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Number 263 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Monday 06-10-2008 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.

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The Shanty chorus DE MAEZE SANGHERS seen during their performance , singing all kind of sea-songs, during the 29th FURIEADE which was held in the city of Maassluis

last Saturday Photo : Piet Sinke ©


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• India: Seafarers cry for help as piracy on high seas is growing • Medische evacuatie vanaf boorplatform L10A • Malaysian crew of freed ships back home • Tafel reserveren voor het KNRM REDDERSGALA 2008 • QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 SAYS FAREWELL TO LIVERPOOL • Zeiljacht Beluga in problemen vlak voor de havenmonding • Toxic substance removed from sunken Sulpicio ship


• Engineer died in S-Petersburg port; Bosun evacuated with severe injures in Atlantic ocean

• Refrigerator disabled, Japan sea • Dredger capsized, Poti Georgia


• Searchers find U.S. sub lost in Second World War • USS Stewart at the Seawolf park • THEODORE ROOSEVELT IN TABLE BAY • General Dynamics Team-built Independence (LCS 2) is Christened


• 10 indicted in theft of metal at naval yard


• Irish Ferries Reduces Fast Craft Dublin / Holyhead Capacity For Winter 2008 • Antalya Port to ease burden of İzmir Port • Holland Diesel Maassluis op nieuwe koers • Ferry firm warns it could axe journeys • Protest over congestion at DP World terminal in Melbourne • Viet Investment • IS KYSTLINK LOOKING FOR A BUYER ? • FBMA's LATEST FERRY LAUNCHED • Thai bulk shipper sees rates at hit 6-yr lows • “K” Line / PIL / WHL to cooperate in New Service from China to Middle East • Container shipping leader APL turns 160 years old • THE S&P MARKET WEEK 39


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Seen from the VOS SATISFACTION the first meeting of the Vroon Offshore sister vessels BASE EXPRESS and POOL EXPRESS at Den Helder supply base

Photo : Capt. Peter Franse – Master VOS Satisfaction (c)

India: Seafarers cry for help as piracy on high seas is growing

Earlier this week, an Indian vessel belonging to Mercator Lines, carrying a parcel of ATF from Kuwait, anchored off the coast of Somalia and stayed there in the high seas for two days. The reason: the crew of the vessel did not want to sail without adequate protection through the pirate-infested waters in that region, which has of late gained notoriety for ship hijacking and piracy. After prolonged talks between the owners of the ship, the crew and the seafarers union, the ship finally lifted anchor and continued on its course. The ship did leave, but in its wake, left behind the chilling side of the life of seafarers and the Government’s inability to instil adequate confidence in them regarding safety of their lives. This happened against the backdrop of the hijack of MT Stolt Valor in Somalian waters —the ship has 18 Indian seafarers. The Government is negotiating for their release with the hijackers through the ship’s owner, but the anxiety among the relatives of the seafarers is reaching its flashpoint. Just before the Stolt Valor incident, another vessel, Iran Denayat, having three Indian seafarers, was also hijacked in the same region. In August, hijackers captured an Iranian bulk carrier with a 29-member crew and a Japanese-operated chemical tanker within an hour in the Gulf of Aden. Then later in the same day, a German-operated cargo ship was hijacked in the


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same area — i.e., three hijackings on the same day. And these came two days after a Malaysian palm oil tanker with 30 crew members was seized in the vicinity, according to reports. “Clearly, such incidents are alarmingly on the rise. In the last nine months, there have been as many as 52 incidents of piracy and hijackings off the coast of Somalia, but the Government is yet to take any concrete measures to instil a sense of confidence among Indian seafarers,” says Mr Abdulgani Serang, General Secretary of National Union of Seafarers of India (NUSI). As a matter of fact, last month, NUSI had made it clear that “if the situation does not improve for the seafarers, NUSI will have no other option but to advise the seafarers to boycott and avoid serving on vessels which are trading in these pirate infested areas.” It pointed that that such a boycott will have far-reaching effects on the economy of the country. Concerned over the increasing incidents of piracy, the Ministry of Shipping is taking up the issue with the Ministries of Defence and External Affairs to come out with a strategy to ensure the safety of Indian seafarers. The Shipping Ministry is also taking up the issue with the Prime Minister’s Office. This was stated by the Secretary to the Ministry of Shipping, Mr A.P.V.N. Sarma, during an industry meeting with representatives of NUSI and the Indian National Shipowners Association (INSA) on September 30, sources told Business Line. But this is providing little re-assurance to the seafarers, especially with the Defence Ministry ruling out any direct intervention by Indian warships to rescue the Indian seafarers aboard the hijacked vessel Stolt Valor, as it would have wider ramifications. Source: The Hindu Business Line

Medische evacuatie vanaf boorplatform L10A Zaterdagochtend 4 oktober omstreeks 07.10 uur werd Bureau Operaties van het Maritiem Vliegkamp de Kooy gealarmeerd door het Kustwacht Centrum Den Helder. Het betrof de medische evacuatie van een persoon met pijn op de borst. Deze persoon bevond zich op het boorplatform L10A.

Even voor kwart voor acht is een Lynx helikopter van het Defensie Helikopter Commando vanaf Maritiem Vliegkamp de Kooy opgestegen en naar de positie van het betreffende boorplatform gevlogen welke zich ongeveer 65 km ten noordwesten van Den Helder bevindt. Photo : Fred Vloo ©

Daar aangekomen heeft de Lynxbemanning de helikopterredder en de marinearts afgezet en is de patiënt door de marinearts onderzocht. Vervolgens is de patiënt aan boord van de helikopter genomen en naar Maritiem Vliegkamp de Kooy in Den Helder gebracht. Op Vliegkamp de Kooy stond inmiddels een ambulance klaar om de patiënt naar het Gemini ziekenhuis te vervoeren. Bron : Nederlandse Marine

