cultura organizacional (inglés)


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Social-Behavioural Sciences 75





 “Nicolae Blcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu

ABSTRACTOrganizational culture constitutes an intrinsic part of modern

approaches regarding the management of organizations. Theascending theoretica l approaches and pragmatic ones about the

organizational culture reflec t new v is ion o f mode rn organization and   performance, in the new type of management involved. In the same

time, organizat ional culture, through implications an d sc ope and its  scope exceeds the strict fie ld of the organization's manage me nt.

  Basica lly, a ll these proc esses in organizations, whatever their nature,- managerial, economic, te chnical, juridical etc. are significantly

influenced by the organizat ional cu lture.The social dynamics , taking place in c ontemporary society is a

concept that organ izational cul ture has influe nced the organizations

managers, in a decisive way of thinking and act ion. As a factor 

determining the c ompetitive ness of the organization, culture is anes sential element, ess ential for the development organizations. In fact,

the theoretic al conce rns and the pragmatic approaches to

organizationa l culture reflect the new v is ion of modern organizationand per formance, in terms of the new type of management involved.Simultaneously, howeve r, organizational cu lture, through i ts scope

and its implic ations, deve lops bey ond the organization management  sphere.

Keywords: Organizational culture, organi zation’s management, performance,

modern organizations, organizational processes, organizational culture components,organization’s functionality

In the process of trans formati ontaking place in our contemporary soci ety,

organizat ional cul ture is an intrinsic part of modern approaches regarding the

management o f organizati ons. As a factor determining the success of the organization,cul ture is hi ghly an essential element,essenti al for the soci al progress.

1. Organizational Culture – 


Defi nition and Content


When thinki ng about “culture” we


  join a dim world of thought and feeling,

act ions and meanings that shape li fe wi thin


the organizati on, which is diffi cult to


define. This explains the variet y of existing


definit ions, the situation revealed by the


Americans and Al fred L. Kroeber andClyde Kluckhohn, who “ have undertaken


an analysis, considered as the classic


definit ion of 163 of the 300 existing, i n the


investigation period; the diversi ty of the


int erpretat ions test the diffi culty of t he


synthetic circumscription by means of 


congruent features, t hat are necessary and


suffi cient the culture, they stated, consists

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of defaul t models and effi ciency o f 


  behavior and attitude, acquired and


transmitted by symbols, including their 


achievements. The essenti al core of culture

consists of traditional ideas, histori call y


select ed and developed, especially, withi n


the values that are assigned; culture systems


can be considered, on the one hand, a s

action products and, on the other hand,


evidence that condi tions future act ions [1]”.


According to the Dutch professor,


Geert Hofstede [2] organizati onal culture


can be characterized as follows:

i t is holi stic, namely it representsmore than sum of their parts;

it is historically established, itrefl ects the t ime evolution o f theorganizat ion;

i t is connected to t he

anthropological nature elements; (Symbols,rituals, etc.);

i t is socially fundament ed, as it iscreated and maintained by a group of  people that make up the organization;


i t i s hard to change, due to human

complexes involved.

Despite the diffi culties, E.H. Schein


has proposed the fol lowing cl ari fication on

what culture means. The author considers thatwhat we cal l culture: somehow involves those


ritual s, climat e, values and behaviors that 


  form a coherent whole. This patter n or 


integration is the very essence of culture [3].

Later, he defi nes this as “basic patternof assumptions that a group invent s,dis covers or develops, as they l earn to solve

their own problems to external adapt ation

and internal integrati on, which works wellenough to be considered valid. Therefore,

these are transmitted to younger membersas the correct way to perceive, think and

feel about those issues [4]”.E. Schein [5] suggested, wit hin the

definit ion of organizati onal culture, themodalities to create this: to assess means of sol ving problematic situations, within the

organization that objectifies, but also the

relati onship with the environment it works.In other words, culture is developed by

st epping up the capacity of organizat ions,as to continue to face problems, in a waythat sets its own identity.

