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James F. Annis, Samuel J. Troutman, and Paul Webb (

oA0 W

Distribution of this report is provided in the interest of

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Prepared under Contract No. NAS9-12683 byWebb Associates, Inc.

Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387



Introduction I

Description of the Experiments 3Suited quiet day routine 3Nude quiet day routine 4Stay awake day routine 5Fixed metabolism day routine 6

Description and Application of the Suit Calorimeter 7

Application of the Heat Balance Equation 10

Subjects 12

Methods 14

Experimental protocol 14Measurements 16

Instrumentation and Equipment 18.Indirect Calorimetry 18Direct Calorimetry 22

Water Cooling Garment 22Insulative Clothing Assembly 23

Hw. Computer . 25Water Loop Controller 26

Data Recording System 26Bicycle Ergometer 27Cardiotachometer System 28Weights and Measures 28Environmental Chamber 28Special Equipment for Nude Man Calorimetry 29

System Performance Analysis 29

Results 3024-Hour Totals 30Effects of the Suit Calorimeter 42Effects of Sleep 45Effects of Fixed Metabolism 48Summary of Results 54

Discussion 55

References 59

LIST OF TABLESTable # page

1 Physical Description of the Subjects 13

2 List of Measurements 17

3 Descriptive Data for the WCG's used in this Study 24

4 Summary of the 24-hour Heat Balance Measurements 34

5 Summary of the Respiratory Gas Exchange, Fluid Balance,& Food (Fuel) Balance Data over 24 Hours 35

6 Change in Body Temperatures (Tre, Tac, Ts) and Estimationof Heat Storage from Tb Calculations over 24 Hours 41


1 Block diagram of the suit calorimeter system 20

2 Block diagram of system components for the nude experiments 21

3 Bar chart comparing heat production and losses over 24 hours 32

4 Histographic presentation of heat loss pathway totals over24 hours expressed as percentages of heat production 33

5 Bar chart of the 24-hour fluid balance for each experiment 38

6 Graphic comparison of fuel deficits and average RER's over 24 hrs. 40

7 Line graph comparing M, EH, and Tre for subject SJT in the quiet day(suited) and nude quiet day experiments (hourly values) 43

8 Line graph comparing M, rH, and Tre for subject SA L in the quietday (suited) and nude quiet day experiments (hourly values) 44

9 Line graph comparing hourly values of M, EH, and Tre for subject SJTin the quiet and stay awake day experiments 46

10 Line graph comparing hourly values of M, EH, and Tre for subjectSAL in the quiet and stay awake day experiments 47

11 Line graph comparing hourly values of M, EH, and Tre for subjectSJT in the quiet and fixed metabolism experiments 49

12 Line graph comparing hourly values of M, EH, and Tre for subjectSAL in the quiet and fixed metabolism experiments 50

13 Line graph showing interrelationships of S and Tre for allexperiments on subject SJ'T 52

14 Line graph showing interrelationships of S and Tre for allexperiments on subject SAL 53



James F. Annis, Samuel J. Troutman, and Paul Webb


Using calorimetric techniques, subjects' metabolism, thermoregulation,

and body temperatures were monitored continuously for 24-hour days, using

three types of experimental routines. A water cooling garment (WCG) was

used for direct calorimetry, while partitional calorimetry was used to

establish a non-suited comparison for one of the routines. In this replicated

routine, called the "quiet day," the subjects were sedentary throughout the

daytime hours and slept normally at night. Results indicate that the WCG

may act to reduce 24-hour total oxygen consumption (VO 2 ) or heat production,

possibly due to the lowered energy cost of thermoregulation.

Data were examined for effects of the different test routines on

circadian patterns in metabolism, thermoregulation, and body temperature.

Staying awake damped the magnitude of nocturnal change in metabolism,

heat loss, and body temperature without obliterating circadian rhythms.

Fixed metabolism further damped these responses. When metabolism was

elevated either by staying awake or by work, an energy imbalance resulted

at the end of the 24-hour measurement period. The imbalance indicated a

net surplus of heat produced. The amount was significant and appeared to be

directly related to activity level as well as to fuel intake deficits. Body

temperatures did not reflect these imbalances.


The water cooled garment (WCG)--or liquid cooled garment (LCG),

as it is often called--is primarily a product of space technology. As long

ago as 1959 the possibility of using a water cooling garment for lunar

exploration was suggested by Billingham (1), but the first suits actually

developed were intended for use by RAF pilots. Space usage, when it came,

was strictly applied to the problem of removing excess metabolic heat from

thermally isolated (pressure suited) active astronauts. Because the energy

cost of work in full pressure suits is high, air cooling, such as was used in

early Gemini EVA, was not considered efficient enough for use by Apollo

astronauts during lunar exploration. The need to specify and build a space

qualifiable garment naturally resulted in investigations dealing with the

physiological aspects of water cooling, and physiological research was

initiated in a number of laboratories in the early 1960's. A useful review

of the work performed through 1970 was published by Nunneley (2).

In addition to its continuing use in space flight, the WCG is now being

applied as a thermoprotective device for industrial workers and divers,

and it is the central component of our suit calorimeter.

Regardless of application, certain aspects of the interrelationship

of human thermoregulatory mechanisms versus WCG function and operation

are still not well understood. In our laboratory, studies dealing with

metabolic time constants (3, 4, 5) and automatic control of water cooling


using physiological feedback (6) ultimately led to the application of the

WCG-thermally isolated man complex to whole body calorimetry.

Historically, human (whole body) calorimeters were complex,

expensive, and difficult to operate. Often it was weeks before the results

of a given experiment were known. In our laboratory we have combined

continuous indirect calorimetry (VO2 measurement) and continuous direct

calorimetry using the WCG, and produced a more dynamic form of whole

body calorimetry. In 1972 we published the results of the first WCG

calorimeter experiments (7). In three experiments reported, accurate

(± < 1%) 24-hour heat balances were obtained on both inactive and active

men. Because of the continuous nature of the data, it was possible to

analyze transients in heat production and loss and to hypothesize about

circadian patterns in thermophysiological variables (8). For example,

is the diurnal-nocturnal pattern observed in rectal temperature merely

the result of phase shifts between heat production and heat loss rather

than day-night thermal or other more complex set-point changes, as has

been suggested by other investigators? How many of the patterns observed

in our recent study resulted from physiological forcing by the thermally

powerful WCG?

The purpose of the study reported here was to investigate the inter-

actions of cycles in metabolism, thermoregulation, and body temperature.,

and to determine the nature of the cycles when they are isolated--that is,

while one of the three is held constant. The principal objectives of the

study were to determine the circadian effects of metabolism of a greater

magnitude than previously studied, the effects of sleep, and the effects of

wearing a WCG.



In order to fulfill the objectives of the study, four types of experiment

were completed, using two subjects; hence eight experiments comprise the

series analyzed. All experiments included a full 24-hour day of continuous

measurement plus an equilibration period, consisting of a 6 to 8-hour night

of sleep, during which the subject wore full instrumentation and slept in the

environmentally controlled chamber where the experiment took place. The

average elapsed time for each complete experiment was nearly 33 hours,

and in six of the eight experiments the WCG calorimeter was worn throughout.

All experiments included indirect calorimetric estimates of heat production

based upon continuous measurement of oxygen consumption (VO 2 ) and carbon

dioxide production (VCO 2 ). The following paragraphs describe the protocol

used in each of the four types of experiment.

Suited Quiet Day Routine

In the procedure we called the "quiet day" routine, the subject wore

the WCG calorimeter assembly for the entire test period. Following normal

awakening from the equilibration night of sleep, the subject spent the daytime

hours engaged in minimal activity--usually reading or watching television--

while remaining seated in the chamber. Since he was not required to remain

alert, dozing was allowed. When he felt ready for bedtime, he began a

second night of supine sleep. When he awoke the following morning (or at

the completion of 24 hours since arising the preceding day), the experiment

was terminated. All nourishment, which was freely available except when

it might interfere with the experiment routine, consisted of liquids--


black coffee, cocoa, or a specially prepared dextrose solution containing

0.5 kcal/cc of the sugar and fresh lemon juice for flavoring. The weight,

temperature, calorie content, and time of each liquid food intake (Ilf)

were logged for future use in heat balance calculations. Body waste

functions were permitted as required by the subjects. Fortunately this

consisted only of urinary output (Ou), since the need for defecation did not

occur. Subjects had been advised to limit their diet to low bulk foods for

two days preceding an experiment, but no strict control was exercised.

Subjects' weights were obtained hourly except during sleep. Chamber

temperature was maintained at a constant 30 0 C level.

