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Distribution : daily 3700+ copies worldwide Page 1 1/18/2008

Number 019 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Saturday 19-01-2008 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.

The SWANLAND seen at the Westerscheldt River Photo : Henk de Winde ©

The SWANLAND is build in 1977 at the Bijlsma shipyard in Lemmer (The Netherlands)

under yard number 360 under the name CARABEKA IX, in 1983 the vessel was renamed in ELSBORG , followed in 1988 in ARTEMIS, and again in ELSBORG during

1994, in 1996 the 75 mtr long vessel was renamed SWANLAND


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The HUDSON REEF (ex Hudsongracht) seen in port of Santos, São Paulo (Brasil) Photo : Rogério Cordeiro ©

Hope fades for 11 missing seafarers Taiwanese coast guard officials have confirmed to Fairplay that a Panamanian-registered Chinese vessel, which they identified as the Ta Chi Lun, ran aground off the coast of Lugang, Changhua in the early hours of Monday and subsequently sank. One person is confirmed as dead and 11 are reportedly missing and will be presumably classified as dead if they not found by today. “We are still carrying out rescue operations,” a Coast Guard spokesperson said. Another 13 have been rescued out of a total of 25 originally on the ship. It is unclear what caused the vessel to run aground on an island prone to typhoons. The eastern coastal regions of the country are acutely susceptible to maritime disasters because of the lack of land to breaks an onrush of typhoons and cyclones. The Ta Chi Lun was reportedly heading for Taichung from Hong Kong, with its laden cargo of sand. Earlier this month, another Chinese vessel sank after it rammed a Singapore-registered vessel, the Kuo Fu, off the north-eastern Taiwanese coast. Source: Fairplay / Lloyds daily news Initial Report on Cosco Busan Incident

Prepared The Coast Guard issued a press release stating that the initial report on the COSCO BUSAN incident has been prepared and forwarded to Headquarters for review. The report, prepared by the Incident Specific Preparedness Review (ISPR) team, focuses on the first two weeks of the response to the November 7, 2007 allision of the freighter with a pier of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and the ensuing oil spill. Public release of the report is expected in approximately two weeks. source: HK Law

Thai Trawlers to Bangladesh In November 2007 the second of a two-vessel order was delivered from PSP Marine Co. Ltd. of Samut Sakohon Thailand to Marley Trade Fishing Ltd. of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The steel stern trawlers are 36 by 8.5 meters with a 3.5-


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meter molded depth. They have a gross tonnage of 292 tons and a 127-ton registered tonnage. The main engine on both the Longfin 1 and Longfin 2 is a Cummins KTA38 M1 generating 1000 HP at 1800 RPM. A pair of Cummins QSM11-powered 250 kW generators sets along with a Cummins-powered 25 kW gen set provides electrical power. On deck the trawl winch is powered by a 300 hp Hino diesel. Source : MarineLink

The MSC MADELEINE seen approaching Rotterdam-Europoort Photo : Chris Rombouts ©

The CARNIVAL IMAGINATION seen in the Old Bahama Channel, north of Cuba. Photo : Jan Berghuis ©

Barges arrive in Port Phillip Bay ABC reports that the first ship delivering equipment for the Port Phillip Bay dredging project has passed through the heads. Black Marlin, a semi-submersible heavy lift ship, is carrying barges for moving sediment dredged from the bay.


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Dredging is set to start next month, but the Port of Melbourne Corporation still has to win Federal Government approval for the project's environmental protection plan. The Premier, John Brumby has called on opponents of the plan to act responsibly. "I'd urge people, if they want to protest, to do that legally," he said. Source : Dredging News Online

The GEFION R seen in Cape Town – Photo : Glenn Kasner ©

Boat raised after Clyde tragedy The Flying Phantom emerged from about 30ft of water near Clydebank shortly after 1000 GMT on Thursday after a four-day operation. The boat capsized while towing a cargo vessel to Glasgow on 19 December. The bodies of Stephen Humphreys, 33, from Greenock; Eric Blackley, 57, from Gourock; and Robert Cameron, 65, from Houston, were recovered later. A fourth man, Brian Aitchison, 37, from Coldingham, was rescued from the water. The tug was being lifted from the water by a barge, GPS Atlas, which is operated by GPS Marine, from Belfast. An investigation is continuing into why the tug boat sank in freezing fog. Once it is raised, it will be taken to dry dock in Scotstoun, Glasgow where it will be examined by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch. The Flying Phantom is owned by the Danish firm Svitzer and was based at Greenock


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Napoli: A Year On The first phase of the removal of the stern section of the MSC Napoli has now ended. All the accommodation block has been cut away and the scrap has been removed for disposal. The bow section was towed to a yard in Northern Ireland last year. All the salvage vessels and plant equipment that were on site have now returned to Rotterdam. All that remains is the cut down stern section with a 30 degree list to starboard.

The owners' representatives and insurers are currently in discussions to decide the timetable and method for removing the final section in phase 2 which is expected to commence sometime in April. The duration of the final phase will not be known until the final method of removal has been determined. Hugh Shaw, the Secretary of

State's Representative for Maritime Salvage and Intervention said: "We have reached a milestone in the removal of the final piece of the wreck of the MSC Napoli.

