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  • 8/13/2019 Crude_palm_oil__A_price_storm_is_brewing_28_04_12_11_31


    Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures AppendixAll rights reserved. Standard Chartered Bank 2012

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    Global Research |30 April 2012

    Crude palm oilA price storm is brewing


    A severe structural slowdown in palm oil output is under way. The downtrend will

    worsen over coming seasons and is one the market can no longer afford to ignore.

    The deceleration in palm output is caused largely by the ageing profile of estates in

    South East Asia, which accounts for over 90% of the market, as well as sub-

    optimal farming practices across much of the region. Our conservative estimate is

    that more than 20% of trees in Malaysia are over 25 years old. In reality, this could

    be more.

    US prospective plantings for 2012 suggest soybean output will remain tight for the

    rest of the year. The resulting decline in palm yield alongside a production shortfall

    in the soy complex will necessitate strict demand rationing in the edible oils sector.

    As before, we continue to see upside momentum building in 2012, but contrary to

    consensus, we expect Q4-2012 to be mostly bullish. Despite current enthusiasm,

    markets are likely to rally to even higher levels in 2013.

    Our long-term bullish view on crude palm oil (CPO), relatively accommodative

    global interest rates and a deteriorating age profile of trees in Malaysia should help

    to convince owners, particularly in Malaysia, that the replanting decision is best not


    We recommend shorting the September 2012 BMD crude palm oil futures at the

    current price of MYR 3,450/tonne (t), with a target of MYR 3,250/t. From Q3-2012,

    we recommend looking for any reversal in prices to the upside with a target of MYR



    Summary 2

    Hedging and trade recommendations 3

    Building blocks 5-7

    Declining CPO yields 8-13

    CPO supply forecasts 14

    Higher industry costs 15-19

    Fungibility and demand 20-25

    CPO balance sheet 25-26

    CPO price outlook 27-29

    Conclusion 31

    Appendix 32-35

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    Crude palm oilA price storm is brewing

    30 April 2012 2


    Why we are bullish on CPO

    Productivity and supply, substitutability and import demand are important factors

    determining the CPO price. In this report, we focus largely on supply and leverage off

    historic fundamental data that shows supply has a material impact on price trends in

    the CPO industry.

    We believe there is a price storm brewing in the industry due to a deceleration in yields,

    the severity of which will be bullish for the market. First, we highlight the crucial

    decoupling between weather events and CPO output, which suggests that La Nia (wet

    weather in South East Asia) will not, as in the past, lead to higher CPO output (see

    Chart 1). We believe this phenomenon has been exacerbated by the sub-optimal profile

    of some plantations in South East Asia. We estimate that more than 20% of oil palms in

    Malaysia are already over 25 years old (Chart 2), after which yields plummet and trees

    generally have to be replanted. We recommend that estate owners not delay replanting.

    We find evidence to suggest that a large proportion of estate owners in South East

    Asia have underinvested in their estates, largely to limit overhead costs. Yields have

    been adversely affected as a consequence. Further yield erosion can be halted by

    replanting schemes, using higher-yielding seedlings, through the application of more

    fertiliser, the use of a more efficient and motivated work force or a combination of all

    three. Whatever the strategy employed, these essential investments will raise the

    cost curve for palm and provide a higher price floor.

    On the other hand, CPO consumption has been trending higher in an almost linear

    manner relative to global edible oil consumption, driven in part by population growth.CPO consumption has been enhanced by its fungibility across a wide range of

    applications, as well as its price competitiveness versus other vegetable oils. We

    assume this ratio will continue through the forecast period.

    We believe the market is entering a period of stringent demand rationing. We model

    CPO prices based on our CPO balance sheet estimates and, factoring in external

    market risks, arrive at a price forecast of MYR 3,450/t for 2012, MYR 3,620/t for

    2013, MYR 3,228/t for 2014 and MYR 3,456/t for 2015. Our annual average forecast

    for 2012 is unchanged, but now adequately reflects upside risks further along the

    curve (Table 1).

    Chart 1: Correlation between the SOI and change in CPO

    output in Malaysia has broken down

    Chart 2: Age profile of oil palms in Malaysia

    We estimate over 20% of trees are over 25 years old, mn ha

    Source: Standard Chartered Research Sources: MPOB, Standard Chartered Research


    Corr t-stat



















    Jan-84 Jan-88 Jan-92 Jan-96 Jan-00 Jan-04 Jan-08

    t-stat 5% (RHS)

    Mature area 25 yrs

    % >25














    2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

    We bel ieve the market is enter ing a

    per iod of demand rat ioning; ini t ial ly

    this wi l l be fel t most acutely in Q4-


    We highl ight the crucial decoupl ing

    between weather events and CPO

    outpu t; wet weather in SE Asia wi l l

    not, as in th e past, lead to h igher

    CPO outpu t

    Essent ial investment in th e CPO

    industry w i l l raise the cost curve for

    palm and pro vide a higher pr ice

    f loor

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    Crude palm oilA price storm is brewing

    30 April 2012 3

    Hedging and trade recommendations


    Producers should take advantage of the current market near MYR 3,500/t to lock in

    some profits. Although we are bullish on CPO, we expect significant volatility at

    current prices. Risk-averse clients should consider buying put options, which will give

    them the right but not the obligation to sell at an agreed price, thereby protecting

    against price drops.


    We have a bullish long-term outlook on CPO on account of tight global edible oil

    stocks and an anticipated deceleration in CPO yields. However, we believe the

    market is approaching a near-term top and will dip briefly in Q3-2012. Consumers

    should look to buy dips on the basis that any weakness is likely to prove short-lived.

    Trading (short-term)

    We recommend shorting September 2012 BMD crude palm oil futures at the current

    price of MYR 3,450/t, with a target of MYR 3,250/t, below our average Q3-2012 price

    target of MYR 3,350/t (prices above Q3-2012 price target will need to fall below

    target to ensure our average is met). MYR 3,241/t represents the 61.8% Fibonnacci

    retracement level and also appears to be significant since it has served as a support

    and resistance level for the past year. We place our stop-loss at MYR 3,590/t.

    After the northern hemisphere summer months, yields are expected to decline, but to

    lower levels than usual, which is a reflection of the sub-optimal profile of plantations

    in South East Asia. From Q3-2012, we would recommend looking for any reversal

    prices to the upside, with a target of MYR 3,700/t (about a 10-15% gain).

    Table 1: Standard Chartered CPO forecasts

    We see significant upside risks in Q4-2012

    Chart 3: BMD CPO futures, MYR/t

    We recommend shorting September futures

    New forecastMYR/t

    Previous forecastMYR/t

    Q2-2012 3,500 3,400

    Q3-2012 3,350 3,600

    Q4-2012 3,700 3,600

    2012 annual average 3,450 3,450

    2013 annual average 3,620 3,800

    2014 annual average 3,228 3,900

    2015 annual average 3,456 3,950

    Source: Standard Chartered Research Sources: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered Research


    Qtr avg

    Qtr Fcst










    Jan-11 Apr-11 Jul-11 Oct-11 Jan-12 Apr-12 Jul-12 Oct-12

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    Crude palm oilA price storm is brewing

    30 April 2012 4

    Chart 4: A graphic introduction to CPO, its value chain and applications

    Sources: MVO, Standard Chartered Research



    Fresh fruit bunches


    Crude palm oil/

    Palm kernel oil






    RBD palm oil

    RBD Olein(80%) Stearin(20%)



    Glycerol/fatty acids


    fractionation/palm mid


    Oleo chemical





    Fatty alcohols


    Fatty nitrogen


    Food (75%):

    Cooking oils and frying fats

    Margarine and spreads


    Confectionary and bakery fats(specialty fats)

    Vanaspati (vegetable ghee)

    Ice cream, coffee creamersand filled milk


    Vitamin E supplements

    Non-food (25%):

    Soap , shampoo anddetergents

    Animal feed

    Energy generation, biodieseland lubricants



    Organic fertilisers and biomass


    Plasticisers, stabilisers forrubber and PVC

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    Crude palm oilA price storm is brewing

    30 April 2012 5

    Three building blocksproductivity, fungibility and demandAn imp ortant star t ing poin t in our discussion on th e out look for CPO pr ices is

    to introdu ce bui lding bloc ks we wi l l use to form ulate our CPO pr ice forecast.

    Oi l palm produ ct iv i ty (yield) , i ts fungib i l i ty with other vegetable oi ls and impo rt

    demand are key elements that shape the pr ice out look . To demonstrate this

    view we analyse the CPO markets evolution in 2011 where these three factors

    contr ibuted to generate signi f icant p r ice volat i l i ty . We believe these three

    factors wi l l cont inue to sh ape CPO pr ices over the long term and w e develop

    this argum ent fur ther in ou r report to arr ive at our CPO pr ice forecasts.