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Malaysian crew of freed ships back home The 80 crew members of Malaysian tanker MT Bunga Melati Dua and MT Bunga Melati Lima arrived home early Saturday morning, less than a week after Somali pirates released them in exchange for a ransom. Sources said the seafarers were flown in around 4:00 a.m. via a special flight and brought to a hotel in Subang Jaya, where they were reunited with their families. MT Bunga Melati Dua, with 29 Malaysians and 10 Filipinos onboard, was hijacked off the lawless Somalia on August 19. One Filipino crewman was killed by a stray bullet when pirates boarded the ship, which was carrying palm oil and sailing to Rotterdam. Ten days later, MT Bunga Melati Lima, carrying 36 Malaysians and five Filipinos crewmembers, was seized in the Gulf of Aden. The ships were released by Somali pirates after a ransom was paid. Media reports claimed the firm had paid $2million ransom for the release of each vessel. A relative of one of the crew members said the owner of the ships, MT Bunga Melati, had invited them to spend Thursday night at the hotel, in anticipation of the arrival of their loved ones. She said the crew members and their families were debriefed at the hotel ballroom, and warned not to speak to the media. “I don’t see why not, as he is now back safe and sound,” she said. One crew member, relating the incident, said the pirates had seized their valuables, and food was rationed during their period in confinement. Somalia has not had a functioning national government since 1991 and has suffered continuing civil strife. Pirates target foreigners as they can be exchanged for large ransoms. Since January, Somali pirates have attacked 63 ships, 26 of those ships have been hijacked and pirates are now holding 12 ships with more than 200 crew onboard, the International Maritime Bureau's Piracy Reporting Centre in Kuala Lumpur said. Source : Asia News Network

The Philippine registered bulk carrier " Medi Trader " 26580 gross tons, built in 1999 departing Dunedin after discharging fertilizer at the Ravensdown Fertilizer works.

Photo : Ross Walker ©


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Tafel reserveren voor het KNRM REDDERSGALA 2008

Het Reddersgala 2008, dat op maandag 17 november wordt gehouden, kan plaats bieden aan maximaal 55 bedrijven en organisaties. Per tafel kunnen er 10 gasten worden uitgenodigd.

The Breskens based KNRM lifeboat ZEEMANSHOOP seen operating at the Westerscheldt River Photo : Richard Wisse ©

Ondernemers die een tafel reserveren, geven daarmee aan dat zij hun sympathie voor de vrijwillige reddingbootbemanningen van de KNRM willen concretiseren met een daadwerkelijke bijdrage. Maar het belang van het Reddersgala gaat verder dan alleen het steunen van het ‘goede doel’. Als ondernemer kunt u het gala aangrijpen om belangrijke (zaken)relaties een avond mee op stap te nemen. De organisatie van het gala zal ervoor zorg dragen dat het uw relaties aan niets zal ontbreken. En als vanzelfsprekend is het Reddersgala een uitstekende gelegenheid om nieuwe (zaken)relaties op te doen. In vergelijking met de eerdere edities zal het programma van dit jaar meer rustmomenten kennen, zodat u in staat wordt gesteld om gesprekken aan te gaan met voor u belangrijke medegasten.


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Bedrijven en organisaties die aanwezig zijn op het Reddersgala worden (tenzij anders gewenst) door de KNRM op meerdere manieren in de 'etalage' geplaatst. De KNRM ziet het als haar verantwoordelijkheid om ruchtbaarheid te geven aan de steun die zij van - in dit geval - ondernemers krijgt. Deelnemende bedrijven worden vermeld op de galawebsite, in het speciaal te fabriceren galamagazine en in De Reddingboot, het huisorgaan van de KNRM (oplage 80.000 exemplaren). Al met al genoeg reden om de KNRM-redders te steunen door een tafel te reserveren? Neemt u voor uw ‘eigen’ tafel contact op met het directiesecretariaat van de KNRM, mevrouw Ria Ravenstijn, tel. 0255- 54 84 64 / gala@knrm.nl Voor een tafel (10 personen) in de Kurzaal vraagt de KNRM een eenmalige

bijdrage van € 7.500,-. Een tafel op de eregalerij (10 personen) kost € 5.000,-.

Vermeldt u bij uw aanmelding alstublieft of u al dan niet specifieke voorkeur heeft voor een bepaalde tafelsoort. De KNRM zegt u alvast dank voor uw steun en kijken ernaar uit om u te mogen begroeten!


Photo’s / text : Dan Cross/ Mersey Photographic www.merseyphotographic.co.uk ©

As all Maritime interested people know, the Cunard liner “QE2” is making a final grand tour before she sails to Dubai where she will be sold as a floating hotel. She arrived in Liverpool on Friday around 11:00 hrs with Senior Liverpool pilot, Stuart Wood aboard. En-route to Liverpool the

Liner sailed up to the Isle of Man where she became the largest Liner to sail in Manx waters. Although not stopping, the Liner hugged the coast in the early morning light as far North as Ramsey bay where the level of interest was said to be quite tremendous from ashore. The Liner had previously spent two nights in Cobh, Southern Ireland. After spending nearly 12 hours in Liverpool where a special service for past crew and passengers past and present was held in the City’s Anglican Cathedral. The Liner departed around 22:00 to a tremendous send off including a fire work display then set course for Belfast for


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Saturday mid morning and then was due to visit her birthplace, the River Clyde on Sunday. The pictures show the liner berthing at the City’s new cruise liner berth at the World famous Pier head in the shadow of the “three graces”. The Smit tugs “Smit Donau”, “ Smit Barbados” and Smit Collingwood provided the much needed towage assistance swinging the famous old liner in the strong tidal conditions and wind gusting 25 knots.