Schein shapes up the culture on three

levels (figure no. 1).


Accepted Values and Beliefs

BASIC ASSUMPTIONSValues i n us e, interpret ati on of reality , ways of 


Fig. 1 Organizational Culture Component s (adapted aft er EH Schein)

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The first l evel of the artifacts isdefinitely the noticeable level of organizat ional culture that includes updat edobservable characteristics, o f organizational

l ife, such as things, acti vit ies, rituals,

  j argon, standard working documents,relat ionships, addressing modes, etc.

But when trying to find why arte- fact s

may be perceived, we get int o an area,

which is often, part ial ly, accomplished,even by t he organization members.

In this context, we refer to the nextlevel of organizational culture, values and

  beliefs, including the abi lity to discern  between good and evil, as interpreted by

organizat ion; thi s organization, thiscapability offers t he possibil ity to evaluatethe beneficial and ineffecti ve actions by

adopting such prominent values promoting

honesty “and st ri ving for excellence”.The third level of basic assumptions,

comprehensive interpret ation is circumscribed,comprehensive reality. This level is complex,containing explanations about reality based on

which solutions are built on problematic

situations, within the organizati on. Their 

valuable role at this level is to guide acti onstrategies, adopted in order to accomplish

organizational goals.


Feedback type connection suggests


that when arti facts are manifested, as a

consequence of basi c assumpt ions and


values and beliefs, as they are cementi ng


and imprinting the culture basic essential




The organizational culture levels issue


i s closel y linked to that of subculture [6] that


forms this. Most experts delimit the


organizational subcultures, based on two


criteri a: the structure of the organizers as


members of the organizat ion and profession.


Institutional subcul tures are out lined in


the main organizational divisions of t he


organization. Beliefs, aspirations and


organizational behavior show some specific


elements that reflect the defini ng


characteri sti cs and conditions of the carri ed


out activities.

Professional subcultures reflect themain categories’ speci fics of the organization


members, according to their occupation. They


are well defined and import ant, in case of a


large number of subordinates with the same


 profession or related professi ons. Professional


subculture refl ects the interest s of 


  professional subculture, profession-specific


expectat ions involved in a particular 


organizational context.


There are plenty of factors that can


influence organizat ional cul ture. Out of these t he most significant are:


national culture: it tolls theorganizational culture, distinguishing


organizations, depending on the speci fic


characterist ics and on the nati onal cult ure,


to which they belong;


organization’s history: aims at the


means of establis hing and evolution of the


organizat ion; the more hi story is long and


complex, much more powerful i s the


influence of culture and organizat ional


scope, the consistency and impact of 


symbols, ri tual s, m yths, etc. on the


organization’s members;


organization’s employees: represent,


along the managers, one of the determi nants


of organizational culture; t he number,


training, age, sex, temperament, etc. are


human parameters that mark, in multiple and


different ways, the staff’s value system, the


norms and the organizational behavior.


the size of organization: the more


amplified the org anizat ion is, the more


diversified t he organizational culture is,


thus becoming increasingly difficult to


 perceive and model;

managers of the organization:


represent a variabl e that al ways marks the


organizational culture; t heir personal ity, skills


and expertise, leadership style, whi ch may be


very different from one manager to another; it


has direct reflection on the real influence and

on the patt ern and extent organizational

culture.Organizat ional subcult ures, both


instituti onal and professional ones hold

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identical characterist ics to those of theorganizat ional cult ure of the organization,


 but also specific parameters.

2. Managerial Subcultures


By means of the social status, the


managers have, in the hierarchy; t hey


significantly shape the attitudes, deci sions


and behavior of subordinates. This is

shaped as a managerial culture, as anintegral part of organizational culture,

which can exert a pos itive or negati veinfl uence on the organization. Often,

manageri al values, especially top managers,have a remarkable impact on the evolution

of the organization and its institutionaldimensi on, wit hin different commands or statements that are communicated and

displayed to give a new i mpetus, a new

focus for the e fforts o f all wage workers.