    CPO prices started 2011 on a bullish note, rallying 9% in mid-January to close at a

    peak of MYR 3,990/t on 10 February 2011. Thereafter, the market traded lower,

    slumping nearly 30% to reach a floor around MYR 2,800/t on 7 October. Three key

    events helped to shape the outlook for CPO prices in 2011, as well as set the

    platform for events in 2012.

    An unprecedented increase in CPO yields in South East Asia

    This was most evident in Malaysia, where fresh fruit bunch (FFB) yields rose

    significantly between March and December 2011. It is important to put the

    improvement in Malaysian FFB yields into context. Overall, FFB yields declined

    counter-seasonally in 2010, with the trend persisting until it reached a floor in

    February 2011. This tightening in output prospects was particularly prominent in Q4-

    2010, when yields were around 14% lower than the average yield in the same period

    in 2006-09. Lower output in Q4-2010 provided a bullish platform for markets, with

    nearby CPO futures rising 38%.

    The drop in yields in 2010 coincided with an intense La Nia, the worst in over

    35 years. Monsoon flooding caused by La Nia tends to limit harvesting, particularly

    in low-lying areas near riverbanks. Flooding can significantly distort the palm oil

    supply chain in the short term, but boost yields in the longer term. The sharp

    improvement in yields in South East Asia after La Nia subsided had an inverse

    effect on market prices. FFB yields in Malaysia improved significantly in Q2-2011,

    with average yields 14% higher than the five-year average for the same period.

    Yields peaked seasonally in September at 1.95t/ha and have since trended lower

    (Chart 5).

    Chart 5: 2011 CPO yields vs. the five-year average

    Malaysian yields saw unprecedented growth in 2011, t/ha

    Chart 6: High yields boosted inventories in Malaysia

    Month-end closing stocks, mt

    Sources: MPOB, Standard Chartered Research Sources: MPOB, Standard Chartered Research








    Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov

    5 yr average yields









    Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-10 Jul-10 Jan-11 Jul-11

    FFB yields in Malaysia peaked

    in September 2011 and

    have since trended lower

    Low er CPO output in Q4-2010

    provided the market with a bul l ish

    platform; nearby CPO futures

    subs equently ral l ied 38%

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  • 8/13/2019 Crude_palm_oil__A_price_storm_is_brewing_28_04_12_11_31


    Crude palm oilA price storm is brewing

    30 April 2012 7

    The past four years had three significant periods in which a narrowing of the

    SBO/CPO spread was followed by a sharp slowdown in CPO imports and, as a

    consequence, a sharp drop in the price of CPO.

    Using data from January 2004 in China and from January 2007 in India, we find

    some correlation between the average monthly SBO/CPO spread and the volume of

    imports. This relationship is more established in India, which mainly imports crude

    CPO, but we also see a similar pattern in China, which mainly imports refined CPO

    (Chart 8). The sharp improvement in CPO demand in Q2-2011 coincided with a

    larger soyoil premium over CPO. Conversely, the recent decline in CPO demand

    coincided with a tightening of the soyoil premium over CPO. The soyoil premium hit

    its lowest level in nine months in January 2012, and now looks to have reached a

    floor. The improvement in the SBO/CPO spread reflects bullish momentum in the

    soybean complex (seeSpecial Report, 31 October 2011, Soybeans The case for a

    bull market in 2012), which has so far provided significant upside impetus for CPO

    prices in 2012.

    Over all, the impact of these three key events (the trend in CPO yields, the trend in

    the SBO/CPO spread and CPO import dynamics in Asia) set the stage for CPO

    prices in 2011. These events, along with significant fiscal changes in Indonesias

    CPO market and energy prices, will continue to drive the outlook for CPO prices in

    2012 and beyond.

    The sharp impro vement in

    CPO demand in Q2-2011 coincided

    with a larger soyoi l premium

    over CPO
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  • 8/13/2019 Crude_palm_oil__A_price_storm_is_brewing_28_04_12_11_31


    Crude palm oilA price storm is brewing

    30 April 2012 9

    shortfall in the CPO market. This is not to say there is not healthy interest in the

    supply outlook, particularly for the key producing regions of Indonesia and Malaysia,

    which together account for around 90% of global output (Chart 11). There is; which

    we noted at a recent industry conference in Malaysia, where on average the threekey industry speakers estimated 2012 output in Indonesia and Malaysia at 26.5mt

    and 19mt, respectively. However, we advocate greater market focus on supply as

    this will be a key game changer in the industry in the near to medium term.

    Government estimates in Indonesia put 2012 CPO output at 25.7mt, up from 22.5mt

    in 2011 while in Malaysia official figures indicate that output will rise by around 2.3%

    y/y to 19.3mt as more trees enter maturity. Central to output projections is the age

    profile of trees in producing countries. Indonesia is expected to benefit from young

    trees (4-6 years old) entering their prime (7-12 years old). This will partly compensate

    for the slowdown in yield from older trees. In Malaysia, yield is likely to drop despite a

    larger mature area due, in part, to a planting campaign in 2008-09, particularly in thestate of Sarawak on Borneo Island (Chart 12).

    Data and comments from industry consultants highlight the fact that the industry is in

    the middle of a down-cycle. Consultant, Oil World, forecasts CPO yield in Indonesia

    of 3.94t/ha in 2012, flat compared with 2011. In Malaysia, yield is forecast to drop to

    4.36t/ha compared with 4.42t/ha in 2012. In both Malaysia and Indonesia, palm trees

    are likely to show signs of stress after strong production in 2011.

    Globally, Oil World forecasts output at 52.3mt in 2012, up from 50.2mt in 2011, with

    global yields dropping marginally to an average 3.72t/ha, down from 3.73t/ha in 2011.

    Global mature acreage is forecast to rise to 14.1mn ha, up from 13.44mn ha in 2011.Comments from major industry player Godrej International supports the view that the

    industry is in a low cycle which will last from March 2012 until around November 2012.

    The occurrence of this low cycle, should it be realised, will be of particular significance

    because CPO yields usually start trending higher in March before peaking in October

    (we briefly discuss seasonality below). However, we believe this low cycle will last

    even longer than currently estimated due to what we perceive to be a crucial

    decoupling between weather events and CPO output, a phenomenon which has been

    exacerbated by the sub-optimal profile of some plantations in South East Asia.

    Chart 11: Malaysia and Indonesia are top CPO producers

    The countries together account for about 90% of global output

    Chart 12: Output growth is slowing

    This is particularly true in Malaysia, % y/y

    Sources: USDA, Standard Chartered Research Sources: USDA, Oil World, Standard Chartered Research








    1990/91 1993/94 1996/97 1999/00 2002/03 2005/06 2008/09 2011/12

    Indonesia Malaysia ROW












    1990/91 1993/94 1996/97 1999/00 2002/03 2005/06 2008/09 2011/12

    The general market consensus

    is that outpu t wi l l fal l

    in South East Asia but we bel ieve

    the decl ine wi l l last longer

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    Crude palm oilA price storm is brewing

    30 April 2012 10

    NE monsoonweather

    Palm oil seasonality

    Seasonality in agricultural commodities is well known, and CPO is no different.

    Looking at the forward curve, we see signs of seasonality, with peaks occurring in the

    run-up to the summer (Chart 13). Seasonal troughs look as though they occur aroundSeptember.

    As an exercise and to quantify our expectations, we analyse front-month futures

    prices for seasonality, using our multiplicative model (see Commodity Focus

    Quarterly, 21 June 2011, Aseason for everything). This assumes that prices can be

    broken down into three components: trend, irregular and seasonal. Simplistically, it

    takes the following form:

    We use S to refer to the average seasonal component for that time of the year. The

    irregular term I is the random noise component, while the trend term T captures, andultimately removes, any price trends. Estimations of trend and removal of the

    irregular component allow us to isolate the seasonal component. The seasonality for

    palm oil, based on the last 10 years of data, is shown in Chart 13 and has been

    normalised to be between zero and one, with zero representing the seasonal low and

    one representing the seasonal high. What we find is that seasonal upward bias is

    seen in the run-up to the summer, peaking around April. Prices remain seasonally

    high around summer time and then descend to a trough in September-October.

    There is then an upturn at the end of the year. This is roughly what we expected from

    the forward curve (Chart 14).

    The reason prices exhibit this seasonality is linked to yields that start to trend higherin March and peak around October. Higher yields at this time would drive prices

    lower, as seen in our price seasonality. We calculate the normalised seasonal month

    average yield and overlay this with our price seasonality to demonstrate the

    relationship and show it inverted in Chart 13. While the relationship is clear, it is worth

    highlighting that seasonality in yields is largely a function of the weather. The North

    East monsoon weather runs from November through March, disrupting harvesting

    and production due to heavy rainfall.