Zeiljacht Beluga in problemen vlak voor de havenmonding

Zaterdagmiddag 4 oktober kwam het 14 meter lange zeiljacht Beluga bij het binnenlopen van de Scheveningse haven in moeilijkheden. De motor sloeg af en het jacht dreigde op het

noorderhavenhoofd te stranden. Hierop gaf een van de opvarenden een 'Mayday' op marifoonkanaal 16 aan het Kustwachtcentrum in Den Helder. De sleepboot Oceaan die in de buitenhaven lag, nam het jacht op sleeptouw om te voorkomen dat het zou stranden. De sleepboot hield het jacht gaande tot de gealarmeerde KNRM reddingboot

ter plaatse was. Op het moment dat er twee KNRM opstappers overstapten op het jacht, brak de sleeptros. Snel werd provisorisch een sleeptros aangebracht vanaf de Kitty Roosmale Nepveu en kon het jacht naar veiliger water worden gesleept. Hierna werd de sleeptros goed belegd en kon het jacht de Scheveningse haven worden binnengesleept. Zonder problemen kon het daarna worden afgemeerd in de jachthaven. Photo’s : Arie van Dijk ©


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Toxic substance removed from sunken Sulpicio ship

A SALVAGE company has finished recovering tons of environmentally hazardous chemicals that went down with a ship in the Visayas more than three months ago. Jordan L. Go, Sulpicio Lines, Inc. vice-president for freight, confirmed that the operation has been completed as of 1 p.m. yesterday, with the retrieved packs of the toxic pesticide to be turned over to the presidential task force overseeing the operations based on a recent court decision. United States-based Titan Maritime and its local partner Harbor Star Shipping Services, Inc. removed 400 packs of toxic pesticide endosulfan, with each pack weighing 25 kilograms (kg) inside a 40-foot container van. The highly regulated chemical shipped by Del Monte Philippines, Inc. is used as pesticide in pineapple plantations. "We will have to proceed with the removal of other chemicals and the fuel," Mr. Go said in a telephone interview. M/V Princess of the Stars, which capsized on June 21 off Romblon province at the height of typhoon Frank (international code name: Fensheng), shipped 10,000 kg of endosulfan that halted the grim search of bodies amid fears that operations may cause environmental disaster. Authorities later on discovered smaller chemical shipments by Bayer CropScience, Inc., including 392 kg of Antracol WP70, 501 kg of Fuerza GR3, 17.5 kg of Trap 70WP and 150 liters of Tamaron 600SL. About 250,000 liters of special fuel oil remained intact. Vice-Admiral Wilfredo D. Tamayo, Philippine Coast Guard commandant, expects the salvage work to be finished earlier than scheduled.

Filipino ship captain, 5 sailors seized in Nigeria

Unidentified armed men seized six Filipino seamen Saturday from a vessel off Nigeria’s southern oil delta region, reports said yesterday. The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said it is awaiting official confirmation of the incident from its embassy in the Nigerian capital Abuja. The DFA has also extended the ban on deployment of Filipino workers to Jordan and Lebanon owing to the “still volatile situation” in the two countries. Nigerian officials said the Filipino captain and five sailors were abducted from M/V Avero in the waters off the key Bonny oil terminal hours after a British hostage was released. This is not the first kidnapping incident involving Filipinos. In previous years, a number of Filipino workers have been kidnapped in the oil-rich Niger Delta region and were later freed upon alleged payment of ransom. Nigeria is Africa ‘s leading oil exporter, producing 2.5 million barrels daily. The Niger Delta, the main center of oil production in that country, is a 74,000-square-kilometer swathe of swamps, where more than 3,500 oil and gas installations are located. A travel ban to Nigeria is strictly enforced by the Philippine government. Philippine labour officials also said yesterday they were maintaining bans on sending Filipino workers to Lebanon and Jordan despite calls for them to be lifted. The ban on Lebanon was kept due to continuing concerns over peace and order in that country while that on Jordan was kept in force after employers refused to comply with new conditions for hiring Filipinos. Overseas employment


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administrator Jennifer Manalili said the department of foreign affairs had recommended the bans be maintained due to the “still volatile situation” in both countries. “We cannot (lift the ban) due to the current peace and order condition,” in Lebanon, she added. However Filipino workers who already had employment contracts would be allowed to return home on holiday and then go back to work in those countries, said Labor Secretary Marianito Roque. The Philippines imposed a ban on deployment of workers to both countries this year due to fighting in Lebanon and increased reports of Filipino domestic workers being abused in Jordan. In July, the Philippines said it would lift the ban on Jordan provided employers agree to pay a minimum salary of 400 dollars. However a senior official, who asked not to be named, said Jordanian employers had widely refused to pay the minimum salary required by the Philippines. Labor office records show that in January alone, as many as 150 Filipino workers were staying at a Philippine center in Amman, Jordan complaining of abuse and maltreatment. Most of them were maids. In January, Jordanian government figures showed there were as many as 15,000 Filipinos working in the country. Private agencies in the Philippines said as many 25,000 Filipinos worked in Lebanon last year. Some eight million Filipinos, or nearly 10 percent of the country’s population, work abroad. Remittances they send home are a major pillar of the domestic economy. Somali pirates are holding 82 Filipino seamen and several other foreign crewmen on board five foreign vessels that were seized by pirates in separate hijacking incidents off the Gulf of Aden since July. Negotiations are ongoing for their release. The vessels in the custody of the pirates are: the MT Irene, a Japanese-owned tanker with 16 Filipinos and four other foreign nationals; the MT Stolt Valor, a Hong Kong chemical tanker with two Filipinos and 31 other nationals; the MV Centauri, a Greek-owned tanker with a 26 all-Filipino crew; the MV Capt. Stephanos, a Bahamas-flagged ship with 17 Filipinos and two other nationals; and the MV Stella Maris.

The Philippines supply one-third of the world’s shipping manpower with about 270,000 Filipino seaman employed by foreign maritime agencies, making them the most vulnerable and prone to pirate attacks. Manila has a standing policy of non-payment of ransom and does not directly negotiate with the hostage-takers.

CASUALTY REPORTING Engineer died in S-Petersburg port;

Bosun evacuated with severe injures in Atlantic ocean

October 1, 16.15 LT S-Petersburg berth 41, m/v Crystal Iris – during repair works in engine room 4-th engineer was injured and died on the spot. m/v Crystal Iris – refrigerated vessel, IMO 7922013, Malta-flagged, manager NEVA SHIPMANAGEMENT LLC. October 3, 11.35 Moscow time – message received from FESCO Shipping Co., bosun on m/v Elena Shatrova seriously injured in a storm, vessel proceeded along Spain coast in Atlantic ocean. Vessel turned to Vigo, Spain, some hours later bosun evacuated by helicopter to Vigo, vessel proceeded as scheduled. Source : Mike Voitenko

Refrigerator disabled, Japan sea


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October 3 - refrigerator Tsentavr disabled in Japan sea in 44.51.6N 141.34.7E, propeller entangled in net. Shipowner called for help Coast Guard Japan, 01.30 October 4 – vessel towed to Wakkanai Japan by CG tug. m/v Tsentavr – displacement 242 mt, built 1990, IMO 8836948, owner JSC Oplot Mira Nevelsk, Sakhalin. Source : Mike Voitenko

