D Ghetlr: if mis an amended Chapler filing


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17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 1 of 87

Fill In this infonnation to identify your ease;

Unilad States Bankruptcy Court for the·


---~-~--"=·--------- Cf)apter you arn ming umler.

Official Form 101

0 Cheptet l

• Chapter 11

0 Chapler 12

0 Chapler 13

Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy

D Ghetlr: if mis an amended filing

12/15 The ba1~kruptcy forms. l.i$EI you and Debtor 1 to refer to a debtor filing alone. A married couple may file a bankruptcy case together--called a joint case-----and in joint caH!I-, these forms use you to ask for Information from both debtors. For exa.n~pll!t, If a form aG.k.s, "Oo you own a car/' the answer would be yes If either debtor owns a car. When Information is needed about the spouses. separately, the form use., Dobro, 1 and Debtor 2to distinguish between them. In joint cases 1 one of the spouses must report Information 8.$ Dobror 1 and tile other as Dobtor 2. The same person must be Dsbror 1 In all of tho forrn,.

Be a;s eornplete and accurate as possible. If two married people are filing together, both are equally responsible for supplying correct Information. If more space Is needed, attach a $&parate $hHt to thla forrn. On the top of any additional pages, write your nam~ and eue number (if known}. Answer evety question.

•@ji ldontlfy Youroolf .. ,._,,,,._,.,_ .. ,. .... ,_, .. , .. -, .. - .......

About Debtor 1:

1. Your full name

Wfile the name that ls on your government-issued pie lure identification (for example, yom driver's license or passport)

2, AU other names you have u.sed In the last 8 years

include your manied m maiden names.

3. Only the 1 .. 1 4 digits of your Soelol Security number or foderal lndlvldu•I T••P•Yer Identification number (ITIN)

Eric First name H


About Oebtot 2 (Sp01.1se Only In a Joint Case):

First name

Last nnme and Suffix (Sr., Jr., IL JU}

Official F'orm 101 Voluntary P•tlllon for lndlvldualo Filing for Bankruptcy page 1

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Debtor 1 Braverman1 Eric Ft ·------------------·

4. Any busln8ss. names and Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) you hove used In the last 8 years

Include trad~1 names and doing lwsit19ss as names

5. Where you live

o. W~y you oro e~oo•lng ,hi• d/srr/c1 to filo for ba.nkruptey

About O.btor 1:

0 I l'la\/e not used any business name or E!Ns.

CBA Eric R. Braverman Business name(s)


200 Chambers St #26C New York NY 10007-1350 Number, S1ri,e1, Cily. Slat.e & ZIP Code

NawYork County

If your moiling oddre•• I• different from the one above, fill It In here. Nolf> lhal lh<> cou11 w,11 s•nct ony notice~ lo you al this mailing address

Number, P.O. Box, Street City, S1~11e & ZIP Code

Check one.

• Ovm the last 180 days bel'ore filing this petition, I have hvod in U1is district longer than many otllor district

D I have another reason Explain. (Soo 28 U.S.C § 1408)

About Debtor 2 (Spouse Only in a Joint Case):

D I have not used any business nama or f;INs

[lusiness nama(s) · ·

If Debtor 2 llves at a different address:

Nmnber, Street City, State &ZTf) Code~


If Debtor 2·• mailing oddte•• is different frorn youro, 1111 It In hEU'e. Nolf~ that Ibo court win seml any r10tices to this mailing addl"f~.S$,

Number, P.O. Box, Street, City, State & ZIP Coclo


0 Over tho last 100 days b0for0 filing this petition. I have hvad in !his districl longer than in any othar <Jistrict

D J have anath~r reason Cxplair,. (Soo21'1\J S.C. § 140-l)

Voluntary Petition for lndlvldu.als Filing for aankruptey pago.2

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Debtor 1 Braverman, Eric R. Case number M A·Mwfl.l

•i@f§ Tell tho Court About Your Bankn.iptey C••• ----·-···---·--··---·---7. The chapter of the Ch€Jck one. (For a brief descriplion of each. sea Notrce Heqairf;'(J by 11 U.S.G. § 342(h) tor lndividtJals Fihng for Bankruptcy (Form

Bankruptcy Code you are 2010)). Also, go to tha top of P..')99 1 and chei:k lhe ;1pp1npriate tmx· choosing to file under

0 Chapter 7

• Chapter 11

0 Chapter 12

0 Chapter 13

8. How you will pay the fee • I will pay the entire fee when I file my petition. Please check with the clerk's office in your (()(';i1l cow1 for mOfe details about how you may pay, Typically. ff you are paying lhe fee yourseH, you tnay pay with cash, cashter's check, or money order. If your attorney is stibmttting your paynier1t on your behalf. y(1lff Bttorney may pay wilt1 a credit card or ctieck with a pre.printed address.

D I need to pay the fee in Installments. Jf you choose this option, sign and anach lhe Appfication for" /i'l(Jividl)a/s to Pay The Piling Pee in lnstaffmer/t:S (Offklat Form 103A)

D I request that my fee be waived (You may request this option only if you are filing for Chapter 7. By !aw. a judgo may, bu! is nol required lo, wail/a your foo, and may fJO so only ii' your tncome is less 111an 150% ol' the official poverty line t11at applies to yc,ur family size ana you ara unable to pay Hl(~ foo in ioslnHments). U you choose this option, you must fill out the Application lo nave the ChapJer 7 hting Fae Waived {Off'lch;il Form 103B) and hie ti with your petihon.

9. Hove you rlled for • No bankruptcy within the last 8 years? 0 Yas.

10. Are any bankruptcy cases • No pending or being filed by • •pou•• who I• not filing O Yes. thl• e••• with you, or by a busln-eM partner, or by an afflllate'?

11. Oo you rent your ro•ldonec?

Official Form 101

• No.












________ Case numt,a1

Case number

____________________ Rell~l!onship to you

__________ When Case number. if kr10'tvn -------------------------- Relationship 1~1 you

Wht~it --···~-=~~·~ ... ,w-·····~·" Case nun1ber, if knov,in

G(1 to line 12 .

Has your landlord obtained an ~-:viction j'udgment against you and do you want to slay in your reside:11ce?

N(). Go to Hr1t~ 12. 0

0 Yes. Fill oulfmtisl Statement Ab0u1 an Evictron Judgment AQWT"lst You(Form 101A) and mo it with this bankn,ptcy palition

Voluntary Petition ror lndlviduolO Filing for Ban~ruptcy page3

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Debtor 1 _Braverma!1 Erlc,R. Case nwnberri;'i:rnow~J

Report About Any Businesses You Own as. a Sole Proprietor '-------------------------------------------···-~"-~"'"··--------12, Are. you a $Ole proprietor

of any rull- or part-tim~ • No. Go 10 Part 4 buslnl!lss?

A sole proprietorship js a business you 0pera10 as an uHJividuel, and is not cl separnte legal enllty suer1 as a corporahon, pa1tners1~iP. or LLC

!f you have more than one sole proprietorship, usfl a separate shoot and attach ii to thi.s petition

13. Aro you filing under Ch•ptor 11 of tho llankruptey Cod• and ore you a •ma// bu,1n .. • debtor?

For a defir1ttioo of smlifl business debtor; S(,>e 11 U.S.C. § 101(51D)

DYes Name and location of businas$

Narne ot' b\J...~iness, if any

Number, Street, City, Slate & ZIP Code

Check the approp,iete Mx lo descritJe your business.

o Health Caro 8us1110ss (as defin,)(1 in 11 U.S.C. § 101mA))

D Single Asset Real Estate (as dof'ined in 11 U.S.C .. § 101(518})

o Sleek.broker (es delrned 11111 U.SC. § 101(53A))

O Commedlly 8rOl<er (as defined in 11 US.C. § 101(6))

o None of tha abow

If you are fifing under Chapter 11, the cour1 must know whorher you aro a small business dabtorso that it clln set appropriate d(~ad/1nes. If you indicate lhat you are a small business debtor, you 1m1st attoctl your most tet.:e11t balance st1eet statt"rl1t.'11l or op,aff1.tioris. \:a.sf\ .. f!(m stutemant, and tedernl 1nco,ne· lax return or if any of these dOCU1l\(~/1ts do not exist, foHow the procedure-in 11 l!S.C. 1111i(1)(B)

D No I am not filing under Chapter 11

• No.


I am filing under Chapter 11, but ! am NOT a small business. clobtor according to the definilion 1n the Bankruptcy Code

I am flh,19 tJn(1el' Cheipte!' 11 amJ ! a,11 a smau busf1)ess debtor according to the definition in !he Bankruptcy Code.

f@fi.Report if You Own or Have Any Hazardous Property or Any Property That Needs lmm_•_d_l•_l_•_A_t_t•_n_11_o_n ______________ _

14, Oo you own or h•v• any • No proporty that po••• o, Is alleged to pose a. threat of D Yes Imminent and Identifiable hazard to public health or safety? Or do you own any property that needs lnimodlate nttentlon?

r-·ot ex.ample., do you own perishable goocts., or liVestock the.II must fJ(~ fed, or a bttildino that needs muent repairs?

Offa:ia! F-onn 101

Whal is the hazard?

If irnrnedialo attention is needed, w1,y ls it needed?

Wh"'e ,s Ille prrx,et1y?

Numbe1, s11ee!. City. S!i:lle & Zip Code

Vohmtary Petition for Individual& Filing for Bankruptcy page4

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Dablor 1 Sraverman 1 Eric R.

fijl# Explain Your Eff~rts to Receive a Briefing About Credit Counseling

About Oebtor 1: 15. Tell tho court whether

you have received a briefing about cte.dit counseling.

The law requires that y0t1 receive a briefing about crei::Ut COtJnMling before you We tor bankruptcy Yot1

You mus.t check one; • I rectdved a brlef'lng from an ,approved credit

c.ounsellng agency within the 180 day$ before I filed this: bankruptcy pf!ltltion, and I received a certificate of completion.

Attach a copy of Iha-certificate and the paym(lflt plan, if any, Illa! you developed with tho agency

must lmlhfully check orie of D Iha folklw11,g choices. II you cannot do so, you are not eligible to file.

I received a briefing from an approved cr@dit counseling agency within the 180 days before I filed this bankruptcy petition 1 but I do not have a certificate of completion.

U yr.Ju frle anyway, lhe court can dismiss your ctise. you WJII lose wllate,m filing r«> you paid, and your credllors can bogfn coltoction activities again.

Within 14 days after you file this bankruptcy petition, you MUST file 1:1 copy of the certificate and payment plan. it any.

O I certify that I asked for credit counseling .services from an approved agency 1 but was unable to obtain those services during the 7 dayo oftor I made my roquost, and ••lgont c:lrcumatanee$ mtrlt a 30~day temporary waiver of the rttqulrement.

To ask ror • 30-<lay leO'lporary waiver ot !he requirement, altach a separate shoot explaining whal efforts you made tO obtain !he briefing, why you wena unable ta obtain it befOfe you filod for bankruptcy, and what exigent circumstanc.e-s required you to me this \:ase

Your CtlSe may be dlsmissed if the court is dissatisfied with your reasons fO( not receiving a bnefing before ycu moo 101 bankrnptcy. If the court is satisfied wHh your reasons, you must still receive a bnefing \vilhin 30 days aftOf you file: You must file 1:1 cenificale from the approved agency, a.long with a copy of· lhe payment plan you developed. it any If you cio not do so, ynur Ctlse may be di~.missed

Any oxtension or Iha 30.day dea<ihna is gmnl.00 only for cause and is limited to a maximum or 15 days

D I •m not roqulrod to roeelvo • brle!lng •bout crodl! eounoollng boe•u•• of:

D lneopaelty. I have a mania! illnoss or a nHmta! def1cioncy that rnakas me in(.apab!a of realizing or inaki"i ration.al docisions about finances

D Ol•obllity, My pt;ysical disublhly causes mo to be unable 10 participalo in a briaHng in person. by ~iMne, or through tha Internal. evan aUet ! reasonably lried to do so,

D Active duty. I c1m currenlly on active mihlaiy duly In a military combat tone.

U you beli1.we you aH!' not requirett 10 roceNe a tJ!ieling atmul '.:red1l c1)u11seting, you mu5t ffle a motion for m1ivei credit 1~()1.111selmn with the couit

Caso number (:f Y.r1cnmJ

About Debtor 2 (Spouse Only l'n a Joint Case):

You must check one·

O I received a briefing from an approved credit counseling agency within the 180 days before I filed this bankruptcy petition, and I received a certificate of c.ompletion.

Att.och a copy of !he certificate and the payment plan, if any. lhal ycu developed wilh lhe ,>gency.

O l re~elved a briefing from an approved credit eoun,ellng agency within the 180 day, before I flied this bankruptcy petition, but I do not h"ve a certificate of eompletlon,

Within 14 days aHef you fila this bemkruptcy petition, you MUST Me a c·cpyof the carlificate ana payrnent plan, ff any

D I certify that I .. ked for credit coun•ellng ••rvlce• from an a,pproved agency, but was unable to obtain thoo• ••rvlcos during the 7 d•Y• •fter I made my request. and exigent circumstances merit a JO.day temporary waiver of the requirement.

To ask for a 30-day temporary wallAi!r of the requirement, attach a separate sheet explaining whal effor1s you made lo 1.,~blam the briefing, why you were unable to obtain it berore you !'He<! f(;r bankn;ptcy, 811(.l what. ex1gtml circumstances. mquired yoo 10 tile I.his <:ase

Your casa nmy tm dismissed if tho court is dissatisfied with vow· l'a,.~sons fOi not tei::e,ving a brlef'ing beforn you filed frn bankruptcy

II the cornt is salislil::KI with your teasons, you must st1U HKOM:I a briefing within 30 days artef you file. You mwH file a corlifirnle from the approved agair.y, along with a copy of lh~~ payrnent plan you developed,, if any. If you do not do so. your case mtw be dismissed.

Any e>:.tension of lhc 30-day deadline is granted only for c.nuse and is liniitecl to a maximum of ·15 days

D I am not required to receive a briefing about credit counseling because of

O Incapacity. I htwe a mental illness or a mental def1cioncy that makes me mcapablo of rea!rzing or making rational dtX1Sic.ms about finances.

D Dloablllty. My physical disability ca\1sa.s me to bo unabl~ to participate in a brieling in po!'son, by phone, or through the inlemet t."Ven after t reasonably lried to do so

D Active duty. I am currently on active mihlary (My in o military combat zone.

If you believe you are not required 10 rnceiva a briefing ab01,1t credil counseling, you must file a motiOfl fol" waiver 01· cro11t counseling with the court

Official Form 101 Voluntary Petition for Individual• FIiing for Bankrnptey f}ClQG 5

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Certificate Nu111be1·: 01267-NYS-CC-02874728 l

111111111111111 !11~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111 01267 ,NVS,CC,020747281


I CERTIFY that on Februfil ... Hl.....lQl'Z, at Qt.;;B o'clock PM EST, Eric R .. Braverman received from Money Management International, Inc., an agency approved pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § l l I to provide credit counseling in the S.m1tlKl1L District of New York, an individual [or group] briefing that complied with the provisions of I l U.S.C. §§ I09(h) and I I I.

A debt repayment plan was not prepared. If a debt repayment plan was prepared, a copy of the debt repayment plan is attached to this certificate.

This counseling session was conducted llY inh;rnet.

Date; f:.~llIJ!l!ry_LLiill.1

Name: Bethany Condoll

Title: Area Ma11ager

•Individuals who wish to file a bankruptcy case under title 11 ()fthc United States B:mkruptcy code are required co file within the United States Bankmptcy Court a complete certificate of C()llnseling from the nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency that provided the individual the counseling services and a copy of the debt repayment plan, if any, developed through the credit counseling agency. Sec 11 U.S.C. §§ l 09(h) and 521 (b).

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Deblo,, 1 Braverman. Eric R. Case number r,r i':oown1

Anawer Those Que-sUons for Reporting Purposes

16, What kind of debts do you have?

16a. Are your d•bts prlm,rtly consumer debt,? Consumer deblsare cteli11ed in 11 \J,S,C § 101(8) es "incurred by an individual primarily for a personal, rAf'nily, or househcid purpose,'

• No Go 10 \Ina 1Gb

0 Yes. Go lo line 17

16b Are your debtf. primarily buaineH debts? B1.1si11,;ss debrs are deb1s that you incurred to obtain money !or a business or invastrnent or lh<Oi.1gh tha oPE!falion of the business or investment

• No. Go to line 16c

D Yes. Go 10 lino 17

16c State the type of debts you owe that are not consumer debts or business debts Matrimonial related

17. Aro you filing under • No Chapter 7?

I am not filing under Ctlapter 7. Go to hne 18

Do you estimate that after D Yes any exempt property Is

I am fihng untler Chapter 7. Do you aswnato 1hat after any exempt propE..'rty is excluded arid adrnimstrahve e:<,pansas are pt»d mat funds will be available to dtstrihute 10 unsecured creditors?

excluded and admln1:1:1tratlv$ expenses. are paid that funds wm be •••ll•ble for dlotrlbu~on UJ' une,e,cured creditors?

18. How many Creditor& do you estimate that you owe'?

19. How much do you egtJmete your assets to be worth?

20, How much do you es.timate your llablliHe5 to b•?




• 50-99 D 100-191> D 200-999

• $0 - $50,000 D $50,001 - $100,000 0 $100,001 ., $500,000 D $500,001 - $1 m1lhon

D so -$50,000 D $50,001 - s 100.000 D s100,001. ssoo,ooo 0 $500,01)1 , $1 ,rnlllon


D 1,000-s.ooo D soo1-10,ooo D 10,001-25.000

0 $1,000,001 - SIO 1rnlllo11 D $10,000,001 - $50 million D sso,000,001 - s100 m,111011 D $100,000,001 - S500 million

0 $1,000,001 - 510 million

• $10,000,001 - S50 million

0 $~0.000,001 - S100 million D $100,000,001 - $500 million

D 25,001-50,000 D 50,001-100,000 0 IVloro thanl00.000

D S500,000.oo1 . S 1 Dllhon 0 51,000,000,001 -$10 billion

0 $10,000.000.001 -$50 billion 0 Mara than $50 billion

0 S500,000,001 . s1 bilhon D $1_000,000,001 - $10 lllllion 0 $10,000,000.001 - $50 billion D More than S50 billion

.. ,,,,,_,, .... ,,,.,~.,,, •. , ...... ,---········-·-···--·-··- ·····---···--·----····-·· .. ---···-··-·"····-·••·'·~"•""''''~"''·'-,,,,_,,m,,,,.,._.,,s~·•"··-~-·-··-·····-···-···--···-·--··-·········-··-···-·····-·-·-··-·····--····-··-·-~-~--•·•··"·""'"""·~•"'"·'~'""'m"""''"'~~·•

j@fi Sign Below

For you

Official Form 101

I have examined this pelltion. and 1 declare uoaar penalty of perjury \hat lhe information provided i5 true and correct.

If I have chosen to me under Chaple, 7. I am awara that J may proceed. if eligible, under Cha.pier 7. 11, 12. or 13 of @e 11, United States Coda. ( understand the relief availablo under each chapter. and t c~ioose to proceed uncter Chapter 7,

lf no attorney reprn,sonts me and l did not p£-,y or agree to pay somoona who is nor an a1tomay to help mo fill out this doc.ument, have obtained and read the notice required by 11 U.S.G. § 3,1:?(b)

I reQU(:!.St rauet in accordance with Iha chapter of title 11, Urnled States Code. specilted 1n mis pelition

a false statement. concealing property, ot Ol:ilaming money or proPortv by fraud in connection with a bankruptcy ', p $ 50 ~nsonmonl for up to 20 years, or botll. 18 U.S.C. §§ 152, 1341, 1519, ond %71

----.d,.._.._.f:'c>:~l-!:::...:::._. Signature or Debtor 2

Executed on March 31 2017 MM/ DDIYYYY

Executed on

Voluntary Petition for lndlvlduah11 Filing for Bankruptcy



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Debtor 1 Braverman Eric R, Casa number M 1m¢wm

For your attorney, II you are represented by one

If you are not repre.sented by an attorney I you do not need to file this p9ge.

Official r=orm 101

I, the attorney for the debtor(s) namoo in this petrtion, declare that I I\O\le ,nforrnoo the del>IOl(s) about eligibility to procaec uMer Chapter 7, 11, 12, or 1) Of litle 11. United States Cade, and have explained !he rellef availOO!a under each chapter for which 111e pers<rn is eligible I also ce1hfy that I 11ave <!ellve,ed to lh!l,.<lobtor(s) the notice requ11ed by 11 u s c § 342(b) end In e case 111 which§ 707(bw)(4)(0 pl1 , cort1fy that I have ;19-x"""'1e<lga after an 1nq11,ry lhal the 1nforn1etton 1n tha sclte<lules filed With lhe petition 1s tnc ~~ ?. .,.,., ........

. ~-~ ,,, -- Date March 3, 2017 MM I DDIYYYY

Kevin J. Nash rin mime

.$!1db&!Jl Weprln Finkel Goldstein LLP -·--·-··--------·-·--- .. , ... _,, _____ , ____ . 1-1n11n~me

1501 Broadway 22nd Floor New York, NY 10036 Numoor, Stree!. Cl!+/, Slat'!:! a ZIP cooe

co11ta~t pt1011e Jt!.fil 221-5700 --· .. --·~··

ar11um:M"r !i:lte

Email add1es-s

Voluntary Pe~tlon to, Individuals FIiing for Bankruptcy

• knash@gwfglaw.com

page 7

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UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK -----------------------------------------------------------x In re:

Eric Braverman,

Chapter 11

Case No.




Eric Bravem1an, M,D, declares under penalties of po1jury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §

1746 as follows:

I. I am the individual Chapter 11 debtor herein, and as such I am familiar

with the facts and circumstances set forth below.

2. I submit this Declaration in accordance with Local Bankruptcy Ruic 1007-

4 in support of my petition for relief under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States Code (the

"Bankruptcy Code").

3. For many years, I was a successful and well respected doctor, specializing

in the field of anti-aging medicine. I maintained an extensive and profitable medical practice in

New York City, with satellite offices in Florida and elsewhere

4. In May 2011, I became embroiled m a highly contentious and bitter

divorce proceeding with my ex-wife, Darya Braverman, which has completely drained me

financially, professionally and emotionally.

5, I have been wrongly vilified throughout the divorce case. Unfortunately,

the divorce has garnered negative publicity and badly hurt my medical practice and standing in

the medical community,

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6. Notwithstanding a number of adverse divorce rulings, I will always

maintain that I am a capable and supportive father to my three (3) children. I believe that my

rights and interests were not properly represented during the divorce despite paying more than

$5,000,000 in total attorney fees, expert fees, and other court appointed individuals.

7. At this juncture, I face the prospect of a forced sale of my assets by the

com1 appointed receiver, Simon Miller (a partner at Blank Rome LL!') and likely irreparable

harm to my medical practice arising from multiple judgments. Indeed, just yesterday, an Order

granting summary judgment in favor of Citibank N.A. was issued to enforce a personal guaranty

of a $2,000,000 Joan obligation. The entry and enforcement of a resulting judgment will further

complicate my legal and financial affairs.

8. Rather than expose myself to additional legal travails, I am filing this

Chapter 11 petition to use bankruptcy to avoid a distressed sale of my assets and preserve my

medici1! practice. The Chapter 11 case will allow me to address a number of competing claims in

a single forum.

9. My pnmary asset, while jointly owned with my ex-wife (Darya

Braverman), remains a valuable New York City apartment which I believe has a value of

between $7,000,000 - $8,000,000. Still pending before the Divorce Court is a determination on

equitable distribution relating to the division of the apartment and other assets between my ex­

wife and me.

l 0. My share of the net proceeds from the apartment will allow me to

promulgate a plan of reorganization that pays creditors a dividend in bankruptcy.

11. I will also seek to discharge all of my dischargeable debts to gain the

benefit of a fresh stmt as contemplated by personal bankruptcy.


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12. l am filing a complete set of schedules which lists all of my assets,

creditors (secured, priority, and unsecured) and monthly income and expenses.

Dated: March 3, 2017

Eric Braverman


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UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ········-········---------------·-·················--------x In re:

Eric Braverman,



Chapter 11

Case No.


I. Darya Braverman v. Eric Bravennan Supreme Court, New York County Index No. 156633/2015

Attorney for Plaintiff: Jamie Andrew Schrek, P.C. 520 Eight A venue, New York, NY 10018

Matrimonial Attorney: Hindin Deutsch 110 East 59'" St, 23'd Fl New York, NY I 0022

2. Board of Managers of the 200 v. Eric R. Braverman Supreme Court, New York County Index No. I 62556/2015

Attorney for Plaintiff: Belkin Burden Wenig 270 Madison A venue, 511

' Fl New York, NY 10016

3. Peter Lomtevas, Esq. v. Eric Braverman, MD Supreme Court, New York County Index No. 655271/2016

Attorney for Plaintiff: Peter C. Lomtevas, Esq. 1248 85th Street Brooklyn, NY I I 228

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 13 of 87

4. 5W Public Relations, LLC v. Path Medical P.C., and Eric Braverman, Supreme Court, New York County Index No. 655510/2016

Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Petro Zinkovetsky, Esq. Zinkovetsky Law Finn 1166 Avenue of the Americas, 4'h Fl New York, NY 10036

5. 304 Pas Owner LLC v. Eric R. Braverman Supreme Court, New York County Index No. 656638/2016

Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Dennis IL McCoobery, Esq. Stempel Bennett Claman & Hochberg, P.C. 675 Third Avenue, 31" Fl New York, NY 10017

6. Citibank, N.A. v. Place for Achieving Total Health Medical, P.C., Eric Braverman, Total Health Nutrients, Inc. tmd Total Health Nutrients, LLC Supreme Court, New York County Index No. 652371/2015

Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Nathan Schwed, Esq. Anthony L Giacobbe, Jr., Esq. Zeichner Ellman & Krause LLP I 2 I I A venue of the Americas New York, NY 10036

7. Ari Teman v. Eric Braverman, M.D., Richard Smayda, D.0., Sandip Buch, M.D., Anupama Reddy, M.D., Path Medical, P.C., Darya Braverman, and Total Health Nutrients Supreme Comi, New York County Index No. 805410/2014

Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Glen A. Kendall, Esq. Davidoff Law Firm, PLLC 228 East 45 th Street, Suite 1700 New York, NY 10017


17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 14 of 87

8. Olga Gilmartin v. Path Medical PC., and Eric Braverman Supreme Court, New York Cotinty lndexNo.161809/2013

Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Jeffrey Benjamin, Esq. Jeffrey Benjamin, P.C. 118-21 Queens Blvd., Suite 501 Forest Hills, NY 11375

9. MLS Funding Corp. v. Place for Achieving Total Health Medical, P.C. a/k/a Place for Achieving Total Medical Health, P.C., and Eric R. Bruvennan Supreme Court, New York County Index No. 158082/2013

Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Scott D. Chait, Esq. Pretore & Perctore, P.C. 110 Park Street Staten Island, NY I 0306

Dated: New York, New York March 3, 2017

By: Name: Eric Braverman


17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 15 of 87

Fill In thl• Information to Identify your o .. o:

Debtor 1

Da~lor 2 (Spouse II. flllfl{J)

Eric R. Sravennan Fir~\ Name

UnilM Stales Ban~ruptcy Court ror 1ne

Case nuniber (ii \.'.no, ... 11)

B 104 ------------

Middle Neme Lag.t flame


O Check 1r this 15 a.n amended rmng

For Individual Chapter 11 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Against You and Are Not Insiders

If you are an lndlvldual filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 111 you must fill out this form. If you are filing under Chapter 7, Chapter 12, or Chapter 13, do not rm out this fom,. Do not Include claims by anyone who Is an lnl'Jlder. Insiders include your relatives; any general partners: relatives of any general partners; partnerships of which you are a g.eneral partner; corporatlon.s of Which you are an officer, director, person In control 1 or 0YtT1e:r of 20 percent or more of their voting securities; and any managing agent, Including one for a bua.lneise you operate •a a :sole proprietor. 11 U.S.C. § 101. Al•o, do not Include claims by ••cured erodltoro uni••• th• unooeur•<l cl•lm resulting from Inadequate collateral value places the crodltor among the holdoro of the 20 lorg .. t unoocurod clolmo.