"The original plan was for a 2 phase operation to remove the stern section. "Because the stern section is listing after a spell of bad weather, the plan for phase 2 may have to be revised, and this is the subject of further negotiations and discussions at the moment. From now until the start of Phase 2 a legally enforceable total exclusion zone (TEZ) of 500 metres will be in place."

Ice Prince update At the site of the wreck the UK tug 'Anglian Earl' is remaining on scene as a guardship. With 46.8 metres of estimated clearance over the wreck it is not seen to be a hazard to navigation but a full survey of the wreck site will be carried out today by the Irish Lights vessel 'Graunuaile'. The vessel arrived on scene this morning and will confirm the precise clearance. The Temporary Exclusion Zone of 1000 metres is still in force. Plans for the recovery of oil and cargo from the wreck are being developed by the owners, however the recovery may prove technically difficult. Currently no new timber has surfaced, but a sheen of oil is coming from the wreck and is currently dispersing within three miles. Weather on scene is Southwesterly force 8 gales. The weather is not expected to improve until Sunday. The Secretary Of State's Representative for Maritime Intervention and Salvage (SOSREP) continues liaison with the French 'PREFET MARITIME' and the Environment Group continue to monitor the situation. The Salvage Control Unit at Portland MRCC is being suspended until salvage operations on the wreck start. The Greek Maritime Authority will be responsible for the accident investigation. Currently the timber is reported to be grouped in rafts, spread over an area 10 miles in length. We are conducting regular aerial surveillance to track the timber. The bundles are breaking up into individual pieces, which represent less risk to small vessels. Coastguards continue to broadcast safety warnings to shipping. Small vessels are also being advised to avoid the area. Coastguards expect timber may start washing ashore over the next few days, and is likely to stretch along the south coast, eastwardly from Beachy Head. All reports of timber washed ashore will be coordinated by Solent Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC). The owners/insurers have appointed a company called DRS as contractors to


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arrange for recovery of timber washed ashore. SOSREP has requested provisions are made for at-sea recovery in estuaries and inshore waters. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency Receiver of Wreck has been in discussion with the Police and has authorised them to operate on her behalf. SOSREP is holding a meeting this afternoon with local authorities and police forces from Hampshire, Sussex and Kent and the Environment Groups in Sussex and Kent are now being briefed.

See for the movie of lowering Smit Salvage foreman John Bek onto the Ice Prince the link below :


Scroll down until the subject Ice Prince and click on it

New Flame Master pleads Guilty in Court The Master of the vessel M/V New Flame appeared in the Magistrate’s Court today where he pleaded guilty to charges of failing to notify the Gibraltar Port Authorities of the imminent departure of his vessel in August last year. After departing, the New Flame collided with a Danish petrol tanker Torm Gertrude in waters just off Europa Point. The vessel is currently being salvaged by company TITAN Salvage. Konstantinos Dimitriou born 03/03/64 was fined £500 for the incident, which could see the Gibraltar Government facing legal action from the Junta de Andalucia for environmental damage to Spanish beaches that they attribute to the stricken vessel.

Hoekse redders gealarmeerd voor medische evacuatie

Door : Ron Zegers – KNRM Hoek van Holland Donderdag 17 januari werd de bemanning van de KNRM reddingboot Jeanine Parqui om 14.50 uur gealarmeerd door het kustwacht centrum den Helder voor een medevac. Het zou gaan om een opvarende met een ernstige

hoofdwond. Om 15.00 uur verliet de Jeanine Parqui van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij de Berghaven. Het was tijdens de tocht wat mistig zodat het zicht beperkt bleef tot 1 mijl, de zeegang was buiten de pier wat knobbelig maar niet vervelend zodat de redders spoedig bij het containerschip Sealand Performance aankwam. De 30-jarige Amerikaanse patiënt bevond zich aan boord van het containerschip Sealand Performance welke voor anker lag in ankergebied 4, ongeveer 10 zeemijl buiten de Hoekse pieren. Rond 15.40 uur langszij het schip en de lopende patiënt werd

overgenomen door bak met loodsladder, waardoor de man snel en veilig aan boord kwam van de Jeanine Parqui.


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Aan boord van de KNRM reddingboot bleek dat de wond goed was ingepakt en wel “meeviel”. Na overleg met de reder is besloten om de patiënt per taxi naar de huisartsenpost in Rozenburg te brengen voor controle. Na aanmeren om 16.15 uur is de man per taxi naar de arts vervoerd.

KVNR: 'Nederlandse vloot raakt verder achterop'

'Verdere daling van het aantal schepen onder Nederlandse vlag maakt snelle beleidsverbeteringen door de Nederlandse overheid noodzakelijk'. Al sinds 2003 blijft de groei van de Nederlandse vloot fors achter bij die van de wereldvloot in het algemeen en bij die van andere Europese registers zoals Duitsland, het VK en België in het bijzonder. De laatste cijfers van de Inspectie V&W (januari 2008) laten een verdere daling zien van de vloot onder Nederlandse vlag.

Aart Korteland, voorzitter Koninklijke Vereniging Nederlandse Reders (KVNR), riep de Nederlandse overheid op om haar beleid snel op het niveau van andere Europese landen te brengen. 'Dit om de daling om te buigen in een herstel van de groei', aldus Korteland op de drukbezochte nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst van de KVNR in het Haagse Perscentrum Nieuwspoort. De beleidsbrief zeescheepvaart van het ministerie van V&W, die binnenkort verschijnt, biedt daarvoor volgens hem de uitgelezen kans.

