609

- Afforestation Mil. VND 71,304 36,915 31,813 22,282 49,704 - Wood & forestry exploitation Mil. VND 41,280 55,597 52,963 66,250 77,313 - Other Mil. VND 6,730 8,752 4,424 7,438 20,592 7 Structure of forestry output (at current price)


- Afforestation % 59.76 36.48 35.56 23.26 33.55 - Wood & forestry exploitation % 34.60 54.88 59.38 69.16 42.92 - Other % 5.04 8.64 8.64 4.96 23.53 8 Forest area by type Ha - Natural forest Ha 356,696 351,603 351,603 281,940 281,658 - Planted forest Ha 9,850 12,996 16,121 11,942 13,326

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Annex 5: Industrial Parks and Industrial Clusters in Dak Nong Province

No. Industrial Park Location Infrastructure and Investment sector

Industrial Parks (IP) 1 Tam Thang IP

- Area 181 ha For factory building 125 ha Admin office 0.2 ha Industrial service work 5 ha Green zone 21 ha

- Road 28 ha - Occupancy rate 77.2 % - Investment capital 191 bil. VND - Operating projects 20 - Projects under construction 7 - Projects under registration 11 - Total registered capital 2,232.9 bil. VND - Operating capital 511 bil VND

Tam Thanh Commune, Cu Jut District, along NR no. 14

Distance from - Gia Nghia Town 105 km - Buon Ma Thuot City 14 km

Complete infrastructure - Power: One transformer station at IP, 2 x 25 MVA, 110 KV - Environment: favorable conditions for

treatment of industrial waste and sewage to meet environment and sanitation standards

2 Nhan Co IP - Area 95 ha - Investment capital

Projected 262 bil. VND Nhan Co IP mainly serves the bauxite mining industry and refines alumina. Currently, the province is investing the project of Nhan Co Alumin production plant with a capacity of 650,000 tons per year, the total investment is over 12,000 bil. VND.

Dak R’lap District, about 400 m from NR no. 14 Distance from - Gia Nghia Town 7 km - Ho Chi Minh City 235 km

- Power: To install one transformer station at IP, 2 x 16 MVA, 110 KV

- Environment: Favorable conditions for treatment of industrial waste and sewage to meet environment and sanitation standards

3 Dak Ha Industrial Complex - Area 29 ha - Investment capital

Projected 63 bil. VND

Dak Ha Commune, Dak G’long District, along NR no. 14 Distance from - Gia Nghia Town 9 km

- Power: from the 22 KV transmission line

- Water: from waterheads in the south of IC and water reservoir - Environment: favorable conditions for

treatment of industrial waste and sewage to meet environment and sanitation standards

Industrial Clusters (IC) 1 Dak Ro Commune IC

- Area 20 ha - Investment capital

Projected 34 bil. VND

Krong No District

2 Dak Mil Townlet IC - Area 50 ha - Investment capital

Projected 85 bil. VND

Dak Mil District

3 Truong Xuan Commune IC - Area 50 ha - Investment capital

Projected 85 bil. VND

Dak Song District

4 Quang Khe Commune IC - Area 20 ha - Investment capital

Projected 35 bil. VND

Dak G’long District

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No. Industrial Park Location Infrastructure and Investment sector

5 Quang Tin Commune IC - Area 30 ha - Investment capital

Projected 34 bil. VND

Dak R’lap District

6 Quang Tam IC - Area ha - Investment capital

Tuy Duc District

7 Thuan An IC - Area ha - Investment capital

Dak Mil District

8 Gia Nghia Town IC - Area ha - Investment capital

Dak R’lap District

9 Dak Song IC - Area ha - Investment capital

10 Krong Nô IC - Area ha - Investment capital

11 Thuan An IC - Area 30 ha - Investment capital

Projected 34 bil. VND

Dak Mil District
