Current Events: World Affairs Issue 2014.docx  · Web viewTo attack both South Korea and the U.S....


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Current Events: Junior Scholastic World Affairs 2014 Study Guide

Who is the president of the United States, and how old is he?

Barack Obama, 52

When was he elected a first term? 2009

When was he elected a second term? 2012

What did Obama win praise for, and when? The death of Osama Bin Laden, in 2011

Obama removed most troops from where? Iraq

Obama plans to remove most troops from where and when?

Afghanistan, 2014

When did the Supreme Court uphold Obama’s controversial health-care legislation?

June 2012

What is his health-care legislation known as? Obamacare

When did Senate reject his gun control proposal to require expanded background checks for gun purchases?


At press time Obama agreed to discuss what? A Russian plan in which Syria would destroy its chemical weapons to avert a U.S. military strike.

What sweet food does Obama dislike? ice cream

Where did Obama grow up? Honolulu, Hawaii

Who is the president of Mexico, and how old is he?

Enrique Peña Nieto, 47

When did he get elected? 2012

What party does he belong to? Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)

What is his biggest challenge? the ongoing war against Mexico’s powerful drug cartels

When did a crackdown begin? 2006

because of all the violent crime about how many Mexicans have died?


Although Nieto has recently nabbed ________, big names in the drug world

violence remains a concern.

How is Mexico’s economic future looking? bright

About how many people continue to live in poverty?

53 million

What game is Nieto good at? Chess

Who is the leader of Brazil, and how old is she?

Dilma Rousseff, 65

When did she become president? 2011

What is the population of brazil? 196 million

Who is Dilma Rousseff? The first female president of Brazil

Which country is one of the world’s biggest democracies?


Brazil is the largest economy in what region? Latin America

But what still remains? Millions of people in poverty

When will Brazil host the World Cup? 2014

When will they host the summer Olympics? In 2016

Brazil invested millions of dollars to do….? To build stadiums and improve public transportation

What did this construction create? Thousands of jobs

What do some Brazilians say? More money should be spent on health care and education.

What did Dilma Rousseff do as a teen? Rousseff resisted Brazil’s military dictatorship.

Rousseff was recently named second-most powerful woman on what magazine?

Forbes Magazine

Who was she after? German chancellor, Angela Merkel

Who is David Cameron? Prime minister of the United Kingdom, 43

When did David Cameron become prime minister?


What countries are located in the UK? England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales (also referred as Britain)

U.K. had been hit hard by what? Worldwide recession

When did this begin? 2008

What is the economy showing? Signs of growth, particularly in construction and manufacturing

In 2014, what does Scotland plan to do? Hold a referendum on whether to break away from the U.K.

What does David Cameron think of this? Cameron opposes.

If David Cameron was re-elected in 2015, what would he do?

To hold a vote on whether the U.K. should leave the European Union

What is one bright spot for Britain? The recent birth of Prince George , son of Prince William and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge

Cameron skipped ahead two years of ……? Middle school

When David Cameron became prime minister, what accomplish ment did he make?

He was the youngest prime minister since 1812

Who is Angela Merkel?Age? 59, Germany’s first female chancellor in 2005

What is a chancellor? Equivalent of a prime minister

What happened last month? Germans had to vote to assure Merkel a third four-year term in office

Which economy is the largest in the Europe? Germany

What place is Germany? (in terms of world economy)


What did Angela Merkel play a key role in? To solve Europe’s economic crisis and to hold together the 17 European Union countries that use euro as a currency

How much is one euro worth? About $1.35

What has the German government done? Provided bills of dollars in aid to struggling European nations

What do these nations include? Greece, Spain, Portugal

Who is the president of Russia? Age? Vladimir Putin, 61

When was Vladimir Putin elected? March 2012(Previously served two terms as presidents and one term as a prime minister)

During the Soviet Union, what did Putin work as?

A spy

Today, who is he? An authoritarian ruler who frequently cracks down on protesters

How is his relationship with the U.S. described?