Dredger capsized, Poti Georgia Poti Port, Georgia, terminal Kulevi, October 1. In severe storm the Ukrainian dredger SKADOVSK was pushed aground, The vessel was conducting work to deepen the entrance into the port of Kulevi. According to data received the vessel overturned and began to sink because of very bad weather conditions. October 3 – vessel capsized during refloating operation, unknown number of crew died. Source : Mike Voitenko

NAVY NEWS USS Stewart at the Seawolf park

Top : The USS STEWART seen at the Seawolf park in Galveston, the destroyer was pushed over a little to SB from her display during the hurricane IKE, which hit the Galveston Island recently

Photo : Piet Sinke ©

USS Stewart (DE-238) is one of only two surviving destroyer escorts in the United States, the USS Stewart is berthed at Seawolf Park alongside the historic submarine, USS Cavalla, on Pelican Island. Built at Brown Shipbuilding Company in Houston, Texas in 1942, and commissioned May 31, 1943, the 307 foot destroyer escort USS Stewart, is the second ship named for Rear Admiral Charles Stewart, commander of the USS Constitution from 1813 to 1815. Stewart began her service as a school ship, training student officers prior to escorting President Roosevelt in the presidential yacht down the Potomac River to rendezvous with USS Iowa in the Chesapeake Bay for his mission to Casablanca and Tehran. She commenced North Atlantic convoy operations in 1944, making 30 crossings with occasional enemy submarine and aircraft encounters. Stewart was moved to the Pacific theater in 1945, to conduct training exercises out of Pearl Harbor until the end of the war. Decommissioned in late 1945, she was formally donated to Seawolf Park in 1972, where participants of the Save Our Ship Program, a dedicated group of talented volunteers and veterans, have been restoring and maintaining her. The group meets the second week of each month to work on the ship, including acting as tour guides. Approximately 600 Navy veterans nationwide have a special interest in Stewart and are dedicated to keeping her valiant service memory alive


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Searchers find U.S. sub lost in Second World War

The sunken wreckage of a U.S. submarine lost with all hands during the Second World War has been located off an island in the Aleutian chain, the U.S. Navy said Friday. The USS Grunion disappeared July 30, 1942 with 70 crew members after conducting operations against Japanese forces who had seized the Aleutian island of Kiska. Acting on a tip, sons of the submarine's commander, Lt.-Cmdr. Mannert Abele, mounted two expeditions to find the missing submarine and located it at a depth of 3,200 feet off Kiska. "It's like we won the lottery 10 times in a row," Bruce Abele, eldest son of Grunion's commanding officer, was quoted as saying. "It is so dramatic to see the underwater photo and be certain it was in fact Grunion." Side scan sonar experts first detected a target on the first expedition in August 2006, and the following year obtained images of the wreckage using a high definition camera on a robot. Rear Admiral Douglas McAneny, commander of the U.S. submarine fleet in the Pacific, said the navy was able to positively identify the wreckage as the Grunion using images

provided by the Abeles. "We hope this announcement will help to give closure to the families of the 70 crewmen of Grunion," he said in a statement. Why the Grunion sunk is still not known. It had reported heavy Japanese anti-submarine activity around Kiska and that it was down to 10 torpedos more than month into its first war patrol. The Grunion was ordered back to a resupply base at Dutch Harbor in the western Aleutians before it disappeared. Japanese records do not show a submarine was attacked in the Kiska area at the time the Grunion was lost, the U.S. Navy said.

Cape weather too much for USS Theodore Roosevelt

By Henri du Plessis and Helen Bamford


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It might have seemed a breezy spring day in Cape Town but the Cape of Storms was too much for the mighty American aircraft carrier the USS Theodore Roosevelt. Around 4 600 sailors had to cool their heels on board in Table Bay on Saturday because the ship was unable to launch her liberty boats after the swell snapped one of the ship's

accommodation ladders. Photo : Ian Shiffman ©

The sailors desperately wanted to come ashore and traders in the V&A Waterfront were looking forward to the rush, but the sea had other plans as swells of up to 3m rolled into the bay. It also meant that a contingent of demonstrators at the Waterfront, protesting against the ship's visit, because it is nuclear powered, did not come face to face with any of the American sailors. The Roosevelt anchored off Cape Town late on Friday, while its escort, the cruiser USS Monterey, docked at the V&A Waterfront. The two ships, a core part of the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group, were invited to stop over by the South African government and navy. The purpose of the visit was "to reinforce relationships, increase interoperability and address maritime issues" of importance to both countries' navies, said Lieutenant Brian Badura, assistant public affairs officer of the US Sixth Fleet. It was important for the US Navy to develop and strengthen ties with countries along the coast of Africa and the US Navy saw South Africa as the main power on the continent, he said. In a statement issued earlier, Admiral Mark Fitzgerald, Commander, US Naval Forces Europe said: "Our nations share a mutual interest in safeguarding the maritime environment, which plays a critical role in today's global economy."

Security at sea was essential for the world economy, as up to 90 percent of the world's traded goods were transported by sea. The US Navy also wanted to offer any help it could to combat piracy, illegal fishing and drug smuggling. The USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT – CVN 72 is the largest naval vessel to visit South Africa – the first Nuclear aircraft carrier to visit – and the 1st US air craft carrier to call in since the Franklin D Roosevelt (CV 42) visited Cape Town in 1967 photo left : Etiennedup © The Cape Town public boarded that ship that stayed in port for three days. Due to politics the crew were denied shore leave during that time.

Source : iol.co.za


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General Dynamics Team-built Independence (LCS 2) is Christened

The first Littoral Combat Ship built by the General Dynamics Team, Independence, was christened Saturday at the Austal USA shipyard in Mobile Bay. U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama was the principal speaker. Other speakers included Donald Winter, U.S. Secretary of the Navy, and U.S. Rep. Jo Bonner of Alabama. Doreen A. Scott, wife of former Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Terry Scott, ceremonially named the ship by breaking the traditional bottle of champagne against its hull.

