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A Publ icat ion for East land United Methodist Church

February 2017


Eastland United

Methodist Church

10718 Courthouse Road

Fredericksburg, VA 22407



Rev: Craig Muffley



The Congregation

Lay Leader

Bill Todd


Afton Duenow

Choir Director

Loganne Fellenstein

Administrative Assistant

Laura Martinsen

Youth Director

Renee Garrett

Sunday Schedule

Early Worship Service w/


8:30 am

Sunday School - 9:45 am

Worship Service - *11:00 am

*Holy Communion

First Sunday

and special



Soon we will turn the page of the church calendar to March. And the season of

Lent will be immediately upon us. March 1st is Ash Wednesday and we will begin

our observance of Lent with our annual Ash Wednesday worship service at 7:30


Lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon word that means “spring” or “springtime.” The

Lenten season is the 40-day period that begins on Ash Wednesday and

continues until the celebration of Easter. Sundays are not counted in this 40-day

period because each Sunday is a “little Easter” – a celebration of the Risen Lord.

Historically, Lent was a time when baptismal candidates would begin a period of

self-examination, self-discipline, and denial in preparation for their baptism at

Easter. We recall the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness to spiritually

prepare for the beginning of his ministry.

Likewise, during the 40 days of Lent, we are called to discern and contemplate

how God is calling us to “spring forth” and grow in our faith as we consider what

Christ has done and is doing in our life and in our faith community. I challenge

you to prayerfully consider how Jesus is calling you to move out of your “comfort

zone” and grow in faith during Lent.

The spiritual disciplines of our faith, or “means of grace” as John Wesley called

them, are a special emphasis during Lent. The means of grace include regular

worship, reading and meditating upon the scriptures, fasting, prayer, celebrating

the sacraments, and serving others (note the opportunities to move outside our

church walls to engage in mission and serve others elsewhere in this newsletter).

These are all time-tested ways we can grow spiritually during Lent or any time of

the year.

Be intentional about attending worship services each Sunday in Lent and try to

find a deeper meaning in the sacrament of Holy Communion whenever we

celebrate it during Lent.

I encourage you to join the Adult Sunday School class Lenten study at 9:45 am

on Sundays, beginning March 8. They will be studying “The Way: Walking in the

Footsteps of Jesus.” I preached a sermon series adapted from this book two

years ago during Lent. I highly recommend it to you. Can’t make the class?

…then take some time and read through one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark,

Luke or John) and the Book of Acts (of the Apostles) during Lent. Read closely

and let God speak to your heart.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing

of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his

good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2, NIV)

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Craig

Please come on Thursdays, at 9 am, for a 30

minute prayer session held in the sanctuary.

What a joy it is to be able to spend time lifting

your friends, family, yourself, and all things on

your heart to the Lord. A small devotional and

music to center yourself for prayer is part of

the session. Please come and give it a try!

Come Pray with Us!


Time passes, things change. In this 3-week sermon series, we’ll be looking at the Old Testament

book of 2 Kings and examining the life of King Hezekiah to see what he can teach us about

dealing with major changes in life.

Feb. 12 “When Life Is Good”

Feb. 19 “When Life Is Falling Apart”

Feb. 26 “When Time Is Limited”

New Sermon Series - The Times of our Lives

We are still collecting!Keep Eastland’s Legacy Going


This is worth repeating— Do something!

God wants our work to be meaningful and satisfying. No matter what we do, it

should provide a reason to get up each day and use the talents God has given us.

As Benjamin Franklin said, “The man who achieves makes many mistakes, but he

never makes the biggest mistake of all: doing nothing.”

Transfiguration Sunday

On the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, many Christian churches cele-brate the Transfiguration of Our Lord. After telling his shocked, uncomprehending disciples that he would die and rise again, Jesus took Peter, James and John up a mountain. Suddenly Jesus appeared to be glowing! “He was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light” (Matthew 17:2, ESV). Moses and Elijah appeared, and a voice said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him” (verse 5). Jesus’ disciples fell to the ground, over-

come by fear. But Jesus touched them, told them not to be afraid and

“We cannot pray in love and live in hate and still think we are worshiping God.”

—A.W. Tozer

“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”

—John Holmes




Fellenstein, Master of Music /


Conducting, as

our new Choir

Director. We are

thrilled to have



Upcoming Yard Sale at Eastland UMC

Please be on the

lookout for an

announcement about

an upcoming yard

sale here at Eastland!

Bill Todd is in the

planning stages of

having a yard sale

hopefully in March.

Please gather all

unwanted items and

kindly contribute

them to the church! If

you need to store

these items prior to the

yard sale, please see Bill

Todd about placing

them in the garage

storage area.

Contact Bill Todd at


Only items donated to

the church to be sold at

the yard sale may be

stored in the church


Something to think about...