    Chart 13: Estimated relative seasonality

    CPO and average seasonal yield (inverted, normalised)

    Chart 14: BMD CPO forward curve, MYR/t

    9 April 2012

    Sources: Bloomberg, MPOB, Standard Chartered Research Sources: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered Research


    Avg yield(inverted,













    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec








    Mar-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Jan-13 Apr-13 Jul-13 Nov-13 Feb-14

    Yield seasonal i ty is clo sely l inked tothe dis rupt ive impact of mon soon

    weather in SE Asia

    CPO pr ices are seasonal ly hig h

    around March to A ugust and trough

    around September/October
  • 8/13/2019 Crude_palm_oil__A_price_storm_is_brewing_28_04_12_11_31


    Crude palm oilA price storm is brewing

    30 April 2012 11

    Weather and CPO, a marriage gone sour

    Oil palms thrive best in countries with high rainfall (minimum of 1,600mm p.a.) in

    tropical climates within 10 of the equator. According to the UNs Food and

    Agricultural Organization, low moisture is the most common reason for tree stress,which is why it is important to examine weather events over the last 24 months.

    Between June 2009 and May 2010, weather events were dominated by El Nio

    developments that led to moisture stress and occurrences of bunch failure, floral

    abortion and sex differentiation. In contrast, the weather over the last 24 months has

    been volatile, dominated by La Nia weather conditions stretching from July 2010 to

    April 2011. La Nia weather is associated with wetter-than-normal conditions in

    South East Asia, and El Nio with drier-than-normal conditions. La Nia weather

    conditions again gained momentum in July 2011, lasting until January 2012. Climate

    models surveyed by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (ABM) show a continuing

    weakening of the event, with neutral conditions expected over the coming months.

    There is some uncertainty over the outlook for the rest of 2012, a feeling echoed by

    the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and consultants, Browning. In

    February, the WMO wrote that although historical precedence and the latest output

    from forecast models suggest that the current La Nia reached its peak in late 2011

    and early 2012, after May there is a wide range in the model forecasts. Browning has

    a similar view while the Pacific is expected to be neutral by mid- to late spring,

    opinion is divided on whether the ocean will warm, remain neutral or cool again in the


    For the purposes of this report, we will adopt the opinion of the ABM that sea surface

    temperature anomalies will likely return to a neutral state from March to May 2012

    (temperate spring). We also assume conditions will remain neutral into December

    2012. When we plot the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) against annual output in

    Chart 15: Oil palms thrive in tropical climates within 10 of the equator

    Sources: FAO, Standard Chartered Research

    Climate models by the Au stral ian

    Bureau of Meteorology show a

    con tinu ing weakenin g of La Nia

    CPO yields r ise fol lowing

    La Nia ev en ts

    It is uncertain how s ea

    temperatures wi l l evolve after May


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    Crude palm oilA price storm is brewing

    30 April 2012 12

    both Malaysia and Indonesia (Charts 16 and 17), we see that palm output y/y tends

    to rise during La Nia events and fall during El Nio episodes. Sustained positive

    values of the SOI are indicative of La Nia conditions.

    Assessing the current shape of the SOI curve, and taking into account forecasts for a

    drop in the SOI to neutral conditions, we expect yields will return to trend between

    May and October but, contrary to market expectations, we look for yields to fall below

    trend in Q4-2012.

    What reinforces our conviction that CPO yields will be tighter than expected beyond

    Q4-2012 is the noticeable decoupling in the relationship between CPO output and the

    SOI in both Malaysia and Indonesia (Charts 16 and 17). The recent de-coupling is

    noticeable; however, we look for more concrete evidence. We calculate the rolling

    correlation between CPO output and SOI for both countries (Charts 18 and 19). For

    each correlation we evaluate the accompanying t-statistic that tells us if thecorrelation is significantly different from zero for a particular confidence level (5%). A

    result above the t-statistic 5% level would mean the correlation was significantly

    different from zero.

    Chart 16: SOI vs. change in CPO output in Malaysia

    Palm yields tend to rise during La Nia events

    Chart 17: SOI vs. change in CPO output in Indonesia

    More recently, this relationship has decoupled

    Sources: USDA, ABM, Standard Chartered Research Sources: USDA, ABM, Standard Chartered Research

    Chart 18: Rolling correlation between SOI and change in

    CPO output in Malaysia

    Chart 19: Rolling correlation between SOI and change in

    CPO output in Indonesia

    Source: Standard Chartered Research Source: Standard Chartered Research

    SOI index







    1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010








    Chg CPO output(% y/y, RHS)

    SOI index







    1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010








    Chg CPO output(% y/y, RHS)


    Corr t-stat

    t-stat 5%



















    Jan-84 Jan-88 Jan-92 Jan-96 Jan-00 Jan-04 Jan-08



    t-stat 5%
















    Jan-84 Jan-88 Jan-92 Jan-96 Jan-00 Jan-04 Jan-08

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    Crude palm oilA price storm is brewing

    30 April 2012 13

    For Malaysia, we see a correlation ranging from 40-60%, which remained

    significantly different from zero until 2002. Beyond 2002, and particularly after 2008,

    we see a strong correlation decoupling, which backs up our initial expectations.

    Interestingly, when we do this for Indonesia, we see a much smaller and variedcorrelation, which statistically is close to zero for the whole period we studied (1984-

    2011). It would appear that the SOI, and hence La Nia/El Nio, has not had a

    significant effect on Indonesian CPO output in the past compared with Malaysias

    output. We attribute this to the younger profile of trees in Indonesia compared with

    Malaysia and the use of relatively improved seedlings in many parts of Indonesias

    CPO industry. However, since 2008, it would appear there has been a lack of

    influence from the SOI.

    What this means to us is that La Nia weather conditions will not naturally, as in the

    past, lead to higher output. The impact of the weather will remain important, but the

    scale of its effect on output will depend on the severity of the weather event, as wellas prior and subsequent weather conditions. In the near to medium term, output will

    depend even more on plantation management and practices, including the age profile

    of trees, labour, fertiliser and manure use, and planting procedures. These will have

    important cost implications for estate owners who may be inclined to stagger costly

    innovations and initiatives and, in the process, keep CPO yields depressed

    for longer.

    Other factors have lessened the

    impact of the weather on yield

    outcom es in the CPO sector

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    Crude palm oilA price storm is brewing

    30 April 2012 14

    Our CPO supply forecasts

    We assume global yields will stay on par with a three-year average, but with

    downside risks. We calculate that output will grow 7% and 3%, respectively, in

    Indonesia and Malaysia through the forecast period. Production in the rest of theworld has been more chequered over the last three years, dropping 2% in 2009/10,

    stagnating in 2010/11 and forecast to grow 6% in the current season. We believe

    supply prospects outside Indonesia and Malaysia are good given increasing

    investment in oil palms in Latam and Africa. We believe growth of 6% can be

    maintained over the forecast period, particularly given the low output base. Our

    supply forecast is more aggressive than market conditions suggest. While our core

    view is for tighter global output in the medium term, we believe our forecast captures

    unpredictable upside risks. Our supply projections are shown in Table 2.

    Table 2: CPO supply forecasts, mt (BASE CASE)

    World production % growth y/y Of which Indonesia Of which MalaysiaOf whichrest of the world

    2010/11 47.9 4.51 23.6 18.2 6.1

    2011/12E 50.6 5.50 25.4 18.7 6.5

    2012/13F 53.3 5.49 27.3 19.2 6.9

    2013/14F 56.3 5.53 29.3 19.7 7.3

    2014/15F 59.4 5.5 31.5 20.3 7.7

    CPO supply forecasts, mt (HIGH CASE)

    World production % growth y/y Of which Indonesia Of which MalaysiaOf whichrest of the world

    2010/11 47.9 4.51 23.6 18.2 6.1

    2011/12E 50.6 5.50 25.4 18.7 6.5

    2012/13F 54.8 8.30 27.9 19.7 7.2

    2013/14F 59.4 8.39 30.7 20.8 8.0

    2014/15F 64.5 8.59 33.7 21.9 8.9

    CPO supply forecasts, mt (LOW CASE)

    World production % growth y/y Of which Indonesia Of which MalaysiaOf whichrest of the world

    2010/11 47.9 4.51 23.6 18.2 6.1

    2011/12E 50.6 5.50 25.4 18.7 6.5

    2012/13F 52.7 4.15 27.5 18.8 6.7

    2013/14F 55.0 4.36 29.2 18.9 6.8

    2014/15F 57.5 4.55 31.4 19.0 7.1

    Sources: USDA, Standard Chartered Research

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    Higher industry costsAn indication of yield erosion

    Low production costs in South East Asia are transient; the market should not get too comfortable

    High industry margins mask structural deficiencies

    The age profile of estates in Malaysia is sub-optimal; replanting will increase output costs

    We see evidence to su ggest that a large proport ion o f estate own ers in South

    East Asia have under invested. In m ost cases, this is due to the relat ive cost of

    invest ing and long lead t imes between plantat ion establ ishment and

    prof i tabi l i ty . Smal lholders, part icular ly in Indon esia, have l imi ted their use of

    fer t i liser on p ropert ies that general ly have infer ior stock. As a co nsequence,

    yield has been adversely affected. Growth in yield can be remedied, but at a

    cost throug h plant ing h igher-y ielding seedl ings, invest ing in fer t i l iser or both .