De Nederlandse vloot liet vanaf 1996, het jaar van het vernieuwde Nederlandse

zeescheepvaartbeleid, een sterke groei zien. Sinds 2003 is echter sprake van een kentering. Onze vloot krimpt terwijl de wereldvloot juist groeit evenals de vloten van landen als België, het VK en Duitsland (2003 - 2007: VK + 53%, Duitsland + 84%, België + 570%, Nederland - 6%. ) . Een van de verklaringen voor deze teleurstellende ontwikkeling is het achterblijvende maritieme ondernemingsklimaat in Nederland. Andere Europese landen hebben het eens zo succesvolle zeescheepvaartbeleid van Nederland niet alleen overgenomen maar op cruciale onderdelen verder verbeterd. Zo is op fiscaal gebied onze oorspronkelijke koppositie inmiddels veranderd in een middenmootpositie, erkent ook het ministerie van V&W in de evaluatie van het maritieme fiscale beleid. Daarnaast hebben de grote problemen met de verstrekking van bemanningsdocumenten door de Inspectie V&W het ondernemingsklimaat aangetast. De afgelopen jaren is de economische groei van de zeevaartsector dan ook achtergebleven bij die van het gemiddelde voor de Nederlandse economie. Wil Nederland ook in de toekomst een krachtige zeevarende natie blijven dan is het zaak om nu te handelen. De Nederlandse reders hebben veel schepen in aanbouw. Beleidsverbeteringen kunnen de Nederlandse reders er toe zetten zo veel mogelijk van deze nieuwbouw onder Nederlandse vlag te brengen en vanuit Nederland te beheren. De KVNR dringt onder andere aan op het oplossen van de volgende knelpunten. Bij de uitvoering van de tonnageregeling scoort Nederland duidelijk slechter dan de ons omringende zeevaartnaties. Ook het herstel van de afdrachtvermindering zeevaart vergroot de concurrentiekracht van Nederlandse reders en maakt de Nederlandse vlag aantrekkelijker. Daarnaast dient de Inspectie V&W haar dienstverlening zo snel mogelijk verder te verbeteren tot het kwaliteitsniveau dat voorheen gebruikelijk was.


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De KVNR ontwikkelt zelf ook initiatieven om de Nederlandse zeescheepvaart te versterken. Samen met Nautilus NL, de vakbond voor werknemers in de maritieme sector, heeft de KVNR in september 2007 de Taskforce arbeidsmarkt zeevarenden (TAZ) in het leven geroepen. Recent heeft ook de Nederlandse Vereniging van Kapiteins Ter Koopvaardij (NVKK) zich aangesloten bij de Taskforce. Onder leiding van oud-minister Netelenbos worden acties opgesteld met als doelstelling de instroom van jongeren in het zeevaartonderwijs te vergroten. Zo heeft het KVNR-bestuur besloten studenten en stagiaires een baangarantie aan te bieden, vertelde Korteland. Ook wordt er geïnvesteerd om zeevarenden langer op de vloot te houden. De initiatieven van de sociale partners tezamen met de door de overheid te nemen beleidsmaatregelen kunnen een stevige impuls zijn voor de Nederlandse vloot en zeescheepvaartsector en daarmee de ontwikkeling van de gehele Nederlandse maritieme cluster. Bron : Vaart !

De Koninklijke Vereniging van Nederlandse Reders (KVNR) is de branche-organisatie van de zeescheepvaart. Met haar ruim 200 leden vertegenwoordigt ze meer dan 95 procent van de bedrijfstak. Daarnaast maken ongeveer 100 maritiem gerelateerde

bedrijven en organisaties deel uit van de KVNR. Zij vormen samen met de leden een belangrijk zeevaartnetwerk.

Eén van de belangrijkste aandachtspunten van de vereniging is het creëren en behouden van een gunstig ondernemingsklimaat voor Nederlandse

zeescheepvaartbedrijven. Ook internationaal is de organisatie actief om de Nederlandse zeescheepvaartbelangen te behartigen.

Meer informatie over de vereniging en de zeescheepvaart in het algemeen is te vinden op de websites www.kvnr.nl en www.zeebenengezocht.nl

Crew jailed for fuel theft The 17- strong crew off the offshore supply vessel Lewek Swan are in jail for terms ranging between 14 months and two years for the theft of160 tones of diesel fuel. The international crew pleaded guilty at magistrate’s court in Bandar Seri Bagawan, Brunei, to stealing about $128,000 worth of fuel. The Singapore-flagged vessel, owned by EMAS offshore, was on charter in Brunei Shell Petroleum. Ship masters Gavin France and Marvin Perry, who had each been in charged for one of the occasions when bunker fuel was illegally pumped to another vessel, were jailed for 15 months. The chief engineers inflated the fuel consumption figures to hide the theft. SOURCE: THE SEA

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The SVITZER SARAH seen operating in Southampton Port Photo : Adrian Scales ©

Grounded Vessel Re-floated, Shipping Channel Re-opened

The Savannah River was reopened with no restrictions after the Ever Radiant was safely re-floated and removed from the navigational channel. The 965-foot container ship ran aground in the Bloody Point Range while departing the Port of Savannah. The vessel was safely re-floated and moved farther offshore to an anchorage area at approximately 1:15 p.m. Two towing vessels were used to free the Ever Radiant from its grounding. The vessel has been ordered to remain at anchor until the problem causing the incident is identified and repaired. The Coast Guard has received information indicating three deep draft vessels were delayed as a result of this incident. The Coast Guard is investigating the cause of the incident. Source : MarineLink

The Philippine coast guard has put a ship and helicopter on standby to help if needed.