A semi-automatic mode of control of WCG inlet water temperature

(Twi) was selected for use in all suited experiments. The set point Twiwas based upon subject preference, and usually only two temperatures

were used--one for daytime and one for nightime. This approach to control,

we thought, would minimize the number of fluctuations in Twi observed when

complete automatic control schemes are employed. We believe that this

control procedure approximately matched basal metabolic rates (BMR)

for the subjects, and it served as the basis of comparison for the other


Nude Quiet Day Routine

The protocol for the nude quiet day routine ("nude quiet") was similar

to the suited quiet day routine except that the WCG was not used. Body

coverage consisted of an athletic supporter and the required instrumentation

only. Since the WCG was not used, the heat loss quantities were determined

using partitional calorimetry techniques. Most of the environmental

descriptors required for partitional calorimetry were either measured


during the experiments or had been determined previously for our chamber.

Chamber dry bulb temperatures (Tdb) were selected by the subject for his

comfort; frequent changes were discouraged. Normally the daytime temper-

atures remained constant at the selected level and a single, but slightly

warmer, environment was used while the subjects slept at night. Water

vapor pressures averaged 11-14 mm Hg and produced relative humidities

ranging from 40 to 50%.

Direct calculations of the radiant (R) and convective (C) heat exchange

using standard equations were not made in the analysis of these experiments,

since the exact influence of postural effects (seated in a chair or lying down

to sleep) on C and R was not known. Therefore heat exchange via these path-

ways was obtained using the Gagge method (9) of deriving the combined R & C

values. Storage (S) was assumed to be zero over the 24 hour test period.

Additional information about the method of calculation used is presented in

"Application of the Heat Balance Equation."

Because of the similarity in procedures, a comparison of the nude

quiet and the quiet day results permits conclusions to be drawn with regard to

possible effects of the WCG calorimeter upon metabolic rate, thermoregulation,

and body temperature over a 24-hour period.

Stay Awake Day Routine

In this type of experiment the procedures and instrumentation were

exactly the same as those used in the suited quiet day routine, except that

the subjects were not permitted to sleep during the 24-hour calorimetric

balance period. (Sleep was permitted during the equilibration night.) This

routine, entitled the "stay awake" day, when compared to the quiet day

experiments, demonstrates the effect of sleep on the three principal thermo-

regulatory responses of interest--metabolism, heat loss, and rectal



Fixed Metabolism Day Routine

In these experiments the subjects were required to maintain a fixed

activity level continuously for 24 hours; they are therefore entitled the "fixed

metabolism" days. The individual work rates were selected to produce an

oxygen consumption rate just in excess of the maximum level observed during

the quiet day routine. The objective was to keep the V0 2 constant within

± 10% of the selected target value. The activity level was largely self-paced

by visual monitoring of a continuous V0 2 analog signal produced by the MRM

(see "Instrumentation and Equipment"). In addition, observers reported

actual average minute V0 2 levels to the subject each 10 minutes of the 24 hours,

This form of control worked quite well, as subjects usually were able to meet

the ± 10% accuracy level. The principal form of activity was bicycle pedalling

(leg work) while seated in a comfortable chair positioned to the rear of the

ergometer. Mechanical or external work (W) was measured electromechan-

ically during one of these experiments. Subjects were permitted to engage

in other forms of activity, such as arm work or moving about the chamber,

but they were used sparingly since accuracy of control was more difficult.

The only schedule break in activity occurred during the hourly weight deter-

minations; unscheduled breaks for urination and for drinking were brief.

None of the breaks lasted more than 2 or 3 minutes, and the subject was

usually able to keep up his 10-minute oxveygen consumption total despite them.

By maintaining MR fixed, the goal of the fixed metabolism experiments

was to isolate heat production in order to determine the influence of this

component upon thermoregulation and body temperature.



In all but the nude quiet day experiments, body heat balance was

determined by the use of our suit calorimeter, which was very similar to

the one described in a previous publication (7). Briefly, the suit calorimeter

consists of the following basic items: 1) apparatus for measuring V 0 2 and

VCO 2 simultaneously and continuously; 2) the WCG and its associated water

control and measurement devices; 3) an insulative clothing assembly; 4)

other measurements to complete the description of heat dissipation. Detailed

descriptions of the metabolism components of the calorimeter are given in

later sections of this report: see "Methods" and "Instrumentation and Equipment.'

At this time we will describe only how the suit calorimeter works.

The estimation of heat production, or indirect calorimetry, from VO 2

measurements is well known and need not be redescribed here. Since our

earlier study we have added the measurement of VC02; this data permits the

use of correct caloric equivalents of 02, since the time averaged respiratory

exchange ratio (RER) is known over a selected period of time. Determination

of urine urea nitrogen and other indices of protein metabolism were not made;

however, non-protein caloric equivalents of 02 were used in calculation of

heat production. If over a period of time the measured RER exceeded the

usually quoted limits of 0.7 to 1.0, the caloric equivalent of 02 for the

closest RER was used. The effects of these potential errors will be discussed

later (see "System Performance Analysis").


The heart of the direct calorimetric measurement was the heat

removal (H w ) by the water in the WCG. The tubing network of the WCG

was worn directly on the skin in order to pick up and carry away metabolic

heat as soon as it was available at the surface of the body. Except for the

face, the soles of the feet, and the palms of the hands, the tubing covered

the entire body surface. The Hw was quantified from:

Hw = rhwc (Two - Twi) (1)

where rhw is the mass flow rate of water through the suit; c is the specific

heat of water; Two is the outlet water temperature; and Twi is the inlet

water temperature.

The insulative garment assembly was worn over the WCG in order to

limit heat exchange between the man-garment system and the chamber environ-

ment. To further minimize heat leakage, the chamber dry bulb temperature

(Tdb) was maintained at a constant 30 ±0.20 C. This temperature had been

determined empiricially to be the point at which the least heat exchange

occurred.(7). Because of the rather small maximum difference in temperature

at interfaces throughout the complete system, the heat leak in or out must

necessarily have been small. In this particular group of experiments the

largest gradient observed was approximately 50C between the skin and the

water and 2.5 0 C between the water and the chamber air.

Because it is subjectively pleasing and physiologically sound, evaporative

heat loss (HE) was allowed to continue fairly normally. The insulative garment

did not include a water impermeable layer; therefore insensible perspiration

which managed to diffuse or be wicked to the surface was evaporated to the

environment. The garments were not completely sealed; however, air


passageways were blocked so that air motion under or within the clothing

layers was slight. Convective heat exchange (C) via this pathway is thought

to have been extremely small. Frank sweating never occurred even though

the subjects were active during the fixed metabolism day routine; they had

no need to sweat since sufficient cooling was furnished to satisfy this thermo-

regulatory response (7, 10). Evaporative weight loss, which was detected by

weight change, was corrected by a weight equivalent to the difference between

02 uptake and CO 2 production.

A small amount of heat exchange was associated with the ventilatory

flow of the metabolism measurement device (MRM). This flow furnished

breathing air and washed the facial area under a special mask. Any respira-

tory or facial evaporative loss was detected with the change in weight. Some

convective warming of the air, which was drawn from the 30 0 C chamber

atmosphere, did occur. By measuring the increase in air temperature across

the man and from knowledge of the fixed flow rate, the convective loss (C)

was calculated using the following relationship:

Crf = rhpc (Tex - Ta) (2)

where Crf is the convective heat exchange from respiration and the face;

rh is the mass flow rate of air; c is the specific heat of air; p is the density

of air; Tex is the temperature of the MRM exhaust air; and Ta is the temper-

ature of the ambient air in the chamber.

Chamber wall temperature (Tw) and the outer surface of the insulative

clothing assembly always ran very nearly the same, within about ± 0.1 0C.

Radiant heat exchange was probably small even though the radiant properties

of the two surfaces were different.


Since both hot and cold liquids were consumed by the subjects,

heat given to or taken from the subjects to bring the liquid to body temper-

ature was taken into account in calculating heat balances. The heat exchange

of the man with the liquid food (±Hlf) was calculated as follows:

±Hlf = mlfc (Tre - Tlf) (3)

where mlf is the mass of the liquid (water-food); c is the specific heat of

water; Tre is the rectal temperature; and Tlf is the temperature of the

liquid food.

Application of the above mathematical relationships and the use of

symbols in calculating heat balances via the heat balance equation are

discussed in the following section.


The body heat balance equation is the biologist's statement of the

First Law of Thermodynamics that describes the rate at which a body

generates and exchanges heat energy with its environment. Any net excess

or decrement in heat over a period of time is theoretically reflected in

measurable changes in body heat content, or storage (S). In its currently

approved form the equation is written as follows:

S = M ±E -(±W) ±R ± C ±K (4)

where S is the rate of storage of body heat (+ for net gain by body);

M is metabolic free energy production (always +); E is evaporative heat

transfer; W is work (+ for positive work against external forces); R is

radiant heat exchange(+ for net gain); C is convective heat transfer (+ for

net gain); and K is conductive heat transfer (+ for net gain). (11)


In calorimetry, all terms of the equation but one are measured.

The unmeasured term is storage, which cannot be measured because mean

body temperature (Tb) cannot be reliably measured in living bodies.