    These essent ial investments wi l l raise the cost curve for palm and p rovide a

    more elevated f loor for p r ices.

    Malaysias headache is Indonesias, too

    Malaysia and Indonesia find themselves at a crossroads. After years of buoyant

    output, yields are showing greater signs of stress. However, before exploring the

    resulting cost implications from the drop in yield in both countries it is important to

    note the following:

    1. The cost structure of oil palm plantations is made up largely of labour, fertiliser

    and diesel on a per hectare (ha) basis. Oil palm plantations are extremely labour

    intensive and are costly to establish and manage.

    2. Fertiliser is the largest cost item for an immature estate, we understand. Once

    trees reach maturity, labour takes the No. 1 spot, with fertiliser dropping to No. 2.

    As a result, the price of fertiliser is a significant yield and profit driver.

    3. Palm trees typically begin flowering and producing fresh fruit bunches (FFB)

    after three to four years, with a substantial increase in yield three to four years

    later. Oil palm plantations generally remain profitable for 25 years, after which

    they need to be replanted. Yields are therefore central to profitability as they

    impact on the cost of CPO per hectare (or per tonne).

    Chart 20: Typical yield profile of oil palms

    Trees peak at around 7-12 years, FFB yield in t/ha

    Chart 21: Annual change in CPO import demand

    Indonesia now supplies over half the annual change in use

    Sources: Oil palm industry journal, Standard Chartered Research Sources: USDA, Standard Chartered Research








    4 8 12 16 20 24 28









    1991/92 1994/95 1997/98 2000/01 2003/04 2006/07 2009/10

    World CPO exports ex-Indonesia, annual change, mt

    CPO exports, Indonesia, annual change, mt

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    4. Peak palm oil yields occur when trees are between 7 and 12 years of age, and

    gradually decline thereafter (Chart 20). As a plantation ages, it also tends to

    experience declining tree populations as a result of pests and disease. Newly

    established plantations might have 130-145 trees/ha, whereas an old plantationmight be reduced to about 100 trees/ha.

    The long lead time between plantation establishment and profitability are huge

    impediments to many plantation owners.

    Growing pains in Indonesia and Malaysia

    Over the past decade, Indonesia has not only overtaken Malaysia as the top

    producer of CPO, but now supplies over half of the annual increase needed to meet

    growing demand global demand (Chart 21). Using data from the US Department of

    Agriculture (USDA), we calculate that Indonesias CPO growth averaged 12% p.a.

    between 2001 and 2010 compared with 6% p.a. in Malaysia. The primary reason forthis remarkable growth in Indonesias CPO output was due to reforms in Indonesias

    CPO industry, which included the allocation and issuance of around 10mn ha of new

    land licences between 2000 and 2009. Land lease terms were also liberalised and

    extended from a limit of 25 years to a new limit of 95 years to motivate investors.

    What is fascinating about the growth in palm planted acres in Indonesia during this

    period is that the rate of growth was greatest among smallholders. The annual growth

    rate at smallholders was over 17.4%, compared to 4.6% at private commercial

    estates, according to the USDA and the Indonesia Palm Oil Commission (IPOC). By

    2010, smallholders numbered over 1.5 million, with a typical farm size of two ha,

    compared with over 10 government companies operating around 185 plantations withan average farm size of 3,900 ha, and around 820 private operators operating 1,020

    plantations with an average size of 3,500 ha. Consequently, smallholders now

    account for more than 40% of the planted area in Indonesia. This compares with

    around 14% in Malaysia (Charts 22 and 23).

    Evidence on the ground suggests that smallholders find labour to be a more

    manageable cost than other inputs required for an immature estate. As a result,

    smallholders apply minimal fertiliser to their land and genetic stock on their properties

    is generally inferior to that grown by government and private estates. Additionally,

    official data indicates that around a third of oil plantations, mainly smallholders, are

    Chart 22: Oil palm planted area by category

    Private estates dominate Malaysias oil palm acres

    Chart 23: Oil palm planted area by category

    Smallholders form a large part of Indonesias palm acres

    Sources: MPOB, Standard Chartered Research Sources: USDA, IPOC, Standard Chartered Research











    Felda Stateagencies

    Felcra Risda








    Private estates Independentsmallholders

    State agencies

    Unl ike Malaysia, smal lholders in

    Indonesia form a sizeable

    propo rt ion of oi l palm areas

    Indonesias remarkable CPO output

    owes largely to reforms in the

    industry between 2000 and 2009

    Tree stress from bump er produ ct ion

    over the last decade in Indon esia is

    now coming to bear on estates

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    Like Indonesia, the profile of oil palms in Malaysia is also damping output, although in

    Malaysia we are more concerned about the age profile of trees. Farmers have not

    been persuaded to replant in earnest, despite attractive international prices.

    According to USDA estimates, around 25-30% of Malaysian oil palms are 20-30years old. According to our own estimates, more than 20% of oil palms in Malaysia

    are over 25 years old (Chart 26). To arrive at our estimate, we used data from the

    MPOC, and publicly available information on major replanting schemes over the last

    five years. We also use an industry assumption that 5% of stock in private estates is

    replanted annually.

    Industry officials indicate there is potential to boost yields with new higher-yielding

    varieties, but there is a need to replace up to 50% of the Malaysias current national

    crop. Labour constraints and high CPO prices are severely limiting replanting rates,

    so it may take time before a big replanting scheme can be undertaken. In the short to

    medium term, yield growth in Malaysia seems to have reached a plateau, with thepossibility for output to stagnate (Chart 27). Indonesia has been a popular alternative

    for the expansion of Malaysian plantations, but there is increasing interest in Africa

    and South America. While land lease costs are more competitive in these regions,

    the investment required to integrate upstream and downstream operations will be


    There are also other factors exacerbating the pressure on yields in Malaysia,

    including acute competition with Indonesia for labour, as Indonesia is also expanding

    its palm oil industry. This shortage of plantation workers, most of whom are from

    Indonesia, has adversely affected harvests and is creating wage pressures in the

    industry. Plantation owners we spoke to on a recent trip to Malaysia have been

    compelled to raise worker wages over the last 12 months. Labour costs on

    plantations estates now account for around 30-40% of total costs (depending on the

    level of mechanisation and location) and are likely to trend higher at a rate of 10-15%

    annually. This poses a significant cost challenge for estates where labour contributed

    only around 20% of total costs in 2002. The Malaysian government last year

    increased the minimum wage for workers by 10% y/y to MYR 850/month.

    Chart 26: Age profile of oil palms in Malaysia

    We estimate over 20% of trees are over 25years old, mn ha

    Chart 27: Malaysia CPO yields

    Yield growth seems to have plateaued, t/ha

    Sources: MPOB, Standard Chartered Research Sources: MPOB, USDA, Standard Chartered Research

    area 25yrsold

    % trees >25years old














    2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010










    2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

    CPO investors are increasingly

    looking outside Malaysia and

    towards Afr ica and Latam for new

    acreage; the investment n eeded to

    integrate operat ions w i l l be cost ly

    Acute com peti t ion with Indon esia

    for labour is fu el l ing wage inf lat ion

    in the CPO sector

    Accord ing to our est imates, over

    20% of palm oil trees in Malaysia

    are older than 25 years

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    On our trip to plantations in the region, we noted that plantation costs in Indonesia and

    Malaysia are starting to converge. Costs per tonne of CPO produced in Indonesia have

    typically been lower compared with Malaysia, reflecting lower labour costs and different

    farming practices. This differential was not immediately obvious in our review ofplantation costs, with some plantation costs in Indonesia higher compared with their

    Malaysian counterparts (Chart 28). This is partly because wages in some areas of

    Indonesia are now comparable to those offered in Malaysia. What we found, however,

    was that the cash cost of production in Indonesia is typically lower ex-mill compared

    with Malaysia. This is in line with the view that Malaysia has a more efficient

    downstream sector compared with Indonesia, but struggles to contain higher upstream

    costs that are caused partly by labour shortages.