Rescuers were searching for 10 Filipino crewmen missing after a Taiwanese-owned cargo ship sank off the northern Philippines on Wednesday, coast guard officials said. The Panama-registered MV Ho Feng sank off the northern Batanes island group with 20 crew on board, said coast guard spokesman Lt. Armand Balilo. He said it was unclear what caused it to sink. "Six of the crewmen have been rescued by passing ships, four are still being rescued while 10 remain missing," he said. He said Taiwanese maritime authorities, who were closer to the area, dispatched a helicopter to search for the missing crew. The Philippine coast guard has put a ship and helicopter on standby to help if needed. Source : WTOP News


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Aframax tanker adrift off Sture Terminal Aframax tanker Black Sea, Singapore flag, 104,943 DWT, built 1999 came adrift with engine failure off the Sture Oil Terminal, close to Fedje yesterday. However, repairs were effected onboard while attended by three tugs and the vessel is now on her way again. The engine failure occurred half a nautical mile from where the Server hit the rocks and foundered a year ago. The salvage tugs Ajax and Baut got hawsers onboard the Black Sea and kept her away from the dangerous rocks. Black Sea is owned by Ardent Navigation in Monaco.

The SEACOR EXPRESS seen offshore Angola Photo : Jan Plug ©


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The 1995 built Polish Navy FAC 423 GROM one of the 3 Guided Missile Patrol crafts of the OKAN Class , freshy armed with a Swedish missiles RBS-15 Mk2.

This is a temporary solution, next year they will receive a new set Mk3 versions. After that, the Mk2 (possibly) will be moved to the coastal defence duties.

Photo : Tomasz Grotnik ©

TECHNICAL DETAILS GROM D: 331 tons (369 fl) S: 38.5 kts Dim: 48.90 (45.00 pp) × 8.65 × 2.20

A: 8 RBS-15 Mk 3 SSM; 1 76.2-mm 59-cal. AK-176 DP; 1 30-mm 54-cal. AK-630M gatling AA; 1 4-round FAM-14 SAM syst. (8 9K-32M Strela-2M missiles)

Photo : Thomasz Grotnik ©

Electronics: Radar: 1 SRN-443XTA nav.; 1 NUR-27XA surf. search; 1 MR-123 Vympel-AME (Bass Tilt) gun f.c.

EW: 1 10-round, 122-mm Jastrzab-2 decoy RL; 8 9-round, 81-mm Derkacz-2 decoy RL M: 3 M-520T diesels; 3 props; 16,183 bhp (14,685 sust.) Electric: 366 kw (1 × 183-kw, 2 × 128-kw diesel sets)

Range: 1,619/38; 1,600/18; 2,400/13 Endurance: 5 days Crew: 4 officers, 32 enlisted


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Legislator tells govt, explain the ASEAN charter

The government has been asked to explain to the public the impact the newly-signed ASEAN charter is like to have, before submitting the document for ratification, legislator Andreas Pareira said Thursday. Member of the House of Representatives' Commission I on defense, security and foreign affairs, Andreas said the majority of people was still in the dark about the charter, or did not understand its consequences. "So, the government must make the public aware of the charter first before asking us to ratify it," Andreas, who represents the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), told The Jakarta Post. "Unless we are assured the public supports the charter, we won't ratify it." He said the House should invite experts, representatives of think-tanks, non-governmental organizations and other groups to the House for feedback on the charter. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Charter was signed in Singapore in November and is a legally binding agreement that sees the group become a legal entity. The charter is aimed to affect the livelihood of half a billion Southeast Asians, but experts disagree on whether the document will be useful. Source : The Jakarta Post

Japan orders ships back to Indian Ocean: minister

Japan on Thursday ordered two naval ships to head back to the Indian Ocean after parliament forced through the resumption of a mission supporting the US-led “war on terror.” Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba “ordered the deployment of Japanese naval ships for the refuelling mission,” a defence ministry spokeswoman said. The ships, which provide fuel and other support to coalition forces operating in Afghanistan, are expected to arrive in the Indian Ocean in mid-February. The naval mission was suspended in November after the opposition won one house of parliament and vowed that officially pacifist Japan should not take part in “American wars.” With the opposition refusing to back legislation to restart the mission, the government took the rare step of using its overwhelming majority in the lower house to override the opposition-led upper house. Immediately after the vote on Friday last week, Ishiba ordered the ships—one providing fuel and the other escorting it—to make preparations for departure. Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda has argued that Japan needs to show that it is contributing to global security and that the mission would help ensure the safe supply of oil. Japan, the world’s second largest economy, has virtually no natural energy resources and imports almost all of its oil from the Middle East.