Proportionality equations based upon discrete temperatures produce values

for Tb which are of questionable accuracy. It can be calculated as follows:

Tb = 0.67 Tc + 0.33 Tsk (5)

where Tc is core temperature and Tsk is mean skin temperature.

Only with accurate and complete whole body calorimetry can S be

estimated, and, as we shall discuss later, even this value may be in error.

In partitional calorimetry S is assumed to be zero, so that the more

difficult to measure (or calculate) components of the balance equation may

be lumped and obtained by subtraction. Hence the equation is satisfied by a

value for a combined R and C heat exchange. Because of measurement

complexity, convective and radiative heat transfer are combined and assigned

an amount of heat gain or loss (usually loss) required to produce an S of zero

for the time period studied. Since with nude resting men external work (W)

and conductive transfer (K) are assumed to be zero, the required measure-

ments are M and E. As stated earlier, we have chosen the Gagge (9)

technique of analyzing the partitional calorimetry experiments performed in

this study, although some of the variables required on calculation of R and C

were measured and were known for our chamber, e. g. air velocity. As a

result the form of heat balance equation adapted for the partitional calorimetry

data presented is as follows:

M = E + Crf ± Hlf + hr + c (Tsk -Ta Tw) + S (6)

Since S = 0, the equation may be rewritten:

Ta + Twhr + c (Tsk - at ) = M - (E + Crf ± Hlf) (7)

where hr + c is the coefficient of radiative and convective exchange.


An average coefficient for each partitional calorimetry run was

derived using 24-hour average temperatures and 24-hour total heat exchange

values (right side of equation 3). In order to find the actual R + C value for

a given hour, the average coefficient obtained was multiplied by the actual

AT between skin and the mean air/wall temperature for that period. The

coefficient values obtained for our subjects compare favorably with published

values at equivalent air speeds (12). When hourly balances were calculated,

the hourly S values were not zero--only the 24-hour net cumulative S is

forced to equal zero. This technique permitted estimation of the cyclic

patterns of S over the experimental day.

The derivation of values and symbols especially adapted to the

calculation of heat balances in the suit calorimeter experiments has already

been discussed. There the standard heat balance equation (equation 4)

can be rewritten specifically to our case, as follows:

S = M - (HE + HW ± Hlf + Crf + W) (8)

In general, metric units have been used in presentation of the data

obtained in this study. All heat units are expressed in kilocalories (kcal).

Also, data is presented as 24-hour or as 1-hour totals or averages.


The two men used in these experiments are experienced test subjects

selected from our laboratory staff. Both are engineers, healthy, and moder-

ately fit, with a ' 0 2 -max ranging from 40 to 50 cc/kg. The principal

physical descriptors for the subjects are given in Table 1, below.


Table 1. Physical Description of the Subjects

Subject Age Height Weight Ab body fat, est.

initials yrs. cm kg m 2 %

SAL 24 174 65 1.75 12

SJT 37 188 93 2.15 20

The two subjects represent the extremes in physical type in our staff,

and normally lead quite different lives. From previous studies it was known

that subject SJT prefers cooler environments (below "normal comfort" levels)

and that he possesses unusual sleep habits--often awakening and getting up

for variable lengths of time during the night. SJT shows a tendency toward

weight gain (he had dieted prior to these experiments), although he consumes

only one meal each day (dinner). During the work day his intake is largely

limited to black coffee. This subject smokes approximately 15 cigarettes

per day, and he was allowed to smoke sparingly during the experiments.

The other subject, SAL, is a non-smoker, drinks little coffee,

is extremely thermosensitive, and prefers to sleep late in the morning.

SAL has no weight problem, has never dieted, and frequently consumes

"natural" foods. It was not unusual for this subject to enter an experiment

in a nutritionally depleted state or, at least, with a minimum of carbohydrate

reserves. The fixed metabolism experiment reflected this subject's

dependence upon body fat stores as his fuel source, since his RER was 0.70

averaged over the 24 hours.



Experimental Protocol

Although many aspects of the experimental protocol have already

been described, an overall view of how the experiments were conducted

has not been presented. The general protocol and procedures were the

same for all experiments.

The subjects reported to the laboratory approximately one hour

prior to their normal bedtime. During this period personal preparation

was done, e. g. application of ECG electrodes and insertion of the Tre probe.

At the same time the experiment monitor would precondition the chamber

and the WCG system and conduct pre-experiment instrumentation check-out

and calibration. When the subject entered the chamber, his nude weight was

immediately taken and logged, and, unless the experiment was a nude quiet

day routine, the dressing procedure followed. For the nude quiet days,

dressing consisted principally of applying a skin temperature harness.

The only differences in protocol between the nude quiet day experiments

and the suited runs were those aspects concerned with the operation of the suit

calourimeter system. In the suit calorimeter runs, after the nude weight was

taken, the pre-weighed WCG and insulative clothing assembly were donned.

After instrumentation hook-ups were completed, the subjects were again

weighed, fully instrumented and clothed. The elapsed time up to this point

averaged about an hour; the clock time was usually between 2300 and 2400

hours of the first night. Next, the subjects reclined (supine position) upon a

canvas stretcher cot within the chamber. The experiment clock was started

and all data except change in clothed body weight were monitored by an


observer throughout the night. Since the night of sleep was merely an

equilibration period, the data will not be reported here.

Upon awakening in the morning, the subject was weighed. Following

urination and a liquid breakfast, at the succeeding even hour (0800 to 1000

local time) the 24-hour measurement day was started. Every hour on the

hour the subject was weighed. Change in weight each hour was corrected

for intake-output and CO2-02 weight differences and used in calculating

evaporative heat losses for the period. Except during sleep, this procedure

was applied throughout all experiments. Liquid intake and urination were

permitted as desired. Upon awakening after the second night of sleep, or at

the completion of the 24-hour measurement day, following a final clothed and

nude weight measurement, the experiment was terminated.

In the stay awake routine the procedures were very similar, except

that the subjects were not permitted to doze during the day or sleep during the

second night. Since the subjects were awake, their weights were taken hourly

throughout the second night.

During the fixed metabolism day, work was initiated at the beginning

of the 24-hour measurement period. Work, as judged from VO2 , was

continued at a constant rate throughout the day and second night until 24 hours

of activity were completed. As previously stated, the work rate for each

subject was selected to exceed his highest VO2 level during.his preceding

quiet day experiment.



The determination of body heat balances required quantification

of both heat production and heat exchange pathways. In the eight experiments

performed, eight general types of measurement were made, and these were

composed of 20 different measurements. All of these variables and their

symbols and derived values are listed in Table 2. Measurement types

numbered 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 and their specific measurements applied to all

experiments. Obviously type #2 and type #6 pertain only to experiments in

which the WCG was used, and experiments in which measurable external

work was performed, respectively. Sixteen specific measurements were

required for the nude quiet day experiments, in which the heat exchange was

obtained using partitional calorimetry techniques.

The first 11 specific variables listed in the table were automatically

logged at pre-selected time intervals by a specially designed data printing

system. These data points were usually printed every 10 minutes throughout

the experiment. The 16 individual skin temperatures (Tsk) sampled and the

mean skin temperature (Tsk) were printed separately. The hourly presen-

tation of most of the data used in this report represents either totals or

averages of the six individual print cycles per hour. All me asurements

that were not automatically printed wer reorded manually by observers

in an experiment log book. In one of the fixed metabolism runs, the external

work analog signal was recorded on a strip-chart recorder and this record

analyzed by planimetry in order to obtain hourly totals. Heart rate was

manually logged, either from a cardiotachometer reading or by counting

the audio output of an FM radio receiver. A description of the complete

measurement system aiU. thUe iindividual instrui..ent..s LUseU is giv en inl IIe

next section of this report.


Table 2. List of Measurements

Measurement Measurements, Symbol Derived values Symbol

type specific

1. Respiratory oxygen consump- 0V2 heat production; M

exchange tion rate mass of 02 intake m0 2

carbon dioxide VCO 2 mass of CO 2 pro- mCO2production rate duced; respiratory

exchange ratio RERinlet water temp. Twi

2. W. C. G. outlet water temp. Two WCG heat removal Hwmass flow rate of

water ri w

skin temp. Tsk mean skin temp. Tsk3. Body rectal temp. Tre mean body temp.

temperatures auditory canal Tac Itemp.

4. Environmental dry bulb temp. Tdb water vapor pres- PH20conditions wet bulb temp. Twb ( sure; relative hu- %o RH

(chamber) wall temp. Tw midity; radiant & hc + rair velocity Va convective heat

exchange coefficientnude weight Wn evaporative heat loss HEclothed weight Wc

5. Body weight intake weight- Ilf food calories (kcal)change liquid

intake temp. - Tlf body heat loss (gain)liquid to food ±Hlf

output weight- Oururine

6. Work external work W M corrected for W

7. Other physio- heart rate HRlogical data

8. Other temper- ventilating air Tva respiratory and Crfatures temp. facial convective




The first requisite in performing human calorimetry is the development

of a measuring system capable of continuously monitoring those parameters

needed to obtain the calorimetric picture with a reasonable degree of accuracy

and reliability. We have over a period of several years designed and refined

such a measuring system, which is specific to the generation of physiologically

derived analog signals proportioned to produce the pertinent data in manageable

form. This system is presented in Figure 1 as a block diagram showing the

major components of our suit calorimeter and their interrrelationships.