The Littoral Combat Ship is a key element of the Navy's plan to address asymmetric threats of the twenty-first century. Intended to operate in coastal areas of the globe, the ship will

be fast, highly maneuverable and geared to supporting mine detection/elimination, anti-submarine warfare and anti-surface warfare, particularly against small surface craft. Photo : Austal ©

The LCS 2 is the sixth U.S. Navy ship to be named Independence. Earlier ships were named for the attribute or abstract noun "independence." The Navy will name its class of Littoral Combat Ships after towns or small cities. The Independence moved from the Austal building hall to the water in April 2008 and entered the final stages of construction, including completion of outfitting, tests and system activation. The General Dynamics Team expects to deliver Independence to the Navy in 2009. SOURCE : Bath Iron Works

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SHIPYARD NEWS 10 indicted in theft of metal at naval yard

Federal prosecutors said that 10 men have been indicted on charges they stole metal pipes from vessels they were refurbishing at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. The men, mostly from the Hampton Roads region, were indicted by a grand jury on charges of conspiracy and theft of government property. The U.S. Attorney's Office said the metal thefts cost the government more than $100,000. According to the indictments, the defendants worked at Norfolk Naval Shipyard as temporary employees of a contractor.


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Investigators said the men allegedly were taking metal pipes from a number of ships by cutting the metal into pieces that could be smuggled in backpacks. The indictments allege that the metal was then sold to scrap yards in the area. Source : Roanoke.com

The SMIT WARRY seen receiving a large maintenance at the De Haas shipyard in Maassluis Photo : Piet Sinke ©



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Irish Ferries Reduces Fast Craft Dublin / Holyhead Capacity For Winter 2008


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As indicated in the late summer, Irish Ferries has been actively reviewing the schedule of its fast craft service for the less busy winter season as a result of the continued high level of fuel costs. With effect from 3rd November 2008, the Irish Ferries Dublin Swift service between Dublin and Holyhead will reduce from two round trips per day to one round trip daily. The revised fast craft schedule will be kept under ongoing review and will depend on prevailing conditions, including fuel costs. The withdrawn sailings, other than for the Christmas period between 19th December and 5th January, will be : 08.45 hrs, Dublin to Holyhead - cancelled ( apart from any specified dates) 12 noon, Holyhead to Dublin - cancelled ( apart from any specified dates) Source : Irish Ferries press release

The MSC SUKAIYNA seen at the Parana River in Argentina - Photo : Sylvia Tervoort ©

Antalya Port to ease burden of İzmir Port The Port of Antalya expects to provide an alternative for vessels heading for the busy Port of İzmir by expanding capacity and rerouting ships to decrease turnaround time, the Anatolia news agency reported yesterday. Mediterranean Port Management Company General Manager Efe Hatay told Anatolia yesterday he expects that the Port of Antalya will soon serve as an alternative to the Port of İzmir. Hatay said İzmir was currently very busy and that ships had to wait for at least three days to offload their cargo. "We expect to attract the ships to Antalya and redirect trade heading for the Aegean port from central Anatolia to Antalya," he said. Antalya's container handling capacity increased this year over last and will further be expanded to handle 85,000 containers, up from the current 65,000. Over the next five years, the capacity is to be increased to 200,000 containers. Additionally, three foreign companies trade solely through Antalya and another will soon join them. "Once the fourth company joins us, we will have access to the French market, and this will pave the way to further expansion in trade worldwide," he said. Hatay added that further investments in the Turkish maritime sector will help the country's economy recover, noting that developments in the sector will offer new sources of income. Source: todayszaman

Holland Diesel Maassluis op nieuwe koers Het nieuwe pand van HDM in Maassluis is klaar voor de toekomst. De dieselspecialisten, tot voor kort opererend als De Haas Dieselmotoren, gaan verder onder de naam Holland Diesel Maassluis. De samenwerking met Scheepswerf De Haas Maassluis is wat directeur-eigenaar Gerard Martens betreft niet voorbij, maar de ontkoppeling van de bedrijven is wel een feit. De opening van het bedrijfspand werd donderdag 25 september door zo'n 650 mensen bezocht. ‘Dat geeft aan dat we een goed contact hebben met onze klanten. We zijn sterk servicegericht, maar ook mensgericht', vertelt Martens. ‘De sfeer op de werkvloer is goed. We hebben ondanks de moeilijke personeelsmarkt de afgelopen twee jaar maar liefst


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zeven nieuwe mensen aan kunnen trekken. Jonge, enthousiaste jongens, die goed thuis zijn in techniek en graag willen leren.' HDM is van huis uit gespecialiseerd in Detroit diesels. Maar enige jaren geleden kwam daar het dealerschap van MTU en Volkswagen Marine bij. ‘We werken veel samen met betrouwbare merken. Geen grijs gerommel aan motoren, maar met goede afspraken over leveringen en garanties. Ook Deutz en Cummins horen bij de merken waar HDM in thuis is. Ons werk is heel divers. Zo'n 60% van onze activiteiten is op de maritieme markt gericht. We doen ook onderhoud aan jetstarters op Schiphol, generatorsets in de petrochemie en offshore installaties. Daarbij gaat het om specialistisch werk, zoals explosieveilige sets op booreilanden. Maar ook de binnenvaart is nog altijd een belangrijke markt voor ons.' Het nieuwe pand aan de Govert van Wijnkade aan de buitenhaven in Maassluis biedt zo'n veertig procent meer ruimte. Een proefstand, meer kraancapaciteit, een milieustraat met vloeistofdichte vloeren en een werkplaats die een centrale plek inneemt in het bedrijf zijn de voordelen. Martens: ‘Maar het gaat ons vooral om continuïteit, niet om de groei zelf.' De nieuwe bedrijfslocatie zorgt alom voor enthousiasme en zelfs spontane sollicitaties. Gerard Martens treedt binnenkort ook op als voorzitter van de VIV, de vereniging van importeurs voor verbrandingsmotoren. ‘Ik heb er even goed over na moeten denken, want het vraagt wel veel van je tijd. Maar tegelijkertijd is het mooi om als een spin in het web te zitten. Dat ze mij als relatief kleine partij vragen heeft me even verbaasd, maar het zegt ook wel wat. Het is tegelijkertijd een eer om voor die functie gevraagd te worden.'