    Further validation of costs on an industry- and country-wide basis is needed given the

    comparatively small sample size, accounting for differences in the treatment of

    plantation costs and the fragmented nature of the industry. At current prices, we foundthat plantation margins are healthy, ranging from around USD 451-642/t (Chart 29).

    We believe that current healthy profit margins in the palm sector are compounding

    structural deficiencies in the industry that will significantly limit downside risks. The

    prospect of slowing output in an industry that is vital to edible oil consumers in Asia,

    Africa and the Middle East who have few viable and affordable substitutes is a

    significantly bullish event in the industry.

    Chart 28: Unit costs per tonne of CPO, USDAt select companies operating either in Indonesia, Malaysia or

    both countries

    Chart 29: Oil palm profit marginsProfit margins are high on well-managed estates

    Sources: USDA, Oil World, Reuters, Standard Chartered Research Source: Standard Chartered Research

    0 100 200 300 400 500 600



    Indonesiaand Malaysia

    Monthlyaverage CPOprice USD/t









    Jan-03 Jan-05 Jan-07 Jan-09 Jan-11

    Estimated CPO costs on a well-managed estate


    Product ion c osts in Indonesia have

    typical ly been lower compared

    to Malaysia, but the differential

    i s no longer obv ious

    Plantation m argins are heal thy

    given current CPO pr ices

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    Fungibility and demand

    Global CPO consumption stands at around 49.5mt, up from 5.3mt in 1982

    Markets face the prospect of a much tighter soyoil market in 2012 Growing biodiesel mandates should provide a bullish signal to edible oil markets

    The consum ption of palm o i l as a percentage of the consum ption of edible oi ls

    has been trending higher in an alm ost l inear manner over the last 30 years.

    Demand for palm o i l is closely associated with i ts fungibi l i ty with o ther edible

    oi ls. However, palm oi l consumption has grown faster relat ive to other

    vegetable oi ls because of i ts p r ice advantage. We expect the relat ionship

    between CPO and other edible oi ls to cont inu e over the forecast per iod. To

    mod el demand, we also incorporate our view on sustainable CPO and bio diesel

    demand g iven that CPO is a feedstock for the latter . We expect CPO demand to

    outstr ip su pply b y 2013.

    Global consumption of palm oil has grown in leaps and bounds over the last 30

    years. In 1982, global consumption of palm oil stood at 5.3mt, with per capita

    consumption of just 1.2kg. Global per capita consumption of palm oil now stands at

    around 7.2kg, or around 49.5mt. Growth in palm oil consumption has been driven by

    rapid urbanisation, a young and growing population and rising per capita incomes.

    This is boosting out of home eating and the consumption of packaged food, for which

    CPO is a core ingredient. These trends are most evident in Asia, Africa and the

    Middle East. Biodiesel demand is also a key driver of CPO use, although this is

    mainly in Europe, but increasing in Latin America. We also expect demand for

    sustainable CPO to grow, as more consumers demand environmental accountability

    from food manufacturers.

    The top six CPO importers are India, China, the EU, Pakistan, Malaysia and Egypt,

    while the top six consumers are India, Indonesia, China, the EU, Malaysia and

    Pakistan. Nigeria lies just outside the top six consumers and is Sub-Saharan Africas

    largest importer and consumer of palm oil (Chart 30). Demographics in Indonesia,

    Egypt and Nigeria show a steady rise in the percentage of the population between

    the ages of 15 and 34 (Chart 31). Younger people, particularly in urban areas, tend to

    consume more packaged foods, which use significant quantities of palm oil.

    Chart 30: Top 10 consumers of palm oil, 2011

    Asia is the dominant user of palm oil, mt

    Chart 31: % of population between the ages of 15 and 34

    Selected countries, men (M) vs. women (W)

    Sources: ERS,CONAB, Standard Chartered Research Sources: World Bank data, Standard Chartered Research

    0 2 4 6 8









    M, Nigeria

    W, Nigeria

    M, Egypt

    W, Egypt

    M, Indonesia

    W, Indonesia











    1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

    Nigeria is Africas largest importer

    and consumer of palm oi l

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    Overview of CPO demand in China

    China is the second-largest importer and consumer of palm oil and accounts for

    around 13% of global palm oil consumption. Per capita demand in China rose to

    around 4.5kg in 2011 from under 20 grammes in 1982. While per capita consumptionof edible oils in China has improved significantly over the last five years we

    currently estimate it at 25kg and on par with the global averageit is still significantly

    below per capita consumption in OECD countries such as Canada (41kg), the US

    (50kg) and the EU-27 (61kg). Edible oil consumption is higher in urban areas

    compared with rural areas. Soyoil is the most used edible oil in China, accounting for

    around 22% of total edible oil consumption. Soyoil is a derivative of soybeans, which

    is used to make soy meal, and Chinas robust demand for soybeans for meals

    implies a relatively good supply of soyoil.

    The popularity of palm oil in China is due largely to its price competitiveness compared

    with other edible oils such as soybean and rapeseed. This makes CPO attractive foruse in both the food and non-food sectors. Data from the MPOC shows that instant

    noodles account for around 20% of CPO use in China, food processing for 33%,

    cooking for 22%, soap for 16% and the oleo chemical industry for 6% (Chart 33).

    Reports from both the MPOC and the USDA point to the strong use of CPO in the

    production of instant noodles. Industry sources show a significant rise in instant-

    noodle production to over 8mt in 2011, up over 22% y/y. Instant noodles are popular

    with younger people including students, migrant workers and office workers as

    they are easily prepared and eaten.

    We believe that instant-noodle consumption in China will remain robust, although ourin-house research takes the view that increasing disposable income and changing

    lifestyles are encouraging consumers to move from the mid- or low-end market to the

    high-end market. This trend is especially true in top-tier cities where many young

    professionals will switch to high-end noodles instead of dining out.

    The place that instant noodles occupies on the menu in China is intimately linked to

    the need for convenience and competitively priced food. In that regard, Chinas brisk

    pace of urbanisation, combined with the growing intensity of urban consumption,

    augurs well for the development of a large and buoyant fast-food/out-of-home food

    market that will support CPO demand in the longer term.

    Chart 32: Per capita use of CPO in India

    India has stepped up its use of CPO (kg)

    Chart 33: Allocation of CPO use in China, 2011

    The bulk of CPO goes into food processing

    Sources: USDA, Standard Chartered Research Sources: USDA, Standard Chartered Research









    Jan-80 Jan-84 Jan-88 Jan-92 Jan-96 Jan-00 Jan-04 Jan-08 Jan-12









    Food processing/catering

    Cooking Instantnoodles

    Soaps Oleochemicals

    Chinas edible oil consumption

    is on p ar with the global average

    but lags OECD countr ies

    The popular i ty of CPO for use in

    Chinas food and non- food sectors

    is due largely to i ts pr ice

    com peti t iveness relat ive to

    subst i tu te edible oi ls

    Instant-nood le consu mptio n wi l lremain robust, al though cons umers

    are mov ing from th e low-end to the

    high-end market

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    Chart 34: CPO trade flow from Indonesia and Malaysia

    Sources: MPOB, GAPKI, Standard Chartered Research


    mt Imported from







    NEA / SEA












    Profiling CPO demand in India

    Sources: POC, Standard Chartered Research

    India is the top importer and consumer of palm oil

    Per capita consumption of palm oil is 6.4kg compared with

    4.5kg in China (Chart 32)

    India is a price-sensitive edible oil market

    Imposes zero import duties on crude edible oil/ nominal import

    duties on refined oils

    CPO demand has been boosted by government schemes,

    including mid-day meals

    Refined soyoil is preferred by upper- and middle-income


    Palm oil is mostly consumed in the out-of-home sector (mainly

    food outlets)

    Out-of-home consumption will drive CPO demand over the long


    Palm oil is mainly consumed in lower-income households

    CPO is consumed mostly in the summer months

    CPO consumption drops during winter months as CPO

    becomes semi-solid

    CPO imports tend to increase in Q4 due to lower domestic

    output and festival demand

    South India is the largest consumer of CPO relative to other oils

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    Demand for sustainable palm oil and why it matters

    Another perennial concern in the industry is the environmental impact of palm plantations,

    and the trade-off between expanding plantation area to meet growing demand and the

    environmental and social pressures that it creates. It is against this backdrop that theRoundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was formed in 2004. According to industry

    reports, palm oil plantations account for around 8.2mn ha of land in Indonesia, with this

    area forecast to increase by around 2.4% annually over the next decade (or 200k ha

    p.a.). This will be fuelled by the countrys ambitious output target of 40m t by 2040.