Organizati ons that have a well defined,


st rong managerial cul ture, whi ch


individualizes the actions anddevelopments, i n the social environment,


are considered to be companies with a

certain style. (Example: Coca-Cola,

Johnson & Johnson, Phili ps, etc.).One of the companies with a long

international history and tradit ion is IBM. It

had a reputation to get highl y motivated andloyal employees, ever since 30’s. Its

  phi losophy emphasized som e general principles highl y espoused in the company:

respect for digni ty and employees’

equal rights;


  providing the best customer 


service, at a l evel superior to any other 


companies in the world;

Completi on of al l t asks, but always

aimi ng at achi eving them at a higher l evel.The philosophy, which the IBM

founders and managers have bui lt has beensubmitted and accepted by new generat ions.Thus, in 1962, Tom Watson Jr. said, in a

speech, at Columbia University: “The

  phi losophy, spirit and emotions, of anorganization have much more inf luence oni ts achievements than economic or 

technological resources, or ganizational   st ructure, i nnovation, or their timing. All these have a l arge impact on the success of a company. B


ut they are out weighed by the


degree, to which employees believe in the


 precepts, the basic values and how s incere


and ar e involved in their application”.


  Nicolescu and Verboncu [7] defi ne


the managerial cult ure as a system of 


values, beliefs , aspirations, expectations


and behaviors of managers, in an


organization, which is reflect ed in the types


and styles of management practices, within


the organization, marking the sensitive


content of culture and organizational

 performance.Taking int o account the issues listed


above, is justified by t he identification o f 


values, att itudes and behaviors of managers


has always been one of the points of major 


int erest for both t heoretici ans and

  practitioners i n management. Literature


focused on these issues present a variety of 


conclusions, some cont radi ctory, refl ecti ng


the differ ent research foundat ion.

Top managers are those who fail t o


model the culture and organizat ional


culture, based on vision, personal values


that were originally submitted and


subsequently implemented within the


organization. Managers’ personal values


influence perceptions, decisions and


 people’s behaviors and have a major impact


on the organization’ s activities, as


interaction processes within the


organization which are supported by many


indi viduals and groups and, ul timately,


generate some soci al consequences.

  Nevertheless, this is manifested, in a

  pure form, but they are influenced by thesyst em of beliefs, va lues and behaviors,

exi sting in the social context, in which themanager operates. Between the latter and itssyst em, t here may be greater or less

consistency, effect ive mode of per ception

and acti on.Some of the important values of t op


managers on the organization aims at

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elements such as: organizational effectiveness


and efficiency, l abor productivity, relaxed and


stimulating environment, etc. attractive


organizational image. This concl usion is

supported by the result of research conducted  by George E. [8], who showed that the

operational values that influence behavior are:specific organizational effectiveness andefficiency, maximizi ng profits, hi gh

 productivity, the market l eader/in i


ndust ry; thestability ofthe organization. Many respondentsrevealed their inclination towards a active

  pragmatism, highly evaluati ng the skills,

ambition, personal qualiti es, t hat promoteachievement, success and creativity, as

  personal goals. It shows that a pragmatic

orientation is easil y influenced and changed, because it is di rected towards clear goals; andtheir attainment provides a procedures’

diversion, new means of achieving these



Qui te interesting i s the fact tha t a


research conducted, in 1979 by Clare and


Sanford [9] confirmed these views. Still, i n


a study developed i n 1990, James Webber 


[10] reveals that 72% of respondents


emphasize thei r preference for individual


values, centered on their own person at theexpense of social spendi ng.

In another study, developed by Posner and Schmidt [11], the target group was

asked to indi cate the values (personal traitsand characteristics), that they appreciate for their bosses, colleagues and subordinat es.