The MATSAS STAR seen anchored off Mumbai (India) Photo : Jeroen Mooij ©

Ferry firm warns it could axe journeys Portsmouth's biggest ferry firm has warned it could cut back its services. Cross-channel operator Brittany Ferries said it may be forced to slim down its business in Portsmouth if changes to the rating system come into force.


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Radical alterations to the way business rates are collected, led by the Valuation Authority, threaten to leave the port's businesses with huge bills, backdated to 2005. The extra charges have been described as a retroactive 'stealth tax' by Brittany Ferries. Stephen Tuckwell, director of the company's Portsmouth port operations, said: 'How can we pass these charges on? I can't say to someone who travelled three years ago "sorry you'll have to pay an extra fiver on that trip you took". 'We don't know what we face at the moment, but based on the 500 per cent rise P&O had in Hull, it would translate into many millions of pounds, and that could impact on our services. 'If so we'd have to reassess the many services we offer. I think it's highly likely it would result in an increase in fares across the board.' The firm currently runs three return crossings a day to Caen, one to St Malo, and up to two services a day to Cherbourg during the summer. Mr Tuckwell said if heavy rates increases were imposed, it could lead to Brittany Ferries operating fewer sailings per day, but until the Valuation Agency made a decision it was impossible to say what would be happening. Portsmouth makes up about 60 per cent of the company's business, and it employs up to 100 ground staff at the port. LD Lines and Condor Logistics, both major customers, declined to comment about the proposed changes. A Valuation Office Agency spokesman said: 'Valuation officers have a statutory duty to provide rating assessments of all non-domestic property for the payment of business rates. 'It is in the interests of fairness that everyone is properly assessed for the payment of rates.' Source : portsmouth.co.uk

Dockwise TALISMAN was spotted off Cape town Photo : Aad Noorland ©

Protest over congestion at DP World terminal in Melbourne

Member companies of Shipping Australia, which represents the major users of Australian wharf and shipping facilities are meeting with severe congestion at the Port of Melbourne at the DP World facility. DP World has taken over terminal operations at Swanson Dock in Melbourne. Port users had previously warned the Port of Melbourne Corporation that the continued growth of containers being handled would put existing facilities under severe pressure. Said Shipping Australia (SAL) CEO, Lew Russell in a statement this week: "Our fears have come to pass. SAL members using the DP World container terminal at Swanson


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Dock in Melbourne have complained they have been unable to ship out all the empty containers they need to, due to DP World yard congestion”. This impacts on the facilitation of Australian trade, he added. "One member alone said they had to cancel 3000 planned empty exports over the past two months. Other members have also experienced problems" Mr. Russell pointed out, adding that one problem appeared to be the late handover of the tank farm site from the Port of Melbourne Corporation to DP World which will not now be ready for occupation until late next year. “There is a need for all stakeholders to work together to sort out a workable solution as soon as possible. Bringing forward the establishment of a new container terminal at Webb Dock must now be high on the agenda," he added. Source : SeatradeAsia

Viet Investment Leading international marine giants are investing heavily in Vietnam's seaports, but there are muted concerns that they hold too much power and could ultimately harm the interests of traders. In the Southern Key Economic Zone, foreign investors pumped money into the construction of 10 large container ports, slated to begin operations from 2009-2010, reported the Vietnam Seaports Association (VPA). Investors include the Hong Kong International Terminals (HIT) of China, SSA Marine of the United States and France's CMA-CGM Group. In 2006, the Dubai World Corporation, the second largest marine terminal operator in the world, began building a deep-water port near the Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park in Nha Be district, earmarked to be one of Ho Chi Minh City's main shipping routes. In addition, some 20 overseas enterprises are looking into invest in the Cai Mep Thi Vai Seaport in southern Ba Ria Vung Tau province as joint ventures or wholly foreign-invested firms. Overseas giants are deepening their interests in large seaports in the country, making the most of their superior financial power, world-class experience and management skills. Ho Kim Lan, the VPA general secretary, said: "Many big domestic firms have conceded management rights to international giants in joint ventures, as they mainly contributed land." The association predicted that by 2010 foreign investors would still only hold a stake of no more than 45 per cent in each joint venture, but that their management power would reach around 56 per cent. According to VPA, most of the small seaports are owned by local companies, while overseas businesses hold stakes in large ones. Economists say foreign interest is good for Vietnam's ports industry and the economy in general. While domestic firms lack capital and experience, powerful overseas giants will be able to speed up development of the national port system, turning them into world-class facilities capable of attracting lucrative customers. The sector has witnessed annual growth of around 20-25 per cent. However, the sector faces some difficulties, according to Lan. Marine transportation account for a mere 10 per cent of the total goods moved in and out of the country. At present, the average terminal handling charge is US$65 for 20-foot containers and US$98 for 40-foot containers, according to Lan. VPA worries that foreign companies could collude together to fix rates. Nevertheless, competition between local and international port operators should limit any price rises, said Lan. Source : Shiptalk



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This press release below seems to suggest that Kystlink's owners are looking for a buyer - if none is found the company will finish on 31 October.

Styret i Nye Kystlink As har i dag besluttet at man vil fortsette fergedriften i selskapet ut oktober måned 2008. Styret arbeider fortsatt med å finne eksterne eiere til selskapet. Dersom tilfredsstillende økonomiske løsninger ikke er funnet inne 31.10.08 vil fergedriften bli innstilt.

Boonsweg 19, 3274 LH P.O.Box 5023, 3247 ZJ Heinenoord – The Netherlands T +31 (0) 186-603333 F +31 (0) 186-603619 E info@tenwolde.comW www.tenwolde.com

FBMA's LATEST FERRY LAUNCHED Philippine boat builder completes the latest in a line of high-tech ferries for New Caledonia in the South Pacific Islands FBMA, the Aboitiz company in Cebu, recently launched the locally-built Betico II, a 57-meter-long fast craft, roll-on/roll-off (RORO) catamaran which carries 356 passengers and 10 cars. Roberto Aboitiz, FBMA president and chief executive officer, said the vessel with a top speed of 32 knots, would service the City of Noumea and the three major islands of New Caledonia in the South Pacific. FBMA won the tender to construct the Betico II to replace the older Australian-made Betico I. The fast craft was designed to sail in the rough seas of New Caledonia. The vessel will depart

Cebu for New Caledonia after the fitting of the vessel and the sea trials have been completed. FBMA completed the ship at the drydock of Cebu after 13 months. Earlier, the New Caledonia delegates went to Cebu for a must-see of the place and for the vessel. The delegates is composed of President Philippe Gomes of the Southern Province, President Neko Hnepeune of the Loyalty Islands Province, Deputy President Cono Hamu of the Loyalty Islands Province, Alain Descombels, member of the Southern Province Assembly and Chairman of the Economic Development Commission, and Christiane Waneissi, adviser on external affairs of Southern Province. They were met by Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia, Aboitiz, and Tony Moraza, director of FBMA.