Be as eompleto and accurate as possible. If two married people are flllng together, both are equally responsible for supplying correct Information.

llffllM List the 20 Unsecured Claims in Order from Largnt to Smallest. Do Not Include Claims by lnalder9 •

• Cit! Bank Loan 300 Park Ave S New York, NY 10010·5313


(917) 512·8122 Contacl pM11e

• !trio Ventures LLC 1000 N West St# 1200 Wilmington, DE 19801-1058

B 104 (Olli~ial Fo1m lMl

What Is tho nature of the claim? Loan $ $21027,233.21 ----------As of the date you file> the claim Is: Chack all that apply O Conllngenr O Unliqu1datod O Dispule<I a None of lho abovo apply

Does the-creditor have a. lien on your property?

• 0


Yas. Total cl.aim (secured and unsecured) $ -------Value of security: -$

Unsecured claim $--------

Whal lo tho notur• of tho elalm? -'G""u'"'a""ra"'n"'ty,_ ____ $ $1,582,782.36

A• of tho dalo you filo, tho claim lo: Chock all 1ha1 apply O Contingent O Unliquidated

a o;spureo

O None of the above apply

Doe• the cn>dltor have a lien on your property?

a No 0 Yes Total da1m (sacu,e<l and unsecured) $ _____ _

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 16 of 87

DBblor 1

• Internal Revenu• Service Centralized Insolvency Operations PO Box 7346 Phlladelpi>la, PA 19101•7346

• 304 Pas Owner LLC 304 Par~ Aves New York, NY 10010-4301

• Bender & Rosenthal I-LP 451 Park Ave S # 8 New York, NY 10016·7390

(212) 725.7111,,_, _____ _ coiilatt pl\er'l~

• AnazaoHealth Corp. 5710 Hoover alvd Tampa, FL 33534.5339

Case mimb,~r (d known)

V1:11ue of security: Unsecurod claim

-S~------$ ______ _

What lg the nature of the claim? -T'"'"'-'""'"-""---·------ $ $6541782,88

As of the date you file, the claim is: Ch(tCk all that apply O Contingent • Unllquldaled

D Disputed

O None of the above apply

Does the ereditor have a lien on your property?

• D


Yes lotal claim {secured and unsecured)

Value of security·

Unsecured clatm


-$ -------s _____ _

What lo th• nature of the clolm? _____ $ $630 446.77

As of the date you flier the d~lm is; Check all that apply O Con!.in-ganl D Un!iquidatod • Oispuled

O None of the above apply

00e5 the creditor have i!i lien on your property?

• D


Yes 'i'Dtal claim {secured and utlSOCUt'l;!(I)

Value of secudty: Unsecured claim

What Is the nature of the-elalrn? ~~L~!rv.~l~ce~•~-- s $400,000.00 ···-­

A$ of the date you file, the clalm la: Check au that apply O Conhn9an1 D Un!iquidated

• Disputed

D None or the above apply

Does the creditor have a lien on your property?

• No

D Yes. Total clairn (secuied .and unsee med)

Value of socud1y Unsecured claim


,$ $---------··--·-··-

What is the nature of the claim? ·-------- S J.300,,000,..,.0:::0::.,_ __

As of the date you file, the elalrn Is; Check al! that appty D Contingent O Unl1quidated D Dispulod

fl ,o~ (Off,r.iai Form 11).r1 For b1dlvidu~1 Chapter 11 C&ses: List 01 cretlil(lr"~ Who M,1ve UH!· zo L11rges1 Ujlt-~i;:IHl)d Cl.titm:s

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 17 of 87

Deblor 1 Braverman, Eric R.~ .. , .. ___________ , Case number (if known)

Ralph Marcadls

rmarcadis@marcadislaY!.com Cr.iri:,1ct

(813) 288·1881 ~C,,-,oo-,-,,~,1~,,~.,~.,,--'-'-"""----·----

• Internal Revenu• Service Centrall,ed Insolvency Operations PO Box 7346 Philadelphia, PA 19101-7346

• ioo Chambers St. Condomlnum c/o Belkin Burden Wenig & Goldman I-LP 270 Madison Ave# 5 New York, NY 10016-0601


.savoy Bank 600 51~ Ave Fl 17 New York, NY 10020-2322

(646)J75-4_00_0 _____ _

9 ,o~ (Off\,;ial Form 1!'.M)

• Nono of the above apply

Does the creditor have a lien on your property?

• 0

No Y(;?S. Total claim (secwect ana lmsei::ured)

Value of' security. Unsacuw,1 c!air'n

-$ $--·-·---

What h!; thfl nature of the claim? For notice purposes

As of the date you filo, th~ claim is: Check au that apply D Cmlti!lgenl O \Jnhquiaated D Disputed

a Nnne t)f lhe above apply

Does the creditor have a Uen on your property?

No • 0 Yes. Tota! claim (sf:lt;ured and unsecured)

Vt1lueof security Unsacured clt1i1n

What I$ the nature of the clalm? Condo Fees

$ __ _

$ $150,325.99 __ _

A!!. of the date you file, the elalm Is: Chet k all that apply 0 Contingorit O UnHquidated

• D!5pU\ed

0 Ncme of the a!Jove apply

Does the creditor have a lien on your property?


• No Y~ Total claim (st.:icured and un\:iecurOO~

Valua of !;ei;,urity Unsecured claim

S $150,325.99 - S $0,00 S J.! 50,325.99

What Is the nature of the claim? Guarantee -·--···-- $ $138,711.49

As of the date you file, the elalm is: Check alt that apply D Contingen1 D Unliquidated

• o,spUled O NOfW of the ubOvc apply

Does the creditor have a lien on your property'?

• 0

No Yes Total claim (securod and unsec\Jft\id} $


17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 18 of 87

Debtor 1

_____ , __________ _ • Koren Srond

36 Maple Pl # 207 Manhasset, NY 11030-1976

• Soles Schiller & Flexner LLP 575 Lexington Ave# 7 New York, NY 10022-6138


CasA number (if known)

Unsecured claim

What Is the nature of the claim?


As of the dale you fih;, the claim is: Check all !hat apply O Contingent O Unliquida!ed


D Nono of tho above apply

Does the creditor have a lien on your property?

• No D Yes. TOia! c:lain'1 (socurnd a,,d unsecured)

Value of security· Unsecured claim

$ -$-----~ s _____ _

·------------·"~'~"'·=·--·~· What Is the neture of the claim? Legal Se,:ylc,~•.::c•--- S $130,000.00

As of the date you file, the elalm Is: Clletk an that appl~ D Contingent D Unliqukfaled

• Di$putod

O None of the above apply

Does the creditor have a lien on your property?

• No

D Yes. Total claim (secured and unsecured)

Vfllue ol se<:ur'ity Unsecured claim

s • $

$ ______ _


• Raoul Faldet 437 Madison Ave# 36 New York, NY 10022-7001

(212) 632-3939

• Steven O!Nardl 12 Industrial Or New Brunswick, NJ 08901,3632

What is the nature of the claim? _,L~•~s~•'~---,--··-···-$ $1151000,00

As of the date you file, the claim I&: Check an that apply O Contingent O UnHqu1dated • Disputed

D None of the abova tlPPIY

Does the creditor have a lien on your property?

• D

NO Yes Total clntm (sec wed and unsocure<.l)

Vah,m of security Unsecumcl claim

What h, the nature of the claim?




As of the date you file:, thitr elalm ls; Check au that apply D Contingent D Unhquidated 0 OISl)Ule<I • None of 1hn abo\tf.l apply


···--- $ $100,000.00

Fiir lmliviQu~1 Cl:l~P113r 11 Casesr list of crec11tor!I Wllo 11.iiVi\ !M ::10 l.iirgei;:t Uns!!c:urecl Clalm!i

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 19 of 87

Debtor 1 Braverinan, Eric R .. .,."~M, __________ _ Cese numbor(lf known)


• eank of America eank of America PO Box 25118 Tampa, FL 33622-5118

• Konica Minolta 485 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10017-2630

(212) 294-6200 contac1 t::liari~

• Andrew J. Splnelil 295 Madison Ave New York, NY 10017-6304

c~tact ,~crie

Does th~ creditor have a lien on your property?

• 0


Yes Tota! claim (secured and unsef.tJrf;!d} Value of securily Unsecured claim

$ -S-------

S _____ _

-----------··--··-· What Is the nalurtt of the elidm? Credit car,L_ _______ $ $100,000.00

A$ o1 the date you file, the claim Is: Check au thm apply O Contingent O Unhquidated

D Oispulad • None of tho above apply

Doea th@ tr$dltot have a lien on your property'?

• 0

NO Yes. T otat dairn (secured and uns.ocured}

Va!uo of security unsecurt-:i.cl claim

s -s s

What is the nature of the claim? _G_u_a_r_a_n~ty ____ ,,_, ___ $ $9'-"3,cc9=-20cc·c.38'-----

As of the da«I you file, the claim Is: Check all that apply D Contingent

O Unhquidated • Disputed

D None of the above appty

Does the creditor have a Ihm on your property?

• 0

No Vos. Total claim (secured a1id unsacutad} $

Value of security Unsec~1red tlaim


What Is the nature of the claim'?

A• of the date you file, the claim Is: Chock all that apply O Conti11gent D Unliquidatod O Disputed • Nono or Iha abow, apply

Does the creditor have a lien on your property?

• No 0 $


$ $75,000.00

Yes. T citat cleim (secured t~nd unsecumd) Value of security· -S------Unsecured claim $

What is the nature of the claim? _________ $ J73.,!!j_~,0.5cc5c....._ __ _

f"(lt· 1mllvidu.1\ C!hlpt~r 11 Cos~~; Ust 01 creditors W110 lla1Je-1ht-W 1,arg~,11;1 Un/l~r.urna Cl~lms

Sot\w3r13 (':op;:rl,;)ill \r) ·\9~(,-2014 CIN Grc.!,p, W1\•111.~1il(.l)lllrils~.i;cm

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 20 of 87

Debtor 1 Bravermani Eric_R. ·-~~~,~

... Rainbow Oiet Wellness Center LLC c/o Oarya eraverman 39 N Moore St Apt 3B New York, NY 10013-2493

.Chase 333 E 23rd St New York, NY 10010-4710


j212) 477-7760

• Can Capital 414 W 14th St New York, NY 10014-1030

(646) 461-4288 ___________ _ Curi!~r.t pt1cna

• Simon MIiier c/o Blank Rome LL!' 405 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10174-0002

13 104 iOff.{131 FClfm 1[MJ

Casa nwnher tit 1<.,wwn)

A$ of the date you flle 1 the claim Is: Check all \hat apply D Contingent • Unliquidaled

• Disputed

D None of the abova apply

Does the creditor have a lien on your property?

• No 0 Yes. Total claim (securQ;I and un$OC.Utad)

Value or security: Unsecured claim

----------------·-------What Is the nature ot the elalm? -------- $ $65,077.88

As of the date you file, the claim is: Chock all th.at apply O Contingent O llnliqwdaled O Disputed

• None ol lM ab-Ove "1'P/y

Does the creditor have a lien on your property?

• No 0 Yes. Total claim (secured and unsecured)

Valua of sei:: urit.y" Unsecured claim

What I• tho nature of the claim?


-$ ,-------

·----- $ $63,906.66

A5 of the date you file, the claim is: Check all Iha! ~1pply D Co11tjngent D Unhquldaled • Disputed

O None of the above apply

Does the creditor htwe a lien on your property?

• Ne, D Yes Total claim (secured and unS(."<:urOO)

Value of 5ocurity Unseclired claim

What lo tho noturo of the <lolrn?

As of the date you file, the claim is: Check all that apply D Contingent O Unhquiaa1ad O Disputed

• None of tt1e above apply

Does the creditor have a lien on yc,ur propbrty?

• No


17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 21 of 87

Debtor 1 11.r•vannan, E!J,0c"R"'.'------- Case numt.>er(if known)

• NO COfltacl D

lfflfM Sign Below

Y~ Total claim (s&ored and unsocurod)

va1ua of sac urity Unsetllfed claim

s • $

$ _____ _

Under~ or perjury. I declare that t!iO Information provided In thlo form lo true and correct.

X ~I...~ X , ______ _

Eric Ft Braverman · S1gn0lura of Oablor 2 -----------Signature of Debtor 1

Dato March 3 2017 Dale

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 22 of 87

Fill in this information to ideohfy your ~ase an~ this fiUnlJ:

Er1c R. aroverman Debtor 1

Dootor 2 l$l)Ol.lff'.lf!llfol}J

F1r111 Ni1mo- M@alaName las\ Name



Case number ___________ ________ 0 Che(k if this is an amended filing

pfficial Form 106NEl Schedule A/B: Property 12/15 In e.:ach caie-gory, i-iopi.'ltin~lly lisl ,!Ina Cltsertbt l~m,;, L.1$t ~n n,11t only once. If an ;Ut.fl'! fits In more th;,n one ~tegory. U$t ttlt i!i.listU hi th• ~0(1f1 wnere you thln,i; 11 nu ~,L fil• u: <,:omp1111t• i.!lnd accurate as ponlblf-.11 twQ mi!rTifillO paopl• :;1re filing togtthu, botn art equ~nv re,pon11b1, 11:'lr ,upptylng ie:atrtct lnfom1at1on. If more $pil~ J!j; mH~d•d, .ttbch :i Hpillr.,:at sheet to ml,. fom,, On th, top of <11l'f ;.:iddlth:ili;:il ~ag•.s, wrllt your n.;imt ind ~H nurnl;>fr (11 km;1wn). An11war !IVl!try qu41:$thm.

me Oncr1be Ei.!1¢1'1 RHldeoet, SUl!dlnij, t;m(t, or Oth•t R•.tl E~tiitii Yt)U Own or H"ve ,ln lnte~\!.it In

D No. Go 10 Par1. 2,

• Ye~, wnere is tM ptopeny?


200 Chambers St# 25C

New York NY 10007-1350 Ci~· S\"iltll i1P Code

Wh.i.111 the- l;m)ptrty? Cll~I\ all lllil-t o!Pt''I

O stngle-lamity tiome O Oup~1( or mu!ll-voil bttrldlilO

• COl'idomiolum ot coooenmve

D Manufc1clu1'1.."(I or mobile home

Do not deduct seeurw ~1-1;11rns or e.;,i:empuons. Pol t/1e ~mo1,m1 01 ;:iny 5'et1.Jrei:1 ~laims on SCfledlJ/e D: credilors i,,mo Have c1~1m.s $~vrec1 t>y Propatty.

CUrtali1 V.111.10 Of 1tlt anttrt prq-petty?

curr,m v~,~• o1 th• p¢rtlon vou own? o Lano

D $7,000,000. $8,000,000 TBD

D D Othet

Who has an lnttrHt In tnt proPfrty? Ch«I: ',lne [J De:!)!Qr 1 omy

0 Deb!OI 2 O!lfy

0 Det1tQ1 , and oeotor 2 0111y

Dtsertbt ffit n::iturt ot your own•~hlp lnttrtst (Juct, 1:1s; rtt1 $'.lmpla-, t,nani:)I by tttv v,ui11t1es, or ~ lltt e,Q.tl[IJ, ,, k"l)WJ1·

Tenancy ~-y !110 Entirety

D Ch.ck If thl°i l:li (:(!ltJMUnity proptrfy • At teas! one ol 11\e Oeblo~ 1;100 anolf'lef t~ lnsJ.r\Jc~oosl

Oth•r lnfom.:nJon you Wlt.n to .tdd about t:nl, lt,m, $1,u;h H focal ptoptriy leltntlflcation numbtr:

with storage units, estimated $7,000,000 - $8,000,000 ·---····-·---~-------·

Olflcial Form 106NB Schedule NB: Propefly peg& 1

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 23 of 87

Debtor 1 Braverman Eric R, Case number (if firto1~1J

If you own or have more thon one, list hora: 1.2 Vfn~115 \ne pl'Qptlty? ~t,: i!l!I lflill:ilpply

664 Route 518 Sb-eel Sodres6. 1l 8\""alla6is, or 66\ar a~nimoo

Skillman NJ 08558-2508 Slate ZIPC(,ld~


• $111gre-ri;1mlti nome

Cl Duplex o, mun1-uru1 building

Cl coooominw.m ()j' eoopi:irat~

Cl Manul.ictutro or moll!J!;! l10me

Cl """ Cl lnwstmen1 ptoperty

Cl T1n1e:shart:

Cl Olner Who l'IH :,in lntcr,rts:t hi th• P,J'(l~etty? Cilei:~ cM

• Debtor 1 only

CJ Debrot 2 OMly

0 Oeb1or 1 i;incl Debtor 2 onty

0 At 1ea~1 one or the ci~tors aM anolller

Oo not IJ'e<luct securea ctalms or exempnon~. Put lhe amount or any secured claims on scneauie O: Oteflll<W wrio H8ve Clltlms S~uted by Pmperty.

C.ummt V.llUt of tl'I• e-~llr, 1:m:iperty?

$500,000 • !1_8(!9_,_00()_

Cr.trrtM val I.It Qf 'th, pomon you owl'!?

TBD ·--~-~ .. DHCl'iO. rh• h,Ul.11"1' Of your DwnRri:hlp lntwrf~t (isueh n ft• ilmplt, ttn;:iney by tht 1nill'f1Ws, or :t lift tsi.:n•), t1' known. Fee Simple

0 Cl'lllte-k If this Is tommu111ty j;ilt'lptriy (~~ ITTl.-(11J!;~n~)

Othu lnfonniltlcn you wt,n tQ ~~c:131),QUl tnl~ 1u1m, ,uetl. ,u lo~t PfOp'l!lrty ldthCifli:.rtlOrl number.

""tlmatod between $500,000 • $800,000

2. Add the dollar valu• or the portion you own for all of your ontrloa from Part 1, including any entrie-s for pages I $0.00 you hovo ottaehO<I for Part 1. Writ• th>! numbor horo .................................................................... ., ..... .. L= .. ==.J

Oo you owrh lea.so, or havei legal or i,qultable-lnt~rte:t In any \reihh::les, whether they are registered or not'? Include any whicles yw OYl'fl Iha! someone else drives. If you lease a vehicle. also report fl on Schedule G: Exocutory Confracts and Uf'lf1xp,'tt1d t.eases

3 Cars, vant-, tn.ickg, traetorl, •port utility vahieto.,, motoreyelH

Cl No .y .. 3.1 Mi:!ke!



Apprl;lx1ma1e mileage Oltier 1nrorma\!011:

wno nu ~t"I Int.rest In the property? Cti8'GK one

• Debtor 1 only

0 Oeblar 2 only CJ Dtlbtot 1 ~l'lll ™"blor 2 only

0 N. lei:lsl one 01 me Clebt~s. arlO anoirie,

Cl Ch•ck it this l&. cornm1.mlty pf'Qptrty (IIM- irl!lt\JClitn'lt.} I

Company Car


OQ nol aeducl secured cra!ms Of exemptions. Pul Ifie-amount or~"/ ~cure(!: ci.atn"IS oo sctieoo/;r o: Gff!(11fw; \.-YhO Neve Cl,11/ms securet1 oy Pf(Jl)erty,

Cum1nt v;,lut of tl'Jt 11ntlr. pmpe-rty?


cumni v:11~• or tti• portion you own?


4. Watflrcraft,. ,1rcreft, motor r,omes, A TV& and other rocreatlonal vehlclea, other vehleln, !ind aecessorle~ Cxamplas: Boals. trailers, rnotors, personal watercraft, fishing vessels. snowmobiles. molorcycla occassories

5 Add the doller value of the portion you own for all of your entries from Part 21 Including any entries tor pages ,--· 1 ,you h•v• ottaohod for Part 2. Wn!o that numbor hero ............................................................................. "> I..=:::. ===$0:::':::00:;_J

omctal Form 106NB Schedule NB: Property SoffWaff! COP'YflQhl it) 1996-2017 CIN G/0\JP -www.,mcomp~!.c11m

Current va u9 of the porUon you o\lffl?

Oa oOI ~OOU<I "''"""' clatrns. or exemptions


17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 24 of 87

Debtor 1

6 Household goods and furnlihings Examph~s: Major apptiancf',s, furniture. linens, china, kitchfillware DNo

• Yes Des.cnba

7 Electronics

Case number(:> k11o;w1,1


Examples:· Televisions wid radios; audio, video, stereo, and digital equipment; cornputms, printers, scann~rs: musk coUections: electronic devi'ces includino cell phones, cameras, modia player~., games


•· Y~:is, DescHbe ...

[Miscellaneous and televisions $1,500,00 '""'""~.~w""·'·-~ ··••··•-······-·········--··--------·------··---·-··- ···-·•·"-·""'-""'"'"~""'·"""'''~ .,,, .. ,.,., ... , •. ,., ..... ,_,., •• ,., ... _,.,. ________________ ..... , .•.•.. , •.. ,,

H Collectibles. of value E>!;ampfes: Antiques and figurines; paintings, prints., or other al'two1"k;: l')(XJkS, pictures. or other art objects; stamp, coi", or basc.b1:1U card collections: other

collections, mernorabi!ia, collectibles DNo

• Yes Describe ...


9 Equipment for sports and hobbles Exa111ple5': Sports, photographic, ox0rci::>e, and other hobby aqulpmei1t; bicycles., pool tables, golf clubs, skir): conoos tlnd kayaks: carpentry tools: musk al


•No D Yes Oes.cnbH,

1 O. Firearm• Examples: Pistols, ril1as, sh<)lguns. ammunition, and related oquipment

•No 0 Yes. Describe ...

11. Clothes 6.amples: Everyday c.loth~. furs, loo\haf coats. desfgnel' wear, shoos, acrnss:ories


• Yes Oescnbe ...

12. Jewelry Examplas: E.verydrl-y j(~Wal1y, cos.iume JC\'Velry, engagomen! rings, wedding rings. heiflO()fii jtw.oe!ry, wa!chos, gems, gold, silVQf


• Yas Doscriba.,

13. Non-farm animals. E'Xamples: Dogs, cats, birds. hors.es

•No D Yes. Oescnbe

14. Any other personal and household items you did not already list, lneluding any health aids you did not list

•No r.J Yes. Givo specific information,,


15 Add the dollar value of a.II of your entries from Part 3, Including any entries for pages you have attached for' Part 3, Write that number here---···-·--·-···--·--···----·-----,---.. -... ,, ...... , ......... , ............... . [_=:=:·-··-$14.500.00 I

Official Farm 10!:iNB Schedule NB· Properly p<19e 3

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 25 of 87

Debtor ·1 Braverman, Eric R. Case number (!i' 1i:11own1

Do you own or have any legal or oqultablo interest In any of the following?

\I,. Ca•h Examples.' Money you have in your wallet, in your homo, in a safe deposit lmx. anct on tmnd when you rno your petition

•No DYos ..

17. Deposits or money

Current value of the portfon you own? Do not clcdm:I secured c.!ai1ns or f:lXemptions.

Examples: Che(.king, saving.s, Of o1her nriam:i.al accounts; certificates of deposit: shares in cr8{jit ,mions, lm.>kerage houses, and other sirnilt~r institutions, If you have mult1pla ~cc.ounls Wilh the same institution, list Gach

ONo • Yes Institution name

171. See attached ll$t of bank accounts.

18. B0nds, mutual funds, or publicly traded :stoek$ Exampfes: 13oM funds, investment accounts with brokorago firms, money marke1 ai,:c0tmls

•No DYes .. lrtstitulion or issuer namer

----- unknown

19. Nonftpubllcly traded stock and interests in Incorporated and uninec,rporate,d bualnes15ei;:, Including 0.n interest In an LLC1 partner.ghlp, and

Joint v•nturo ONo • Yo,

i:i;~ of ,,.,vnl':.'lfSliip 100.00 %

20 Government and corporate bonds and other ne-gotl.ab\e and non-negotiable instruments Ne.gotiaL1fe iflslrumenfs include personal c.hecks, cos11iers' i;hocks, promiSS()fY notes, and money orders Nori-negt)(1abte inslwmenls are !hos@ you cannot transfer !o SOOl(-lOne lJy signing OI'' dehveir,g I.hem

•No 0 Yes. Give ~pecific infom1ahon about thetn

Issuer name:

21 Rttlrement or pens.ion accounts £:<a.mp/es: lr\lei'ests in !RA, El~!SA, Keogh, 401(k), 40:i(b), thrift savings (:l(:cotm1s, (ir l)\her pE;!O::;ion or profit-sharing plans


• Yes Usl each accm.lflt. separately lypi·~ of account· Additional Account

lnsti11.1tion name Sea attached list of retirement and pension accounts, unknown

.22. Security depo5its bind prepayments Your share of nll unused deposits you have made so that you may continue sorvic.e or ma,) from t~ compar1y £:xanwesr Af1/'eE:,1rnents wit11 ltmd!ords, p1epa!d rent, public utilities (otoclric, gas, water), te!ocornmonicahon.s companies, OI' others

•No DYos, Institution name or individual·

23. Annuities {A contract for a periodic payment of money to you, eilher for lifo or for a mimbet ot years)

•No DYes IS5ue1 name ancl description

.24 Interests in an education IRA, In an account In a qualified ABLE program, or under a qualified state tuition program. 26 U.S .. C. §§ 530(b)(1), 529A(b), and 529(b)(1)

•No DYes lnslitulion name und description. Separately file the rer.ords of any interest.s.11 U S. C. § 521(i''.)

25. Trust.s, equitable or future Interests In property (other than anything listed in line 1)1 and rights or powers. exerelHble for your benefit ONo

Official Form 106NB Schedule NB: Property page 4

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 26 of 87

Debtor 1 Braverman Eric R. ====='---------------- Casa number (1/ Jmowrt)

• Yes Give specific information about them.. F[~""•-e-'-a"'tt"-a""c~he-d~ll-s-t -oe"r -ch~l~ld~,-e-n~.,-.c-c_o_u_n~t-s-----------,

213. Patents, copyrlghts 1 trademark&, trade secre:ts, and other lnt~Uectual property Examples: lnteinet dotnaJ1) nan"leS. websites, pnx.eads from royalties and lii;.ensing agreements


• Yes

'27, Licenses, franchises, and other general Intangibles Examples; Building permits, exclusive licenses, cooperative association holdings, liquor l1censas. professional Hcenses

ONo • Yes. Give specific information about them ..

~I M-ed-'"lc~a~I ~ll~ce_n_s_e_ln_v_a_r_lo-u-,-,ta-te-,-.-,-N-e_w_Y_o_r_k_a,_nd others)

Money or property owed to you?

28. Tax refunds owed to you

• No D Yes. f3ive spec.me irtfr)(rrmt!on a.bout them, inc tu ding wha1har you already filed the returns and the tax years

W. Family support

___ _::unknown



Currentvalue of the portion you own? Do not dedUC! SatUfed clauns c,r exernptions

Examples. Past due or lump sum atunmw. spousal supPQrt child supporl, maintenance, divorce seHlemonl. property settlement

• N<> D Yes GNe spocific informalloo.

30. Other amounts s-omeone owes you Examples.' unpaid wages, disOOHily insurance payments, disability banofits. sick pay, vacation pay, workers' compensation, Social security benefits:

unpaid loans you made 10 somaone else • No 0 Yes Give specific inlonnation.

31 lntorestg In Insurance policies {F)(amp/es: Ho,alth, disabilily, or life insurance; health savings acc:o+.m.t (HSA); credit, hoo)e<:)wnef's. Of renter's ins.urance

ONo • Yes Namo the insurance company or each policy and list ils value

Company name.