    Membership in the RSPO is open across the entire supply chain, and in its inaugural

    qualitative review, the organisation cited a strong increase in membership and sales

    of certified palm oil. Among consumer goods manufacturers and retailers,

    membership has grown primarily in the EU, particularly multinational food processors.

    The reason we articulate trends in the RSPO is because consumers, a large swathe

    of whom are in middle- and high-income countries, are increasingly interested in

    products that are sustainably sourced. In that regard, demand for sustainable palm oil

    is growing and likely to continue to grow as consumers reach the middle-income

    bracket. Producers are also able to charge a premium for certified sustainable palm

    oil (CSPO) (Chart 35).

    The palm oil growers association for Indonesia (GAPKI) and Malaysian Palm Oil Council

    (MPOC) have both opted out of the RSPO. This decision is partly because of uncertainty

    regarding the operation of the scheme and partly because of comparatively slow sales of

    CSPO. This could affect consumer perception about the sourcing of CPO by these two

    markets. However, both Indonesia and Malaysia have indicated they will establish

    domestic certification schemes that should allay some of these concerns. Despite

    anticipated domestic certification schemes, 90% of CSPO annual production capacity is

    from Indonesia and Malaysia, and as of December 2011, data from the RSPO shows

    that Indonesia and Malaysia together had 72 oil palm growers adhering to the scheme

    (Chart 36).

    Sustainable palm oil is also key to accessing markets such as the US where demand

    for biofuels is growing. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2012 raised

    its annual renewable fuel mandates by 9.4% y/y to 15.2bn gallons. The EPA in

    January said CPO converted into biofuels in Indonesia and Malaysia fell short of

    cutting greenhouse gas emissions by the required 20% necessary to access the US

    market. This is particularly important for Indonesia, which subsidises biofuel output

    Chart 35: Certified sustainable palm oil uptake (% y/y)

    There has been a pick-up in market interest

    Chart 36: Top 10 RSPO member countries

    By number of members as of December 2011

    Sources: RSPO, Standard Chartered Research Sources: RSPO, Standard Chartered Research







    Jan-11 Mar-11 May-11 Jul-11 Sep-11 Nov-11 0 20 40 60 80 100 120










    The trade-off b etween expanding

    plantat ions and the environmental

    pressures i t creates is of concern

    to the industry

    We expect consumers to become

    increasingly interested in produc ts

    that are sustainably sourced

    Althou gh Indonesia and Malaysia

    have both opted ou t of the RSPO,

    90% of sustainable palm oi l

    i s f rom b oth countr ies

    The US EPA has ruled that CPO

    conv erted into biofuels

    in Indon esia and Malaysia

    fal ls short of i ts benchmark

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    and therefore has been more competitive in the biofuel trade compared with Malaysia.

    Limited domestic market absorption has also created export opportunities, particularly

    to southern Europe, where technical problems associated with the use of palm methyl

    ester at low temperatures are less relevant than in northern European countries. Theattraction of investing in sustainable palm oil is also being promoted elsewhere in

    Europe. The Dutch Board for Margarine, Oils and Fats has asked the government to

    lobby the EU to exempt sustainable palm oil used in food from an import tax in Europe.

    We believe that Indonesia and Malaysia will press ahead with their own certification

    schemes. The impact on demand of opting out of the RSPO will be limited given

    growing regional consumption. However, the need to expand to other markets

    outside of Asia and the changing profile of CPO consumers will add urgency to

    national and global certification schemes in the longer term.

    Biofuel demand

    Demand for liquid biofuels has grown sharply in recent years in response to high

    energy prices. In absolute terms, consumption has risen from 300,000 barrels per day

    (kbd), or 15.3 million tonnes of oil equivalent (mmtoe), in 2000 to 1.77 million barrels

    per day (mmbd). The US International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts consumption will

    reach 280mmtoe in 2030 and 750mmtoe in 2050. The IEA expects biofuels share of

    the total supply of road transport fuels globally to rise to 9.5% by 2030 from 1.5% in

    2009, driven in part by supportive government policies. The growth is expected to come

    predominantly from Europe, Latin America and Asia. Although international policy

    targets the use of second-generation feedstock to cover biofuel output, we believe that

    conventional biofuels that use first-generation feedstock such as soyoil and CPO will

    continue to play a crucial role in the supply of biodiesel in the near to medium term.

    Current biodiesel mandates are shown on Table 3.

    Biodiesel currently accounts for around 18% of the biofuel market, with the top three

    producing regions being Latam, Europe and Asia. Using IEA data, we calculate that

    biodiesel output used around 17.5mt of edible oil feedstock in 2010. Given buoyant

    growth in biodiesel mandates, we forecast that biodiesel output will use around 20.7mt of

    edible oil feedstock in 2012. This equates to around 13% of total edible oil consumption

    and will contribute to a tighter edible oils market. In arriving at this estimate, we assume

    global biofuel output will increase by an average of 9% in 2011 and 2012. This is flat

    from 2010, but well below the 10-year average growth rate of 38%.

    Table 3: Biodiesel mandates

    Country Feedstock Current blending targets

    Argentina Soyoil 7% biodiesel blend

    Brazil Castor oil/ soyoil 5% biodiesel

    Canada Animal fat, vegetable oils 2% biodiesel

    China Used and imported veg oil, jathropha Aspirational 10% biofuels blend by 2020

    EU Rapeoil, sunfloweroil, soyoil 10% biodiesel share of transportation by 2020

    India Non edible oil seeds in wasteland Min. 20% ethanol blended petrol and diesel by 2017

    Indonesia Palm oil, jathropha An on-off 2.5% biodiesel mandate

    Malaysia Palm oil 5% biodiesel started in June and to be phased in over time

    Thailand Palm oil, used veg oil 3% biodiesel blend

    US Soyoil, tallow, recycled fats and oilsThe EPA proposes to mandate the blending of 15.2 billion gallons of renewable fuel intothe US fuel supply in 2012

    Sources: Biofuels digest, Standard Chartered Research

    Limited domestic market absorp t ion

    of biofu els has created

    oppo rtuni t ies in Europe

    There wi l l be l imi ted short- term

    fal lout from op ting out o f the RSPO;

    this wi l l change in the longer term

    due to the need

    to inc rease market share

    We calculate that biodiesel outpu t

    wi l l use around 20.7mt of edible oi l

    feedstock in 2012, which shou ld

    provide a bul l ish sign al to markets

    Biofuel demand is forecast to grow

    strongly o ver the long term; we

    bel ieve f i rst-generat ion feedstoc k

    such as CPO wi l l cont inue to be

    widely used in the near term

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    While we highlight outright demand for CPO as a feedstock for biodiesel, it is also

    worth underlining the intrinsic price relationship that exists between energy markets

    and edible oils (particularly CPO). As the cheapest edible oil, CPO needs to be priced

    at a premium to crude oil to keep it in the food space. So, in its simplest form, CPOrelative to crude oil provides a floor at a price ratio of 1:1. This will be important in

    forming price expectations for CPO.

    Our CPO balance sheet

    We forecast palm oil consumption in two steps. First, we look at consumption of palm

    oil relative to the consumption of all edible oils. The consumption of palm oil as a

    percentage of the consumption of edible oils has been trending higher in an almost

    linear manner over the last 30 years (see Chart 37). We assume this ratio will

    continue (R2= 97%).

    Second, we do a regression between global edible oil consumption and global GDPper capita using historical data between 1980 and 2011. Based on Standard

    Chartereds Global Research long-term forecasts for global GDP, we can forecast

    global edible oil consumption. Using this result along with our forecast CPO to edible

    oil consumption ratio, we can forecast global CPO consumption for the next few

    years. The results are shown in Table 4. As GDP per capita increases, it is apparent

    that the use of palm oil increases as a share of global edible oils.

    Research from the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) supports our view

    that demand will largely come from developing countries, particularly in Asia, on

    account of per capita income and population growth. Against that backdrop, China

    will remain the leading consumer of vegetable oil in the longer term, followed by the

    EU, India and the US. An important differentiation, and one that we have previously

    highlighted, is that in China and India, consumption is largely for food, while in the EU

    and US the biodiesel industry represents a significant source of demand.