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Thai bulk shipper sees rates at hit 6-yr lows Thai dry bulk shipper Precious Shipping expects freight rates to continue falling over the next two years due to the U.S. financial turmoil and global demand slowdown, its managing director said on Friday. The Baltic Exchange's chief sea freight index for global raw materials, which has fallen almost 75 percent from a record 11,793 on May 20 to 2,990 now, could drop to between 1,000-2,000 points over the next 18-24 months, Khalid Hashim said. The index, which reflects dry bulk rates on the most important shipping routes, has not been that low since March 2002. "The financial explosion has travelled from America like a big wave and hit Europe, Britain, Japan and Asia. So, there's definitely demand destruction taking place," Hashim told Reuters in an interview. "The greater probability is that because the financial explosions are not yet over, and I think they're going to get larger, not smaller, freight prices as reflected by the BDI will come to between 1,000-2,000 points in the next 18-24 months," he said. Precious was looking to sell 25 of its older vessels and replace them with cheaper, newer ones over the next 2-3 years, he said. The purchases would be financed through loans, he said. Precious, which has a fleet of 44 ships with average size of 25,700 deadweight tonnes and average age of 20 years, has earmarked $588 milllion to acquire new 18 vessels in 2010-2013 and would fund it by cash and bank loans, he said. The company is aiming for revenues of at least $249.5 million for 2008 with almost all its takings booked under long term contracts. "We don't have much exposure to the spot market. If the market comes down sharply, our earnings will remain up there and our cash flow will be good due to our long term forward book," said Hashim, who has run the firm since its creation in 1989. "But the second-hand value of ships will drop dramatically. That will allow us to replace the 25 old ships that we have with younger, larger and better ships at very reasonable prices," he said. A slowdown in iron ore shipments to China over the past months was due to a massive iron ore stockpile and temporary closures of steel and industrial plants to curb pollution during the Olympics, Khalid said. "The question is how long can China last out without importing iron ore?" he said. "If they slow down their production process they will need even less iron ore and if that does happen, once again, shipping will be in trouble," he said. PSL, valued at $453.7 million on the Thai bourse, is 42 percent owned by one of Thailand's richest families. Khalid and his younger brother have a combined 17.5 percent stake. Source: Trading Markets


Above seen the Jack-up barges KARLISSA A and KARLISSA B on the Oregon Coast, waiting on weather suitable for jacking down, makes clear why jack up barges were required in the first place.



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“K” Line / PIL / WHL to cooperate in New Service from China to Middle East

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” Line). Wan Hai Lines Ltd (WHL) and Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd (PIL) together with KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA, LTD (“K” Line) have agreed to merge their two existing services, viz. China Middle East service and China Straits Gulf service, and in lieu thereof launch a new service from North China to the Middle East. The new service will commence from early November with weekly sailing deploying six Panamax size vessels of 4250TEU capacity. WHL will provide three vessels, PIL two vessels and “K” Line will provide one vessel in this joint service. The port rotation will be as follows: Qingdao (Sun-Mon)- Lianyungang (Mon-Tue)- Shanghai (Wed-Wed)- Ningbo (Thu-Fri)- Hong Kong (Sat-Sat)- Shekou (Sun-Sun)- Singapore (Thu-Thu)- Port Kelang (Fri-Sat)- Jebel Ali (Sat-Sun)- Bandar Abbas (Mon-Tue)- Karachi (Thu-Fri)- Mundra (Fri- Sat)- Port Kelang (Fri-Sat)- Singapore (Sun-Mon)- Hong Kong (Thu-Fri)-Qingdao The new joint service will provide a comprehensive coverage in China while ensuring reliable and efficient connections from China to Middle East with a transit time of 22 days from Qingdao to Jebel Ali. The new joint service will also enhance the existing network of the three lines in the Asian region. Source: K-Line

Container shipping leader APL turns 160 years old

Global container shipping leader APL turns 160 years old Oct. 6. This Saturday night, the legendary carrier's year-long anniversary observance climaxes at a celebration on the San Francisco waterfront where APL first made maritime history during California's Gold Rush. The company will be honored by the San Francisco Maritime National Park Association at the association’s ninth annual Maritime Heritage Awards. Civic, government and maritime leaders will join in the celebration. "Our first ship sailed from New York for San Francisco on Oct. 6, 1848," pointed out Ron Widdows, CEO of APL’s parent company, Neptune Orient Lines Ltd (NOL). "One-hundred-sixty years later it's my privilege to wish happy anniversary to the men and women of APL who keep us at the forefront of the shipping industry – and to thank the customers and business partners who support us so well." Starting in 1848 as the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, APL has a long history of industry firsts, said Widdows. It includes: * The first rail line across Panama - a precursor to the Panama Canal; * The first regularly scheduled trans-Pacific service; * The first post-Panamax vessels, which drove trade to the U.S. West Coast; * The first widespread use of double-stack rail cars, developed by APL; * The first 45-, 48- and 53-foot ocean containers; and * The first day-definite, guaranteed delivery of U.S. import cargo. That history of innovation has been celebrated throughout the anniversary year of 2008 at APL events in Asia, North America and Europe. The Maritime National Park Association tribute at Fort Mason on San Francisco Bay will be a fitting conclusion. APL's predecessor company began life as a U.S. West Coast mail carrier during the California Gold Rush. In 1867 the world was brought closer together when the carrier launched the first regularly scheduled ocean service between San Francisco, Yokohama and Hong Kong. This legacy led to APL's leadership in the trans-Pacific today. APL currently operates 15 regularly scheduled services connecting Asia with the U.S. Ten of those services call at West Coast ports in California and Seattle. Five others reach the East Coast through the Panama and Suez canals. While APL's roots are in the U.S., it has become a global organization with operations in the world’s major trade lanes. The 1997 merger of APL with Singapore-based NOL created a world-scale business, which today operates not only a