Homeowner's Policy

Life lnsurance.Poll£t .. :.flkely lopsed

32 Any lnterettt In property that It dUC!I you from someone who has died

Beneficiary SurrendOf or refund value:



If yoi.1 are 1he tw.natic1ary of a hving Hust, expocl proceeds from a life insurance policy, Of are currenuy entitled to rocetve proPerty because $OITIOOOO has died

• N()

D Yes Give specific information

33. Claim$ agalngt third parties, whether or not you have flied a lawsuit or made a domand for payme-nt Ernmplas: Accidents, employment disputes, insurance claims. or rights to Sl)e


• Yes. Describe aact't ctairn

Official Form 1 OBA/B Schedule AIB Properly page5

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 27 of 87

Debtor 1 l!rovermon Eric R, Cas.a number r1r kno1VnJ

- Claims against former attorneys • Karen !!rand • Clolms against Dary• llrovermon ($2,4i4,300) for contribution to loans obtained by Debtor through his m•dlcat onictlce to ourch•s• chamstors st. Ant. unknown

34. OU\or con~ngont •nd unllquldoted clolm• or ovory nolllro, lno1ud1ng oountorololmo or tho dobtor and rlghto to ,et off claim, • No D Yes. Oesc:ribe eat:ll i:1a1rn

35. Any "••nclOI uoeto you did not olroody llot •No CJ Yes. Givo s.pecjfic tnrormatlon ..

36, Add the dollar value of all of your entries from Part 4, Including any entrlen tQr pages you have attached for Part 4. Write that number here ................................................................................................................... ..

PEI D•sc:rib• Any Bt.1'liin•u-R1tl;i;tad Prop•l'fy You own or Havt .11n lnUllrt$1 In. I.1st any Ni.l'!!.~.tn P.lrt 1.

37 Do you own or ti11v11 ;my htgal ar •quitlbl• lnt•~:&t In .ir'IY" bU$il'l•~i·t11li'ltwd proptrty?

• No. GO!OPat16.

0 Ye~. Go to line 3S.

De:iocttb• Any Fatm• and Col'llm•retal Fl!lll'llng-Fltl.lteo Property You own or Hav• .ln lntoA:st In. If you own or Mve i:!11'1 lnlEite:!il HI 1arm1aM, l!st ll ln Part 1

46. Do you own or have any legal or equitable lntent11t lo any f~nn· or cornmorcled flsh/ng"*111at&od proparty?

•No Go\oPM7

Cl Yes Go lo hne 47

EIIIIII O.tc::rln. All Propuey-"t'Qu Qwn ot Hiv• an ln1111N1:s.1 In Th.ti You Did Hot List Abovt

53. Do you have-other property of any kind you did not 1dreeidy lltt? exemple.,t;.: Season tco:et.s, cou1~1ry club membership

•No Cl Yes. Give specific lnlorma11011... ,

54. Add the dollar value or all of your entrte., from Part 7. Wri~ that numbor here ,---··-·······-,--·-"·····-·•"····

55. Part 1: Toti! real eatate, line-2 ......................... , ....... , ........... , .... , ... , ................ , ................ , ............................ .

56. Part 2: Total vohlet .. , line 6 $0.00 57. Port J: Total ~r.onol end hou .. hold Item•. line 16 58, Part 4: Total flnanclal assets 1 llne 36

59 Part 5: Total business-related proPfrty, llne .46

60. Part 6: iota! farm-. and fishlng~related property 1 line 52

61 Part 7: Total other property not lhiitfd, lint 54

62. Total personal property. Add lines 56 through 61 .. ,

63. Total of all property on Sohodulo A/8, Add line 55 + line 62

$14,500.00 $0.00 $0.00

-- $0.00 + $0.00

$141500,00 Copy pe15onal property tc<oJ

Official F"orm 106NB Soheoule A/6: Property SOl'tw.!11'(! Gap)"r1Q'hl It) iQ%.;!017 C)N Group -WWW.ClnCOOll)illiS.CQfl\




$14,500.00 --,

$s. 164,soo.oo I I


17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 28 of 87

ATfA.' ~-1 ~ TU J lit- U.t..:.o 1 U.K':S ~ ~ .. ~ u k' 1 'TY - )I ! I J..1-\:

VALUES AS OF 12/31/16 A - ·c~hedule of Bank Accounts

TD Bank - 4249592894 $871,13

Chase· 4677 $2.50

Morgan Stanley $18.06

1st Constitution - 6317 $0.00 Total Schedule of Bank Accounts $891.69

B • Business lnte;;,;~,~ Place for Achieving Total Health Medical, P.C, Total Health Nutrients, Inc, Total Health Nutrients, LLC David Enterorlses

Total Business Interests $0.00

C. Children's A""~"nts Chase. 7251 $210,00

Chase. 9474 $210.00

Chase-9565 $210.00

Neuberger - Ari $17,833.44

Neuberger· Daniel $40,608.90

Neuberger - Steven $40,225.14

CollegeBoundfund (529) • Daniel $13,878.07

CollegeBoundfund (529) • Steven $13,878.07 Total Children's Accounts $127.053,62

O - n6 ••r .. ment and Pension • • Chase· IRA 3022075745 $0,00

Chase Retirement Plan • 9133 $0.00

Morgan Stanley (from Janus) $0.00

Neuberger - 521-01389 841 $58,676,18 Path Profit Sharing $22,487.06

Paychex 401k $45,405.13 Total Retirement and Pension Accounts $126,568.37

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 29 of 87

Registered Intellectual Property ~fil'l-!~!!rnh.~! !J,e•. Number Word Mark DescrlQtlon



2 78669736 3551889 MENO PAUSE DERMAPAUSE

3 78296558 30l39ll RAINBOW DIET

4 78296546 BRAIN IMPRINT

s 78296531 BRAIN CODE



8 77282443 3435070 MENO PAUSE DERMAPAUSE

9 76420144 NUTRIPRINT

10 76396176 BRAIN PRINT


1. Apparatus and method for Increasing the amplitude of P300 waves in the human brain

Patent#: 5,342,410

Date: August 30, 1994

2. Method for Increasing the amplitude of P300 waves in the human brain

Patent#: 5,163,444 Date: November 17, 1992

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 30 of 87

Fill m this mformatmn to identify your case·

Oeblor 1

Deblor2 !S~ll,1\hfll.l)

Iorio ft Braverman

Fllil Name

United Sla!es BMkruptcy Co~1rt tor the:

Case number (11 koown)

Q.fflcial f:grm 106C

M@ale Name-


Schedule C: The Property You Claim as Exempt

o Chock if tl1i5 is an amended Oling


Be as complete and accurlfil.e as possible. If two married people are filing logether, both are equally responsible for supplying correcl lnformalion. Using ma property;oo lisled on Schedule AIB: Propeny(Official Form 100A/B) es )')Of sour<e, IISI lhe prO!)erty lhat ;oo claim as exempt. If-• sp"'e IS needed, rn1 out and attach \o this page as many caples or Paff 2; Addilional Page as nocessary. On ltle tap of arw aaditiooaJ ~es. write your name and case number (ii ~nowoJ. For i,ach 111,m or property you elalm as exempt, you must apoclfy the amount of the exemption y0u c1a/m, one way ot doing so 11 to state a specific dollar amount as exempt. AIUirnatively I you may c.lalm the tuU f•lr market Vi:!111.11!1 of th" property being exempted up to the amount of any applicable statutory llmlt. Som& exomptlons-,.....s.uch as tho=ie for health aid•, right$ to ror:e-lva cortall, benefits, and tax-exempt ri:itJrement fund$--mtY ~ unlln,lted In dollar amount. HoMvor, 11 YQU clalm an exemption of 100% of fi,lr market valuer und~r a law that limits the exemption to a pi,rticular dollar amount and the value of tho property la determlntd to OXC8Cld that 11.mount. your exempUon would be: llmtted to the appllceblo atatutory amount.

l@IM Identity tho Propefty You Clalrn t,& Exempt

1. Which se:t of exemptions are you ehdmlng? Chock ono only, ewm if yo(Jf srxmse ~~ (/1/{)(J wi(f1 YOI.J

• You are claiming stale and federal rionbankruptcy exemptioos. 11 U.S.C, § 5.22(b}(3}

0 You are c1a1min9 la<lerol exemptions. 11 U.S.c. § 522(~)(2)

2. For any property you 11st on Schactule lVB that you claim ill$ exempt, fill In the Jnfonnation below,

Brier dHe-rtp1;hm Qt tti• ptopilrty ;1ne1 llnt on Sctrod1J'• A/S th.It lists this proptrty

cu""'nt v~uu, ot th• Amouni ot Ole eumptlon you e1ilm portion you awn copy a-le ~lue lrQl'fi Chl!ttk omy ooe box for eecn exemption. Sc/,e<M•MJ

$7,000,000 • $8,000,000 II TBD 200 Chambers SI# 26C New York NY, 10007-1350 Line from Sc/ledul• Mt 1.1

Household goods ond furnishings • 10 years old Cost of s200,ooo Line from SchedulfJ AIB. 6, 1

Wearing apparel Line trom Scnodu/e /VB: , , .1

see attached 11st of bonk accounts. Line 1,om Sc1>eau1a NIJ 17 .1

See attached 11st or Mnk accounts. Lino tromScheduloAlfJ.17,1






0 100% of fair mari,;01 vafua, up 10 any applicable sleh11ory Hrnll


• 10(}1'/o of fair market value. up to any applicable statutory limit


• 100% or rair rnarl(et vah.11;1, up lo any ~pphc~ble -s1a1U1ory limil

• $5,525.00

0 100% of 18" "'"''" valuo, up to ony •PPl1'0Dle SIOIUIOf)' llmll

• $112,436.00

0 100% or fatr n1a1ka1 value. up 10 any applicable stetu!ory limit

Otfic1el Form 106C Seh<dulo C: Tho Property You Claim•• Exempt

N.Y, CIV, Pr•c. Law and Rules § 5206(•)

N.Y, Clv, Prac. Law and Rules § 5205(a)(5)

~---···--N.Y. Clv. Prac. Law ond Rules § 5205(•)(5)

---·-KY, Debt & Cred. Law§ 2823(2)

N.Y. Clv. Prac, Law and Rules § 5205(c

page 1 of 2

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 31 of 87

3 Are you claiming a homestead exemption of more than $160 1376? (Suhjec! to adjustment on 4/01/HJ and ·eNc~ry 3 years t,fler that fof cases f1/cd on or after tho dale of adjustmont.)

• No

0 Yes Did you acquire the property cavered by tho exemplion wlthin 1,215 days before you l1J(:Ki tlliS cf.tse?

D No D Yes

Official Form 106C $ch•dulo C: Tho Proporty You Claim•• Exempt psge 2 of 2

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 32 of 87

Fill In this information to identify your case:

Debtor 1

Debtor 2 \.Spm,-se U. n~nttl

Eric R. Braverman

Ur1itad States Bankruptcy Court for the:

Ct1se rimnber (11 kt',Q•Ni\)

Official Form 106Q

LiiSI Name

Middle N.ame


Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property

O Check 11 !his is an amended filmg


a,~, cQmpUi!~ illf1d 1n:<=ut.itill .i5 possible. If two married people are rtllng to-getoer, l)Qtt, iUlll l/!(lu~lly re1p0Mlblo ror supplying correct lnfom,11tlQn, lf mq-f'l! 1-pi'lce I& neeeltel, copy tt'l9 Ad"dltlQn~I P11gij, flll lt out, numb•r tht t>l'ltrlH, and :.tt:tch It to uu,-tom,. on u,e, top ot any additlomil pages-., wtlte your nam• :ni<I ene oum!M'r (It f';flOwn).

1. Do any eredltor, n.1ve clajms !;iecured by your property?

D No Check this box and submit mis form 10 the coun will1 yOtJr other schedules You nave nothing eise io 1armrt on this form

• Yes. Fm tn an (}f the mf011n~1t1on t.>elow

l@IM LI.st AU Secured Claims 2. List all ncured elalms. ff a credit.or !'I.cl:$ l'OOte 11\.tn o.rie set1Jree1 claim, I/st tile cre(mor sep.ari1e!y tof e~i:11 i;:~im. If morti lhi:!ln on~ e1eo110r nas a partlcU!ar claim, list the oihe-r i::redttors ir'J Pan 2. As much as possible. Us\ the claims In alpMbetlea! order ;aci;:ot(llr'lg to the i:rOOitof ·s name.

r:::l 200 Chambers st. w Condom1num

c/o Belkin Burden Wenig & Goldman LLP 270 Madison Ave# 5 New York, NY 10016-0601 Ni.Jmber, Street, Cil";, .State & lip Coda

Oi,scribe thw prop•rty th~t ncuru me elalm:


As or tne d,'!iW YQU 11 ,, Uu1 (;!aim IS: Ct1eH. a!I Illa! appf:t

D contlngeol

D l)r,Uquidatea

• Disputed N!!.ture c;,f U&-11. Chetk au mm apply.


Amount of claim Oo not deciuct 1.tie va!1Je 01 conaterat


WllQ owes ths dab1:? Chee!< one

• DeOIOf' 1 only 0 An a~reen~nt you mM~ (suell as: rnongage or secureci

0 Det>tor 2 only

0 Oet;itor i aM Oc-blOt 2 ('lf'tfy

0 At lei:1-~I one 01111!!" debtors and a1101ner

D Cl'ltel': If tMs elaim rtlate:s. to ii community e1,tt

01:tte debt w:.,s lneurred


D Sl!;!l\ltory rien (such as lax hen, mechanic's hen)

D Juctgme.ni Hen from ~ !av-.-su!I

0 otner 1in.ckiOmg a r1~n110 oltsel) -,

L.2,1 4 dig/is of oliceount num~r


Yalut o1 eou,1:tenil tt,at 1.uppom thlti ehum



unu-curod ponlon lfcltty

$150,325.99 ~'"",w~~---

----··--··---·····-- . ••"-'•-~~,,-.m,..,,,="""W"'''"'"'''"'-·--------·------··--·-·-·--·~·•-"~"'m~,m",

[µ] Mor11on Stanley creortOf's Na~

1 Penn Plz Fl 43 New York, NY 10119-4323 ------

Wlw Qwe-s the debt'i' cr~K one

• Oet;11ar 1 only

0 DeO\or 2 only

0 Deotor 1 ~no De-btor ::.i only

0 Al leas\ one ol lhe Oebfors-arn;I another

0 Ch~Ck It this cl.iim rel~te$ to .\ community di-bt

Olf'lc:.ial Form 106D

oucribe tne property tnat Ht.1.1r.s tile '-1~1rn:

200 Chambers St #26C, New York, NY 10007 with storog• units estimated between $7,000,000 -$8,000,000 A~ ot tht daM you file, tn• e1:iuM l!;i: \-::11~~·1<: all that appl\'

a conliogeot

• UnllqtHda!e<I 0 Dl!:ipl!!ed N.1ture of lien. CheCk an mat apply.


0 AA agreement you mMe (SUf.h as rnortgiil!;le or ~lilCUted ear !Oan)

0 Stah.Miy Hen (suci, as !a:ii: ue-n:. mei;:hi3nii;'s litm)

D Jutl9111e-i\l l~i\ rrom a 10-wsi,11!

D oiner (1ni;;l\.1dmg r1 nghl to art~et/

$7,000,000.00 $0.00

Sc:hedula O: Creditors Who Have e1ah11s Secuied by P1ope1tr~,~·~-----------,,..-,,,rl of 2

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 33 of 87

Debtor 1 Eric Ft Braverman Casa numl)er ft Mow) First Name MldCia Name Lasl Name

Oat. d•btwa. IO<W•d 08/01/2016

r:;:l Ocwen Loan Servicing LfilC

CredUO(S Name

PO Box 5400 Carol Stream, IL 60197-5400

Who owe11, tht debt'? CMcK one

• Debtor 1 orily

D DtWtot 2 ordy 0 Oeblor ·1 r1na Debtor 2 only

D Al leas! one 01 file Oetrtors and ;;inother

0 Cheak if thifi. cl.aim relatlt'ii to i'I

c0mm1.Jnity de-bt

Specialized L.oan Servicing LLC PO Box 636005 Littleton, CO 80163·6005

Who owH t:ho debt? cnecl<: one

• Dt!tJWr 1 omy

0 Oeb1or 4 only

0 Of:t:llm 1 ,;lnt,1 l)l;'b!Or i Oflfy

L.li:!it 4 dlt,lts Of i'ICCOl.lnt tUJmbor

Dei.ct!be the property th~t ucur&i the cl:.im;

664 Route 518, Skillman, NJ 08558-2508 estimated between $500,000 • $800,000 A!io of me dsiil!! )!QU 111~. lh~ Clillff1 is.: Ctie-H. JII !lla1

""" D con11ngen1

• unoqUiaatea

D O!spute<l N~ture of !Ion, Cllec!'I 011 iMi apply

• An agreemeflt you maoe (such as rnoltgage or s-ec\lre(.! ,ar loan)

0 Stalutoiy !1en (sutll <IS 1a:i,: hen, mecuanlc's hen)

D J1,1dgmen1 lierl fror11 a !i:lw~rnl

0 other (iflclullmg a rignt to orrset)

Last 4 Cl:lglU of account number

Oosenbo tnit property th.tt secure$ lM claim:

664 Route 518, Skillman, NJ 08558·2508 estimated between $500,000 -$800,000 A5 af ttii"<f~tiyiX'tfifi';Ttii'cTii"m s: cnatll: all tl\.at

'""' D co1111ngent

• un1tqu1oaieo D Dispute.a N;!lure of Uen, Cti~k all tha\ apply

0 An a~rtt~ti1t•m you mMe (such as moflg~ge or secmeo car 1oc1nJ

D S1c1.tu!m'y lien (such ~151mi: Hen. me-c1,antc's !Jen)

0 Judgmenl tren lrom a 1awsu11


$369,440, 15

$500,00 $165,500,00

$500,00 $369,440.15

D Al least one of me oeoiors aflQ i:lnoth~r

0 Ch~ck if this ct,aim relatos to ii community debt

• Other (lni;:11,1ding a ri9hl 10 o!ls.e:1) _H_o_m_e_E_q,.u_l-'ty:..._ ___________________ _

Llilit 4 dlgiu of iltcount number

Add the doll.u Yi11Ue or your entriH 111 Coh.1mn A. on thl$. pa;,. wrnt tn3t number here: If 1nl,. IS tne l.:;t~t p;:1gt QI y1;>1,1r form, add th, doll;u v.1lue totals f'tOlil .itll P-'(ilt:ii, wm-. u,at number hero:

$4,475 795.34


lffifM Ll$t others to Be NQtlfled for a Debt That You Already Llst~•c:d,_ __________________________ _

lJs• ~i$. p,agt only it you 11,avt, oth•r& to be Mtifi&d .3bou1 yDut bankNptcy ror a debt that you already UJftfl jn f"i!f11. f'Qr o.;implti, if a ¢.olleetion .19ency is ttyil'tg to collfl!ct rrom you tor a dtbt you owe to someon, eln, ll!U t.ne er,dil<l'r I" Part 1, and then 11st the i::01111-ctiM at,tnc.v here. Sirnll,uly, 1r you h:ive more thi!111 one cr&ditorfor ai'ly of thit d&bU th~t you lls?td In Pa-rt 1, 11st tht aefdltlon31 c::ntaltor, n,111. 1t you dQ nQt hi:ml! addlt:lonal r>BnlioM to be notified tor any debts In Pa.rt 1, do not nu out or submit mis pi:,;e.

Official Form 1060 Additional Pnge of Schedule D: Creditor, Who Have Claims Se-cured by Property page 2 of2

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 34 of 87

Fill In tt.u!;> information i(j ldE!tUify your caso·

Debtor 1

Debtor 2 {Spouw If, llllflO)

Eric R. Braverman


UoijeU Slotes eon~rupley Coun for 1ho:

Cose number (1flinow0)

Official Form 106E/F

Mi<kiie Nam11 Las! Nam!!'

ltffodle Name


Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims

O Check it ttti!; Is an amended filing

12/15 Bo a11 cornplt1t and aeeum:e J$ ponlblt. U!ill: PJ'111or cntdltoB With PRIOAITf Cliilms .tnef Part 2 for credit.or$ wm, NONP~IOltl'TY el:Um.s, t.1,t lh41 oth•t J)i:itty to ~ny eAliCUtory CQflti'i)(!b or unoxplrtd IH!HS tnat C:OUld J'HUlt u, ii 1;U1lm. Al:50 U1:,t ,11,~lJtQrf l;Ot'ltr'i:ll:ll on SchllldUlt A/B: Propony JOttlel;,J Form 10SAJ8) ;1nd ~n Schoelult G: ex,cutory con~c:t.5 and Untll'.Pl'1'4 l.'l'il!ie$ (011'h::lill Form 106G). Do not inchJda .:iny cr11tdlto~ With p.il11:tll)' !St-el.Ir~ eUtim, 1t1at ~ni: ll~W'J In $chedul• D; Ct•dlton; Who H.:t'it c1:11m, seeure-d by Prope,rty, ,r mor,1 ,:~i::, !'.Ii nNd,~, coJJY th• P.1ri you 11nd, fill 11 out, numbft tht entttH In 1ht boxts on ni, ffl'ff, At1.1ieh tne Contlnuatlorl f';)g• to thii 1;1:i:9t1, If y~u h>Wt no lnfom,JUQn to rt,port In ii Part, do not fil• t~t P;:1rt. On th• top of ilnV i'lddliiol'l"I pag-11:1, write ygur name an(f e.1se numbtr u, known).

ffPf W ll~t All of Your PRIORITY Unsticured Claims 1, l)o arw creditol"l!i h.1v11 priority unucu(•d cl:.lms :agalns1 you?

CJ NO. Go to PiU1 2.

aves. 2. List :11:11 of your pnortty unsec:ured elatm$. !I 1;1 <:(edllor ttas rnore tt\an one prtortty uri.securea clalm, Hsi tne creelllor s-epar:e\ely ror e~i;n <:lalm. F"Of l!ath claim J!Ste<I,

leleotny wna1 fype 01 claOTI n is. 1r a c1a.1m tia:!i bQtri prtortty .ind nonprtonty amounts. Wirl ltlal tlatm nere ;;incl -5:tlow botO priority anl1 nonpriorlty amounts. M mt>er1 a.s posi,ible. us; the claims In a1pnaoe11ea.1 omer .i:ccor1;1mg to the tl"(!dilor '$ ll~t'N!l. lr'you Mve more than two pnomy um1ecuret1 c~tms, Ill! out tl11? Continuation Page or Part 1. lf mote man one creditor noios a panieul"1" t!Blm, 11st Ille 01ner c~lt(ln; In P~n 3.

jfor an e;w!an;,,:iuon of eijC:h fype ol i;raln"I, Sf!a 1ne tns.lr'ucltolis ror mis form in itle 1n~rue11on 000kle1.)

Oarya Braverman

39 N Moore St Apt 3B New York, NY 10013-2493 Nurnoe, S1ree1 cHv Stale 21p C&fo

Who lnCUt!"fd ffl• dilb1? Cheek one,

• oeotor 1 onty

D Debtor 2 Ol'lty

0 DeMor 1 311(:1 Deblor ;2 oniy

D At h:ta!il oo.e or me debtor$. ~na anol!ler

D Ctleck If thh1 e1.1lm 15101' .:I (;gtnmuniiy dtbt

l!J tr!• Cl;!llrn !5',11:iJ•et to 9ffnt?

•No CJv ..

So!lware Cool"\!Jm (~118W.;!.017 C!N Group-WwW.t1ricom!}-llas.,om


\Mien W3S th• dlibt ir'ICiJrtt<:I?

As ot tne date yo-u n1e, lftt e111lm 111:: Ct1.e(;k all thi!lt ,;ipply

D connngem

D unu1:1ulQ'a1e<;1

• (JJ?J)t,11~

Type ot PRIORITY LtrtS:VCl.l'1d el:ilm:

• Dome.silt support ob!lgations

0 Ta:(es aoa tertairl ottier C:ebls yo1,1 owe 111e govemme111 0 ctatms ror oe,1;1111 o, personat Injury while you wiire lntoXicaled

D otner. specify


fl'rlorlty am"Qunt


Nonpr1orlty ilmoUl'lt


17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 35 of 87

Debtor 1 Braverman, Eric R.

~ Ellshevo tionnoh Braverman Pri'OOFTEft!dlio?i'FTa:itie

2283 3rd Ave Apt 3C New York, NY 10035•1753 Number tmeer c1ry s11:11e Zip coae

Who lnc.urrlltd tne (lel:Jt? Check on~

• DeP1Qr1 only

0 OeD10r ,z Only

0 Deo1or 1 aM Detl1or ~ only

CJ Al le:as1 one or 1ne Cleotors ano anottie:r

0 ChtolC: If 0111 cli!lllm Is tor ~ e-c,mmunltt debt

Is th• <:.li'lll'n iliUbJftt lO Ofhlllit?


ov ..

lntemol Revenu, service PnOl'l\y C1&lr1o?s Name Contreuzed IO$olvency Operations PO eox 7346 Phllodelphlo, PA 19101-7346 Number Sireet City SU11!e ZIP COO:e

wno n,c:.l.lITT-cl' the d•bt7 CMtl< one

• oemor 1 onty

D Dei:itor 2 only

Cl Oebtor 1 an<:! Debtor 2 only

0 Al re.i~1 one or 1ne OeDtOfs aM ano\her

0 Ct,,a-¢1< It thl1 cliilrn Is: to, a community dtbt

I'S t1'1• C!l:,!!lm $UnJ•e• to offset?

•No Oves

Internal Revenue Service P111Jrii1 Cted1h;ii's. Name Centralized lnsolvoncy Operations PO Box 7346 Pllll~d•lphlB, PA 19101·7346 Numt>er street City Slate lip C&le

WhO lnourred tnt debt? cne,11" Qli(!.

• Oeblor 1 anly

0 Oeblor 2 onty

D oe1,11:::rr 1 a/ill Debtor 2 011ty

0 AT least one 01 ll'le deblQrs aru::t .';lllQl.her

0 Check If thl$ cl~lm It. for a community OttU

15' tht cli,lm 1ubJect to Oft-stt?

•No Ov..,

Otricic!:1 Foim iOG E/F

Case number tnnow)

L,ut 4 dlgltt. gf ac.co1.1nt numott ___ _ unknown

When w.:i:s tht dtbl ln<iurttd?

As of tl'lt di'lto you m,, the e-lilm l!J: Ctiel:._ ~11 lh"I apply

D cotihnge,11

0 ~)nliQUl~I~~

D Drsputoo 'i'ype of PRIORITY un,ei.l.lf'l'd Cl.:1111'1:

a Doroes11, support oollgalions

Cl Taxes aM c.ena1n otnerdebls yo11 owe u1e govemmen\

0 Claims ror ~alh or pe~onal inju,y wh!le you were 11110:i::h:atea


CJ Other. specify ___________________ _

$296,712.5 l..3$l _., cl"lglts Q1 aci.ount n.umtH:r ____ 7

Wtm, W11:& the d•bt lnei.trl'*'d7 ~2::;0a,1;.;3a,_ ______ _

A.:1-01 tht Gaff! you tllt, tne elQlm I,: Ctieck all !hi!II apply

0 contlflgent

Cl l,Jnhqulclrtlca

0 OtsputeCI

Typt-Of PRIOR:ITY 1.msecuntd ~l.ilm:

0 Oan\estic suppon oDlig"afiOos

• Ta:a:e5, ii!M c~rtaln O!fu!t debts you owe me gol/emmenl

CJ Claln"\S. ror oeath or perscn11:J l!iJury 'Nhl!c .,ou were 1n10X1ca1eo


0 OlheL$f""Ofy ____ , ______________ _

$654,782.8 1.-illst 4 digi~ of ~etount n\.lmber ____ 8

Wh111n W.1'5 tht dtbt lnourrt47 02:a0:.1:..4;_ ______ _

Al of u,, <1~1.t yo11 rtl•, me <::liilm 1,: cnecK au mat iappty

Cl con!IJ\gent

• Ufit!qut<ll.'lleel

0 DJspuled

Typ11 ot PRIORl1Y unncu111d c1::1im;

Cl Dome.silt suwon ol)!tgations

• Taxe_!i: ana ,ertaln oll'Hft (:!Ctit~ you owe me governmenl

D C1a!ms for clea,n Of personal ln/UtY Willte you Y.·B-rl! Jn1oxica1M

$654, 782,88

0 Oltle:r. $peclfy ____________________ _




17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 36 of 87

De~tor 1 Braverman Eric R,

Jonathan J, Brav•rman Pr1ar11y Creohors N'ame

1107 SW 149th Ln Sunrise. FL 33326·1958 Number S\reef city s11111e 7.lp COCle

wtio lneurrea tne deb\:? C:fl~k one

• ~btor 1 onty

CJ Detltot 2 (:mty

0 Deb1or 1 ~lld Oeblor ::.! only

CJ Al 1e.a:st one ot tne Ceblors ano ano1ne,

0 Chllltk 1r this claim Is ror a eommunlty dtbt 1, ~e 1;1;!1lm $UbJe~t to ,pffs11t?

•No Oves

New York State Dept ol Labor Pnorll)' C1eQ'IIOr'!;i Nallll!