From a final list of 15 categories(attribut es), there have been highlighted:

a) the managers’ level

  – int egri ty (degree of confidence,


  – competence (capable, productive,effi cient );

  – l eadership (vision, determination,di rection);

b) the subordinates’ level

  – determi nation (involvement,

motivation);c) colleagues’ level

  – cooperati on ( friendship, team

member, available, attentive).

It is worth mentioning the substancechange on managers’, view on the specialcharacteristics and constraints of what isim portant for the organizati on. Table [12]

  presents the foll owing major differences

  between classical and modern managerialapproach on the import ant elements for anorganization:

Henry Mintzberg, in explaining the

fact that organizations need managers,made the following references to values and

 business managers: main purpose of a manager is to

ensure that his organizati on serves its basicinterest – the production of speci fic goods

and services and earning money by thei r sale; manager should construct and

maintain stabili ty organization’s operations;

manager must assume

responsibility for strategy and therebyenable t he organization to conti nuously

adapt the changing environment; manager should act as a focal

organization’s values, to inform t heir 

subordinates on the organi zati on’s priorit ies

and guide them through adopted and

im plemented decisions; manager should act as a key

informati on link between the organization

and its environment.An important aspect of the manager is

the means he manages to communicat e theval ues and other features of other componentsof the organi zation’s management culture.

One of specialists i n management, Chester I.

Barnard, said: “Truth cannot be transmitted exclusively by means of its accurate  presentation. Not only words have different 

meanings for different people, but there is an

unintentional tendency to find or r ead a  statement, which i s not act ually intended.

Therefore, it is sometimes necessary, to present things in a way t hat i s not right, interms of presenters, truth which may be

 properly interpreted by the receiver”.

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3. Influences of OrganizationalCulture on the O rganizations’ Functionality

Organizational culture is increasingly  perceived today as more than one factor 

wit h an influence on the performance of an

organization. “  It can sti mulate or weakenthe effectiveness of the organization,depending on the nature of values, beliefs,

and norms [13]”.

Thus, in most cases, good and verygood resul ts are associated with the ability

of owners, managers and leaders to cr eate,maint ain and develop a st rong culture,

which wi ll energize the organization'smembers, as to achieve their goals. In a

strong culture, most managers share acommon set of beliefs, values, andatti tudes, about t he way that business

should be di rected. New employees get in

touch wi th this cultural set and adopt i t,  both as a result of their, formal and

informal occurrence.The manner i n which managerial

culture influences firms’ performance can

 be explained in several ways:

ensure the efforts’ being di rected

toward a goal or a set of speci fiedobjecti ves;

develop a strong motivation for 

employees to obtain the expected results;  provide a st ructure and a system of 

mechanisms to coordinate the employees’efforts, without having a formal set o f  procedures or systems.

In 1983, Deni son completed a st udy

on culture and per formance of 34companies, recei ving a series of resul ts thatsuppor ted Deal and Kennedy's statement,

that the organizati onal culture has a very

close connection with the per formance o f organizat ions. Although Denison’s study

used financial el ements, for performancemeasurement sti ll these can be influenced,depending on the speci fic i ndustry, business

cycle and financial goals; however, it

revealed si gnificant correlations betweenculture and performance.

Schein buil ds his explanatory modelseeking to rel ate the effect iveness of arange of values. He focuses on the role of organizational cult ure, as a key mechanism

that allows the organization t o adapt, act

and survive. Schein believes that the  problem of survival i s the main factor shaping organization culture group.

Mi ssion, essential tasks and members’

efforts revolve around this issue. Basicassumptions about “what” and “how” are

critical to the means an organization acts asto survive, on a long-t erm development.

 Nevert heless, the means to develop internalrelations, among group members is

 perceived as crucial, to his performance.


Coyler [14] also conducted a study,


on the relationship between organizational


culture and organizational performance,


with results that supported the previous


conclusions. Coyl er used, both financial


and non-financial elements, to study the 72


retail stores. It is est imated thatorganizations often benefi ting from str ong


corporate culture of the other competitors,


get better performance. Major cause of this


  phenomenon is that these cultures tend to


adj ust to direct and energize the company


members, as to achieve specific objectives.