Figure 2 is a second block diagram showing an abbreviated system which was

used only in the nude man partitional calorimetry. These components--that is,

the water cooled suit and associated insulating garments, major control instru-

ments, monitoring equipment, and the environmental chamber--are described

in this section, and an estimation of the total system performance is given.

Indirect Calorimetry

The respiratory gas exchange was monitored continuously for oxygen

consumption and carbon dioxide production. This was accomplished by using

our Metabolic Rate Monitor, or MRM (13) for measuring oxygen consumption,

and a Beckman LB-1, Model 15-A infrared carbon dioxide analyzer for

carbon dioxide production.

Due to the requirement for CO2 analysis, the MRM was modified to

operate with a fixed ventilation rate of 85 liters/min. A fixed volume flow was

necessary to eliminate the possibility of servo tracking errors in the mixed

gas sample used for CO2 analysis. The full-scale range of the MRM in this

mode of operation was limited to a maximum of 1 liter/min, or approximately


twice our expected level of operation. The subject's respiratory exchange

was from the volume of gas that passed over his face, similar to the operation

of a standard MRM. The oxygen sensor, located downstream from the man,

detected the depression in P0 2 from that of room air caused by the subject

and produced an electrical signal that was scaled to be proportional to oxygen

consumption (1 VDC = i liter/min) in standard liters per minute. This analog

signal was then used as an input to a totallizer-integrator (to be described

later in this section) for the purpose of obtaining a total of the oxygen consumed

for a predetermined period.

The analog of carbon dioxide production was obtained by continuously

sampling the MRM ventilation volume for the percentage of carbon dioxide.

The gas was sampled by pumping approximately 200 mi/min through the

Beckman LB-1 analyzer; thereby the increases in carbon dioxide content

could be detected, thus generating an electrical signal proportional to the

percentage of CO 2 . This signal was scaled (1 VDC = 1 liter/min) and used

as the input to a second totallizer-integrator for the purpose of totallizing

carbon dioxide production for a predetermined time period. As a validation,

the analyzer was calibrated using standard calibrating gases (±0.2%) prior

to a total system calibration.

The system calibrations of the MRM and LB-1 employed our standard

dilution technique, where a second gas, usually nitrogen, is metered into a

fixed ventilation volume, and in the case of oxygen, depresses the P0 2 and

simulates a man consuming oxygen. Using this technique, nitrogen was intro-

duced to calibrate the MRM and C02 was introduced for the calibration of the

LB-1. The CO 2 calibration also provided a calibration check on the oxygen

consumption response. This technique has a combined accuracy and repeata-

bility of ± 10 ml, based on the measurement of the dilution volumes. When


Vo 2


Vo2, 'VCo2, Hw


Aco2 Txx











Figure 1. The block diagram shows the interrelationships of thecomponents of the suit calorimeter system used in theexperiments. Symbols are explained in the text.






L _ _1






Figure 2. During the nude quiet day experiments, the system components

were modified as depicted in this block diagram.


operated in the.fixed flow mode, the MRM has a predicted random error in

the indicated oxygen consumption of ±3%, whereas the combined inherent

random error of the LB-I is ± 1.5%. Based on repeated calibrations of our

analysis system, the estimated accuracy and repeatability of the indicated

oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production levels was ±3%.

Direct Calorimetry

Water Cooling Garment.--Probably the most important component of

the suit calorimeter is the water cooling garment. Since good fit is important

and the subjects were very different in size, two individually tailored but

otherwise similar garments were constructed especially for this project.

After starting with commercially purchased dance leotards fabricated of

lightweight stretch nylon, we completed the full coverage garments by adding

gauntlets, stockings, and a head-shaped cap of similar material. To the

inner surface of the full garments a selected number of small silicone rubber

tubes (0.13 cm ID x 0.29 cmOD, JaBar Silicone Corp.) of known length were

sewn. ExcpI for rtention threads, +thei tubes were bare; they were Mani-

folded in groups of six to form five thermal compartments. The same total

number and length of tubes was used in both suits despite the difference in

sizes. This was accomplished by varying the space between tubes and by

making the course of a given tube more or less tortuous. The five individual

compartments were: head, upper torso, arms, hips, and legs. Flow direction

over the limbs was from distal to proximal. Tube density was proportioned

to approximate the underlying muscle mass. The larger distribution tubes

(0.47 cm ID x 0.79 cm OD) were made of polyvinyl chloride (Tygon, Norton Co.)

and were grouped for attachment to their respective inlet or outlet main

manifolds, which wcrcr located over the V wearer's lower abdominal area.

All of the flow in and out of the WCG's passed through these manifolds.


Within each were positioned three matched thermistor beads (Yellow Springs

Instrument Co.) which sensed the inlet and outlet water temperatures

(Twi and Two respectively).

Each WCG was equipped with a full length torso front zipper and limb

zippers for ease of donning. Sixteen small disk thermistors (Y. S. I. #425)

which sensed skin temperature were attached to the inner surface of each WCG.

The individual thermistors were located so that Tsk was area weighted. Also

they were spaced midway between the small tubes to prevent undue direct cooling.

The distribution tubes were positioned to limit countercurrent heat exchange,

hence improving the effectiveness of the WCG. The completed garments

contained approximately 140 cc of water and weighed an average of 3.4 kg

with complete instrumentation. The subjects found these WCG t s extremely

comfortable to wear. The average flow rate used throughout all experiments

was 1.5 liters/min. Some specifications for the garments are given in Table 3.

Insulative clothing assembly. -- To limit thermal exchange between the

man-WCG complex and the environmental chamber in the suit calorimeter

experiments, an insulative clothing assembly was worn. The clothing layers

from the WCG outward were: 1) two-piece flocked cotton athletic warm-up

suit; 2) heavy woolen socks; 3) two-piece down-filled survival (Arctic) suit;

4) down-filled booties; 5) down-filled hood; 6) sheepskin shearling gloves.

All of the body garments were closed with drawstrings, elastic, knitted cuffs,

or Velcro closures to prevent air movement in and out of the clothing during

subject activity. Since the assembly did not include a water impermeable

layer, evaporative losses were allowed to continue normally. The entire

assembly weighed 3.3 kg and any moisture trapped in the layers during the

course of an eperiment was not detected as a weight change. The complete


Table 3.

Descriptive Data for the WCG's Used in This Study

Cooling tubes* Distribution tubes Total WCG

leng. total small WCG large WCG flow propor-

No. tube leng. vol. leng. vol. leng. vol. tionCom- (m) (m) (cc) (m) (cc) (m) (cc) % of totalpartment

head** 12 0.5 6.0 12.7 3.2 60.7 3.2 60.7 23.3

arms 12 1.0 12.0 25.5 3.2 57.1 3.5 61.6 17.5

upperupper 12 1.0 12.0 25.5 1.7 29.3 1.6 27.8 14.4torso

hips 12 1.0 12.0 25.5 1.1 17.7 1.4 24.3 19.2

legs 24 1.0 24.0 50.i 3.5 61.9 3.4 59.2 25.7

The values were the same 'for both WCG's.

The same head cooler was used with both WCG's.


suit calorimeter system, including the MRM mask and motor-blower,

added approximately 7.5 kg to the subject's nude weight.

H w computer. -- Specific to generating an electrical analog of the heat

being removed by the water cooled suit was the measurement of the mass flow

of water through the suit and the temperature difference between the inlet and

the outlet water temperatures. This was performed by a special Hw computer.

The mass flow rate was continuously measured with a turbine flowmeter

(Milliflow model FTM-10-LB, Flow Technology, Inc.), which produced a linear

pulse output over a flow range of 0.5-3.5 liters/min. The accuracy and repeat-

ability was established at ±0.7%, based on timed collections and volumetric

measurements. Temperatures were measured at the main suit manifolds,

which were specifically designed to provide good mixing, using a selected

pair of thermistors (Y. S. I. type #44003) matched to within ±0.020 C. These

thermistors were used as the two active elements of a bridge circuit, the

output of which was an electrical analog of the difference between Two and

Twi, and scaled to produce 1 VDC for each 'C differential. The responses

of the two thermistor probes were electrically phased to reduce the effects

of the suit water circulation time. The electrical output from the bridge

circuit and the flowmeter were then multiplied by an analog circuit

(Equation 1), the output being Hw, where 1 VDC was equal to 1 kcal/min.