75 Varick St Fl 7 N•w Yori<, NY 10013.1900 Number Street C11y S1ete i:lp C!Xll?

wno loi;urr•(!'. ttu1 d1UH? Che1;11: one

• Ot:b!Of 1 Ofll~

0 Oebtor 2 only

0 Oelllo, 1 300 Debtor 2 only

D Al ll?as\ oni? oi lhe dt!bh:m; and anon~,

0 Chti=:lt; If ttUs clalm Is far ii community dtb1

Is tht el:.lm ,:ubJt~t to offut'l'

•No CJ Yes

NY City Department of Finance PflOfllY creOIIOr'S Name

Bankruptcy Unit 345 Adams St Fl 3 Brooklyn. NY 11201•3719 NUrnb(!r Street C11y Staie Zip C()ode

Who hu:urttd tht dtbt? cnetl< one

• oebtor 1 only

0 Oebtor 2 only

Cl Deti1or 1 aM Debtor 2 only

0 Al tePsl one ol tile Oeblors and ~noth<H

0 cntel(. If ttus el;llm I$ rQr a 1;Qmm1.m!ty d111:>1

Iii; th• 1;1.;;1m $UbJ•er to off11if!t?

•No Oves

omc1a1 Form 100 ff/F

sonware Col))'fiOh! (,! 1~2017 CIN Gil;ll,lp • 11,~.~lneom!)a!~.Gom

Casa number ti ~I\VN)

l.i1$t .. digit$ of ~,;:count n1.1mbfr unknown ---wnen was tnt dttlt lneurrtd?

Ajiji Of thf;I dat& ~OU tu •• tne (:lilltn l!li: CMCK i:!lll 1!1a\ apply

0 Conllll!jlenl

0 Unll(jV!datecl

CJ O!!?P\J!ed

Typt Of PRIORITY t,uiiu,,eijr,(f (:l3lm:

• Domestic suppor1 obl!g011ons

D i~ .and terti;lln 0111er deOIS' yov owe the 9QVCtl'ln'l!!!rll

CJ c1a1rns ror aealn or personal Injury wllije you were 1n1ox!cateo

0 omer, Specify

Ust 4 digits of ilC~OUlll t1Ul'rlbtl' ----

A.5 of m, d.itil you flit, tnt 01;::i1m ts: Che('.k all 1hat appry

CJ cor111nge111

CJ Unl1Q1,1l~t1;!<;1

• 1;,1spu1ea

Typ• ot P,f;j:!Ofl:l't'V 1.111SB~Ur.d ¢1."llm:

0 Oomes111= s1,1pporl otll~i:ll!Ol'IS

• T<;1.xes Md cettah\ 01net aerns you owe me government CJ Clalms for \'.le.itln or personill Injury wh!le ~ou wem 1ntoxrca1ed


D Olt,or.Spe<lfy __________________ _

A$ Qf U,.t i;t~W yQu file, 1h• claim I~: Check al! !l'lal appfy

CJ Contmgl!nl

CJ vm1qu1<1atea

• Disputed

TYP• or PRIORITY 1m,ec::11r,-<t c;:IDlm:

0 oomesw:. suppon 001J9ijllom>

• l"xes am;! certain on1er debt$ you ovro 1110 govemmenl

D c131m:. !Of aeil\ll or ~r!?Qnal Injury whi!I!" you were lmox11:ated

D Othl;!r. Spt!Clty





P.:1gt 3 af 22

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 37 of 87

Debtor 1 Braverman Eric R. Casa number ~i ~:11;:iw}

[,~:ii] _NYC Dep't of Flnanc""e'--_ Priority GrM1tor·~ N~me

l.egal Affairs 345 Adams St Fl 3

. Brook!w,l!Y 11201•3719 _ .. __ .. __ _ Nur'ntJel' S!tl!!et City S1.>11!-Zip CMe

Who ineurrtd tne debt? cne,K one

• DE!:blor 1 Only

D Debtor 2 011ly

0 D~b!or 1 aM ()ebtor ~ orily

0 At Jf.'as1 one of !he i;:ff!tli'Ors. ;;ino ,iinother

Last ,4 digits of .i:ccolJnt nrJmbu

A$. of the d1U~ you fill!, the Cl.'lirn 11.: Checf.. <ill mar. apply

D contingent

0 Unll(lllh:ldMc!

• Orsputed

Type Of PRIORITY Ul1$0-CIJr(ld C::l.ilm:

0 D~Jlll(!Ml(: S.l.lPPOfl OPll~~lion~

D Taxe:s i:tnd ce,t<'lirl other deb1::. you owe the g.cverrulltnl


0 Check if thl!i cl.ilm is for .t community de-bt

IS thf cl:iim 11iUbjt1et to OffHt? D C!aims for death or personal injury 'lmile yo\1 Wl';re. mtox1c,;1!e(J

•No 0Ye,

• Olhi::!r. specify Wages, salar-ies, and commissions

! 1. ~ j NYS De pit of Taxation L~!t-t 4 diglti of ac.count numbf.t ____ $0.00 Pr1or11y CreO!\ar·~ Name

Bankruptcy/Special Procedure wtum W;!.!li ttiee (lebt lnf;"ur~~?

PO Box 5300 Albany, NY 12205-0~00 ·-·-·-· Nl1mbei' sttecl Cily Stelle Zip cooe M <>nM d1Jt& you ftltl!, th!!! el:Um is: c,1ecK au thm <.1pply

Who 1ne1.1rred 1he aebt? Chee~ onf­

• DeMor 1 orily

0 0(!:0!0r' 2 Orlly

D Debtor 1 and Debtor 2 only

0 .N le~:s.1 one 01 the c::lebiOrs ano anothl;'r

D ctuu::k. If ttJ11 ~,aim Is. fO~ ~ eQrnmunltv d11;t>t

l!.1 the cl~lrn !ILUIJJ&et to oll!!Lat?

• No


0 contingent

D Ur1!1quidi!1etl

• Dlsputea

type of PfUORITY UJ'l$-e-cured 01:om:

0 OomE'!~tic; :;uppori Qbllf]Qlll,ms

• Taxes ilml c:erlilin olhe, del'.lls you owe nie gov~mme::nl

D C1.;1iJ11$ ror Qeatt1 or ~r5ona1 l111ury while ~a\1 wiere, mioxii;:~!i;.r;t

0 01:!ler Specify

I PWfM L.lat All of Your NONPRIORITY Unsecured Claim$

:3. co any enditQr,:. l'!avll!i nonpflorHy 1.1nneufeCS tl.ilm~ :)g;:i.un:t you?

0 No. Yo1J 11ove no\hln~ 10 report in fills NI"! t~ut:>mit lh~ form lo Ill~ courl wrth your omer s<-MQ1.11e.s


$0.00 $0,00

$0.00 $0.00

4. Li-st .i:11 ot· your nonpnorfty uns.teurf:d c:l.:.h·os. In thf ~lpO:i.betlc::d oreltr of 11:\0: erodttor who holds t.:i:i:-h e1:1:1m. 1f a c1editor has morn man oi'!e no11p1lo(\ty 1m;c;ecweo r.Mi-ln1,. list \Ile trecl1to-r ·.sep.;iri.'itety for •1;:ii:.h claim. h:>r e1:1i;:h <::laim tts:i~i:I. menl!fy wl1~1 type ()i ~!~)fl1111s Oo not tis:! <::l<:lln1s ;.:i1r~aoy lncllWW 1n P,1.rt 1. tr mor~ tMn one r.redrtor M!Os 3 parnc.uiar ciaim. 11s1 iM other creo11ors in Part 3.lryou have more tMn wee nonpnor/ry (jn~ef;llfM claims ,m O{!I tile Cofltrnu-a11(1.j1 Page or p,·u1 i

fot.11 cli1im

Oilicii;il Form 106 EJF Schedule- EIF: Creditors Who Hill/II' Unsecured Cl;.,ltns P.1~i!- 4 of :22

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 38 of 87

Debtor 1 Braverman, Eric R.

304 Pas. Owner LLC Nonprioniy Creditor's N~m!!:

304 Pork Ave S New York, NY 10010-4301 M1m1:1er Street biy $1;.,ue ;i1p coo~; Who IMUn'&d 1.he debt? CMtK I.me

• Oi;,l;ltor 1 only

D Deblor 2 only

D Dt!"btor 1 and Dt±bloi 2 or\ly

D Al leas.1 0111;: ot U1e ck;!Jtms imd ~molher

0 C'1,.<:tc If u,1, cl~lm I$ for ;1; eQmmunity c;l~l:)t

I$ tne el~lm $1.lbJtet t·I) orr,ct?



[:~.~.] SW Pubic Relations LLC Nonp1iorily Crnditot's N.1mer

L.:ist 4 digits of account number

When w,:15 tnt aebt meurred?

D ccmt111ge111

D Un!!quld:ateo

• 01sputM

fype Of NONPRIORITY UMHC:lltild Cl.llm:

D Studen! (Oi'Jns

D Obtigal!ans Qrlsing oti1 ol Q !5-ep<':lri.'1'0011 Qgreement or Oivorr.e tllat YOll (l1d not report as prlmtty ctalms

0 D@Ot'!:i to pension or profit-sharing pli:!ns, and 0!!1J?.r :;.11111!ar Oetits

• Other. Spe(.lfy

1166 Avenue of the Americas Fl 4 New York NY 10036-2750 N11moer .$tr1=dt city s1~ue hp Cwe A$ of tM· d>U~ you me-, tM e1~1m ls; cneck: JII IM! applv

Who il'ICaih'1:d tM debt? Ch(!lck OM

• Di?b!or 1 onty

D Debtor 2. ori.ly

0 Debt1)r 1 at\d Dl:'btor 2 o-nty

0 Al l!!clsl 01ie ol thf:.I dE!IJtOrs ar'll'.:I <111oth12r

0 Ch&Ck if thi'l. Cl.ilm is for~ c(lffiitJUnity debt Ii. the c:l.i.im subject to offset·7

• No


G ' j AAA Financial Services Nonpr!orii)· Creditors Name

1415 Kellum Pl Garden Cl!i:, NY 11530-1695 ............ , •. Numbe/' street City Slate Z!p CoaQ

Who lne1,1fftd U\11,!: d~bt? GhecK one

• Debtcr 1 l'.lnty

D Debtor 2 only

D De-blor 1 and Oet;tlOf ::/ only

D Al leas! one of the c,le!:l\ors and anou11~r

D cne1,k 1r nu,, el~lm Is ror :. eommunfty debt Ht, the c.l~im ,ubJeet to cHHt?

• No


D Conungt;!nl

0 Unliqukla!ed

• Disputed

iype ot NONPR:IORlty un$ecu~d c1~1m:

0 s1uae1~1 10.10s

0 Obllg.it;ons arising oui or a !>l;!pi1rcll1on ag1eem,:,ml or dil.'crce 1ha1 yoo 010 no! repoit a~ p1iori\y tltl1rr1s

D r,ll;!bt!) io wns!on or prolit.,.sMrmg plans . .?lM omer simi\ar ctetits

• Oiht:t'. Spttil)I

When Wils the debt incurred?

A:. of the date you file, the Clil:im !s: C11eck aH tt1.c1t apply

0 Con1111gen1

0 un11quhjated

0 Disputed

Typo Of NONPRIORITY unHc:urod el~lm:

0 $!\Weni !o.J.ns

0 Obllg.atiOns al'\slrrg ou1 or a separnlion agre1.;m~nl or t1hlO!'te !Mt you did not report as priority cUM1s

0 Oebt::i io p~n!?lon or protit,·sMring pUrns .. am:I o!!ler ~!rnr.l.'lr ctetlt5

• Oit\tl' Sp,i.+t!fy

Offa::la! Form 106 E.rF Sched!.11& Elf; Crl:!dllOl'S Who Have UliSl:!CIJN!-d Cl;,lms

$630 446.77

$37 919,75


17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 39 of 87

D@Wr 1 .. Braverman,. Eric R. ..... --,- ................................... . ·--~----- Case number (H:r1ciw)

~ Alexander Potruch, Esq, Nonprloi'ity CrMi1ors Narne

666 Old Country Rd Ste 555 Garden City, NY 11530-2005 NulltbC!f Stred C1!y State Zip- Cot:le

wtlo lnc:urro-d tno debt? cnecK one.

• Debtor 1 only

D Debtcr 2 otify

D Debtor 1 ano Debtor 2 onty

D At lea:.t 1me of th~ dt:Hlior:a <uld <1M1hc1

D Check It this claim is for a comrnunity debt Is the clalm subject to otfs,t1

• No


L~st 4 digits ot· 3ecount number

When WiJ.s the debt incurred'?

D Cor\UngC!nl

D Unliq1Jli;lj1\e~"1

• Dispu!ed

lYP~ Qt NONPFUORITY un~eeured e1,um:

0 Studtnl !ocrn:;

0 Ob!lgations o'l1i~ing cut or cl separation c1grn:emen1 er divorce tha\ YO\J Q1('j not teporl as prlonty ~lilirm;

0 Debts to pens100 o, prnrit-SMflilfl p/;3r1s. t-rnd 01he-r sin;iJar t:1eb1s

• ()!her $pepry

----------~------~----------·-··-'"'"'" __ , . .,., ____ ,_.,.,

~ AnazaoHealth Corp. Nonpnorny c,eanors Name

571 O Hoover Blvd Tampa, FL 33634-5339 Nttll'lDef Sm:!d C1!')' S1ate 2tp Coce

Who tneumtd th111 dtbt? c11ecK one .

• Oet)!O!' 1 Ml~·

D Oeb\or:;,; onty

D Debtor 1 aM Debtor 2 only

D At !eas1 one 01 me ctebro1g aoa anotMr

0 Cheek 11 this e1:.1m ,~ for ~ eommunlty ff,tj,bt

Iii' the el.:llm SIJbjilllCt IO OffHt?

• No


Andrew J. Spinelli Nonprn;:rHy Cr(!o"ltor·s Name

295 Madison Ave New York, NY 10017-6304 Number street C,ty state Zip coce Who incurred the debt? Check one

• Debtor 1 only

0 Debtor 2 on1,1

0 Del.'ltoi-1 r.lnd Dt:)blor 2 onl\

0 Al tea.st rjt\~ or me debtrJ1s and aMthtr'

D Check it thl!i e1.iln1 l!i. for a comn11.1f'!lty debt

l!l, uu1 e:lalm 5;ubjeet to omliet?

• No


When w:.s tht dtbt lneurrtd? 8/1116

As of the date you tile, the claim is; C11er.:k. all 1Mt ~D/,JIY

D Cantmgenl

D u,11iqtildat!'.:XI

D 01sputei;1

Typll' ot NONPRIORIT't' ul'IUCIJrM cliilm:

0 swaent 1o~ns

0 OblltH:llions artSmg Olit or a $Cpawt;on ,1g1i::1~mcnt or (l/vOfte 1ric1t you did nut re-port a5 r,,nority WJ/ms.

0 Debts to pension or profit-sharing plans, ~ni;l oth1:;r similar O"eb/5

• Olt"lef. Specify

Last 4 digits of account number

WMn w.t.t tM debt ineurrtd?

D ConUngerit

D 1.,1nl1q1#0<:>il,'!(I

D Drsputed l)'pti! Of NONPRIORllY tm,el'.;1,1ret1 Cl.tlm:

D S\ud1mt loans

D (JOUga110ns an~mo O\Jt of a !1iep,11ra\lon a9r(temen1 or <1M:irce that ~·oli diO not r1:m1m as prtorify c1,;11in;;i

0 ™bg to pension Of' profit-sflating p!t!n$, c111d 01her sirn·)!;:ir aeots

• OtMr. Specify

orr1cm1 Form 106 EJf Sehtdule EIF: Crfidltors Who H-'V'tl' unseeur&d Cliltmi.

~~·· $li1LOOO,OO ..



Page 6 of :22

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 40 of 87

Debtor 1 Sraverman1 Eric R,

G.:.J Ari Teman Nonpr10rny crewtor·s N1'ime

140 7th Ave New York, NY 10011-1843

-NtHlllJef Stre(rC1ty stme Ztp Corle

Who inc:urre-d u,~ debt? Ct.er.K one

0 Debtor 1 on!~

D D~b!Clr" 2 only

0 Debtor 1 anti Deb!J')r 2 only

• Al least Or"Jq!! or me Oeb!or~ Jnd c1r10W1N

0 cneck 1t· this c:1:um Is. tor .1 ~ommunlty debt IS: th& ¢lihtn :SUbj@Ct lO offset?

• No


0 Bank of America Nonptiorily Cred'r1or's Name

sank of America PO BOX 25118 T•"JE•, Fi. 33622•5118 Nwm!Jef SlJeE-\ City Stale ZIP CO<le

Who Incurred th11 d!!bt? Che!::ti one,

• (,',J1";t1tor 1 on!y

D Debtor 2 only

D D!:!blor 1 ancl DeO!Or ~ onty

D Al least one ol me e1eo1ors aM anomer

D Check ii this ch1irn 1s tor ~ CQmm1.vmy debt

Is the c1a1n, sulJJect to Qffs.e1?



0 Bank of America Ncmpriorlly C1editor's Name!

Bank of America PO Box 25118 Tampa, Fl. 33622.5118 Numl:J!:!r Slreel City State l.lp Cooe

Who fne.utrod thlfl debt? Ct\.etk Ml!.

• D!:!blor ·1 only

0 D!!!tJ!or 2 only

0 0€eotor 1 .3M D€b1o, 2 o/\!y

D At le!l~1 one or me <JeMors aM anolllt:r

D Che-ck It this cl.:ilrn i5-tor .:1 community d&bt

Is the cl.iim subject to offset?



t..~~a 4 digits o, ac:c:ount number

When Wolii the debt incurred'?

Caso number ~i Hn~11.·)

A'S of the date you flle, tilt! cl;:1:im !~; C:!l~CK /)!! tnat apply

0 Gontlngent

• ~muqu10;.,.tect

• Disputecl 'fype ot· NONP~IORITY un.~~t:;Ufid el;,lm;

0 Stuoent loans

0 0rJllgati-Ons a!lsing out or a sep~lti:llion iSglee:menl or divorce ui:;it you oio noi repo/'t clS pt!O(ity Cl.l!!'M

0 De0\5 to pension or pro\'it-s!,al\ng plans, and 611\ti( simdc'lr debts

• O!h~t Specify

Last 4 digits of ac:c.ount numtler 4983

Whon w,1s ihe debt ir1curre<1'?


D Ut'\li<iuia,t!ed

D Disputed


'fypo (If NONPRIORl'TY Ur1:iiH:urod Cl~lm'.

D $tu<;1ent loan.~

0 Oolig:1uiom; 1ms1ng out 01' ~ sep.:1r~it1on a9reement or thvon::e ltlat you djd not ri'!pofi QS priori!~· i::lmins

D Debts to jJt:f\S!Orl or· prolil-S!imi11g plans, an,J olhf!r sim:lar debts.

• Ctner. sper.1fy

Lut 4 dtglt::. of iJ.CcOtlnt number 8308

When w.-:s the- dftit inoumtd?

0 contmge111

D LJn!iquldated

D Di:spti1e~1


'fype ot NONPl,i!IOR:ITY uriseeu~d cl~\rn:

D Student loi:l'n~

D ObhHallons .:ms1ng out of a sep;;:iration agrceme.nl or (11Vorce mat you did not ,~por1 as pr1on1y ~l;;ums

0 Debt:. to pe11i,.1on or pi-om-stiaring p!c1r1s, and ot.li~r $im,1..r1r {!etl1!:i

• omer. spe..:11y

Oftitial Fmm 101~ f,:Jf Sehtd1Jlt E/F: creditors Who H.:.vt UnH>euretd c1.11ms.




Pag~ 7 of 22

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 41 of 87

Deblor 1 Braverman Eric R,

~ Barry Berkman Not)pMrlty Credi!O!"s. Name

521 5th Ave New York, NY 10175.0003 NomMr S!r~.t City Stall'.! Zip Code

wno lneul'l'e<' 1t1e debi? cn.ecK one.

• oeotor 1 only

0 OePtor ~ ority

0 Oeb!or 1 i;ma (leb!or '/J only

D M !east one or me oebtors aM anotner 0 C.htck If thlii, cl.:iim Is tor a comnu..1nlty dlllbt

js thli!' c;lalm subj~ct 10 ot'1nt1


0 Yes

Case number ~r ~Mw)

U:st 4 digits ot Kc.01.mt num~r

A5 o:t tile dl!i. you m,, the 01-,.1m Is: cneck au that Jppl~

D Contingent

0 Urlhetuiaatea

0 ()15pt11eo

TyP1' ot NONPRIORlrY unseeure(l el"31m:

D Stuill.!nt JO;!!!'!S

0 Ob!igauor1.s cll'i$ltl9 ou1 Of a .separation Rgreernl:!n1 or aivorce !hat you Old nol r~port i;i:i: pr1orJty cl;;11ms;

D D~bts to peMion or prolit-~Mnng plan~. and o!her ~1rn11;.:i.r r.le-bls

• Ot11er. SW<: lfy

----------------------------·" r:;-;~·1 Bender & Rosenthal LLP

Nonpnorily Creclltor·~ Nan1e

451 Park Ava s # a New York, NY 10016·7390 Nomoer street City mate Zip Coele

wt10 lncurn,d thl,l d•bt? Chee!,; one

• OePtor 1 only

0 Debtor 2 oflly

0 Debtor 1 <I.rid Deritor 2 only

D Al lc-~sl oc\e ol lh~ ~ebtor:!;i and another

D ChRCk if thi:&. Clollm ii 101' ii ccrtmltmity dtbi IS thlll Cli:11111 !1iUbj11cl 10 Oft!5et1

• No


~ Boles Schiller & Flexner LLP Noni}flority· crea1101s Name

575 Lexington Ave# 7 New York, NY 10022-6138 Mm.1b~f SlrP.el C1ty State i1p cooe Who lr'ICUl't9d the debt? Ct'leck one.

D Oetitor 1 onty

D Debtor 2 only

D oemor 1 ~M Debtor 2 only

• At !eas.1 one 01111e oeows aria anoml~r

D Chee::~ 11 thi!!ii c::lalm I$ for <:t i::ommlll"llt)' di!i!bt

l1t tn, el.:a!m !1.1,ibJeet to ons,t?

• No


t.,1:,t 4 o,g1t, of a-eeount numbtr

wnen wu tht debi lncurrtel? May 2016

Ar. of th" d:Jtt you me, the <:lajrn hi: Check all !Mt appty

D conhngent

D Unl1Qu10;:.r1ei.1

• t')i!;ipoted

1YP• Of NONPRIORITY unHeure-d Cl>Um:

0 S1Udi!'1ll lOi'.!l1S

0 01Jliga.Uo1\S ans1ng out ol ~ !;ieparr.11ton agreemenl or Clivorce 1Mt you ct!CI not r~port as priority t1a1ms

D oeo1s to pension or prortt-sharlng plans. ano otlH!:r sun11.cH Oebls.

• other. Spec lfy

t..;u.t 4 digits of "ecount numbtt

When was the debt incurred1'

As or th• d:i:tt you mo, the claim Is: cnetk au th.at ,.11pply

0 conungent

D un11quiaa1ea

• DISPll!e<:l

Type: Of NONPRIORITY Ul'IHCUtitd Cl.lil'TI:

D $!!.lden\ ioans

0 oou9a1!0ns ,'3.rismg ou1 or a separ!lt10n aweement or (J1vor·ce trim ~-ou did not repor1 a5 priority (:l.;1lm~

D Deots to pensiotl Of profit-iwaring p1c1os. and otne1 sim11c1r dell!S

• Ott\er. Sp~i;J~, ----------------

S-ehtdule EJF: Creditor" Who H3\/t uns.oeurtfJ c1.11ms.




Pi11il'e II of 22

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 42 of 87

Dab101 1 Braverman, Eric R, ··----·,---------·-·----,~ Case numtJer tn:Mw)

~ Can Capital NonpMrily CIL'-d/tot:,. Name

414 W 14th St New York, NY 10014-1030 Number Str<!!Ct City Slcl.te Zip Code

Who lneurrtd u,e debt? ChecK one.

• Detitol' ·1 on!y

D Debta< 2 only

D Debtor 1 aM Debtor 2 on~-

0 A\ 1e.a~t Me or me debtors and anotth~l

0 Check if this claim is for .a community debt

Is the claim subject to offs.et?

• No


~ Chase NonpriOrlty cr1;.01tors Name

333 E 23rd St New York, NY 10010-4710 NutllMf S!tf!Cl City Stell(' Zip Code

wno lneurred the dtbt? cnecli: one.

• Debtor 1 only

D ~'¼btor 2 onty

D Oeow 1 ano oeo1or 2 onty

D At least one of \tie debwrs .;:1nl.l .;:mottler

D c1,i,ek If u11:1 el:Um I$ fof"., eommunlty d~bt 1, the e1-,1m $i.lbJeet to om;.tt?



CIT Financing services Nonpriori1y Crec;lllor'!;i Nam~

1 Cit Dr Livingston, NJ 07039•5703 Numoer S1reet city s1ate 7-to cooe Who Incurred the debt'? Chee!,; one

• De!)tor 1 on!~'

D Deotor 2 only

D De!Jtor i aM Debto( 2 only

D At leas! one or me tJeblot'.! Md <1Mlhr}r

0 Check jf this cl;:iim is. for ii community debt

1s tne c1:,,1m $1.lbJeet to off~cit?

• ND


Last 4 digits ot· ~c:.eount numbt:ir

Wherl was the debt Incurred'?

As D1 the date you tile. the claini Is: Ch(~~K all tlv:11 ;;ipph·

D Conll119ef1t

D tJnl/qu1d.at~O:

• Dlspll!M

lype ol NONF'RIO~ITY unsecuf~d t;l;:i.lm;

0 student loan~

D Obligations arising out or a !;tpa1a!lon agrtitme!m or divorc~ that 't'OU did not repon i:'.ls ptlotily tlr.\irtiS.

0 Debts 10 pe11s1on or prom-st1anng plans. and cmer similar debts

8 OIMr. Specify

Last 4 digits of· ~ccount numbu

When w,u, the debt incurred?

As of the date you fil@. the Cliilm Is: Ct1e-ci.: aH that apply

D Ccnh1\genl

0 U/1liqui~atl!d

D Dis.puled

Typl!I Of NONPRIORITY U!'IHtllttd Cl.!lm:

0 $lu0ent loans

0 oo!l~F~Mfl~ an.sing o~l'l or (l ~paf~t1on agreement or (livo,ce n1at you <M no! report :;1$ prtoniv c1.:iirns

D De.bis ta pi:ms.1cn OI' profit-:S!'lcHin9 plan!:i, <.lnd oth~r simi1ar debts

• Olller. Spe,;;uy

L~St 4 digits Gf iJCCOuht numb~U

Wtie-n was the deb1 lneurred?