Those familiar conversation hearts that show up every February can be more than just

trite romantic or friendly sayings. Use them to remind you — or to teach a child — of the

greatest love of all: God’s love for us, which empowers our love for others. For example:

• TRUE LOVE: What love is truer than giving up one’s only Son so people might have

everlasting life? (John 3:16).

• MINE: Jesus knows us intimately, as a shepherd knows his sheep. No one can snatch us

from him (John 10:27-29).

• FOREVER: God loves us with an “everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3).

• LOVE ME: The greatest commandment is to love God with our whole being (Luke


• TRUST ME: “Let not your hearts be troubled.” We can count on Jesus, now and for

eternal life (John 14:1-3).

• SWEET TALK: God’s words are sweeter than honey (Psalm 119:103).

• BE GOOD: We show our love for Christ by keeping his commands (John 14:15).

• CALL ME: God longs to be in fellowship with us. We can talk to him anytime in prayer

(Jeremiah 33:3).

• FRIENDS: The greatest love involves laying down your life for your friends (John 15:13) —

precisely what Jesus did.

• #1: “We love because [God] first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

Adult Sunday School

God’s conversation hearts



The Adult Sunday school will

continue studying “God’s Final

Word” by Ray C. Steadman until

it’s conclusion when Lent


Once Lent begins, we will study

“The Way: Walking in the

Footsteps of Jesus.” By Adam


Please feel free to drop in at

9:45 and join us in the social hall!

Q What is meant by the Methodist doctrine of

“The Witness of the Spirit?”

A – The apostle Paul’s claim that the “Spirit

itself bears witness with our Spirit, that we are

children of God” (Rom. 8:16) is the

centerpiece of John Wesley’s understanding

of this doctrine, which is more commonly

known as the doctrine of assurance.

According to Wesley, “The testimony of the

A Methodist Minute


Spirit is an inward impression of the souls of

believers, whereby the Spirit of God directly

testifies to their Spirit, that they are children of

God.” It is “inward consciousness” of sins

forgiven, joy of life, acceptance by God, and

assurance of salvation.

With Loganne as our new choir director, it

has been decided that Tuesday choir

practice will now start at 6:30 instead of 7

pm. Practice usually lasts about an hour. If

you like to sing and this practice time fits

into your schedule, please come and join

us as we prepare our music for Lent and


Adult Choir News


What unique characteristic of the judge

Ehud enabled him to outsmart King Eglon of

Moab, who had been oppressing ancient


A. He was left-handed.

B. He was blind.

C. He was very fat.

D. He was exceedingly strong.

Answer: See Judges 3:12-26.

The United Methodist Women

gathered on Monday January 30,

from 10 to 11:30 to make

Valentines Day cards . The cards

will be distributed to Nursing

Homes and the Thurman Brisbon

Homeless shelter. The cards

are a gentle reminder to many

who are lonely, that they are

indeed loved!

Welcome Marty and Jackie Schleshinger

On Sunday, January

29th, Marty and Jackie

transferred their

church membership

from St Lukes United

Methodist in

Yorktowne, VA to

Eastland UMC. Please

welcome them warmly

the next time you see



Welcome Jack McNutt!

On Sunday, January 22, Jack

transferred his church membership

from Hope Presbyterian to Eastland

UMC. Please be sure to give Jack a

warm welcome when you see him!

United Methodist Women


United Methodist News

Bishop’s Convocation on Prayer Registration is open for The Bishop’s Convocation on Prayer on Apr. 1, 2017. The event will be held

at Trinity UMC in Richmond with the Rev. Juanita Rasmus acting as plenary speaker. Fee is $10

and participants will get to choose two workshops to attend – register at

United Methodist Scouting surges

The number of youth involved in Scouting packs, troops and crews chartered by United Method-

ist churches is on the rise, reports the Commission on United Methodist Men. At the end of

2016,327,405 were involved in Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops and Venturing crews. That’s an

increase of about 2,700 youth.

Lay Servant Academy- Mar. 31- Apr. 2, 2017 The Lay Servant Academy is about equipping laity to carry out the mission of the church of mak-

ing disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. All courses are open to everyone.

Each course is designed to help those serving the local church to learn more about leadership,

personal faith development and a deeper understanding of the UMC. Many courses offered this

year will support those seeking to become Certified Lay Servants and Lay Speakers. Registration

questions may be directed to Sandy Kelley at

Richmond-area UMC church hosting race relations discussion Belmont UMC is hosting Church and Community Conversation on Race and Reconciliation

through discussion, worship and idea exploration on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017, 9 a.m. -3 p.m. The

event will examine the role of churches, political bodies and community organizations in the

quest to improve race relations. We will also explore Ava DuVernay’s documentary film “13th,”

which looks at the prison system, mass incarceration and racial inequality. Detailed information is

forthcoming. Belmont UMC is located at 3510 Broad Rock Blvd., Richmond, VA 23234.