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Fukuda’s predecessor Shinzo Abe resigned in September in part because of his failure to extend the naval mission in the divided parliament. Source : Khaleej Times

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Chinese sub, Kitty Hawk in standoff A Chinese submarine tracked a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier for 28 hours in the Taiwan Strait in November, while the U.S. carrier launched an aircraft in response to prepare for any contingency, according to the Tuesday edition of Taiwan's China Times newspaper. According to the report, the Chinese Song-class submarine was operating southeast of Taiwan on Nov. 23 and shadowed the USS Kitty Hawk, which entered the strait while returning to Yokosuka after China canceled its long-scheduled port call in Hong Kong. The Kitty Hawk observed the Chinese submarine, and after a U.S. antisubmarine patrol aircraft confirmed the Chinese submarine was keeping pace with the U.S. carrier by reducing speed and stopping, the U.S. vessel launched an aircraft to watch for possible hostile behavior by the Chinese Navy. It was the first direct military confrontation between the two nations' naval forces in the Taiwan Strait since 1996, when the United States dispatched two aircraft carriers to the tense waters where China conducted a series of missile tests, the report said. A Taiwan military official told the daily the Chinese Navy was intensifying activities in waters east of Taiwan in an attempt to "make the Taiwan Strait a 'Chinese waterway.'"

India, Russia in spat over submarine India refused to take delivery of the Russian-refitted INS Sindhuvijay because it said the vessel's Club-S cruise-missile systems don't work the way they should. Delivery of the Project 877 EKM diesel submarine, which underwent a two-year refit at the Zvyozdochka shipyard in Severodvinsk, will now be delayed six months, RIA Novosti quoted a shipyard spokesman as saying Wednesday. "The submarine has passed all its sea trials and was ready in November 2007, but the delivery had to be delayed due to problems with the Club-S system," a Zvyozdochka spokesman said. The comments were reported by the news agency. The Indian navy said that in six consecutive test firings last year the missiles failed to hit their targets. The vessel will now remain at the shipyard until the middle of the year when the missile system will undergo further testing. The 3M-54E1 anti-ship missile and the 3M-14E land-attack missile, with a flight range of 170 miles, are part of the Club-S submarine cruise missile family. The missile can be launched from standard torpedo tubes from a depth of 130 feet, RIA Novosti said.


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Under a 2001 contract, India sent 10 Kilo-class submarines to Russia for refitting so they could fire Club-class cruise missiles. Source : United Press

Iranian Navy Receives Stealth-capable Submarine

Iran's Navy commissioned a domestically designed and produced light submarine featuring extended stealth capability and strong firepower, state television reported. The submarine, dubbed Ghadir, is reportedly fitted with noise-reduction features and is capable of firing missiles and torpedoes simultaneously. "This submarine is equipped with advanced weapons and electronics systems. It has been developed in the last decade by [Iranian] scientists and engineers," a TV program quoted Navy commander, Admiral Habib Sayyari, as saying.

The admiral also said the Navy commissioned a destroyer and a missile boat. According to various intelligence reports, Iran has been spending a considerable share of its defense budget on modernizing its naval forces over the last decade. "The Iranian Navy - surface ships, submarines and naval bases - is equipped with all the necessary modern weaponry, including missiles," Sayyari said. "Their [the missiles] range is sufficient to protect effectively our southern flank in the Persian Gulf." In a separate development, Iran, which received no invitation to the Mideast peace conference in Annapolis, announced on Tuesday that it had produced a ballistic missile with a range of 2,000 kilometers (1,240 miles). The missile's range would allow it to reach Israel, as well as United States military bases in the Middle East.

Invention to fix sub AN innovative invention will be used to check the damaged hull of a Barrow-designed submarine. There were fears the dent discovered in the former Upholder class submarine HMCS Victoria in Canada could have affected its deep diving ability as hulls should have perfect circularity. The Canadian press reported that the navy has finally removed the dent by removing a piece of steel and welding in a new piece. Experts will test the submarine’s hull next month to make sure the work was done properly. Victoria, based on Canada’ west coast, had been limited to 75 per cent of its maximum diving depth until the problem was fixed. John Porter, a mechanical engineer at Defence Research and Development at Canada’s dockyard lab in Halifax, said: “The diving depth of a submarine is very much dependent on the circularity; it’s like an egg. So if that egg is not perfectly spherical, then it can’t take as much pressure. “That repair has just been completed and we’re hoping to use our system, the sub mouse, to look at the circularity or the geometry of the shape of the pressure hull as a consequence of the dent that was induced and the repair work that was done to, basically, plug the hole.” Technicians will rub the device, which looks like a computer mouse, over the surface of the sub. The roller probe will use laser tracking and ultrasound to measure the circularity. Source : NW Evening Mail


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SVITZER OCEAN TOWAGE Jupiterstraat 33 Telephone : + 31 2555 627 11 2132 HC Hoofddorp Telefax : + 31 2355 718 96 The Netherlands E-mail: smitwijs.sales@svitzerwijsmuller.com

The Damen newbuilding SHANNON 1 seen during yard trials Photo : Hans Lingbeek ©

Aker Kvaerner Wins Contracts from Daewoo Norwegian engineering, construction and technology group Aker Kvaerner ASA has secured two drilling riser systems contracts from Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering. The contracts, worth $75m, cover complete deepwater marine drilling riser system with buoyancy package and associated equipment. The systems will be used for two drilling units under construction by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering. The drilling riser systems will be manufactured by Aker Kvaerner Subsea in Malaysia and delivered in 2010. Source : MarineLink