M of me d~te you 11111, tile et.;um is: c11e1:k a!I ma1 apply

0 conl!ngenl

D Unhquit'1ated

0 01sputeo

Type of NONPRIORl1Y unsecured clajm;

0 Sludt't1I lo<ll\S

0 (}i;,llgi!hons ~ri,;ing 0~1t or a separp.l.ion agr~ieme..-n\ OI' (!iVorce lhat you 010 no! rePQr! a~ plionty claim;;:

0 Del}ts to pens1M or prnrit-Manno p1,,ns, e.'cnd othe!f !:il!'rlil<ll dl'!b!s

• Other. SfX;<,:lfy

OlriciJJ Form mi; EfF Sehei:lule EIF: Crti:lltors Wl~O H-'Vt UnHet,m1C1 Cl.:Hms.

"""'""""' $63,906.68

P.:ige 9 Of 22

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 43 of 87

Debtor 1 .. Braverman, Erlc .. R,

~ Clti -N"o~n"p7ri7or~l\7yac"'re"a"1to7 r"·,~N"a"""",-' -------

300 Park Ave S New York, NY 10010-5313 Number street cay state Zip. CMe Who lneumHI tMr debt? cnei;;k one

• Debtor 1 only

0 Debtor 2 only

0 Debtor 1 aM Deblor 2 only

D At least Of!{~ ot me debtors ana ,1no1ner

0 Check if this cl.iirn h> for;:,, CPJMl'm.thlty debt Is the claim subject to offset?

• No


~ Citl "N~o,_n,_p~rl,_o,~,y~c,_re~O~lto,_,"·s"N~,-m-e _______ _

300 Park A VO S New York, NY 10010-5313 Ntimoor sueet city stme Zip Code

wno ll'!eurred U'lt df!bt7 Gher.k one

• Debtor 1 only

D (~ebior :;? only

D OelJfOf 1 3M Oentor ;). only

0 At least one 01 tne oeotors and aMU1er

D cne-i.li: If this e1,1.jm l!J. 1or :1 e·Qmmunlty d1bl Is: the elalm :.ubjeet to otr5et?

• No


CIU Bank Loan Nonpriority Creditor's Ni!ml:!

300 Park Ava S New York, NY 1001 o,5313 Nurnoer $1-rei;I C1!y $t1:11e Zip Co(l~i

Who lnculTed the dl!tbt'?" Che-tK on!;!'

D Debtor 1 only

D Debtor 2 only

D Deblor 1 am:! D1:!tltDr 2 ori/y

•· At lcasl orie of !hi'.:!" 001'.!tors ana clMHit-1'

D Check If this claim is fot a community debt

1, u-,., c1;i1m !;1.UbJect u, Qtts~t'?

• No


omc,,11 Form 1GG Elf

Case numhar ft 1mow)

U~14 digit, ot aeeount numtitr 3052 ------

As of thl!t d;iUI y'aU tile, the claim Is: Check i.J!\ thc1I apply

0 co1111ngen1

D l,)n!rquid~led

D Oisputea

'fyps of NONPRIOAITY 1.msecured claim:

0 Stllctenl ioans

D onugr.1t1ons afls111g orit or a s~paraMn atueement or Oivo,ce tnat you (M no! report as prior(fy claims

D Oii!0!-5 to pen~1on or prof1t.,st1afi119 plans. aM Qlhl;!r 51111i·1,1r (~etits

• other. Spt:illfy

last 4 digits; of account number 6434 ------WMn w~s mt debt 1neurr11d?

As Of th& d~M you fi[,a,, thi'I el~im 1$: CMck: ~1:1 \Mt elpf)I\.-'


D Un!iquldaiM

0 Di:;puted

'fype or NONPRIORITY un:.,e1,mtd el~lm: 0 Studt!hl to.ans

0 C'.,lbr!gaimn~ im!i,1:ig ou! of~ !i,ep~rat1on ;1~11er1men1 or dlvcr~e Ul<:U you (.110 not reµort as priority c!a1ms

0 Debts to pension or proflt-WaMg plans. and o1/1er s1mil:a.r debts.

• O!ti.er. Specify

La$t 4 digits of· .:1ecount number

0 con11ngent

D U11hqt.1ldate-<l

0 (}1s1Med

Typ&-Of NONflRIORITV unsecured Clilit11'.

D student loans

0 Ob!lgahons atiSi(lg out ol a sr.tp<iteltJOn agrt.'i:'me,1t ar divorce tmlt you did not rcpoit as pnc(iTy c1.a1ms

D DeM'3 to pension or prorlt-snanng plans. and omer s1mi!ar (leOis

• (}lh(;!r, $pe(;:Jfy

$24 373,05

$19 399,67


P.:,gfi! 10 ot 21

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 44 of 87

Debtor 1 _Braverman, Erlc,R. ··-·-···-··· .. ·--------­

~ Court Reporter" Delores Hilllards N(lnpnomy c1edito1's Name

60 Centre St New York, NY 10007-1402 Number Stt~et City State Zip Cooe:

wno 1ne1.1rre~ 1he (lcbt? ChecK one

• DCO!O( 1 only

D oemor 2 only

0 DelJtor 1 ana Debtor 2 only

0 At least oae 01 me Cle-lJ.tots and ariotl\tt

0 Cheek It thts cliili'n. Is for ii commumty debt

Is the claim subject to offset1"

• No


L:i'l.t 4 digits of .account number

When was the debt incurred?

0 contingent

0 Unliquidale<t

0 rnsput€'1:I T'fp~ Of NONPRIORITY UMfCUttd Cl<liltl'.

0 Slud1:m1 loaris

0 Ob!iga\!011.s arising out oi a s~parr:i11on a~reernent or dlYorce mat you did not ri;?port ;:.-s ;xlonty i::1.c11m5

0 Debts (/j pension ar proril-sharing plan~. anct otMr -s1rn11.c1r OeOis

• OIMr $per.Ii,' -------······-""··--··-··· [ 4.2~ Court Reporter .. Diane Kavanaug!lff"~ l..a$t 4 diglt11, 01 ~eeount numb1t

Nonpf\or11y Cret:rnors Name

60 Centre St New York, NY 10007-1402 Ntimbef sueer city s1·a1e Zip coo~

wno 1neum~e11t1e debi? CMcK one

• DelJ\or 1 onty

D DelJ!or ~ only

D Debtor 1 ano De01or 2 onty

D At least one cJf me debtors 01M anomer

0 c:ne-ek 11 U\15 e!.;Om I$ far -' community d1;1bt

1, the c::1,um subJoet io omnti'

• No


Court Reporter. Joan•tte i..ake • Mason No11prio1ity Creditor's Name

60 Centre St New York, NY 10007-1402 N1.1mtier street City State Zip, Code Who Incurred tne debti' c1,ec.K 011e

• Debtor 1 onty

D OeMor .:? only

0 Detltor 1 and Debtot 2 ofl!J·

0 At !l!c!SI one ol the c.leb!o1s (ll"IO ;:;ino1hf.r

0 Check if this claim 1$ for a c;:ommtmlty de,bt

1$ the cl;llUn $:t.1nJ111et to on Ht?

• No


0 Gontlnf,lent

D 1,1n11q~110.~tM

0 01spl!tect

Type of NONPFI.JORITY unsecured claim;

0 swoent loans

D Oti!JgatioM afr.ll/'tg out of a stparation agreeml.:!nl or clwoH;e tf1at yo11 (!Kl not repofi as prlon!y claim~

D Debts 10 pension or protii,!;>hannfl pl:;in!i;, ancJ otMr sin,ilJr Oebt.s

• omer. spedfy

Liist 4 digits ot account number

WMt1 W.13 th& debt Incurred?

As ot· the date you tile, tha c.1.,,,m is: c.11er.1<; .::i11 mat appfy

D Go111111gent

0 unuqulctmeo

0 Disputed Typ~ Of NONPRIORITY unsoeure:d i::1.-tm:

D Stuc,1e111 lo~ns

0 CIJll{Jilt!ons !Hismg out ol a separation agreement or divo1tt: ma! you did not repmt as priority c·!alms

0 Deb!s la pi.:!nsion ar profit"sharmg pl~ns. j;in() o!Mr sirmlar OeO\s

• otner. spi:..: lfy

Si::htdUIII! EIF: C!'tdltorl'i Who H.ive UMl:!CIJntd Clallns




P:igt 11 of 22

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 45 of 87

Debtor ·1 Braverman, Eric R, Cose number (nn.:iw)

[~,."~] ,. Court ,,Reporter - Monica Horvath ~~ L~st 4 d~gits of' acc:::ount number Nonprl(}r\ty C!Wl!Or'S Nilr?1e

60 Centre SI ,_l~ew Y<!rk, NY 10007-1402 Nu111ber strnel City s1ate Ztp cooe Who inc.uffed the debt? Ct'lf!!ck one

• tJet>tor 1 only

0 t.l~PW '2. on!~

0 f)el;IW 1 ano (')ebtor i only

0 Al le2st one or the O~t>!Qr;; ~n4 :cinom~~r

0 ChocK If this elalm Is for a communtty debt IS: th9 C.l.:):itrl i!iUbjtet to OffHt7



1,.,.3 I Douglas Labs/HVL NOtlpriOrlty Creditor's Name:

aoo Boyce Rd Plttsburs.h, PA 15205-9742 ··-·--·-·· NU01t)er Street City State ZIP CO(:lt?.

Wha Incurred the deb'C'i' CheCK one-

0 Debtor i Of"l!V

0 Debtor 2 only

D Debtor 1 aM DeDtof 2 only

• At lea.st one or 1M oeomrs aM ;moltier

D Ch!i!ck it this claim is for ill community debt

Is the claim subject to ottset?

• No

0 Y~s

I ,12.1 I Frederick Charles Sake. PA Ncnpf!crny crC:Oilof's Name

4770 Biscayne Blvd Ste 1400 Miami, FL 33137-3243 Nur!\Mr S!t·t>cl City Sta112 Zip Cocle

Who lneurrc,d tnc dobt? cneck one

• Dc-btor ·1 only

D Debtor 2 only

0 f.)ebtor 1 anrJ Oetltor 2 onf'{

D A1 lea~1 one ol \he deo101'$ .;lnr) ;;ino1n~~f

D Chl>eK If uus el~lm t=-tor 3 eommun!ty dobt ts the cl11lm subject to offset?



Wnen W:!1.$ tne debt 111eurred?

As of mo d~t• you rno. the cl.Jim is: cncck all tr'1<:1t <:lpply

D co1,1Jngent

0 U/diqLJidc!lLi<d

D Dispt1ted

TypG Of NONPRIORITV uns.~cutt:!d cl.iht1:

0 $l\JdE::nt lof.ln5

D ()tili9i;1ltQns ?fiSln!il oil! of i'c\ sepJr~l!On aweement or <Hvorce 1.lla! you dld not report as orlMty c:1a1ms. 0 O!!bls to pl:!nSion or protit-!;;t1aring p!~ns. an<,! ottier sJmi!;,:i.r Gebis.

• Other. specify ----L.t:i;t 4 digltlli of iic:c.outn number

A$ of the d:i.te you flit-, tile e1.11m U;: Ctleck a11 tnat oip,ply

0 Contmgent

D Unhqult;1:a11;:d

• Disputed

1'yp~ QI NONP~IORllY 1.mnc1,1re-c:I cl.;Om: 0 Student IOCW!

D ObHgal1CJns <:1f1S1ng out of a s~para!ion agr€cm£!nl or (liVorct,!-trli;!I yotJ !ficl nol report as pnc.rit~, tlairr1s

0 L1eots to pension or prom,sMnng plans. anc:t 01ner .s.tmiMr oeots

• 01tlt.'f. Specify

Whe,n was the debt Incurred'?

As 01' the da~ you me. the claim is: Check a!l 111a! apply

D Contingent

[.1 UnliqtildaiNI

0 Disputed

1\'PII! Of NONPRIOFl.llY IJM~C:Uf&d Cl.1\tn:

D $hJCenf ioans

D Obllga!lims C'l!'lsmg out or <1 separation ~IQ!{,·ernenl oi· d1vo1c~ 1Mt you did not report as prioiity C!c.1ims

0 tJeOt5 to pens!on or pro!lt-~Mnng i:Hans., ~!l<I ou-ier s1111i!ar 0?01s

• Other. Spc.tlty

orr1c1a1 Form Hlf; l:JF Scheduler.,~: Credilors Who H::ive Ui,securad Cl.aims




17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 46 of 87

Dobtor 1 Braverman, Srlc R.

G 25J Fundatlon Nt,r,pr1ority'cre,mon, N;;m1~

clo Jannifer Wood Collections PO Sox 2149

.~lg Har_bor. WA 98335-4149 Nrnnber StTeet cny state Z.! p cooe Who incurred the debt? Check one

• neotor 1 or1ty

0 ()emor :i! onty

0 ('..l~btor 1 ,;1no Oeblot 2 only

D At leas\ Of'l.e ol 111e deo1ors aM anottter

0 Cheek If this e1,11m I$ for ,1 eommunity


IS t!H! e1.11m iiUbjillC:t to Off:H!t?

• No


14 ,o I Goldman Johnson Nonprlonly Credi!m's N;:lnle

500 5th Ave # 34 N•w York, NY 10110-3399 _______ ,_

Li'.ilit 4 digits of account number

D contingent

0 Unliquidated

0 DJs.pulM

Case number ~,~ri~w}

Type: l)f NONPRIORITY un,,oc:utod e1.11m:

D $tt1de11! ioan!;j:

D Obligations cifismg oul of a separation agrf!emen( or divon;:e !hi;i! yo11 (.l;q not repori as prior!!~ c1a11ns

0 Dlilbt:!:i to p!clnsion or ptofi!-sM1il'1g p!cms, and ottu~r surn!ar debts

• omer. Specuy

L.a$l 4 digit$ of ac:eount numb11-r

Numoer street city state zip ewe A$ of the Q:U1;1: you m~, th~ e1.i1m is: ctiecK a:! lMI ;:ippty Who incurred the debt1 Che-ck OM

• Oet.1!0r 1 only

D Debtor 2 oniy·

D Debtor 1 and 01:!btor 2 or\ty

D At ti;~;:151 ,me ot lh~ oeotors :;:1nd anaU1(!r

D Check U this claim is for .i c·ommunity debt I!!, tl\e cl:?1im subject to ottset1



1,.21 I ltrla Ventures LLC Nonprlolily C!'Mitofs Namt

1000 N West St# 1200 WIimington, OE 19801-1058 Number S!n."t'.!I City Stal~ Zip Code

Who lncurrtt'I thill-debt? Chee/I: one

D Debtor 1 only

D Delltor 2 only

0 oemor , aM D-e:b!or 2 Mly

• At !east ot\e Of me aeb\0!'5 aM aoother

0 Cheek If this cl3lm I~ for 3 eommuni·ty (hibt

Is tfle claim subJect to offset'?

• NO


D ConUng~nl

D Unliquidctl~t.l

• Di~(Jul£d

'type ot NON:PA.IORllY unsecured cl:i.im:

0 Slul.lent loons

D Obligation$ a1i~i:ig ou1 of <l ~i!pataHor1 c191tt!!II\l.:!rd 1.u divcrrn thil! you did not fep-011 as prio,lt-,· w11ms

0 f.~eots to pen!i>!Qn or protr\,!iMrlng Pli:lfl!i. ;,:inQ o1her !';1mii;;1r aeots

• omer. specify

Whim 'ira1i the debt hiCurre-d?

As cf the- d.ite you file. the claim ls: CMtk c.ill !Ml clpply

0 Contlnyt?nl

0 Un!!q~U(.mtec;i

• Oi~putt;!{l

Typo of NONPRIORllY unseeurod e1,um:

0 $t1,1d!;;!nl !o;,ins

D omtgat!ons ~msing out of a sepJrnt:on agreeint~flt or (/ivorrn mat you d:L1 not repon as prmnfy c1a1ms

0 ()ebl'$ \o pen!;itQn or proti1,,s:oann9 plans, and other sirnM1r ('le0t5

• Other. Spei::ir~,

orrii;iJ! Form 1Cfi t;.rF Schedule Elr": CreditOrli Who H.tve-Uniiiecur@d Clllims

-~-· $2Q,,OOO.OO



17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 47 of 87

Debtor 1 Bray}!!_m_a_n~·~E_r_i_c_R_, ____________ _

I, 2s I ltria Ventures LLC Noi,prlority Credlto(s Narne

1000 N West St# 1200 WIimington, DE 19801-1058 Number Site.ct City state Zip cooe

wno lne.urrtd tti~ debt? Che,K one

0 Demer 1 01\ly

D [)t;"l~tor '.l onty

D De11tar 1 and f.J.ebtor 2 only

• Ar !(!<!SI Ori~ O! IM 1:le!b!ors and <l.Otitiler

D Ch&ck If thl~ c::l~lm i~ for ;:i, eommunity dobt

Is the cli!im subjll!ct to offset?

• No


r;;:;J Johnson, Morgan & Whlta Nonprlof1ty Cfe41tof's N;:i~

6800 Broken Sound Pl<Wy NW Boca Roton, Fl.. 33487•2721 Ntimtier street. cny state Z!p coae Wlto lneurred tile fll;!"~l'? (;he,1< one,

• Del}tor 1 onty

D Debtor 2 orl~'

D O~btor 1 <:1rn:! C;e,btor :'/ only

0 At least one or tne Oebtofs ;:Jn<l 11nou1er

0 Check it this t;:13Jft1 Is for .1 community­debt

1, tne e-l~lm ,1,1bJ~4C to on!j;~l?



[4;DJ Karen Brand NC:lflpfiori!y c,editor'S Nc1111e

36 Maple Pi # 207 Manhasset, NY 11030-1976 N~trnber $!rt,~~I City Sl~te Zip Code

Who ineurr&d the d@br? ChecK ooe

• OE:!htor 1 on~1

0 (lel;I\Qr ~ only

0 Det\tor 1 and oeoior 2 onry

0 Al !east one 01 me oetitofS and nno11lf..'f

0 Check If this e1.11m It for -' eommunltf debt Is the cl-aim subject to offset?

• No


Last 4 digits of aceQUf1l m.1mb~r

Wl'len w~~ 1he: deb! lneurrcd?

0 conl1ngent

0 Un!!quraatea

B t)isputec:i

Typ& D1 NONPRIOFl:ITV unse<::ured cl.iim:

0 swoent 1oi::in!}

0 Obli9,1111ons ,11nsmg Ol.lt of ;:1 sep11ra!1'(1n (lgrei:mient or a1vorce tllal you <tKI not repoft as priority curnns

D \)~bis lo p~ns1on or prolil,!;;hi;irlng pll,n5. ~no o!!)er slmil.:;ir Gf.!t;ll~

L.!~t 4 digil'S Df .iCCOi.llit liUl'nber

Witco w:.s me debt lneurred?

As of ttte ct:ite you me, tho 01a1m is: Chec-k: a111nat 11pply

D Ccntmgenl

0 UnH(Juid-aif.!0

• Disputed

"T)'pe Of ~ONPRIORnY 1,1ns.ijeU~Q c1,wn: D Slt1<le11t !o~ms

D Obligaiians ;:msmg out or a sep.aralion ngr-ecment or (!WCfce 111a1 you dtd no\ rep{.lrl as p(iority dairns

0 De015 to pension or prol1t···SMrin9 plans.. an{I oU-+<::r s.im-.!.ar det:.ts

• Othef Spc,: ify ----------------L.1$t 4 digit$ of ~eeount number

When was the dabt Incurred'?

As of the date you file, the claim is: Ctieck al! thrll apply

0 Contingeni

0 Unllf~\..UOlJteO

• D1sptUet'.l

Type Of NONPRIORITY unHcort-d Cl.'lil'li:

0 swaent loans

D Obllgal1lln$ c.1n::1:ing ou1 Of a sep.:.ifation agreement 01· d1vor~t· 111a1 you did 1tut rnpo1t as pri0hty c1.:11m~

0 OetJ.15 to pension or pront-5h.;i.nng plans. a11Q ottier s1m,w de\Jt5

• O[h~!r Sp CL iry

OIIH:!J.! form 101;, f.Jf! $ehedul~ El~; Cre,lfltors Who ~l:ive Unsecured Cli!llm$




Page 14 ot ~2

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 48 of 87

Deblor 1 . Braverman, Eric R. -·-- ...... ,- ...... __ ,,_ .. _____ _ Case number ~11-'.Mw)

~ Konica Minolta Nonprlot'lty cri.:.'dlloi•s Name

485 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10017-2630 Ntlfflbef Sltf!..-tt C/ly Stah::! Zip COile

wni:1o lneurr•d u,e debt? cnecK o:oe .

• Do::btOf 1 tltl1)'

0 De!Jlor 2 only

D Detitor 1 ano De!Jtof 2 only

0 At leas.I one or me dN.1tots: aol'.l Mothet

D Chli!Ck If this cli:ill'rl 15 for i1 community dli!bt

Is tha cl.aim subject to oflset1

• No


[ 4 n] Leon Borsteln Nonp11orny cre<11tors Name

420 Lexington Ave Rm 2920 New York NY 10170-2902. NLlmOOr Sltt1-et C!ly Staie Z!p Ccae

wno tneurre:d tne: debt? cnecK one.

• oemor 1 only

D Debtor :I onty

0 Oetiw 1 sna Debtor 2 only

0 At !east one 01 me Oe!i:ors anel aoolMr

0 cneek If tltl$ e1;11m 1~ ror ~ eQrnmunlty Qe~t Is u-,o el~lm ~ubJoet to ottut?

• No


~ Michell Cohen Nonpricrily Cr~ditor·~ N:;.me

c/o Callan, Koster, erady & Nagler LLP 1 Whitehall St New York, NY 10004·2109 NLJmOef Sfrei::1. Glly State Ztp Code

Wno lmameo the d~bt? cnecK one

• Deb!Of' 1 O!'ll)'

0 [)el)IQr z onw

D Det>tor 1 and Debtof 2 only

D At !eels! on¢ o! !he d~b<ors and ,imo\11er

0 Check if this claim Is tor a community df!'bt

I$ tM Cl~ll'\"\ $UbJt(.t tQ ott~ei"?



Lali 4 dig.Ii$ Of ~CGOUht number

When WiJS the debt incurred1

D Contingenl

0 IJn!1{11,.uoateG

• Di:sputf!d

Type of NO~PRIORITY unsecured e1.:11m:

0 Studt!1lt !Gans

0 Obllg<:HiMS <.'uisir\g out or a '.>£pe1ration agreemenl or r,hvorr;t; ttim you ~11i:l not 1epo1i. as prlmit\,' c!a1rn:;:;

0 Debts to pensioo or prorit-sl1il\1·H1g p!ans, and other sin\ila1' d~bt$

• Other. $pe,;1:y

When 'Niis the debt incurred'?'

As: of the d.lte you rue. the claim is.: GM~K all tnat ;:ipply


0 Url!iqutcWted

• Disputed

Typl!!-Of NONF'A!OFtlTY ut1sec1.ired claim:

D SM:lent 1oan5

0 OO!lgahon:, aM.ing ou! or.:~ separntron agrec1t\C1il or divorce ltrnt you did nrit repon as priomy cu11rns

0 D~tJIS lo pens1or1 or pmfit-shanng plans, and 0U11:;:r 511111!.;ir Qe0t5

• 01flt'r. Spec ll'y ~-------------------Last 4 digits of iJccount number

Whcm ~, th& dtbt ineurre-d?

As of the d.:i.te you me, the claln\ is: Ct1eck an lhal ;:cippry

D C:cm!lll!;]ent

0 Un11q1,11r,1,;1.teo

0 Disputed

'fype Of NONPFl!ORITY LU'!HCl,tffd et;;,im:

0 Student loans

0 Obllgalt0115 an~!llg out ol :;i se-p~t"a11ori (I\Jree.nien1 or (!ivorce mat you did no! r~port ij5 pr1on1Y claims

D Debts lo p.i.!:11:!ilOn Dt profit-sharing plans. a1\d 011'1er simifitr Oebls

• otner. spef.lfy Judgment Lien

Sth&dUlt EIF: Cr&dltors: WhO H:we UMOCIJfO-d Cl:.tin1s




17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 49 of 87

Debtor 1 Sra11erman, Eric R,

r;;~ MLS Funding Nonp1mrity Crnd1tor's Nnm!;!

147 Main St Lower Level Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724•14,25 Nurn\:l{!r strne.t Cuy $1111e Zm GIXle ~

Who iMUh'@d the debt'? Check. one.

D Debtor 1 onty

D Delltor 2 only

D Debtor 1 aM oeotor 2 ority

• Al least one O! me debtors aM anolller

D ctu~el< If tnl'J c1~1m 1~ ror ~ eommunlty d!!bt Is. me el~lm 1ubJeet to otrs..et?

• No


NJ Medical Consultant • Del!laslo -N"OopMrity c,c:dltor•s Nam!!: c/o Joseph S0n91orno & Assocs. 250 Mineola Slvd Mineola, NY ,11501-2447 .. ,.,, ___ _ Nurnb~r Stre~t (;Uy St1:11e lip GOOe

Who i11curred the debt? Ch!:!!::k. on~

• Debtor 1 only

0 Debtor 2 on~t

0 Debtor 1 arid Dl!!btt11' 2 only

0 Ar least Cn(! of lh~ deb<or~ am,l an{;lltli::!r

0 Chii!Ck If this cliiim is for iJ community dfbt Ii. the c\.:r.lm subjl:!Ct to offset'?

• No

0 Yes

§] Olga GIimartin Noripflonty creditor's "N"°,'l1"'n""e ______ _

c/o Jeffrey SenJamin, Esq. 11821 Queens Sl11d Ste 501 Forest HIiis, NY 11375-_7_20_7 ___ _ Number su·ee1 City st~t(! Zip Code

WM· ineurre:d lht debt? Check: Oile

D l)a:tJ!or 1 only

0 t)emor 2. onty

0 Demor 1 aM Del'ltor 2 on!1,

• Ai leas!. one of me aetMrs ana. am\!Mr

D c1uu:;k If UHs elatm Is f(lr a eommunlty dii1'bt Is tM c:l.tim i.l.!bJect to of151!-t?

• No


last 4 c11g11., ot ;11.c:ount number

wnen w:i:s tho debt hicurrii!d!'

Csse number (a:now)

As of thli! d:ne you file. the-claim Is: C11cck a11 U1i3! apply

D conllrigent

D LJn!!quictatec:I

D Dispul(:!i'.I

Type of NONPRIORliY unsecured cl::i.!m;

D $tu~ent 1oans

0 On11ga\lons iH15lflQ out or a sepa,atiOn ag<eemenl O!' divt:(te tnM you did no! report as pMnty claims.

D Oebls to wnsion or pror11,sn;:mng pt~ns. and omer stntitar debts

• Olhet. Spe<:lfy

L.!~14 digits of' iJccount number

Wnen wu u1e tJfr.bt incurrMi'

As Of the d:to you fllf!, th~ Cl.tlm Ii.: C:'!Ct:'.K ~U! thal <lpp!y

0 co1\Ungent.


0 Dlf!.~uted

Typ6 Qf NONPRIORITY UM.$te~red el:i:!l'l'i:

D Stude1,1 !cans

D Obligations ansm~ otJt of a !i-L:!P¥aho11 nw~enien! Of i.liVOfte that ~''Olt did not repott as pr101ity cti:Jlms

D Oeb15 to pension o, protit-shafing ()!ans, alld t)\hl:.'f simi\.r.u debts

• O!hC! Spi:;!cll'y

Last 4 digits or ,:ieei:iunt numbu

Wtum was ihe de:bt lne1,1rred'i'

As of the date you file, tM cl~lrn ,~: C'h<~CK all tilat apply

0 contingEo!

• UnliqLr!dm~l'.l

• oispu!ed ~pa Of NONPRIOR.liV Oli!iili!'Cured cfail'n'.

D student loans

0 Otlh9ahons afi1i119 ou1 of cl sep;:ital:011 agreerrienl or ,i1vi;m;:e th.':11 you i:110 not report c1s µriofily d.Jifn:S

D Deb1s to pens:on or prom-sharing plans, aM ome1 sirn11ar i'.le:bb.