Often contentious

What does Putin often serve? As a roadblock in U.N. efforts to contain nuclear threats from Iran

Vladimir is a longtime ally of which president?

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and recently proposed a plan in which Syria would disarm its chemical weapons.

Who is the cover boy? Vladimir Putin

What did Putin practice as a teen? Judo; Black belt

What did Putin say he was in middle school? A trouble-maker

Who is Abdel Fattah el-Sisi?Age? 59, the general who heads Egypt’s military and has been the country’s leader since the military seized control in July

Who did Sisi overthrow? Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s first freely elected president, after mass demonstrations against the Islamist leader.

Egypt had been in turmoil since when? Arab Spring protests led to the resignation of dictator Hosni Mubarak

What did Sisi say? “The will of the people” forced him to dissolve Morsi’s goverment

What did he order? The writing of a new constitution

Where did Sisi receive a master degree? U.S. Army War College in Pennsylvania

What is Sisi known for? Having a close relationship with the U.S. military

What is Sisi’s highest priority? Strengthening the reputation of Egypt’s

miltary damaged by the struggle for control with ex-president Morsi.

As a kid, what did people call Sisi? “The general”

Who is the president of Iran? Age? Hassan Rouhani, 65

When did he become president? In August

Who viewed his election with optimism? The people in the West

What do they see Rouhani as? As a moderate

What do they hope? It will ease hostile relations with the U.S. and the West.

Why is Iran in conflict with the U.S. and the U.N?

Iran’s program is to develop nuclear arms and its support of terrorism.

How does Rouhani respond to this? He will try to heal an economy crippled in part by international sanctions and end Iran’s isolation in much of the world.

If he does this, he’ll need cooperation from who?

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Who is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei? Iran’s top religious leader and the real power of Iran

When did Rouhani attend religious schools? Age of 12

Who is Rouhani? A Muslim cleric, or priest, who is often called “the diplomat sheikh”

How old is Bashar al-Assad? 48

What did he control? Syria’s government in 2000, upon the death of his father, Hafez al-Assad

Since mid-2011, what is Assad’s regime? At wars with rebels who demand his ouster

How many people has the Syrian civil war killed?

More than 100,000 and force more than 4.5 million people to flee their homes.

What does the U.S. accuse Assad of? Of using poison gas against civilians

What did Assad’s father do? Ruled as an autocrat for 30 years

When Bashar took over, what did he Political reform


Instead, what did he do? Continued his father’s repressive rule which sparked Arab Spring protests and turned into a civil war

What did Bashar study as a boy? French and English

What did Assad study to be? An ophthalmologist before being groomed as his father’s heir

Who is the prime minister of Israel? Age? Benjamin Netanyahu, 64

When did he become prime minister? 2009 for the second time

What is Israel’s biggest concern? Security from both foreign armies and terrorist attacks

Israel is a close ally to which country? United States

What is Netanyahu afraid of? Iran using nuclear weapons against them

Israel recently talks with who? Palestinians, Arabs who seek a nation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which Israel had controlled since the Six Day War in 1967

Where did Netanyahu spend most of his teen years in?


What was his dad’s job? A professor

Who is the president of Mali?Age? Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, 68

When did he become president of Mali? In August

What did the Malians hope? The veteran politician with a reputation for courage and firmness can help restore the rule of law to thier war-torn country.

Mali was formerly a colony that belonged to which country?

France (French colony)

What has Mali known? Great instability since gaining independence in 1960

What happened most recently? Mali suffered a military coup and a partial takeover by militants allied with Al Qaeda

Where was Keita educated? In Paris and in Bamako (Mali’s capital)

How many degrees does he have? Multiple

What has Keita promised? To steady an economy in crisis and return Mali to democracy

What does Keita’s name mean in Bambara language?

A “man of his word”

Who is the president of China? Age? Xi Jinping, 60

What did he previously serve as? Head of the Communist party (2012) and president (2013). Previously served as the country’s vice president

How many workers “boom” the econoy of China?

800 million

What does this nation manufacture? Everything from clothes to cell phones.