This was then used to drive a third totallizer-integrator for totallizing the Hw

for discrete time periods. The Hw computer was calibrated by substituting

precision decade resistors for the matched thermistors and simulating temper-

ature differences over the 0 to 100 C delta while the flowmeter was in operation,

normally at 1.5 liters/min. The output was then calibrated to yield the correct

electrical analog. Tests of the Hw computer with the suit assembly resulted in

a random error of ± 1.5% (7).


Water loop controller. -- Control of the inlet water temperature was

achieved using a proportional setpoint controller (7). The water temperature

was maintained with a pair of servo controlled bypass valves which allowed

a variable fraction of the water from thesuit to be cooled in a 50C water-to-

water heat exchanger, then re-mixed with the uncooled part and returned to the

suit. The water-to-water heat exchanger has a continuous cooling capacity of

12 kcals/min and a peak cooling rate of approximately 16 kcals/min. The 5°C

heat exchanger (PCC-34C, Blue M Corporation) was automatically controlled

to maintain its setpoint temperature.

Water was circulated through the suit and the temperature control

elements by a pump (Gelber, Model 12-41-303) driven by a universal electric

motor and coupled magnetically to the pumphead. The power to the motor

was regulated by a constant current source. Absolute constancy of the flow

rate was not required, since it was continuously measured by the flowmeter

described earlier.

Data Recording System

The physiological parameters that were continuously monitored were

reduced to digital form and printed automatically on a standard electric type-

writer modified to interface with our data conversion system. The data con-

version system is comprised of four basic sub-systems: the data printer, the

32-point multiplexer, the data control system, and the totallizer-integrators.

The data printer (typewriter) has solenoid actuated keys that are made

to function by the data control system, which controls the sequencing of all

data inputs, timing, and clock functions. Interfaced to this system is the3 2 -point multiplexer which selects all data inputs and controls the fields


on the printout format. The multiplexer is designed to connect thermistors

(series 400, Y. S. I.) to an automatic bridge circuit with an accuracy of ±. 1C,

which generates an analog of the temperature being monitored. This analog is

converted to digital form and displayed on a digital voltmeter (Weston #1292)

held and printed in sequence. A secondary data capability is the input of the

totallizer-integrator to the data control system in digital form.

The totallizer-integrator (Acromag #1320, Acromag, Inc.) accepts an

analog DC input signal and produces output pulses at a rate proportional to

the input signal. These pulses are counted on an event counter (Newport model

6200) to produce the integral of the input signal versus time. We have calibrated

our system to produce one pulse for each 10 ml of oxygen consumption, and one

pulse for each 10 small calories of heat removal (hw). They are provided with

zero suppression to prevent noise from being totallized. The resulting accuracy

of these units was determined to be ±.5%.

Bicycle Ergometer

When there was an external work component, a modified Monark

bicycle ergometer was used to produce a continuous analog of the work

component. The modification consisted of the removal of the mechanical

brake (belt) and weighted pendulum from the large wheel. The brake was

then replaced with a generator (Bosch LJ/REG. 180/6/2500L3) with a belt

drive system attached to the rim of the large wheel. A constant current

source was applied to the generator stator and the generator output loaded

with a 1 ohm 50 watt reostat, which was adjusted to provide an analog of a

50 watt load. The bicycle ergometer was then calibrated, using a subject

as the prime mover, and the wattage output of the generator calibrated to


the metabolic activity, using Astrand's calibration procedure (14). The

analog of the wattage was scaled so that 1 VDC was equal to 1 kcal/min

(69.767 watts). This analog was recorded on a Houston model 3000

analog recorder. The estimated repeatability of this calibration technique

was ± 1.5% of the indicated wattage.

Cardiotachometer System

The subject's heart rate was monitored continuously using a Biolink

telemetry system (#368, Biocom, Inc.) and displayed on a Biotachometer

(#4710, Biocom, Inc.).

Weights and Measures

The subject's liquid intake (food) and output (urine) were weighed on

a small 50-lb platform beam scale (model 51TX, Homs) located outside the

chamber. A Fairbanks model 5962 platform balance was located in the chamber

and used to measure the subject's weight. The combined accuracy of the

weighing system was evaluated to be ± 5 gms.

Environmental Chamber

Our environmental chamber is a semi-closed system with inside

dimensions of 2.4m x 2.6m x 2.5m; it has two large windows. The air

circuit is designed to allow new air from the outside environment to be

introduced at a rate of 500 liters/min to reduce the effects of CO 2 buildup;

the mean velocity of the recirculating air is maintained at approximately

35 fpm. Inside temperatures are controlled to within ±0. 10C of the setpoint,

using proportional control techniques. We routinely measured wet bulb (Twh)

and dry bulb (Tdb) temperatures of the chamber air, and three wall tempera-

tures (Tw)--low, mid, and high.


Special Equipment for Nude Man Calorimetry

Figure 2 shows the abbreviated system used for nude man calorimetry.

The obvious components of the total system not included in this diagram are

those related directly to the suit calorimeter, with the exception of the air

velocity monitor (Hastings Precision Air Meter, model B-72), which was

used to determine the velocity profile around the nude man and for estimating

the combined heat losses to the chamber environment during calorimetry.

System Performance Analysis

The performance of the total system was considered with respect to

probable sources of error in the major components. Each component of the

system was analyzed separately, as stated in their descriptions, to determine

whether the probable system error was consistent with the objectives of the

experiments. This consisted of a tabulation of all known sources of error

represented by adjustment and calibration errors, approximations, and

input-output data errors.

In general, random errors are not additive; therefore, using the

square root of the sum of the squares of the individual errors plus the

refinement of cross-correlation functions, the probable error of the system

performance was estimated, using Equation 9:

l (Ael1+ (Ae2)+ (Ae3) 2 ++ (Aen)2 + A12AelZe 2 ++ AlnAelAenprobable 4

Allowing for the peak magnitude of the individual random errors for each sub-

system, the probable error in the total system performance was found to be




The presentation of the data obtainedin the eight experiments that

comprised this study is divided into two major sections. First we shall

examine the results of the full 24-hour day in terms of the components of

the heat balance equation and associated metabolic aspects. Second, an

analysis of the effects of the four different test routines and the resultant

effects upon circadian rhythms in heat production, thermoregulation, and

body temperature will be presented. The primary time block examined will

be one hour. Because of the limited number of experiments and lack of

repetitions, combined average response data are not given. The effect of

subject variability upon the patterns observed will be discussed. The great

number of data points obtained and the variety of measurements made

make statistical analysis very tempting; however, we have attempted to

avoid this by presenting data in its simplest forms. Rigorous mathematical

analysis of the periodic or cyclic phenomena observed is not warranted.

24-Hour Totals

In the analysis of the full 24-hour measurement day totals, the first

question asked was: did we obtain heat balances in our experiments; were there

matches or mismatches in calculated heat production and heat dissipation?

Was there a storage (S) change in any of the runs? Historically, except for

one questionable experiment, we had always seen balances over 24-hour

periods when a very similar suit calorimeter was used (7). The answer to

these queries is that we did not have balances in all of the experiments in

this series.


Since there was no balance, we jumped to the conclusion that there

must be some error in our measurement systems. Either the direct or the

indirect calorimetry must be high or low. However, our post-experiment

analysis could uncover no errors that were out of line with the quoted system

error. Some hidden equipment malfunction that went undetected during an

experiment was ruled out, since an experiment that did not balance as expected

often was followed by one that did. Because of the automation in data handling,

we usually had an idea whether a heat balance was going to be achieved before

an experiment was completed. Using this foreknowledge, a particularly

thorough effort was made to check measurement systems immediately after

each run. Sometimes minor problems were uncovered, but if they meant

changes in caloric values, the corrections have been included in the final data

presented here. Mistakes in arithmetic were also found and corrected, but

still the mis-matches remained. Was there some logic to the pattern in mis-

matches? Answer: yes, there did seem to be. The possible explanations

and ramifications of this apparent paradox are reserved for the discussion

section of the report. Let us proceed to look at the data.

The 24-hour totals for the individual components of the heat balance

equation for the eight experiments are presented in Table 4. The data are

arranged according to experiment type and listed for each subject. The data

are again presented in histographic form in Figure 3. As is apparent from

both the table and the graph, reasonable heat balances were achieved in both

subjects in the quiet day runs. The 3.3% difference in direct versus indirect

calorimetry in subject SAL may largely be accounted for by the predicted

system error. The storage for the nude quiet day tests, as has been mentioned,

was assumed to be zero. Except for the insignificant difference in the quiet

day run on subject SJT, the storage changes in the suited experiments were.

always positive (increase in body heat content). The magnitude of the storage





26 - E

, 24 E 38

3 22 - * H

S20 -(62) 292

18 M * E E

2 16 E-E

t 14 M M MH.w

8 H wC&R ,


Figure 3. Heat production for 24 hours (M) is compared by this bar graphwith all the heat losses (Hw or R + C, Crf + Hlf, and E) for eachof four experiments for the two subjects. If the heat loss bardoes not reach as high as the heat production bar, a shaded area

is a1Win WII Inuin Lca.i valuc for t size of the mimatcnh,

in kcals.