• 01t1er. $p~(;!fy --------------------=~~w••------------------------------------

omc1a1 Form 10G EiF

S-OIIWJ1e CDP'//!;llll (Cf 19:16-2D 17 C!N G(i'.ll.,P - ;',·,Vt/ tif\r.OOl!'h:I!,!;-t(:srl1

$1 500.00


17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 50 of 87

~ OmarSalah NonpfiOtlty c1~ditol's N.:ime

20 Pine St# 2302 New York, NY 10005-1432 Number Street City Stal~ 2lp Coa~

Who lneurred ll'le debt? cneck one

• Debtor 1 or1t_.•

0 De1)!Qr2ori!y

D DeDtor 1 aM Detitor 2' Mfy

D Ai tei'.ls.t 1Jfle ot u1e dct>ton; <llld .:mother

0 Check If thi:!i clilim ili for a ccr'ntrnJnlty de-bt

Is the claim subject to offset'?



(;'~ Path Medical P.C, Nonpf!olity CreClitors Name

304 Park Ave S New York, NY 10010-4301 Nttml:icf Str'eet City Slate Zip C(Xlt;

WnQ lneurT~d tt1ci dtbt? Chei;:k one

• DNMI 1 only

D Oi:,:btor '. only

D (,eotor 1 ano [)et:iw 2 only

D At least. one 01 me t1e!)\ors ano i~nomer

0 Cheek Ir Ull$ e1~u11 l!li fQr ~ eommunlty dt;!bt

11 U\e el~lm subject to Oft$tt?

• No


14.39 j Peter Lomtevas, Esq. Nonpriority Cmditar's Name

124a 85th St Brooklyn, NY 11228·3310 Number S!.re~t city $11lte Zip Co(l~

Who il'IGl.lrred the debt'!' Ch~cK Onl!

• C)el.)\Qf 1 Oll!y

D O~tl\or 2. only

D Del)tor ; ,.md Debtor 2 only

0 At least one or me debto1s aM at10t!le1

D Check it' this clalm is for .:1 community d!!bt

1~ tn~ e1~im subJ~et to o"$et?



When w.is the debt incurre-d'?

0 contingent

D Unllquic;l(l!~d

• Dlsputei.1

Case nurnbm ~i ~:Mw)

iyp~ at NONPRIOR/TY uos11H:.1..1r~d e1,11m;

D Stt.ldent loans

0 OOllganons afismg out of a sepaiation agntemtiil or divorce ltiui 1t'ou dit1 not repo1t .:ss priority t!;)im,s

0 Oebls to pern;ron or prom-snaring plans, and ome-r simi:Jr debts

• Other·. Spi:!clty

Last 4 digits ct ;,1ccount 11umber

When W.1$ the-debt incuttl:!d'?

Ai. of the d.l.te you file, the cl~ill'I is: Cncck ~w Iha! a;:ipW

0 conl!ngent

• Vnllql.lldaMd

D Disputed

Typo Of NONPRIORITY unu-eurt1-d ~l3lm:

D Studenl loj;ins

0 Obl19~1'0n~ ans-ing oui ol a separal!on agreemenl or ,11vorcc mat ycu di(I nol repo1! il!;:i prlorr!y cl~JJ11~

0 Debts to peMitlr'I or prum-tmaiing plans, ~1M O!h~I' sim.fiar tlebls

• c1ner. Sper,Hy

L:i!it 4 dl~it:s Of aec:ount numbRt

wn,n w~s the debt lneurred?

0 Conu11gen1

0 UnliQUid<Hel.i

• rnsputt'd

Type of NONPRIORltY unsecured claim;

0 studeot 1oa11s

D Obil~~hon:s. Qrl!;i1ng m;t ol a s{,!pQn:i11on <lf,lfEi.'~!m(ml Of Clworte !Mt YO\l 01{/ not rnµo1! a:;; priori!~· claim~

0 Debts to pension or pro!i1-st1anng p!ans., and omer :s.lrn;'l<.1r detit.s

• 0111er. specify --------------------

SehtdlJ!it EIF: credlteirs Wl'l:O H.111/t Ul'l$tC:.Uttttl Cl~!ms


17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 51 of 87

~ Rainbow Diet Wellness Center Ll.C Nonprlomy Creditors Namt

c/o Darya Braverman 39 N Moore St Apt 38 New York, NY 10013-2493 Numtl~r Sil-eel Ci!y .Stcltt! Zip Ct)tlt!:

Who inc:urrt-d 1no debt? CtlelK orie.

• DebtO! 1 01'\ly

D Debtor 2 or11y

D Deblor 1 allO D€0tof 2 only

D At least one of the aetwx::1 <-'ll'ld cinother

0 Check it this claim is tor a community debt Is the c1::1Jm subject to ottset?

• No


B Raoul Felder Nonprlority crecutor·s Name

437 Madison Ave# 36 New York, NY 10022•7001 Nllll'!De.r Slrnd Ci!}'' S1.:1tc Z!p COQ~

Who tneurrtd thtt debt? Check one.

• Oet)IOI 'I only

0 Oebtor '.i: only

0 Debtor 1 aM oetitof 2 on1y

0 At teas.I one 01 me debtors aM anothe1

0 Cheek If UHs el.:Um I!- ror ~ eommunlt1,1 <Ul'bt Is. thff el.:llm subJtc:t to o.ffsot?


D Ye:s

r;;~ Salem Media Nonpl'iorlty Crei;litor's Namr:-

4880 Santa Rosa Rd Camarillo, CA 93012·5190 N1.m1ber street cay stale. Zip cooe

Who lneurted the debt? et1er.k one

• Detl!or 1 onty

0 Oeotor 2 ontr 0 Debtor 1 .:rnd Ot\ttor 2 only

0 At least one of me dtWits .:1111'.l c1nothe1

0 Check it tros claim js 1or 3 commurllty debt

I$-uu1 cl;Um iubjlll:et lo on$-~t?

• No

0 Yes

Case number (1 !(MW)

Last 4 digits ot 3ecoutu number

When Wils th!!-debt Incurred'? ------·--------As of the d:;Ue you 1Ue, tt'ie ei,um I!;!.; GMr.k·. all Illa! apply

0 conungenl

• Un!iqtllt1atei:1

• Dlspu!ed typll: ot NONf'FUOFUTY unneufttd e1,um: 0 Gtut:lent loans

0 Obligation$ a/i'!!i!ng out of a s~pc.'lrt1t1on agreement er drvorr.e Ulal you Q1('j not te:pori as prlonty ~k1irm;

0 Debts to pension or profit-stial'!o~ plilm>. <·trld 0U1&t similar d"ebts

B Other. $pei;:Jry

When w.1s the debt incum~d!

As of the date you tile, tl,e c111irn Is; c;.11er.k all 1Mt apply

0 conting~nt

0 un11qu1aatc,d

• D!sputeo Typ!l-Of NONPR.IORIT"t' utu:@Clm1d Claim:

0 siuaent 1o~ns

0 Obligations ans1ng out or 11 sepa(a\1M <1()te.1;mcnt or (livort~ 111ctt you did 1\tlt report as Of\Ofi'ty clJJlrns

0 Debts !o pension or prolll·-.sharing plans, anJ other !;>1m11.;1r OelJ15

• 01ner. specify --------------------Last 4 digits of account number

WMn w~s. tM debt Incurred?

Ai of tM d.lte you mv, tM cl:ir'tl i~: ctieck <ll11!1eit apply

D contingent

0 UllliCjllillcl!Cd

• D!!>puil'i:l

type Of NONPRIORITY t,m,eeureQ c1::i.1m;

D S\udl!.>nt loans

D C>OUgilllons ;,:i;r~mg oul or a sep,11ra\1Qn ;~grf:emem or divorce.• 11\at ~'OU d!Cl not r~m1m a.!;i prionty ,ia1m;=..

0 01?:bg !o peMiOn 01 prolit-S!1<11ing plarn,, arid olher sim1l..ir debts

• Othef. Specify

Otllc1a1 Form 106 E/F Sc:l'ltdult E/F: Cr•dltors Who H-*V"' unui.ured Clilims




Pag:e 18 of 22

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 52 of 87

Debtor l Braverman Eric R.

G·~-;J Santander Nonpriorlly Creditors Name

250 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10016-4638 N11mtier $Vei;!\ Cny SIP.!e :Zip CO<le

Who lrtti.ltted the dii!bt? cnetk one.

• Debtor 1 only

D De!blor 2 only

0 Ot':btOf , and DebtOf 2 01\ly

D At lQ:ast one of !he-d<:!UQ{s and anothei

0 Ch1;u;:-1< If Ul.\~ c1i,,lm l~ tor a communjty debt

1$ thet" el;Um ,i.ubj~et to ottnt?



600 5th Ave Fl 17 New York, NY 10020-2322 N11mber $tr eel C!tv $t~tf) .llp Coo:e Who lnturrtd the dl'!bt? CMtk one.

D tJet>1or 1 only

D ()et:Jtor ;2 \lll~'

0 Det11or 1 aM Df.!otor 2 ootv

• Al least o~ or Ille d~W;,rs ~ncl i':lf"IO\h~r

0 Check If thli c.t.1itn I!> for., community dtb? 11;. the c1a1m :aubjtct ro off:.11ti'

• No


G::,:~ Simon MIiier Nonpnon!y creditor's Name clo Blank Rome LLP 405 Lexington Ave _New York, NY 10174-0002,., ... ,.,, . ., .......... , .. , NwnDef street City stwe ZIµ Code

WhQ ioc1med" tne Qeb~? CMcK one;

• Debtor 1 only

D Detiwr 2 only

D D~blor 1 and Deb!or 2 onty

D Al leas! one ol th~ debtors and u:101!u'i1

D c1,eeti: If U'lls elalm I$ 1or .1 community debt !'If. the elalm :.ubject to ott5et?

• No


omc1a1 Forrn 106 EJF

Liist 4 digits. of :ic,ount numb-et

When was the ~i;!bt !ru:,,med':t

D Conhn9~nt

0 un11qu1oa1eo

• Dispu!~i.l

Case number (i t'.M\'1)

Type-Qf NONPRIORITY un.neurod (!!~tm:

D Sludcnl loans

0 Obllga!ions i:ln!:iing ou! of a sE!pc1rnlian agre!E!ment or d:vorce mat you did not report as prlonty ,1::iims

D Debts to pe1,s1011 Of profit-:sliaring pli!I.M, a11d other simi·lat deb!s

• c1u1er. Spel":tty

1...1,1 4 digits .of aeeount numbor

When was the debt incurred?

D Contingent

D Unhqu!dcllM


'rype ot· NONPRIORITV ulls!!clJred clalm:

0 s11wen1 loans

0 ObligtthQilS arising out ()f c1 sep~fat!On agrn~ment OI' r.1rvo1te tttflt you did nol rep-on as prlwty c:!c:1ims

D rleO!s to pension or profit,sh.anng pli;lns. and otli~r slmitnr Qf;;t:Jts

last 4 digits of accQunt number

When ~~ IM dl!,\bt intuttM?

As or thil' di.'IH1 you me. thit cl.slrn ii: cnetk a!l mat cwply

D Contlr\gant

0 l/nllQUhl(lt€:Q

D Disputed

Typi!I Of NONPRIORITY Un$~CUft($ e/~1m:

D S!udenl louns

0 QOUg1:wons af>s1ng out of a sepsrn\iori agreement OI' (11Von~e ma1 you 01(1 not re1,M as priOnly claims

0 Det.\ls !O pension or prollt-sharlng plans, ;mcl other s1m11;,:ir clet;its

• Other. Speclfy'

~-·· $30,.000.00,



P.\g& 19 Of:22

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 53 of 87

Debtor t !lraverman Eric R.

~ Steven DINardl Nonpriorily Cr~>di!or·s Ni;lme:

12 Industrial Dr New Brunswick, NJ 08901 ·3632 N\11111:>er s1ree1 City §1a1e im Cwe Wh0 lncurted thiil d~bt'i" C!le!tk Mi:!!

• t)eb(or 1 only

D Debtor 2 only

0 Debtor 1 illid Deb!Or 2 Orily

D At l!:!'ast one ol lf1e debtors and ,mother

0 C111H* If Utl~ e1~1m I$ fof ~ eommunity <lebt

'" the: el;Um ,ubJeet to om,tt?

• No


L.iSt 4 digits o1 ac:couot num~r

0 conungent

0 lhili(luld-'.1!1".!d

0 oisputea Type-or NONPRIORITY Ul'\S.G'C:Uttld cloHtn:

D S1udt:nl lo<ms

D Obligations ansing out of a separqlfon (l~ree:nent or c,!Norr.e !Mt you ct!CI not repofi ;;is prlonly ,1a1n1;;

0 DMIS w p~1tsio11 or prnfit-sliaring plans, and 0111er sim1·1ar Oebl;;

• 0111er. specify

When was the dent incurrec:i?'

101 O Thomas Edison lllvd SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404-8247 ___ .,, N11rnber $treei C.tv Stiile Zip ~;ooe A,> or ~n~ d'.~tlil you me-, me el.,,lm Is.: cnecK all tnat appty

Who !nturted the d~bt? Chl!.>tk o!\!l'.

• Debtor ·1 on~·

0 Del)tor 2 onty

D Del'Jto!' 1 aM Debtl:l( 2 011fy

D Al h:!i-1SI one cl the debtO(S and <lnolt\12!f

0 Check If thi~ c1.11tn I!> for a c:Drntnunlty debt 15 thlil CliJ.lf'n subjtct to ott~ef?

• No


D Co11t1n~1:1nl

D Un!iqui'dalt>d

8 D:sput~

i'ype of NO!IIPA.IORlrY unsecurad clalrn;

0 ShJGent to.ans

0 OD1ig<1hons aM1ng ou1 or a t.eparati{).n c:igt·~en\<!.'r'll or di\/Grce 111al you did no! repon: as prlonty t!aim'3

D t)ebls to pen!;itOn or prof'!ksh~nng pl;;iri!;;:. ;.:in(f other sllnltar Oeb!5

• OU)ef. Spet fty·

l#rti!W List others 10 Be Notified About,a Debt That You Alr~~Lh~ted --"---"



5. Us.e this page only it you have others to be r,otitied about your b:mkruptcy, tQr :i debt that you already ll$te<:l in Part.,. 1 or 2, For ex,i!!mple, U i'I c:oUtetlon .igenc:y 1, trying tG'I coU1Hit from you for 3 d"'bi you owe to :ii:onieoM rQ.ls@, lisi th@ origlni:11 creditor in Pilrt:S 1 or 2, then list tt,e colteetmn a1:1~ncy llefe, !:ilmUarly, 1r you h~v, mcift m:in cinrt e~dllor for any of the debts that you 111ted: In P.1rts 1 Of' 2, us, the: addttion.!11 erecmors htiril. If you do not h3ve .iddltiortal person 1. to be notifltd for -'rtY d(!bt'l. in P.i.rt~ 1 or 2:, do not fill out ot ~utimlt this: p.iue.

Name .'lna A\':lc.tress

Bruno l'olrlck Blanctli, lasq, 9010 157th Ave Howard Beach, NY 11414-2738

Nam!;! l'lni1 M<lress Jack N, Posner 1100 Franklin Ave# 305 Garden City, NY 11530-1601

Name ~nd Address

Jamie Andrew ScrecK, P .c. Attn: Tempest Alston 520 8th Ave Fl 18 New York, NY 10018-6507

omctaf Form 108 EJF

on v1111r,n entry m Pan 1 or Part 2 a10 you ust toe or1g1na1 uea11or? une :4.1~.§. 01 (C/Jeckone): 0 Part 1 · crectltors w1m Pnonty unsec:urtct Claim!:.

• Pc1r1 2. Cn~aitors with Nonpriorlly UnsecL11<;.(f Cli!lms

on Whte!1 enlfy In Part 1 or Part 2 Ciel you 1151 tile Of!{lma1 uMHof?

Urie 4.~.~4 ol (G,;ecl< one)· D Part 1. Creditors wtth PrlOilty UMe1.:u1ed Cl<lim~

• Part 2·. cre<iitors v.1th Nonpri:'.lnty un:sernre(l Claims

on wf\(t:!\ eri1ry In Par! 1 or Pmt 2 010 you 11s1 tM o/lglnal crectHo!'? Urie 1..t.4.Q of lCllt~ck one) D Part 1: C1eai!ors with Priority Un$E:i;:11r<':Q G!alms

• P:)1t 2: Creditors witn Nonpnori~' unsecured C!t!lims

On wh1r.n entry in PM 1 or Pafl ~ 010 you 11st. tne onoma1 creoiton

SCh@dWfl E/F: Creditcrs: Who Have- Url!itcU'tt!d CloliM!i P.1ge 20 Of 22

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 54 of 87

Debtor 1 Braverman, Eric R ... -~----~~­

Joseph Bongiorno & Assoc. 250 Mineola Blvd Mineola, NY 11501·2447

Nc1rne and Address

Kozlow & Ka,low 237 W 35th St Fl 14 New York, NY 10001-1905

Name mt<l AMres:,

Kozlow & Kozlow 237 W 35th St Fl 14 New York, NY 10001-1905

Name and AdO,e!i~

Petro ZlnkovetsKy, ISSq. 1166 Avenue of the Americas Fl 4 New York, NY 10036·2750

N.'lrne ano Ad<lres-.s

Sprechman & Fisher, P.A. 2.775 NE 163rd St# 100 Miami, FL 33160-4078

Nan'\€!. and Adctre!;i.!f:

Sprechmon & Fisher, P.A., 2775 NE 163rd St# 100 Miami, FL 33160-4078

Casa number ff ~,now)

0 Par11 · creditors wlth Pl!M!y Unsecured Claim:;

• Part 2: Cft."tlitois with Nonprirnity Unst;ci,irM Cl(½Hns

last 4 d'!gl\s oi accour1t number

on wniet1 entry in Part ·1 or Part 2 did you 11st !!lt;! or1gtna1 creditor?

Line 4.~,41. of (C/)eck vn~). D P;ut ·1 · Creoitors v.,~t11 Pr10rlty unseeurM C!Jim:s

• Part 2: cre,011.ors wtt11 Nonpr!;:,f1\y Uns~cur'Cd Ctam1s

L.;;i!'a 4 otgns of account numoer

On whic11 ~ntry 111 Pi;tlT ·1 or Pa!I 2 (l(c\ yol1 lis1 me M~ina1 Ul.!"ditor',i

Lini:t ~.!'-~2. of {Chl;!Ck i;me} 0 Part 1: C1'edi!urs with P1io1!1y uris:ecure(J cm1rn~

• ~art 2. creoitor~ with Nonpr1orily Unsernr~>o Cli;i!m~

La$! •I d!gils or <itrnunt number

on \W\tch entry in Pat< 1 or Pali 2 d!cl you list t!le or1g!n.'ll uecmor? Une .4!:i of (C/'Jtf;k Qfl(\). D Parl 1: Cred!1ors. with PflOflty U11seeu1ed C!i:llniS

• Pc'.lrt :i. Cre(l!lors wm1 Nonpriofity uns1.:.cureo Clam,s

Las! 4 {:llfl!l!i ~11' ar.tounl numoer

011 which entry Jn 1:1~1111 or P~rt 2 (IIC you Hsi me o!lgma! c1e111!&?

l..lne 1,f.1,?. 01 (Gher,.k Me) 0 Pa!! ·1 · CreC1ito1~ wit!! P1ionty Unsecured c1~1lms

• Part 2: cred!IOr'S w1ih Nonpllority t,J11s~<::1:neo c1a1rns

um ,l digits of <1+:::counl numb.er

Of\ Wlllch ell1ry In Pan ·i ot Part 2 aid you list the or!ginat c.re<!itor?

Lint 4.12 ol' (ChL>cK cme)· 0 Pell!·!: Cr~1tor~ wrm Priority \J115ecured Cli'.lh"!1'S

B f-\:1rt ~: C1e1~11ors wim Nonprlority Unt>ctu!'cd Cl~iims

--------------------,--,·--·-·----------------N~me aM MOre-ss Stempel Bennet Claman & Hochberg Attn: Dennis McCoobery, Eisq. 675 3rd Ave Fl 31 New York, NY 10017-5721

Ni::lniC i:.l!'ld Addr!:!S5

Zelchner Ellman & Krause LLP Attn: Nathan scowed, losq. 1211 Avenue of the Americas Now York, NY 10036-8701

Nam!:! and Addre-ss

Zeldes, Needle & cooper, P.C. Attn: Jason T. Pruellar, Esq. 1000 Lafayette Blvd Bridgeport, CT 06604-4725

On wliich entr1 in Part ·1 or l=-l~r! ;i 010 yo1.1 m;;t me Mg!nal Ot"!tlitot?

Unf.! .4.?l of (Ght.>ck ane} 0 PM 1: creanor.s wm, PIIOiity Unsecure.d Claims

• f:.13rt i: crecmors w1m Nonpooriiy u11sec11ri:d c1oiims

On which enllv in Part 1 or Part 2 did you !Isl me 011gi'r1a1 crerlilor'I

Uri€ 4.18 or (cnec.:k D11t'J O P<.1rt 1. Credilors with P1ir.,r!ty ur.~~(l!"t:!(! cia1rn;;

B Part?." Crer.i1!ors w1tt) NOl'Dl"!Oflly Untltcured Clci!ms

Last 4 digits o! JC(;OUnt number'

on w1·1icti entry in P~rt 1 or Pi:lrl 2 did you list 111e original r.reoiion

Line 4.7 of (GMGi< Or)C!}. D Par! i. Crn·ditors v,i!h Prio:1tv l.Jn;;ec.urM Clalm.~

• Pari :J.: c,~itnrs wHh Nonpnonty unsee.wed ctalm!

Last 4 digits o! aecounl nuilillt!r'

e. Tot:,;I tne .:.mounts: of eertoun type$ of unui:ul'Qd elilims. 1'hls Information j!p fQr !U~th;th;;.at reporting purpO$ts only. 28 u.s.c. §159. Add the amounts for 11.ach type of un~1111cuted cliilm.

To@I cliiim!i from P~rt 1

Olfo:;1;31 form 101') f;;lr-'

t:i-a oome:Mle $Uppott obUgationii

Gb T.J.xii!'S .1tld certain oth&r debts you owe tM government

61.; c\.1ims fc:,r de~th or per,soni,l lnJury whilt you were hitoxicated

6d Othe-r. Aad 311 other priority uns~cufe(:I cl:;;11ms wme mat amount nere




Sehtdo!o E/F: CrllditOt'!i Who HiJlre Unsecured Claims

To~! Cl~lm

'_,,,.,_.,_, .... , •••••••. 0.00

I ____ ,::99,_,9cc,3,c1c.,4-".4,.,__9 s ______ __,,0::,.0"'--0

$ --- ·-,.··-- 0.00

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 55 of 87

Casfj nurnber {i 1-:n-;iw)

ise Total Pr10,1ty. Mr.l !mes Ga thl'cugh 6d

1"otai Ctalm i5r student loan, 61 I 0,00

TO~I e/.;lm, -"=""-,=-~=-·

from Pllft 2 Gg Obligation:. ,uising out of a sep1m1ticm ~gretment or divotCQ th.it 0,00 you di~ not ftpol1 .1s prlof"ity c1.11mi 6g I

!~h Otb1.s to pen:;.ioli or protit•shi!rlng pl~r,$, and ou,er slnill:1r dtbU; ti\ "~"=·-·--s 0,00 Bl Other, A<:1i;I an o·ltler nonp110fify un~ecurea c!anns. wn1e !ha! ::1rnoim1 GI

14,449,386,10 Mre. s

SJ Total Nonpriorlty. MO lines Qr 1hrougtl 61 »/ s 14,449 386.t!L .J

O!firn?,! f'orrn 106 (:'./'f Schedule e,r-: CfedUOf$ wtio H.ill'o unsoe.urtd Cl.timt

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 56 of 87

Fill in this Information to ldonfl!y your caso:

Debtor 1 Eric R. Braverman ~~;-~,MN~w-,"-=~--,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,N"a=m~,------.. ,.,.,c.~;!"N"';im~

Debtor 2 [8Pl'.ll1Self. f1\i1'1\))

Unitod States Bankruptcy Court for 1he

Caso number m~:nown)

Official_Form 106G

S0UTHEf1N DISTRICT OF NEW YORK, MANHATTAN ~Dc..lV"'ISc.;.'IO"'N..;_ ___ ,_,. .. ,, .... _ .. , •.• _, _______ _

Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases

D Check if this is an amended filing

12115 Be as complete and acc.urate as poaslble. If two married people are filing togethttr, both are- equally responsible for supplying corre-ct Information. If more space Is needed, eopy th·e additional page, fill it out, number the ~ntrle,$, and attach It ta this page. On the top of any additional pages; write your name and case number (If known).

1. Co you have any executory contracts or unexpired leaus?

• No. Check this box and file this fO!m wilh the court with your olher schedules You have 111Jthing ,~rse to report on this form 0 Yes. FU! in aH of U1e infomml!on befow even if the contacts of !eases we h5ted on Schedule AIB:Proparty(Offidal F~1rin 106 N8)

2. List separately each person or company with whom you have 1he contract or lease. Then state what eaeh eontr~ct or lea5e is for (for exa1nple1 rent, vehicle lease, cell phone). Soothe inslruclions tor I.his (Oftn JO Ille instruction booklet for more examples of e:<ewtory to11trac!s and unexpired K"tlses

Person or company with \.Vhom you !"lave the contract or lease ~J:;iri1i..-. Numoor, $tree;, c11~. Stale and l1F Goi:le1

State what the contract or lease Is for

-1:,-· ---------•~.,~~•=•n••=•"'•'•"=~•••=="




") ~­··"






Numoer SHeet

OU!cral Form IOGG

ZIP cooe


Sti:ite ~,ZIP GOOe ·-~~---~~-----------

Schedule G: Exeeutory Contracts and Unexpired Leases

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 57 of 87

Fill m this information to ld&ntlfy your case:

Oet1or 1 Eric R. Braverman Flro1 N11rr11.!<

Oobl0r2 lSpC11.1~e ii, l!l:f\9) Fffl,'/N-1!01(!:

United Stales Bankruptcy Co\Ht for u,e

Case number

Middle Name lit$! Namft

Ml~Narn;~ Last Nama


(II l(now/1) D Check if !hts is an amended filing

Official Form 106H Schedule H: Your Codebtors 12/15

Codebtor$ are people or ontltlH who are also Uabt& for any debts you mQy have. Be as complete 111nd accurate as poHlbht. If two married peoplo are filing together, both are equally re-$Ponglble for SUl)plylng correct Information. tf more 5pace is needed, copy tht' Additional Page, fill It out, and number the entries In the boxes on the left Attach the Additional Page to this page, On thi!t top of any Additional Pages1 write your name nnd ea$$ number (If known). Answer every question.

1, Oo you have any co-debtors? {If you are tihng a joint case. do not list fJl!her spouse as a codeblor


• Yos

2. Within the last 8 yaau,, have you lived In a community property state or territory? (Community property states and territories include Arizona, California, Idaho, L.ouisiana, Nevada, Naw Mexico, Puart:o Rico, Taxas. Washing1on, and Wisconsin.)

• Nc1. Go to hne 3 D Yes. l)id your spousa. foml(!, spouse, or legal equivalent live wltti you at Hie 1ime7

3. In Column 11 fist all of your codebtots. Do not Include your spous.e as a codebtor If your spouse Is filing wtth you. List th& person shown In line 2 again as .a eodebtor only If that per&on la a guarantor or cosigner. Make sure you have llsted the creditor on Schedule O (Official Form 1060), Schodule E/F (Offlelal Form 108EIF), or Schedule G IOfflelal Fonn 106G). Use Schedule D, Schedule E/F, or Schedule G to fill out Column 2.