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global container shipping company, but also a global top-10 Terminals business and the APL Logistics supply chain services unit. Perhaps APL's biggest influence in the past 30 years has been in shaping trade between Asia and the U.S. In 1979, APL was the first shipping line to establish dedicated train service linking port cities with the interior of the U.S. Train and vessel schedules were coordinated, resulting in a dramatic improvement in transit time and reliability for APL customers. This was the advent of intermodalism. In 1980, APL inaugurated Linertrain – its own system of inland rail terminals and leased railcars operating on predetermined schedules. It was the solution to the problem of giving customers reliable service not just port-to-port, but to their store doors. By 1984, the company was developing Stacktrain technology. The breakthrough doubled train capacity by stacking containers, two high on specially designed railcars. It was the final piece of the intermodal equation. Stacktrain resulted in the precise integration of domestic and international shipments. It hastened the shift in the world's trade axis toward Asia. Importers could ship cargo from Asia to the U.S. West Coast, then efficiently transport it east via the railroad. The shift in trade patterns was emphasized by APL's announcement in 1986 that its next generation of ships would be post-Panamax vessels – those too large to pass through the Panama Canal. In 1988, APL took delivery on the first class of post-Panamax ships. They were the final push in making the West Coast ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach the primary gateway for U.S. imports. Reacting to this change in trade patterns, APL developed a network of marine terminals on the West Coast. Today the company manages its own terminals at the ports of Los Angeles, Oakland, Seattle and Dutch Harbor Alaska, and also operates terminals in Yokohama and Kobe, Japan; and Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Source: APL

THE S&P MARKET WEEK 39 As reported by the Scandinavian Shipping Gazette

Bulkers Golden Ocean NB Resale: 81,000 dwt blt 09 Zhoushan. Sold region USD 65,300,000 to Norwegian KS buyer. Sale incl a 10 bb USD 21,975 per day. Victoria I: 55,303 dwt blt 08 Taizhou Jiantiao, 5HoHa. Sold region USD 63,000,000 to Cosmoship. Previous sale in August at USD 72,000,000 failed. Carina II: 27,544 dwt blt 77 Sumitomo, 5HoHa, Crs 4x25t. Sold region USD 10,800,000 to undisclosed buyer. Dolce I: 25,560 dwt blt 79 CCN Maua, 5HoHa, Crs 5x16t. Sold region USD 10,000,000 to Turkish buyer. Yl Conficence: 8,874 dwt blt 97 Zhonghua, 1HoHa, Crs 2x150t, 650 teu. Sold region USD 21,500,000 to Turkish buyer. BJ King: 7,045 dwt blt 90 Imabari, 2HoHa, D 2x30t, 2x25t. Sold region USD 9,500,000 to undisclosed buyer. Containers Islet Ace: 8,937 dwt blt 97 Watanabe, 12Ha, Crs 2x36t, 560 teu. Sold region USD 14,500,000 to Vietnam Ocean Shipping. Grandeur: 8,515 dwt blt 98 Murakami, 6Ha, Crs 2x36t, 700 teu. Sold region USD 14,000,000 to Vietnam Ocean Shipping. Tankers Sun Daisy: 7,569 dwt blt 85 Taihei. Sold region USD 3,000,000 to undisclosed buyer. Feng Hai You 3: 6,360 dwt blt 08 Yangzhou. Sold region USD 9,000,000 to undisclosed buyer.

Demolition Bangladesh MV India Lotus (cont): 39,967 dwt blt 81, 15,366 ldt, USD 535.00/ldt MV Meliton (cont): 33,289 dwt blt 81, 12,348 ldt, USD 590.00/ldt India


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MV Rio Bueno (pcc): 11,076 dwt blt 80, 7,851 ldt, USD 570.00/ldt Pakistan MT Aksiniya 4,763 dwt blt 84, 1,500 ldt, USD 535.00/ldt


The FRONT FALCON seen departing from Rotterdam-Europoort Photo : Fred Vloo ©


Above seen the tugs ZWARTE ZEE and SMIT HUNTER departing with the semi-submersible rig SEDCO-H from Rotterdam during 1982, the destination of the transport was Libya, the average speed of the transport until the Bay

of Biscay was approx 6 knots, in the Bay of Biscay the transport encountered winds upto 50-55 knots, the rig was later safely delivered by the tugs in Libya, note the “steering tug” connected to the bow of the ZWARTE ZEE

Photo : Pim Korver FILM+VIDEO ©


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Above seen the special towage service performed by several tugs included the tug SMIT TUXA to the new Petrobras FPSO P-53 during first sailing from yard in Rio Grande, Brazil to her production site offshore Brazil on Thursday 2

October 2008. The modules of the FPSO P-53 were installed by the sheerlegs Taklift-4 and Taklift 6 during 2007 and 2008 at the same yard. Photo : SMIT Rebras ©

SMIT Rebras (Rebocadores do Brasil SA) is a 50/50 joint venture of SMIT

and Brazilian partner REBRAS. In March 2006 SMIT Rebras placed the order with the Detroit Brasil yard to construct 18 new azimuthal stern drive (ASD) tugs. Since December 2007 9 tugs were delivered with an output of one tug per month. Operations started in February 2008 in Santos with 4 tugs, in May 2008 in Sao Luis (Ponta da Madeira & Itaqui) with 4 tugs, in September 2008 in Paranagua with 2 tugs, and Sepetiba will start November 2008 with 2 tugs. A fifth port will start first half 2009. In addition to the before mentioned 18 new tugs SMIT Rebras will place another order of 12 firm plus 6 optional tugs in the second half of 2008, all 70 TBP tugs. In 2011, within 5 years from the start, SMIT Rebras will operate in 8-10 of the main Brazilian ports with a new powerful fleet of at least 30 ASD tugs and about 200 crew and 75 staff.


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