What do some economists say? China may overtake the U.S. in coming years.

Despite China’s growing wealth, how do rural residents live?

Poor life

What does the government of China do? Censors the internet, limits free speech, and frequently jails dissidents

What did Xi study at the age of 19? Chemical Engineering

What does Xi enjoy? He enjoys American movies such as The Godfather

Who is the president of North Korea? Kim Jong Un

When did he get his power? 2011, when his father died

Who is his father? Kim Jong ill

How many people live in North Korea? 25 million

What do these citizens suffer? Few freedoms and extreme hunger

Where has North Korea tested nuclear missiles?

Defiance of the U.S. and the U.N.

What happened in March? King Jong Un declared the armistice what ended the Korean War (1950-1963)

What does Kim love? American basketball

Who is he friends with? NBA Star Dennis Rodman

How many children siblings does Kim have? Three (youngest out of the three)

Who is the president of South Korea? Age? Park Geun-hye, 61

What accomplishment did she make? The first female president

What is South Korea’s position? (in terms of the largest economy)


What is the country best known for? Being a major exporter of cars and electronics, and the world’s fastest internet connections

What is South Korea’s challenge? Maintaining a relationship with with North Korea.

What has Kim Jong Un threatened? To attack both South Korea and the U.S. with nuclear missiles

What has Park said? She wants to build trust with North Korea, and promises to retaliate if they attacked.

What happened when she was nine? Her father came to power (became president)

How long has Park Chung-hee ruled South Korea?

18 years after seizing power during a 1961 military coup

How many independent nations are there? 196

What is the total population? 7.14 billion (U.S. 316 million)

Population under the age of 15 26% ( U.S. 19%)

Per capita GDP $12,700 ( U.S. 50,700)

Annual birth rate 20 births per 1,000 people (U.S. 13)

Annual death rate 8 deaths per 1,000 people (U.S. 8)

Gender ratio at birth 1.07 to 1 female ( U.S. 1;05 to 1)

life expectancy 68 years: males, 73 years: females (U.S. 76/81)

literacy rate 89% males, 80% females (U.S. 99/99)

students enrolled in primary school 92% males, 90% female (U.S. 95/96)

Students enrolled in secondary school 64% males, 61% females (U.S. 89/90)

What is GDP? it stands for gross domestic product, per capita means per person, often used to measure a nation's wealth

What is the capital ,population, and language of Antigua and Barbuda?

St. John’s, 100,000, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Bahamas?

Nassau, 300,000,English and Creole

What is the capital, population, and language of Barbados?

Bridgetown, 300,300, English and Bajan

What is the capital, population, and language of Belize?

Belmophan, 300,000, English, Spanish, Mayan, and Garifuna

What is the capital, population, and language of Canada?

Ottawa, 35,300,000, English and french

What is the capital, population, and language of Costa Rica?

San Jose, 4,700,000, Spanish and English

What is the capital, population, and language of Cuba?

Havana, 11,300,000, and Spanish

What is the capital, population, and language of Dominica?

Roseau, 100,000, English and French patois

What is the capital, population, and language of Dominican Republic?

Santo Domingo, 10,300,000, and Spanish

What is the capital, population, and language of El Salvador?

San Salvador, 6,300,000, Spanish and Nahua

What is the capital, population, and language of Grenada?

St.George, 100,000, English and English patois

What is the capital, population, and language of Guatemala?

Guatemala City, 15,400,000, and Spanish ,Amerindian dialects

What is the capital, population, and language of Haiti?

Port-au-Prince, 10,400,000, French and Creole

What is the capital, population, and language of Honduras?

Tegucigalpa, 8,600,000, Spanish and Amerindian dialects

What is the capital, population, and language of Jamaica?

Kingston, 2,700,000, English and English patois

What is the capital, population, and language of Mexico?

Mexico City, 117,600,000, Spanish, Mayan, other indigenous languages

What is the capital, population, and language of Nicaragua?

Managua, 6,000,000, Spanish, Miskito, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Panama?