Cotomn 1: Yourcodebtor Name. Nui1iWr, $Ire#!, C1~. $!&ta .!ll'\C ZW CW<t

3.1 Cary• Braverman 39 N Moore St Apt 3B New York, NY 10013·2493

3.2 Path Foundation NY

3.3 Path Medical P.c.

Official Fonn 106H So!N,itr'¢ COjlyOgm {~) l$iill;!,::?017 CIN Grovp • ~ww.,in~~1p~~5 ~on\

Colum/l l Tho crodltor to whom you owe the <lebt Che<:k all .schedules thal apply:

D Schedule D, line

• Schedule EIF. line 4,18 -·--· .. ·-·-·-·-··-··-D Schedule G _______ _ Cltl Bank Loan

D Schedule D, line

• Schedule Elf, line 4.12

D Schedule G ·"······----Boles Schiller & Flexner 1.1.P

D Schedule D, line

• Schedule EIF, line 4. 7 D Schedule G Ari Teman

Schedule H: Yom Codebtors Page 1 of 3

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 58 of 87

Debtor 1 Braverman Eric I'!.

- Additional Page to List More Codebtors

Column 1: Your codebtor

3.4 Path Medical P.C.

3.5 Path Medical P.C.

3.6 Path Medical P,C.

3.7 Path Medical P.C.

3.8 Total Health Nutrients LLC

Column 2: Tho creditor to whom you ow., th• debt Check an schedules that apply:

0 Schedule D. line

• Schedule Elf, line 4.18 0 Schedule G Cltl Bank Loan

0 Schedule o. line

• Schedule Elf, line 4.27 0 Schedule G ltrla Ventures LLC

0 Schedule D. line

• Schedule EiF. line 4,34 o Schedule G MLS Funding

0 Schedule D, line


• Schedule E/F, line 4.36 0 Schedule G ____ ,, __ Olga GIimartin

0 Schedule D, line

• Schedule Elf, line ____ 1.7 ____ _ 0 Schedule G Ari Teman

---------------------------------------3.9 Total Health Nutrients LLC

3. 10 Total Health Nutrients LLC

3.11 Total Health Nutrients LLC

Official Form 106H SMw~111 CQPl'll'i11'11 \~) HW/l-,iOll CIN GrQ!m - ,,.,-...,w.~i!'Ir.l'lmp;1:~~.ci1n;

0 Schedule D. line

• Schedule E/F, line _____ !,_1~-----0 Schedule G Cit! Bank Loan ·

D Schedule 0, line

• Schedule E/F, line

0 Schedule G """"""""' Douglas Labs/HVL

D Schedule 0, line


• Schedule E/F, line _______ !,,g~------0 Schedule G ltrla Ventures LLC

Schedule H: Your Codabtors Page 2 of 3

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 59 of 87

Oeblor 1 Braverman1~Eric Ft_~~---------

~ddltional Page to List Moro Codobtoro Column i: Your codebtor

3.12 Total Health Nutrients LLC

Official Form 106H $onware C~pynont (c) 1996-2017 C!N GtOl.lP, www.~in~or'llp.is.v...~tlm

Gas~) number or 1e·,101w).1

Column,· Tho crodltor to ..nom you owe the debt Chock all scho<lulas thal apply:

D Schedule D, line

• Schedule EIF. line ·-4-"''-'4-'4-D Schedule G savoy Bank

Schedule H: Your Codabtors Page 3 of 3

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 60 of 87

foll In U,is informal/on 1o rdonlll om case

Oeblor 1

Deblor 2 ($fill'.!~.::-. if fiiin;,,)

Eric R. Stovermon


Case number (10:nowri)

-"--"=·="-,~~~---·----"--~,--,-~--~-Check if this is 0 An amended filing

0 A supplomonl shO\ving postpetition chapter 13 income as of the following date:

Official Form 1061 ··-··-····-·····--··-·····--·····-··--··-······-····-"·-··-········-········ MM i DDIYYYY

Schedule I: Your Income 12115 Be as complete and accurate as possible. If two married people are filing together (Debtor 1 and Debtor 2), both are equally responsible for •upplylng corr•ct information. If you ore morrlod and not filing Jointly. and your •pouoe I• living with you, Include informotlon about your &pou,e. If you are •eparatod and your •pou .. I• not filing with you, do not lnelud• lnfotmotlon about your spouse. If more spaoo I• nood•d, attach• ••P•r•te sheet to thl• form. On u,e top of any additional p•gos, writ• your nam• and e••• number (II known). An•wor overy question.

l#ttil Fill in your employment information.

it you have more that1 ~)na job. auadl a separate page wi1h inforrnation abo1J! ~idditional ernpleyers

!ncllKle pmt-ti111e, seasnnal, or self-ernptoyil{! work

Employment status


Employer's name

Occupation may inc!ucle student°' Employer'$ address homemakor, if it applies.

Oobt~f.2<>r-Mn•flling •pouoo -~·-.. -~ .. =··~·· • Employed O Employed

D N<ll ernploy<,d D Nol mmp1oyed


Poth Medico I P ,c,

How long employed there?

lttif E,tlmate monthly lneomEr Ill$ of th$ datl$ you fil(I thl$ form, If you havo nothing to report for any line, wrlta SO in th;;J space. tnctu{le your non,,filing spouse tmless you are sepamted.

If you or your non-filing spouse llavo more than one employer, combine lh0 information for a.11 employers. for that person on the lines belov,i_ II you need mOfe space, a!tach a sepamte shoot to this. form

2, List monthly gross wages; s:ahuy, and commissions (before all payroll deductions). ff not paid monthly, calculate what !he monthly wage would be.

3 Estimate and list monthly overtime pay.

4 Calculate gross Income. Add lino 2 + line 3

2 S 30,000,00

F?f::'.De1?t-e>r:.2.:or._ non'llling $pou••


3 ,s 0.00 .s N/A

4. s 30.ooo.oo 11 s ---'---N1_A_

Official 1•·om1 1061 Schedule I; \'<mr Income

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 61 of 87

De11t.or ·1 Sraverman1 Eric R.

Copy line 4 here 4

5. Ll!iit all payroll deductions:

Sa Tax, Medicare, and Social Security dedueti(ln$ 5a 5b Mandatory contributions for retirement plans 51) Si; Voluritary contributions for retirement plans 5c 5d Required repayments of retirement fund loans 5<l 5e ln~u .. iranee Se Sf Oon1estlc support obligations. 51 5\1, Union duoo 5g

C~1s1;:: num(>er (.'{ ,"i·1(;11m)

S _ 30,000.00

s 0.00 s --=•••~aN--

0.00 s o.oo $ 0.00 s o.oo s 0.00 s 0.00 .

for O.b!</r 2 or non~fHlng·.spou&e· $ ,.,.,,_.,.,_, NI A

s NIA s NIA s "~"'~·~,, .. ~, .. ~,,,---·

NIA $ N/A s N/A s N/A s N/A

="-•==~--•~m•= 5h Other deductions. Specify- 51P s 0,00 + s N/A --·,---~·-~·-"""

6 Add the payroll deductions. Adel lines 5a+5b+5c+5d+5e+5f+5g+5h

7 Calculate total monthly take"home pay. Subtract tine 6 from line 4

0 List all other income regularly received; f:\.a Not lneomo from rental property and from ope-rating a business,

profession, or farm Attach a statement fol' ~iach prQPaJty and busin~ss showing g1oss receipts, ordinary and nf.!Cessary business expenses. and 1he total monthly net income

et> lntor••t ond dividend• 8c Family support payments that you, a non-fl ling spouse, or t1 di!!!pendenl

regularly receive Include alimony, spousal support, child suppor1, maintenance, divorca settlement, and property settlement

8d Une1nploymtnt compenaation ll<> Sool•I Security 8f

8g m,

Other government assistance that you f'~Ldarly reeolve-lnc!ude cash assistance and the value (ii known) <lf any non,(:i;1sh assistance !hat you receive, such as food s!amps (benefits under the SupplmnBnta! Nutrition Assis.lance Program) 01 tmusing subsidies Specify Pension or retirement income Olhor monthly lno<>mo. Specify

10. Calculate monthly Income. Add line 7 + line 9 Add 1he en!dm;: !O hne 10 k1r Oelilc.lr 1 and [)etJtor 7. or non-fifing spouse

11 State all other regular contributions. to the expenses that you list in Schedule J.

(j $ 0.00

7 s 30,000.00

8a $ 0.00 -·"~·~-----8b s 0.00

Be $ o.oo 8d. s 0.00 80 s o.oo

Include contributions from rm unmarriod partner, memb&s of your l1ousaMld. your dependenls, yOllf rwnmatt.'"S, and rnher friends or relatives.


s N/A

$ NIA s N/A ~·™~~--.. ,,~,-·-···-'""

s N/A $ ---""""1i1A s N/A


Do not include any amounts a!roady inctudec.l in lines 2-10 or amoonts thal are not avail"1ble to pay (~X()en.Sf-'..s listed in Scl1ecJ11kJ J Spc~1ly' _____________________ 11 +$ 0.00 --·~----

12 Add the amount in the-last column of line 10 to the amount In llne 11, The result is the comt}ined rnorlthly income. WritH mat amount on thaSumma,y of Schec1ulesand Statistit:al Summary of Cerlain Liabilities and R(!latodOata. if i! apphes 12 $ 30,000.001

13 Do you expect an increase or decrease within the year after you file this form? m No

Combined monthly income

O Y«s f;xplai1r C"_, __ ,,,.,.,, ____ ., ____ ,_, ___ ,,.,.,,, ___ ~_,,,._,,,_.,.,,.,) ~--------------------~~~~·~,--"=,----------------~-

Official Form l 06I page 2

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 62 of 87

Fill m 1h15 1nronnal!On lo 1dcnt11y your case

Eric R, Braverman Cho.ck if this is ·---------------- O An anieMed hlir19 Oet.'!!01' 2

($poti!;i~~, ir ming) D A supplement sl10\'Ving postpelition <;Ii.apter 13

exponsos as of the f()Uowin{J daie·


Ca:!le numM1 Of !iin~wn)

Official Form 106J

m~•MMM•ao=ffl"'=·-~·--"~"''~----------MM /t:)[) I YYYY

Schedule J: Your Expenses 12116 Be as complete and accurate u posslbla, If two ma:rrled people are filing t0gether 1 both are equally responsible ror supplying correct information. If more space Is needed, attach another sheet to this form, On the top of any addiUonat pages 1 wrlte your name and case number (i·f known). Answer every question.

l'®I Describe Your Household 1 Is this a Joint case?

• No. Go to line 2.

0 Yes. Does Debtor 2 llve in a eeparnte household?

ONo 0 Yes. Oeblor 2 mus! file Official Form 106,J-2,Expenses for Sepatate J-fouseholdol Debtor 2.

2 Do you have dependents.? • No

Do not list Debtor 1 and Debtor 2

DYes. FIii out lni!s inform<11iOr'I for E'!~cn Oependen!

Do not state the. dependents names

3. Do your expenses Include expenses of people other than yourself and your dependents.?

•No DYes

Oependent's relationship to Ocibtor 1 or Oobtot 2

Dot$ depcrnd111nt Uve wJth you?

:~,"¢),li'l"l~o\;ll-~'\~7,1,¼r~~~~1~'11~\","<11WJi· ;;.,~).:}'Il~ir,\lili(~,:1~liti<'llW/ 'l:1\icl":!l'.i:!1!,.,'"$':i?i<:f@i1;,~~.'s'l3/Br/~·

ONO DYes ONo Ores ONo 0 Vos ONO 0 Yes ----·---~---

Estimate your expenses as of your bankruptcy filing date unlus you are using t ls form a.ea supplement In a Chapter 13 case to report expenses as of a date after the bankn.iptcy Is flied. If this is a supplemental Schedule J, check tho box at the top of the form and fill in the applicable date.

Include expenses paid for with non-cas.h government assistance If you know th111 value of such assh,tanc:e and have Included It on Schedule I: Yo"r Income (Ol!lel•I Form 1061.)

~- The rental or home ownership expenses for your residence. Include first mortgage payments and any rent for the ground or lot

If not lnc:luded In line 4:

4a Real estate taxes 4b Property, hOmoownal"'s, or ranter's insl!llint'.e 4c Homa maintananCA, repair, and upkeep expanses 4d. Homeowner's association or condominium dues

5 Adctltiomo mortgage payment$ for your rel;!fdence, such as liome equity loans

OlliciBI Form 106J Schedul& J: Your Expenses

4. S

4a $

4b $

4c. $

4d $

5 $


pago 1

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 63 of 87

Deb!Or 1 Sraverman 1 Eric R.

6 Ulllltles: 6a Electricity, heat, natural gas

6b. Water, sewer, garbage coUf.!f.tion

6c re1ephtme, cell phone. Internet. satellito, and cable Mrvtces 6d. Olhor. Specify;

7 Food and housekeepirl"gffiSUpplles

8. Childcare and ehlldren's educ.atlon costs

9 Clothing, laundry, and dry clHnlng 10 Person~! ea.re products and service~ 11 Medical and dental expensH

12 Tran$pOrta.tlon. !nt.fude gas, maintenance, bu$ or 1raii, tarn. Oo nol inclw.le car payments

13. Entertainment, clubs, re-ereatJon, newspapers 1 magazines, and books

111 Charitable contributicms and religious donatlone; 15 Insurance.

Do not include insuranca (J(~ductod from your pay or included in hnes 4 or 20 15a. Life insurance

15t.J Het1!th insurance 15c Vehida insurance i5d. OH1e.r insumncB. specify

16 Taxes. Do nol include taxes deducted from your pay or included ir1 lines 4 Of 20 Specify: Federal Spedry:· St8f8"--------------· $p(!{;ify, Local -----------

17 lnstallme'ri""t _o_r -1.-,-,.-p-ay-m-00-1-,-, -----,-·~ .. ~~_.~.-~-,-l 7a Car payments fOf VGhicle 1 17b. Car payments ror Vehicle 2 17c. Othor. Specify

17d. Olher. Specify H3 Your payments 0f aum'ori"'Y,-malntena.nce, and support that you dldriOrreport H

deducted from your pay on line 5, Schedule I, Your Income (Official Form 1061), 19 Other payments you make to support other$ who do not live with you.

6a $

Bb s &. $

6(1 s 7 $

8. s 9. s

10 s 11 s 12. s 13 s 14. s

15c $

15d S

16 S s s

Ha $ 1/b $

17c $

700,00 o.oo --"·-~=~·· 144,00 0.00

-···-··· 6,500.00 0,00

-- 200.00 0,00 0,00

0.00 o.oo--,-,~·~·~"'=·· 0.00


0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --------·--~~

10,500,00 2,400.00·

0.00 o.oo ----

17d $ --------0.00 o.oo

18. S 3,000.00 $ 0,00

Specify. --------~ ·-~--~--=---- 19 20 Other real property expenses not inclii'ded in lines 4 or S of this form or on Schedule I: Yovr lncQmc, 20a. Mor1ga!}8S on other property 20a. $ 20b. Real eslate tax~ 20b $ --------

20c, Propel'ty, homoowner's, or renter's insurance

20d. Maintenance, rapair. and upkeep expenses 2.0e. Hrnm.,>Owner'5 association or condominiutn dues

21 Other: Specify·

22 Calculate your monthly expenses 22a. Add lines 4 through 21

22b. Copy hnc 22 (monthly expenses tor Debtor 2), i( any, frorn Official Forin 106,J-2

22i:::. Add line 22a and 22b. The result is your monthly e>".:penses

23 Caleulate your monthly net income. 23a Copy lino ·12(yovr combined mo111f1& inc:ome) fmm Scht::id~1lo I 23b Copy your monthly e.xpensos from line nc ah,M'.~

23c. Sublrat.t your rrlonlhly expenses from your monthly int.Orne The result Is your monthly net income

23a $ "_ ... , .. - ... ,, ___ _,3""0,.,,0ec00,,, . .,,_00,,_ 23b .. s 45,763.00 ======::::::::::=--. 23c C ..... ____ -1_5..:.,7_6_3_.o_o___J

24. Do you expoet an Increase or decrease in your expent1e:s wlthh1 the ye~r after you file this torn~? For exampW. (ILJ \iOu i!!Xpec1 to, tin1.,,;n paying for your car to~n witr1in tne ye-n.1 or rJo yllo E':!Xr:>€1':I yo11r mortgage p~ymei'lt to lricr[:!,;1~e or c:lecreas.e l)ee.:1u:.:e or a mQQlni:ation hJ me terms of yot.1t ntortgage.?

•No DYos j Explain hero· , ____ ·_-.... ·_-.... _·--·-· , ___ ]

Omcml Form 106J Schedul!!!' J: Your Expenses

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 64 of 87

FIii in this inlonnation to identify your case:

Debtor 1 Eric R. Braverman

Debtor 2 (5pou.se If, 111mg}

Firs! Name

United Slates Bankruptcy Court for tho

Case number (il~,r,Cwn}

Mid.di~ N~t!\~



·-----------------------------------.,~·"=·~·~""=--D Check. rr mis is an

amended riling

Summary of Your Assets and Llabllltles and Certain Statistical Information 1211s Be as complete and' accurate as possible. l"f two married people are filing together, both are equally re$ponsible for supplying correct information. FIii out all of your &eheduloti- first; then eomplet'e lhe Information on thla form. If you are filing amended schedultte .after you file your original forms, you mu.st fill out a new Summary and eheek the bo;x; at the top of this page.

IMJiFM~~"~i:!!!!'~~·rlze You.~rccAcc•=.••cclcc•-----------------------,

Schedule AfB: Property (Official Form 100NB} 1a. Copy line ~i5, 'fotal real estate, from Schedule.NB ..

1b. Copy !ina 62. Total personal property, from Schadule AIE ..

1c. Copy line 63, Tota! of al! property on Schedule AIB.

l@IM Summarize Your Liabilities

2 Schedule D: Creclilors Who Ha.\le Claims Secored by Property (Official Form 1060) 2a:. Copy Iha total you !bae<l in Column A/.lmounc of cfeim, ot tlle tJotlon1 of !he last page of Part 1 of Schedule D.

3. Scfledulo EIP CrecHtors Who I-lave Unsecured Claims (Official Form '106E/F) 3a .. Copy lhe total daims frnm Pa,t 1 {p1iority unsccurad claims) from line 6e Qlc/Je(Nle EJF.

3b. Copy the tola! claims frnrn Pan 2 (nonpnorHy unsecwed c1akr1s) froni hne GJ r2cflec/ule EIF..

--------Your~~~o,1$ Value olwhm•·l'<'J <;,w11

$ 10,650,000.00 --~~--·~-~~"~---"--·· S 14,500.00

S 10,664,500.00

Yow.11•.bllltl~~ AmountyouQV,/B

$ 4,475,795.34

$ 999,314.49

S 14,449,386.10 ---~~---Your totol liabllitles I $ .,~"


4, Scflodule I: Ym1t lncome(Official Fonn 1061} Copy your conihinBd monthly income from lina 12 aScheaola I. 30,000.00

5 Scheclute J: Your Expens1:Js (Official Form ·!OGJ) Copy yoor monthly expenses from line 22c of Schedule J . S 45,763.00 ----~---

IM!i&M Answer These Questions for Administrative and Statistical Records

O Are you filing for bankruptcy under Chapters 7, 11, or 13'?

D No. You have notti!ng lo raporl on this pa1t of Iha form. Che<:~ this. bOX aM submit tlii.s form to the court wilh your other schedules

• Yes 7. What kind of debt do you have?

D Your debts are primarUy .eonsumer debts. Consumer det)(S am !ho.so "i1iCutlM by Elli mdiYidual primarily for a personal, family, or household purpose.'· 11 U.S.C. § 101{8). Fill Ollt linas IH)g for statistical purpose:\l. :w U.S.G.§ 158.

• Your debts are not primarily consumer debts. You have nothing IQ mpM on 1his. pait (lf the form. Check m,s box mid submit this form to the cornt with your other schecl11l0:s

Offit.ic-1! f,~onn 106Srnn Summary of Your Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical lnform~tlon page 1 of 2

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 65 of 87

Caso num!Jer (if known) -~-~~-· -::J H From the Statement of Your Current Monthly Income; Copy your total current monthly income from Official Form 122A-1 L111e 1 l;OR Form 12W Line 11:0R, Fonn 122C-1 L111e 14. s ~,--.. ~

-~•••.,ma,- •~

9 Copy the following apeelal cate,gorlee. of claim$ from Part 41 line 6 of Sched'1lo EIF:

From Part 4 011-S0h•dul• f!F/oor,y the followll1g:

9a. Oome5tic support obligahons (Copy line 6a,)

Sib. r axes and certain othe( debl5 you owe the government. (Copy line 6!J.)

9c. Ctai1ns for doatll or personal inJurywhile you were intoxicated. (Copy line 6c.)

9cJ Student 1oans. (Copy tine f;f.)

9e. Obligations arising out of a separation agreement or divorce that you did not report as pfiodty claims. (C1)py h11e 6g. J

9f. ()ebts to pension or p,ofit.,snanng plans, ~1nd other .slinllar debts. (Copy lina 6tU

~)g. Total. Add lines 9a through m


$ 0.00

$ ~-- 999,314.49.

$ -----~o.'-'o_,__o $ 0.00

$ 0.00 --------

+$ 0.00 ~~~-----

Official Form 100Sum Summary of Your Assets and Liabilities: and Certain Statlstleal Information pago2of2

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 66 of 87

Fill in this information to identify your case:

Deblor 1

Debtor 2 (Spo,;sa II, m:n,;i/ rust t.am.e

United States Bankruplcy Court for the:

Case number \ll ~n¢'t11'1.l

Official Form 106Dec ······-~••·"'"''""'mm,~mw,""'"""~'-''~"'""""·'-·=•·=·,~•


Declaration About an Individual Debtor's Schedules If two married people ara flllng togeth~r, both .!Ire equally respon$ible for supplying eorrect Information.

o cneck' if this h> an amended h1ing


You must file this form whenever you file bankmptcy schedules or amended schedules, Making a fal$e atatem~nt, concealing property, or obtaining money or property by fraud In connection with a bankruptcy case can result in flne:s up to $250,000, or Imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both.18 u.s.c. §§ 152, 1341, 1519, and 3671.

-Sign Below

Old you pay or .agree to pay someone Who is NOT an attorney to help you fill out bankruptcy forms?

8 No

O Yes. Name of person

Dale March 2, 2017

Attach Bankruptcy Petition Preparer's Notice, --------·~,--"~"'~ .. ~--, .. ~,,,.w,M""~-=~.~-=-~·-·="·"~'"··--- Oe(."ftlfl:!lion aricl Sigm1tme (Official Form 11B)


17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 67 of 87

fill In !hi• Information to Identify your ca .. ,

Debi.or 1

Debtor 2 (Sp,;l,l!i* ii, !lt;fl{I) ~1fst Name Mid.dte-N<!.l'l'!(I

SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YOl<K. MANHATTAN United States B~mkruptcy Court for the: ...Q!Y!§!,,9.~------------------·=·~·" __ _ Case nurnba, (l!kfiCW/1)

Official _FormJ07 Statement of Financial Affairs for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy

o Che1:k if this is ~m amende(J filing


Be .as complete and accurate. .as posslbl~. If lW(I married people are filing together, both are equally responsible for supplying correct information. If more space ls needed, attach a separate sheet to this form. On the top of any ad~itlonal pages, write your name and case nu1nber !lf known). Answer every question.

12tfi!M Glv!..Q!'Jtalhi, ;About Your Marital Status and Where You Ll~!~..§!f£t~-~~--------~--~·~-~ .. ,~"~·---------~

1, What is your current marital stetu.s.?

o Mamoo • Nol married

2. During th~ last 3 years, have you lived anywhere other than whore you live now?

• No

0 Yf.15. Us! au of the places you livocl in tho las! ~ vears. Do not include wht.·'rn you live now

Debtor 1 Prior Address: O>t•• 0,,btor 1 lived thoro

Debtor 2 Prior AddreH: Dates Debtor 2 lived there

3. Within the huit 8 years, did you ever live with a spouse or legal equlvahmt in a community property state or terrltofY? (Community property states and il:irr1toties include Arizona. CahfornitJ, lclal10, Louisiana, Novada, Naw Mexico, Puerto Rito. ·rexas, Washington and Wi·s,~fmSill)

• No 0 Yes. Make sure you fill out Scho<hllo I{ Your Codebtors (0/Hcla! Fmm 1001-1).

f @ifM Explain the Sourees of Your Income

4. Did you have any Income from employment or from operating a busineEl-!J during this year or the two prevlou$ talend~r years? Fill in the total amount of income you received from an jobs and au businessGs, including part-time activihes.. If you are filing a joint case and you l1cwe incon,e mat you receive together. list it only once under OebtOI' 1.

0 No

• Yes. Fill in the details

From January 1 of etJrrent year tint.ii the date you filed for bankruptcy;

Debtor 1

Sources of Income Check all that apply.

• Wages. commissions, honuses, bps

0 Operating a tJusincss

Gross Income (beforn deductions and exclusions)


Debtor 2

Sources of Income Check au lhal apply

0 Wages, commissions, bonuses. hps

0 Operating a businllSS

Sbteme-nt of fln~nel~I A1f:,.tr, 10f" lndlVldu.:1:1~ Fllit1g for Bankruptcy

Gron income (t)el'me d{:!dl/Ctions and exclusions)

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 68 of 87

Debtor 1 Braverman Eric R. Case number(ilk!1r,w."IJ ----·-·----

For last calendar year: (January 1 to Deeembor 31. 20161

For tho eatondar yo•r before that: (January 1 to O.eemb•r 31. 2015)

Debtor 1 Sources of Income Check all Ural apply

• Wages. comrnissions. bonuses. tips

0 Operalmg a business

• Woges. (.CUnroisskll'ls, bonus.as, lips

0 Operating a business

Gross lneo,me (before deductions find exclusions)



5. Old you receilve any other Income during t.hls yti:ar or the two previous etslondar year:s?

Debtor 2

Sources of Income Chock au that apply

D Wages, commissions. bOOtJSSS, tips

0 Operating a busin,~ss

0 Wages, commissions, bonuses. tips

D Operating a business

Gtonlneome (before deductions and exc:lusioos)

lncludA inr;oma regardless of 1NhothAf \hat incomo is t.axabla. Examples of other iocome are alimony: chil(J support: Sotifll Security, rntetnph:>ymant, ond other public benefit payments: pensions; rental income: in1arnst; dividends; rnonay collected from la.wsui!s, royalties: c1nd gamt)lirig t\1\d lottery winnin(~S. If you a.ro filing a joint caso and you havo income tha.l you receivad together. !isl il only once under Debtor 1

Lisi each source and the gross Income from each source separately. Do not include income that you hsH.,>d in hne 4

0 NO • Yes. Fill irl me (lt~ta,ls.

O•btor 1 Sources of Income Describe bela.tJ


Grou lneome from eaeh-Got.1re{'I (bafon~ deduclioos and exclusions)


Debtor 2 Sourees of Income Des,.r111e bal<>w

Gr0s5 income (lie!o(e dedw~lions and exclusions)

liUfW Ll:!il Certain Payme-nt!!i You Made Before You Flied fbr Bankruptcy

a. Are either Debtor 1 '• or Debtor 2'• ctobto primarily eon•umo, dobts? • No. Neither Debtor 1 nor Debtor 2 has primarily consumer debts. Consumerdflhts are d0finf:ld in 11 U.S.C § 101(H} as "incun-00 by an

individual primarily for a personal, family,. or household purpose."

During the 90 days before you filed for bankruptcy, did you pay any credilor a total of $6,42.5" or morf1?

• No Goto line I D Yes List b(;:!IOW <*l<:h crMi!or to whom you paw:/ a tott1! ()f $6,425"" O/' rnore in one or rnore p1:1yinents and the total amount you paid mat

r..te\1(1(/f. Do nol include p-ayrnan\s for d()mes\ic suppon obhgo!tons. sud1 a5 ch,k1 support and alimony. Also. do not include payments lo t~n attorney f,;:x· mis l)anknm1ey ca."le

'Subject to adjustment on 4/01/19 and everv 3 years after Iha! for casos filed on ar aftor lha data of adjustment

0 Yes. Debtor 1 or Debtor 2 or both have prltnartly consumer debts. D1,1rinn the 90 days before you moo f<Jf bankrun!cy, did IJ(:,u pay any creditor ~1 iota! of ${JOO or more?