S.J.T. S.A.L. I00


80 80 soo R+C R+C

o70 700 60 60

S50 50

10 10

Crf+ Hf


Figure 4. The individual heat loss pathways and their totals are plotted

as percentages of M to demonstrate how the subjects lost body

heat in the various experiments. Heat not accounted for isshown as apparent storage.


Table 4.

Summary of Calorimetric Measurements--24-hour Totals

% diff.Expt. Subj. start- HE 1 2 Crf _H w C+R EH M W M-W S Sxi00

Sx 100type initials end hr. kcal kcal kcal kcal kcal kcal kcal kcal kcal kcal m-w

nude SAL 08-08 601 -28 764 ---- 2185 2890 2889 --- 2889 +1 ---quiet SJT 08-08 499 - 7 86 --- 1817 2409 2411 --- 2411 ---

quiet SAL 10-10 521 -29 86 1179 --- 1815 1877 --- 1877 +62 3.3day SJT 08-08 448 +13 86 1561 --- 2082 2081 --- 2081 -1 0.05

stay SAL 10-10 410 -36 86 1298 --- 1830 2122 --- 2122 +292 13.8awake SJT 08-08 645 +16 86 1521 --- 2236 2621 --- 2621 +385 14.7

Fixed SAL 08-08 694 +43 86 2030 --- 2763 3433 3255 3108 +345 11.1metab- SJT 09-09 975 -17 86 1729 --- 2807 4169 384 3785 +978 25.8olism

1. Includes correction for C02-0 2 differences.2. (-) = heat loss; (+) = heat gain from liquid-food intake.3. Convective respiratory and facial heat loss to MRM air flow.4. MRM fixed flow = 75 1pm, flow = 85 Ipm for other experiments.5. Estimation based upon measured value for other subject.

Table 5.

Summary of Respiratory Gas Exchange, Fluid Balance, and Food Balance Data

24-Hour Totals

mCO2 liquid urine H2 0 3 food fuelExpt. Subj. V 2 mO2 mCO2 RER -m021 intake H20 2 output balance intake deficit 4

type initials liters liters gmins gms avg. gms gmins gms gms ±gms kcal kcal

nude SAL 590 499 843 977 .84 144 1638 359 1311 -350 1124 1765quiet SJT 488 470 638 921 .96 223 2730 308 3242 -1065 923 1488

quiet SAL 382 349 546 683 .91 137 1116 233 1669 -1218 543 1334day SJT 431 356 616 697 .83 81 2227 249 2531 -827 443 1638

stay SAL 443 346 634 677 .79 43 1143 251 1537 -850 459 1663awake SJT 546 442 780 866 .81 86 3338 313 3175 -636 716 1905

fixedfixmetab- SAL 729 508 1042 996 .70 -46 2953 366 3106 -984 988 2445metab- SJT 862 714 1233 1400 .83 167 3610 503 3755 -1322 1147 3022olism

1. Value used to adjust evaporative loss (HE).2. CHO/fat mixture from RER, protein metabolism based on estimated daily urine urea nitrogen.3. Includes corrected HE losses.4. Deficit = M - If.

had a direct relationship with the magnitude of M--that is, the large AS

occurred when the subjects had no sleep and/or worked continuously for

the day. More about this later.

Except for the presence or absence of the suit calorimeter, the pro-

tocol for the nude and suited quiet day experiments was very similar.

Therefore the depression in M during the suited experiments (shown in the

Figure) probably is significant, since the differences are larger than would

be expected from day to day variation. We feel that the sedating effect must

be associated with the suit calorimeter. The actual reductions amounted to

14% and 35% for subjects SJT and SAL respectively; for subject SAL, M during

the stay awake day in the calorimeter is even lower than during the nude quiet


The external work (W) in the fixed metabolism experiments amounted

to approximately 10% of the total M. The values for subject SJT were measured,

while for SAL they were estimated from V0 2 level, body weight, and the value

measured for the other subject.

When the heat loss pathway quantities are presented as a percentage

of total M, as depicted in Figure 4, the relationship of "apparent" storage

with heat production is obvious. The pathway percentages are plotted

individually (except for Crf and Hlf), not cumulatively. The values for Crf

and Hlf and HE are very similar for both subjects in all of the experiments

and represent approximately 4% and 22% of the total heat loss (EH) respec-

tively. For subject SJT, the R + C loss of the nude quiet day is exactly the

same percentage as the Hw in the quiet day. Since evaporative loss was

permitted in the calorimeter, perhaps this is not surprising. Comparing the

same two experiments for subject SAL, it appears as if the reduction in Hw

in the quiet run is accounted for by the HE and the S.


The 24-hour totals for the respiratory gas exchange and for fluid-

fuel balance data are presented in Table 5. The average RER values ranged

from .70 to .96, with the lower individual run values tending to occur during

the more active days. The type of response may be predicted under the cir-

cumstances of the tests. In all cases except one (fixed metabolism, SAL),the

mCO2 expired exceeded the m0 2 consumed. Using standard calculating

methods, it is easily seen that when RER is less than .73, the weight of 02

consumed will exceed the weight of CO 2 produced. The CO2-02 weight

differences are reflected in the HE values given in Table 4.

Subject fluid balances were always negative for the 24-hour period.

The values ranged from (-)350 gms to (-)1322 gms. Urine output was perhaps

somewhat elevated even during the nude quiet day experiments, particularly

for subject SJT. Some of the increase may have been due to the diuretic

effect of the coffee and/or cocoa consumed by the subjects. Metabolic water

(H2OM) production was in part estimated since the actual protein breakdown

was unknown. However, using subject mass and activity level adjustments

for 24-hour normals in urine urea nitrogen excretion, a small amount of

H20 M was included in the total as .having*come from protein sources.

The fluid balance data is presented graphically in Figure 5. As can be seen

in the figure, the liquid intake on the average nearly equalled the urine output

alone. The deficit is shown as the shaded area in the figure.

In none of the experiments did the food calorie intake keep pace with

the metabolic demand. The fuel deficits are also given in Table 5. On the

average, approximately 30%0 of the energy demand was supplied from body

fuel stores. In two runs more than 2400 kcal deficits were incurred. At the

rate of 9.3 kcals/gm of fat, nearly 120 gms of fat breakdown may have occurred.




45- E

S40-E M

0 E E: 35",

*4 30-- M3 0 H20 MOE


cn 25

: 200 15 E Ou E O If[. ', oO

15 \ I I'If M

10 f Ou Ou - 0,5 If i u


Figure 5. The fluid intake never did equal the fluid output over 24 hours.The deficit for each experiment is shown as the shaded area.H20M is metabolic water, if is liquid intake, Ou is urine output,and E is evaporative water loss.


Most of the deficit supply apparently did come from fat, since a good correla-

tion between RER lowering and fuel deficit was shown in the data. This effect

can be seen in Figure 6. The one exception (fixed metabolism, SJT) may have

resulted from a better carbohydrate reserve status at the beginning of the


The three principal body temperatures measured--Tre, Tac, and Tsk--

never were very different at the beginning and at the end of an experiment.

The values obtained are given in Table 6. The variation in Tre throughout

the day will be presented in later graphs, but hourly values for Tac and Tsk

will not be presented.. Generally the Tac's followed nicely the Tre in magni-

tude of change and pattern across the day. As would be expected, the response

time of Tac is shorter than that for Tre, and Tac usually ran approximately

0.1-0.20 C below Tre. Mean skin temperatures always ranged between 32 and

35 0 C in both suited and nude runs. Because skin temperatures are extremely

sensitive to environmental factors, it is doubtful if meaningful circadian

patterns are discernable in these experiments. The use of proportionality

equations in calculating Tb and the prediction of changes in S therefrom has

already been discussed. The changes in S based upon Tb changes across

the 24-hour period are also given in Table 6. The calculated values range

from +0.6 to +56.5 kcals for all eight runs. The range results from the use

of the.minimum and maximum weighting coefficients normally quoted in the

literature (see Table 6). The S obtained in this fashion has not been used to

"correct" the S values presented in this report, which are obtained calori-

metrically and are very much larger in several cases. Although the relatively

long test period may justify the use of aZTb, our general distrust of the

quantitative accuracy of this technique will not permit its use as a




.79 .70 1.83 .83





30 - 1.030

S20 - 20-J

S15 -- 15LiU-

5 1 -55



Figure 6. The caloric value of the food ingested over 24 hours did notequal the energy expenditure. The fuel deficit (bottom)generally shows an indirect relationship with the averageRER (top) obtained in each experiment.


Table 6.