Thai Boats for Thai Waters Marsun Company Limited has built a strong reputation in the building of GRP, steel and aluminum military, patrol and pleasure vessels. In 2004 they built a successful crewboat. More recently they have won a significant contract to build


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six 36 by 7.6-meter crewboats for operation in the Gulf of Thailand. By mid-January fabrication of the first two vessels was well underway for a scheduled September 2008 delivery. The balance of the order will follow in sets of two every three months. Built to an evolved design from their own naval architects, the boats will have seating for 92 passengers and full accommodation for ten although the crew size will be eight. Main propulsion will be three Cummins KTA38 M2 each generating 1350 HP at 1950 RPM. The engines will turn propellers through Twin Disc MGX6690 gears with 2.47:1 ratios. Auxiliary power for each vessel will be two Cummins 6BT-powered 90 kW Stamford generators. Tankage will include 50 cubic meters of fuel and 20 cubic meters of potable water. The 90 square meter open aft deck will carry up to 100 tons of cargo. Design speeds for the B.V. classed vessels is 25 knots with 30 tons of cargo. The vessels will be owned by a Singapore/Thai joint venture firm Uniwise Offshore Ltd. and chartered to oil industry participants. Source : MarineLink

Shipyard constructing Platform Supply vessels The Cochin Shipyard Ltd has received orders worth over Rs 2,000 crore for constructing 21 platform supply vessels for European and American clients. The vessels would be ready in two to three years, Shipyard sources said. The yard is also constructing the prestigious Air Defence ship for the Indian Navy. CSL delivered another platform supply vessel to Deep Sea Supply, Norway on Wednesday. Fifth of a series of eight ships being built for this owner, this platform supply vessel is of the popular UT-755 L design for the offshore industry, the shipyard said. The vessel is designed for transport of deck cargo, pipes, liquid cargo, cement or barrite and unloading to rigs and production platform, pipe laying barges, it added. As the offshore industry moves into deeper waters, demand for such advanced vessels is expected to be higher. The ships have been designed by Rolls Royce ship technology group.


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A busy day at the EMO at Rotterdam-Maasvlakte with in front the bulker HYUNDAI CONTINENTAL followed by several other bulkers included the SHINING STAR

Photo : Chris Rombouts ©

Chinese company wins Ras Al-Zour contract MENA FN.COM reports that China's Harbor Contracting and Engineering Comapny has won a US$586.7 million contract to build port facilities at Saudi Arabia's Ras Al-Zour, according to officials at the company. The facilities will be finished in 2010, the officials said. The deal is the second big contract win in the Kingdom for the company in recent months. The Chinese group fought off competition from Belgium's Dredging International with the local Huta Group, and a joint venture of the Dutch Royal Boskalis Westminster with Geneva-registered Archirodon Construction. China Harbor has partnered with the local Rafid Group on the project to form China Harbor Engineering Arabia Company. MENA FN.COM said the Saudi Port Authority has issued a letter of intent to China Harbor for the engineering, procurement and construction contract, with the official signing ceremony expected yesterday. The port will serve nearby fertilizer and aluminum smelting complexes. Three berths will be built, to handle general, dry bulk and liquid cargo. The new terminal will be built based on designs made by the British engineering consultancy Halcrow. Source : Dredging News Online

CotaiJet set to resume operation Las Vegas Sands Corp. announced that the Macao Intermediate Court has removed an interim injunction that had suspended the company's entitlement to operate a ferry service between Hong Kong and Macao. The CotaiJet service had been operating for just over a week and was offering service between Hong Kong's Macao Ferry Terminal at Shun Tak Centre and Macao's newly opened Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal when it was suspended in mid-December.


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The plaintiff in the case had sued the Macao SAR Government seeking a review of the government's decision to grant LVS the right to operate a ferry service. That legal action suspended the effect of government's decision, which had the consequence of suspending LVS's ferry service until further determination of the merits of the claim. "As we expected, the court acted in an expeditious and prudent manner to consider the merits of the claim, and decided that the injunction should be removed. We are already in the process of returning CotaiJet service to operation," said Stephen Weaver, president of Asia, Las Vegas Sands Corp. Source : MarineLog

The Stellar Hope seen loading in Visakhapatnam, (India) Photo : Brian Harvey ©

Noble to sell North Sea drilling business Noble Corp. has reached an agreement with Seawell Holding UK to sell its North Sea platform drilling business for $35 million. The sale to Seawell includes labor contracts covering 11 platform operations in the UK sector of the North Sea. Not included in this sale is a labor and maintenance contract related to the Hibernia platform located off the east coast of Canada. Noble will continue to provide personnel for the drilling and maintenance operations in support of the project and its client ExxonMobil. "With the sale of our platform drilling business we have taken another important step in focusing the company more tightly on our core endeavors," says David W. Williams, chairman of the board, CEO, and president of Noble Corp

Stena Bulk brings three products tankers in house

Stena Bulk has purchased three 47,000 dwt MR (medium range) product tankers for a total of approx. SEK 1 billion (about $158 million) from Italian Gestioni Armatoriali Spa in Ravenna with delivery set for February, 2008.