Panama City, 3,900,000, Spanish and English

What is the capital, population, and language of Saint Kitts and Nevis?

Basseterre, 100,000, and English

What is the capital, population, and language of Saint Lucia?

Castries, 200,000, English and French patois

What is the capital, population, and language of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines?

Kingstown, 100,000, English and French patois

What is the capital, population, and language of Trinidad and Tobago?

Port-of-Spain, 1,300,000, English, Hindi, French, Spanish, and Chinese

What is the capital, population, and language of United States?

Washington D.C., 316,200,000, English, Spanish, other

What is the capital, population, and language of Argentina?

Buenos Aires,41,300,000, Spanish, English, Italian, German, and French

What is the capital, population, and language of Bolivia?

La Paz and Sucre, 11,000,000, Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara

What is the capital, population, and language of Brazil?

Brasilia, 195,500,000, Portuguese, and Amerindian dialects

What is the capital, population, and language of Chile?

Santiago, 17,600,000, and Spanish

What is the capital, population, and language of Colombia?

Bogota, 48,000,000, and Spanish

What is the capital, population, and language of Ecuador?

Quito, 15,800,000, Spanish, Quechua, and Amerindian dialects

What is the capital, population, and language of Guyana?

Georgetown, 800,000, English, Amerindian dialects, Creole, Hindi, and Urdu

What is the capital, population, and language of Paraguay?

Asuncion, 6,800,000, Spanish and Guarani

What is the capital, population, and language of Peru?

Lima, 30,500,000, Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara

What is the capital, population, and language of Suriname?

Paramaribo, 600,000, Dutch, English, Sranang, Tongo, Hindustani, and Javanese

What is the capital, population, and language of Uruguay?

Montevideo, 3,400,000, Spanish, portunol, and Brazilero.

What is the capital, population, and language of Venezuela?

Carcas, 29,700,000, Spanish, and Amerindian dialects

What is the capital, population, and language of Albania?

Tirana, 2,800,000, Albanian, and Greek

What is the capital, population, and language of Andorra?

Andorra la Vella, 100,000, Catalan, French, Castilian, Spanish, Portuguese

What is the capital, population, and language of Austria?

Vienna, 8,500,00, and German

What is the capital, population, and language of Belarus?

Minsk, 9,500,000, Belarusian, Russian, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Belgium?

Brussels, 11,200,000, Flemish, french, and German

What is the capital, population, and language of Bonsia and Herzegovina?

Sarajevo ,3,800,000, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian

What is the capital, population, and language of Bulgaria?

Sofia, 7,300,000, Bulgarian, Turkish, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Croatia?

Zagreb, 4,300,000, Croatian, Serbian, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Czech Republic?

Prague, 10,500,000, Czech and Slovak

What is the capital, population, and language of Denmark?

Copenhagen, 5,600,000, Danish, Greenlandic, Faroese, German

What is the capital, population, and language of Estonia?

Tallinn, 1,300,000, Estonian, Ukrainian, Russian, other

What is the capital, population, and language of Finland?

Helsinki, 5,400,000, Finnish, Swedin, other

What is the capital, population, and language Paris, 63,900,000, French and regional

of France? dialects

What is the capital, population, and language of Germany?

Berlin, 80,600,000, and German

What is the capital, population, and language of Greece?

Athens, 11,100,000, Greek, English, and French.

What is the capital, population, and language of Hungary?

Budapest, 9,900,000, Hungarian and other.

What is the capital, population, and language of Iceland?

Reykjavik, 300,000, Icelandic, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Ireland?

Dublin, 4,600,000, English and Gaelic

What is the capital, population, and language of Italy?

Rome, 59,800,000, Italian, German, French, Slovene

What is the capital, population, and language of Kosovo?

Pristina, 1,800,000, Albanian, Serbian, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Latvia?

Riga, 2,000,000, Lettish, Lithuanian, Russian, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Liechtenstein?

Vaduz, 40,000, German, Alemannic dialect

What is the capital, population, and language of Lithuania?