This is partly true, as these objectives are


important objectives of the organization,


establi shed as strategies and policies, both


globally and in partly, on functions or on


other considerations. Performance wil l not

  be enhanced if attitudes, behaviors and

methods used in business are not correlatedwith the actual needs of the organization. In


this case, strong values may cause people to


act, in ways that are destructive, rather than


  promoting, undermining the competitive


abi lity of the organization.


One of the great dangers to be found


within organizati ons, with strong managerial


culture and notable results is that sense of 

  pride within performance turns into


arrogance. It is one ofthe factors, which, over time will not adversely affect the company,  preventing senior management to anticipate

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or to bring important changes in theenvironment. The effect wi ll be a gradualdivergence of organizations managerialculture, with the realit ies, which will very

likely l ead to its crisis.

Inadequate managerial cultures are


cultures that are t argeted towards the fi rm,


as to est abli sh procedures and very rigid


rules, creating bureaucratic structures and


interest expressions by means of personal


interest, thus paying little att ention to t he

market r 


equirement s trends. In suchcul tures, managers t end to ignore the

contextual changes and respond by meansof strategies and other organizational

  practices, improperly, showing a reacti veatti tude, risk aversion and littl e creativi ty.In contrast to t hese adaptive cultures

manifest. F


ocusing t he adaptive cul tures are


  per formed on the current si tuat ion and


future environment in which the

organizat ion evol ves. Based on these


considerations, managers structure t he


organizat ion’s act ivitie s are oriented so that


they made to achieve opti mal well-defined


objecti ves in business strat egies and


  policies. Adaptive support risk-taking


cultures at different hierarchical levels,

favoring the emergence of trust among


organizat ion members and stimulate them


to take a proactive stance. Managers


collaborate well with each other to identify


  problems and implement viable solut ions;


they believe that together can overcome any


di fficult y that may face the organization.


In such a management culture that


t ries to predict and adapt to changes in the


evolving context, managers carefull y


monitor both external factors and thos e

internal to the organizati on, initiate change


and encourage the manifestation of 


l eadership at a ll levels.


In many cases , organizational


changes are due to managers who show


special concern in organizational processes.


Among the fi rst acts per formed by them


and are aware that the employees that the


organization is in a crisi s situat ion or that

certain factors require a swi ft change of one


or more organizat ional features. To produce


these changes, the way managers


communicate a clear vision and strategy as


that they base their future development.

They exploi t every opportuni ty to repeatover and over, messages about intentionalchange. A


t the same time, t he language


used is continuall y adjusted in line wit h the


characterist ics of the audience, so that


messages are as clear, direct, and with


maximum impact. Very im portant is that


they act on the disclos ed and t ransmitted,


and indirectly, the decision to implement


the decl ared official. Further, to expand and


accelerate the start-up changes, t hey try to


create a coalition at all hierarchi cal levels,


to be deeply involved in t his process and


mi nimize resist ance to change.


These behaviors seem to be


determi ned by a value system that


emphasizes the legitimacy of t he


organization to meet requirements. Stressesthe importance of values and processes that

can lead to beneficial changes peopl e for 

the organization.

4. Conclusions

It is important to note the idea that

leaders in an organization encouragesleadership and those who perceive

opportunities that change would bring tothe fi rm and at the same ti me, their abilityto win mi nds and the hearts of employees

who are not aware s


till need to change,


sometimes maintaining organizational


culture. I t is t herefore necessary for higher 


level managers are not only anchored in t he


short term activities, as they may leave


unused a large part o f company r esources


and erode its long-term competitiveness.


Culture management is basically a frame, a


reference syst em which significantly shape


the percept ion that managers have on the


environment, perception is reflected in


decisions and actions that they undertake.

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