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The three vessels, the Stena Conqueror, the Stena Conquest and the Stena Italica, which Stena has controlled via long-term charters ever since they were built, will continue to be operated from Stena Bulk's office in Houston. They will transport clean petroleum products for, among others, U.S. oil companies including Chevron. The three MR vessels are modern, well-designed product tankers of 47,000 dwt built at Uljanik, Croatia, in 2003-2004. They are Stena S-47 class ships characterized by a very shallow draft and a highly flexible cargo system. "The acquisition of the three Gestioni tankers is a strategic one intended to secure our business position in the U.S. and, at the same time, to ensure that they are not sold to a third party", says Ulf G. Ryder, President & CEO of Stena Bulk. The Stena Conqueror, the Stena Conquest and the Stena Italica, together with a further four identical vessels, form a group-- the so-called "Seven Sisters"--that Stena has controlled ever since they were built. "In order to be able to retain our market shares, our contract portfolio in certain geographical core areas must contain a specific number of vessels. At the same time, this is a prerequisite for us to be able to deliver a high level of service in our long-term customer relationships. With this acquisition we have now expanded our core fleet for several years ahead", says Kim Ullman, Executive Vice President & COO of Stena Bulk. Source : MarineLog

The GPS APOLLO and the MATADOR lifted the 400 ton newbuilding yacht into her element, the yacht was lifted out of the building hall during a precision operation

Photo : Hans de Jong © De brancheorganisaties VNSI (scheepsbouw- en reparatiewerven) en Holland Marine Equipment (maritieme toeleveringsindustrie) hebben hun activiteiten op het gebied van belangenbehartiging per 1 januari 2008 samengevoegd. De nieuwe organisatie heet Scheepsbouw

Nederland. De nieuwe combinatie is gevestigd bij FME te Zoetermeer. Door de fusie ontstaat een brancheorganisatie van ongeveer 400 leden met een gezamenlijke omzet van € 6 miljard. Het exportdeel is € 3,5 miljard. De aangesloten leden hebben een directe werkgelegenheid van 25.000 personen. Scheepsbouw Nederland behartigt de belangen van


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scheepswerven, reparatiewerven, fabrikanten en installateurs van scheepsuitrusting, ingenieursbureaus, kennisleveranciers en technische dienstverleners aan de scheepvaart. Eén van de belangrijkste redenen voor de samenvoeging is dat bundeling leidt tot meer kracht in de belangenbehartiging. Daarnaast leidt de combinatie tot synergie-effecten. Hierdoor kan de serviceverlening voor de leden worden geoptimaliseerd op gebieden als arbeidsmarkt en opleidingen, innovatieondersteuning, arbo, milieu, regelgeving, statistiek, juridische en overheidsgerelateerde zaken. In het nieuwe model blijven de beide brancheorganisaties bestaan, maar de activiteiten zullen worden uitgevoerd door het gezamenlijke bureau. De voorzitter zal tweejaarlijks rouleren. De eerste voorzitter zal Fred van der Wal zijn. Ruud Schouten (directeur VNSI) blijft tot zijn vervroegde pensionering actief als bestuursadviseur. Martin Bloem (directeur HME) zal worden benoemd tot algemeen directeur van de nieuwe organisatie Scheepsbouw Nederland. Op 17 januari 2008 is Scheepsbouw Nederland te Slot Loevestein gepresenteerd aan relaties en pers. Bron : Vaart !

The passenger liners PRINSENDAM and SEVEN SEAS MARINER seen moored in the Peruvian port Salaverry Photo : Cesar Llanos ©

CMA CGM bestelde al dertig recordschepen De voorzitter van de Franse rederij CMA CGM, Jacques Saade, heeft in het huismagazine van de groep gemeld dat er in Zuid-Korea tot op heden al zo'n dertig containerschepen met een capaciteit van meer dan 11.000 teu zijn besteld. Hij zegt ook dat daar dertien eenheden van 13.000 teu bij zitten. 'Als derde containerrederij ter wereld moeten wij het hoofd kunnen bieden aan de forse stijging van het internationale handelsverkeer', zegt Saade. 'Daarom hebben we al die schepen besteld. De oplevering strekt zich uit tot 2011.' CMA CGM bevestigde al eerder orders voor zestien schepen van 11.000 tot 11.500 teu, waarvan het eerste exemplaar al dit jaar in oktober wordt opgeleverd. In het verleden noemde Saade 11.000 teu een ideale maximumcapaciteit, maar die mening is blijkbaar herzien. Volgens de voorzitter van CMA CGM wordt 2008 een jaar vol onzekerheden. Hij maakt zich het meest zorgen over het feit dat veel havens in Noord-Amerika en Noord- en Zuid-Europa niet meegroeien met de importstroom uit China en het Verre Oosten. 'Vaak is de diepgang te beperkt, zijn de kades te kort of staan er onvoldoende kranen'. Saade voelt dat de congestie zwaar weegt op de operationele resultaten van zijn rederij. 'Europa mag niet talmen om zijn havens verder uit te bouwen. De reders kunnen niet alleen voor de financiering daarvan opdraaien.'