Vilnius 3,000,000 Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Luxembourg?

Luxembourg, 500,000 Luxembourg, German and French

What is the capital, population, and language of Macedonia?

Skopje, 2,100,000, Macedonian, Albanian, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Malta?

Valletta, 400,00 Maltese, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Moldova?

Chisinau, 4,100,000 Moldovan, Russian, Gagauz

What is the capital, population, and language of Monaco?

Monaco 40,000 French, English, Italian, Monégasque

What is the capital, population, and language of Montenegro?

Podgorica 600,00 Serbian, Montenegrin, Bosnian, Albanian

What is the capital, population, and language of Netherlands?

Amsterdam 16,8000,000 Dutch

What is the capital, population, and language of Norway?

Oslo 5,100,000 Norwegian, Finnish

What is the capital, population, and language of Poland?

Warsaw 38,500,000 Polish

What is the capital, population, and language of Portugal?

Lisbon 10,500,000 Portuguese, Mirandese

What is the capital, population, and language of Romania?

Bucharest 21,300,000 Romanion, Hungarian, German

What is the capital, population, and language of Russia?

Moscow 143,500,000 Russian, Others

What is the capital, population, and language of San Marino?

San Marino 30,000 Italian

What is the capital, population, and language of Serbia?

Belgrade 7,100.000 Serbian, Hungarian, Bosniak, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Slovakia?

Bratislava 5,400,000 Slovak, Hungarian

What is the capital, population, and language of Slovenia?

Ljubljana 2,100,000 Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Spain?

Madrid 46,600,000 Castilian, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque

What is the capital, population, and language of Sweden?

Stockholm 9,600,000 Swedish Finnish

What is the capital, population, and language of Switzerland?

Bern 8,100,000 German, French, Italian, Romansch, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Ukraine?

Kiev 45,000,000 Ukrainian, Russian, Romanian, Polish, Hungarian

What is the capital, population, and language of United Kingdom?

London 64,100,000 English, Welsh, Scottish, Gaelic

What is the capital, population, and language of Vatican City?

Vatican City 839 Italian, Latin, French, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Afghanistan?

Kabul 30,600,000 Pashto, Afghan, Persian, Turkic, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Armenia?

Yerevan 3,000,000 Armenian, Russian, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Azerbaijan?

Baku, 9,400,00, Azeri, Russian, Armenian, and other

What is the capital, population, and language of Bahrain?

Manama 1,100,000 Arabic, English, Farsi, Urdu

What is the capital, population, and language of Bangladesh?

Dhaka 156,600,000 Bengali English

What is the capital, population, and language of Bhutan?

Thimphu, 700,000, Dzongkha, Sharchhopka, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Brunei?

Bandar Seri Begawan 400,000 Malay, English, Chinese

What is the capital, population, and language of Cambodia?

Phnom Penh 14,400,000 Khmer, French, English

What is the capital, population, and language of China?

Beijing, 1,357,400,000, Mandarin, other4 Chinese languages, other languages

What is the capital, population, and language of Cyprus?

Nicosia 1,100,000 Greek, Turkish, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Georgia?

Tbilisi, 4,500,000, Georgian, Russian,Armenian, Azeri, Ossetian, others

What is the capital, population, and language of India?

New Dehli 1,276,500,000 Hindi, English, Bengali, many others

What is the capital, population, and language of Indonesia?

Jakarta, 248.500,000, Bahasa Indonesian, english, Dutch, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Iran?

Tehran 76,500,000 Farsi, Turkic, Kurdish, Luri, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Iraq?

Baghdad 35,100,000 Arabic, Kurdish, Turkmen, Assyrian, Armenian

What is the capital, population, and language of Israel?

Jerusalem, 8,100,000, Hebrew, Arabic, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Japan?

Tokyo 127,300,000 Japanese

What is the capital, population, and language of Jordan?

Amman 7,300,000 Arabic, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Kazakhstan?

Astana, 17,000,000, Kazakh, Russian, others

What is the capital, population, and language of North Korea?