    Chart 37: CPO to edible oil consumption ratio

    trending higher in an almost linear manner

    Chart 38: CPO and edible oil consumption

    historical and forecasted, mt

    Sources: USDA, Standard Chartered Research Sources: USDA, Standard Chartered Research

    CPO to Edibleoil ratio

    Forecast ratio








    1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

    World CPOConsumption

    CPO Forecast

    Edible OilConsumption


    EOC forecast











    1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

    Table 4: Results of consumption and supply analysis

    World CPO

    consumption, mt

    CPO supply,


    CPO supply

    balance, mt

    Edible oil

    consumption, mt

    CPO to edible

    oil ratio

    GDP % y/yGDP per capita,

    USD2012E 49.6 50.6 1.0 150.8 0.329 4.40 6,244

    2013F 54.7 53.3 -1.4 159.7 0.342 4.51 6,421

    2014F 59.5 56.3 -3.2 170.6 0.349 4.54 6,637

    Sources: USDA, Standard Chartered Research

    Research from the FAO sides with

    our view that CPO demand wi l l

    largely com e from developing

    coun tr ies, part icular ly in Asia

    As GDP p er capi ta increases, i t isapparent that the use o f CPO

    increases as a share of edible oi ls

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    Compared with the FAOs estimates (Table 5), our model on demand (and on supply)

    is more aggressive. Although the FAO forecasts an increase in CPO consumption as

    a share of edible oil demand as we do, we are comfortable with our projections given

    higher actual demand and supply numbers in 2011, which overshot the FAO forecast.

    Strong demand for biodiesel will be an important driver of CPO demand in the

    medium to long term. Demand for non-food use of vegetable oil (in particular for

    biodiesel) should account for about one-third of global consumption growth,

    according to the FAO. By 2020, biodiesel production should account for 15% of total

    consumption, compared to 10% in 2008-10. This will be fuelled by higher mandatory

    use in both developed and developing countries.

    Table 5: FAO global edible oil consumption forecasts

    World CPOconsumption, mt

    Edible oilconsumption, mt

    Of which food Of which biofuelsCPO to edible oilratio

    Edible oil output,mt

    2011/12 49.3 149.4 123.6 18.8 0.329 146.3

    2012/13 51.1 153.0 126.0 19.8 0.334 150.2

    2013/14 52.9 156.2 128.1 20.7 0.339 153.4

    Source: UN FAO

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    CPO price outlookLooking at fundamental supply data since 1992, it is clear that the y/y supply of palm oil

    has a material effect on the price of palm oil (see Chart 39). The correlation between

    annual price changes and y/y supply changes is calculated to be -83%. Our forecasts for

    supply are estimated to be 50.6mt in 2012, 53.3mt in 2013 and 56.3mt in 2014. We

    forecast that the resulting supply balance in CPO in 2013 will be at its lowest in 20 years.

    However, our earlier model showed CPO consumption increasing 5.2%, 10.2% and

    8.9% in 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively. We have found that consumption as

    approximated by import figures is not a significant driver of CPO prices. In fact,

    annual changes in prices show a negative correlation (-48%) with changes in imports,

    which is highly unexpected.

    Trying to derive CPO prices in isolation from other edible oils will not lead to credible

    outcomes due to their fungible nature. Their fundamentals have a material impact onone another, with soyoil and CPO prices having a 69% correlation. With soyoil being

    the dominant and most liquid edible oil, this suggests it would be the price leader

    rather than the price follower in the edible oils market.

    We use Granger causality to determine the dependency of soyoil and CPO on lagged

    (historical) values and other variables. We use a 4-lag vector autoregressive (VAR)

    model on differenced CPO and soyoil prices (CPOtand soyoilt) and conduct F-tests

    to determine the explanatory power of each variable. The results are in Table 6.

    The results show that CPOtand soyoiltare both dependent on lagged changes in

    soyoil price (soyoilt-1, etc). However, lagged changes in CPO (CPOt-1, etc) only

    affect CPOt and not soyoilt. This asymmetry is partly a reflection of the size of the

    soyoil market compared to palm oil. We can build a CPO price model that

    incorporates soyoil prices without worrying about a feedback mechanism to equalise

    with soyoil (i.e., CPO pushes soyoil prices higher, then soyoil pushes CPO prices

    higher, and so on). The mechanism appears to be unidirectional.

    We factor soyoil prices into our model without having to worry about the feedback

    effects of CPO prices on soyoil prices. We use an autoregressive model using y/y

    soyoil price changes and y/y CPO global supply changes as variables. The results

    are reported in Table 7. The Durbin-Watson test for first-order serial correlation is

    2.09, which is close to the theoretical absence of serial correlation.

    Chart 39: Change in annual average CPO price and supply

    Percentage changes

    Chart 40: CPO medium-term forecast price

    Historical and forecast, MYR/t

    Sources: USDA, Standard Chartered Research Source: Standard Chartered Research

    Avg % pricechg


    Supply y/y(inverted,RHS)















    1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016










    1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015

    Bull case Base case

    Bear case CPO price

    Trying to d er ive CPO pr ices in

    isolat ion from o ther edible oi ls wi l lnot lead to credible outcom es

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    All variables are deemed to be significant at the 1% level. The goodness of fit for our

    model is R2=88%. Standard error of the model is 203. Our forecasts for soyoil based

    on our previous studies are USc 65/lb for 2012, USc 66/lb for 2013, USc 54/lb for

    2014 and USc 60/lb in 2015. Our model forecast prices are capped and floored bythe historical relationship with other oils. We discuss this in the next section.

    Table 6: Granger causality between soyoil and CPO using a 4-lag VAR model

    F-Statistic Significance

    Soyoil granger causes Soyoil 2.9413 0.02170

    Soyoil granger causes CPO 2.5599 0.03999

    CPO granger causes Soyoil 2.0064 0.09522

    CPO granger causes CPO 5.6314 0.00026

    Source: Standard Chartered Research

    Table 7: Model coefficient statistics

    Variable Coefficient Std error T-stat Significance (two-tail)

    CPOt-1 1.29 0.04 31.00 0.000000000

    CPOt-1. Soyoil(y/y)t 0.76 0.11 6.87 0.000000199

    CPOt-1. CPO Supply(y/y)t -3.51 0.42 -8.36 0.000000013

    Source: Standard Chartered Research

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    Ratios to show price boundaries

    As discussed before in previous sections, ratios between CPO and other oils provide

    natural boundaries to future CPO prices. Based on our ratios from historical data, we

    can estimate these boundaries for various percentiles of historical ratios (summarisedin Table 8).

    Factoring in CPO supply and soyoil forecasts, and the cap and floors, our CPO

    forecast model (R2=88%) arrives at prices of MYR 3,450/t for 2012, MYR 3,620/t for

    2013, MYR 3,228/t for 2014 and MYR 3,456/t for 2015 (Chart 40).

    We have long been aggressive in our forecasts on CPO, and our model vindicates

    our bullish view. Our forecast is also based on our expectation of a drop in CPO

    yields, a decline in inventories, an increase in import demand and firmer energy

    prices in Q4-2012 through 2015. We also expect the soybean complex market, which

    is seasonally stronger in Q4, to add a bullish tone to CPO prices. We continue to see

    upside momentum building in 2012, but we now expect most of the upside inQ4-2012 rather than in Q3-2012 as normal price seasonality in Q4 is reinforced by

    the weaker impact of La Nia weather.

    We expect the market to average MYR 3,500/t in Q2-2012 (MYR 3,400/t previously),

    MYR 3,350/t (MYR 3,600/t previously) in Q3-2012 and MYR 3,700/t (MYR 3,600/t

    previously) in Q4-2012, for an annual average of MYR 3,450/t (MYR 3,450/t

    previously). Our annual average forecast remains unchanged from our previous

    forecast, but now adequately reflects upside risks further along the curve.

    Our forecasts suggest a tighter spread between soyoil and CPO over the medium

    term. We believe this will be a reflection of the supply premium in CPO and its

    growing importance in the global diet. Our forecasts suggest CPO will remainadequately priced relative to crude oil prices and near the middle of the 2008/11 price

    ratio. We do not believe our forecasts are mispriced relative to soyoil (Chart 41) and

    crude energy prices (Chart 42).