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Dit jaar neemt CMA CGM vanaf mei vier nieuwe containerschepen met een capaciteit van 9.661 teu in de vaart. Dat kwartet zal ingezet worden in een nieuwe wekelijkse loop tussen China en Noord-Europa in samenwerking met China Shipping. Die Chinese partner neemt op zijn beurt vanaf maart een nieuwe reeks eenheden van 8.530 teu in dienst. Bron : Nieuwsblad Transport


The GRANDE PORTOGALLO seen departing from Southampton Photo : Adrian Scales ©

The ATLANTIC BLUE seen in Rio Grande Photo : Marcelo Vieira ©


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Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information & voyage optimisation system, used on over 1000 vessels today.



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The Queen of the Netherlands drydocking at ST Marine shipyard in Singapore. Henk Niesten ©

Piracy prone areas and warnings Mariners are warned to be extra cautious and to take necessary precautionary measures when transiting the following areas: S E Asia and the Indian Sub Continent • Bangladesh : Sixty two incidents have been reported since January 2006. Pirates are targeting ships preparing to anchor. Most attacks reported at Chittagong anchorages and approaches. Although the number of attacks has fallen recently, the area is still listed as very high risk. • Indonesia : Balongan, Balikpapan, Belawan. Generally be vigilant in other areas. Many attacks may have gone unreported. • Malacca straits : Although the number of attacks has dropped due to the increase and constant patrols by the littoral states relevant Authorities since July 2005, ships are advised to continue maintaining a strict anti piracy watch when transiting the straits. • Philippines : Manila - Pirates target ships at anchor. • Singapore Straits : Pirates seen attacking ships while at anchor but in the past several ships were attacked while underway. Africa and Red Sea


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• Lagos (Nigeria) : Pirates are violent and have attacked and robbed vessels/kidnapped crews along the coast and river, at anchorages and ports. A total of 42 incidents have been reported in Nigeria since 08.01.2007. Twenty five attacks alone for Lagos and seven for Bonny River. Generally be vigilant in other areas in Nigeria. • Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) : Twenty incidents have been reported since 05.06.2006. Pirates are targeting ships in port and anchorages.

• Cameroon : Dutch dredger ARGONAUT was attacked by 3 armed men, which shoot at the crew, nobody was hurt during the incident, the attack took only 3 minutes

• Mombasa (Kenya): • Gulf of Aden / Red Sea : Numerous pirate attacks have been reported by ships and yachts in the Gulf of Aden/Red sea. In the past, some of the vessels were fired upon. • Somalian waters : The IMB Piracy Reporting Centre has received 31 actual and attempted attacks in 2007. Many more attacks may have gone unreported. Some pirates are dangerous and would fire their automatic weapons at ships to stop them. Occasionally, they would use their RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade) launchers at ships. Pirates are believed to be using “mother vessels” to launch attacks at very far distance from coast. These “mother vessel” is able to proceed to very far out to sea to launch smaller boats to attack and hijack passing ships. Eastern and Northeastern coasts are high risk areas for attacks and hijackings. Vessels not making scheduled calls to ports in Somalia should keep as far away as possible from the Somali coast, ideally more than 200 nautical miles. Mariners are also advised to report any suspicious boats to the Centre. South and Central America and the Caribbean waters • Brazil : Though the number of attacks has dropped in Santos, ships are advised to continue to be vigilant. • Peru : Callao Rest of the World • Arabian Sea : Sightings and calls from suspicious small boats. In some cases, boats pursued the ships with unknown intent.

Secure-Ship Secure-Ship is the most recent and effective innovation in the fight against piracy. It is a non-lethal, electrifying fence surrounding the whole ship, which has been specially adapted for maritime use. The fence uses 9,000-volt pulse to deter boarding attempts. An intruder coming in contact with the fence will receive an unpleasant non-lethal shock that will result in the intruder abandoning the attempted boarding. At the same time an alarm will go off, activating floodlights and a very loud siren. The IMB strongly recommends ship owners to install this device on board their ships. Further details can be obtained at www.secure-marine.com

ShipLoc There are a number of reliable ship tracking devices available on the market today based upon Inmarsat and other satellite systems. The IMB endorses ShipLoc, an inexpensive satellite tracking system, which allows shipping companies, armed only with a personal computer with Internet access, to monitor the exact location of their vessels. In addition to anti-hijacking role, ShipLoc facilitates independent and precise location of ships at regular intervals. ShipLoc is fully compliant with the IMO Regulation SOLAS XI-2/6 adopted during the diplomatic conference in December 2002, concerning a Ship Security Alert System. The ship security alert system regulation that will be put into place as of July 2004, requires ships of over 500 GT to be equipped with an alarm system in order to reinforce ship security. The system allows the crew, in case of danger, to activate an alarm button that automatically sends a message to the ship owner and to competent authorities. The message is sent without being able to be detected by someone on-board or by other ships in the vicinity. ShipLoc is contained in a small, discrete waterproof unit, which includes: an Argos transmitter, a GPS receiver, a battery pack in case of main power failure, and a flat antenna. ShipLoc is one of the most reliable systems available today. For more information, please visit www.shiploc.com


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Ships are advised to maintain anti-piracy watches and report all piratical attacks and suspicious movements of craft to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia .

Tel + 60 3 2078 5763 Fax + 60 3 2078 5769

Telex MA34199 IMBPCI E-mail IMBKL@icc-ccs.org

24 Hours Anti Piracy HELPLINE Tel: ++ 60 3 2031 0014

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