Pyongyang 24,700,000 Korean

What is the capital, population, and language of South Korea?

Seoul 50,200,000 Korean, Enlgish

What is the capital, population, and language of Kuwait?

Kuwait, 3,500,000, Arabic, and English

What is the capital, population, and language of Kyrgyzstan?

Bishkek 5,700,000 Kirghiz, Russian, Uzbeck, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Laos?

Vientiane, 6,700,000, Lao, French, English, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Lebanon?

Beirut, 4,800,000, Arabic, French, Armenian, and English

What is the capital, population, and language of Malaysia?

Kuala Lumpur 29,800,000 Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese, many others

What is the capital, population, and language of Maldives?

Malé 400,000 Maldivian Dhivehi, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Mongolia?

Ulaanbaatar, 2,800,000, Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese, many others

What is the capital, population, and language of Myanmar (Burms)?

Naypyidaw 53,300,000 Burmese, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Nepal?

Kathmandu, 26,800,000, Napali and other

What is the capital, population, and language of Oman?

Muscat, 4,000,000, Arabic, English, Baluchi, Urdu, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Pakistan?

Islamabad 190,700,000 Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Siraiki, English, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Philippines?

Manila, 96,200,000, Filipino, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Qatar?

Doha 2,200,000 Arabic, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Saudi Arabia?

Riyadh 30,100,000 Arabic

What is the capital, population, and language of Singapore?

Singapore, 5,400,000, Mandarin Chinese, Malay, Tamil, English, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Sri Lanka?

Colombo 20,500,000 Tamil, Sinhala, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Syria?

Damascus, 21,900,000, Arabic, Kurdish, Armenian,French, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Taiwan?

Taipei 23,400,000 Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Tajikistan?

Dushanbe 8,100,000 Tajik, Russian

What is the capital, population, and language of Thailand?

Bangkok 66,200,000 Thai, English, regional dialects

What is the capital, population, and language of Timor- Leste ( East Timor)?

Dili, 1,100,000, Tetun, Portuguese, Indonesia, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Turkey?

Ankara 76,100,000 Turkish, Kurdish, Arabic

What is the capital, population, and language of Turkmeistan?

Ashgabat 5,200,000 Turkmen, Uzbek, Russian, others

What is the capital, population, and language of United Arab Emirates?

Abu Dhabi 9,300,000 Arabic, Farsi, English, Hindi, Urdu

What is the capital, population, and language ofUzbekistan?

Tashkent, 30,200,000, Uzbek, Russian, Tajik, and others.

What is the capital, population, and language of Vietnam?

Hanol 89,700,000 Vietnamese, French, Chinese, English, Khmer, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Yemen?

Sanaa 25,200,000 Arabic

What is the capital, population, and language of Australia?

Canberra 23,100,000 English, aboriginal languages, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Fiji?

Suva 900,000 English, Fijian, Hindustani

What is the capital, population, and language of Kiribati?

Tarawa 100,000 English, Gilbertese

What is the capital, population, and language of Marshall Islands?

Majuro 100,000 Marshallese, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Micronesia?

Palikir 100,000 English, Chuukese, Pohnpeian, Yapese, Korsrean, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Nauru?

Yaren District 10,000 Nauruan, English

What is the capital, population, and language of New Zealand?

Wellington 4,500,000 English, Maori, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Palau?

Melekeok 20,000 Palauan, Sonsoralese, English, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Papua New Guinea?

Port Moresby 7,200,000 Tok Pisin, English, Hiri Motu, many others

What is the capital, population, and language of Samoa?

Apia 200,000 Samoan, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Solomon Islands?

Honiara 600,000 Melanesian pidgin, English, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Tonga?

Nuku’alofa 100,000 Tongan, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Tuvalu?

Funafuti 10,000 Tuvaluan, English

What is the capital, population, and language of Vanuatu?

Port-Vila 300,000 English, French, Bislama, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Algeria?

Algeria 38,300,000 Arabic, French Berber dialects

What is the capital, population, and language of Angola?