    Table 8: Snapshot of relative ratiospalm oil (CPO), crude oil (Brent) and soyoil (SBO)

    2000-2011 Average 2000-2011 range 2011 Now 2012F 2013F 2014F 2015F

    SBO/CPO 1.26 1.01 - 1.76 1.15 1.07 1.32 1.17 1.01 1.01

    CPO/Brent 1.40 0.742.31 1.32 1.31 1.23 1.39 1.30 1.37

    CPO MYR/t 1,944 3,272 3,500 3,450 3,620 3,228 3,456

    SBO USc/lb 31.1 55.5 56.0 65.0 66.0 54.0 60.0

    Brent USD/bbl 59 111 120 121 123 127 130

    Sources: Reuters, Standard Chartered Research

    Chart 41: SBO/CPO spread

    within range, but suggesting a near-term ceiling for CPO

    Chart 42: CPO/Brent crude ratio

    CPO appears adequately priced relative to energy prices

    Sources: Reuters, Standard Chartered Research Sources: Reuters, Standard Chartered Research











    Jan-00 Jan-02 Jan-04 Jan-06 Jan-08 Jan-10 Jan-12

    SBO/CPO ratio

    3-year averageSBO/CPO ratio











    Jan-00 Aug-01 Mar-03 Oct-04 May-06 Nov-07 Jun-09 Jan-11

    3-year averageCPO/Brent ratio

    CPO /Brent ratio

    We remain bul l ish CPO, but we now

    expect p rices to rally in Q4-2012

    rather than stay f lat

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    Estate owners should no longer delay planting decisions

    Histor ical ly, farmers are pessimist ic o n the ou t look for p r ices and tend to d elay

    replant ing due to uncertaint ies over pr ices and costs. Our long-term bul l ish

    view on CPO, relat ively accommodative global interest rates and thedeter iorat ing age pro f i le of trees in Malaysia should help to persuade own ers,

    part icular ly in Malaysia, that replant ing d ecis ions are best n ot d elayed.

    We recommend estate owners employ the deterministic approach highlighted in

    academic literature to establish the optimum replanting age for their trees. This is to

    maximise net revenue over time and is done by comparing marginal net revenue

    (MNR) from the current batch of plantings to the estimated amortised present value

    of net revenue (AVNR) from the subsequent batch of plantings.

    The optimum replanting age is determined when the MNR in year n of the current

    batch of plantings is equal to the AVNR in year n of the subsequent batch ofplantings (see Chart 43). On the chart, these points are x and y. However, after point

    y, the MNR from the current batch is lower than the AVNR from the subsequent

    batch, meaning profits obtained would be higher on the subsequent batch. The

    relevant equation is sourced from the oil palm industry journal. This approach is best

    used by individual estate owners with knowledge of gross revenue, interest

    payments, annual costs, field establishment costs and the age of their estates.

    MNRn = Yn[(an1 i) + bn + cn]


    Yn = Gross revenue

    an-1 i = Interest on unpaid balances for establishment and land costbn = annual costs

    cn = field establishment costs

    n = age in years

    In order to make a valid comparison of revenue, it is necessary to compare

    anticipated revenue at the same point in time. This arises from the fact that a sum of

    money received or paid at the present time is worth much more in the future. Future

    net revenues (NR) are discounted to their present value to make possible their

    Chart 43: Determining the optimal replacement age of oil palms

    Source: Oil palm industry economic journal



    y AVNR












    1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35


    Estate owners sh ould u se the

    determinist ic approach to establ ish

    the opt imum replant ing age for their


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    comparison with the present value. The present value (PV) of future NR forthcoming

    at the end on n years in the future can be expressed as follows:

    Where i is the market rate of interest. To obtain the amortised PV, the PV of the NR

    is accumulated and then multiplied with an amortising factor (AF) of:

    From the above equation, we deduce that the optimal replanting age of an estate will

    be shorter the higher the CPO prices as costs incurred at replanting are recovered

    over a shorter period.


    A storm is brewing in the edible oils industry, generated by a shortfall in CPO (and

    soyoil output) in 2012. CPO productivity in South East Asia has been trending lower

    over recent years, and we believe this trend will worsen in the coming seasons due to

    poor farming practices and the ageing profile of trees. Some market participants are

    aware of this, and most cannot afford to ignore it. The market is entering a period of

    severe demand rationing.

    Rationing CPO will be difficult as its versatility and its growing use in food, biofuels and

    industrial feedstock has enhanced its consumption over the last 30 years. We believe

    that demand for edible oils, including palm oil, is set to grow even more in the near to

    medium term as per capita consumption increases.

    While supply continues to grow to meet that need, we believe oil palm estates in South

    East Asia that supply the bulk of global demand need a facelift to reverse a severe

    slowdown in yields. This will lead to rising costs for estates, which will add to the price

    aspirations of producers in the palm oil sector in the near to long term. With

    productivity central to the sector, we believe the CPO market is gearing up for a stepchange in its cost structure, which will push prices higher in 2012, but even more so

    in 2013.

    The market is enter ing a per iod of

    severe demand rat ioning as fal l ing

    CPO yields strugg le to cope with

    burgeoning demand

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    AppendixSEA policy developments and impact on trade

    A new CPO fiscal regime went into effect in Indonesia in October 2011

    The aim of the new tax structure is to promote downstream activities

    The sector can no longer rely only on trade data from Malaysia to gauge industry-wide fundamentals

    Palm oil is the key agricultural export in both Indonesia and Malaysia and its

    importance in the economic fabric of both countries make the industry susceptible to

    frequent reform. However, because of the environmental, social and macroeconomic

    implications associated with the use of palm oil, policy changes within the CPO

    industry have far-reaching consequences. The key policy change in 2011 was

    Indonesias announcement of a change to its CPO export tax grid (see Table 9).

    In August 2011, Indonesia announced changes to the export tax structure in its palm

    oil sector that would come into effect in October 2011. The key changes in the law

    included setting a minimum tax rate for crude palm oil at 7.5% (previously 1.5%) and

    capping it at 22.5% (previously 25%). The export tax for palm olein was reduced to

    13% from 25%.According to policy makers, changes in the export tax structure willfoster the growth of the refining (downstream) sector in the CPO industry, limit price

    volatility and meet its long-term objective of securing adequate supply for domestic

    (mainly cooking) purposes.

    The new tax regime replaced the previous system in which trade ministry and

    industry officials met monthly to decide the tax rate for the coming month, using the

    average spot crude palm oil prices in Rotterdam from the preceding 30 days as a

    reference price. Now the reference price is derived from the weighted average ofthree marketsRotterdam, Bursa Malaysia and ICDX from the 30 preceding days

    and calculated on or around the 20thof each month.

    The need to promote the downstream sector is understandable, in our view.

    However, the new laws are part of a raft of measures being introduced by policy

    makers in Indonesia as the country positions itself to become the dominant regional

    and global player in the palm oil trade, particularly after it overtook Malaysia to

    become the top producer of palm oil in the 2007/08 season.

    Table 9: Indonesia CPO export ratesThe CPO export tax rate is now capped at 22.5%

    Chart 44:Maximum tariff under different CPO price scales,USD/t, Importers pay more if the CPO price is between

    USD751/t and USD1200/t

    USD/t Tax rate, old regime Tax rate, new regime

    1,251 25% 22.5%

    Sources: Gapki, Standard Chartered Research Sources: Gapki, Standard Chartered Research

    Old regime

    New regime










    Indonesia introduced a new fiscal

    regime for i ts palm oi l industry with

    the aim of promot ing downstream

    activ i ty

    Changes to Indonesias CPO

    tax structure is part of a raft of

    measures to overtake Malaysia

    Pol icy changes in the CPO industry

    have a huge bear ing on the market

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    We believe the entire South East Asian CPO industry and its stakeholders will go

    through a difficult period of adjustment. Indonesias key export markets of India and

    China, both with idle refining capacity, will have to accept the new terms of trade. In

    the short term, we expect an inventory build-up in South East Asia as importersassess how best to react to the reform, although we believe that this window will be

    limited by a tight edible oil/oilseeds market.

    Still, this development has not been well received in India, where CPO imports

    declined sharply in Q4-2011 and have yet to recover. The decline in demand is not a

    coincidence. Indonesias CPO export tax changes, which effectively increased the

    tariff for its CPO exports within a band of USD 751/t to USD 1,150/t (see Chart 44),

    triggered an immediate outcry in India, which is the top importer of crude palm oil,

    most of which it sources from Indonesia. India traditionally imports around 6mt of

    CPO a year (Chart 45), which it refines for use in its domestic market. With a refining

    capacity of around 15mt, there is concern that a lot of refining capacity would be idle.Many in Indias edible oil sector, including the influential Solvent Extractors

    Association (SEA), requested protectionist measures in favour of the local refining

    industry. We are concerned that attempts to increase the base price of refined CPO

    imports could backfire and instead stoke inflationary pressures (Chart 46).

    Options will be limited for Indian refiners in the short term. While domestic oilseed

    output has increased moderately, India will still rely significantly on imports to meet its

    edible oil requirements. The initial decision to slow CPO imports in anticipation of

    lower prices, was wrong, in our view (see Agricultural Insight, 8 November 2011,

    Crude palm oil Finding a floor), as we expected the market to trend higher.

    According to industry reports, Indias demand is now likely to rise to 7.5mt in 2011/12,

    up 15.4%, with a significant increase in its refined palm imports.

    The twin tasks of appeasing refiners a