Experiment Start-End Body Temperatures

and Estimation of S from Tb

Expt. Subj. Tre Tac Ts Stype initials start end start end start end estimated range

°C 0C C ;C oC oC kcal

nude SAL 36.6 36.6 36.2 36.2 33.4 34.0 +3.2 - +10.7

quiet SJT 36.2 36.6 36.2 36.4 33.2 33.4 +0.6 - +14.7

quiet SAL 36.8 36.8 36.1 36.4 33.2 33.6 +7.1 - +9.4

day SJT 36.7 37.3 36.8 37.3 32.5 33.5 +45.9 - +56.5

stay SAL 37.1 37.3 37.0 37.1 33.8 34.1 +8.9 - +12.5awake SJT 37.3 37.3 37.2 37.2 34.0 33.7 -2.3 - -7.6

fixed SAL 37.0 37.5 36.9 36.5 33.5 33.5 +4.9 - +18.0metab- SJT 27.1 37.7 37.0 37.6 33.4 33.0 +20.8 - +38.6olism

Estimation of storage (S) range based upon following relationships:

Tb = 0.67 Tre + 0.33 T s

Tb = (0.90 Tre2 Tac ) + 0.10 Ts

S= ATb X m x C


Effects of the Suit Calorimeter

One of the objectives of this study was to determine what effect, if

any, the WCG (or the control of the WCG) has on metabolic cycles. In order

to determine the answer to that question one must examine the interrelation-

ships of metabolism, thermoregulation, and body temperature obtained for

the nude quiet and the quiet day runs. The comparative plots for the hourly

values of EH, M, and Tre for the two subjects are presented in Figures 7

and 8. The most clear effect noticed by examing the figures is that M was

lower for both subjects when the WCG was worn. As previously stated, the

percentage reduction amounts to 35% and 14% for subjects SAL and SJT

respectively. The reduction is most evident during the non-sleeping hours

of the day. In sleep the M differences are not large; however, the heat loss

(EH) remains high in the nude quiet runs. Body temperature as represented

by Tre appears to reflect the increased M when one is nude even though the

heat loss is increased in proportion to M. As already noted, the 24-hour

total M for the stay awake run for subject SAL was lower than his nude run,

even though he had no sleep. Perhaps the chamber was somewhat cool for

this man, hence an increased activity level was stimulated by the desire for

warmth. The subject reported no shivering; however, some 02 demand

may have resulted from increased muscle tension. This subject has rather

a low amount of subcutaneous fat insulaLion.

In addition to the general effect of the WCG on lowering M, the suit

calorimeter tended to reduce diurnal random fluctuations in both M and EH.

In other words, the WCG smooths the hunting aspects in both metabolism and

thermoregulation. The slowly responding Tre is not affected;the WCG has

no effect on its circadian pattern. The midday and midnight peaks in IVI

exhibited by subject SAL (Figure 8) during the suit run may be buried in the

elevated M during the nude experiment. The midnight peak in M is also present

in subject SJT on both nude and suited days.


38Tre- (-*-)

o 370 Tc-(o-



140 /

1 \ /-- ' -- .. I

o H

1 80"*' I \ /-


tion (EH), and body temperature from rectal (Tre) or ear canal

and the suited quiet (solid line) days for subject SJT. The individual



08 12 16 20 24 04 08TIME of DAY

Figure 7. The circadian variations in heat production (M), thermoregula-tion (XH), and body temperature from rectal (Tre) or ear canal(Tac) temperature, compared for the nude quiet (dashed line)and the suited quiet (solid line) days for subject SJT. The individualpoints represent the total M and EH, or the average temperaturefor the preceding hour.


Tre -(-. ."_

T2 MI \

37 --------


160 t

140 - /:/, -! M

120 .

1.: 100

80 -





80 ..... /



08 12 16 20 24 04 0


Figure 8. The same as Figure 7, p. 43, but for subject SAL.


One hypothesis that occurs to us is that the properly controlled WCG

represents an ideal means for the body to lose heat produced without an

energy cost to the process. That is, the amount of energy which would typically

be required by the nude man to operate his thermoregulatory mechanisms is not

needed when he is wearing the WCG.

Effects of Sleep

In order to determine the effect of sleep on the three metabolic indicators

of choice (M, EH, and Tre), we can compare the results obtained in the quiet

day and the stay awake tests. The hourly value plots for the 24-hour measure-

ment periods are given in Figures 9 and 10. for subject SJT and subject SAL

respectively. The first and most obvious influence on metabolic patterns

induced by sleeplessness is the elevated M and EH during the night of the

stay awake experiments. It is interesting, however, that although the stay

awake nighttime M is elevated compared to quiet day sleeping, it is neverthe-

less somewhat lower than the daytime average for subject SJT and higher than

the daytime average for subject SAL. The higher daytime M for subject SJT

probably resulted from forced alertness and activity maintained by this sub-

ject with the knowledge that he must not sleep. His natural tendency for

nighttime alertness may have permitted a degree of relaxation not permitted

earlier in the day.

The normal depression of Tre from 2400 to 0400 hours is obviously

lessened by lack of sleep in the stay awake experiments. Tre drops during

the sleeping portion of the quiet day (2400-0400 hours) were 0.4 0 C and 1.0 0 C for

subject SJT and SAL respectively. With no sleep, the Tre drops for the same

period were only 0.1 0 C and 0.3 0 C. It appears as if the circadian pattern

described by Tre is, at least in part, a product of the interplay of M and DH.

Also, Tre tends to follow reversals in magnitudes of M and EH rather



S3 .-.

Tac-( .- ) Tre-(-*-),



" 808 1 6 0 2

I A0




LH I120




08 12 16 20 24 04 08


Figure 9. The effects of staying awake (dashed line) upon heat production,thermoregulation, and body temperature when compared to thequiet day (solid line) in the suit calorimeter, for subject SJT.Symbols are as in Figures 7 and 8.


38To c - (-o0)

o 37

54% -140



76 80


08 - - /'

08 12 16 20 24 04 08


Figure 10. The same as Figure 9, p. 46, but for subject SAL.


faithfully, but its magnitude of change does not relate reliably to the magni-

tudes of changes in M and EH. Tre, therefore, is not a particularly accurate

indicator of body heat content. In this set of experiments,rates of change in

either M or EH seem to dictate Tre change, with slower rates of change showing

little or no effect on Tre. Again referring to figures 9 and 10, it will be seen

that over the same time period (2400-0400), when the subjects had no sleep,

the hourly total heat production exceeds heat loss in all but one hour, even

though Tre does decrease slightly. The pre-bedtime jump in M and EH

observed for both subjects during the quiet day was missing when no sleep

was allowed.

Hypotheses based upon two experiments are indeed tenuous.. However,

doing just that, we hypothesize that circadian patterns in both thermoregulation

and body temperature appear to be largely manifestations of activity level.

Interestingly, Tre defies this conclusion because Tre actually dips during

the sleepless nights even though hourly storage values were almost always


Effects of Fixed M

By holding M fixed for 24 hours continuously and comparing the impact

of this maneuver with a normal quiet day, one may draw conclusions about

the effect of heat production on cycles in heat loss and body temperature.

Such a comparison is given in Figures 11 and 12 for subject SJT and SAL


The first impression obtained by looking at the data is that, despite

the fixed M, the EH and Tre continue to show a normal diurnal pattern, being

elevated only enough to account for the increased heat production. Although


STre -(--)38

- -e -o- -0- - -0- - C

o .-

37 Tac-(-O)



140 M

1 20




140TH I


1 00 . . ""



08 12 16 20 24 04 08


Figure 11. The effects of fixed M (dashed lines) upon thermoregulationand body temperature, compared to the quiet (solid line) dayfor subject SJT. Symbols are as in preceding four figures.


T re- -38-

37- -/ ---



10 30




i40' .\ H - -H

1 1120 -0 v

008o -- --- ;711F -- I-"



08 12 16 20 24 04 08


Figure 12. The same as Figure 11, p. 49, but for subject SAL.


EH tends to increase gradually throughout most of the day, it does not keep

pace with heat production. In fact, in one subject (SAL), the EH follows an

elevated but typical nighttime pattern. This picture is also true for this

subject t s Tre. All of this in the face of an apparently increasing heat storage.

The other subject, SJT, shows a rather large atypical jump in nighttime EH,

although it starts to decline prior to the 0900 end of the experiment. Unfortunately,

this subject (SJT) shows a very flat Tre circadian pattern in all of his runs.

Certainly in both men there is no indication in either EH or Tre of the ever

increasing heat storage that is apparent from the data. Obviously, cooling

potential was available to the men via the WCG. With an average AT between

Tsk and Tw of 4 0C, the WCG, in our experience, was capable of removing at

least 1.5 times the highest measured heat production rate. The overnight heat

production during the fixed metabolism day averaged 2.6 times that for the

sleeping portion of the quiet day for both subjects. The EH over the same

period does not keep pace, and averages only 1.7 times the sleep heat loss

rates. Meanwhile the Tre differences at night are not significantly increased

over the daytime differences between the fixed metabolism and the quiet days.