Luanda, 21,600,000 Portuguese, Bantu, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Benin?

Porto-Novo 9,600,000 French, Fon, Yoruba, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Botswana?

Gaborone, 1,900,000, English, Setswana, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Burkina Faso?

Quagadougou 18,000,000 French, Sudanic languages

What is the capital, population, and language of Burundi?

Bujumbura 10,900,000 Kirundi, French, Swahili

What is the capital, population, and language of Cameroon?

Yaounde, 21,500,000, English, French , and African languages

What is the capital, population, and language of Cape Verde?

Praia 500,000 Portuguese, Crioulo

What is the capital, population, and language of Central African Republic?

Bangui, 4,700,000, French, Sangho,m and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Chad?

N’Djamena 12,200,000 French, Arabic Sara, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Comoros?

Moroni 800,000 Arabic, French Shikomoro

What is the capital, population, and language of Congo (Democratic Rep.)?

Kinshasa, 71,100,000, French ,Lingala, Kingwana, Kikongo, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Congo (Republic)?

Brazzaville, 4,400,000, French, Lingala, Monokutaba, Kikongo, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Cote d’lovoire (Ivory Coast)?

Yamoussoukro 21,100,000 French, Dioula, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Djibouti?

Djibouti 900,000 French, Arabic, Somali, Afar

What is the capital, population, and language of Egypt?

Cairo 84,700,000 Arabic, English, French

What is the capital, population, and language of Equatorial Guinea?

Malabo, 800,000, Spanish, French, Fang, Bubi, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Eritrea?

Asmara 5,800,000 Tigrinya, Arabic, English, Tigre Kunama, Afar, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Ethiopia?

Addis Ababa, 89,200,000, Amharic, Tigrinya, Arabic, Orominga, English, and Others.

What is the capital, population, and language of Gabon?

Libreville 1,600,000 French, Fang, Myene, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Gambia?

Banjul 1,900,000 English, Mandinka, Wolof, Fula, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Ghana?

Accra 26,100,000 English Asante, many others

What is the capital, population, and language Guinea?

Conarky, 11,800,000, French and various African languages

What is the capital, population, and language Guinea-Bissau?

Bissau 1,700,000 Portuguese, Crioulo, others

What is the capital, population, and language Kenya?

Nairobi 44,200,000 English, Swahili, many others

What is the capital, population, and language of Lesotho?

Maseru, 2,200,000, Sesotho, English, Zulu, and Xhosa.

What is the capital, population, and language of Liberia?

Monrovia 4,400,000 English, ethnic languages

What is the capital, population, and language of Libya?

Tripoli 6,500,000 Arabic, Italian, English Berber

What is the capital, population, and language of Madagascar?

Antananarivo, 22,500,000, French and Malagasy,

What is the capital, population, and language of Malawi?

Lilongwe 16,300,000 English, Chichewa, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Maliyah? :) :)

Bamako 15,500,000 French, Bambara, many others

What is the capital, population, and language of Mauritania?

Nouakchott, 3,700,000, Arabic, Pularr, Soninke, Wolof, and French.

What is the capital, population, and language of Mauritius?

Port Luis 1,300,000 Creole, Bhojpuri, French, English, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Morocco?

Rabat, 33,000,000, Arabic, Berber dialects, and French

What is the capital, population, and language of Mozambique?

Maputo, 24,300,000, Portuguese, African languages

What is the capital, population, and language of Namibia?

Windhoek, 2,400,000, Afrikaans, German, English, and local African Languages.

What is the capital, population, and language of Niger?

Niamey, 16,900,000, French, Hausa, and Djerma

What is the capital, population, and language of Nigeria?

Abuja, 173,600,000, English Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo, Fulani, and others.

What is the capital, population, and language of Rwanda?

Kigali, 11,100,000, Kinyarwanda, French, English, and Kiswahili

What is the capital, population, and language of Sao Tome and Principe?

Sao Tome, 200,000, Portuguese

What is the capital, population, and language of Senegal?