Mentors needed for 2017 summer All God’s Children camps

All God's Children Camp is in need of mentors for camp this summer. There are three opportuni-

ties this year to serve: June 18-23 at Camp Chanco on the James, June 25-30 at Camp Overlook

and July 30-Aug. 4 at Occohannock on the Bay. Visit All God’s Children page on the conference

website for more information including a mentor and camper flyer. Email Lori Smith, camp direc-

tor, at with any questions.

Our latest Mission Sunday, Undie Sunday, was on January 29th. We had a special speaker from the Thurman Brisben Homeless Shelter. Kim Lalley, the Executive Director spoke about the how things operate at the shelter. It was an interesting and informative talk. Kim was very touched by the kindness of Eastland when presented with all of the underwear and socks donated by our congregation. Nicely done Eastland UMC!!


3- Anika Francois

14 - Lacey Wilson

14 - Oscar Sobkowicz

16- Emily Miller

16 - Tom Sobkowicz

23 - Travis Byram

These two white roses were placed in our sanctuary to honor Patricia Mason and Mary Ganoe, who passed away recently.

It was a very sad week for Eastland and we extend our deepest and sincere sympathies to Betty & Bill Mundy, Dave Ganoe and their families.

Please keep them in your prayers as they journey though the difficult

Wishing you all wonderful Birthday Blessings!

If your birthday is not listed above, please notify Laura Martinson in the Church office so we can add yours to our records!

Fellowship Luncheon

Our monthly fellowship luncheon is

served on the second Sunday of

each month, after the 11:00

service. It’s potluck, so bring a

favorite dish! If you forget, join us

anyway, there is always enough

food to go around!

Support our Troops

Go to:

packages and find out how to send

a care package and a note of

gratitude to a deployed troop




5 - Alex Dillard

6– David Cook

Pat Orndorff

9- Margaret Bristol

11 - Melissa Conley

15– Dylan Hudson

Ene Sunkhana

31– Bill Radebaugh

How: Applications at District

Office or website

Cost: $950 per person

(Scholarship available of

$300 to persons 30 & under)

Application & Deposit

Deadline: $200 due March 16

(Checks payable to

“Fredericksburg District

UMC”, memo: El Salvador).

The application fee is non-

refundable after airline

tickets are purchased.

Final payment: due April 8th,


Tappahannock Area Tornado Relief

Let’s lend a helping


Monday, March 27

through Saturday, April 1,

Pastor Craig will be

leading a mission team to

help with relief efforts for

victims of the tornado that

hit the Tappahannock

area last year. The current

plan is to commute to the

work site each day (about

1 hour each way). You

this relief effort. There is no

cost to participate. Direct

questions and RSVP (sign up

in the fellowship hall) with

your availability by March 5th to Pastor Craig, 540-898-

6430 or


Team building meetings

take place at Wright's

Chapel UMC on 1st

Saturdays: April 8th, May

6th, & June 3rd, 2017 from

9:30am -11:30.

can join this effort for all 6

days, a few days, or even

help out for just one day. If

you would like to stay


accommodations are

provided by a local Baptist

church. Shower facilities

are available. Area

churches will provide team

members with a light lunch

each day. Other meals are

your own

responsibility. People of all

skill levels can participate in

MISSION OPPORTUNITIES!! Lets get involved!!

Who: A Fredericksburg

team, along with our

International Methodist

Mission Partner – The

Evangelical Methodist

Church in El Salvador

What: Mission Trip When: July 1 – 8, 2017

Where: El Salvador

Methodist facilities

Why: to continue our

relationship building and

participate in


Fredericksburg District El Salvador VIM Trip

Our Vision: To invite, welcome, spiritually feed and nurture all of God's people in the Christian faith

and empower them to serve and love others in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Our Mission: To worship God, grow in faith, serve in Christ's name, and build disciples.





A newsletter submission is due by the

first Saturday of the month, as the

newsletter comes out on the second

Sunday of each month.

Take a look at the church website at and “Like” us on Facebook. When you

see a post, after you like it, share it! Don’t see your events announced?

Call or email Laura @


Ushers & Greeters

February Ushers: Margaret Bristol &

Tessa Conley

Greeters: 2/12 – Joan Lester

2/19 – Charles Barnett

Thank you for your service!

If you are interested in being an usher

or greeter, please see Frances Vaughn.

The United Methodist Men and United Methodist Women would like to welcome anyone interested in joining their group. It is a great way to meet fellow church members and to help make a difference in our church and community.

If interested, please see Bill Todd or Sylvia Todt.

Stop by the Mission Control Desk

after the service to see what’s

happening at Eastland UMC!