The somewhat random diurnal fluctuations in thermoregulation continued

even though heat production was very constant. Since the WCG parameters

were also stable (Twi and rh), the fluctuations in EH during the fixed metabolism

experiments were not forced. The body's thermoregulatory mechanisms

appear to retain heat or dump heat independently from S changes. Similarly,

Tre may reflect S changes, particularly if the rate of change is relatively

high, but continues to follow an offset circadian rhythm even though body heat

content (S) is ever increasing. This response is not strikingly obvious; however,

the reader may judge for himself by studying Figures 13 and 14 in which Tre

versus S values are plotted hourly for subject SJT and SAL respectively.


80 - _FIXED M

80" -- 0

40 -

0 -4o co4


40 /.../\ '0o.5



- ".,. . . S.

.-. ----.---- s ' .



40-40I -.-----

0 4 8 12 16 20 24


Figure 13. This graph compares the hourly changes in Tre (dashed line)and storage (S), (solid line), for subject SJT in the four differentexperiment routines. Note that the S values are not cumulative.Tre may follow the direction of S, hour by hour, but it does notrise steadily in those long periods when S is continually positive'and thus accumulates to a high storage level.



0 V


-- ,% ,.S" STAY AWAKE

o 40 / " '


w --40

- I .- -. 5. o

4- ... QUIET

840 2 620 2




-40 -0 4 8 12 16 20 24


Figure 14. The same as Figure 13, p. 52, but for subject SAL.


Summary of Results

In summary, the following basic findings were made in this study:

1. An energy imbalance results when subjects remain awake or work

continuously for 24 hours.

2. The amount of the imbalance appears to be directly related to activity

level as well as to fuel intake deficits.

3. Body temperature, as indicated by Tre and Tac, does not reflect

these imbalances.

4. The WCG tends to lower metabolism and smooth thermoregulatory

fluctuations without destroying circadian patterns. It is possible that

the WCG may lower metabolism by reducing the energy cost of


.5 .ta-in awake endz ± dm ILIa g ilmUaiude of iiocurnal change in

metabolism, thermoregulation, and body temperature without

obliterating circadian rhythms.

6. When metabolism is elevated and fixed for a complete day, circadian

variations in thermoregulatory responses and body temperature

continue to be faintly visible.



One purpose of the study was to see whether wearing the water

cooled garment as a calorimeter alters the normal responses of a subject

in some way. The answer seems to be yes. Both subjects in this study were

quieter, metabolically, wearing the suit than without it. This was shown in

Figures 7 and 8, in which both metabolic level and heat loss level were lower

and less variable in the quiet day (in the suit) than during the nude quiet day.

Along the same lines, in an earlier study (7) the same quiet day (in the suit)

procedure on two different men had shown that their heat production and heat

loss levels were phenomenally low--a daily metabolic turnover of only 1440 kcals.

Another purpose was to verify that the circadian cycles in M, EH, and

Tre that had been seen in the earlier study (8) would be found in the two new

subjects of the present study. They were, even though certain individualities

are evident, like the low variability of SJTts Tre curve.

The part of this study that was meant to modify circadian cycles of M,

EH, and Tre seemed to show that changing activity patterns--sleepless nights,

or continual work--not only produced the obligatory changes in M, but modified

EH and Tre patterns as well. When the subjects stayed awake for 24 hours,

the usual nocturnal fall in M was lessened, and the corresponding falls in EH

and Tre were much reduced, although not eliminated. Thus it seems fair to

say that activity is the important driver of these circadian rhythms, or,

conversely, that circadian cycles in EH and Tre are largely determined by

man's usual pattern of high M during the day and low M at night.


So much for what we set out to show experimentally. As always,

however, something unexpected occurred, which is at least as interesting

as the results we expected. This was the observation that although heat

balances were again nearly perfect for the quiet day procedure, they seemed

to be enormously in error in both the stay awake and the fixed metabolism


The imbalance was always in the direction of much more energy

being released from fuel (as evidenced by oxygen consumption and CO 2

production) than could be accounted for as heat loss in the calorimeter.

The first reaction to this was that there must be something wrong with

our methods. We are always critical of our own techniques, and compulsive

about calibrating and recalibrating. A series of searching critiques and re-

checks of equipment failed to provide evidence of measurement error

of any real significance.

Considering that the most likely error in indirect calorimetry might

have been the VO 2 measurement, we back-calculated that the instrument

error would have had to be approximately 140 cc/min or 23.5%. No such

error was found in the post-experiment calibration check. This held true

for all the experiments of the series in which positive energy balances were

obtained. It must also be remembered that both the subjects and the experi-

mentors were experienced in the measurement of V0 2 and the assessment

of exercise levels. Subject SJT normally averages approximately 350 cc/min

VO2 when seated quietly. Judging from the external work measured in his

fixed metabolism experiment, he was well above this level of V' 2 ; certainly

he was very close to the 600 cc/min target value, Why then the large imbal-

ance in some of the experiments? Perhaps instead of error in measurement

there was something wrong with our expectations.


Another explanation was eliminated by the following argument.

If the imbalance were actually heat storage, but our many temperature

sensors somehow were in the wrong places to discover it, then how hot

should the subjects have become? To take the most dramatic case,.

subject SJT in his fixed metabolism run apparently stored 978kcals.

His body weight is 93 kg, so his mean body temperature should have risen

by 978/(93x0.83) = 12.670 C. It is hard to believe either that the skin probes,

rectal probe, and ear canal probe missed detecting such a change, or that

SJT would have been comfortable with a mean body temperature of, let's say,

470 C. The other possibility is that the "heat" was stored in some out-of-the

way corner, some distance from the temperature probes. This idea fails to

convince when numbers are used. Suppose this remote body mass has a high

specific heat--say 1.0, equal to water. And suppose it is as large a mass as

skeletal bone, about 15% of the total mass. In our example of 93 kg SJT and

the 978kcals, his skeletal mass is about 14kg, and its final temperature rise

would have been 978/(14x 1) = 69.860 C. Assuming an average initial tempera-

ture of 36 0 C, his final average skeletal temperature would have had to be

105.860 C. The final temperature would have had to be even higher in any

single organ, like the liver or the spleen.

So if the "storage" is not heat, then what sort of energy imbalance

can we be dealing with? We can only speculate. In general, there are

exothermic and endothermic processes, both in chemical reactions and in

thermodynamic events. Oxidation of fuels releases "free energy," but that

energy does not always have to appear as heat, even after allowing for

external mechanical work. Can the body store significant quantities of

potential energy, such as ATP or other energy-rich material? Our reading

suggests such storage is not large enough to account for what we observed.

Is the classical heat balance equation (Eq. 4, p. 10) good only under certain



After we had erected as many hypotheses as the number of man-hours

we spent arguing (and that was more than a few), our present guess is that the

deficits in caloric intake in our experiments, which roughly correlate with the

imbalances, might be the cause of those imbalances. The idea led us to look

back over our own earlier studies in the days before we called the water cooled

garment a calorimeter. In many previous experiments (4), we had regularly

seen heat production exceed heat loss during 1-hour and 2-hour exercise periods.

Since no food was taken during those experiments, a fuel intake deficit was

present, meaning that fuel from body stores had to be mobilized.

In addition to reviewing our old experiments, we examined early

calorimetry data searching for similar imbalances when subjects were active

during a 24-hour measurement period. Fortunately we were able to obtain a

copy of Atwater and Benedict's respiration calorimeter study, published in 1903

(15). The 55 experiments reported represent a monumental effort involving a

high degree of complexity. When groups of similar experiments were averaged,

good energy balances were obtained. However, in one series of experiments

involving work (bicycle ergometer) and lasting at least 24 hours, where the

diet (largely fat) was also deficient, as was ours, imbalances occurred.

The energy estimated indirectly exceeded that measured directly; hence

energy storage in some form must have occurred. It could not be accounted

for by changes in body temperature. In one case the mis-match amounted

to nearly 670 kcals over 24 hours. Considering the similarities with our stay

awake and fixed metabolism experiments, their results are very interesting.

This hypothesis is easy enough to test. Experiments similar to those

reported here could be carried out, but with food intake carefully matched

to energy expenditure. Also, experiments could be done where food intake


exceeded energy expenditure. In the first case, there should be little or no

imbalance, and in the second, if an imbalance appeared, it should be one

showing greater heat loss than heat production. Such experiments would

do much to enlarge our knowledge of metabolic processes and nutrition.


1. Billingham, John. Heat exchange between man and his environment on

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13. Webb, Paul; and Troutman, Samuel J. , Jr. An instrument for continuousmeasurement of oxygen consumption. J. Appl. Physiol. 28: 867-871, 1970.

14. Astrand, Per-Olof. Work tests with the bicycle ergometer. (pamphlet)Monark-Crescent AB, Varberg, Sweden.

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