Dakar, 13,500,000, French, Wolof, Pulaar, Jola, and Mandinka.

What is the capital, population, and language of Seychelles?

Victoria, 100,000, Creole, English, and others.

What is the capital, population, and language of Sierra Leone?

Freetown, 6,200,000, English, Mende, Temne, and Krio

What is the capital, population, and language of Somalia?

Mogadishu, 10,400, Somali, Arabic, Italian, and English.

What is the capital, population, and language of South Africa.?

Cape Town Pretoria and Bloemfontein, 53,000,000, English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi, Sotho, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of South Sudan?

Juda, 9,800,000, Arabic, Dinka, Nuer, English, others

What is the capital, population, and language of Sudan?

Khartoum, 34,200,000, Arabic, Nubian, Ta Bedawie, English and others.

What is the capital, population, and language of Swaziland?

Mbabane and Lobama, 1,200,000, English and Siswati

What is the capital, population, and language of Tanzania?

Dar es Salaam and Dodoma, 49,100,000, Kiswhili, English, Arabic, many others

What is the capital, population, and language of Togo?

Lome, 6,200,000, French, Ewe, Mina, Dagomba, and Kabye

What is the capital, population, and language of Tunisia?

Tunis, 10,900,0000, Arabic French, Berber

What is the capital, population, and language of Uganda?

Kampala, 39,900,000, English, Luganda, Swahili, and others.

What is the capital, population, and language of Zambia?

Lusaka, 14,200,000, English, Bemba, Tonga, and others

What is the capital, population, and language of Zimbabwe?

Harare, 13,000,000, English, Shona, Sindebele, and others

What is the meaning of Communist one- party state?

All land and businesses are government- owned, and indivisual freedom is limited. Only the Communist party has power.

What is the meaning of Constitutional monarchy?

A king or queen is head of state but has limited power. ( legislature) chooses the prime minister, who leads the government.

What is the meaning of Democracy? a government with leaders who are chosen through a system of popular elections.

What is the meaning of Dominant party? A system in which one political party rules. Other parties may exsist but have relatively little power.

What is the meaning of Military? The leader of a country’s armed forces controls the government.

What is the meaning of Monarchy? A single person, who inherited his or her power, rules for life.

What is the meaning of Parliamentary? Voters elect the parliament. A prime minister- the leader of the party with the most seats in parliament- heads the government.

What is the meaning of Presidential dictatorship?

A president has complete power.

What is the meaning of Presidential- legislative?

An elected president leads the government, sharing power with a legislature and with the courts. ( ex: U.S.)

What is the meaning of Presidential- Parliamentary?

An elected president is chief executive. A prime minister leads the government.

What is the meaning of Traditional chiefs? A body of tribal leaders play roles in governing.

Name the countries the spend the most on U.S.- made weapons2012

1, South Korea 2. United Arab Emirates 3. Turkey4. Australia 5. Afghanistan 6. U.k. 7. Saudi Arabia 8.Morocco9. Taiwan10. Iraq

Top 3 religions 1, Christianity

2. Islam3, Hinduism

most spoken languages around the world 1. Chinese2. Spanish3. English4. Hindi5. Arabic6. Portuguese7. Bengali8. Russian9. Japanese10. Javanese

Countries who received the most U.S. Aid 2011

1. Afghanistan2. Democratic Republic of the Congo3. Pakistan 4. Iraq5. Kenya6. South Sudan7. Ethiopia8. Haiti 9. South Africa 10. Tanzania

top 5 countries who eat the most ice cream 1. New Zealand2. United States3. Australia4. Finland5. Sweden

top 5 music pirates 1. U.S2. U.K.3. Italy4. Canada5. Brazil

Top 5 bookworms 1. India2. Thailand3. Chinese4. Philippines5. Egypt

How much does a big mac cost in Norway and Venezuela?

$7.51 and $7.15

How much does a big mac cost in Switzerland and Sweden?

$6.72 and $6.16

how much does a big mac cost in Brazil? $5.28