D No Gotohno7

D Yes Lis.I below each crecl!tcr to wt1oni you paid fl Iota.I of $600 or more and tile Iota! amount you paid that credit Of Do not rnc(ude payments for fJomestic support obligations, such as child support and alimony. Also, do not include payrnents to an attorney for I.his bankruplcy ease.

Crodltor·• Nam• and Addr••• Oat•• of poymont Total amount paid

Amount you Was this payment for .,, otlll owe

OfhC!'iil Form ·10'/ Statement of Financial Affairs for Individuals r"lling tor Bankruptcy

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 69 of 87

Debtor 1 Braverman~ Eric R.

7 Within 1 year before you flied for bankruptcy, did you n\ake a payment on a debt you owed anyone who was an insider? Insiders include your relatives; any general pai1ners·, relatives of any ge11e<at pailnats.; parlr1er!':ih1ps of' whicll you are a general partner: corporaliDlls of which you are an officer, director, parson in c:on1rol, or owner of 20% or more of their votin9 s1:!tt1rihe:S, and m1y mt~naging agent including one for a business you Operate as a sole proprie!or 11 U.S. C. § 101 Include payments for domestic .support obligations, such as chikl support and atirnor1y

• No

0 Yes. Ust all r,aym<..>t1ts 10 an insider

Insider's Name and Address Dates of paymfl:nt Total amount pold

Amount yo~, otlll owo

Reason for this payment

8, Within 1 year before you flied for bankruptcy, did you mt,ke any payments or transfer any property on account of a debt that benefited an lnoldor? Include payments on debt$ guaranteed or cosigned by an inside,

• No

0 Yes .. List alt payments to an inside,

ln!.lder·~ Name 4'nd Addrtuis Oat•• of p•yment

ljciji@ ldentJfy Legal Actions, Repossessions, and Foreclosures

Total arnount paid

Amount you still owe

Reason for this payment Include creditor's name

9. Within 1 ye.ar before you filed for bankruptcy, were you a party In any laW$:ult, eourt action, or ~dmini!;ltrative proceeding? Lisi all such matters, Including personal injury CEl'lj@S, small claims actions, divorces, colt,~ctkin suits, paternity actions, support Of custf.X!y 1'110d11icat.ions. and contract disputes.

0 No

• Yes. nu in the details

Cos.e title Case number

See attached 11st lo Chapter 11 petition

Nature of the case Court or agency Stotu• of tho••••

D Pendin9 0 On appeal 0 Concluded

10 Within 1 year before you filed-for bank.ruptcy 1 was any of your property repossessed, foreclosed, gamlshod, attached, se-lud, or levied? Check an mat apply and fl!l ln the details. below.

D No. Go f.o line 11

• Yes. Fill in ttie infonnalkin balow

Creclitor Name and Addree:s

Simon J.K. MIiier 405 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10174-0002

Describe the Property

Explain what happened

Receiver appointed In 2016

D Pro\)<'ny was repossessed D Prcperty ~Wlf. foreclosed, 0 f'ropetty was garnis11e<1

D Property was altactied. seized or lev!-eo

Doto Valuo olth• proporty


11. Within 90 days before you filed for bankruptcy, did any creditor 1 Including a bank or financial institution, :set off any amounl:!i ftom your accounts or refuse to make a payment because you owed a debt?

• No 0 Vas. Fill in !he details,

Creditor Name and Address Describe the action the creditor took Dato action w•• tak•n


12. Within 1 year before you flied for bankruptcy, was any of your prnperty In the possession of an a$9lgnee for the benl!;!flt of creditors, a court-appointed receiver, a cu5todian, or another official?

0 No

• Yas

5t~t,ment of Flnonei.11 Aff:dr1 ror !ndlvldu~I~ FU1r1g fot a.111krnpt(;v

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 70 of 87

Debtor 1 Bravarman1 Eric R, Case number (;r k11ci:.'.-1)

13. Within 2 years before you fllf;d for bankruptey 1 did you give any gifts with a total value of more than $600 per person?

• No

D Yes.FillmlhedetaJ!sforoo:hgift

Gifts with a: total value of more than $600 per Pfrson

Person to Whom You Gave the Girt and Addres&::

Describe the gifts Oates you gave lh• gift&


14 Within 2 years before you filed for bankruptcy, did yot1 give any gifts or contributions with a total valutt of rm:ire u,an HOO t0 any charity?

• No

D YGS. Fill in tha details Im ooch gin or con!ribuhon

Gifts or contributions to charities that total more than $600 Charity's Nome Addre$& (Nmn~r, Stri;>et, Clly, Sio111a ilm! ZIP Cod0!

IGIW List Certain LO$H&

Oes.crlbe what you contributed Dates you contributed


15 Within 1 year before you flied for bankruptcy or since yoL1 filed for bankruptcy, did you lose anything beeau$e of theft, fire, other dlHater, or gambling?

• NO D Yes Fill in the details.

O.•erlb• lh• properly you lo&! ond how the lou occurred

Oeeerlbe any insurance coverage for the loss

Include the amount that insurance has paid. L.i.st pending insurance claims i:.m hne 33 ofSchetflJ/e AIB: Prope11y.

IWitM List Certain Payments or Transfers ~,

Date of your loss

Valuo of proporty lost

16 Within 1 year before you filed for bankruptey, did you or anyone else aetlng on your behalf pay or transfer any property to anyone you consulted about seeking bankruptcy or preparing Q bankruptcy petition? Include ariy tlttbnll:iy5, bankruptcy petiHOn preparers, or credit coun!io!ing ag0nci0s for services raquiret1 in ywr bankruptty.

0 No • Yes. Fill in the details.

Person Who Was Paid Address Erna.ii or website address Per-son Who Made the Payment, if Not You

Goldberg Weprln Finkel Goldstein LLP 1501 Broadway 22nd Floor New York, NY 10036

OooerlpVon and v•luo of any propotty trangferred


Date payment or transfer was m•d•

Amount of payment


17, Within 1 year before you filed for bankruptcy, did you or anyone else i!Cting on your behalf pay or transfer any property to anyone who promised to help you deal with your creditors or to make paymonbi, to your erediti:mr? Do not include anv payment or transfer that you Ii-sled on line 16

• No

D Y0s. Fill in the details

Person WhO Wa• Paid Addrt;,S$

Description and value of any propl!rty tranl!ilferred

Oat• poymont or transfer was made

Amount of payment

10 Within 2 years before you filed for bankruptey, did you sell, trade, or otherwise transfer any property to anyone 1 other than property transferred in the ordinary course of your business or financial affairs? Include both outrighl transfers and transfers ma.de as security (such as ·the granllng of a Sf/CUrfty inlel"e.Sl or mortgage on yotJI' pwperty). Do not irlC!ude

St.itement 01· Fln.inel.U Af'l':lln f(lt lnd/VidUill5 FIiing for Bankruptcy pagl'.;!4

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 71 of 87

ni1ts an<l lrtln5fers that you h£lve atm..1dy Hsle<.I on Uus statement

• No

0 Yes. Fill in lho details

Person Who Received Transfer Address

Person's relationship to you

Oe.Geripticn and value of property tran5ferred

Oeseribe any property or payments received or debts paid In exehange

Oat!!! tr-ansfet was mad•

19 Within 10 years before you flied for bankruptcy, did you transfer any property lo a aelf-settled trust or similar device of which you are a beneficiary? (Those are ol1en rn!k."l'.I asset-protection clavicf)S.) 0 No

• Yes. Fm in !ha details

Name of trust

Various custodial Accounts

O~u,cription and value of the property transferred

Listed In the schedules.

IPrtitW Lh>t of Certain Financial Acco!:S!!.!~, Instruments, Safe Deposit BOX!,fJ.i,. and Storage Units

D:ate Transfer was macte

20, Within 1 ye~r before you filed for bankruptcy, 'Were any financial accounts or instruments held In your name, or for your benefitj closed, sold, moved, or tnmsferrec:!? Include thee.king, savings, money market, or other financial accounts; certltlcttes of deposit; shares 11, bank$, credit union.s

1 brokerage

houses, pens.Ion funds, cooperatives, associations, and other financial Institutions. 0 No

• Vos. FIii In the details.

Name of Financial Institution and Addri!!S$ ('4umber, street, ctty, state and ZIP C'1)d(!j

First Constitution

Last 4 digits of account number


Typ& of account or instrument

D Ghl.1.Ckilig 0 Savings D Money Matkfll D flmkera(Je

• Other

Date account Wa& closed 1 sold, moved, or transl•rr•d

Last balance before closing or transfer


21 Do you now have, or did you have within 1 year before you filed for bankruptcy, any nafe depo$lt box or other depository for aec.urlUea, ca.sh1 or other valuable$?

• No D Y••· Fill In the details.

Name or Financial Institution Address (Nj11flbot, S1root, CIW, .s111te anti l!P Cod.e,)

Who else had access to It? Address (Num11er, s1roe1, c1ry, s.111.tc ,Nnd lll-' Co1foJ

De5cribe the contents

22, Have you stored property In a storage unit or place other than your home: within 1 year before you flied for bankruptcy?

D No • YH. Fill in the details.

Name of Storage Faclllty Address (Num~r, Sh'e-e1, Cit'/, .Sfot~ o11nd lJP Code)

Storage 81ns at Apartment 200 Chambers st# 26C New York, NY 10007-1350

Who else ha, or nad access to it"? Addf6'$S (N111IJbf.f, S!r4*1, City, State 11t1dllPCM~)

IDEM ldew~fy Property You Hold or Control f~ro..cS.c•ccmcc•~·~"=·~E=l=•=·------

Describe the c:ontents

Do you still have It?

Do you still have It?

23. Do you hold or eonttol any property that someone lll:s.e owna? Include any propf!lrty you borrowed from, are storing for, or hold In ttusl for

Orrit.:li::11Furn1107 St3tel'rlent of Financt:i:I Atl~1r$ for lndl\fldu.il~ Filing for B;mkruptc;y

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 72 of 87

$Omeone .

• No D Yes. Fill In the details.

Owner's Name AddrH~ (Numoor, :si,001, Cit~, :ii111ta .1111' l:IP Co<ll'i)

Whore i• tho prop•rty? /J.11:llillWH, Sh~e"I. Cl~. S!;!IU'.! Mi.i 1.1P COOQ)

Case number i;r1 k1:(l'w1~1

O.ocrlbo tho property Value

#Ptfill•M Give Details About Environmental Information~,~ .. ,~~,.,,~,. .. ~~~.~ .. ~,.~~""~'~"'""~~"""·~--------------------­

For the purpose of Part 10, the following definitions: apply:

• Environmental Jaw means any federal, state, or local statute or regulation concerning pollution, contamination, releases. of haiudoua or tox.lc substances, wastes, or material Into the air, land, soil, surface water, groundwater, or other medium, lneludlng statutH or regula:tlons C¢ntrolllng th~ cleanup of these substances 1 wa:stes1 or material.

• Slee m&an.s any location, facility, or property as defined under any envlrorunental law, Whether you now own 1 operate; or utilize It or used to own, oporoto, or utlll,. It, inelud;ng dlOpo•al •Ito•.

• Hazardous matorial means anything an environmental law define~ as a hatardOU$ w.iu:,te1 hazardous substance, toxic substance 1 hazardous materialj pollutant, contaminant, or similar term.

Report i,,11 notices, releasesj and proceedings that you know about, regardless of when thDy oeeurred.

24. Hu any gcwerr1mental unit r'IOtltied you tha:l' you may be liable or potentially liable under or in violation of an envlror1mental law?

• No 0 Yes. Fill In the details.

Name or .site Addr&$S (t,h.1,obt)r, Slri;+'.!11, CIW, SM,11;1 <i!l(l l'JP CiH!tJ

Governmental unft AddrE!S$ (N1,1mho1:, Str0q1, CIW, Stnto mill l.!PCMl:IJ

26, H!!lve you notified any governme,ntal unit of any release of hazardous. material?

• No 0 Y••· Fill In the details.

Name of site Address (NUt'rll~r, SUll!cf, Ciiy, Sll!!e ill\d ZJP Code)

!lovornm•ntai unit Address {Ni.!Tllbw, Strn~I, Ct1v. s1~11:t mid ZIPCQ(h,IJ

Envlronro(l'ntal law, if you know it

Environmental low, if you knowll

Dote of notice

Date of notice

26. Have you been a party In any Judielal or admlnh:itrative ptoeeecUng under any environmental law? Include settlements and orders .

• No D Yes. FIii in the details.

Co•• Till• c ... Numb•r

Court. or agency Nam• Addreu (Number, .Stft'e!, Cltv. Slllte ;md llP Coo11)

UlttJIIM Give Details About Your 8U$iness or Connection~ to Any Business

Nature of the case Status of the case

27. Within 4 years before you flied for bankruptcy. did you own a business or have any of the followlng eonneetion, to any business?

D A sole proprietor or self-employed In a trade, profoulon, or other activity, erther full-time or parUime

E A membor ol a limited liability compa11y (llC) Of limited liability partne,ohlp ILLPI

0 A partner in a partnership

0 An officer, director 1 or managing executive of 11 corporotfon

D An owner of at least 6% of the voting or oqulty $$C.Urltle$ of a corporation

0 No. None of the above applies. Go to Part 12.

• Ye•. Chock all that •PPIY above and fill in tho dotall• bolow for eaoh business,

Business Name Address (NUtnbN, Slfl!t'!l, City, S,1/t(c it/HI ZIP Ct:!lli!)

Dftscrlbe the n~turc of the b1.u;1ineH

Name of accountant or bookkeeper

Employer Identification number Do not ineludo $<><;ial Security numbor or ITiN.

Dal•• bu,inou exloted Official Foffn "107 Statement of Financial Affairs for lndtvlduals Filing for aank.rupti;:y

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 73 of 87

Debtor 1 Braverman. Eric R.,

Employer lden1i'fication number Business Name Address

Describe the rudure of the bush1eu

Name or accounti!lnt or bookkf!l$per Oo not include Social Security number or ITIN.

(Nltmbet, Slrect, City, Sl!!fll llt\11 Z'IP Code)

Dates buslneH existed See Bankruptcy Schedules EIN:

FrQm• TO

28. Within 2 year$ before you flied for bankruptcy, did you give a financial statement to anyone about your business:? Include all financial Institution$, creditors, or other partl~s.

D No

• Yes. Fill In the details below.

Name Address (Numbet, Str~~I. 01.y, Still~ ilnd ZIP Codi'!)


UZfiilfM· Sign Below

O•to loouod

Divorce net worth statements given

I have read the answers on this Sratemam of Financial Affairs and any attachments, and I declartt undi,r penalty of perjury that the amswers. are true and correct. I understand that making a false statement, concealing property, or obtaining rnoney or property by fraud in conMc:tlori with a bankruptcy case can result in fines up to $250,0001 or Imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. 18 IJ.S.!;. 152, 1341, 1519, •nd 35 1.

Signature of Debtor 2

Doto March 2 2017 Dato

Did you attach additional pages to Your St~tement of Financial Affairs for Individuals Filing for Bankruprcy {Official Form 107)'?



Old you pay or agree to pay s.omeon~ who Is. not an attorney to help you flll out bankruptcy forms?


D Yes. Name of PfJrson ... ,--····-·-··-· Att&h the B("inkruptcy Petit/On Prepar~r's Notice, Decl&tarion. and ,Sii_ma/ure (Official Fc.,nn 119)

omr.1;,1 Form 107 St:ittrnont of Flni:mei~I Aff~in for lndlv!du.1:1:1. Fll!ng for B0u1k.rup1cy page 7

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 74 of 87

Fill in this lnformat,on to Identify your case:

Dei>IOI 1 Eric R. Braverman -----------------··,~-,,,~-,--,-" Debtor 2 (Spausa. if filing

Unila<J .Sfates Baokrnp!l:y Court tor the

Case number ff knawn

Official Form 122B

Southom District of New York, fvlanhaUan Division

0 Chock if !his is an amendAd filio9

Chapter 11 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income 12115

You must file this rorm if you are an individual and are filing for bankruptcy und&f Chapte-r 11, If mor(I &pMe is needed, attach a separate $heet to this form. Include the llne number to which the additional lnfomiatlon applles. On top of any additional paQ&$, write your name and case number (if known).

Calculate Yo1.1r Current Monthly Income

What Is your marital and filing statug? cr,e£k ona only

0 Not married, Fi!t out. C()!w11n A, lines 2-11

D Married and your .spouse is filing with you. Fill out both Columns A and B. Hnas .2., 11

•· Married •md your $pouse is NOi filing with yQU. F'iU ()lit colurnn A. hnes 2-11.

FIii in the ave-rag& monthly Income: that you ree;(!llvod from all Gourees, derived during t.h1:1: 6 fUU months before you file this bankruptcy case. 11 U.S.C. § 101(10A). For example, if you are filing on Sf;ptarnbti:!r 15, !he fi.,month perkli:I WOU!(l 00 Mf.il'Cti l 11irougl1Au9ust 31 If the amount of you1 monmly i"i:ome varied durlng._the 6 monll15, add tt\f~ income for al! 6 months and divide tile 101al by 6. Fi!I in .the result. o,, not includf~ any inc;omo an10 nt rnora lhan one a. F(>t exan·1p!e, if Mlh spousos own I.he same rental pr0perty, put the income from !hat proporty in one column only. f'C you hava rn,)thing to report for any hne, write $0 m Iha .space. i----~-~---~-------------------------,.-,_,,._,.,. __ ., ____ ,. ____ ,._,,._

CCl/umnA Dabtor 1

2 Your gros!I wages, sal111ry, tips, bonuee!, overtime, and eomrnls.slons (before an payroll d<lduct1ons) $ __ 3_0_,o_o_o_.o_o_

3. Alimony and maintenance payments. Do not include payments from a spouse if Column B 1s filled in. $

4 AU .amounts from any source which are regularly paid for household expenses of you or your dependent.s, including child support. Include regular contributions frofn ao unrnarr!ed pHrtnor, members of your' hous~':.tlold, your depondcnts, parents, and roommates. lnclude regular contdbuhons from t1 spouse only if Column B is not filled in. Do not include payments you listed line $

5 Net income from op~ratlng a business, profe!!-slon, or farm

Gross receipts (before au deductions) $ 0,00 Ordinary and necessary operating expenses -$ 0.00

Nat rnonthry incorne from a busir1ess, profes5ion. or farm S --~ 6 NEtt Income frorn r~ntal and

other real property O&J,tor.1

Gross receipts (before au deductions}

Ordina1y and necessary operating expenses

D<lbti>r2 $ 0.00

.$ o.oo '""'--·~·

Copy here ~"> S

Net monlt1ly income from rental or otlier real property s 0.00 Copy hore ., S

0.00 ------


o.oo ------

o.oo ------

OffiCl>li Fom, 1228 Chapter 11 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income

ColumnB Oe~lor 2

$ ------$


$ ------


pogo 1

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 75 of 87

D>.!!itoc ·1 Bravermao1 Eric R. G;.se r1\.i1r,D12r (:1 i:1'J0w{I)

Column A Oobtor 1

7 lnteresti divldl!lr~ds, and royalties S _____ o_.O_O_ 3 Unemployment compensation $ 0.00

Do not enler I.he am<'.ll.mt if you contend that the amount received was a benefit under the Social Secmily Act Instead, list it here:

For you

For your $pouse $

$ o.oo


9 Pension or retirement Income. Do not includt~ any amount roceivOO that was a benefit undaf tha Stx:1a1 Security Act $ ____ ~_.o_o,,

10, lncorne trcm all other :s.ourc-&:s not lhded above. Specify the source and amount. Do not include any benefits rac·aived under U10 Sociat Soc"unty Act or pt1ymants received HS a victim ot· a war crime, a crime against humanity, or lnlornationa! or domestic terrorism.

If nec:essory, list 0U1er somces on a separate pacJe and put Iha total below $ __ _

$ 0.00 ----""-'"-

Total amount~ from separate pmJos. if any. + $ 0.00

ColumnB Oebt0r 2

s $


s $





11 C•leulat• your tot•I current monthly lneom•. Add lines 2 through 10 for each column

Then add lh0 total for Column A to the Iota! for Column B BQ '--------'s 30,000.00

~------------------------------··--·=""~'"'""'"""'~"'"~"""" '"''·"~'~'"~-·-~·-"--"------------'

Offici~,t Form ·1220 Chapter 11 Statom•nt or Your Current Monthly Income page 2

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_:Bc;rc:•c:v.c:e.:.:rm=•.::ni.--=E.:.:rl:::c_:R.::· ___________ ,.,_,._,_,,.,_.

Sign Below

XBy si 1mg hereK p~reemt,tion on t111s statement and ,n "'lY altachmenls ,S ltuO and correct

Eric R. Braverman Signaturo of Debtor 1

Date March 2, 2017 MMl(.JD IYYYY

011,c,al F<><m 1228 Chapter 11 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income page 3

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lJnitcd Stntcs H:rnkruptcy Court Southern District of New York, Manhattan Division

IN RE: Case No.

Bra,verm~ n1 .. E:r.ic .. R .............. . Chapter ,.,. . ................................... . Debtor(s)


The :,bovo na111ed dcbt<>r(<) hereby vcrily(ics) that the auached matrix listing creditors is true to the best of my(our) knowledge.

Date; .March .... 2., ... 201.7 __ ................ __ -· Signature: ....... ~&~g{2 .. . Eric R. Braverman · Debtor

Date; .. -···· - ........... . Joint Debtor, if any

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 78 of 87

200 Chambers St. Condominum c/o Belkin Burden Wenig & Goldman LLP 270 Madison Ave# 5 New York, NY 10016-0601

3 04 Pas Owner· LLC 304 Park Aves New York, NY 10010-4301

SW Pu.bic Relations LLC 1166 Avenue of the Americas Fl 4 New York, NY 10036-2750

AAA Financial Services 1415 Kellum Pl Gaxden City, NY 11530-1695

Alexander Potruch, Esq. 666 Old Country Rd Ste 5.55 Garden City, NY 11530-2005

AnazaoHealth Corp. 5710 Hoover Blvd Tampa, FL 33634~5339

Andrew ,, . Spinelli 29.5 Madison Ave New York, NY 10017-6304

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Ari Teman 140 7th Ave New York, NY 10011-1843

Bank of America Ba.nk of America PO Box 25118 Tampa, FL 33622-5118

Barry Berkman 521 5th Ave New York, NY 10175,·0003

Bender & Rosenthal LLP 451 Park Ave S II 8 New York, NY 10016-7390

Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP 575 Lexington Ave# 7 New York, NY 10022-6138

Bruno Patrick Bianchi, Esq. 9010 157th Ave Howard Beach, NY 11414-2738

Can Capital 414 W 14th St New York, NY 10014-1030

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Chase 333 E 23rd St New York, NY 10010-4710

CIT Financing Services l Cit Dr Livingston, NJ 07039",5703

Citi 300 Park Ave S New York, NY 10010-5313

Citi Bank Loan 300 Park Ave S New York, NY 10010-5313

Court Reporter - Delores Hilliards 60 Centre St New York, NY 10007.,1402

Court Reporter - Diane Kavanaug'h 60 Centre St New York, NY 10007-1402

Court Reporter - Jeanette Lake - Mason 60 Centre St New York, NY 10007-1402

17-10524-smb Doc 1 Filed 03/06/17 Entered 03/06/17 15:28:37 Main Document Pg 81 of 87

Court Reporter - Monica Horvath 60 Centre St New York, NY 10007-1402

Darya Braverman 39 N Moore St Apt 3B New York, NY 10013-2493

Douglas Labs/HVL 600 Boyce Rd Pitt~iburgh, PA 15205-9742

Elisheva Hannah Braverman 2283 3rd Ave Apt 3C New York, NY 10035-1753

Frederick Charles Sake, PA 4770 Biscayne Blvd Ste 1400 Miami, FL 33137-3243

Fundation c/o Jennifer Wood Collections PO Box 2149 Gig Harbor, WA 98335-4149

Goldman Johnson 500 5th Ave# 34 New York, NY 10110-3399

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Internal Revenue Service Centralized Insolvency Operations PO Box 7346 Philadelphia, PA 19101-7346

Itria Ventures LLC 1000 N West St# 1200 Wilmington, DE 19801-1058

Jack N. Posner 1100 Franklin Ave# 305 Garden City, NY 11530-1601

Jamie Andrew Screck, P.C. Attn: Tempest Alston 520 8th Ave Fl 18 New York, NY 10018-6507

Johnson, Morgan & White 6800 Broken Sound Pkwy NW Boca Raton, FL 33487-2721

J'onat.han J. Braverman 1107 SW 149th Ln Sunrise, FL 33326-1958

Joseph Bongiorno &. Assoc. 250 Mineola Blvd Mineola, NY 11501-2447

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Karen Bra.nd 36 Maple Pl# 207 Manhasset, NY 11030-1976

Kazlow & Kazlow 237 W 35th St Fl 14 New York, NY 10001-1905

Konica Minolta 485 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10017-2630

Leon Borstein 420 Lexington Ave Rm 2920 New York, NY 10170-2902

Michell Cohen c/o Callan, Koster, Brady & Nagler LLP 1 Whitehall St New York, NY 10004-2109

MLS Funding 147 Main St Lower Level Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724-1425

Morgan Stanley 1 Penn Plz Fl 43 New York, NY 10119-4323

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New York State Dept of Labor 75 Varick St Fl 7 New York, NY 10013-1900

NJ Medical Consultant - DeBlasio c/o Joseph Bongiorno & Assocs. 250 Mineola Blvd Mineola, NY 11501-244'7

NY City Department of Finance Bankruptcy Unit 345 Adams St Fl 3 Brooklyn, NY l.1201-3719

NYC Dep't of Finance Legal Affairs 345 Adams St Fl 3 Brooklyn, NY 11201-3719

NYS Dep't of Taxation Bankruptcy/Special Procedure PO Box 5300 Albany, NY 12205-0300

Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC PO Box 5400 Carol Stream, IL 60197-5400

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Olga Gilmartin c/o Jeffrey Benjamin, Esq. 11821 Queens Blvd Ste 501 Forest Hills, NY 11375-7207

Omar Salah 20 Pine St# 2302 New York, NY 10005-1432

Path Medical P.C. 3 04 Pa.rk Ave s New York, NY 10010-4301

Peter Lomtevas, Esq. 1248 85th St Brooklyn, NY 11228-3310

Petro Zinkovetsky, Esq. 1166 Avenue of the Americas Fl 4 New York, NY 10036-2750

Rainbow Diet Wellness Center LLC c/o Darya Braverman 39 N Moore St Apt 3B New York, NY 10013-2493

Raoul I'elder 437 Madison Ave# 36 New York, NY 10022-7001

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Salem Media 4880 Santa Rosa Rd Camarillo, CA 93012 .. 5190

Santander 250 Lexington New York, NY

Savoy Bank

Ave 10016-4638

600 5th Ave Fl 17 New York, NY 10020-2322

Simon Miller c/o Blank Rome LLP 405 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10174-0002

Specialized Loan Services Specialized Loan Servicing LLC PO Box 636005 Littleton, CO 80163-6005

Sprechman & Fisher, P.A. 2775 NE 163rd St# 100 Miami, FL 33160-4078

Stempel Bennet Claman & Hochberg Attn: Dennis McCoobery, Esq. 675 3rd Ave Fl 31 New York, NY 10017-5721

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Steven DiNardi 12 Industrial Dr New Brunswick, NJ 08901-3632

Wells Fargo 1010 'l'homas Edison Blvd SW Cedar Rapids, IA 524 04 ... 824 7

zeichner E:llman & Krause LLP Attn: Na.than Schwed, Esq. 1211 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036-8701

Zeldes, Needle & Cooper, P.C. Attn: Jason 'r. Prueher, Esq. 1000 Lafayette Blvd Bridgeport, CT 06604-4725
